tuesday july 1818 1 1 n g ga volume vlll iso 0 ette eijimtom uim canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postage imnmirttiysjs j wwswksanikirav jgiintsfvr the kingston gtzeffe w1 fctnftf town james rankin eq 1trtrfcwtiillam allan f brockmlle a ttfr wood ksq iwlvillr s v vabb ft hlonra ft movr primer fritjct vvii motive ftl e partwrfhid now pxiflfag j betwcvtbe swbfcribr under thf filiu of tlynnfon and defnr will k rtiutl roufentj be difolved on the i0 iv of july next therefor abnerffn bwinff dera vis againu uitd firm wll pleafc prefrnt then and thofe indebted are requeue- to twice immediate pay ment to efthrof the sobfcrjbera who arcauthoriled to receive thr sme h thomson g h d tloa kmiflon june i 8 s 4w3 n 1 the forwarding and om- bftfuil bufmefs will ftili be contimud by h c thomson advertise m e n t f tw pehbn who sent hv tlw pwk f david pike an j ztotf ztffo paper hangings the fnhfcriber has juft received a verv elegant aflortment of paper hangings which he offers for fale on prifonnble terms at the ihop recently oc cupied by n palmer three or four hundred gallons of paintkitsoil boiled end raw of a fooerior quality theodore btiocket kirgfton june tza 1818 5 valuable lands ior fae the fubfenber lot no 18 and 19 in the tenth conccffion and half lot no ir in the 6th cov- ceflion of the townlhip o purcy ap ply to john burnett kingston max gtht 1 8 f 8 jot j beer just received at the store of s bartut aconfnrruntof 94 bar jreh of beer of a fuperior quality for x i ific for c3fh- jqi 51818 a nb poffeflwn sttven immediately m 49 3 n given imrrvm 1 r fifc he wet pit tif the large mb00s v 1 fclsn stmih a hrf lry occupied a whplfc on he had j lf uhohehadro fmall circulate li i on reau e terms- june 10 8i8 honie for particulars apply r allen maclean kiugfton juie 29 isifl 5 to let notice pnc but whofr ival tvn is dtftti price dowries and wa redding in 8 at the bay of qwwtyvifl uper anada j u now livinir he vi o hi return t iugland hear of fotnethtng much to hu advantaoi- if he is dead any perfon poflvfllnj fkh knowledge i re qufftd to clumutiical it to f wtl- tiam frrsmas of new yrk or to enquire of june 30 uck vi- 400 wyptior penons giving bn ilcndit oil my account as i will not pay i any debts o ha- c4ntraclin2 after tii jsolice ihprtlleiusashy the lad will and i vt teltimci of the late rujoph e h r 1 ill v lelttmcr 01 roe iatc luiiopn from a hnrl anxiety hk ivas a fu fee ktfcli lijit hwn lair pale ton j v plcxlon id vciv thiu boot swoe and leather m aiui levcrail poiie isicutiix and i executors to his lalt will and telia- firieuc wc do hereby requeft all per u whdie itiucbcd t raid eltalc to icai immcjuicly on ie lubuifblo lx i ecutois and make imneiate payment aul til liiole v irueauy dcinundi ag- alutl laid bit ate arc requeued to produce ihcm duly atteftcdj u oror unit fvt j element of the ttlate may ll effected as irujsfm u o iw jj aa ibk afur tlw brft day sign of tu gold n i y daw augustus miller kingston yh june 18 18 4w3 trwvav fubiiber hoi had m hwcharge jf foi nearly ear a fma box and a bn ooth containing wearing apparel for j hn ravi a maln and wiufcim brlcy a joiner who can obtaid them b applying x the fubfeciber jamiistwbddell hatter kingston jhne t 43 september next ls ihrenreuelvllv iform gilbert v ttcirmy thr they u wthw bcilvillcf 221 june 7 w canadian cwcnt 0mit n i i s iir laily airfirfl n lsl ni hti 1- m r- tlllif mim m lecrmln i ii i ijvii jut ii li nr nfiv ii iiiit isa ziuanv oil mp tlifmm1 on ll kiviu ti in thc oa lor hi v and id- nir sii hoii iis iimve btn tl- bcu do do lasiph liemarais torh fhipe john tarlv deserter iroin tiieseltlemnt burglrirs ivi tlinmcnn same blarlc nxanivr lant ittihpft iititv rph charter llhrph pa i maries ponchc tttfarjprtter p put servant j b durorhrr rfo ea mdoueil partit partner do do do servant ffniie none 1 1 tiilm thom50n rxadr twart ctuhbert orant mixandm fraer tioma- mrka d do do clerk do do p c pam hrnn cirjc j bgraii servant nr i ro- lillard do fr boinhe do brlloinemn- rie do f oni- lnwrt interprptfrr ooin itoolf do rraphin tamarre chrk narlc hv do pail prhnafl tntntpwtff rodenrkmcknelf clerk p drfchampj seor do tosaint vaudiie do htiionmr moniouf do uosfl henry paner stealing in boats on a navigable river loandcr mrdonell partner mihbvr oram clerk thomas mckay do fontertck melccnjijf do pftrr panjtinao dlj bioias do pawl priiowii tntcrpretftr liui latvnc do i brisehoia scrvanr vrs deschamps en clrrk grand lar kmes none duncan cameron parner john donald camer on do cnttitutt grant clerk ilitam shaw do peter panjnan j ili ofoilrs r crtoijdiell ifiliu cooper unv mekinoon llngli iiinimioan de- m frooi meset- tleineiu viilea macgoncu cnivcnior oainihoi nl 11 ridwrisoii esq i allies macdoncll oov- ernoroi t ijohn spencer shir fl othia iti ier colin rolerion fq mlcbacl mardonill clerk john bourke do moharl hayden servant none i laiibmn john litmjke loii nollo vltctioel hav vfl marn ii jordan michael kilbride i2ji vlrleao cik do do icrvan do uo do boot and shoe mannfacloiy uhjc hey keep eoaftjinily on hand a targe alfortment f fadya and gentiemetrs booti and shoeof every dclcrlt n likcwife a fippjv of tfod sole and upper lcvh of all kinds fheir prvvt affranjnt u iturh more complete than they have hitherto had j kinfrflon june 23 1818 4 for i8i iv r jo i tne fubfciiber 2 door north j juj oi jhn lummiii ekj cttfekry boards and wank 18 i ch sbinlerf and cord wood john tuttle kingston cth alny 18 i i 111 imd o jri i rt 1 1i4 aidifaej of ihe iiiomis imla l of hie i tai i mivj iupr- to muincasi tfl inlij vidnauoi ean iae m ai charged vi unit t tr riii sarin mo cnijtintf ii mlspn a bmj cjnf m 1 vi archibald mcliiaii 0 ijr irud no in u iclicod o i j tie cawdit ah i j ihoi mcoouell an s lei la ma lic lous li suootino d ncan canrou panner 4 1 a dwelling konlc and bakehoufe sjcsl to let for anv ra nutnber years joolt haimne rioina w iuray wh 1 vmiiui i j tllgl hcwillls j0lul aoald joan lciihug ilm j ticuata euquiie t mhe ftrhfcriw inform bsi fm a lter ucv siftk rfrt 1 and th- yhc in genera hw f k jine 2 1818 1 u craiu c has remioived oondf from tlu- si re i j cuarjes 0t eeinhard rt belomiwe to drtor forward t nfi- ibforilo begs leave to jnorm j ij yl rrie i- hive cnnrtaully on hand a choice ailort- i fc commenced the j tmhwrw interpreters went of v luctdos bbsiness i al xarla t wk oai dm u 1 ainpbell iioon er ahao mcijoneil percr hfevne ldeo cle ciuhiiei t gram c cuarjcaile reinhard dei 1 ii tii io u 11 cbo d r 0 1iw 0gfe 0wf rh iif j in th market puch oppofiw to air- bl lil brown wlicic ccry attention and whl continue to difpnfe of them on j tb comma the mft hberal terms for catti or appro- j mlchaix moilvn ved credit he awfti wmfcm g l a every day at eleven oclock opt ortunity to uni hia prateld tlatlts i m 4 for the irreat ivpprt and eskhjorac 01nt thai hehns already met with and j notice none ifbrt i itut htan bhaw s rhin lamarr euig kopngunn ihctor mcdnnali clerk do do ocei icr irmi the srtintent jjmfivrn bervuiic itlot and p0ll1k0 do n uousm cadin rouei tson esq jnone john lioiiixe uiuifi kuun michael havden ktpmi lonio clerk do s riant do non iffurca them that every exertion hi a j 1 part will be mde lo merit a continuance a s t sibfci ibr u botit to clofe of their favors john clark ernejl town 1 b june 1818 3 n b all kinds of country produce dtky rvkcn w exchancc foi merchandize nd thenoft libeal prices wli be given for the fame a s the sttbtcrfbsr w booe to coie ijjllmbufiflsfe bwej he reqoeft all that are indebted by note nt ocherwlfe uocallanddifchargethe fame without farms for sale nrihe fubfciiber offers for fa a farro jl containing 33 acres in the town- ftiip of eineft town 2d conccflion ha- vn a kqo frame houie a large barn and shed an excellent land for a tavern fcud orc and one of the beli ikudtiotu vi the country for a mechanic silfo one of rhe bttt faints in the townlhip of kinghon containing 100 acres well timbtred and about 30 acies under impr vement svltli bart let april 28 t8i8- 4tf s hwley kingfton june 15th 1818 oats peafe and flour for fak by s hawley 3 to re a pair of stout anadian horfes and waggon enquire at this office klngfton june 15 1818 3 do ckv dv d dv iirnteda groom and a far- 1 nur will pleafc toajj ply wh- do not bring with them the moll fotwlnry credentials enquire of the printer june 4 1818 viiioni liuulo inter pi f wr paul prtnu ai tu kras i v nutnaps senr c i- rk hi i r d i w iiiun saw iv tita sir riajlit dft serrmrn la uu trie dsx ptej pflritaafl dit ho oais jj liiuia ja lonis trrauw ditmorin ubnh lavinp rraa deschampsjud i lexis mckay um brown ditvalle ftiicota hoole t anon- mainville ii iinarai5 gaiiabue dujosc attson onrcan cameron partner uexa ider iciollel o luhberi grant cveri ial pi iiwaitt inter v tt njirliael hourat luierpri icri cuatlfv ilec tk vntolne uimle lnterprc i err prtlnan d bostotvaly ronhocome montour d william slaw dy clrore cuwpbi 1 drtft vlojvrried i tttt frin t 1 1 ra i ii tm vne nt etll v nmpany nn ni 1 a uchampsuti grnss iie j b lemaai vlv riot am false imprisonment colin robrrion esq lo n llouike clerlt michael iiavdrn srvant assault fcnwbvttepy miles macdnnell governor ot osinthuis none for the kingston gazette h xone clrk mrg0url letter continued from our lost yon would fee fom the nwspapers how well ewrry thitg went on in tiie midland dift fo i eed y nothing of mvfvcoud vifit to erncft town in thejohnuown k ealern diltrifts there was ftill fomcthing tob done and nine days remainrd free for exertion 1 kcw tht people were for us i knew tla j feveral mcetingfl had ben held aid bu fitcfs done in fomeof them but from novelty and ignorance it wa alfo evi dent that the devil the pielt of augus ta and the lawyers would be too much j jforthe people unaftifred i therefore fixed upon meidureb for thr occafion and fucceeded beyound my ntmoft ex- pettation i pot under weigh wii a plentiful tupnly of printer ammunition on the afternoon of the irth hilt hav ing alons with me a trnlty veteran who had volunteered bis fervues our am munition confiftcd of 700 large placards benring ihe record of irantaaiois in the midland diltria together wiih a fhrt fcddrcfs which i conceived wairartibie by the damnable outages at conwall and clfewherc uefidcs ihrfe i had as nt jtn wayward collected fonie anxibaiit- the plan tf operation were qtickv foiikd the blakn filled up and evny man4 jeftirv decreed my veteran wi ef- matched as far as glengary and bcin maiter of the dutch language fmnd rhar cryfler and vankouhnett did ot lead thir countrynen by the nfe io lardy as i had imagined he alfo found that triy cuntrymen in lancaster auj charlottenburgh wee petting wide a- wake and that even ta cornwall the enemy vau weak and loiing ground dai- iv 7 while thf handbits were rireutat- injr 1 made an excursion to the nevr pirh lettlcment which i had molt rai- vuely tsamtnea tweve months ar o a feulement on which g emmeut hn- ex- pfded a valt deal ot money with little confiderationf either for the true happi- neu oft c people or the ultimate ob ject in view on the 2 1 met the people of kttley on the ajdtthnfe of bllad and the rear of leeds laida- down on the 24th rhofe of yunge ironr and tear and on the morning of ihe 2th was wrrh my friends of au- viila here i found the fotowing printed bill thick up mr jones mfmber tor the county ot grenvillk requclls the good nd loval inhabitants of the tnwnmij of 4uguttat0 meet him at mrlfaic h irda inn in stugusta at ir oicuk in the morning of thursday nxt at which time and place he pledge hi ucdf to ollci good reatoiis for not fiviii ne propoi petition of r gourlayto l he pit ipcs rkgsvt- atigotta june 23 18 1 k iht puople here llftened fc me for nearly three houra wi h 1 uch atren- tion and 1 had the mitisfaftoi t think that the gieat majority i them vrrc well fdti lied mr jones followed np in ipeikinr and reidnio a f c to the allen biy oi upr canada hit 1 heard no good reafona given auainft ciors you mull remembei uw much 1 prc- fd everyone to jin me in petitioning the aifembly while it wjs jilting out 1 ow wc know not when it 1 to lit i ltd ihe people of augulla that they miht fafety fin both petition thit ours might have a reply fom enghnd in 4 or 5 month while tht from vir jieh was n t likely to he hcud even m upper canada for twice th it period my tune being expired i had to hr- ry on tr j dutllown having a prome tiom fofne ot the people hat they would jgooi with 001 hufinefs the lawyer i and p ietl however occupied the peoples m aitcntioti with finning ihe petition to rhe rflemby c tim ihe meeting gradual ly dilptrfed without taking trejfueac- c ifding to our recommendation aid 1 wa told that many who wett molt xalou in gettinit fiijnature to mr joness petitio ilufftd with grievance were tbofe who had moll loudly vcxrifo- ratedagainft that to the prince kegenty on the pica that there were no grievances to redrefsm at jihnlown a new fcene was er- hihited 1 had juil entered the inn yid and was watering my horfc wv a bucket by the well when a perfon a colled me from behind a id pulhing for ward one of the large placards afked me ii i was the author of it which i immediately acknowledged before i could get rid ol the bucket eve at blows were made at me with a itickard n turning round i round my fell in ihe f midrt of about half a dozen people llnig- gling on all tides getling out oi the riot as quickly as poffible and urange to liy without hurt i caped upon thole who might know the characters engag ed for totally ignorant of all prcfent i could not diltinguilh friends from fo to endeavor to keep the peace but in vain the lighting party tumbled a- bout got into the houfe continued fomc time in the hall and finally in kve if the rooms i was informed that the perfon who had firfl llruck me was 1 n- can ftafer juilice of the peace and i svaa moll pslppy toobierve that though he and thole in hi pyj were t tii inierdible of ihe outrage agalnlt tie lavv and decency that the mats n ihe peo pie could behave lifer men and ha th- edtiue brittol fenumcns it mce is any thing wrong lard they h ve not wc the aw to d ctde cotn lt many fmall hand bilu of invitation to fo habitants of townllps with blank 1 pa- c for the mfeom of places and timet the man pk fcj himw cl 1 meetine we reached the centre of hear wha he na to ay and fo b t ks3u by ihe oth and hav 0 wfm hh wh h we g i isnnohetrf on both uces b thefta f ue wd 1 lau a u ii i 1- 1