Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), July 7, 1818, p. 3

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point of rightful application qitrs you do not trun dispute th- righi fo petit ion v no if i an undniihfed riht inherently fixnd in our consmuiioii by the bill ot right and is one of thr most valuable pwhs which the- wisr lej4ators of a jjrtaf nation evet bo- stowed for the peaceable support of a peoples priviifcijes but its value cx canotfsbm fe tri jfinmwttflot fn anf cafe tuy a rt ti6 philip romin fokn sticlcttry john j tttlttte oubypurdic audio iflwtt rf uopr canada if corrup- the performance of an official a and goslin owert wesscu and nicholas i vy at chatles dawfors auaiou sryfa1 pa nrrmmcaiiony are again unavoid ably is- ovftf till another week often dimiimhd and it beauty fay niskd hy rotten disaffection shelter iii itftlf under if lu- re tjues do you think there is any np- peanmee of disaffcetfon in the procee dings et on foot and conducted under the inllnence of air gurlav ans disaffection is in the ground xcork hut i hope that tlie loyal people of this irnvmce that are now favora ble to hh plans will withdraw when ihrv discover the delusion qhcs have you any well founded tenons on which you can ground such an opinion aits yt founded on facts qutf state them jim whatevris the pretext meet ings etlled and hold to devise way and means arc unlawful and on the suppression u such meetings the eco- rifv if government aa list dijsaffern pd outrage has often been proved to dep md the right of meeting public ly to petition does rt extend beyond the purpose of signing as a proof in supperf of the legality of the meeting in this province mi gourlay stam fhat m th- parliament of britain no- er it emptcd to suppress evon the spa- fields meetings which excited in the ibinds of some the greatest alarm and that he mr gourav t was in the house of commons when lord folk stone presented a petition front one of rhee meetuis en rhe evening of lite very day on which it was held that the met hug in spafii id as rta ted by mr geuray was l crl- ed his own words r proof for he declares that tie petition was present ed oti the anie evenliifj and that is a confirmation thaf i was called lor no purpose but that of signing which con- ttitnffs it legality qucs you make a distinction be tween pnbli y me under fins pre text of u viniig n plan to petition md i of only fitrekftf tn sin a petition an the law makes that distttic- kon hntt 1 m w recollect that i have mtpniiitediy replied to the qwjtfon ipj m resp j diiife tion that vr hos which or eves to cv dcmonstrabl rof for his proceedings re in opposition to and he iorihv exclaim- uiinst the jjovertnueut j jjuf nor- r thi in its mre proper place hi obiect here l to pt vc by what established rule- the right to petition is jutuije in in q r is there no legal means by which the people can be informed that if is necessary t petition for a redress of grievances andbv which thoserie- vauces can be stated ans ves the public prints or by hand bills qtm then you aver hat it is law ful to publish through the press a de tailed view of an evicting evil and at- so to point out the necessity of peti tioning to have the grievuttee redres sed aai the law support- the measure and protects from harm ucu proceed ings ann that e hive one of the most valuable privileges that we enjoy tlironrh the liberty of the ps but the pnritv of that privilege is often tr- nished unprincipled lieettiouness que what u tile general mod of p ocordmvj in pteparing a petition in i n tin nuiid it way into the govern ment it would he well to purge it of th se evila but to averthrow it would in my opinion be a rash pro- evdinsr because it eas raisd on those principles wisely by a great political writer denominated a stupenduous fabric of human wisdom ut i have not yet liad a convincing proof of so much corruption as mr gourla would persuade us to believe there is not even if i tac his own public dea lings to u- for it did mr gourlay only write i should take him to be nothing more than he appears a mail with abundant tlow of ideas fond of displaying wit more than judgment turning with flighty eccentricity to aoiue the public with variety but the cabins ml holding unlawful meetings by his direction and under his influence and the putting in ope ration n plan by which he suggests not les- than ten thousand dollars can be raided makes me fearful something weighty lies concealed and if you fol low and support him the weighty de- mrn will perhaps bear ou dov n fci blast all yourhoprs and overwhelm many of you in its- ruin thi is a country newly settbd by a civiized rco of hunvm beings aird f hear may ofyou are unacquainted with the eraf- fy allurements of factious politiiatis my iood wishes ffr th real interest of society have induced me to addresa you for i feel it a necessary duty to displnj this political disturber f your happiness in his real pnltricaf form observer kingston tuesday july 7 1818 tiidst the clashing of poliifcal wh- whirjave at proete airitair o and rthr pars of the province it i- ditetll fertbosp been in aoy wa rflnoerip willi ei- hrr ariv to kvp llieirmind alway ceo ail teliiad and to alrett thri co4neton every emefpeiicv uith thr discrlmirtatioii cihich dvau id each his prrcisrighaiid no tdftrs of all thne who lae h n ihisaccij a- p i11v involved noii hx a nov dtjieult j or a move delicate part to a ihi the fhtor of i j mir pape- ever partv dei3nt of h in this cafj furely he would not com- rr it his reputation by anticipating the inqueft of a grand jury that conftituj tional tribunal cfpceially as the pub- lifners themtelvcs of the principles and proceeding of the dlftri of niagara and hundids and thoufand of others f who have circulated that little pamphlet i are permanent and relponfible refidents within thf jujfdiion of the court so that if it ihould be deemed expedient j to try the experiment of a ptofecution with a jury of freemen there could be no want of proper fubjedls for it who would ever favc a protecutor the trouble of proving that they have circulated the publication 1 therefore rejd the uiggeftfon of the attorney generals j intcrfetence as a tale of lander but from whatever fource it originated and with whatever motives it was introduced i it appears to me to be in its tendancy under exiftmg circurnltances what the reprefentatives afiembled at ernelt- j town have flyled it h an attempt to hinmatizc as illegal theexereile of one of the mofl fjcted right of enlfhmcnto j fopprefg it by criminal proecution with that imprifli m the moment 1 heard of it i flt it to he a duty to cxprek my fmlerfitby adding my name to the lift of fobfcriberv f r tlic ft p port of the propofed petition to the prince regent a resident land owneil hamdton june 20 1 8 1 3- a ridiculous report i circulating that the dminrftrator has written to certain mailrates t take notice and ticinlmt ti him he name of ail perfen holding otimifliom civil or military wrv unite in petitioning the prtoce rrgenr a recommended by mr j gourlay in order that they may be removed from then office- whether this report crept into circulation from accident r id prpojjated lo intimidate j petitioner or on the other hand to call reproach upon the adnviuiftration it is at once fljiidrrmi and foolifh yts it is indeed a fdlty and a slander to reprefnu that the admiuiitreror stomps to the emooymtit of a set o official infermcrs and fpes t waieh and infoim again ft lli mfajeljyf suhjcft pr any purpofe si moll ot 1 far the purpofe of wreaking lazier jesse potter chairman a true copy isaac com clrtc mwi r tfifhfe pecs in nhiwri vengeauctf upon them for exerctfiog the isv drca their phneiptes claim ibeirj u and unqtteflloihlc rwlti ihsor viiidicaetneif riaractrr ijnfnl r fktunaidvjfnfn hnvw tat w ffl not worthy of a nitre uoh aihh of irliviiiiau -t- pmtc hnv lirfim i loo fmiiiiv xaftjks of ijc ktrid bilm poit ilirii iiviiion m rnire any pnjff fi fn- an intau of this c of writ inc iiro niumtiit j attention common sfvsf mr scphm mitt v eiffiorr of th kingston ctaztttte mr england th ans there are two modes 1 he most general fluitte that of addres- sins the people through the ncus-pa- rairfkic and misconception a f munn lotuiif ii av info la vrks civte v the l dimv o reflec iin nd hittf in jktics ioth to lie puhltc and to hrfeunp of thv ruj tci jaiv in uiiritlar ixumd io notice in tire nltftsi vfn of rlioapprobniiori the piiajiii alliuted is cftctaind w mr iola letter of he 3lh lltl tin pfr-on- uiiti- thre expressed coid d onu eiing from lia priiuio- and a cold niilvlinc hart tanh of he ain which misfit thereby he givfm to iimoeenl and nmiifi i ide- there u ood reason to coochide that th a frion tin r contained i- nosii bt a viiifici calumny founded on g uajsreprewntftttod ilaviiiihu come forward and puhlirly ac- fcnotfrlhtjjuil ih error in o ivhicri hfvain- ndveranil led lin piior hope iliat an tn- tlulefit public anil ho persons iwfcmp fr inf- in derpl regret tlia lie has been mde the means of injur o will consider hi iieiie- ral conduct in connection with this candid c- kiiuvvledment as some pledge that in future iln- kiton frazette will he conducted with a tlll moreriid ami scrupulous regard rote eutiments of propriy truth and decorum in pvrj piece that may be presented for pub- lica ion comslltwrcjtloks mr printer i tlid not at full fuhferibe to contri bute towards the expences if forwarding a petition to the prince recent as ilaviiiflj obervel in your oazefte of the 16th mvl an account off a uumu- rous and re pi tablr rfteetinvy of t ur iahabilaiits of the towtehip oif flamil- ton asombled at the houe off samuel lotter inu ketprr on he htxth day ef jtrneiufaut hr the purpo of aid ing and a sitim the loyal inihabiianis nf the niagara district in a cttuse both uoblfi and virtuous and to apioreve ot certain addrees therein meiutioiled beiuir rncioiin that theacmouot i- ven of the said meetiu i- grwatlj ex- ageratcd we feel it a dufyimcumbrnt upon us lo tive to he public a true tatement ot this highly exaggerated assemblage although we were not ex actly present at the said mcerrin wv were so situated as to have it in our pouer to ascertain the name of every pcroii prer nt there i at least on hundrred and fifty land holder iu the tonnsliip ot hamilton and nearly as mamy more that are not lmd holder attiil we de clare to the public that the meeting held at the said samuol pothers on the 6th da of june instant did not j consist of more than thirty tbiree per sons of every description a uuimber of 0anmrkh june 188 rotlewt gourfcat lfj this da wa mi a pvpectab meeting f the land owners of the lownshipof nalinck at die house of adam lker nnkeeper in the farrn litrict tromas m iaiivsov chosen president ftobert grant cleik jo seph buckus jamcj t grant and john wal- druf jun as committee for forwarding the designs of the meeting knowing it to he ro late to meet the com mitter at enioi town or york at the day appointed we know ofnnolhr meeting in tin astern or johostown districts wr there- tore wih to be inutmcted how to proceed 10 meet the dfdgnsof niagara liiriet i am with due respect votur ever well wish er thomas m jonson president we fmd from the upper canada philv that the great cause ofrn- ptiru into the state ofllie province has been spiritedly taken up in the district of gore our limit icill not admit copying out of i he above mentioned newspaper the reports oj the to-xn- ship meeting but the following is for the district at ittfge hamilton diflrict of gore june 1 3th i 88 this day a rreetingof the reprcfen tat i ves from the dcflvrent townjhips vf the diui atfetnbted at the jnn ofj samuel price fr the purpofe of ptti- tioiiiog the prince regent on the gene ral llateol pnbbc affiin now exilhug in the province uf upper canada diehard beaflry efij reprefentiog the townfhip of barcoo peter moqibrum aneafler jacvh spnngdeea saufleet andrew jorus beverly john htfholrn efq eaft riambo apt won chiftolfn nelfon sampfon howell trafalgari thomas choat glanfnrd frederick ycovrard llaldimtid jacob fb waterloo petet hopcbroom being nnanimonfly called to the chair the bufiaefa of the j day commenced by reading mi gour- lays addrefn to trw rtfident and h ld- crs of upper canada and the petition to the prce rrgcnt the addefs and eehion were unanimonfly approved ul ty the meeting tfecmieeng ptoced d to choofe rcprefenutivcs fni the diftnft and the following pcrlunts were unanimonfly chofen viz luiliurj h llley i fij to rrpttfcvte th cgi itv of wf ntworih capt william chiiholm the county of llalton the meeting proceeded to cled a tieafurer and secretary geo hamil ton lq was elected treafurer and john chtflli lm efq secretary the meeting pafted a vete of thai ks to mr- gourlay fr hi fphited iuierference in behalf of bit mdjdlys fubjeds in this province ivom oppofrc the markets rn vsacur- day the i ith toft at il oclock a m viz i mare pleasure ivaggon sett of harness a quantity of new books j choirs tahiti bedsteads hardware and dn gwds which will be fold without rrfcrve a catalogue of the above bok- can be feen any day previous to the day c dawson a b f fal july 6 6 proposals bt amos lat anther and publiihei ot the late mapa of the nonhern piit o the slate ot new yntk upper and lower canaja for reviling correlng and publifliin by subf riitnui a full and correct m a e of the s shubec junr zl the big hunter which arrived this morning failed from london on the 1 6th ultimo state ohutrrork on a scale of 7 miles to au inch the fie of this map ifl four feet four inches iqiic romprifiuga lrge part of pennsylvania and newterfey with a pirt of i onoefiicut maffuchufet ver mont and upper canada this ap extend from the canada line or 450 degree of n nh latitude fouth u the city of philadelphia and fvora pirts- bnrh in pennfylvjnia on the well trj newhiven i joiuiecticur on the eaft this extent of com try h rjearlv alt in cluded within the lines of latitude and longitude that deeie the xteriar limits of the siftteof new vk 1 be pub lifter haviilven employe 1 for upwards of twenty font years in rx- pluriujr and forveytng various partu of the united states and upper anil low- er canada and alio in compiling a publithing map9j which have e with veiy liberal patrotfage and encnurae merit is flittered in the relief that rlj9 prefent mdertkin il he equally well received by the public an 1 infiir ten a liberal rttnnneratjon tor all his exertion and endeavors to promote and extend te general improvement ad knowledge of bifc ovn country and the adjoining pro vince this map will he printed on fine wore paper h ndftnjely coiored and delivered to subfcrihers th mic t ar 7- 151i made poitible in a hodk 10 mounud on rollers and 1 virnifhcd j lo subfcripttons will be received at this office hi- grace the duhe of richmond it is faid waff to embark for this country about the 1 ii of this month carlton houfe may 7 1818 his grace the duke of richmond this day took the ufoajoatha as gover nor of the province f lower and upper canada nova scotia and new brunfwick and the iflands of piinc edward and cape breton a meeting w under th- pretext of consulting ways and means to petition parlia ment are often dh parked by the in- terrenre of ksa authority qus has not mr gourlay display ed a violation of facts in his publica tions respecting existing grievance jtns yes he will you printout the par ticulars am before i do that i wish to vo lunteer afevv n marks out of the scope ofvurinetini bl mr gottrlay address- to the resident land owners ot upper cftml iiite of the sec omlof a following queiaiou remark u is not the men it is th ttemrtarh blastevery hope of goor ptinciplca and proc eedinffs of the nisgira dilliid 1 determined to con tribute my mttc by fubfeription to i fupport the petition ill my eftimatonj the firlt piincide of enyliuh liberty iaj the right of eleaion the fecond i- the j right of petitioning and fircftnig our petitions to anybtanch of government thisright of ptittivnmg u a main pillar in the renpieof comititntumal liberty and when it h attacked it becomes all true fiendofiheconllitution whatever may be their opinion f the occafion for exercifing the privilege in that par ticulat inftance to unite to it defeace i have heard it rflvrted that th zachkus burxh am jv ex traordinary proceeding al uded to was jit jlodercd by the attorney general and vain t aet ailv thlul met i- semfarives or ovcre- ofsaid a former uarl oftiia audidthestemsovcrtun d 8dteaabe rtftll a brvdfid a rad- venaence if he w mu n x hgn the warrant the aflcrtton is not entuld to credit thcatioiaev qtxa could sophias bur g june 6lh 1818 thisdty a meeting of a nu of the iuhabtlants of this townshjp wa- hidd at the houe of joint gxn for petttiontng the prince 11 mt w re gard to the state of the provision the meeting wisre cntitu- ted by culling jesse potter ro the chair and then proceeded acorciiog to the recommendations ol mr robert gourlay hi address tothe resident land owners ef upper canadr- dated april c ih18 was read over nrk u nanimously approved ot trn rrjeet- ing then appointed lly vm i re presentative and isaac cole auo a committee to forward l busi- ill be held at moores coffeehouseon thurf day evening next at 8 oclock for the purpofe of taking into confiuertion the expediency of ellablilliuig a bnic at this place where thofc who would wifh to promote fuch an eilablifhment are in vited to attend kingston 1 u jh 1 3 1 8 mrs kurv8halt8 informs rbt ladcs of kiniton that flic carries on the millinery manluaniahing business in store hfrfet nest flow to mr flika stove 1 where ivery wt rion bs paid to thofc who may finjr her vruh their cufton july 6 6 a new line of stages vttill commence running on 6th t july ami leave the v arrymg piace monday and thnrlday 2 nelocl- fhe tare fr york a diilance of ro8 milca will be o s ud paid an follows from a try tag phe to ban shards 18 milca at 4d 6f from blm- chardto hamilton village 16 miles at 4 5a f hamilton villge to hart- welu 14 mile at 4d 4 from hart- wells to dcwillirars 25 miles at jd of from dewiiligars to gallaways 20 miles at ed 84 fr m gaiawey to york 15 miles at 63 l 8 proprietors benj youg arch blani hard elijah buck tho hartwelu nath dewiluoari ja ob g llawy hamilton july t 1818 6 strayed xrom the town of kingfton on friday laft a fmall bay horfe he has a white ftripe in his face his mane begged hort tail mane and tail bhvkj a whiie fpot upon one of his hind feet below the fct lock thr flcjn off the ca his tiht fore knee from a cut is hoor s or o years old whoever will bring the laid liofeto mrs patncka t kugftoo or in mr ferguforf near tuc touu will be fuitably rcwardedi w p patrick kbgftjfa july 6 1 s 1 8 6 jc wilson mm ib zncttftblfi waitiiig oil july 6 i8i3 4 ny perfon defuoua to clear from jl five to fifty acucs of land fituat- on the bay fid nine miles from king ton adjoining col- johnfous may have the timber upon the fame it being ver convenient for rafting to town 01 for tilt purpofe of fupplyiog the stram hoars for further pauivdos enquire of the proptietor on the premilcs snfhe fubferiber intending to lrt i jl this provi ice previous to the 15th inlat delires all pci foils to whon iq may be indebted to apply ear immediate payment and tif indebted to hi in u e requeued to fettle their rclpectve ac counts without delay john brauneis kingston 6dj july l8 1 8 6 vl haifa gumea ii ward los l rl this town on wtrdti f- day livening kill a icttd n a v f any priou fichug fnvh x trpon delncrjug the fj eai mr m r tfec h ute viu be olutlcd lo ul above ium t p

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