Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), July 7, 1818, p. 4

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o for salt jf notice nreafiimeni f a welunwn fltttherkas by the art will la j kn a tavrrn litunot in thcl i v v anj tcftiment of the late if vi 1 picivtt lots rt 9 a d i i fn ui ihtf king highway and i r tvv it iv framed home well fin- ifhtnl with a iaitfc kitchen fn the rear ft v fiv- r twenty ipan a horfes a hed fevemy feet long and a good h itrfeon t rrar t fit fi the accommodation of a electable family the whole of tin kil htig- therein being fvufh d in a w rk r manner and at prefent cctupirjby mr alcxandei b mcdonj dlj a a htcl for further particular apply to the fuhfhber r to mr alexander macj xoni ii nlr mediant prefcott by richard pattinson efy in 1 his life time of sandwich in the province of upper canada r crt gillefpie william gilkifm and george moffat t 1 are joinily and feverally appointed fiduciary legatees of his ellate andj i executors of faid will 1 do hereby rcqturft al prrfons having claims upn laid eftate to prefent the fame to me duly authenticated for payment and all perfons indebted merto are required to pay to me the amount of their refpettive accounts debts due to faid ellaie in the province of upper canada or n the wh m the tene may ht made known lnited states bordering thereon may ard indifputable title and immediate j be paid to george jacob efq of sand- pofleffion will ie gtvjn a mx vi donell co kingitoru 3d jan 1818- 3itf f rags rags ash paid for clean co t- totf and linen a a g s of any color at this office to let wich john aflcin and james gordon efqrs of aniherltburg or to either of them they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittance j g mofpatt montreal 20th mirch 1818- 44yi bla n k suffimnnfes subpcenas and executions for the court of requests for sale at thi office a nd immediate poffeffi n grvfen the house and premifein stuart- 1 gananoqua store mills gentleman i i prtng5rlh5p thebttftneft in fa tilled ely occupied by mr dhon j j tfih a r lbs mcdon a i d hwfe fitnatvd ffrhtn half a mile of thi lovj x y brother john afcdcn favorable fituation for a fend imily and no leii fo for a ditrut or inn keeper for further j rtculars enquite f the fubfcriber e harnett krrston feb 24 t 8f 8 4tf te tet slorny tcr 0 not exceed- fn fifteen on moft rea ble terrtm thaj well known valuable hard in the pim f nn t poifit at oanan qiia an rrcently occu pied y seth dn together with the houle barn tables c for fur ther particulars j t0 t fubfcriber joel stone gananoqua 9 l8l8 33 re no vat scott mgee surgeons chemists druggists have removed to rte store lately occupied by taylor parker fitnate nearly opofite moores coffee hoofe betiven mi patrick smyths crrckery store the cuftom houfe office the tibial attention wil be paid to every branch f the profffioh they have nn hanrfa general affrt- mentof dye stpffs patent medicines and oils j acids and evcty chmir in nfe kingston yfb may i 8 1 8 jotf for sale w r bautifal and very valuable farm gtuated upon point plafant n fayflurgh containing 200 acres being lots no 18 and 19 caft of the lock there are nearly too acre imdet good npovemtnt and 73 bearii g apple and pear trees fr pirticuh nquire of mr walter mcimiffe rerchanr kinpfton or mr wm ben if ture wii be conducted under the firm of jjniker of niarvfourph c j mcdonmd who kcp for laic a general attort- men or v able lands for 8 ale tjpvie following iiniuarly li 4cfirahie and trulv val- ua-ili- iaid may be had and immediate pultlti n iiven wih undiable titit6 at rt c far below their real value a d it ijfttmt feldom even in a couniry fo ex t- tfivc os canada where uncultivated in3 may in general he readily ob tai icd that fituationa fo eligible and ada in good ncihbourlroods caai dtrtmuixrtfl lot i- comprifing o acre 1 rrv riclieft bcch miple eiti and oik and i the 4th conceffion f ii re lvir upon smiths c with 15 rc rlraitd and fenced now log- hoc dt built and dove tailed fruit j whofe trcep src with a milfcnt between 4i en nrule froip the flourifhir litte towttof porontoj on lake ontario where the i an excellent market dry goods groceries hardware crockery and moft artic e enquired 01 at a coun ty stre which they ofter low for cafh saw i og square timber 9 staves i potafhes and moil kinds of country produce they have a good gtjft ad v j mill in full operation can nfanufact- fttte flour uqual 10 any mill in rh- i pr vrce they will fu- ply rdcn foi f the mbcr of ftlmoft any defcription at ihort notice c s j mcdonald gananopa jan 101818 33 alirbok indebted tocharlss me don- accounts have become due nre rcqucfled to to make immedi ate ravment having been informed that aarn conner ha beer trefpaflhifc by cutting timber thnwinc down rry fences and putting cite ifito my enctofure now i hereby forbid aid conner taking away ih timber he cot i alfo forbid all a- l every perfon or perfons to aid or afiifl faid cinncr ro work or rtke laid timber 3 way nnrporchffft i of him ifthsydo hey mkyejcpcq to b profecuted as ihi law directs john mcbean maiyfhurehi march 28 118 44 blank bail b ds for vclc ar this office twter fm buynr or fe mg the land is of the very firl qtali and in 3 good pomjicm eibo irhood firming altogether a r ft definble rrfidence vrnin a hort mileof tht geat road be tween yk and knflon iii oo acres being lot no i ml the eh cohceflion of hope albngfie tbereatroad between hope and ha- miton lea iiu to the new and flourih iiij fctttcmeuts of cavan nd mo naghan on the lake in wich more tbb officer half py and artil lery peniirm blanks for fgle at this office the subscriber eg have to inform hfc friend cv the pubbc generally that he ha removed from his former land to the iliop lately occupied by jonas abbot co near the market place where he has now on hand a general aflortment of hardware cutlery c which he wil fell on the mofl moderate j vviilfl 5 rirc aid perfons have actually j tcrrns lo rl and fcarcely ive mile fom the t ht tk fkw u 1 j l ii to itt toe inrj lately occupied by just received and for tale at thu of fice price 18 poems on his d mestic circumstances by lord lvr j vvlth the startif the lfgfon of honour and other poems to which is prefixed the lift of the nolle author nov 28 2 or fale t this office standard ruh for the game of ivh1s t bob shoit 46 f ten guinea s town of t ono where there ta a p- od ma ket it is in an old fettlemen an1 rhi neighborhood is pnpooua and excel e t the are about 30 acres clca jnd fenced wvh a fine ftream of ii ft and the greater part of the an f fuperinr quality the reft good meadow o arte occuppyi nearly onc tv- fie f the gannannqne 1 ik ii f nwuftiip f south cr ifby ds- tfjl r lohnftnwn confiftfjw wholly of bioe f onth the back parts tending t he road from the ridenu settlement to k nhom from which lattei plie it jc fnreely 30 miles diitart the land is good and well timbered and the fituati n fnjulat beautiful and roman tic with wooded ifland in front the above lmds are particularly d wa of notice the fuuatiora wer- tho en by a competent jndcre and tiey will he fild remaiknb chrap the proprietor wimmg to concentrate bis force man thrr quarter fo- further particulars apply to r c ornf ffo- york c foth- i pg1ll flq toronto wm h- mil1 on efq kinilon or prefcott or to shaw armour efq monj tica april l trts jt to l7i j nd poffiffion given on the firfl of i may next the louie anc nremi- i the ubfricr an poflcdion given ita medistely samuff shaw ftugton yh jan 1818 32 for sa at this office a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in the pmvmc- of upper cana da also fergusons imrovrd table of the value of grams of gld coin q er or under weight h e w a e id t os i on the fourth of june irtant jl a in the garden of colquhouns tavern below cornwall a plain gold watch i capped and jewelled makers nam- jeffries wiih agrtld chain of long ial links and two gold seal in one a cornelian stone with a creft and in the ther a common blue ftone on which is engraved a female head whoever will deliver the above arti cles to colonel barclay now at sain regis mr robert coiquhoun at his ta vern below cornwall r to torrance mcleoa kingllon hall receive the a bovc reward cornwall 5th jmc 18 18 tf kingston hotel o obert walker ft at prfent occupied by dooi ged di it being a double honfe it will b let feparatejy or together apply to the printer 4ihisn xth apiil 1818 47 t tt t received and for fale at thi j office pi ire 7d the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 18 alfo ess ats on pr acl ical husbandry j addrflei to v e canadian farmers byc f grfcce of montreal november 14 a 2 foll sale fanufog mills of a fuperior quality which will he kept eonfiantly on hand by th fubfciiber price 25 dollars p j- fitch kingston collins crcekyl r may 12 1818 t rftnrn his ficere and grateful ackowl- eopment to hi friend and the subtle in general for their liberal fupport dur ing the laft eighteen yearn and take thi opportunity of acquainting them he ftill continues to keep i he abovrc elc- rrt fftalifhmcnt where tr eller and faniiliescan be accmnodited with fep- aratc rooms and every attention paid some rrahcfous and unprincipled pr- oni having reprefeuted and circulated a rvport that his charges are extiava onnr he beg leave to acquaint the prtiblic that thev are a moderate asa houfe in the town of kinfton wiih very fu perior accommodation kingston y j une 15 18 8 3f for sale tfhe v half of lot number 5 on the louth fide of fouth or prince edward a bay in the towufhilp f maryfbutghj containing ore hudrcd acres said i ot is well timbered and fcttlementson each fide which renders it well worth the attention of thofe who wih ro purchafe enfltucc o printer june 6 1818 t3 j mats all perfons indebted to tl e fflate of the late james gumming late of hallowelu deceafed are rftq netted to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr jamfs mccrkcjor now m charge of the eflablifhment at hallow- ell bridge and tliofe who have claims againft the fid eflate are defiied to prefent them for adjurtment the hock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aflortmfent of goods well laid inf and very fuilbe to the country is now felling off at pri ces fo low a will defervedly claim the attention of the public cafh or country produce will he tak en in payment and 3 credit of 6 mouths j given to refofile farmers or othera john cum ming wm mitchell j lxeculor3 kingston 03 2j islj 32 for sale a two horse waggon uerpectiv new likewifr a jl few thonfand 18 inch shinga les inquire of s merrill kingston ipril 211818 47 blank summonses kor the dlstrict courts for sale at ihis oilice to let a ndpoflvhion jiiven the fifl of may a next a number of roms in thei line barracka enquire of hearl harh fj a 2 a card the fuhicriber infrms the merch ants and traders of upper can 1- di and state of new yotk that he ha commenced bufiiltfr in thfl city as general agent and cormiffion mcfeh j ant any bu fines en jr 11 fled to his care- will meet with diligent attention bmnjamjn hart montreal 1 cth may l h i 8 j 1 n6 notice the fubfcrhvr refredfnlly informs- the public liai he intends tj con tinue the batig bufinris this feafon therefore if any perfons wifhe lo trant ipoh vank baids brick lime band sfc he offer them 1119 fer vices hpph at mt joltndawfonfl kinflon william yerlx april 13 iti8 46 for sale by tlie fubfcriber io dozs uf fuhie brown pfmtt robt richardson kingston maj2d 1818 s smith bu iter worth return their fincere thanks to their fritnds and the public in ee- neral for tlse liberal encouragement that they have received fincc they re co- meuced the flatting bujinefs they have an extenfive aflbrt merit of ladies and childrens eon nets ot various colors and fhapes gentlefnens beaver c fine gaftorhats likewiie knapt and wool hat which they will fell very low for cafh ot aoprcvrd credit produce taken in payment jan 2 ixi public notice 1 the sobfcrtbera executors to th estate of charles stiart etquire d ceaivj late sheriff of the midland dilrift hereby requests sl thje indebt ed to the aid estare to nake immediate payment to the faid executors md all thofe who have demands against the entate are requested to produce the fnme duly attested in order that a istttew of thr estate maybe eed p ity it pofsble after tliefost dayof july ikih george o stuart exec- allan mclean j mors kingston august 1 1 1817 jztf to let a nd immediate poffeffion given two convenient houfee vff shops in hoic ftitct near fl blrkes tavern on the corner of the flreet lead ing fiom tie artillery barracks to- the fiench chinch for particulars applv to john w ferguson store street kingston leb 17181838 tantep to hire a refpe6biw w 7 woman a a wet nurfe en quire of the printer kingfti n june 9th isir 2 oafs and peas for fae by monjeau k st germain june 8 6 public notice the partnerfliip h tng under the firm of mcdon aid and jncs h tins day diltolvei b mmual confi nt all perfons holding account aninll fid finn are requeued to prefent them for feitlement and all indebted to laid firm to make immediate payment peter mcdonald edward jones the bnfincfs in future will he carried on by edward jones who is authorife to fettle all accounts as above mentioned may 27 to le for the term of tight or nine year on reafonablc terms the reorifcs at prefent occupied by the fuhlciiber confiftingofa laige two lory houfe bake houle ftawe c for lars apply to the fubfcriber louis tapjn kingflon june 2 i 4tf advertisemenr the fubfcriber offer for sale thtt following lots of land 200 anes fn 4th nd 500111 the 6th conceieon of the gore between ernell town and frederiekfiuryh no 18 and 19 in the 8ih coiccflion of murray no 1 fad half 2dcfn ofidny no 9 cth cono ffion of rawden n 4 r1i1 enctfii n hviniindon no 14 15 7 8 2 wd 26 in the 9th corceffion of thuriow n 34 and 35 in the 4th conctflwa of vjuglian near york also several valuable town lots in tfce- town of kinphon wml ru frcdericsburgh jan to kj jf smiths work the fubfcriber moil ref ffy irfotm the gentlemen t i ktm n that he is juft aruved heie from duhlit and ha commenced r bifi rrcfa of buck and white in all iv branches more paiticnlarlj that of horfe shewmg in which he wil gj the great eft fatindiim to thofe that em by him thev may rely on having their wnk well done chep and weat by applying at mr j mcphers barrack ilteet where ht has c rr menced all 1 rders in that line will be gladly received and ftiifl attention given kingston 13th 08 32 ghe fubferibers beg leave t- inform j their friends and the public in gc neral that they carry on the tailoring business in main street where they intend niafc- jng every article in their line on notc rcnfonable terms than i as been done lor a number of years back thole who wifh to favor hem with their enrtom may rely on having their work well made and on the hoi tell nor re for crfh nor is stevens kingston sept 9 1x17- gj i panoplist for te tear 1816 for sale at this office complete 2 23 blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office to let paiticu i j ilhat well ki n large white st or e in front of the duellng houfe of the fubfcriber it i wel cal culated for commercial buihefs having a large commodious cellar capable f holding i ooo ban els with the advantage of the wharf where vtffcu of 40 font ma load and unloaded foiwarderfl would do well to improve this opportu nity for particulars apply to the iub- icribevon ilie pecnifei javes robinson kingston man hltb a

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