suppement to the kingston gazette tcfit rr2i xemmoti in m-u- tiunoi shall i given by the prescribed by the byela ws aud reg secute to judgment and c f ffcfm uf tociatmtl of tlc f rwus f mlancc ulations thereof the manner and form as hyyhe laws of imvknpippffkrnan haieshhllhave bee receved n fifth 1 1 is further covenanted and this province it is provicljl i being bankomi klkuahauv the kg gazette and the said agreed upon by and between the par- expressly nldetojd and wckred that r to zzzvur mv pers0 ir i v t ike u t0 f e said all persons dealing with he said com- 1 nn votly the time and place of capital stock of one hundred and pauy agree to these terms and are to svmsmiailtumu hoidtnga mtoting of the subscribers twenty live thousand pounds is not be bound thereby umiwin vuup vi int suuwnurri i wenty live tnousanu pounds is not be bound thereby it ktmri and made mawfest which shall be at the distance of not subscribed in one month after the said sruuih iw 9 km seventh these articles of agreement y every fitment heuinafter prescribed in respect to the capital slock is not subscribed within or contract by the effect or terms of annual elections of directors and the two months after the said book of sub- which the company may be charged peions who shall then and there be scriptioii shall have been opened then or htld liable for the pa men t of mo- v the mnnner hcrcnwfttr speared and shoal then and there be made by a ma- or their subscriptions to two hundred nergire credit to this company described jij and under the name or jority of shares voted lor in maimer and fifty shares and if the aforesaid bond bill note or other inst sfjfteoffke hank of upper canada atd w do hereby mufurriij covenant r v k aunjuvii mhuj nac ween upcutu men or mio name tor tne pa drvhre twd agree that he fotbnsng chosen shall be the first directors and and in such case the deficiency may be nev shall specially declare in such are and shall be the fnndamntal ar- shall be capable of serving until the subscribed for by any person or per- form as the board of directors shall titles of this our astiatiau and a- expiration f the day fixed lor making sons body politic or corporate prescribe that payment shall he made peement zvith each other bj zchich zee the annual election and the directors sixth it is hereby expressly and ex- out of the joint funds of this company ami all persons tcko at any time here- often man transact business with the said company shall be bound and rg- ufacd so chosen shall as socui thereafter as pticjtly declared to be the object and according to the present article of its- circumstances can conveniently allow intention of the persons who associate soeiation and not otherwise and a of commence the business and opera- themselves under the style or lirm of copy of the sixth article of this associ- tions of the said bank but no bank the hank of upper canada that the ation shall beinserted iu the bank book first the capital slock of the bills or bank notes hall be issued or joint stock or property of the said of every person depositing money or said company shall not exceed one put in circulation nor any bill or note company exclusive of dividends to other valuable property with the com- ilundred aid twenty five thousand be discounted at the bank until ten be made in the manner hereinafter paiy for safe custody or a printed co- pounds current money of thisfrovince thousand pounds in gold or silver or mentioned shall alone be responsible py shall be delivered to every such divided into five thousand shares of montreal bank notes shall be actually for the debts and engagements of the person before my such deposit shall be twenty five pounds each and for the paid in aud received on account of the said company and that no person received fiom him and it is hereby purpose of raising the said capital supscripfions to he said capital stock who shall or may deal with this cora- expressly declared that no engagement stock a book of subscription shall be third for the good management ot pan or to whom they shall or may can be legal made in the name of the benjamin whitney john m- balfour capital stock at a general meeting pan or against their persons farther f any debtors engagement which john perpuson rohort richardson thereof tobeannually hoiden at which than may be necessary to secure the ma be mad in tjielr name not eon- james nickaln and snmnel shaw or annual meeting the said proprietors faithful application ol the funds there- taming a limitation or restriction totfte any two of them aud to continue open and stockholders shall vote according of to the purposes to which by these effet aforesaid under their superintendnnce until there to the rule hereinafter established hi presents they are liable but all per- eighth the rumher of votes to shall have been an election of direc- respect to voting at general meetings so accepting any bond bill note or which each stockholder or stock ton as hereinafter provided which and the directors so chosen by a ma- other contract ol this company signed holders co partnerfttip holy politic or book shall be headed with th present joit in conformity to such rule shall by the president or vicei resident corporate holding ftock in the fll articles of copartnership or auree- be capable of st rving as directors for and countersigned or attested by the company hall be entitled on eveiy merit and shaii continue open until the twelve month- unless an of them shall cashier ol the company for the time occafion when in conformity to the whole of the said capital stock shall be removed for nialadministration be- being or dealing with it in any other provifiooa and rcooircmcflti of rhefc have been subscribed kvery person fore the expiration of that period by a manner whatsoever thereby respec- article the votes thereof are to be or persons copartnership body poli- general meeting of stockholders or tively give credit to the said joint given hall be in the propon ion follow tic or corporate who may or shall be- unless suspended as hereinafter provi- stojt or property of the said company ig that is to fay for one hare and not come mmnhers f this asmiciatioru may ded aud at their lirst meeting after and thereby respectively disavow ha- more than two one vote for every two subscribe for web and so many shares such election shall choose out of their ving recourse en any pretence what- hares above two and not exceeding ten as he she or they shall think it not number a 1resident and vice1 resi- ever to the person or separate proper- onc votc making five vote for tea however exceeding in the lirt instance dent and their places respectively ty oi any present or future member of fl forevciy four hares ahove un two hundred shares and wis hereby from time to time till up when vacant this company except as abovemen- an nol exceeding thirty one vote agreed that the shares respective ub- by death resignation absence from the tioned and all suits to be brought making ten votes for thirty hares for scribed shall be payable in cjold or rovtice or removal as abovesaid in against this company if any shall be every fi hares above thirty and not silvercoin c montreal bank bills caseol death resignation absence from shall be brought against the president exceeding fixry onc vote making current in this province in the man- the 1 loviuce for three mouths at a for the time being and in case of his fifteen votes for fixiy hare and for uer following that is to say two per time oi the removal of a director by death or removal from office pending every eight hares above fixty and not centum when the whole ol the slock the stockholder his place in cae of any suit against him measures shall be exceeding one hundred one vocr has been fai en ami ten dnys previous uch removal shall be tilled np by tht taken at the expence of the company making twenty vote for one hundred netiip having been niven in the kings- said stockholder and itt the other cu- for substituting his successor in office but no perfon or perfons coparti er- ton gazette i ptr fntuni to the seshy the remaining directors or a as a defendant so that persons having hip body politic oi corporate hsll be directors within ten days after they majority ol them toerve however on- demands upon the company may not entitled to a greatei number thaji shall have been choscm in manner heri y nntllthfi succeeding gen nil meeting be prejudiced or delayed by that event twenty votes and all rock holders i defter provided anotlo r pavmen not as ahovaid or if the person suing shall go on ag- rdident within this province or elfe- exceedine tn per centum whenever fourth the directors for the time ainst the person tirst named as defeu- where may vote by proxy if he he fht sihi1 reqeire it at uch time and b ih hall have lowci to appoint such danf notwithstanding hisdeathor re- 0 they hall fee fit provided that inch place as tbey shall appoint for that tiffieer clerks and servant under them moval from office this company shall proxy he a ltck holder and do produce purpose giving thirty days prvins a- shall bo nece vary for executing the take no advantage of such procetdi a fufficient authority from his conftitu- hc tire as afnrvnfd ctt the retr-iin- lniness of the said cnmpatiy and to on that account and all ecovues cnt or conftitueuta for fo reprefcntiit d ghltbe wjahlrt in snch instnlmenf allow them such compensation for their had in manner aforesaid shall be cou- at voting for him her or them pro- 9 k oity of the diwctor- sliall wvtctts respectively as shall be reason- elusive upon the company so far as vided alfo that after the firft election of a n ut no ah r iumahnent able and proper all which together to render the companys said joint 6jor no liare or lhare of the capi- cu injjt uii u on rue with fh2 etpoees of building hum fock or property liable thereby aud i icck of the company ftiall confer a