for sale onreaforable u i m that well known ftand fit a tavern gltiated in the village of prclcutt lots no 9 and 1 1 frntjng the kngs highway and 3 large two itory framed houle well fin- iflicd wiih a large kitchen in the rear ft a line for twenty fpans of hories a llwd i notice will v by tlc 38t v v and tchsrnent of the late richard patt1nsgn efq in 1 his lite time of sandwich in the province of upper canada filbert giuefpie william gilkifon and george moffatt aie jointly and leverallv appointed fceny feet long and a good home on 1 j fiduciary legatees of his eftate and the rear lot fi for the accommodation executory of faid will of a dtrdable family the whole of i i do hereby rtqueft all perfons having the lildings thereon beinu firiihid in claims upon faid eltate to prrfent the a wvikmanlike manner and at prefent lame to me duly authenticated fur ociuipied by mr alexander b- medon- piyrcnt and all perforin g indebted rll as a hotel i thereto are required to pay to me the i further particulars apply to the amount of their refpective accounts fnlifciiber- or to mr alexander mac- 1 debts due to faid efbte in the donell junior merchant picicott by j piovince of upper canada or in the whom the terms may bo made known united states bordering the may and an indifputable title and immediate j 1 be paid to george jacb efq of sand- wich john a fl i r and james gordon lfqrs of amherttbtrg or to either of poftcfilon will be eiven alfx macdonell co kingfton 3d jyq 1 k 1 8 ztf 1 rags rags ash paid for clean cot- ton and linetf a g of any color at this office to let and immediate poitefiin given the house and premiies in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of this town a iuvqrable fuuation for a gentleman ud fanvly and no lefs fo for a dilhlkr or inn keeper for further particulars enquire of the fubferiber e barnett ktnston feb 24 8rtf 4jtf vdljablk lands for sale ftghe following lingular- if defirabie ana truly val uable lands may he had and immediate potcium given with undeniable titles fc rate far below tivir real value and it is but feldorn even in a country fo ex tenfive as canada where uncultivated lands may in general be readily ob tained that gtuatioas fo eligible and advantageous in good neighbourhoods can be fee u red lot 1 cnmprifing 70 acres of the very 1 ichell beech maple elm and oak i and in the 4th concdfion of hope lying upon smfthfi creek with t5 ares cleared ad fenced new log- houtr well built and dwe tailed fruit tree c with a milfcat between 4 and 5 miles from the flounlhing little town of toronto on lke ontario where there is an excellent market either for buyng or felling the land is of the very firft quality and i a good populous neighbourhood forming eliogeiher a molt defirable refidence within a fhort mils of the great road be tween york and kingfton 2d 2go acres being lot no t in he cth conceffion of hope alongfie the great rod between iiope and ha- rcilon leading to the new and flourifh- jng fettlcmenta of cavan and mouaghan on the rice lake in which more than joo families and prrlons have adliahy located and fcaroely five mile from the town of toronto ifcherc there is a good market it is in an old fetllement end he neighborhood is popoloufl and excellent there are about 3 acres cleared and fenced with a fi ftream of 1 living wnter and the greater pan of the lani of fuperior quality the relt good meadow 3d 100 acres occuppying nearly one entire fide of the ganiianoque lake in the towpfhip of south crofby dis trict of johnttown con ofting whollv of broken fronts the back iarts extending to the road from the rideau settlement to kdgfton from which latter place it isfcarcely 30 miles diitant the land is good and well timbered and the jituatiofl fincrulary beautiful and rotnan- tic with wooded iflands in front 1 hem 1 hey being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g moffatt montreal 20th march 1818 44yi blank summonses subpoenas and executions for the court of requests for sale at this office tf to let i 10 r any tern 0 ycars not pxc in fifteen on thc mo rea ble terms thai we known valuable land in thepubk j fu on t point at gananof an rcccnt occu pied by seth d togct with the houle barn fables for fur ther particulars ai to t fubferiber joel tone gananoqua jmg 1818 33 removal scott k m surgeons chemists druggists mave removed to the store lately occupied by taylor parker lituate nearly oppofite moores cofice houfe hetween mr patrick smyths crockery tore aid the cullom houfe office the ufutl attention will be paid to every branch t the profeffion they have on hand a general aitort- mentof dye stuffs patent medicines md olls acids and evriy chemical in ufe kirtgston jth 3fay 1 8 i 8 jotf g4n4nqqua store mills charles mcdonaid having j taken his brother john mcdvn- aid into partner hiip the buiinef in fu ture will be conducted under the firm of i c j mcdoniid who keep for fac a genira aftort- ment of dry goods groceries hardware crock ry and xr articles enquired for at a coun try store which they offer low for cafh saw logs square tknbtr staves potalhefi and moll kinds of countiy produce they itave a good grift and saw mill in full operation can manufact ure flour uqral to any mill in the ptottce 4 they will amply orders for rawed iinber of almofl any defcription at fljort notice c 8 j mcdonald gatianoqua jan i o i ft 1 8 jj alllhor indebted tocharlss mcdon ald whofc accounts hnve become due are reqitefted to to make immedi ate payment for rtthat brautful and very valuable i farmfituatttd rfpon point plenfant fin maryfburgh lontnioing 200 acres beig lots no 18 ad 19 caft of the rck there areocarly roo acres under jrocd improvenrnt and 73 bearir g pole and pear rree fir particulars enquire rf mi waller mcunifej merchant kincin cr mr wm lien niker of maryfbi gi having been informed that aaron conner has- been uefpaffing by cutting th btr throwinp down my fences and uitting cttle io my enclofme now i hereby forbid laid conner taking awa th timber he cut i alfo forbid all and i very perlm or prfonw to aid or afliil faid cooder to wvk or take laid umber a way it r purchafeit of him if they do they my exped to be profecuted as thc law direcis john mcbean maryflurgh i marvh 28 lfr8 44tf blank bail bonds for ole at this office officer it fi pnrj artil lery penfion blanks for falc at this office the subscriber begs leave to inform hi friends the public generaly that he ha removed fiom his former ft and to trte bop lately occupied by jonas abbot co near the market place where he has now on hand a general aflortincnt of hardware cutlery e which lie will lell on thc molt moderate term to let the hop lately occupied by the fubfcriber and poffeffion given im mediately samuel shaw rings ton x th jan 8 1 8 32 the above lands are particularly defervfng of notice the fit nations wer ehoen by a competei t judge and thfcjf wiii he fod remarkably cheap the prprieor wiftiing to concentrate hit forces m another quarter for further particulars apply to r c orne efq yok c foth- ergi ll efq toronto wm ha- mt 1 ton efq kingttoii or prefcott or to shaw armour efq mon treal april 1 18 1 8 4t to let a nd pot ifi n given on the firft of jca may next the iloule and premi- cm at ptefent occupied by doctor ged des ft being a double houfe it be let ftfwatrly or together to the printer kingston ikth tyril 1818 47 tf for oa at this ofitce a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in the province of upper cana da also fergusons improved tshle of the value of grains of cxojd coin 4 t or under weight wi a ppiy i ttdst received and for fale at this u office frire 7d thc montreal almanack for the year of our lord 1 s 1 8 alfo ess ats on practical husbandry addrefted to the canadian farmers byc f grece of montreal november 14 2 for sale fanning mills of a fuperior quality which will he kept conftantly on hand by th- fubferiber price 25 dollars p j fitch ktngston collins creel jr may 12 1818 v just received and for fale at thjp of fice price ifx poems on a d mesttc circumstances by lord iwon with tlie star of the legion of honour and other poems to which is prefixed the life of the noble author nov 28 32 kingston hotel obert walker retnrnfl his fincere and grateful acknowl edgments to his fttcltdji and the public in general for their liberal fuppm dur- jinjj the laft eighteen year aul takes this opportunity of acquainting thrm he ftii continues to keep the aboe ele- rnt eftabltfhment whfte travelers and farilie can be accommodated wih fet arate rooms and every attention raid j some tralicious and unprincipled pe- fo having nprefented and circrlated a rrport that hi charges aie extravagant he begs leave to acquaint the publfc jthat they are a moderate as at houfe i in the town of ftinjrftooj with v y fu- penor arc nm datfons kingston june 1 5 1 8 i 8 3tf folt sallit he well half of lot number 5 on the fouth fide of fouth or frinee edward bay in the towntbp of rvlaryfburgh containing o hundred acres said lot is well timbered and fettiementson each fiile which readers it well worth the attention of thol who wifli ro purchafe enquhe uf the printer june 16 18 1 8 tfj valuable lands no on and half lot no ifi in the 6th cow j c flion of the tbwnjhtp of piert v- a p ply to john burnett kingston may gth 1818 notice all perfons indebted to the eftatt of the late james cumming late of hallowell deceafed are requeued to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgrlgpr now in charge of the eftablifliment at hallow ell bridge and thofe who have claim again f the faid ellate are defired t prefent them for adjuftment the ftcck in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aftortment of goodb we laid n and very fuitablt to thc country is now felling off at pri ces lo low as will defervedly claim the attention of the public cafh or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 5 mouth given to refponfible farmers or others john cum ming v wm mitchell ilxceutors kingston oh 27 1817 32 for sale a two horse waggon j perfectly ne likewifc a few thoufatid j 8 inch shing les lnquiie of s merrill kingston april z i r 8 18 i 7 blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this office to let 4 ndpoftifron given th next a number of rooms line barrack enquire of ie firft of may in the march 13 hearl 42 a card f iilhe fimcribcr inform the mevch l ants arl ivaders of upper can- da and state of new york that he ha commenced hufinef in thin city as a general agent and commfffion merch ant any bnfiacqi nttrafted 10 his care will meet with diluent auction benjamin hart montreal 10 may 1818 5 notice the fuhfcribir refpidlfully informs the public that he intends to con tinue the baui g bdmeb this f 1 here fore if an urrf vfl toab pott plank board brick lime sand sec c he offerv them his fei vices apply at mr johndawfins king ft on william ye rex april 13 1818 a for sale by the fubferiber iodozsoflhubfe brown sjfotff rort richardson kingston may 2 y i 1 r 8 52 tolej a nd immediaie poffeffion given jr two onvenient houfes with shops in ftore ftrcer near mr blake tavern on the corner of the flreet lead ing fiom the artillery barracks to the french church for partn ularb apply to john w ferguson store street kingston eeb 1 7 1 8 1 3 38 tt anted to hire a refpedlable v woman as a wet nmfe en quire of the primer kingfton june 9th 1 8 1 8- 2 mat smith bu1terw0r th eeturn their fincere thanks to their friends and the public in ge neral for the liberal encouragement that they have received fiiicc they re com irienced the hatting bufmefs they have an extenlive aftortment of ladies and childrens bon nets of various colors and fhapes gentlemens beaver fine caltorhats likewife knapt and wool hats which they will fell very low for cafh or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 2 att i public notice wi the subfcrihers executors to the jjl estate of charles stuart efquire deceafed late sheriff ofihe muilard diiricl hereby requests al rhrfe indrht ed to the laid estate to rruke immediate payment to the faid executors and all tiife who have demands against the estate are requested to produce the fame duly attested in order that a scttfcfoml of the estate may he effeflcd as ipeei ily as pofllhle after thefirntdayof fovy 18 irt george o stuar17 exec allan ntclean j wors kingston august 11 1 8 r 7 3ztf adver1islmenj the fubferiber offers for iae thc following lots of land 2ro acre in 4th and 500 in the 6th cenceffion of the gore between erncft town and fredenckfborgh no 1 8 and 19 in the 8ih conceffion f murray no eaft half 2dcon ofsidny no 9 lotfa cnncrffin of ridcn no 4 8ih conceffion huniingdoii no 14 15 17 1 8 25 and 26 in thc nth conceffion of thuriow n 34 and 35 in the 4th conceflian of vaugban near york also several valuable town lots in the town uf kingfion wm crawtop i frejerichslivrgh jan 10 1x17 smiths work the fubferiber nofl wpeafiilhr informs the gcntleiren of k r ton that he is juft arrived here from dublin and has commenced ihc bufi- uefs of black and white snih in all its branches more particularly that of horfe shewing in which he will gf thegreatefl fatrsfaaion 10 thofe that em pipy him lhev may rtiy nn having their work well done cheap and meat by applying at mr j mcghers barrack ftreet where he has commenced all orders in that line will he glacfty received and ft rift attention given kingston 3th 08 32 flour 110 r fale by the fubferiber lot i 18 and in in the tenth corpffi oats and peas for fale by monjeau st germain june 8 g cotf beer 1 ir ecefved at ihe stoffofs tj barthta coifignment of 9 bar rclsof beer of a fuperior qual for faie for cafh may 5 1818 49 books sf tracts of various defcriptionj can be had at this office where accfs ma alfo be had to a fmall circulating li brary on reafouuhle terms june io 1 si 8 public notice njnu partnerhip heretofore exift jl ing under the firm of mcdon ald and jones is this day dhtolved by mutual coufenc all pcrtons holding accounts agarnft faid firm are requcftedto prefent then for fettiement and all indebted to faid firm to make immediate payment peter mcdonald edward jones the bnfiiefs in future will be carried on by edward jones who is authorised to fettle all accounts aa above mentioned may 27 ft h e fubferiber beg leave to inform x their friends and rhe public in ge neral that they carry on the tailoring business id main street where they intend mak ing every article in their line on more reafonable terms than has been done for a number of ycars back thole who wfh to favor them with their cuftom may rely on having their work well made and on the fhortert notice for cafh nonis stevens kingston sept 9 1 8 i 7- the panoplist for the year 18 1 6 for sale at this office complete 1 blank deeds and memorials for fale at tins office to let for the term of tight or nine yean on rcafonable terms the prcinifca at prefent occupied by the fubfdiber confining of a huge two ftory houfe bake houfe ftablc c for particu lars apply to the fubferiber louis tap1n kingfton nne 1818 irf i that well known large whic store in front of the dwelling houfe of the fubferiber it is well cal culated for commercial bufmels having a large commodious cellar capable of holding 1000 barrels with the advantage of the wharf wheie veflvh of 40 tcrs may load and unloaded forwarder wo do well to improve this opporr uity for particulars apply to the full fcriberonthc premifes james robinson a ngtton man 4 1 7 4