tht attorney gaifra verfus monirtj juries i th ltt term of tht court 1 elitrg uenehj upon the trials of various inrifvidjals accufd of crime acjc t hive been committed i the ujian tet ritoirrfji being m ved for on behaf ot the prisoners who have been for a lon time confined under theft acculauo-i- th a it ncry general refiifed to i rin them on affi rning as a refon that the prejudice e lng in this dilricl on the iuijc of the difputes between the north weft and hudfm bay com panies with which th fe caules were fu cooled to b connected ard oecafioned by the publications on one fide and on tie thrr were fuch a- to induce him to tci tent tj the government that juftice both to the crown and to the iiidvi- from the hitt jar a spedato r meeting aft he upper carcaxlian convention of friends to enquiry concluded motion by mr wafhburn that every ember or this convention defirous ot viking aiy motion hall commit the ame to writing in oder that it may be utered in the journals by the secreta- y in due order seconded by r kcrr fuefday 7th july 18 1 8 carried f their spinions on ail fubjes brought be jf in eonfor i venter a dft r ion al- rfohedi that the monies receiv ed for the ourpefe of fending commis- fionerh ro england with the petition for the redrels of grievances be by dtft- r 11 11 r h frcafttrert remitted to meflers duals qcc tiled required that all tnelc tin r j ta 1 v n 11 nomnlon and dctloi at k melton to bi hould be had ek where wtkie impartial juries could be felcchd hence none of thefe caufe n otwithtan ding the labours of the late grand juries can be expected to come on hee in purf nance of thefe views it is fid to he in contemplation t hrin all i thefe cafes for trial to qncbcc and that a new ommifiton to be held in this city u propofed to be lubrtitnted for the dioirned fefiion of the court of oyer and terminer at montreal the hrfinefr will prohably occupy fevcral weeks of a veiy intcfeftirig feafon of the yer and the inhabitant 8 of this xftn rrny e allowed to cnqi e whether any dffieiet grounds 8hlgoe for impoiing upon tticrn rather than their ntttfhbmirs the burden of at- tending a jurymen it is very curious that the nirthweu cnmpanv hould be fo defnous of b rirfl frw rial bclijht on at any other place rather thfl at montreal two three year bgo their influence thtrr was fo preiontteant that dobt m ight have beeti rwfwabuy n tertained how far their acucrfarir would have met hyith juftice in a trfil at that city but no one could have imagined any objec tion on their part he members nf that affiliation have been for thirty years d3ft the leading members in fecit ry at montreal by family con- neioiw by the ties af pet tonal friend- fhip or bv mtercourfe of bufinefe they art conneed with a rear proportion of the principal inhabitants of the place thry expend there every year a laie capital which gives employment and pven tlie h fpitality which they hve drercifed for f long i period of ycais nifl have tmded to create a prejudice in their favour tfuir adverfaries have yed none of thefe toutceivifinfltience it u only within the lati three years thnt thev have even had an agent in the place their expendit ure there has ben inconfiderable in comparifon of that of the northwcll company and the perfons whofe pecuniary inteteflsare tin nv degree connected with theirs aie fo few thai they could not form even the fhadow of a party how is it then that all ihe natural influence of the northwcftompauy habeendone away we are told that pubhertions on the ftthjed of their difpnte with rhe hud- frn bay company have excited prcju rfh t among the inhabitants of the diftrid of montreal but theft pubiicbtons have not been nil on ne fidr in o king over the files of montreal oewipaprs we find at ieart a nany articles on the fide of the north vrft company a- against thtm nd their pamphlets have been fully as mimev-u- thofe 4f their adverlaries jt i rcionahle to fuppoie that where they had to many pefonrl connections th i 4nb icaiions w wild he read with a favourable mas and would meet with amrle ju tice the appellation of prejudice cainot be applicable to the impulsion arifing from open and fuil ciicdii- of a luhjrft where the atten tion of the public has been alive to all that was to be laid and where hoth ties have had an opportunity of be applied by the committee in further ance of meafires for fending home faid p through the medium of the jhoufe of aitembly 5th that the proceedings of this meeting- be pubhfh d and thnt the con vention do now adjourn till fummoncd to meet aain at fuch time as the com mittee h i direct signed d washburn seconded by robert kerr- july 7th 18 l k received j moved- by mr drake and fecended by mr havley that mr wafhburnn propofals as well as mi gourfays br left 10 a feleet committee comnofed of three or more if the gentlemen prefent and reorefrnitg the feve al district throughout the province it fsfinthei moved that weflrs jhn clak robert hamilton and thomas oleman do acl as a committee and that all fuch further papers corning either from mr wfh burn cr mr gourlay be received by them and that the faid committee mail make fuch report as they deem most j expedient the fime however to be laid befofe the members of the convention for iheii configuration i u drake davis hawley tuefday 7th juiy i 1 8 carried ir drake being added to the committee moved t that every member of this convention having written communica tions either as an addreffi or a rtfolve hall fubmir the fame to the churman ssm thomas co i man seconded by k dttake tore ujj b nol to vote seconded by mr t- a carried mo ved by mr win kerr that mr reubi p keprcfentative fot the tow of vaughaii home diitria be admitted to the fitting of this con ventioi ai navc tnc p ivilce of ex- preflug hi ojinian on not t vote feconded burn ld carried all fubjects 1 but by mr wafh i wafhburn moved that the reports aod uefolutions of the feleft comnttee chofen yeiterday be recorded by the sreu tary j but not adopted by this convention signed d washburn and feconded by r j kerr a letter from mr stewart of colchcfter being read to the convention by mr drake mr goulay moved feconnvd by mr drake that the i thanks of this convention be tendered to mr stewart of coichefter for hu friendly and able communication the fame to be conveyed by a letter from the secretary of this convention ried jfy to btf appoinfiierf of day the representatives front the different districts viz the new castle midland and johnsiowh being a committee do appoint c thomson secretary for the lower branch con vontion and messrs thomson and ditlor treasurer and that the first saturday of august be appointed fo the meeting of rpprfrenraives of th lower branch convention at the house of robert walker iu kingston at 2 oclock p m 5tnocolemax iaul peterson sv jacob w mvrrsj davis if aw lev nathan hfcok thursday july 9th 1818 ar- mdv signed m that a committee be appoin ted to draw up an address to sir pere grine miifland according to the reso- j lutions approved of this day and that vi r peterson mr drake mr mar tin mr gourlay and mr coleman ao constitute the above committer carried ran robert hamilton laigneoj condod b j clatlr moved by mr gourlay seconded and carried that the representatives here presmit from the newcastle midlaud and johnstown districts do constitute a committee for the purpose pecifid in a resolution of this day carried viz to chuo a secretary and treasurer fr the lower branch con vention tlso to fix a day for the first meeting of the said branch conven- york july 9th 1818 agreeable to a resolution passed yeeterday for the purpose of chasing a treasurer and secretary for the upper branch convention aid to appoint a time for said convention to meet at ancaster there to regulate the affairs of the following districts viz niagara gore london western and home districts the committee do appoint monday the 20th inst as a proper day to meet at ancaster at newtons inn 10 oclock a m k do nomioate col richard beasely treasurer 1 geo hamilton esq secretary signed r m chisholm j01n clark cyrus sumner calvin martrn clloderlckdkake p erigrme rcfohed thn we do now adjourn untii 9 n clock tomorow unlcfsi the feied committee hall defire meetin fooner d washburn r drake rion such appointments to be re ported tomorrow to this convention aoved and ear ried th same for the upper branch convention moped that this convention to ad journ till eleven oclock tomorrow mornimg t mgiiec n juobfrt hamilton 1vaul peterson wednesday july k ik 8 agreed g signed july 7 i8is wednefday july rth 1818 which day the convention being constituted by richard beafley efq taung the chair the seled commit tee gave in the following report on the to the meeting on the fame fubjed i ork lhurf j 1r18 i he convention i eonstitnted h mr beasely takir the chair the fol- lowillff reoort uno i ulg report was read yoik 9th july 1818 the committee appointed yesterday to draw out an address to his royal highness the prince regent and to his excellency sir peregrine mair- land now submit that the address 1 1 with some alterations which appeared bufiidb fubmitted to their confideistioi j the pamphlet of the niagara dis- mr coleman first reading an addrcfs f trk may do fr th fipsl anj fhe herewith offer n draft of an address to j sir peregrine mitland for consider- 1 moved that should sir maitland not arriv in upper canada during this month of july it shall he in th power f the members of the deputation to forward the address to his royal highness the prince re gent to england thereto be present ed as to them shall seem proper ei ther at the levee or at the public office competent to receive petition to the throne wm mhos coleman thursday july 9th 1818 curried moved that this convention do ad journ till 9 oclock tomorrow morning si a hamilton 1 i cyrus sumner york friday july 10th 1818 mr beasely having taken the chair of the convention of friends to en quiry it was moved that the mi- uutesnf fhf conrention be read by appointment of the chairman c ithos coleman 10th july 1818 the minutes of each days meeting were then read severally and signed by the chairman the committee com po fed of meltrs clark drake hamilton and coleman report that the canfea grated by mr coin lay as laid before the committee arc uch as induce hem to recommend to their b other members that the propofnls of mr gourlay be adopted in presence to thofe of mr wafhburn the materia dirteence being- only that of prcfenttog the petition to the prince i regent through sir perigrine mait- land instead of the prefent houfe of afiou signed thomas coleman paul peterson robert gourlay ialrake v cmartin the draft read this our limits will not admit but it will appear in a few days in a pamphlet now printing at tiie spectator oitiee imovetiat the heads of the ad- dress now read to sir peregrine altembly which would by adontine i aitiaud by the con r en- pa aofwering the statements and arguments of their advtrfpnes u it credible that j fuch a difcuflion mould produce an cr- tomii imp fo powerful rhat of tnoufands cf perfons who have no i uret whatever in the fubject hould lt incapable of judging fairly between mn and man even when upon o ith to give a true vedi6t accordiue to the evidence this a mot extraordinary claceto be brought against the ic- rbit i of one halt rf the province anr ktfote it be admitted a just we may be allow- d to enquire whethc it be ly rrrbarve r ivat the attorney general may be mistaken and may have fo n ed his opinion rather upon the reprefntation of others than upon his own observation the fit ought ccr niy to be afecrtained upon very fufilctent grounds before it is afligned a- a reason for charging the finances of thi- pr vince with the expence of ctfn tyinjj and rrainaining a multitude of vit iits ujon a hufineffl in which the intcrelaoi the province are very little codccrned j mr wamburus meafures caufe much i delay and deviate from thofe principles which we have and do now profefc that of petitioning the prince dired from the iuhjrtft robt hamilton thomas coleman r diake jolin clark signed mt wafhburns and mr gourlay refolutinns being read over the latter were generally approved of but a pi opofal being made that they hould he read a fecond time and palled feveraliy thivcourfe was adopted mr robet kerr voted against all the refohitionr mr wafhburn voted against a i but the 8h the rest of the convention agreed to rhe refolutions mr wafliburn moved that the refolutions drawn up and fubmitted by him be recorded by the fecietary on the journals immediately after thofe adop ted by the maj rityof rhe convention d washburn r seconded by r kerr wrdrefday 8th july 1818 carried signed dr sumner moves that william kerr and george hamilton efquires be admitted to the fitting of this conven tion and have the privilege of exprcflimj lion sen a robert hamilton signed j ci thursday 9th july 8is carried mr washburn protests against the adoption of the address to sir pere grine maitland now read signed dwashburn york 9th july 1818 t protest against the proceedings of this convention rn adopting the heads of an address to sir peregrine mait land just read signed robert j kerr july 9th 1818 moved that mr- beasely mr clark mr geo hamftou mr coleman mr chisholm mr drake and mr won kurr be a permanent commit tee of management a the adjourn ment of this cpwyenffofi and till its next meeting it hat they or any four of them shall hae power to constitute the deputation 69 sir peregrine mait land and that they auo finish the wording and rtilrf petition to the prince regentart sil ptigrine mait land which the chairman mr bease ly shall have plpe to sign for this convention afte its adjournment jroipkkt hamilton signed j yjllake moved that if no advertisement br published or notice given by the brattcji conventions for the meeting of this general convention of friend to enquiry then this convention fdfali not meet ajain here fill the first mon day of february 1819 and which meeting may be delayed one two three or four weeks later should the branch conventions see reasons for the same and by advertisement and writing as before agreed upon notify to all and each of the members any oher y of meeting not beyond the first monday of march 1819 such no- tire being published and written before the first day of january 1819 lv drake signed 1 ch1sholm carried theb 9th july 1 8 1 1 curried moved that mould there be no call of parliament or dfftolntion before the firlt of september nor any hope of the ses- fion commencing before the uiidde of october then it hall be the duty of ranch conventions to have peti- jtiong drawn up and figned all over their refpeive diitris both to the prince kegent and the commons houfe of the mperial parliament to be fent home without delay by a commifiion confiding of two peruana chofen by the upoer and two by the lower branch convention the lecretary o this gene ral convention to accompany and be the fecretary of the commifiion i r drake ned i w chisholm carried moved that the permanent commit tee hall have power to call a general meeting of this convention on adver- tifement and written notice to each number figned by five of the faid committee signer carried drake wm chisholm moved that a duplicate of all com munications whch pafa between the branch conventions be at the fame time fent to the fecrctaiy of tbw convention to kre by hm kade kiwd to the per- manent committee robt gourlay t john clark carried signed v moved that the permanent com mittee hall publifti in the newfpapersor otherwifc the whole or what part of the tranfa6tiori of this convention an other meetings of friends to enquiry n as liall to them feem fit and that an perfon whatever hall have a fight to ob tain extracts from the journals in whole or part on offering a competent rcch ration for trouble to the fecretary q s k- drake 11 p peterson carried motion that th- i iry of the co vention wjke eiq be indemnified for rationary made nfe of and other incidental experv in hi- correlpondcncl and other duties of his ofiice i paul peterson signed carrried 1 mnvedj that mr wm kerr mrr george hamjltpn and mr pie ton ac cept the thanks of thi convention fqt their aflirtance during the fitting john clark thos coleman- cerrfed signed moved that rub n gourlay tfq receive the thanks of this convcnti inn for his cbe and manly condid in prn moting the general welfare of tht province and for hf aflldouy attention at this convention and that they hold themfelves bonfld to fupport the mc j fure9 adopted by the niagara commit tee fubmitted by him to them siened j thos coleman carried john clark moved that opefticity has been pi en to mr robert kerr to hew eaufe for the letter which with bis ficnaturt appeared in the upper canada gsgettti of the 2d ef july and afo in the ni gara spectator of the fame week nflfl big on the character of mr robert gourlay and that he has not bcert ab- trv bring the members forward a fmgu rtalon fumcient to corvince this con vention of the propriety o a prthlic tion fo ftrange and in natural that i letter be written by the chairman to each of the iowufhip reprefentativi reqiiefiing them immediately to t md cfvnfe atrntber petft fo fqiefeit them on all occafion connectted wiih ih bufinefs of thefe meetings and whl m2y appear for them if poffibte at th meeting of the branch convention o i the friends to enquiry at kingltrnnj he firfi saturday of atiiiift next t tne houfe of mr walker inn keeper al 2 oclock p a m ned it k f j i wm chlmi olm c an led moved that the thanks ofthn coni vention be prefented to the chairman for his moil able and afiiduou- attention to the biifinefs of this convention fqrt f robti hamilton signed john clark moved that thi convention do j journ till the firlt monday of february 1 8 19 or till fuch time as may be advrw tifed according to the refolution of this convention signed i colfman carried obt hamilton p correq copy of the minutes of the cot mention signed richard beasely chairman for the kingston gazette observers addre to he inhabitants of upper cuiadd no ii continued i will now proceed to an the last question respecting existing grie- vfnces in a general point of view i hnve nut discovered any and when the tate of this country is compt d with that of any other country in christen dom we have no real cause to com plain since the appparance of mr gour- laya complaints of so many corrupt practices i have made enquiivy res pecting existing grievances and from the information received can wth satisfaction declare no change is made in my opinion ques why then do so many of the people support his plans amis all that has originated in mo mentary impulse and is the effect of a similar cause and if reflection ever touches his mind time wiil dcover to mr gonrlnv his error and t the peo- ple that they hare been deceived