qm l w caa that be awie plau rittn a the plausibility of the renin rk is plain wfipo picture of the whole prorctiiogi is fairly drawn ques display a view thereof an when mr iiirlay iuttotldo- erl hinek to public notice in uppei canada his vpmvs ho doubt h- to an enqoirry into he srnte department in proceeding fi rflvet that empir he met with difficulty which tenniua- ted in refusal that turned lib vluws fym the ohjtvl proposed and he launched out into an iuderorous lah- feg ngaiust the government ques was that a judicious ptoced- ing ans no if was a very imprudent step in nhich was discoverable a refractory disposition and a mode ol retaliation of which an historian should divest himself ques in what does the blame con- t aus in quitting the proposed ob ject to vent his spleen through the public prints and through tliut medij am miking an appeal to the pode qes how would a man posess- jn2 unlilications for the purpose and pursuing a hue of conduct to effect it fare conducted in such a cae atk after repeated attempts find ing it imposible to prevail he would nav given up the point k made proper remarks on the proceedings in his his- ne how can an observing mind capable of reflection justify mr gour- iay in his alluring mode of public ap peal ans it is not possible from a judi cious observation to approve of th bionsnre bur on the contrary to mai k t with pitilul dfsist ques could not mr gourlay have bestowed his labours am ng the public in a more comin ndbie way aus yes had he held out n us th advantage of good public roads and pnitttdly noticed the benefit every laud owner would derive by them or fcay other internal public improve bfcttt ay spiritedly a he has held out his fillse views rif xkiiuir cfiftt inrek the turbulent spirit of oppositiou in parties that is now soprevaleut amnng 5 would not hive found a vent and hi labours w utd have been purely laudable qie is it not necessary to guard ut political rights and keep them fife limn ilhmvatii- ann yes but when w ovttp th threshhnld and pa5 bc ond our hounds we are the innovators ques you do not rrvn admit thai t is not possible to stretch too far in our practice ou tuc rihls of the peo ple ans no irt mr gourlay with all his positive declarations that he fc al ways figbf undertake to penetrate thi- mnnd of great britain from one ex tremity to the other with handbills nd pamphlets containing inflamma tory language and iii which are poin ted out the proceedings and resoln- 0119 of other metins ftttd let him conduct himself in evpry respect as h iocs here and i hesitate not in declv-r- log thathr will find hi nell lodged in a prison before he had passed 5 par- i ishes ques how u it possible that so many people can become infatuated 50 as to fir jr and support such pro- cecdins ans it is the effct of surprise by j which the imaginary idea ofinfatuntifi is formed and our reason deceived but when rellection taks her am ittl the mind the lurking dciudor is re moved que- i recole t that you have re marked to m that viicc the appear- ance of mr gmirlayi complaints you have made enqvny respecting exist ing grievances what i the result of that enquiry aus i inve repeatedly put the fol lowing questions to the old u es and have as repeatedly received the follow ing unequivocal answers q when you arrived in this coun- the united slates did you a ocaue wftwa fewer tdiespijii b fcrirg tiito r ind hotter laws ma to the above questions the a crs oave been invariable to the following the following va rious answers have been given q what then are your motives foi supporting mr gourlay s cause one would reply ile is sent out by th prince regent and thereby seem ed o indicate that he must be favour able out of royal attachment to the king- another would reply we have a right to petition without seem ing to consider whether or not there i is any real cause to enforce the meas- 1 ire another would reply mr gour lay is the man we wanted he will see ns rijjhtcd in every thing another that mr gourlay will obtain land for all those thai subscribe to and sigu his petitions with many more simi lar answers all o which seem lo have been raised in the ground of delusion trv from receive land and all the pmwtv and snppnrt promised by the kiug oi great britain a ys q have your children when of age tcceived land if applied for accord ing to the kings promise a- ye q are you satisfied with what the suns ha tioue for you a iff- q have you heavy taxes to pay f a no- q are you in any way borne down by oppression q do you think your lot is better thuu if you had remained 10 the lui- m state a yes q what are your reoos f rthink- ifm o and misconception no 2 concluded next week for the kingston gazette mr mobs havin a in your aette of the 7h inaiu a continual ion of robert inir- lay sctirrihms and ahosivo letter in which he averts the mo driijj faliehonhs 1 hve tii equi t ou ih1 have the ga6i to inxisri tiotouowing lain a d rnndidlruthb on lii apparently diiioiisevpdithm against whal up calls the enemy which he stiles hia route mil pon i arr a ho inn of johnsiovn af iav that while in theac of watering hlb iiorte at the wrll and before hf could gt the burketout of his hand he wa accosted from huiil hv parson uiilcnowii to him who push ing forward a placard immediatclv struck tlim fnrti h hind several times uou the back with a id atidi itcrem partem i did met thi iid flodrlay at ti well i akd him if his amna gnrlny upon huaosvering in rhe itiirnuiv shewd him one of his infamous oikniir rriiirtl wlenhvr he wa the tuthorofit hivinp replied to this question alo iu the atflrmafive i nvn told him my nans faid that what wai stated in that paper false thai he w a liar and a biack- ivrd and i would treat idiiias mirhanviar- euniv did so bating nearly bad my sat- farur aed uhileio the ac of paruingliim vith the remnant of the rod of correction vhich had hcn broken o piece upon bis vltolj and bakt he seeing a nob rnh in frrwfl the trei cried out mnrdcr upon this oimrlays ag amousi whom 1 toum dl- rovera man vvii4igoe by the uame of indian grant attacked every peryon whom ihe coo- ceivedbad loyalty in heir veiiisj i w a- struck sy iltisahvementioacd nflnftndhii seuvrtd otkarswi when c many wk auaidttng ulc wtotic i ijiomit mvlf fortunate in getting ffff with a scratch upon the aftsc and some oi r gmulays friimd would i b-it-wbehap- v euoih now had fhc got oiv o wt ff lui uth tnhject jo in mcljonti lo wuen in h acfcoi couunaadio the ieace was knoee- t lnvo l rohiltrjs riwi aal voimhu isanltrd m other inhnhiair of lointou ahovename i decline mriiutmu at preeot hi tioni cimlduct will undergo jijieial eiunii- ry after some time had rlaptctt k rourla e nmuf mid uis llaranguo io tte inliahitaiit of pdvardsburg but i feel proud to ay tiia raough tliaylfuglll feel an inciiuainu io le imu spa tnry were tun lojal to lie led a ia from jheir doy in their kin by any t ii rahiicrtcpl idea of reformation tw wa uailj evident from the shout of yon lie y t oti from several qnartvrs when thi- ihm u in pleuitude of hd insoleuc had the an- taeoy io ay in the urtncp of men u tio till i ioglu and conquered in aw sovereigns causp i mai the prince tlcreut never would ai- iiine who hail suffered during e late war aud mat ihereiore ihev 0i2a to la hi- petl- uoii uor i uevii can call it a rvtuion in wblch u gourlay is any a coueenid he oigc of live people a hie foot of ibtf tnrnue 11- ariiifr tins ami mans outer hnunoaliod sjci as i he wvalviiess of tiovernmeui iiediconiem of uioiisauds that radical change which no man of eue 01 ioyal lojcct eau uttttpd and i conceived i a duly die to nn king and toutury tosiop this fellow in his carei i ih i fr nt io one jonn mcixmell esq iioe loyal 0 no mail can doubt at least the iiiipinatiou of an arm in thtservicof hi kiuj audtjonuiry isa tacit ackaowiedgnicut tha lieuoiid rather vi itnesa tb prosperity tlian thi i msry of ins touniry whictl latter would b he iinii aide cooequnte ot this mans sitc- vs and wore iha i uvd thi- fellow wa- u sctluovs ciia upon my oath hi- war- at ha- ivuelanj i conceive he acted pro- iei2 and npou tins seitsame warrant thi- ici 6- gr caiman wapoor fellow was placed eia dinfattr vite in repect o my oblctie i oliisrijins hi a gdtleinaa ikt style viz on i loieunck 1 now ay teal a nviu pecied of r edition instead oi hemp allowed the societj ua constable luacanon tho contrary should fit made to trip it on a ifgftt fantatic toe iia- vng the hangman however pretty close with uis uaoge of office a rope pretty well secured ioulid the fellow ueck ihe two gntlrmen vith wbomfiourlaj to pleasantly pawed ui lime on bib route toward brock vi lie mut have coudrabh eolanjpd his ida on the suhjec of radical chang tuey both uoidor have held nonorahiemluatiotw on ie jtatl f wr wijnn inn keeper ai irescoit taeoiie incaiany of bar kemer ibeorjier a candl- suuiler ad i believe of recent importation from th united state and 1 mui douht wiieher ihe lave bwom atltgittuce to our king bm toats o mumbling block to my friend gourlay tfeil then ue proceedion after paninj iii ilia companion at prcicof and pursues iu- routts when iie bas the sood fortune to mee wiih iwofriend who moved with compassion at hi- chopalien countenance lender their bad i aii ziba m philips aod david d jon rheiatur peraon i knou euhewasmyw oner last war uy cot lariiisordev on s is uieioii of corresponding ond giving injormu io thi however what asad dtsappoiutmenl to rny frieuds i had eiven in bail io john maej doucll i sn for my appearance at ihe next sesioiis there fo stand my trial hut ihe constable i suppose having hfe said o i must for he supposed the justices wife commanded it o and she wished to see ule i vcroum sapitttfa f my sole wish being for the prosperity of oils j province l sincerely hope that the inhabitants i w ill not be so blind to their own interest as to allow thtsgourlas this- outcast from tifeshire to disturb the peace of our hitherto happy country we canf take care that this crea ture with an adders tongue within hh lips doe not sow derations among us and turn father agaioal sm and hon against father lei us recollect the snake in the grttts and lt ever loyal and fritfil subject bruise with his heal the serptots head 1 havenois oub toadd that thoogh the laws ofmy country ran pnoish me for the public chatisement of tlis disturber of our tranquili ty yell reel somwhat justified in my con science frdm fheoehaifity that i could not hae had afijfaenon for the injury offered 10 my country and ntvself by thi fellow in any other way than tlal 1 adopted rd fraser elttordsburek 5th juhu 1818 n b i have raw done with mr oeurlay i shall not think if work my while to answer any more of hi fahe and scurrilous pnhhru tions there isoiiy one way in which 1 11 ake notice of hinnud thenuc may depend up on it tsbsdl bfww shrink r d fraserv jamhtoicn wtrirt li c cdh uy lil8 mr evfrtbs we the undirlnenbe leave torequest von wiil have thfoodness to inert ihefokow- inp orstfieate in your gazette for the iufor- maioa of ihe pnuic we do certify upon honor that we were present on the25oh of tune last at a meeting of the land owfieof fdwardsburgh and saw he whole of ihe roceedtng- of that day ind we do affirm ihai at the commencement and pr r foamnh uiilpriing wr did not ee any person whatever within one rod of kobert gourlay except rirhavd d fvaer equire who asked the add oourlav if a certain paper which he the said riehad d fraser esq lire prodiiced was hu production or nit the aid gourlay havine tnswercd in he affirmative r fraer fqtheo toldhmi that he did not go behind hi back to ay that uhaihe-ta- te in that paper as fale and he the aid r i krnver esq hen told him that he was a liarandaolarkjrinrdaiid would treat him as j kdch andacc4wlngly did so vsigned td he kingsbury caittjatrltt ii gt john fraser lirut kte i m edardshurgklth june ibid kingston tuesuay july 1818 i ackvowudsmrnts 41 oyren uusticus ihecontlnurtfion of the address t the inhabitant of upper canada will appear in our next and perhaps ine other that we have noi mentioned mr gourlays letter will alobe resumed from the niagara sp ctator lordselkirk arrived in town yesterdays in ihe steam boat ironiecac fiom niagara we undesfand the trial between the mud- sons hay and north weu companies i poi puned till october then fo take place at york we understand the limes of holding the court of assizes this year in the districts be- loh york are as follows at kingston au- gusi it rroekviue august zb cornwall sept 8 llamiliou septl land council the three next iaud couneil days will be on wx dnfsdui the d day of f uv l2iii of au gust and 2d of fkptemher can gaz 1 for the klngstos glzettk in a eae uov depending in ihe court oi rtiugs buen4nd tairding for trial at the apptoucuiig a bei wein lloiauo i ber- ihroi plamtjf a0 benjamin whitney jr- tvnduuthf sad whiuiey haa taken the rx- iiaoruiuary siepof publihiii iu the kie- 011 gaetie aiivtuaitesiauuneuiot lueeae of action and h mirodued hi o eilasawi- ne- in hi wviioiuahlt iijipuii u ii mm popiieiv ft ill diiy of neh ail at inpi to prejudice ihe iliuiemind to oin- itiej uyani ihf re by uirevenl an impauial tiil rcu ire no comment tial a euuni i i eorr ct iu i oumlit olf points particularly as t the quail tu of sooe- which 1 contracted o deliver to turn a io tue circumtailccb of ihe stne- whicatte supplied rs rotiir conduct of hie rr- terees ai iu eidenc produced before tlieni i ii on ihe iria several wunses whocc tiane atd tetiwiy c excluded ftoiti his one- ded lareineul proved io the aiaaoion nf it ri leres ila l nad delivered lo him the uamy oi saus it quired h my cou tract i coiupieic the whole it i true i had ocra- on topircttae a small number m themajket or v inch iliad siifhciem lime lie honelt ottered iiip me wln ihenumhcf i want ed for tlistt purpose 1 agieed ii him for hem io e pan for by deducting from tin a- nouiu 1 has to receive the same price for iii i i could purchase them euewbere toe few saves i hus barga ned witn aim for were iken uoun io the place of delivery and there i deliver d the whole wilhin the limited time and ihe market price for the staves ihus sup plied 1m itnn wa credited to mm and a the arbitration was allowed and deducted b the iteferees from tiiesum stipulated in the con- iract and the bnlaiee wa awarded to die having liuoestl fullilled the cuurraci 1 wa not tniuk god in his power as lie asert but wa equitably and legally entitled to my pa which he refused and put me to the necessity ofommeocing an action to obtain my rights liyhi address and hu ample meaiu of paying ctsand dt xpences he has kept div aui ui otyjol due until thi time tne award hvassubiaitted to three intelligent respectable nd imparual referees who attcra full lieu rnik unaaiaiounly made the award of which he compiaini and for which lie abuses both them andhibowo counsel the court however ace pled their award and rendered judgmeu in my famr as 1 cotild not collect it iu the siate of nev york by reason of hi absenct from tha s ate and a both parties have reino ved to tlh- town 1 have been obliged to coun oence aw action hereon that jidgmeut a he last assies he eluded a trial by an afu- lavil fora witness who was alleged fo be ma- rial in cause and waseatlyio be obtain ed at lha time and now he has made a de perateeilrl to anticipate the hearing and induce tfe public and ourjttrors among otb- ralbus0 prejudice the cause on hb owh partial icorrect and illegal testimony the qiiebcc papers mention that j about 3000 emigrants have arrived at that port this feafon 4ft r 4t sr r fy 4p married on sunday afternoon ih ifih int hv thi rev official fuar vlrrohrut atkins to mhra martha puroy h licence here yesterday mnrtiing mr marsh tt surgeon kington o avf etuvsi daughter of mr samuel davidfim surgeon fdinhiiri montreal ftetald julv ii- vied dfe3 in thi town on sunday rnorninr lat widow tavf vontoic ateciinson of the late norton aeed v ears ar her reinice iar kin on on tuesdav the i4th rntont mr hi a if v obruv putfr widow of thoma r ad ful ler f quire laie major in his majestys 41st r ffimrrit r chatarter and conhic roocrliatfd he eieetn of her friepd and a miauc ad h love and a tree ion of her relative hrr patience and re en- brooch jno ex- erci hv he fveouent attacks irodrttbupnvo ffre- of ihefnnl dieteoinfermin d herlif- near therloseof hr ftirupe e etre- sed a lively rontfdenee in that hope whieh faith f n our savinnr and hi proifdvefmpspt fd he ghffcfffftir and the peac nih romnocnk ihaturkd hr lyt moments atfojd eon- olain to heftfflietf i survivors who are ad rjonihed hv lhi feni lo h come prepared and todie ihe death of the chrivtian ctmiitmicaffffl bisf ktct iivistoni t is ordered that from and after tnc full day of auguft next the mid land diilrit be divided into tlic mow ing divifi ns for the holding of dnrta tf rcquefu tlie county of frnnteuac to contain two diviiions the flrll divifiofl to include wolf 11 md the townfttp of putfburgh the to 11 of kjngftcm and th fiifl and fecood onccffioin of the townfliip of kingftonthe fee- nd di- viiioij to include ihe other concefii ns of the townfhi of king ton the town- lb ip of louhbrouh and tht lvftlft fhip of portland the county of aldington to be one diviiion the county of lenox to be one di- vlfion the county of haftings to be one di- vifion the tnwitthjp of arneliafbutgh to be one divifion the towtiftrpof hallowell and so phiifburgh together including the bijj land to hr one divifi n and ihe iownflilp of ajaryfbureh o he one dtvttifari the jufl ccs acti g j within and for each divifi or tfk tia- jor rt ofthvin to a- p i t the pucc of jhoidig the court wubin and fur their divifions ordered by the shohs 16b july allan m clerk of the peace mil duuiu q 3 muilemdx ptoticetfi hereby giv- dhtrtd i in en rhar a court of over end terminer and o icral oaol delivery a lize and ntfii print will le k y 1 r r iuita ai 11 court houfe jo th twn of kn9 ton ou monday the tnfh dny of u gnft ni xt at ten oclock in the f reno in at which time and place all magill rates oronrrs con1vblc nnd all other con- cetned aie dcfirvd to he there prefent and to do and pet form what to their fe- veral office in ht behalf belting john mlean sheriff m d kingston july a 7 i k 1 8 5 a farm foji sale p leasantly fxtuated on ihe fhore of the bay of qiiute and immediately oppofite the upper gap being the eaft half of lot no 18 in the fitrt coneeflxon offtedericklbuih about 40 acres are under improvement well fenced and a new frame houfe with a good celler on theprcmifes the above farm will be fold together vith a pair of itrong work horfcs a waggon and farming utenfihu application lo be made to the prin ter july 27 9 u isk of tiiose who iiave heen ifotfl pre- matured and improperly troubled with thi- tivn to theemtnu and in my opinion he did so 3 re- 1 ur- tie magi 1 rale v ho has o severe to re- tispute 1 that the wffl rune the justice t iptnl dteirdecimon until the cause cjtnbav tair hearing before an impartial court and mry uiin the testimony of disinterested miesse horatio g bertlironfi kingston faty 27 1818 dissolution tiik co partnership heretofore ex- iftino between the fubictibera under the firm of bbnchard and ives i this day difolved they tender their iincere thanks to the public for pad fa vours and would alfo inform that they intend carrying on the hufmefs of butch ering and fcllinp in the kiugllon mar ket by each individually where they reipetlfully folicit a continuance of patt tavotit3 i ephr1im blanghard abner ifesi kingson july 27 1818 9w2 the subfcibers uftctfnmy fri h rm the public that thv havd removed o the stiut lately ccupiec by meiirg johns and firjtle and htyc re ceived or the late jfliporiaffons an of fer for sale a good and well icuded aubrtrocht of dry and fancy g o om adanic tothefeafdn confiding partly of the following articles st black blue grev and brcfvvfi s perfine and fecond clothe white ar4 colotirrd flannels aflbried fingle ad double mimed wooikn kerfeymeit la dtcl pelicce m of different coou velvets cofdvroy corded keifcy meres and princes cord ctto ktf feymere fuftiarra janes meitcil ui- mimities and nankeens rufita deck brown holland imi ion sheet ugl and coarfe canvafs plain and rgtuej bomhaxrtli n w coloured cambricks piain a d fijured jackonctf and book miiflms fureu fi priori and comnon calicoesi t ot to 1 shirting steem loom wfoinht otons gurragh aid lon ot- ginghams fttitedcott u nrk- y ftrtpf and ajion checks 1 ifli lfneiu inca and cotton hedrick irniimc 3 i coc linen cdmbtitksj lfnen and cut- ton diaper table loth mci nctta 2nd scockinett drawer siik iqilneu metfcis swansdowd and palvnt ord veiling silk and otton lno and mul mul 446 47 4 miaw 3 a few piece plain and coloured lutefl insplj ladie coloured ilk jove- lftdtco 3nd gentlemen wcolkn cotton and woif- tcd hoe silk handkf pocket cotton laces cotton fringes kib ui5 hread tape dewing fiik pins oilb- twill and braces c c likewifea quantity of well flavoured trong jamaica spiifts warranted good reiall proof i jquor at 1 to 2 cojjniac brandy holland gin port and tenei rtlfc wines lyme juice peppermint itwankcy hyfon arid hyfnn skin teas loaf and mufcovado stiear cofiei aufpice pepper indigo starch soap fiff blue tobacco and snuff waltfji mcukotefcc kingston july 27 1 8 8- q thf fnhferiber having ben abpoite ted agtnt for the bank of mon- tual any fum reuied can be obrairied at hi office for good bills on montreal or quebec or for spe ie thomas maryland ages 9 kingston 17th july 18 t s quire live nuudred pounds security r 1 u detaiand one richard amoldand a- 1 itno ue fond of a joke i will relate an anecd forliis ainumem a certain farnilj akug neural morning rptreshnuit ut ilr uku- uneoftbe children cried out maiuny ma ttfy are we all magivra e e rt rhildaidinemanuovonly oatlv and t well then to pmrrd anntfay ih i itadconmiled ailianl yai j ute lotted ust anio 0 uie before hiltu the two baulroud oi me 11 to let t hat pzn of a dwelling houfe with garden and stable in this town iar the public school houfe n vvocopitd by the fubfcriur for trther particulars apply to mr kobert kichatdfonor to the fubferiber on the uremiies ja richardson itm july 27 i8t sf lost a few nights fince in the llreet fronting the gov houfe a laie wig with the owners name worked with filk ontheinfide whoever will be good enough to return it hall receive the hearty thanks of the owner to whom it is of confidcrableufe july 27 f strayed rom the ftnbfciiber on the 20th july a pale lied cow with long ilraight horns has no other paticuw mark a liberal reward will be given to the perfoo who will briqg her back a manuel kingston 27a jufr 1 3 1 8 jwr lost abbut the 17th hft a iar sow with only one eye she has now pjobrfbly a liitcr of pigs wih whoever wijl return faid sow to her the fubferiber or give- infoimation where ihe can be had ftiali be well rewarded for their trouble michael king baker kingston july 27 9wt0 a ll pe hereby cautioned ljl agftiou pvhafig a tertaia piece omdnd bong put of lot nu 16 in the d loiicvipon 01 the towtllojj of lcingltori adve tiled by the she iff ot th midland drttiict and thrcebj avifid b ing couccrucd in au u j 11 ptocccdlutf henry h auilcv j