tuesday avqubvii isis kingston volume viil jo 10 te kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postaob rt kxr agent for the kingston gazette ernom towujamfs rankin fsq york vvi 111 am am an fsq brockulk a shfrwooieq bhiville s mnni esq montr al mower printer sopiaurffh mr ramtjpji ouwes ty be sold by appraisement rililk household ftffix-i- m turk ts bulonginjz to major gtirrnl tixling widdrington con- ssins ef an imperial patent dining tkbie two chaise loune mahoga ny sofa ivmbroke and card tablr carpets and window curtains of rwl mnrousid hoard chairs bedhead- m ith moreen curtains c a ine piano foitn with additional keys by clo- mtnt a fhgaut harp by dodd district division rjs ordered that from am after the firft day of ugrtift next the mid- land dlftrid be divided into the follow- lsr a charing built by hall jon n divig ws for rhe hddin of court acre sleihr 8tc ofrquefts the county of lyontenac toj plate contain two divifions the firft divifion toicude wlf lfl the tiwrfli of pittfbugh he town of kifton dticks ffot ftpton forfes ac and the fir ft and fecond concetti of wi thetownfhinof kin foe si h- cfclf 0 madeira port claret rifion to include the other conctfli r- tf old hock tent alba flora c the townihip of kington the tuwnj horses flip of loughborough a id the iwn- j wra fine charts which draw fhio of portland 12 tronir plated oblong dlfthefi wit l r l i ww coolers can- i in m t ewand a well trained and the county of cmington to be one comph lnd horse two very cm divilion the county of lenox to be one di- 1 vifion i the county of halting to be one di- j vifion the t nvnfhip of amellafburgh to be flf- divifion j the townhip of hallwetl 9td r- pjuaflmrgh together including the hi j lc thank to hi friends and th- ifland to be radttfifim public in general for the very liberal and th townfhip of vlarvnrgti tojjippfti be baa received fince his com be one divifion the juflices ading and bea leve t inform vviihin a d for each divifion or the ma- them that he has now arrived and ooen jv part of them to kijwff rhe plaiw of f fat a very extenfive and well felec holding the court within and for their ted affbrtfficfll of cow in ml milk kingston j uy 20 18 ip new ironmongery s t o r e iro t w tkins returns hi in i divffjons ordered by the scfliuns 16th july i at lan mcfeam clerk of the peace mid dhulq 9 3 hardware cut lery sec which be will difpofe of unufoally lot boot toe and leather ciif i fi imfmm famongft which are ievea ton of well aftod wed and eoelifli if n round land tquae rod iron crawley i mill ter sce ivriu h nails from 4 to cd cut shinglt arid lapboarduir di spu t fiz- horie slkead niis o jl vjji1ilji the vsubfcnberi refprfidly in form the public that they have removed f the 8tre latelv occuoied hv meftr johns and finkle and have re ceived or the late importation and of fer for sale a good and well feleed affortment of dry and fancy g o oids idanted to the feafon confiding partly a rhe following articles viz black blue gev and brown su perfine and fecond clothfl white and coloured flannels altorted fingle atd double milled woollen kerfeyuiee la- dfeq pehece cloths of different colour velvets corduroys corded kerfey- rxier4vand princes cord coito ker- fryrere fuftians janes meifeilh di nmmicies and nankeens rufia duck brown hoi and imitation sbceuug and coatfe canvafe plain and figured bombazetts aflorted colour white and coloured cambrtcks plain ad figured jackoneu and book mnflins fuper- fine printr and common calicoe v ot- toa shirring steem loom wrought ottons gumgh and lone cotws ginghams ftrlped cotton 1 urky it ripe 3nd apron checks 1 ifh i incn linen and cotton bedtick furniture vali- coes i men ambruks linen and cot- inn dia er talie lothu st ckinrtti and stotlcinett drawers silk joilnett vte-feill- swanvlown ad patent t ord vetting ik and ottofl lean and mul mul 4 4 g 7 shawu a few oiece plafii and 1 nnred lutelbine ladies coloured fiik ooc ladirandj qentlcncn wcollen cotton and worf r dhoei silk handkf pocket do i vtton i cen cottin fringe kibhons irrad iaoe sewing filfc pina siik- twilt nn i brace kc 3c vu 1 rrriai from laguira phdadclphia papers con tain a tranflatidn from chc daraccas gszctfe extraordinary rf zcjih april of a dc ptch from the loyalilt general pa detailing the particulars of an act on with the patriot army under bolivnr on th mhbnndk vtoticeu hereby jjff- dstria 1 ni en that a court of oyer nd terminer and general gaol delivery aflizeand niai priua will be j held in and for the laid dillria at the court houfe in rhe tiwn of kiagfi ron on monday the tenth day of au- ffuft ntxtattenovwkinthefotenonn the 1 7th of 1 hat month it appear- by jt which time and place all magittrartea this that alter a forced march pa oronersconllables iind all others con- early that moimn reahh cerned are dffircd to be there prefent and to do and perform what to their te- veral officer in that behalf belong john mlfan sheriff m d kingston july 27 ltfi8 9 a farm for sale place where bolivar was rationed witli 14 more than 700 avalry infantry and made prifoner of a fervant who i formed where htfl mafter waj deeping and a ftnall party wan des- patched to fecure hirn bolivar nar rowly cfcaped rifng at the moment hey wfre about 10 for prize him he fled to the mountains p three compaiina among whom was his prieit friar piado were killed at day light however tveasantly fituared on the bovar prefented himlelf at the head of i oiore of the bay of oninte and lus f and te tw0 wwtt re immediately oppofite the upper gap 1 ff of each other a brinn the eafl half of lot no 18 in adiou enfoed bolivar cave war the firft conceffinn of fiedericklbuigu la wa in every jicftion wi h about 4 are under improvement j g ofs pla com of the hh- wll fenced and a new fnme houfe j wj had he poftcfled i 200 ufeful h rfes that d iy w ud have i ended rhe cireer of bolvr ai h f with a pood celhr on thepremifes the above farm will be fdd together with pair of rtrnng work hjrfcs a wajxon na far inff utenfilft application to be made to the prin ter july 2 7 9- a new ijne of a g e u 1 it ill commence running on 6th 7 j m 1 y 3nd leave the carrying place monday and thurfjav 2 oclock i the fare for yok a dillance of ros f mie will be p 2 o 8 and paid as follows from carrying place to blan chard- 18 mivs at 4i 6 fom blan- chaid to hamilton villaae 16 miles at likeuiiea quantity of well flavoured strang jamaica spmti warranted pood ij4 from hamilton village to hart r- ai pro o 1 11 to 2 oeniael welk 14 iv- at 4 u 4h 5 f hart- boot and shoe arth 2nd l c chains shee lion and oouble sheet in bundle hai and htt c- ppr anvtla view smltbnanj inanulactory where they keeu condantlv 1 r nm 11 u u r t 1 rvtehen tsehow itrorit honk and on i3iid a large aitortmentot law s u nfr wl a r f f mr ail or ted i17es ok oei rrioton 100 fetts cart 8oxi x2 i5 43 4x3 4u7 too and gentlemens boots and shoe of every dclcription likewife a fupplv of good sole and i tj5 ti i k c m ltt wsggohi upper ieather or al k iheir pre more complete bat 0 0 e ktnlesmn crftnt pit hand and kwgftom june 238 8 4 j f omr atkt nf saw8 guns dcicnptioua r mt4 wi-cepn- 32 3 x 4x3 erofau k- 1 j 6x4 dxaicnndft vne pa rent affvrmvnt w p ho j o j3r9 w j cthan they hive hifhetto clk 3 ncv b brandy ljolvd oin i port and tener- j riffe wines lyre j ie peopermint twankey hy ti an 1 vfoti skin ten lo f and vi- di siiari crffec ofrivr peop- t v srarch soap fi blue tbaefo id s riftft wa1 te mvu ifl co king ion july 27 imi8- 9 pro po s txjls r mfos l4 author and publifher ofl the ate maps of the norliern part off thr state of well to diwilhgas 25 ipies at d cf from dwilirs to gallaway 20 miles at cd 34 fr m gallaweys to york 1 c milei at 6 frfo 2 o 1 s proprietors ben young arch blnvhard elijah buck tho hartwell nath dewllilgmt jacob g llaway hamilton july xois 6 lowers tme lefult of this 2y a tion i that ihe enemy have uft n he field of battle mre than 400 kided and 150 prifoners among the former are laid to be gn tomes cols man nigue galrodo pinango and falacioi and naj para among the prifoncs lt col beefolari maj franclfco aij morales capt tobar hokvatg aid and furgeon olivucs befidea thefe ie wonen have falkr into or hand vx have alfo raken jjo knufltces jofoo carte idgea 400 lancet 2 land 01 color 3 ammuoirion cheit 3 drums a id ttie oieers bajrgageincludinbolvari on our fide there wsn no morr ols ttma col lopes and 7 tldiers kiled aod officers and zi piivjtes wounded moofe frvlcrikand dndly iflm in the bay f paffatnadund dyj have beo fuimally delivered up to tbc united states by the uiitlh government several thoufand scotch hiader have formed an aflocidtion for ihe pue- pole of emigrating to canada notice vtarthereasbv chem vt a v v teftamcni of rlw r1 teftamcm of the at- riph j uccafai in his ifeumeof sil- my of hnftinx tirttet of f eryt jirertes t i dg nf al 1 pbne- chifels and gouges hirnmer j lc- 5c c ftampt and caft braft ab- ti et ware saddle trees webbing mew york n and lower canada buckles and all kind and iron teakettles olrrom d ney county a tt r 1 pr ml n a saucipanr lea boiler holow ware upper canada elizabeth osirom wj fh boiiers bake portable writing irted from no- 9 to zt braft dn affortcd a few excel- lent silvr watches hambro and cod lines shop twine c steelyards and various other articles too numerous itoinfert n b r barrels flour for fale as above 8 executors gubert and lb leaven are jnintv figar kettles pua and feverally apooi red fxmtm ani gf iv v u- 1 a vtru a t n- i lv is lion woe all xecuters to his lalt wu and i clta tj u r j rr irent we do hereby reqtul ill per j fons who are indebicd to laid fllate to call immediately on he fuhferibing ex eeutors and nke immediate payment and all thofc who have any demands a- ainl faid ellate are requefted to produce them dulv attefted in order that a fet- tlemfnt of the ertite may be effcdled as fpcedily as poflible after the firft day of september next abel gilbert a r leavens j bellville 2id june 1818 5 to let and podeffion tiven immediately the lower part of the large sled store with a wharf lately occupied as fuch by mr w imitchell and bfuatc rn front of mtfc cartwrights dwelling houfe for particulars apply r i allen maclean ringdon june 29 1818 notice all perfons having any claims on the fftateof the late mw ful- lr them known fo mrs shaw without delay kingston julj 18 lli 8 for revuing correcting and publifhing by subfcriotion a full and correct m a p state orvar- rors on a scale 0 7 miles to an inch the fize of this map its four feet four i inches fquaie comprifinji i large p of peimfytvania and newjcrfey with a part of t onneiicuti maffiacbufetts ver- mont and lpoer canadia this ap extend from the canada 1 ine or 45th degree of north laiirudie fouth to the city of philadelphia aind from pitts borgh iti pnnfylvania oin the welt to newhavm in conneatqjut on the eaft this extent of coin fry its nearly all in- a few leave of rid r tree flrewed or vha the floor of a ro m will extitpate to let r one or two years an 1 poftflio jt given immediately the dwelling houfe belonging t mr finkle late vfoors offer houfe for terms ap- pv t 1 johns i fickle kingston 14a july 118 7 boards sf plank h ree quarter and t inch boards 1 and owe and a half and two inch plank foi lal bv the fubcriber wm sfouohton kingfton july 13 1818 7 1 io be sold a schooner of 18 tons burthen in good enndi- tion with sails and kigging complete ftic term of payment made eaty en- quire of the printer 9 joseph scott ftm rgeqn rs received the fallowing articles by lalv arrival viz t aromatic vinegar eftcuce buranott kofc spirits lavender pink sau cp and carmine generally uled as rouge soda powders late from london j and a general ifloriment of medicine kingston july 2jl 1818 8 dissolution thf o partntrfliip heretofore ex iftintr between tie fuhferibers under the firm of lilanchard and ives i this day ciffolved they tender their iincerechanks to the public for pa ft fa vours and would atfo inform that they intend carrying on the bufinefs of butch ering and fellinjr in the kiugfton mar ket by each individually where they refpecltfully folicil a continuance of pail favours kphraim blanchard abner 1fes klngson july 27 1818 w2 any perfon defircrus to clear from five to fifty acaes of land fmiate on the bay fide ninemiles from kings ton adjoining col johnfons may have the timber upon the lame it bein very convenient for rrfting to town 01 for the this map will he printed on fine wove j purpofe of fnpplying the steam boats clivered iforfuither particulars enquire of the i called the kitchen roach or cochnach worcester spy eluded within the li cs oif latitude and lonitidc i hat deliie the exterior limit of the state of me york the publifhei having been employed for upward- of twenty fui years in ex ploring and furveyinp various darts of the united stales and uippcr and low er canada and alfo in compiling and publilhiug maps which met with very liberal patronage a encourage- roeutfi fitteicd in the belief that his prefent undertaking tvril e equally well received by the public and infnre him a liberal remuneration forjh his exertions and endeavura to promote an extend the general improvement and knowledge of hi crwu country and the adjoining pro vinccs io 8 paper handfomcly coloie audd to snbferibcrs in the sheet ft 7 dls made portable in a bo 10 mounted on rollers anuj 1 varnimed f subfcriptions will be rec at this office attornies bhu bills oi cost for alc at ub qllicc proprietor on the premifes jcwilson july 6 1818 the fubferibers offer for talc four hundred bulhelaof the fubfcrhvr having been appoin ted agent for the bank of won- i teal any fum required can be obtained at hih office for good bills on montreal or quebec or fox specie thomas ma rkland agent kingston tjth july 1818 g strayed iromthe fiibfcriber on the toth july a pale kcd cow with long lltaight hotns has no other particular mark a liberal reward will he ftiven ta the perfon who will bring her back a mnuel kingston ijth july i 8 1 8 9w2 thli ftbfcriber begs leave to inform hisfrienda and the public that he has commenced the aucl 10 v b ussy ess in the market place oppoiite to vir danfel biowns where every attention will be paid to thofe who may favour him with their commands m1chakl moram auctjonc every day at eleven oclock j 4 jv o tice as the subfcribrr i about to clofe his buiincd here he rtquefta li ihiftt aw indebted by note 01 othcrwile to call and dilcharge the fame with nit delay s hawley kingfton june t yth 1818 oats peafe and flour for ve by s hawley 3 30 r fale at this ofnt mutjj rules for the game of whist by bob ohoit 46 lb barley j as rankenco frrtit town zytb fiiae li b 9i u w riling sf tvrap- ping pa per 1 fu ulc ai ibis odice