supplement to the kings ion gazette tufsi ay august 4 article of association of the bankofuipek canada to all to whom these pre- sects shall come j f it known and m tide manifest that e the subscribers have for vied an assudalon or untiled co-part- mrship and l hereby agree zcifh each other to conduct banking business in he manner hereinafter specified and described by and under the name or gtyte of the hank of upper canada and we do hereby mutually covenant decare and agree ihat the folloicing are and shall be the fundamental ar ticles of this our association and u- grcement zath each other by ichich zee and all persons zzho at any time here- ajter may transact business tiith the said company shall be bound and eg- illatcd first the capital stock of the snid company shall not exceed one hundred and twenty five thousand pounds current money of thisproviuce divided into five thousand shares of twenty live founds each and for the purpose of raising the said capital stck a book of subscription shall be opened in this town on thursday the liith instant at moorc c 11 from the hours of ten to two oclock under the superintondancoof john dimming benjamin whitney john m balfour john ferguson robert kichardson james nickalls and snmm i shaw or any two of them and to continue open under their superinteudance until there shall have been an election ot direc tors as hereinafter provided wide bok shall be headed with the present articles of copartnership or agree ment and shall continue open until the whole of the said capital stock shall have been subscribed every person or persons copartnership body poli tic or corporate who may or shall he- come members of this association may subscribe for such and so many shares as he she or they shall think it not however exceeding in the first instance two hundred shares and it is hereby agreed that the shares respectively sub scribed hall be payable in gold or silver col or montreal bank bills current in tins province in the man ner following that is to say two ner centum when the whole of the stock has been taken and ten days previous notice having been given in the kings ton gazette six per centum to the directors within ten days after they shall have been chosen in manner here- inafttr provided another payment not exceeding ten per centum- whenever they shall reciuire it at such time and place as they shall appoint lor that purpose giving thirty days previous notice as aforesaid and the remain der shall be payable in such instalments a a majority of the directors snail auree upn but uo after instalment shali exceed ten per centum upon the oa pita stock for tbe payment ofwbica thirty days noriccshall always be given second it is further mutually agreed upon that whenever the sum of two thousand pounds shall have been tc- tually deposited or paid in on account of the subscriptions to the said stock notice thereof shall be given by the persons under whose supt rintendance the same shall have been received in the kingston gazette and the said persons shall at the same time in like manner notify the time and place of holding a meeting of the subscribers which shall be at the distance of not less than ten days from the time of such notification for proceeding to the elec tion of the number of directors herein after mentioned and such election shall then and there be made by a ma jority of share voted for in manner hereinafter prescribed in respect to the annual elections of directors and the persous who shall then and there be chosen shall be the first directors and shall be capable of serving until the expiration of the day lixed for making the annual election and the directors so chosen shall as soon thereafter as circumstances can conveniently allow of commence the business and opera tions of the said bank but no bank bills or batik notes hall be issued or put in circulation nor any bill or note be discounted at the bank until ten thousand pounds in gold or silver or montreal bank notes shall be actually paid in and received on account of the supscriptions to the said capital stock third for the good management of the affairs of the said association or company there shall be thirteen di rectors who shall be annually elected by the proprietors or holders of the said capital stock at a general meeting thereof to be annually holdeu at which annual meeting tile said proprietors and stockholders shall vote according to the rule hereinafter established in respect to voting at general meetings and the directors so chosen by a ma jority in conformity to such rule shall be capable of serving as directors for twelve months unless an ol thorn shall be removed lor nialadministration be fore the expiration of that period by a general meeting of stockholders or unless suspeuded as hereinafter provi ded ad at their first meeting alter such election shall choose out of their number a president and vicepresi dent and their places respectively from time to time mil up when vacant by death resignation absence from the province or removal asaboesaid in caseof death residuaion abence from the province for three months at a time or the removal of a director by the stockholders his place in caseof such removal shall be idled up by the said stockholders and in the other ca- ses by the remaining directors or a majority ol them toserve however on ly until the succeeding general meeting as abovesaii fourth the director for the time being hall rjve power to appoint such officers clerk- and servants und i them as shall be necessary for executing the business ol the said company and to allow them such compensation for their services respectively as shall be roa son- able and proper ail which together with the expenses of building house- rent and all other contingencies shull no further and the company shall be defrayed out of the funds of the immediately pay the amount of sirch re- id company the said directors cove ry out of their joint stock but not all likewise be capable of exercising otherwise and in caseof any suit at sa shall likewise de caj such other powers and authorities for the well regulatiugand ordering of the law the president for the time being shall have full power iu his own name affairs of the said company as shall be and on behalf of the company to pro- prescribed by the byelaws and reg- secute to judgment and execution in ulations thereof the manner and form as by the laws ol fflh it is further covenanted and this province it is provided it being m a 1 i ll i i fc 4 1 1 f agreed upon by and between the par- expressly understood and declared that ties to this agreement that if the said all persons dealing with the said com- capital stock of one hundred and pany agree to these terms and are to r- i s iventy five thousand pounds is not be bound thereby ubscribed in one month after the said seventh these article m s of agreement book of subscription shall have been shall be published in the kingston opened then and iu stich case it may gazette for three months and for the be competent for any former subscri- information of all persous who may ber or subscribers to increase his her transact business with or in any man or their subscriptions to two hundred ner give credit to this company every and fifty shares and if the aforesaid bond bill note or other iintrumett of d capital stock is not subscribed within or contract by the effect or terms two months after the said book of sub- which the con pany may be charge scription shall have been opened then or held liable for the payment of mo- and iu such cae the deficiency may be ncy shall specially declare in such subscribed for by any person or per- form as the board of directors shall sons body politic or corporate prescribe that payment shall be made sixth it is hereb expressly and ex- out of the joint funds oj this company plicitly dechred to be the object and according to the present articles of as- intention of the persous who associate satiation and not otherwise and a mentioned shall alone be responsible py shall be delivered to every for the debts and engagements of the person before any such deposit shall he said company and that no person received from him and it is hvtvhy who shall or may deal with this com- expressly declared that no engagement pany or to whom tiiey shall or may can be legally made ia the name of the become in any wise indebted 4alj on said cormpauy unless it ontavo ajjaji- any pretence whatever have recourse lation or restriction to the elh ct above against the separate property of a recited and the company hereby present or future member of this com- expressly diyvow all responsibility pany or against tleir persons farther for any debtors engagement which than may be necessary to secure the may be made iu their name not con- faithful application of the funds there- taining a limitation or restriction to the of to the purposes to which by these effect aforesaid presents they are liable but all per- eighth the number of vote to sons accepting any bond bill note or which each stockholder or stock- other contract of this company signed holders co- partnei hip body politic nr b the president or v icepresident corporate holding llock in the faid and countersigned or attested by the company hall be entitled on evciy cashier of the company for the time occafioumwhcn iu conformity to the being or dealing with it in any other provisions and requirements of tliclc manner whatsoever thereby respec- articles the votes thereof are to be tively give credit to the said joint given hall be in the proportion follow sto k or property of the said company ing thac ia to fay for one hare and not and thereby respectively disavow ha- more than two one vote for every two ving recourse on any pretence what- hare above two and not exceedm ten ever to the person or separate proper- one vote making hve votes for ten ty of any present or future member of mares for every four fhares above tn this company except as abovemeu- and not exceedingthirty one vote tinned and all suits to be brought making ten votes for thirty hares or against this company if any shall be every fix hares above thirty and not shall be brought against the president exceeding fixty one vote making foi the time being and in case of his fifteen votes for fixty hares and for death or removal from office pending every eight hares above ixty and not any suit against him measures shall be exceeding one hundred one vote taken at the expence of the company making twenty votes for one hundred for substituting his successor in office but no perfon or ptrlons co-partntr- as a defendant so that persons having hip body politico corpoiate hall be demands upon the company may not entitled to a greater number than be prejudiced or delayed by that event twenty votes and all lock holder or if the person suing shall iro on ag- refident within this province or elfej ainst the person first named as defen- where may vote by proxy if he he dant notwithstanding his death or re- or they hall fee fit provided that inch oval from office this company shall proxy be a ftock holder and do produce take no advantage of such proceeding on that account and all recoveries had in manner aforesaid shall be cou- an voting for him her or them pro elusive upn the company o far as tided alfoj that after the firft ehaim of to render the compaws said joint direors no fhareor ftwn of theeapi- stock or property liable thereby and tal lock of the company mail confei a a fufhcient authority from hi tonllitu- tnt 01 conllitucitsj tor io representing