Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 4, 1818, p. 5

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temtfrnm u prfflteaiptrhlc tether with their foul and unfounded iusitiua- tions ajnrit his character his name i am proud to say is vvjihh iru- for your satisfaction it may lint he unnecessary to say the farce commenc ed by mr oourlays dimuandin trom ine iu a most peremptory martyr my reasons for having chanucd my seuti- mem and having impeached his cha- itvf in a utt t recently addressed ky me to you winch demand wa- tecondrl by tin majority and with the gratct aminnce whilst i was slat ing my reasons they interrupted ma in the midt sayiu tsn t i was insult ing mr jouilay and he convention taking up too much of their time and it wa tcved bv mr ionrlay and sendcd by mr ivbrt hamilton trmft uouid he expuued froin the mtitt as i could no longer be con aidered a member after having changed my sentiments this motion however at not meet with success 1 herewith transmit the whole as res pect- myself- hat you may the better judge the conduct of your friend to john newcastle v s my protest agrrmst the pro- ccrditiiof the conveutiori a uot admitted upon the journals r j k for tiif kingston g zvttt for lie kington gaicffe to the suiruhjrtklts op thk iitfksito lxgctfty i timeiitubie aib circumstance k it is bo is trw iiit a viri afgeneioify is wattling in carry into effect those measure ot mrgour- lay hive beeiisounauimowii approved b the piuviilcr tiir great txtrninu which iiabeen made liyycmr representatives bi tli late general cmiwitiflii held at korfc 6in tulytmght have amused yifti o put ii into heir power tri have ervtd yu effectually by h ieia1i coming forward sriih your dollar i criiitieoiuiileratifmi hdtttrm ihe caufcf ina t annate which cannot be otherwise than le- iwicial to the cttuotry to have mipportffl s- great and glortausa struggle wliai a falling oil i- he it yon will in en with credulity t lie faleofauairdity andsnavr yourselves to he impoii ripoplfy arch designing mer you ie imttorihy of those greal blessings which kverewaitiog to crown your hlbris where von i uiafiiatiimiy ttcil you aiv sinking ith in ebb ode never 10 rie again do not ex- pret everv day 10 find uuottier guar i ay u iiuvr iharlv exhausted hfeeodeavors in i- inbed rihiemmi he will ecj0ver ytfur aiia- ih vvhjckhaa blaied die hue prospects of a rich harvest u will infinnei boo wten iie t r is no longer to of found aino gl you thetru aute of awarm iffb may escape your bosoms ftir tftc low lf a generous snaner who ia- been ioauliedaud piiwoupd for your takes what have voaseeii la thf conduct of wit uepresemaiivrsto cbecc that ardour wiwch von hrt came boldly forward with hey or io rater parraf nen iatgeieou l gien hrirtfmc and money o con mce yon how sin- ere liicv are 10 onrrs voilf own procoediiiga moexecuiion s and none bn bne svbbenek ceitico coouel ibciiibaveveii solicited to be c- i fir cn la i n persons sent out by the british nmett and soldier at han rl 0b8brver no z concluded i have questioned settt rs sent out ty the british government and dfe- charied soldi r respecting their grant- and have with very fv execp- tieu- received answers that they are iatisfierj ththy is seemino distinction in the made of grintuuv lad- and the term ou which settlers receive them 5 but im rrot sufficienfly ncoanitcd with teit distinction becatvm my infoitna- ttnn doeft wot rone from an authentic iiice the disttnetioti i- as fellows that govern hi this country receive hiv dd- clearnf cor bet persons that ap ply for laed at the provincial bind of- ce irhcther british hotu nhjectk or ilieas are charged with a t iiltng sum of money on roteniu to i o tav 1bu is a point of eomplniut on whi i mr goiray and his party frfn to lnv much stress bu they are so nefair a- not to mark out the distinction reflection when a man is actuau ru by motives that are uncongenial t the pure interests o the people ft ml to gratify his thirst fot ambitious pop ularity sets no bounds to his proceed ings but by critiy allure nent draw- them iit to his support he cantiotbt t good memlier of the community when rt rnai 1 ides about from place to paccstinlug the people up totrifo he cannot be a good member of com munity whenn man by such pfoceedtrtfl hns drawu a arseloly of the people jrtto his measures he becomes a dan- ricrius member of the community the extent of an vftsct is in pro portion to the cause that produced it an effc often produces a new cause of greater maiiitide thus linked and ilded they beome bulky or extensive so it is with mr gourlnyn enun which oniuatd in a diincnlty at ihe seat of government but now calls it the reat cause the lt effect 5s very commonly tiever produced but leaves its caue in j the lurch and at once destroys that hopeful expectation which succeedins causes v- raided by producing suc ceeding effects if we measure mr gourlays cause uvlemnitfrd fiji wtat has actually been paid wit of heir poiket such vvoiid be otti an iju tee in ivi amities to give their time atd nioney when tliir ci rrnninrcs foi id it t lei me mtrejii ou loflj with alaeriiy liie bit branch coavevtlona have afforded yon op- rliinir to renew onr exertions those invvnhiis who have oot beld meettoarfl a- aii invite o meei together let eer man uwcnbe what bis civeumtaocev sitl almiij of ans e ihat the moo y i without low of liie jilarpd by your tl rk in your loinci treasure bauds ajid remitted by them to toe tea cief of toe branch couveattoiis ae- eoi ding 10 die district ib rep eeut i am a member of one of those convention- and in v lime money and ei viev wbtcb have been sitityon are nelcometo i v 1 1 ioi alejn chilli r from hefuno ror them or foi oo n u- ei aire i uoilertare for om tbouatvds uiciv are w bn would readilv join ii tejrveai paimtfdid hoi iheir uaitoiiaood a oiiumeiiu roihid iiin making tbejrseoti- mri lnun tboja si seoerou sacrijiee won- he more wortbj their caaraeeraion for my oh it part rather tlian i woidd sarritice ote mncle eoliineui which an caor tie jjood of my country would loe my us and for tuity thcub t am lint for admnitendg a me- lieine whose eftc are worse than teiieae toe boands of moderation should be obrv d an eaand ten le correctaove will resiort us r unci itappines member tl the friends of enquiry u b c gazetfe fhirrl column ten tinp ftotn top instead of reading btrlmm sapiential read verbum blt the tphigenia was tele graphed on saturday evening on tnulay the steamboat malsham thevi loaded for montreal after discharging a grcai part of hr cargo lok hr departure for the iphigenia onboard of which she fouud our noble ne governor heneral his grace t divke of rtthmoni together ih sir ptiie- cuine maitlano their respective suites and some b his graces fanvy the duke declined embarking in toe steamboat which after ailing round the frigate returned yeterday with major hilher of sir peregrines suito we learn that the imprial farlia- rifent was prorogued on ttie 6th june arid dissolved on the 9th we expect to hear of some warm conflicts at the general election the ministry will inve to exert all their inlluei ce to secure a decided majority though theterj prosprous state of the coun try at the latest date may consider ably help to draw or at least to blunt the talons of opposition the lmieuia was at anchor 30 miles bulovcarly this morning mtllliled on sandfly the 2d lnstrtnt bv the kev oiucial stuart mr richard mskiti to miss surah i feller by licence drowkeu on stindxy eveuimj lat about 11 oclock wiile attempting to go on bard a schooner lay at mr thomsons wharf mr philip pember youngest son of midow lartha pern- her of this town aed 11 years t t to halfpay btocers f ftlhe undcrfigned agent jfor half j- pay begs leave to inform rei conftitueut8 in the two provinces tht by a late regulation of the right hon orable the payniallcr general all affida vits of halfpay arc required to be fur- nifhed in future of the following tenor in triplicate duly executed in the nfual form of which all concerned will pleafeto take notice accordingly john mun agm for halpay quebec zotb jfyril 1818 form of tin- arrmwft appeared perfonal ly before me and made oath that he had not during any part of the period from the 25th of 18 to the 2fth of 18 both days incuifive any other place or employ ment of profit civil or military llfidtl his biitannic majtfty or fn the service of any other government bebdes the ul- lowai ce granted to him by lis bntatl nic mijclty as a reduced of the sworn before rnel at tcw6 this day of j do ait it and declare that i ver ily believe the above affidavit to be genuine and authentic ijors kingston tuesdjl augusta 1818 fok the kinuston gazette mr mile si u observed in your lat gazette a c nituiucftton from 11 g u rrbrrtnjj stati i to tne pubic that m ootmno- uication in your gaette of the 2tv of fttlv to have been in many partieu- jewelry and silver pl te by pnv sale for a few days at the auci 0 jjnbald mcb gld au silver w gold chains scau keys pt broaches earrings pearl and colore d kings i neck chains lockets bracelets and snaps tooih pick cair silver spoons forfei liih knives bj utter do snuff boxen thimbles pencils- tooih picko aromatic boxes nutrir oa j iters speflacies fruit knives patdjl candlesticks bottle slides llviksl- bc dcfei t try taumy giahvy and tu- ren s uns sugar ttings c watch materials and glafte- nectdlea pins cutlery braces spurs penctils puifcb see c black ornaments and ao a advertisement the fnbfci iber refcctfully informs the inhabitants of the tvn and townfhip of kinfton the towufhip of pittiburgh and wolf iflaud that he has purchafed the potash work lately occupied by mr a nfacpher fen in the vicinity of this town j wlicie he will receive good house ashes at the rate cf even pence h cy per biihel when delivered at the wcks and fix peicc when collected town the afhcs to be paid for in merchan dize a sleigh or cart is to be fent round town to colhd the ahc once a week or often er if ueceftary huufeholders etc will do well tofave iheit alhes a the quantity made in one honfe will amount to coi tidcrubie lum in the com fe of j ytar- l norton kingston t st fug 1818 n y care hould be taken to keep ino rtine ory a c a none but cd ictf edward jones g egs lcivc noll itlpicuuiiy 10 in- jl form his friends and llc public of pwilxhbility lil liipti ill not be produced ie- dmttl causes oc produce irtnl etfrts but viiip tftc uject is hew m viewtbe lasl rifrct isflepciident on thv firstcauaudwliena mw subject is taiihetirtobi ptstrciigtli of a cause are therefore the only ground by which to measure its success cjlv4 pmisenml consider m or not good u the rotry sn out of such proredng a gourlay has drawn you into i you continue to follow him he will h- me auu r c employmeut both for your ti mouev hut time will discover both the object and thesubject more fully and the warmth produced by momentary impulse will resume it proper tempe rature and cordiality let me advise every inhabitant of this province now favourable to gourlays cause to in- veiate his writings and conduct sitico he came to this country there a discerning eve v ill discover a fligh ty eccentric character busy to root out cornel lints and promising to see every complaint adjusted such char- jtcior emually promise much but ef- fcvt little obseliver the following particular 1 havo ph dg- cd myself undei trte solemnity of an oath and am perfectly auare tiiat in eae of untruti 1 am by tie lawsol my country liable to all hie pains and pe nalties o perjury 1st that the fid borthtong was far deficient in the fuluhnent of his con tract to me 2d that no specific quantity of staves was proved to have becu deliv ered by th said brthron 3d in order to shew that specific quantity instead of calling far ber- throogs receipt which he has evt ac knowledged to me he had at the time in his pocket was called on to prove he quantity furnished by myself 4th that produced my receipts 1 which were rejected fur want of proof to establish the hand writing 5th tht a continuance was pro- xved that i might have time to pro urethe uecessary witucafies and de cided by the referees that they had it not in their power to grant such conti nuance sift that i wa addressed by mr sherwood one of the referees saying hatas i could not prove the hand wri ting to my receipts they should he un der the necessity of placing a quantity of staves which it appeared highly probable might have been my own pro- i perty to the credit of this said iier- throng and 7th that the said berthrtfttg had recently and in presence of a witness acknowledged to me that he stiil had in hii possession the cullers receipts lor all the staves delivered me and could produce them at his pleasure and when 1 proposed to him to do so aivd let us avoid any further expense of lawsuits he replied he chose it should be decided by law or words to that e fleet b whitney aug 1 1818 error we are requested to cor rect the following error which hap i pened in the ms copy of the letter ol r 0 kraser i4 to mr uomlry vu oa lac lartc 1 ck of excellent gilt chains grteia he has jull uccived an seals kys snaps broach and ear- j j clrganl aitottucnt cf fittsuw whakfitlr j 1ry fancy g0 confiltiug partiy of the following aw cur viz j- pair of iron grry about fir mm years old well known in hj place fur their excellence in hatnifft ardl saddle will he fm by audion on fiidy the 14th inft at one oclock it the maikci place the pioprrtyot a perfon who will be fame time abfent frm te town kmghm d aisg 1818 to t penmanship mr johnson rcfpedpilly m- totms the inhabits t ot king- ton trat he hs opeiud a school rn the ijoufc lorncrly occupied by mr mooe as a public houfe for the i ftrudiofl of young ladiefland gtntlcnun 10 the at of phkmanstitp on apian entrfey new hours of tuition will be from j to 9 oclet k a m and fom 4 to 6 r m for the inllrudtion of thole a tending other schools who may wifh to become rupiu of mr j hnion and fun 10 10 12 oclock a m and frtn z 104 p m lor thofc not atteading uthcr school- an evening si hool wiil lf- be attended o for the iiist uction of young gen- thtneu mcrhuis aud therd 0 have not other time 1 1 fpare yung ladies who ahcadv write a good h nd and rnve been taujh rw ing wilt be ta h to pefom eleirntit fecimens of diftcent fund- in one month or no py will be exjctvd 1 oong grntlemcn who with to im prove their round text hand fr the prpolef m king fair and elrdn en- ti ic- on 1 e o rr or theii tine ianrl may be afturidtrnt by attending one or two courlcsof xri tnii rccth d of teaching they will he able towritew ti the utmoft freedorn aid eafc ml tlvc who do 11 t ore let xthci h3i iu tw courier of cxercfe- fhll be exetrrpt frnta all charge except sutioriaty for what tiiee they think pr p j attcn 1 dxer- war j provided the cafr coftfifc of twenty scholars that py no moit than twenty scholars will be receive iu one oafs specimens of mr js ln- formances mzy be feen at mr moore mr walkers nd mr olcut s fr terms apply to mr j at his school room 01 at mr 01c tt djncinctao demk mr john so will al e mmeiee hs dancing academy at mr moor attembly room foun is twenty fekrf- bers are oboimd llthuftwlto ihi k proper tt favour mr j in either ot the above branches of education miv bn tvimd that every attention ihall be ail n lii pari to mliriiift them accovuutg to the bell f his abilities kingston lug 3 ihe ab ve goods are moflily london il to nave ueen iu mj r et t a j lar incorrect but for the truth of made and are ot the lateft psuttema and j bell quality n b old gold and kibe lace diamonds pearls 8cc bought iow c5 vv anted in exchange oj- goods or part afh a few ten- firil pat or pcail j afhea deivered in montreal ur quebec j as may be ag teed upon kingston aug 3 ifo w2 a grievance in adduim to the grievances puffed at york rjtl ht no biitifh liibjca need ap jl ply lor paflage on boaitd his ma- jellys biitteaux as the african ma jors have the unlimited contro uf them from kingftnn to montreal kingfton isfhjuly 1s18 ivrp for sale on reasonable terms c stills with vvoimone of 95 gallons and the othr45 en quire of the printer a u 4- q to le r the dwelling hiufe and shop next door to t mainland efq lately oecuped by mr a acpheifon for further particulars application may be made to the fubferiber wm mitciiell kingston au 3 lotf slrayed or stolen irom offthe common i kings j ton on sunday the 2c july a midling hxvd red hnle left hind foot white whoever will rei urn ud horfe to the fubferiber or give if where he can be obtained gm be gaie rouflv rcwared for their hoou nicholas murln kingston aug 3 818 10w3 wanted immediau y ne hundred cords ot vvhitej superfine weft of england cloths and lalhincrcs of the molt ivihiocabk coors iruh li em buiifh shirting linen and cotton cambrics corded cambric lenop and mud in fl jaconet and mui muflins fancy mujliii handkcrchiefoj ban ianua and barcalona do teieging ham black ad colored silks silk and cotton sfcawls and fcarfe fiie corded dimities white jane white and buff mjiuiu quilting black florentine tine badrafed calicoes bombazettci and bombaz nes of all colors linen diaper and huckabuck white and col oured flann is ruffia sheeting aud of- naburg awehchofca aftortment of thread and laces and ribbons straw bonnets ladies lvtife hell combs cambric and lace fo tings and a number of arti cles too numerous to inlett 4 crate f bine crockery ware groceries jamaica spiritsbrandy ilohand gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hyfon and twaukey tea double and single refined sogattj mul- covado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap march and fig blue c c c i all of which will be fold for calh or apprrved credit kingston yh aug 1 8 1 8 to for hale by private contract a valuable freehold emate cn fun ill md saw will a ood dwllii houfe 9u hoofed 3re together with about two acre of landj iti uated immediately in the vicinity n bellville eay of iii uu canada and commands as much bufmefs ur more than any other mils uuon the stream ad now under kent for about one thoufand dollars per annum lbs dwelling houfe is well calculated t public bufiueft rnauy other advanta ges are attached to the premifea tou u i- mrou8 to defer ihe one half of the purchase money would be rxpefted to be paid down the other haif by intiau mcntsefsix twelve and egh tiomh fecured by bond and mortgage upon the pemifes an indisputable title will be given such a property is feldom to be met with and is well wrih the attention of an gentleman fend of mills and ma chinery a quantity of town lot upon the biik of the river moira in bellville a place fall incrcrfing in commeicc nd population teirs nf paymeni mad ea- ly enquire of sldi h bjrtet elqr ktttgdon ur thoma coctnau efij bellville bellville id aug 1k18 o public no i ice creditors of the late charles stuart eiq are requeued to meet the executors to his eitatc at walkers hotel on monday the i7b inll at one oclock 011 buiiucla rel ative to the kftate geo okillstoart allan mcllak kingston aug 1 1 8 1 s iw third uiq oak bark f- which ten jers will be received uniil the 2l inlk by the tublcnbers and paymeut made i n deivery of the lame at tb p unueulll atkinson co at this otnce ol last ekv i b i j l818 wanted inarefptttaolc houfe in ihis town a strong ac tive young woman without a family as boufemaid application to be maie i i public mtice whereas a patent hath been illucd for the well halve cf j jlitsuumber 17 in tfac 1 11 an 1 2d coi- ctflious of the lowifh p of f ederick- burg in the midland d in le tiine ol the heirs of the late a ijutant wilbam fiafer fibjed to the payment ut a certain mouac to the late john giant of iacuiue now thefc iirejo require any tciiou who itwy be inpilea- fion ot fuch lultiagc to product the lame to the fubferiber on or before the full day 01 uct bci next in oider i en- a c him tu have fad incumbrud c re moved 10 1 james mcnabbi agent the titirsoftkc h aijuant lint jftfm bellville 20 h y y 1 0 4 o i

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