i n g volume vih no 11 gazet kingston lrper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postage agmtafortke kingston gazette emom town tanks rankim esq york mn q brocttvflle a sufrwood eq beuviups mnark esq montreal n mo yvk ft printer tftphiamjnrgrlt mr samuel solves district division it is ordered that from and after the firft day of auguft next the mid land diftricl be divided into the foil iw- wr divifinns for the holding of courts of requeftfi the county of fontenac to contain two divilions tbe fird divifion lo include vvoif ifland the twnflrip of pmfburgh the town of kingflooj dlesticks gators spoons fork v and the firft and fecond oonceflions of j vvjvks to bo kolil bv appraisement npiik riouskaold purni r turk tec belonging to majoi g nral titiisiftti wnmuu ov con sisting of an imperial patent dining table ivro chaise lomios mahoga ny sofa pembroke and card tables carpets and window curtains of rmj moreen side board chairs bedsteads with moreen iurfaiiteg c a line piano forte with additional keys by cle- mente an elegant liarp by dodd also a chariot built by hall long acre sleighs c plate 12 strong pld tlong dishes wit covers tea lir wine coolers can the townfhip of kinerftonthe fee nd di- fffion to include the other concefivns f the town fh in of kingston the town fhip of loughborough and the town- fltp of portland the county of aldington to be one divifion the county of lenox to be one di- vigon the county of haftings to be one di- tiiion the townfhip of ameliafburgh to b one divifion 1 1 the townfhip of hallowell and snj phiafljurgh together including the bigjja ifland to be one divifion j and tlie townfhip of v nry burgh to be one divifion the jullices acting within and for each divifion or the ma- choice old madeira port claret old hock tent alba flora c horses several fine chargers which draw well in barney and a well trained and comp tv lady- horse two very fin coas in foil luiik kingston jidjf 2fj 1s18 8 new i ironmongery 8 t 0 r ttjwn watkins rcfiurnehta fin jf gcvlhanb to hi friends and the tibtic w general for th- very liberal jor part of them to appoint the place of adding the court wichin and fot their divifion a ordciedbythe sefiiona icth july t8i8 allan maclean clerk of the peace mid disuicl 9 3 bocyr7shoe and leather 1 torsl that williams co at etc wwllm sign of the goldkk li3 ilore hreet uefpefully inform the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that they ftfi continue their boot and shoe manufactory where they keep conftautly on hand a urge altortment of ladys and gentlemens boots and shoes of every deicription likewife a fupply of good sole and upper leather of all kinds their prefeot affortment is much ore complete than they have hitherto had kingfton june 23 1818 4tf notice wtjtthfjteasby the aft will and v teftament of the late ruloph olrrom deceafed in his life time of sid ney county of haftings province of upper canada fjixabelh ostrom abel gilbert and roswell leavens arc jointly bud feverlly appointed executrix and executors to his laft will and tcfta- nent we do beicby requeft all per rons who are indebted to laid eftate to call immediaiely on the fubfcriblrjg ex equtor6 and make immediate payment and all thofe who hveany demands ag- ainftjaid eftateare requefted 10 produce them duly attefted in order that a fet- tlement of the ettaie may be effeed a fpecdily as poffible after the firlt day of 6eptember next bellville 22d june 1818 5 to let and poffeflion given immediately the lower part of the large to store with a wharf lately occu pit d as fuch hy mr w mitchell and fiiuate in front of mrs cartwrights dwelling beufe for particulars apply to allen maclean kuigdon jane 2y lrf jj the panoplist for sau at thi cib- c- fupport he ha received fince hi com nieiicerncrt nd begs leave to inform them that he has now arrived and open for fale verv extenfive and well felec ted aflortant of hardware cut lery sec which he will difpoie f nnufually low fo- cafli produce or apoajvd credit aroonfifft which are feveral tons of well aflbitcd swedes and enirlifh irani round ut steel wrought nails from 41 to cd cut shingle and lapboarding do spikes all iizea horfe shoes and nails plough fharc moulds frying panp window glafs 7 bv 8j 8 by 9 7 by 9 8 bv 10 tin plate i c 1 c w ix dc d x sd x j spades and shovels fiom no o to 4 trace halters and log chains sheer lion and double sheet in bundles bar and ifhcet c pprr anvils vices smiths and kitchen bellowa 5 ifong hooks and hinges aitrted fvc locks of all def rriptions 100 fetts cart boxes 3x2 5x24x24 4x3 4i3i4t io tt wpon 37x2 3i2u 4 534j 6x4 4x2 grindftones paints pttty boipd lintfeed oil in jars and calcs white rope anchors brafs kctles mill criffcut it hand and even other defcription of saws guns arpenters tools of all defcriptions planes chifels and gouges hammers 3ic sc c ftampt and caft brafs iab- inet vare saddle trees webbing bitt stirrups buckles and all kinds ofaddery tin and lion teakettles saucepais tea boiicrs hollowware sugar fettles potafh boilers bake pans st sec c- portable writing drflcs von wiieaffarted from no- 9 to 22 bnfs do aflbrted a few excel lent silver watches hambro and cod lines slop twine c steelyards and various other articles too numerous toinferts n b h barrels flour th sibfcibers refpeftfully in- form the public that they have removed to the store lately occupied by meflrs johns and finkle and have re ceived of the late importafiont and of fer for sale a good and well leleed aftortment of dry and fancy o o ojds adapted io the feafon confiding partly of thef allowing articles viz black blue grey and brown su perfine and fecond cloths white ami coloured flannels atforted linglc and double billed woollen kerfcy meres la dies peliece loths of different colours velvets corduroys corded kerfey- meres ard princes cord cottoa ker- feyrrere fuftians jans merfcdls di rnimiiiet and nankeens ruffii duck brown holland imitation sheetings and coarfe canvafs plain and figuicd bombay its afortcd colours white and coloured cambriks plain id fiurti fackonela and bonk muoins foper- fine prt8fl and common calicoc cot ton shifting steeni loom wrought ottoofi gnrragh and long cloths ginghams ftriped cotton iuikcy ltnp and pron checks irifh linens linen nd cotton bedtickj furniture cali- ci ei ii ten cambricks linen and cot ton tiajer tabic cloths stockinette and scokinett drawers silk toilnett merfeill swansdown and patent cord veiting silk and cotton lena and mul mul 44 647 4 shawls a few pieces plain and coloured lutcit tings ladies coloured filk gloves ladies and gcntlenens woollen cotton and wort- td hoc silk handkfs pocket do cotton laces cotton fringes ribbons ihread tape sewing filk pins silk- twifl anil braces c c likewite a quantity of well flavoured kroner j spirits warranted good p i imlltll ill vv i ujitw- edward jones begs leave moll refpccflfully to in form his friends and the public in genet al that he has jull leceived an elegant affortrnent of rriat 1 for inlc as a b ve to let for one it two years and poftefson given tpmediately the dwelling hmfe belongin to mrs finkle latr moors coffee houfe for terms ap ply to johns etf finite kingston 14 july l8 1 8 v x8 boards sf plank thlteequaterand i inch boards and one an a half and two inch plank for falc byhc fubferiber wmstoughton kingfton july 3 18 1 8 7 to be sold a schooner ot 18 tons burth in good condi tion whh sails and rigging complete the terms of payme njad cafy en quire of he printer july zq 8 brandy hollafnd gin port and teuer- riffe wines lyvtic juice peppermint twankey hyfo and hyfon skin teas leaf and vluiicovado sugars coffee a 11 f pice peppir indigo starch soap fie blue tnbftcco and snuff waltfjl mcuniffe co kingston jmjy z i8t8 9 proposals by 4m0s ldtt author and pufcufter of the late maps oi the northern part of the stale of new york upv and lower canada for revifing coirciting and publifliing by subscription a full and correct m a p ol thb state of xeivyork on a scale ij 7 miles to an inch the fize of this map is four feet four inched fquard cnipriig a large partoi pennfylvania and newjcrfey with a part of connecticut maflachuletta ver mont- and upper canada tbis map extendf from tht canada line or 45th degree of north latitude iouth to the city of philadelphia and from pitts burgh in permlyivania on the weft to newhavfn in enmicbt on ttic ea this extent of rountry is nearly all in cluded within t li 0 latitude and longitude tha define the exterio limits of the state g new- york the publtfhtr having been employed for upvardsof iycnty out years in ex ploring ad fureying various parts of the united siattfl an upper and low er canada and a compiling and publilhing map w have met with very liberal patronage and encourage ment jlattecn the belief ihat his prefent undrtal w be equally well received by the jblic and infure him a liberal remarora f exertions aid endeavors tc promote and extend the general improv at knowledge of hit own country and adjoining pro- vinrjes thls map will bc pted on fine wove paper handfomcj co anddeiivercd i to subfcribera in the sheet a 7 dls made portable j a bok io mounted on r 1 varmfhtd f w subfcripthn m fa received at this office dry fancy goods confiding partly of the following arti cles vi superfine weft of england cloths and caflimercs of the moll falhionablt colors irifh linens britifh shirting linen and cotton cambrics corded cambric lenos and muflins jaconet and mull muflins fancy mnflin handkerchiefs bandanna and barcahma do fine ging hams black and colored silks silk and cotton shawls and 1carfs fine corded dimities white jane white and buff marfeils quilting black florentine fine undrcfted calicoes bombaetted and bombazines of all colors linen diaper and hnckahuck white and col oured flannels ruitia sheeting and of naburg a well chofen aflbrtment of thread rtnd laces and fiibbons straw bonnets ladies tonife hell combs cambric and lac footings and a number of arti cles too numerous to irifert 4 ciatcfi of blue crockery ware groceries jamaica spirit brandy holland gin port and other winc6 peppermint and shrub hyfon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars muf- covado do spermaceti mould and dipt caudles soap starch and fig blue c- slc c all of which will be fold for caft or approved credit kingston ih aug 18 3 10 a farm for sale pleasantly fituatcd on hore of the bay of quinte an immediately oppofite the upper cjap being the eatt half of lot no 18 in the firft conceftion of frederickiburgh about 40 acres are under improvement well fenced and a new frame houfc with a good c her on thepremifes the abve farm will bc fold together with a pair of ftrong work hotfrs a waggon find farming utenlils application to be made to the prin ter july ij 9 the 1 attornie buuk bius 0l costs ioy t lhi4 utiiceo a new line oj stages 7- commence running on 6th 7 j 3ri 1 carrying place monday and thuriday 2 oclock the fare for york a diftance of 10 miles will be 2 o 8 and paid a follows from carrying place to blan chards 18 miles at 4d 6f from blan chrrdato hamilton village 16 miies at 4 1 54 from hamilton village to hari wells 14 miles at 4d 48 from haa- wcllto dewilligars 25 miles at 5a ro 5 from dewilligars to gallaways 20 miles at 5d 845 frm gallaweys to york 1 5 miles at 5d 63 fj 2 o 8 proprisioh benj young arch blanchard elijah buck tho hartwell nath dewill1gar jacob gallaway hamilton july t 1 c5i 8 6 any perfon defiroua to clear from five to fifty acjes of laud fituate on the bay fide ninemiles from kings ton adoining col- johnfons may have the timber upon the fame it being very convenient for rafting to town 01 for the purpofe of fupplying the steam boats for fukuer particulars enquire of the proprietor on the premifes j c wilson july 6 1818 6 the fubferibers offer for fale four hundred bufhels of barley j as rankenco ernest town tgtb june 1818 wrapping paper fui laic a this gttiee jewelry s silver plate by private sale for asw days at the auction room of archibald me dene 11 gold and silver watches gold chains seals keys pins bioachco earrings peail and colored hone rings meek chains lockets bialclets and snaps tooth pick afes stc silver spoons forks rita knives butter do snuff boxes i himbles pencils too h picks aromatic boxes nutmeg gra- ters speaades fruit knives plated candlesticks bottle slides forks ta ble ocfert tea l giavy and tu- reen spoons sugar tuny c- wuth materials and glafte needle pins cutlery braces spur pencils pnrfh c e black ornaments md afi a large m ck of excellent gilt chain seals keys snaps broaches and er- rinjjs sold whoicfale the above goods are moftly londor made and are of the luteft patletns and belt quality n b oid gold and silver lace diamonds pearls c bought cj wauled in exchange for goods or part cafh a fewtorw firit pot or pearl aihea delivered in montreal or quebec as may be agreed upon kingston aug 3 io w2 to half pay officers jlhe underfilled agent for half i pay begs leave to inform his constituents in the two provinces that by a late regulation of the right hon orable the pavmallcr general all ffija- vits of hnlfpay are acquired to be ur nifhed in future of the following tenor in triplicate duly executed in the uiual form of which all concerned will pleafeto take notice accordingly john munro agent for hjfpny gytbeci joa apil 181 8 fouam orliir at 1 u it appeared perfonau y before me and made oath that he had not during any pan of the period from the 25th of 18 to the 241i1 of 18 both haya ioclufive any other place or employ ment of profit civil or military under mifl bntannic majttyor in the service of any other government btiides the al lowance granted to him by bia btitan- nic majcily as a reduced of the sworn before me 1 of l iow6 hit day cf j do atteft and declare that i ver ily believe the above affidivit o be genuine aid authentic advertisement the fubferiber refpcftfnlly informs the inhabitants of the town and ownfliip of kingfton the townfhip of piuiburgh and wolf ifland that he has purchafed the potash work lately occupied by mr a macpher- lon in the vicinity of thia town where he will receive good house ashes t the rate of leven pnce hcy- pet btifhel when delivered at the woiks and fix pence when collected in town the allies lo be paid for in merchan dize a sleigh or cart is to be cent couod town to colled the afhes once a week or oftener if neceftary houfeholders cwilldo well tofave their a lira as the quantity made in one houfe will amount to a conlidcrabte lum in thecoutfeofa year l norton kingston t si au x 1 81 n b care ihontd bc taken to keep the allies dry and clean ab none hi t bvhat is of a goud quality cau bc rec v- ed 8 lotf the fubferiber having been appoir ted agent foi the uituk 01 -iou- cveai any lum required can be obtaiad at wb oiliee tor oud lills on siouu cal or quebec 0 for specie thomas marklvnd agikt kingston 2 7 th july 1818 9 f 1 iale at thia otiicc tumutd jath oj kjjyj y lsua bhoai 4 ok rules for the