Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 11, 1818, p. 5

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j i 7y for i mscv vtoi hoili if jf can cine tftc tvil but a tax upon the u nfe t tied lands and that fci high as to obligate their holdem cither to find fet- tlcia for them or fell them such a ill once paflcd there would be no toorfe rapacious and greedy land hunt- m no abominable monopolift of mill teats no mean cringing fycophants looking with eagernefs tor grants of choice lot6 as the teward of their fyec- phancy no none would covet land bin kt bona fide fettlr and no other under fray pretext whatever oucht to have it 1 in add like to knew cvhat was the oh fed ot the britifh government in firft granting lands in this country i can think of no rational object but that of getting the country fettled and that we fee entirely defeated by the prepoftcroua j conduct of the land granting depart- j iuent and fuch is the invariable confel qience f the ignorant or wicked abuies of delegated power 1 am fulw convinced w editor that w tbe tax i have now fugefted would prove a radical cure for xh monilryus evils which now tvalk wildly through the province valuable fcttlers would flock in by hundreds and by thonfnds our forett would groan beneh the ftrokes i of uncountable ax men the repairih v our roads would become a trivial tafk rdor for gain would give fpeed to the plough and loon uvild we fee this de- lihtful land smiling like eden in her summer drefs should any one be of j a contrary opinion and can fugged any moie effectual remedy i hall feel hap py to fee a communication of it to the public through the medium of your valuable paper i am mr editor your obedient fervant innovator qurbec july 30 his mayflys snip lphigenta hyde parker captain caft anchor in this pou yefterday afternoon having on j board h8 grace the duke of richmond j governor general of britilh north j america sir peregrine miitland lieut governor of uppr canada and their tftfpeive families and futtes hi grace landed a little before 7 oclock under falutei from the figare and the grand batttrv amidll the cheers of the people affcmbled on the oceafion and all the military honours tdc to his high rank and proceeded to the altle of st lewis winch had been the following are we underftand the principal pet ions who accompanied his grace from england i lady mary lennox and two younger daughters lord frederick lennox lieut colonel ready military secretary bt major bowles ttt mijormleod v v d c lord wm pitt lennox major general sir peregrine mait land k c b lady maitland fct major hillier a d c from the quebec gazette by his grace charles duke of richmond knight of the moft noble order of the garter cantain gcrral and gover nor in chief in and over rhe provinces of lower canada upper canada nova scotia new brunt wick and their fcveral dependencies vice admiral of the fame general and commander of all his mjeftysi forces in the faid provinces q lower canada and upper canada noua- scotia and new brunfwiek and their levcral dependencies and in the iflands of newfoundland prince edward cape breton and bermuda c c c a proclamation w he re as his majcfty has been gracioufly pleafed by his royal letters patent under the great heal ot great britain bearing date the 18th day of may laft to conftitute and ap point me to be his captain general and governor in chief of the provinces of upper canada and lower canada and whereas it is neccflary for the peace and good government of this piovince that ail his majcftyi officers within the ft me fhould continue in their feveral 1 offices and employments i have thought fit bv and with the advice of iiis majcltys executive council to ifluc this proclamation- hereby autho rizing the faid officers to continue in their faid offices and employments ol which all perfons concerned are required to take notice and govern thcmicwcs accordingly given under my hand and seal at arms t the cattle of saint lewis in the city of quebec in the faid piovince the i hirtienth day of july in the year of out fdrd one twvfand feign fc wun- died and eighfetn and in the fifty eighth year of his majeftys reign richmond lennox te atrsiosv by hi graces command jno taylor depyi secy ft sockets- harhor july j9 steamboat sophia the new lleam boat sophia built by mr roberts was on thurfday lad at 2 oclock p m fafely and elegantly launched from his dock yard iti the prefence of a numerous and refpetkable collection of citfzeffs and others the son h fa i intended exprelsly as a steam packet to piy between this place and kingflon upper czlnada it is contemplate that he will be completely ready for operation the latter part of next month we are further informed that the machiocy i calculated to be of ftifficient force to propel her from port t port in 4 hours a diliaie of between 30 to 4 nnles by which calculation he will be able after rcak- faft to leave this place dine in king fton and return the fame day though this eftabhfhnet may be of j a temporal y difadvantae to 1 few individuals who have vrflvls that no ex- preglv ufed as packers between ths and kingfton yet we cannot but ciugra- tulate the public generally ii the profpe rf the great advantage to be derived from this arrangement bu- j j finefs which the citizen of either place may have to tranfaa with the othr can be performed with the ahfence of ten or twelve hours whereas on forrrer ocj cafions through the irregnlnr faiine of j j packets and head winds hv- been 1 j neceirrily abfent from 3 tft 6 day this boat has a fpaciouf raifed abin and the accommodations wth her expedition will no doabt fo coitribute to the plcafure and advantage f s tlemen travelling to and from tie per province as to indufe them to the rout of sacket- harbor rflfc ftltnfnnfl nwctlrfflt4ei the ih jaa of hfr lifi spent in one continued series of ef forts to do goudatil1 distinguishes her tfly urr precious examplr long be made fctte ntodel lor imitation among her own 5x flid to re hake those whose thoughts never regard wh6c hinds never toil fnr the relief of igfi0 iunceand wretchedness kingston tuesday august u li- on thursday the 6th insl sir john johnson baronet of montreal arrived in this town in the siramboat charlotte on saturday the 8th instaht arrived in the same steam- boat his exeelleney str pere grine maitland lieut governor of this pro vince and commander of he fore with hit lady andsuit on their way to york i f is ar rival was announced by a salute of 18 guns ired in front of market square the same day judge campbell arrived in ihe steamboat frotenac to bold the court of assize in this town the same day al arrived in the same scnm- boat th prussian embassador to the united siaes now on a tour through the canadas and tho american embaador to prussia i clergy up take richmond jfdy curious incident a gentleman of great refpeftabpity j informs ua of a verv lingular even which happened a few days fince in hanover county on the plantation of t mrs hawcs within a few mies of tts city anero woman left her fuckhg child ifleep in her cabin to bring water from a fprinr on returning to the loor of her humble dvvtitthgj vt t aftonimmpnt and horror at feeing a black oiake coiled around the neck of her infant with its mouth applied to and ap parently introduced into that of the child i words are too faint to give an adequate idea of the feelings of the mother with the wild fhrick of hor ror fhc rufhed from the cabin crying aloud for aflirance and fl- w into the prefence of her miltrefa there was not a man near them they returned with the vitmoft precipitation to the cabin whence they faw the fuake departing who gliding through the weeds effected his cfcape on examining the pvior infant it was found dead it is known that black fuake are fond of milk and that to fatiate their appetite they will fometimes twine themfclvcs around the legs of the cow in order to fuck its teats it is fuppofed that allured by the fmcll of milk in the mouth of the child the fnake coiled around its neck and applied its own mouth to that of the infant its gripe is known to be very ftrong and by this as well as introduc ing its head into the mouth completely llrangled the baby it had no marks of a bite about it few modes of death can be conceived more horrible than this it f deaf and dumb it will doubtless says the hartford mirror gratify the friend of the asylum established in his city for the benefit of the deaf and dumb to learr that the principal mr gallaudei has lately received letters from zachary macaula esq the reputed editor of the christian observer and mrs hannah tore exprewive of the warm interest which they feel in the prosperity of the establishment and presenting each oftbexn a donation to the fund of the asylum fkich instances of bene- olence will we hope excite the imitation of our own countrymen if strangers can fee for us what ought to oeour exertions in behalf of thtfse children of misfortune who are unit to us by the rtidearftig ties of kindred and country- we nndersiand also that mrs more has written a most interesting and af fectionate letter to one of the young female pupils in the asylunvwhohad addressedafew 1 1 lines to this venerable mother in israel not loug since it is delightful to witness such practical evidence of the genuine spirit of chrbunitv suffer little children to come uuto me and forbid them not was the kind declaration of one who came to rescue the ignorant the helpks and the sinful and it is a most endearing trait in the character of mrs more that while she almost treads on the cou- tiucfcot the other world the same condebcenl to his excellency ha pitllrgrink maitland tight commander of the most thnovuhle militari order of the btfh lieutenant gover nor qflhe province of upper canada maior general com- mandmg his majeshfs for ces in the said province e xc kc may it please your excellency we the magistrates and inhabitants of the tovn of kingston beg leave respectfully to present our con gratulations to your excellen cy on vour safe arrival and on the auspicious event of your no mination to the government of the colony in investing with this impor tant office a person of your kxcehencvs distinguished mer- aud illustrious connexions perceive a further mani festation of the solicitude of mis ivij 4aigfline the prtitae regent acting in the name and on the bcllmif of ui majesty to cherish tthe interests of his faithful subjects residing in this remotke part of the british lmpire we are therefore desirous of declaring our deep sense of gratitude for this mark of paternal kindness and while we proffer to your excellency as the representative of our venerable and beloved sove- reign our sentiments of loyal ty and firm attachment to the constitution bestowed on us by the wisdom and liberality of the mother country we teel the animating conviction that un der your excellencys bene li ce nt administration upper ca nada will continue to flourish and the general happiness and prosperity of its people be em inently promoted j accept the cordial assuran ces of our respect and our best i wishes for a speedy and pleas ant passage to the seat of go vernment to which his excellency was plea sed to make lie following reply gentlemen as the representative four venerable nd beloved sove reign i have with great satis faction attended to the utter ance of your sentiments of loy alty and rirni attachment to that constitution which the prov ince of upper canada has re ceived from our mother coun try voii rriy test inaiiks fdt y8hq kind congratulations your cor- dial assurances of respect and your good wishes for my bale passage to the seat of govern ment this morning at 9 oclock his ex cellency sir ptregrine maitland and fuite left this place in the steam boat frontenac for york a moofe we are informed that a moofe wae killed on the 17th july laft by mr alexander thompf n at a place called the nerfip fly in the fifth concefiion of the townfhip of richmond near the mohawk lands which weighed 300 weight fuppofed to be about three years old his horns hot bring fully grown were in the velvet and meafmed about 14 inches long and 6 inches broad ifh is animal is very peculiar to cold countries and deep foowi and it is fuppofed tiat the cold fealons for fome years back is the caufe bf iis wandering fo far to the fouthweft ai other was fee q about the fame time much larger unfortunate accident on monday morning laft serjeant denis ftvpatrick of the iiht company j of the 37th regiment in ganifon here j fell from a window in the third lory of the quebec barracks on the pavement below and almoft immediately expired while landing near the window it ia thought he had loft his balance as it teems he had grafped at fome pieces of meat fufpended there and carried them with him in falling lie was a native of ireland a handfome and well behaved young man and much beloved in the regiment mont gaz f pufilic n5trc is hereby given that pw number forty one m st georges church iu tilt town of kingiton will be dilpofed 1 of at auction to the higketi bidder on saturday 29th iv at 12 deiock loom1s nolllo john macaulay church wardens kingfton 7th auguft tft8 n b the ssie will take place at the church door 17 e a cockroaches tty placing a bowl of molasses and witter ill the places fre quented by these troublesome insects they will effectually be exterminated afknonxkogmknr wp have received a communication from a rwhcreiujii complains much flawytmstakii ion much fees nve are unacquainted with lawyers thies and hope ever to remain o and think ii thebtst way if his complaints are true to apply tothe court now sitting for redress previous arrangiwtrn prevents the appear aueof fj m in uiirttv f d1md on the 7th in ant aged uirtfe freks atjexanper sdttmn infant son of l1e1t colonel foster alstanl adjutant general- w w i doylk relpcdfully bes leave 9 to inform his fuenda ud tlic public in general that he has taken the liorc formerly occupied by alt allan macpberfon next to t marklnd blq wlere lie now offers for laic a iicwly and well ieletted afiortment of dry goods groceries and liquors patent medicines sliina vioekery and glafs with a fmall quantity of hard wrej which he wii difpbfc of fn the mad reafonable terms for cafh country pro duce or liorr approved credit com amission blfojnmm will be tratifaed by hirr with the dtftitft ptimutitude ami he irufu by unrrmit- ting attention to fuch as may pleafe to favor him with their commands to merit a ftnre of the public patronage kings ton august 10 1818- iiv4 executive covnri office york i2d joiy 18 r 8 notice h hereby given to christopher thomson or his representative by order of his honor tbe admiiiiftrator in council o rpake good any pretenfion to the weft inlf of lot number seventeen in the fixth conceffion on the napane river in the townfhip of frdtickfburht within mx months from this date or the fame will be thrown open to other appli cants john small 1 1 mo c e c feathers a quantity of excellent new goose feathkrs for fale and may be fecn at mr tolbcrt houfe oppofite mr aykroyda new buildings 10th auguft iwp w public notice hereas a patent hath been iffutd for the weft halves of lots number 17 tn the 1 i and 2d con ccftions of the townfhip of fredericks burg in the midland di drift in tle j name of the heirs of the late adjutant william fiaier fubject tothe payment of a certain mortgage to the late john grant of lachine now thefe are to require any perfon who may be inpoflee- fion of fuch mortgage to produce the lame to the fubferiber on or before the firft day of october next in order to en able him to have faid incumbrance re moved james mcnabb agent for the heirs of the late adjutant wm fraftr belhille zqth july 1818 i otf for sale on reasonable terms c stills with worm one of 95 gallons and the other 45 en quire of the printer aug 4 xo this day is pub ished transactions of the upper cjjd rriof 99 fr1esds 1 f ssquirvr addrxmm to h rfyfrix ittohnfcs the prtxr t r rftti 5 pehjegriwb tfjjtlar d v c r hi t to be had at the g zktte of- fice and stores in town country price ifs 10 f flhe fubferiber returi hi thanks to i his friends and the blic foi their paft favors in his line of inspect ing and informs thm he ha fitted up a convenient place in the cellar of his new ftore with all the neceflary appirt- dages for the purpofe of lufpectiug pot and pearl ames pork beef and flour where thofe who favor him with their rulom will find it dorte with the great- eft exactnefs and expedition likewise ilorage for one ehoufvind barrel in ihe cellar and good dry ftoragc for otlit poods with the advantage of a wharf for loading and unloading james robinson ta let the houfe c at prefent occupi ed by dodor short nearly op- pofite the school houfe inquire on the premifes kings ton august 1 1 w 1 8 1 it to let i know that i shall best pro mote the wishes of his royal highness th prince ltegent by endeavoring to the best of my ability to pj omote the prosper ity of this 1tovince and un der the blesj of the almigh ty i hope fijg success accept gentlemen i request wfhl dwelling houfe and shop jl next door to t markland etq lately occuped by mr a mcphetfon for further particulars application may be made t the fubferiber wm mitchell kingston aug 3 loti strayed or stolen rom offthe common near kings ton on sunday the 26th july a midling ired red horfe left hind toot whoe whoever will return faid horfc to the fublcnber or give information where he can be obtained hall be gciie- roufly rewared for their trouble nic iolas morin ii kingston iu 3 isijj 10 wj notice tolen or flrayed from bald head a fmall bay mate with a bulhcv mane and tail white fpot hi her fore head and hollow faced about fourteen hands high natmal trotter whoever will return faid mare or 1ft me know- where he may be found hall be hand iomely rewarded by solomon vcrmilyea a meli fourth june 1 1810 it public notice creditors of the late charles stuart eiq- are requefted to meet the executors to his eilate at walker hotel on monday the ifih inft at one oclock on bufiuefd rei- ative to the eftate gfo okillstuapt allan mclean kingtson aug 1 ii io wanted immediately 1 one hundred cord of white oak b a kg for wbicl c- iera will le received 1 nti the 24th m 1 by the fnblcnbers and pay men mu ia dchvery of the lame t ihw pieic underhill a tkinson ss co- jift 4 n a 1 ig u t i b i o

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