Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 18, 1818, p. 1

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tuesday august 18 1818 ton volume viii no 121 gazett kingstonupper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annu m exclusive of postage ftv rv -rr- i- agents for the kingston gazette ernest tow i j a m k s it a n k 1 n eq york w ix am a i r i n k q brockville a shfkvoolesq 8rflville s mnrr esq montreal n mo w k il printer sophia burh mr s iv ix so lues new ironmongery s t o r e toiln w atkins return his fin- tj cere thanks to his friends and the public i general for the vety liberal fuppnrt he has received fince his com fo public notice ijmencement and begs leave to mrorm is hereby given that pw u -ber- rlat he ha8 now arrived and open fvrtyofie h st georges church h 1ft a ver e and wdl felcc the town of kmgftah will be difpoivjj tai atfortment of of at aucvnv to the hivnelt bidder onj f ffffjjj saturday 29th 1f at 1 2 oclck i oovisrn otom john mhcwjlsy church wardens kmgfton 7th a uuft 818 n b the sale will take piece the church door hardware cut- c which he will difpofe of unufually low 1 for cadi produce or approved credit atjjaroongft which are feveral tons of well altorted swedes and englrfh iron round land fquare rod iron crawley jv bhft fsolkj- iter steel wrought nails from 4d to doyll rpefully begs leave hod cut shingle and clapboarding do to inform hi fn is and the j spikes all lizes horfe shoes and nails pubiicinjrtnerfi tiiat he ia3 taken thej ip1 ughftiare moulds frying pan bote formerly occupied by his allan 1 rwindov giafs 7 by 8f fc by 9 mmpherfm hex to p matkland efq 7 bv 9 8 by 10 tin plate ic 1 c where he now offers for falc a newiy a id j w i x dc d x s d x spades well feletted aflort merit of 1 land shovels from no o to 4 trace dry goods groceries iwtw ad log chains sheet lion and ljouoss j jand double sheet in bundles bar and pr ik i jilfheet copper anvils vices smiths and atcnt ledictncs v n iiiri crockery and r- u 1 n 1 giafs wih a fmau quantity of 1 1 kltchtn ar h and hard ware which he will difpofe of on the mod j reafmahle terms tor cafh country pro luce or hot a proved credit commission huilness will hinges aftorted fixes locks of all del criptions 109 fetts catt boxes 3x2 fett waggon 3x2 siz 4x3 5x3 6x4 4x2 orindilones paints putty boild iimleed oil in jars and j tranfaded by him with the utmoft calk white rope anchor brafs promptitude and he trulls by unremit ting attention to iuch as may pleafe to iavr him with their comavands to merit aihre of the public patronage kingston august 10 l8 18 ii w4 kettles milk croffcut pit hand and every other deccnption of saws guns arpenters tools of all it criptions plane chifela and gouges hammers ike c c flafnpt and cali brafs cav boot shoe and leather b w f f ktirrups stickle and all kmm j of ndltry tin a- d lrm teaketiles saucpin tea poiic holl w wire sugr kettles pruafh alu pake ran- sic see c rtabe writing 1 -fl- iron wire asrtfi from n 9 iv iil t i k 1 a i t 12 br ft do afwrted a lew excel- u co nt the swp watcln s hambri ind cod 1 sign of t- grd j 5hnp owiue c steelyards t p 1 m ls itore mrcet er iy ifnn jand various other articles tuo otwiierous the inhabit nts of ringwi and its niert that thev iiri eootuitic heir n b 30 birrels flour 8 jacmitr jos toty muhdtory where hey keep cordantly for iaje a above kingston ann- 12 i 818 on hand a imge ortment of udy4 sootds sc plduk and gentlemens boot and shoes ol j very defcriptiou hi ilst and inch boards iikewife afupplv nf jr sole and ji and mi and a half and two inch upper leather of all kinds i fnt lai b l famcfiber j hev prcfent sftr nent is muh j j nore complete than ttiey have hitheito had j kingfton june 23 181s 4tf notice w here as by the tall will and wm stoughton kingllon juiy 13 1818 if to be sold a schooner or 18 tons burthen in good condi tion with sails and rigging complete teftament of the iau rrlophj the terms of payment made eafy en- oltrom deceafed in m life lime of sid- j quire of the printer ney county i haftings provyart of upper canada elizabeth ostrom 4lel gilbert and r os welt leavens are jointly j and feveral y appointed kxecutrix and executors to his laft will ad tena nt we do hereby requeft all per- jidy 20 8 the subfcribers refpeftfiilly in form the public that they have removed to the store lately occupied by meflrs johns and finloe and have re ceived of the late importations and of fer for sale a good and well feleded aftortment of dry and fancy goo jds adapted to the feafon confiding partly of the following articles viz black blue grey and brown su perfine and fecond clottii white and coloured fiannels affcrted fingle and double milled woollen kerfeymeres la dies peliece cloths of different colours velvets corduroys corded kerfey- meres and princes cor5 cotton ker- feymere fuflians jane merfcills di mimities and nankeens rutin duck brown holland imitation sheeting- and coarfe canvafs plain and figured bombazetts afforted colours white and coloured cambrieks plain and figured jackonets and book mnflins fuper- fine prints and common calicoes cot ton shirting steem loom wrought cottons gurraghn and long cloths ginghams iltiped cttn iurkey itripe aori apron checks lrifh linens linen and cotton bed ticks furniture ali- coes linen cambricks linen and cot ton diaper table loths stockinetta and stockfnett drawer silk loilnetf merfeilla swansdown and patent cord veiling silk and otton leno and mul mul 4 4647 4 shawls a few pieces plain and coloured lute ft rings ladies coloured filk gloves ladies and gentlemenk woollen otcon and worf ted hoes silk handkfr pocket do couon laces cotton fringes ribbons j bread tape sewing 4illt pins silk- twilt and braces c lkewifea quanky of well flavoured trong jamaica spints warranted good retail prf f jor at t l0 2 c praridv holland gin port and tener 1 iffe wines lyme juice peppeimmt twankey hyfn and hyfon skin tea loaf and mulvovado sugarn totl e allfjic pepper indiy starch soap fijr blue tnbacro antj snuff walter mcuniffe co khtgm july 27 18 9 proposals bt amos l author and publihser f the late maps ol the northern part 0 the state of new york upper andj lower canada for revifing correing an publilhing by subfcription a full and correct edward jones begs leave moil refpccvully to in form his friends and the public in general that he has juft teceived an elegant aftortment of dry fancy goods cotfifling partly of the following arti cles viz superfine well of england cloths and caitimeres of the moft faihionable colors lrifh linens britifh shirting linen and cotton cambrics corded cambric lenos and muflina jaconet and mull mnflins fancy muflin handkerchief bandanna and barcalona do fine ging hams black ad colored silks silk and cotton shawls and fcarf fine corded i dimities white jane white and buff i this day is lis he d transactions of the upper c ana oi as cqhvntlqi op friends to evqciry witrt addresses to ju3 rotat htmrff the pvufts rfgtt sir pellelirlnr maltlalfp fkc c to be had at the gazette of fice and stores in town 5c count iv price i6 10 v the fubferiber returns his thanks to his friends and the public for theft pad favor in his line rf inspect- marfeils qjiihing back florentine ing and informs them he has fitted up a convenient place in the cellar of hi new itore with al the neceitary appen dages for the purpofe of in f peeking pot nd pearl a files pork beef and flour rrere thole who favor him with their fine undrited calicoes bombazeuesl and bombazines of all colors linen j diaper and huckabiuk white and col- i on red flannels ruflia sheeting and of- naburg a well chofen aftortment of thread and laces and liibbons sttaw bonnets ladies tortife fliell combs cambric j a w cuflom ili find it done with the great- clr exactuefs and expedition hkewifev- llorage for one thonfand barrels in the aid lace footings and a number of artijl cellar and good dry itorage for other des too numerous to infert goods with the advantage of a wharf 4 crates of blue crockery wart groceries jamaica soil its brandy holland gin port and other wints peppermint and shrub hylon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars muf- for loading and unoain 7 james robinson to half pay officers i covado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c 8ic all of which will be fold for cafii or approved credit kingston tb aug 1 8 1 8 10 a farm for sale levsantly fituated on the more of the bay of quirne and fdiatelv vvoffte the upper qnv inimemaxeiv oviofte the itpp being the eall half of lot no 18 in map fons who are indebted to laid eftate to j call tmmedtately on the fnbfcribing ex ecutors and make immediate payment and all thofe wao have any demands ag- ainil faid eftatc are requeued to produce them duly attcfted in order that a fee tlement tif the elte may be effected as fperdily as noflible after the firft day of september next abel gilbert t r leafens bfuville 22d june 1818 5 feathers a quantity of excellent new goose feathers for fete and may be feen at mr tolbert3 houfe oppofite mr aykroyds new buildings 10th augu ft iwp public notice to let and pofteflion given immediately the lower part of the arge red store with a wharf lately occupied as fuch by mr w mitchell and fituate in front of mrs cartwrights dwelling houfe for particulars apply to allan maclean kingfton june 29 1s18 5 the panoplist for the year 18 16 for sae at this office 28 ophereas a patent hath been ff iffued for the weft halves of lots number 1 7 in the ift and 2d con- cc lions of the townfhip of fredericks burg in the midland diltrid in the wise of the heirs of the late adjutant william fiafer fubjed to the payment of a certain mortgage to the late john grant of lachine now thefe are to require any perfon who may be inpoffes- iion of fuch mortgage to produce the fame to the fubferiber on or before the firit day of oftober next in otder to en- able him to have faid incumbrance re moved james m agent for the heirs of the late adjutant iv m frafer belhilk tot july t8t8 iptf for sale on reasonable terms c spills witn worms one of 95 gallon and the otht 45 en- quie of the pvister aug 4 i0 or t state of nlivyork on a scale of 7 mi t0 an j the fize of this mar j f f f inches fquare eomprififig a urge part of pennfylvania and new jerfey with a part of connecticut mff fetts ver mont and upper cauja this map extends from the canad li or j degree of north latitude fouth to the city of philadelphia anc f pi burgh in pennfylvania on lnc we to new- haven in connea on the eaft this extent of country jg near g eluded within the lines 0 latitude and longitude that define the extcrioi limits of the state of nc york the publiflier having b employed for upwards of twenty f years i ex ploi ing and furveying var parts of the united states and jjp a low er canada and alfo i cornp an publilhing maps which have met w very liberal patronage and encourage- ment is flattered in the belief that his prefent undertaking vri be equa w received by the public a j hj a liberal remuneration for a h exert and endeavors to promoi aud extcn the general improvement ftng knowledge of his own country and th a pro vinces this map will be prir on finc wove paper handfomdy colo au to subfcribers in the sheet at made portable in a b mounted on rollers ai varnilhed r sulfations will k received at this office the fir ft concellion of frederickfburgh about 40 acres are under improvement well fenced and a new frame houfe with a good cellar on thepremifes the above farm will be fold together with a pair of llrong work hories a waggon and farming uteniils application to be made to the prin ter july 27 9 a new line of stages 9 fin he under figncd agent for hlf jl pay begs leave to inform hjs constituents in the two provinces thac by a late regulation of the right iln ble the pay matter general all atifi la- vita of half pay are required to be fur nifhed in future of the following tenor i in triplicate duly executed in thf ufual form of which all concerned will pleafe to take notice accordingly john a1unro agent for halfpaj quebec zoth april 1 8 1 8 formot thi ufmavit appeared perfonal y before me and made oath that he had not during anv pa4 1 oi the pvri d from the 25m of 18 to the 24th of 18 both days inclufive any other place or employ ment of pr fit civil or military under ilis biitannic majefty or in the service of any other government befides the vr- lowance granted to lum by hij britan i nic mdjelly as a reduced oi the sivorn icjore me at ow6 this day of j i do atteft and declare that i ver ily believe the above affidavit to be genuine and authentic 7 dls 10 10 attornies bi m 01 i costs for aie at t q ia ill commence running on 6th v v j ar leave the carrying place monday and thurlday 2 oclock the fare for york a diftance of 108 miles will be 2 o 8 and paid as follows from carrying place to blan- chardfi t8 miles at 4d 6f from blan ch ards to hamilton village 16 miles at 4d 54 from hamilton village to hart wells 14 miles at 4d 4ft from hart- wells to dcwilligars 25 miles at 3d icfi from dewilligars to gallaways 20 miles at cd 84 frrn gallaweys to york 1 5 miles at d 6fy 2 o 8 proprietors benj young arch blanch ard elijah buck tho hartwell nath dewill1gar jacob gallaw ay hamilton july i lb 18 6 any perfon defirous to cleat from five to fifty acjes of land fituate on the bay fide ninemiles from kings ton adjoining col johnfon may have the timber upon the fame it being very convenient for rafting to town ur for the purpofe of fupplying the steam bpat9 for further particulars enquire of the proprietor on the premifes j c wilson july 6 istt 6 i the fubferibers offer for fale four hundred bufhels of barley jas rankenco ernest town 29th june 1818 tf wrapping vol lie a ibi oifio advertisement the fubferiber refpefully inform the inhabitants of the town and townfhip of kingfton the townfhip o pittfburgh and wolf ifland that he ha purchafed the potash work lately occupied by mr a macpher- fou in the vicinity of this town where he will receive good house asfies at the rate of feven pence h cy per buftiel when delivered at the works and fix pence when collected in bown the allies to be paid for in merchan dize a sleigh or cart is to be fent round town to coiied the aflies once a wecki or oftener if neceftary houfeholders cwill do well t- fav their allies a the quantity made in one houfe will amount to a confiderable luoi in the couifeof a year l norton- kingston i st aug 1818 n b care fhould be taken to keep the aihes dry and clean as none bir what is of a good quality can be re ed ictf the fubferiber having been ai othf ted agent for the bank of oion- tual any lum required can be obtained at his ctvie for good bills on ivloutreai or quebec or for specie thomas markland agtt kingston fth july 18 1 8 9 for fale at this o ceiuaniiti d rubs for the gastf tfifhilfm

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