Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 18, 1818, p. 3

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o vppfemeni to tht kings i gazette tvhs a awhstx capital stock for the payment of which rent and all other contingencies shall no further and the company shall ifeirtj daynoticeshall always be giveh be defrayed out of the funds of the immediately pay the bmoont of such re- second it is further mutually agreed snid company the said directors eovery out of llieii j iut stock but not upon hat whenever the sum of ivo r i m aitiee of 1socirfi m the rnkopuipku canada to all to who thrsr 1 j sfixts shall coajk vkkrtpxvnaml mmk wtmifest ulli shaljbe iitthv distance of not thousand pounds shall have been ac tually deposited or paid in on account i the subscriptions to the said stock notice l hereof shall be given by the person under v hose superintendance the same shall have been received in hie kingston juazette and the said persons shall at the same time in like manner notify the time and place of holding a meeting of the subscribers 3 that kethesuhscnbershoeejor- loss hmn ten fromtke time of such med in jiktaohtm or tmntril co-part- not for proceeding to the elec- trmhijh do hcrch trtlb each man of the number of j i rectors herein- off rtnvauiurt b t s ft i v g lwifito after mentioned and such election fi the nimtm r hcreiaafu r specified mid hau th and thrre hc mdde y a ma described by and under the name or j af s vot for jfj mamier hereinafter prescribed in respect to the annual elections of directors and hie pi ons who shall then and there be chosen c the first directors and liail i capable of serving until the fyrfcs of this nr assoeiulion and a- oypmtiini rf the day fixed for making giee rev ptfea tkri hi ihirh ce and all persons ch a onij tr here ajier mail truitmfet huttiss zeith the sltr of the bank of if per canada aid ice do hereby mutually uiteriant decare and nree that ih fotloizhtg are ami shall be the knidfih ntal ar- the annual election and hie directors chosen shall as soon thereafter as circumstances can conveniently allow said ciipa y s rail be bound a id reg- t f commence the business and opera tat fc tilt if ft forth the cnmtal i rk f tb paid vmon sam not exce m on ic i- of the said liank but no dank or 3aiik notes hali be issued or mi in circulation nor ativ uillornole jluiidrl and two ty fiv th u u bo dicoiiuted at the bank until uw current money nf ll iir i ee thouaid foollds in gold or silver r di info fix hu ad fur- of twenty fiv j each and r the said hikta purose of raisin thf stk a bok f ib rrtv ti iiii i tr opened in tiiitoun on tktirvv tlir irtth install af mrnvw ii u- mi meitrca bank notes shall be actual ly piid in and recivd on account of ihe sup iiipioie to the said capital slock third vox hie good management of the aiiairs n tiio aid association or i iuhin iheiv t t i thin 1i- shall likewise be capable of exerciing otherwise and in case of any suit at such otlir powers and authorities for law the president for tlm tion being the well regulating and ordering of the shall hare full power in his own name affairs of the said company asliall be and oli behalf ol the mpjuy to pro prescribed by the lelaws aid iteg- sec lite t judgmenf and execution in ulafions thereof the manner and form a by the laws of fifth it is further covenanted ind this i rovim it is providrd it beinff agreed upon by and between the paf- csprefslyunderstool and declared that ties to this agreement that if the said all person dealing with the said corn- capital stock of one hundred and pany agn-i- to fhese terms and are to twenty five thousand pounds is not b bound thereby subscribed in one mouth after the said seventh the eariieles of arrement book of subscription sh have been shall be published fi1 the kingston opened then and in surh caeifmay gazette tor three mouths a id i r ue be competent for any former subscri- iufnimation of all persons nhonay ber or subscriber to increase hs her transact business wiiii or in any man or tieir subscriptions to two hundred tier gjtre credit t this company every and lifly shares and if the ofcreaid bond jiill sotr or other inf rumeit capital stock is not ideenbed wifhin op con t rart by the effect or terms of two months after the said book of -ufo- which the company may be eharg d scrijtiou shall have been opened then or hi id liible for the paymetit of o and in such cae thmeliienc na be ney shall sp c al declare in such subscribed for by any peron or per- form as the boanl of dirctor sliall sons body politic or corporate presenile that payment shall be made sixth jt is hereby expressly an ex- out oj ihe joint jand oj this loritpaiw plinth declared to be the object and wcoriliagto the present articles w intention of the persons who associate socaiotland ut otherwise and a- themselves under the ety id or lirm of copy ol the mxth article of this assrd- the ilinlc of upper canm- that the afiuri hall be inserted in the bank boos joint stock or property if ini sail of every pcrs m depositing rnoney or company xclusive f dividends to other vu ihiepr perty ivith the cora- be made in the manner hereinafter pany for safe custody or a printed c mention 1 shall alone be responsible p shall be cl liv- red to every such for the debts and engagements of the person before any such deposit shall be said company and that no person received from him and it is hereby who shall or may deal with this cum- expressly declared that no engagement t b panv oi to whom they dtall or may can be legally made in the name of the be ome in anv wise- indebted shall on said ijonipany unless it n utaiu a nr- anv pretence w atev r leue ifteourse tatiivn or re trji tion to the eifect abov against the separate property of any recited aid the company here he sq intendaticeol foar cinuning by ifa proprefcjrs or holders of the raid prenl or fotne rnemwr of this mm- xprssly disavuyj nil r pnsjluirjf mijir w hifner j hi a haliviur capital teekjt a general meeting pa ny or against mf persirns farther ur anydbiors eiiagement which the hwr ol to t ciok unoc r nvor- who shall b annailv lected 4 jeh i ieruson rob h rich rrd n hcrrofto be annually held n nt w hich dntic xickilk aid sii 1 annual meeting the said proprietors anv two ol them and fn continue open and stockholders hall vote according uod r thir suprit ndance until iherc fo the rule her inaltcr etablhed in shall have been m el elion of direc- respect to voting at tjeneral meetings tor- a- hrinaltr tr vii d which and the directors so clioseti by a ma- bik shall be headed viih the pr- it jority in confornit to such rule hall articles of copcrturhip or a-ee- j capabw of srviinj as iircct rs for men and shtucontinu open until the twelve months unless nnj it themshall wnole of the said capita stock shall rmoved lor mauadiuinistatt n be- have been abscrbd scviiy ieron fre the expiration of that period by a or itns cepartuerhl bo 1 eoi- oeneial meetnui of stockholders or tie or rorprate who nv or mmj fc- unless suspitidd a hcrpinaftr rovi- r -ti- nt fafcr of fhis assintou may j an at ihvir hrrt iheetiiur after sulwcrtbe fr such and so nun hares m h election hall choose ot ol their number a president and vtce-presi- delft and their places respeeliv two hundred hpres and if is hereby j timeto time till n vrhnti vacant ngrtvd iw ho shares repeivclvsul- dath risijjuntiom absenee from the than may bp necessary to secure the may be made in their uatne not cou fa application ot tjie funds there- taining w liiaitatii nor restiiciion to the a 1 i- be h er fhy hn think lit nct ivv- exceeding in theiirt tnshnee srcjbed hall be oanble in cjoiii or roviiu e or removal as abovesaid u giivercoin or montreal baik bills caeofdeath resignation absence from current in thi- province in the man- the province fur three mouths at a n r fio that 0 mv tm et time or the removal of a director by s ii v it tlt whnlp oi the stock h l hit df rp f confim arm the whole oi the slock jshfetf f en mii tea d- veus unrieo lifvln ben given in the ka touoctt rix pr cmttnm to tte xro s within fen days aftr tiey iail jiv- lv lioeu in manner ture- ifjr nrtvsdd aneiri- payiln nl not v wotirvr i vhrtil iim it at soei tifi aid aft it a i j tit tfhkhtvldvrs his place in case of mieh removal hall he filled n by hit said st mekiidrr and in the oiher ca se by the rrmainin lre or a rnaj rity of them tosetve howcve oniiitlie mieceedinij genera uteetiilij as abovfaio foiuth the directors for the time nc v nemom b iivj shall have pnwer to appoint such e as they hall appoint to that 0 sheers clerks and servants under them ivimi thirty days previous f shall be ueciar for executi the bu iocs of the said company and to allow them uch compensalion for their s vices roprctively as shall be reason- abe and proper all which together sthall exceed tea per vmtum upon the ith tle expeuces of buildinii kome- netve aftaid and he reinani- cera he pa ftble in huch insl ineit as a majfirry of the trrec1or hail c up but no ur iiefalriuet of to ihe purpose to which by these tl r a fori aid presents they are liable bill all per- eighth the nimbcr of votes tu sons fleoepino any bond bill note or which each stockholder or stocks other contract of his company signed holders co pattoernnp oy politic or bv the rrcideiit or vicelriideut corporate bvldfng ftock in the fold and eounvried or atleted by i lie company fliall be entitled on rvcry cyihieio tie coop v fertile tiflta oceafiurl when in couaai rilv to t hem or fjillni with it in any other prwifi ns 3hv1 tccpircmcnts of thefe manner nhafo ver tie raspp- article t her voles horof arc to be tivpjy stive credit to the said swtif tiven ffiall be in the t roportion follow tt k or property of i he mud comjiny inythai is to ay for r n hafe and not and tjlfrpby rejeclivel disavcw ha- tnnre than uvo 19ive wte for every two viusj recourse n any j etenee vhat- itiiitcs above two rod not exceeding teru mer to ro prron or pjoper- one vote making five vote for tea ty of any present or future nuiuber of hares forevetv tour hares abtvc tt 11l this comanv ptsco0i as ahovonen- and not exceeding thirty one vott tiomd and all iiits to be brought mak in ji ten votes fof thirty fhare ha against thi- oipan if any shall be ever tik iharcn above thirty and rot shall he brought aaint uie preideivt exceeding fi x y one vote rtiffklntf fowhe time b and in rase of his fifteen votes for hxty fhate 5 aid for death or removal from otliee pending every eight hatte above fixty ar d not any suit aaiusl him nvasures shall be extftcxiing one hundred one voce taken rft tbp cxpenee of the eonipauy making twenty vacs for one hundred for rh5tiimthti5 his urcvssor in ofiice but no perfoti or ptrfon copavtucr- as a fondant o that persons having ihipbviy politic 01 corporate fliall he uemfiios iifn the company nny not entitled to a greater number than be prjuduvd erdola y by that efnft- tventy votes and all ftock hold ri iu if he person yuinij flfall o on a- rehdent within this provircr or efe ajmt he person first nnmed as defen- where may vete by proxy if he llie dant notvi ifhsfanding hi death or re- t hy fhall fee fit provided that inch rova from oftvej tkf omjrlny shall brjcy be a ftek holder and do pioduce take no ndvrinire of such proceediuii a ftlfiteico authen ity from his conftfu- on that account and rill recoveries got ot conllitueuts raf fo reprifcnirg- had in mantiet iforeaid j ill be on- and voting for him her or them rt eluive tipn the eompnns 0 far as video alio that after t tie fir ft election of to render the companys said joiht 0rreors no fliareor hares ortheeapi stock or property liable thereby and ul tuckof the company hall ceuicr a

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