penmanship mr johnson vfpccttullyin forms the inhabitant of kings ton that he has opened a school in the boole formerly occupied by mr moore 8 a public houfe for the inftmion of young iidisanl gentlemen n the at of pxxmamutp en a plan entirely new hours of tuition will be from 7 to g oclock a m and ftom 4 to 6 p m for the inftructior of thole attending thcr schools who may wifh to become pupils rf mr johnfon and from 10 to 12 oclock a m and from 204 pm for thofc not attending other schools an evening school will m be attended to for the inltruction of young gen- lemen merchants and others who have not other time t fpare ytnr ladies who already write a ijorr hiid and have been taught draw ing wrt be taught to perform elegant cpecimrps of different band in one tronrjor no pay will be exacted youtig gentlemen who tfifh to im prve their round text band for the purpofe rf making fan and elegant en trie on ledge or their fine hand may be aitun j that by attending one or two 4vunesof txtriles after this method of teacbingthey will be able 1 write with the ntnolt freedom and eafe all thofc v ho do not complete their hands in twe tourfes of exerdfes hall be exempt from il charge except stationary for what time they think proper to attend after wards provided the cafs con fi its cf twenty scholars tht pay no more than tw one c rnranreft may be feen at mr moore mr walker- and mr qlcotts for terms aopl t koorn or w notice thereas by the last will and teftament of the late richard patt1nson efq m his life time of sandwich in the province of upper canada robert gillefpie william gilkifoii and george moffatt are jointly and leverally appointed fiduciary legatees of his eftate and exccutor of laid will i do hereby requeft all perfons having claims upon laid eftate to prefent the fame to me duly authenticated for payment and all perions t indebted thereto are required to pay to me the amount of thci repeclive accounts debts due to faid eftaie in the province of upper canada or in the united states bordering thereon may be paid to george jacob efq of sand wich john a hi in and jaes gordon efqrs of amherftburg or to either of hem they being duly anthciized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g- moffatt montreal 20th march 1818 44yf to let 1 la nk summonses subpoena and executions for he court of requests for sale at this office i gmdnoqua store mills fr ny term of years not exceed- in fifteen on the moft reafona- d that well known valuable in the public line gtuate on the point at gananoqna and recently occu pied ly s downs together with the houi barn stables c for fur ther particulars apply to the fubferiber joel stone ganatoqua jan 9 1 8 13 tf for sale 1uat beautiful and very valuable farm fituated upon point pealant in maryfburgh containing 200 acres being lots no is and 19 call of the rock there are nearly too acres under good improvement and 73 bearing apple and pear tree for particulars enqufr of mr walter mcuniffe merchant kin ron or mr wm ben niker of maryfburgh having been informed that aaron conner has been trefpalting by cutting timber throwing down my fences and putting cattle into my enclofure now 1 i hereby forbid faid conner taking away ibe timber he cut i alfo forbid all and every perfori or perfons to aid or affift faid conner to work or take aid timber 1 3 way nor purchafe it of him if they do hey may expect to be profecuted as the aw directs joltnmcbean maryfborgh march 28 1r1r i 44tf bank t of upper canada b 1 1 ii a tjs ly to mr j at his school at mr oleotta dancing academt mr johhson will alfo commence hi dancing academy it mr moori affembly roomfbon m twenty fubferi bers are obtained all thofe who think proper to favour mr j in either of the bve branches of education may be afivcd that every attention hall be al j i on hi part to mftruct them according to k bfl of his abilities kingston aug 3 row 3 for sale by private contract a viluabe freehold ettate con- jtl fitinc of a grid and saw aiill pood dwelling houfe out hoofes sfe tofc h r with about two acre of laud fi t d immediately in the vicinity of b mc bay of quinte ucanada and co ronands as much bufinef or more tha anv other mills upon the stream a ii ow rnder rent for about one thonfand dollar per annum the flwe hng houfe is well calculated for public bufiefs many other advanta ge are attached to the premifes too nu merous to defcribe one half of the purchafe money would be expected to be paid down the other half by inftal- nuni f six twelve and eighteen months iecircd by bond and mortgage upon the pre711fes an indifputable title will be given snch a property is feldom to be met with and is well worth the attention of am gentlerhan fond of mills and ma- a quantity 0 town lot upon the bank of the kiver moira in bellville a place fait increrftng in commerce and population terms of payment rnad ea- fv enquire of smith bartlet elqr rtn fir ft 00 or thomas coleman efq bellville bel faille 3 d aug 1818 10 th fubferiber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced the 4vction buiness in the market place oppofite to mr dani i biowns where evry attention will y paid to thofe who may favour him with their commands michael mor an aocifi every day at eleven oclock jvnt 22 4 charles mcdonald hiving taken his brother john mcdcn j laf specimens nf mi js per- ahlulo partnroiip the buoefs m fn- ture will be corcucted under the tirm of c j mcdornld who keep for fale a general affort- dry goods groceries blank bal bonds for sale at this oifice ookswill be opened at moors coffee houfe on thurfday the 1 6th inft to receive suhfcriptions to the bank of upper canada and will remain open from day to day fiom 10 to 2 oclock of each day under the fn- perintendance of a committee appointed for that purpofe until the whole of faid flock fhall have been fubferibed for kingston july 131818 7 notice a ll perfons indebted to the eft ate ztjl of the late james camming 1 late of hallowell deceafed are requeued to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the eftablifhment at hallow ell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate are drfned to prefent them for adjuftment the flock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete affortment of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public cah or country produce will he tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refoonfible farmers or others john cummtngi 7 smith butter worth meturn their fincere thanks to their friends and the public in ge neral for the liberal encouragement that i hey have received fiuce they recom menced the hatting buinefs they have an exteufive aftortment of ladies and childrens bon nets of various colors and fhapes gentlemens beaver finb caftorhats likewife knapt and woqj hats which they will fell very low fot cam or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 2 32ft advertisement the fubferiber offers for sale the following lois of land 1 hard ware crockery and moft articles enquired for at a coun try store which they oiler low for cafh saw- logs square timber staves potafhes and moft kinds cuf country produce they have a good grift and saw mill in full operation can manufact- 111 e flour uquat to any mill in the province they will fu plyordeis toi rawed timber of almoft any defcription at tiiort notice c s j mcdonald gatutnoqua jan 0 t tfe 3 yj all thofc indebted to char s mcdon ald whole accounts have become ue are requefted to to make immedi ate oayment the subscriber egs leave to inform his friends the public generally that he ha removed ftom his former ftand to the hop lately occupied by jonas abbot co near the market piace where he has now on band a general aftortment of hardware cutlery c which he will fell on the moil moderate term to let the hop lately occupied by the iubferiber and pofleflion given im mediately samuel shaw kingston tw jan 1818 officers half pay and artil lery penfion blanks for kle at this office i i cst received and for fale at this of fjb ifice price 18 poems on his do- mesth circumstances by lord byron with the star of the legion of honour and other poems to which is prefixed 7 he lf fthc noble author nov 28 32 kingston hotel noberf walker returns m his fincere and grateful acknowl- edgmeutfi to his fiicnds and the public in geueial for their liberal fupport dur ing the laft tigliteen years and takes thin pppottiinity of acquainting them he ftil continues to keep the above elc jgant eftaliftimtnt whie travellers and families can be accommodated wth fen- arate rooms and every attention paid some malicious and unprincipled per fons having reprefcuted and circulated a fprt that his charges are extravagant life beg leave to acquaint the public tffet thev are a moderate as any houfe in the town of kindlon with very fu- oerior acc3mmidati kingston june it 818 jt for bale hi he weft half of lot number 5 jt on the fouth h of fouth or prince edwards bay in r townmip of maryfburgh contg hundred acres said lot is well timbered and fettlements on each f which renders it well worth the attef f th who wh to pukchafe- enquiie of the printer june 16 1818 tf valuable lands 1818 32 tjor fale by the fubferiber lot no j 8and 19 in fhe tenth conceition ttbis office j and half lot no i in the 6th con- for saeat th a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in tbe province of upper cana d also fergusons tmnroved tabe of the value of of gold coin o ter or under weig ccflion of the town of pctcy ap ply to john burnett kingston maygffc 8 18 cot at the store of s tjtt received at ljl tltacoife 9 bar kreisof beer of a fpenor quality for grains fak tor cafe sotice a for sale may 5 18 18 49 the sobtcriber is about to clofe fis bnfinefs here he requefts all th- ace indebted by note or otherwife to call and difcharge the fame without delay s hwley kiugft n june 1 5th 1818 oats peafe and flour for fale by s hdwley 3 miank deeds and memorials for fale at this office multipucation tables for the ufe of schools fur fele at this office y the fubferiber 2 doors north j of jobn iummings efq cherry boards and plank 18 iich shingles and cord wood john tuttle kingston oth may 18 18 1 i o nphe fubferiber refpcdfnlly inf his friends and the public tha has received a new fuppply of g o on s from montreal well adapted to the fea- fon thofe who may favour him with their cuftom may rely upon it hall have them on the moft reafonable ternss eith er at private fale or public auction for cafh michael moran kingston july 21 1818 8 books cy tracts f various defc can he had at this office where accefs may alio be had to a fm circulating li- biary on reafohuhle terrr june io 1 8 1 et advertisement if theperfon whe wenl b the namfs of david price and davtd d 8 1 1 price bot wbofe name 1s davhl iat lc price downes and redding in 814 at the bay of quant upper canada is now living he wi on hl8 reurn t0 england hear of frocthing much to his advantage if he s dead an perfon pofllfting fuc knowledge is re- quefted to communi u to mr w liamfreemam or new york or to roderick macka of brndl town ab it would i nations from an unpleaant an he was rm iv m mitchell kingston oct 27 1 8 1 7 executors 3 fix plex feet high light lv hr pale com- ition and very 4 for sale a two horse wiggon 3erfectly new likewife a few thoufand 18 inch shing les inquire of s merrill kingston april 211818 47 i blank summonses and executions for the district courts for sale at this office to let and pofleffion given the firftof may next a number of rooms in thr line barracks march 13 enquire of h earl 42 a card the fubferiber informs the merch- ants and traders of upper cana da and state of new york that he has commenced bufinefs in thi city as general agent xnd commiffion merch ant any bufinefs entrufted to his care will meet with diligent attention benjamin hart montre 10th may l 8 i r 5tm6 notice the fubferiber refpeafully informs the public that he intends to con tinue the boating bufinefs this feafon therefore if any perfons wifhes to tranf- port plank boards brick lime sand c c he offer them his fer vices apply at mr john dawfons kinfton william yerex april 13 1818 46 tolet 4 nd immediate poffeftion given xjl two convenient houfes with shops in ftore ftreet near mr blakes tavern on the corner of the ftreet lead ing from the artillery barracks to the french church for particulars apply to john w ferguson store street kingston eeb 17181838 executive council office york 22d july 1818 notice is hereby given to christopher thomson or his reprefentative by order of his honor the adminilrrator in council co make good any pretention to the weft half of lot number seventeen in the fixth conceflion on the napane river in the townfhip of frederickfburgh wihin six months from this date or the fame vvill be thrown open lu other appli cants john small 11 m6 c e c 200 acre in 4th and 500 in the 6th conceflion of the gore between emeft town and frederick fourgi no 18 and 19 in the 8ih conceffioa of murray no i eafrhalf 2dcon ofsidnv no 9 10th conceffion of rawdcn no 4 8th conceflion huntingdon no 14 15 17 i8 25 d 26 in the 9th conceflion of thurlow no 34 and 35 in the 4th conceflion of vaughan near york also several valuable town lot9 in the town of kingfton wm crawford fredericlsburgh jan 10 1 8 1 7 34tf smiths work the fubferiber informs the m moft vepetfvlh t genre t km i vn that he is juft arrwd here froifl dublin and has commenced the bufi nefs of black and white smiih in all its blanches more particularly that of horfe shewing in which h will give the great dl fatifaifci n o thofe thot em ploy him thtv may rely rq having their work well done cheap and rest by applying at mr j meagher barrack ftreet where he has commented all orders in that line will be gladly newivtd mvo iwi atvefttion given a ingston 1 3 1 h 03 32 njtlhe fubferibera beg leave t inform jl their friends and the public in ge neral that they carry on the tatloring business in main street where they intend male ing every article in their line on more reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back thofe who wih to favor them with their cuftom may rely on having their woik well made and on the fhortrft notice for cam nonis stevens kingston y sept 9 1817- for sale on reafonable terms that well known ftand for a tavern fituated inthe village of prefcott lots no 9 and n fronting the kings highway and a large two ftory framed houfe well fin- ifhed with a large kitchen in the rear tabling for twenty fpans of horfes a fhed feventy feet long and a good houfe on the rear lot fit for the accommodation of a refpeclable family the whole of the bnildings thereon being fmifhed in a workmanlike manner and at prefent occupied by mr alexandei b mcdow ell as a hotel for further particulars apply to the fubfcribersor to mr alexander mae- donell junior merchant prefcott hr whom the terms may be made known and an indifputable title and immediate poftefiion will be given alex macdonell co kingfton 3d jan 1818 32tf rags rags ash paid for clean coi ca 1 on and linen r a g joseph scott surgeon has received the following atticles by laft arrivals viz aromatic vinegar effence burgamot hofe spirits lavender pink sin- cs and carmine generally ufed as rouge soda powders late from london and a general aftortment of medicine f khxtiqn 2jjji8i8 8 of any color at this office to let and immediate pofleflion given the house and premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dal ton fituated within half a mile of this town a favorable fituation for a gentleman and family and no leis lo for a djftiller or inn keeper fur furth particulars enouiie of the fubfcrihei e barnltt kingston feb 24 ilti t