Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 25, 1818, p. 3

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cfewjflm jnflfjmrnf nra ht opinion of nic i arkiovlrlf- bis itnlirudritce u hfi dptioii hi aiiacuon otlainigrs for false im pronnumil tin imvnf m bis safety is asi laiorrf by thr iinio riili m iubric ion thu ofromonk ivinains h i f in stain quo hjiibellou insult to in bnifhrn- jnsno k ariioldi i-n- wid ins heron attack upon lit iriff provrsliis rourae mid rlvtennitiiin rit support ot govfvnmntt lfc hi htfld unduuitct rrnlonftn lik charge upuu lie difeucrlc unarmed aiiiul i an ilpiisih v proof u bis prowenj ins heroic iitdtlur ml of in i shrinking lie surety comm hot have rv ftriml uiisveatutffc upon ogdenslrorgh anl c1 lethbrmgr w th brock gunimar azul the fetid cinihju 1imm tailing a mile or ia in rearof ttv lm which was 4frjnni4- fd upon touvid ami mrr iirlaoiin ot b- iop tin- sole rupptm from htr foritij miak a do not wai ol uracil ltnui 1 v ill tu i that richard ynmm ksq has- a right rrfusean sulijcra warrant wiirn oa ii wa- made ot an oiienci fcvhieh il ij has a- tortedlv coitfiasvi and hoaud ot ahhoig oiutrary io lfc ronor itfm oaiii uinijv lion itpoii oif a ou or mr govivlay bail tpangen iaaultil j abaiedtioj3 co teuipn- ble as i wo ildnavc hailed k o j quuilr tlic like unpreioulvom motives nvm rotvvitiisrandinmv kiwtvirdetmtf him 1 nil floiprewnc toav t vatayjumfc otthe e ftei liism rriii b what tucj mas iii knai pud vvih ajiwttrvicea onq uv tioiui o a right io akr bail tor the appearance ot an offender brwre hitonoaiion rrtajt warrant i- s led aamht jrioar n iiu hriove uim ia lezzi manner a- oihomu iumoe k 1 w attempt tv a ristiifal cirag and rfoi to n m cmiiiuuon and lavof the lamiod kingduii of great critain 1 am sir david ix joises p s mr r f- boasiingof tipprenii- turtr inierferancoof on john mclai u f- not in my opinion j stid v am a able conduct ir him nomofitftah iidi la bv iiidiscriininaihy coadeiaains inporlatsni from the u s a d caedonia onkf tft t hr uvntioni from h tjmth states m a resnecahh merchant ii- prcoit of m- ihbw of iavison rcn from irhaivi tha oa tj cxjtd thlt- ni candle s wftvr imr ia i tia i vod rot iiavi v a for anv oihrprtmin vc t ftjiafin fario1 to ha irrtatcitli r ontrpo ofaay oil oriinullv from jptft bbirc cr an otlur shire in all nun i d jones london june 6 b h e n i iv ra t ion we have to touch more thai once on ihh painful tonic and ve are airain iaiwelleii to revert i t it whatever mtiv tne nal caiie it is too true that the mania his taken deep hold of the opulatin of this port and the jreigbbcmtiug pacts around iare poftious ot wliich have re solved and are resolving- to be- oue inlrabitants of american land during the part and pre sent werw wklw nwwy haveendarsved among others mr llornbrook a woolen nrati- utacturer from the neighbor hood of tavistock who is sad to have taken the whole of his establishment consisting of six teen men and apprentices and four women for the avowed purpose of carrying on his fu ture concern at pittbnrgh the birmingham of america we could mention other names which the public would hear with some surprise a smith at plymouth is employ- r roprica has induced severoh oihers of ih q corps dramatiqu n follow their example among which number is wallaek of drury lane theatre westchester penn aug 4 on friday laft a large four horfe waggon paffed thro our village having befides bag- age a full load of people how many we cant exaclly tell but they looked for 1 umbers like the picture in ihe old primer cf john rogers wife tfc with nine children and one at the brraft we could cout t twenty but the e were doubtlefs more we learn they re from england lately landed and now bound for indiana probably to the fet- rlement of ivlr birkbeck whofe memoirs we no- iced laft winter j dvy ftare t tbdufarids and thulapd- are anxious to emij grate hither profperiiy at- yy b tbofe two boys were born in the city of philadelphia 2 kingston tutis day augusts 1818 we have found it impossible from various circumstances to issue a suo- plemen wilh the present number and much matter on that account which was intended to have been published today will be found in next weeks gazette i the earl of selkirk and his lady and a number of gentle- thcir company 1 tend them men in their company from montreal arrived in this town on thursday last in the steam boat charlotte and the next morning proceeded on their way to york in ihe steam boat j frontenac rattr ffideed tfiefe emigrant settlers in general deferve much commendation for their patient perfeverance and iri- duftry iu addition to the clearing up of their farms in proportion to their oppor tunities a fine road is nearly completed connecting the darnford and prefque ifle roads coniidering how much j human induftry is ftimulated by approbation and example it is furprifing that the improve ments of canada are not oftenei noticed in our public j journals j m f t jewellery and silver plate by private fale at afcnibam nftf doneila auction room wifl pos itively dole this week for particulars fee advmifement kingston august zeth 1 8 1 8 3 i i lieutenant governor office 7 i for the kingston gazette in the late trial of air gourlay i un derstood the solicitor general to as- rt tlint the most turbulent and sedi tious subjects in upper canada were jenerally natives of great britain iiis comparisoiu if well founded is an indirect compliment to the ameri canborn inhabitants of this province government sale y atjctlocwifl he fold a the barrack store wharf on th es- day the 8th september next ffthe weather ihould be unfavourable on that day the fale will be poftporred to the firti favourable day following a large quamty ofcondemhea barrack stores ho are said to he a large majority of 0ir whole population but it is wor f be accounted for f and what infiu- tori shigurt nth 18 j 8 public no llie is herehy given ihat the money for thy of sermuo consideration whether the pvtrent of til dmiucd claims for w the real fact and if to bow it is pav and wanes to the militia f pus canada vvil ftjonlv be received r i k y fc ana loon after be in a courfe ot p vmiert lmirrdintew on the receipt of the j money or any part of it circular letters j will be ifkied to the comdhiding ji- j fioers f the repertive regiments by order of his honor the adminiftrator saml p juv1s secretary extract of an art of agreement be tween upper and lower canada passed 1st april isis article 3d and whereas it is ex- pedieni to guard against the introduc tion of dutiable articles which con sideration being had to th locnl situa tion of upper canada may be brought into this province from the united states of america without having paid the duties in the said province of up per canada be it enacted by the an- i ho rity aforesaid that no articteofmer- chaudize subject to duty upon entry at the port of st johns shall be allow ed to pass as on transit from upper canada by coteau du lac unless the person cr persons bringing the same hall produce to the nspector a cer- tiucate from an oflicer duly authorised mce it onght to havf unci the policy i i by law or in tnont rim authorised b of promoting emigration from ta- tfnjhhe gv rnor lieu nan governor adjutant generals office trrh i mh august i 6 1 8 twli iviropau dominions and exciu- ding settlers from the united states a spectator militl general orders no i by a iteport of a board of field officers apnnted by lilitia ge neral orders of the 7b november t r 1 5 to inveftigate the claims for militia pay and allowances in the diltiict of niagara lliil unfettlcd in couf quence of the death of paymaijlrr street it appears that certain untlber f claimants were recommended to paid the amount of their refpective clair which report was aporovi by his cellcncy lieutenant governor gore u ordered to be paid accordingly no 2 his honor the dminift tor in confluence of the approved report and his excellency 1 ieuten governor gores order thereon direfts that robert grant efquire late communic vtions the court sf assizes lately holden n this town was closed en saturday the 2 intant during its sitting several persons were tried convicted bad sentenced as follows john carscullau esq for forgery one months imprisonment and ten pounds fino john c wilson grand larceny urstitutiou of the stolen property 3 mouths imprisonment and public whip ping 9 stripes john graces grain larceny one nnnrh iinfpiihoiuijmntfu tdlk w ripug 39 stripes and bajiishni tit ivm cooper grand larceny orpon ftdministenng tlve govern ment o upoei canada that such arti cles of merchandize were bona fide shipped or laden in the pr vinee of upper canada or have paid duties there information wanted if alexander lynton who left scot land in 1799 or 1 800 will fend his ad- drefs to water iivin of caledonia county of genjee and hate of new york he may hear of fomcthing to hia advantage ffj printers who will have the goad- nefs to jrive the above one or rwo infer iion will confer a favor on a defer viog family canandalgua july 2l3t 1818 tc sec con3tinc of 730 bed cases bolsters 0 pairs sheets bankets 831 378 628 803 9 rags h on o ading dpy paytnaftei genlof militia male 10 days imprisonment and three months imprisonment and ten pounds line man smith grand larceny one month imprisonment and private whip ping mich th sm tth recci vi n stolen goods ont month imprisonment and public v hipping 39 gripes jane smithy receiving stolen good one month imprisonment and pri vate whipping 39 tripes noble boicrnan assault upon a f- fnlub of proptewss lu the kingston market during tin past meek ahtlcuis ptr knot to pots 2 pairs water bieket 15 pairs di- irons fire shoved pairs tons cross cut saws candlesticks lanthoms padiock chsiirsr tables fonns snow shovels pounds candles stoves pipe lengths is pans 2 stands sale to commence at 12 oclock noon precifidy archd mcdo auctioneer kingston august 1901818 13 just published to be had ai this office and stores mr gouillays ibjdmess 10 3 60 3 20 10 56 40 55 3 1 50 12 938 1 l yirrf vvuttou vvd t irk lb lb be appointed paymatter for the fpeial 1 purpofe of receiving and diftributing to to i siiver- the refpedive claimants the fum of iive hundied and fifty five pound one flhfl linr and four pence three farthings ar my fterling no 3 mr grant is not to receive j pay or allowances from the govern- ed almost from uionuug to niglit rf uppcr qm the in furnishing tae emjgrants mm h rnay br employed on this fervice by ovder of ilis honor ihe adminiiraior n coffin adjutant general of milta upper canada gold and silver in exchange tot bank paper and were we to i state the amount thus exchang ed and which thenceforth may be considered as totally lost as jj well as the possessors to the to the editors of newpapers all over the mother country it would be quite evidence enough it an y i be wanting of the spirit of em line alice brandon keeping a house of ill iame one mouth imprisonment and standing in the pillory half an hour with a label of her offence on her back mary flake keeping a hou of ill fame one month irnprisonmont and sitting in the stocks half an hour acc10hnt last week a most unfortunate arei- deut occurred near this town to a boy named tromhlais being ont on the pasture grounds near mr tiiibodos j farm he unluckily loaped on a bundle of hay under which a pitchfork had o is imkys olirtw ftutter 1 1 4- iotatoes oals tivrpipri arros culibage klmr do 1 4 ill w p m m m m 1 rt i 1 ii p straw wood c w t pair each lb bush- head cwt bbl lb rtf vov iuiim1i cord 4 0 6 0 0 6 2 10 fj 0 2 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 1 0 i 3 0 0 2 0 1 n 3 0 0 6 i 1 10 0 0 0 7 0 0 a 1 10 0 1 0 io 0 0 6 5 0 6 fi r 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 8 0 2 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 i 0 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 3 to tlhejuky r 6 9 0 s 0 fi 0 0 3 0 0 6 1 n 0 0 0 0 g 10 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 12 6 on his trial at kingston assizes a l s 0 his narrative and the transactions of the convention of friends to enquiry price 13 each been carelessly thrown one prong of the fork entered the riht side a great loratkml d t i il i j j amis donovan the former about ij sid the latter about 18 years of age fons of william donovan then of tjft- 1 i 1 typlace in the city of dublin ireland 1 uoldfmitti ouit their fathers rehdan on thursday morning- attention ot the iniiabitanu oi penrith wasattracted by the a j f pearance of a large waggon j the orrrrr fjcp t0 ac uited sta t stupenduously iaden with house j 0 and the ux o the l holdtlirnitlire c and with wo- j indiesthy took no property wh globe about four years ago two deflitue j orphan boys william donotan bad j distance leaving a dangerous and ex- i t- 1 r i i tensive wound fhrougli which a very large portion of the bowels protruded dr scott was called in and after fruit less endeavors to return the portion of bowels protruded through the wound was obliged to make a larger opening the treat extent of bowels exposed rendering it totally impossible to re turn them by the original opening from is extant and nature of the lost a book belonging tthe circulating library vol tchryfel or the a dventureg of a guinea whoever will return it to the p inter hall be re warded for their trouble 25 aug 1818 13 the subscriber egs to inform the public that he will fhortly receive an extenfive affortment of double and single the subscriber espctfully informs hial friends and the public that he has i s to fes dog irons and hollow wares manufactured at the iron works in thi ditbitl of three kivcrs which he will be enabled to difpofe of at an un commonly iow rate for cah john macau lav kingston ith august 18 j 8 tj joseph scoff surgeon e fe nritas received by the late anivals a 1 ii n hv ihp siip with chemand if alive it is 4 itom the extant and nature ot the en and dill ten by t e w hendcd th b cndurkf i woend little hope could haye been en- f which walked a number ocj hardfnipg and p frrtign ar trrtflined of the hofs recovery how- mu men of men several families who were pro ceeding from aistoi to liver pool tiiere to take shipping tor america the ht of nearly 80 oi our counlo comkmi ed by the privnuons attendant 011 a remorseless system of pro- famum and taxation to bid a- dieu iorever to the land of our fathers eould not fail to awaken in the breasts oi the spectators 81 itnetk enntions tlic success tn the late geo cooke lnciedou and plidips in tne whole comprising togetherifa their fiftqj j mary anne and margaret donoy have been lately bequeathed a conl3dc j j ble perfonal property amountiug as i prefent afcertaired to about fourteen or i rifteen hundred pound each by the uft j of their late uncle kingaintll zav efq thi money is at prefent in r hands of thefe youn ladie3 and fy public notice is now given fa the exp j tation that the editors of newfpap in the eall indies america and otl ever by the sleady and intelligent ex- iihons of dr scott the boy is doing well and in a few days will be entire ly recovered it would be unjust to withhold the praise due dr scott on this occasion who without the lea shadow of any remuneration tor his trouble so generously offered hisju- dieious and well timed assistance b removed his furnace utenfils from i camden to the houfe formerly occupied by benjamin booth for that puruofe in the font of emeft town 16 miles from kinofton where all bufirefs in i his line will be done as ufual at the mljj received hortcll notice with this only exceotion ftf ll or malt work mult be paid for on deiive- diiugs and che caiis confining of the following articles genuine alcohol or fpiiits oi wine concent rated vitriolic xacid barclays biloius pills barclays aroma ic lpts of vinegar crude tartar red lead vermillion shell i c ioil turpentine eptom salts m u cloves and cinnamon sal ammmijc arlenic and borax for fulderitiv kingston dug ijt 1s1s tj n b soda iovvders r joseph h smith n b all orders in the above tine may be left with john fific kinlton ernest i oton august 25 1 8 l 8 latf of the world may by tranfeubfyg me give notice to tliofe poor del parts he fame g tute boy of the competency that awfj anv infon ii them upon their return any iniorm tion refpectiug then will be tliankftjy received by their iolicitor mr wiuu 1 capt r bullock has juft raifd the frame work ot a very fine saw mill on his eftate in the englith settlement mur- rv where his raoid and ex- cellent improvemnts excise the iurprize of thofe who viiit hi strati d or stolen from the common fa kindlon a large strong chefnut coloured horse in high flefti has no white about him fhod all round the own er will well reward any peiion returning him to the fubfetiber tousa1nt lestage- auguft2 2 13 fo it n d fl o ur by tbe cwt and br an io fale by moniliau 6c otgliimaln 5 n saturday ue 2 t on wof i llnij ihie a lauill 1 ict ituc owner ta requciba t 1 p ove r uv ray chaises and taken isaac t barrliw wolf ijlarj a tut z 18 a 1 j 3

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