Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 22, 1818, p. 4

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lypplement to the kingston gazette tuesia leftembeil 22 f v m articles of association of the ban k of upper can a da w all to whom thesk pre sents shall coilk ft ft ac and made manifest ji m roc i i e sukscribi rs havejor- niiid tin associaton or limited lo-part- iwrship and do hereby agt ee a euch other to conduct bdsklng business fo fie manner hereinafter specified and aij n and there be made by a ina- shall exceed fen per crnlvni upon the capital stork for the payment f which thirty days noticeshall il ways be given second it is further mutually agreed upon that whenever the sum of two thousand pounds shall have been ac tually deposited or paid in on account of th subscriptions to the said stock notice then of shall be given by the person under whose superin tendance tin same shall have been received in the kingston gazette and the said persons shall at the same time in like manner notify the time and place of holding a meeting of the subscribers which shall bt at lh distance of not lets than ten days ffomiho time of such notification for proceeding to the elec tion of the number of directors herein after mentioned and such election with the expeticesof bnildin house- stock or property liable thereby arfd rent andall other contingencies shall no further and the company shell be defrayed out of the funds of the immediately pay the amount of such re- said company the said directors covery out of their joint stock but not shall likewise be capable of exercising otherwise and in case of any suit at such other powers and authorities for law the president for the lime tojtng the well regulating and ordeiiug of the shall have full power in his own name described by and under the name or style of the bank of upper canaoa and zee do hereby mutually covenant jorilv f shares voted for in manner hereinaffei prescribed iu respect to the aonuaj elections of directors audthe reg nffaw of said company as shall be prescribed by the byelaws and reg ulations thereof fjik it is further covenanted and agreed upon by and between the par- tie to this agreement that if the said capital stock of one hundred and twenty five thousand pounds is not subscribed in one mouth after the said book of subscription shall have been opened then and in such case it may be competent for any former subscri be- or subscribers to increase his her ortheif subscriptions to two hundred and fifty shares and if the aforesaid capitafstoek is not subscribed within two months after the said book of sub- deelnre and a fee that the ftdurmltg ore and shall be tin fundamental ar ticles athis our assticiatimi ami a- expiration of the day fixed for tfla king persons who shall then and there be sciiptiou shall have b en opened then j i tit 1 chosen shall b he first directors and shall be iu of serving until the greemeni with ewh other b which ve and all persons who at tun lime here- after may irausatt business with the said company shall be botitidand reg ulated first the capital stock of the said company shall not exceed out hundred mid twenty five tlvjusund pounds current money of ihuprofiuee divided into five thousand shares of twenty five pounds each ard for the purpose of raising th said capifiu the annual election and inc direct- rs so chosen shnll as soon thereafter as circumatauces iviia eojvvtswiriitty allow of commence the business and opera- tious ot the said hank but no bank be discounted ui the bank until ivii thousand hounds in jjnld or surer or sth n brk of vaxkuivvii favm foe opened in this town on thursday the 1 k ininnl at moores c il from tmiiours ol ten tn fwo ocloi k under the snperlntpndttweeof john cummiug benjamin whitney john m- balfour john ferguson robert liichaidinn the bank of upper canada that the liilj or tvnk notes halt be issued or joint slock or property of the said put m circulation nor any bill or note company exclusive of dividends to be mad iu the manner heieinaftcr mention d shall alone be responsible k- ihedets and eiamlots of the said company and that lip pfcisou who shall or may dal wnii this com pany cj to loui hi y btodl k ntay become in any wie indcbivd sull on any pretimtce w alevnr liave rccone igz inst the separate property ot any peseut or future metnber ol this cotu- pany or against their perso us j iarther than may be wevftfeot to secure tne and in such case the deficiency may be subscribed for by any person or per sons body politic or corporate sixth 1 1 is hereby expresiy and ex plicitly declared to be the object and intention of the persons who associate soeiutioii and ryot otherwise and a themselves undei the style or lirm of copy of the sixth article of this associ- and on behalf of the company to pro secute to judgment and execution viti the manner and form as by the laws of this province it h provided it bg expressly understood and declared that all persons dealing with the said com pany aree to these terms and are to be bound thereby seventh thesearticles of agreement shall be published in the kingston gazette fdr three months and for the information of all persons who may transact business with or in any man ner give credit tc this company every bond bill note or other instrument or contract by the effect or terms of which the company may be charged or held liable for the payment of mo ney shall specially declare in such torm as the board of directors shall prescribe that payment shall be made out oj the joint funds of this company according- to ike present articles ofas montreal bunk uoc shall e actually paid in and received on recount of the bupsmpliaits to the said capital stock tnitd i i til kc i i or the ailaira ol the said association or company there shall be tiiirtecn di- reeiorr wliosiiall be aniiually elecictl by the proprietors or holders of the said capital htock at a general meeting thereof lo beannuulh holden at which james nickalls and samuel shaw or annual meeting the said proprietors la itliful application ol the funds there- any two of them and to continue open and stockholders shall vote according of to the put poses to which by these under their superiniendauce until these tj the ruie nei mailer etaulisiied in presents they are liable bui all per- sliall have been an election of oirec- uvrt tn uatiua at rpuril imfii js sniw aeeenfintf any bond bll note or shall have been an election of direc- re to votiiig at general meetings tirs as hereinafter provided which and the direciois so chosen y a ma- book shall be headed with the present jority in conformity to such rule stiail ai tides of copartnership or agree- capable of serving as directory for tweive inou tiits unless any of them shall ment and shall continue open until the whole of the said capital slock shall have been subscribed evftry person or persons co- partnership body poli tic or corporate who may or shall be come members of this association may bubtribe forsueh and so many shares as he she or they shall think ht not however exceeding in thehrst instapce wo hundred shares and it is hereby agreed that the shares respectively sub- scrilvd shall be payable ill gold or silver coin or mmtreal bank bills current in this province in the man- er following that is in bay two per centum when the wrhole of the stock his been laen and ten days previous notice having beeugiveutn the ivius- tfiu gazette six per centum to the birectois within ten days afier hey rhnu bavebsen chosen in manner hew- fei after provided another payment not exceeding ten pef ct jiitum whenever they shall require it t such time and pice as they shall appoint for that purpose g vi tig thirty days previous boficc as aforesaid and ihe remain der hait be payable in such instalments a- a majority of the directors shall jgg upon but n iiitei uialuieut son- aeeping any bond bill note or other contract of ttth company signed by tile president or vtciiesident mid eounttvigncd or attested by the cashier of the company tor lue lime betujb or deiiugf with it in any other manner wnauocvcr thereby respec tively givi civdit to tin wal joint btok or property of the said company and uereby respectively disavow lux- vin rreourse on an pieteuce ii hat- lie rctnoved ior maladmiuiatjatiou be fore the expiration ol thai period by a general meeting of stockholders or unless suspended as hereinafter provi ded and at their first meeting after pitch election shall choose out of their number a president and vicepreu dent and their places respectively from tmeto time lill tip vhrn vacant by death resignation absence from the 1 i nince or removal as abovesaid 1 cj ol death resignation absence from the piovince for three months at a time or the removal ot a director by the stockholders his place in case of any suit against him measures siiail be such removal shall be filled tip by the taken at the expeuce oi tie compuuy for substituting his successor in ouicc ation shall be inserted in the bunk bok of every person depositing money oc other valuable property with the com pany for safe custod or a printed co py shall be delivered to every suvh 5ersor before any such deposit shall fafl received from him and it is hereby espredy declaied that no enzngemuit cull lehj made in the name ol ihe said cor jiuvy unless jt contain a wmlm talionor resfiiction o the effect abwe recited and the company hereby expressly disavow all responsibility for any debtors engagement which may be made in their name not con taining a limitation or restriction to the elfect aforesaid eighth the number of votes to which each stockholder or stock holders copartuerfhip body politic or corporate holding rock in the lid coinpany hall he entitled on evciy occalion when in conformity to the prviliuna and requirements of thde ai tides the votea thereof are to be givea fhali be in the proporrion follow log that id to lay for one fhare and not mote than two one vote for every two hares above two and not exceeding ten ever to the person or separate proper- one vytei making five votes for tea tj of any present or future member ot fl i every four hares above in except as abveincn- this company tioned and all suits to be brutht against this company itmjf shall oe shall be brought againc the president for the time being aud iu case oi ids death or removal from olliee pending said stockholders and ill the other ca- ses by the remaining directors or a majority of them to serve however on ly dntu tw succeeding general meeting as abovesaid fourth the directors for the time being tjtall lutve power to appoint sucii oilicers clerks uud servants under them as shall be necessary lor ex ccting the busitiefts oi the said cu hip an j and to a se abl as a defendant o that persons having demands upon the company tijaj ut and nut exceeding thirty one vett making ten votes for thirty hares or every fix hares above thirty and not exceeding fixty one vote nakiig ftfreeti votes for fixly hiareii and or every eight hares above lixty and not oicceijing one hundred h one vote making- twenty voles for one bundled but no pcrion or peiion co-paytur- ihip body politic o corpucate lull he entitled to a greater number than be pvcjntiiejordelaeai uiatevim twenty votes and all suck huhis or if the person suing shall o on a- r within this province or tife- aiiim tiie person first nanveu us defeu- here may vote by ptoxy if he llu- tlan notwititstaieling nil death or re tney rj fce p that fuci moval from olfue this cbinpauy miail p xy be a hock hohcr and co prohue take no advantage of such pioceeuug a f authority from hi conhitu- on that account and all rccovvnes tflu q colu f fc eprefcntk jllow hemsuch eoinpciisation for their had in manner aforesaid shall be con- and von f him hc or them ptd- iervices iespectiiv as- bera-on- cluive uou the company so tar as vjt a i1jc f c 0 ibleud proper- h muth toetuet io render the companys jomk jreftorfc fliwo fl6 t tutfeap

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