Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 29, 1818, p. 1

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tuesday keptemuim 29 islsj volume viil no is gazett 4 41 i kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postage fci- agents for the khtgfttfi qnzeiie eritpst tmn 1 m ks ft nk1n lq york william am an ttsq brock vll a shvr wood esq fihivillr s mnaiul ftg montreal n mow1k prints 8ophiasbrpk u r s a m v i i so i m fs new ihwftgisa point andstatioiiarjj o f fa palmer rcfpeafilly t 9 forms his friends aid the public generally that he has recently opened for fak near the market place athoice and well feleed affortmeiu of n drugs pa itbkh he will difpofe of at very reduced j uric among which are the following articles viz s atom a 1 1 at to opt aittinuurv crid an fortu iy argn vivuin av root arsenic borax cantharidjj riii cinnamon cloves copperas drain tartar ouervrs elixviriol parajtivrife lmp fhaefctftn l bnigaiiihi iimui pppjnrittnt flor ciia luin stilpli pol ijijrtales sunuu gum amman arnbifl a atuuid opal wioe lac shell mvirti yvinarfv lq i dnmn marking lvergb marc masna manna flufc merc conn- snbtm pracipu ah rubr jjufhtofts 01- amygddnlfi annim can cinnamo clove peppn v olive ridnu 01 viiriol ophiiu orant peel picra peffrtkbcu poland sarch pearl ash peruv ark buisins mihcnlcl had col umbo curcuma lianluv qjvon rrh imhboz alb jalap rhtm r foceo reel fprinjreo money purfee j profile frames guilt clothes hair and tooth rnfhes playing cards coin rooms an tligant sitortitiejjt of paper i hangings englifll fole leathers c c c kingston september jth i o t 8 tf if new ironmongery s t o r e jotin watkjns returns his fin- cere think to his friends and the public in general for the very liberal fopport he has received fince his com- mrnccment and begs leave t inform j them that he has now arrived and open for fale a very extenfivr and well felec ted aflbrtroe t of hardware cut s e w goo jjf he fuiici iber begs leave to inform jm his friends an cnftomers that he has received a irefh fupply in addition to his lock on hand of the ncweft frilhion and latcll importation con- fifti ng of dry good c sup virg stii v j saro siurn sa- candies sa itttnoti umtiiff kudu salt prtre strn nnui arui ciriaiuicr sp r- crivi siijthrr us rollb tainariiiii- winilm birk which he will difpofe of unufually low for cafli produce or approved credit amongft which are feveral tons of welljjl a tot ted swedes and englifll iron round and fquare rod iron crawley 1 bhft ter steel wrought nails from 40 to od cut shingle and v japboardfug do spike all lazes horfe she- and naiis pi n oh hare motrds frying pans- window gafs 7 by 3 8 by 9- 7 by 9 hv 10 tin plate i c 1 c w 1 x dv ox s d x spades and shovels ftom no o to 4 trace walters and log chains sheet lion and double sheet in bundles bar and- black biic grey brown bottle i green drab w waterloo coaife fine jaud fuperfine road cloths do do calnmcres pcliffe cloth diffetent cohus veil patters- green and red baife white lied blue green and yellow flannels kofeand p blankets bombazetts ofnaburoh and imitation sheetings india cottons calicoes shawls handkerchiefs and hofiery ii a r d w a r e ron aed sttel brafs and iron tea kettles sugar cers bake pans belly pots of different lizes grid irons trace chains soades and shovels frvino- pao nails locks and liiuges hambro lines tar tobacco logwood fu hick nicaragua copperosaud allum c c c wanted man and two m iid servants cne l to act in the capacity of cook and houle maid the other as houfe and ladys maid a married couple without any family of good character will anfwcrj good wages will be given enquire at the priming office king ion sept 14th 1818 16 cautlonr all erfons ate hereby forbid pur- chafing or receiving a note of hand given rhe 2gth november 1815 to david white by the fubferiber amount ing to i2 6 4 and now in the hand3 of john white late tanner of bcllville as faid note was paid in full in may 1818 john bleeker murray sept 14th 181 8 16 forstlk 4lso education mtrs hill moft relpeafully v jpjl forms the inhabitants of inga ton and its vicinity that file has taktfl the houfe lately occupied by metts johns finklc where fhe intends com mencing a boarding and day school for young ladies on ttn-f- day the 22nd int and hopes fiom the attention weich he will pay to th im provement morals anf comfort of her pupils to merit the approbation of the i parent 8 who will entnlt their children her care she will teach reading wri ting arithmetic grammar and geo- graphy with plain ad fancy needle work embroidery will alfo be at the option of the parcntb uoder the follow ing ttnns viz or teas loaf and mufcovado sugaiv wines jamaica spirits cognise brandv hollands gin shrub and melr svriis four miier rflt bdefsnii tdts cois fi aioiruitie viikcar micolov snufi opt utlv t bt ttfljueeo paper i britkti od katwm lo- lcs bilious pills suirs idrlilte gus i sinffcje beer soda wner tudtoi pd i r- vair in pil i trmtli th4f oiuimnllorthc xfel- mmcinial ooumtut fnect c ppcr anvil vice smiths and kitchen bellow- ilrong hooks and hinges allotted ikes locks of aw def- criptiom 100 fetta cait boxes 3x2 km w- 3u2 34 45i i 5x3- 6x4 4x2 grindhsno pautj j putty boilm lintfeed oil in jars and cck white rone anchors brafc kettle- mill croltcnt pit haiidand f saws 5 guns punei s itiis 01 ail il rtipvijiio plncchifels and goiges hammers j nilottuent of 3ic c cvc ilampt and caft brafscab- l- ware saddle frees weboing bitts stirriip buckles and all kinds ofiddlery tin and iron teakettles sanceoans tea boiler hollow wave every other defciiption of i 1 ariuner s tjoja i ail pepper mint ah of which will be fold extremely low for calh michael coyle kirghon 7th sept 1818 15w4 edivard jones w j egs le ott rcfpict fully to in- sii form hus friends and the public in vneial xh he hasjult icceived an rganl afiotnent of dry fancy goods cofiling partly of the following arti clev viz suoefme wft of england cloths snear kettles potafh boilers bake jt and caiftatcretfb of the molt falhiouabk- n reafonable terms a farm containing 1 80 acres of land j firuated in the lixrh town of which 140 acrcc- arc uudct iniptovement for further particular inquire of the printer king hon 14th sept 1818 16 advertisement the fubferiber refoefully informs the inhabitants of the town and townfhip of kiugtton the townfhip of pittfhtugh and wolf lfland that he has purchaied the potash work lately occupied by mr a macpher- fan in the vicinity ofliiis town j whcie lie will receive good 1 h a grammar arithmetic 1 geography and fancy 3qp do needlework j embroidery extra i rpr do mrs hill wh take boarders at the moft moderate terms pans e c sre portable vvviting 1 iksion wieaitmted from no- 9 to 22 braf co aflbrted a few exel- let silver watches hambrvi and cod lines shop twine c steelyards and various other ariicleb too numerous jtoinfert n b 0 barrels flour for fale as above 8 1 i kir s ton ju 12 1 8 1 8 raw also and boiled oil and paints of al- mft every kind viz kinfts yellow pruian blue rmdian patent yellow rpiriu turpentine idigis glue civpal vnrwii op rlliv olmc sjiiumi white brown el liid white tk iju0p black putts paou brushes k perfinn cries j iso bchool books woods stationary and e viz odoriferous honey water for clean- ing thickening and preventing the hair turning g t t beft double diftilled lavender water improved milk of rofes high y eel- ebraied for ili agreeable quality of clea ring cleaufing and fottenmg the xkia antique jeltamine and rofe ons for the hair facet rented jamaica pomatum c sec edinburgh new difpenfarory bn- chans improved domeftic medcine childrens toy book murrays intro- featat and engltfb reader mur rays grammar exercifes and key bibles adams new geography with atlafs for fchools childrens blank writing boks with numeration addi tion and multiplication tables blank boob wrapping paper murray s and wehties tliog bo ks newyork and philadelphia prim mert qui hfi ink powdere red and black do stands yvaferk penknives whetftune india rui bcr slates lead pencils c logod nicaiagua fuftic legar cafes inuff and tobacco boxes razor cites and boxes pockei book and mo di farm for sale pleasantly fituated on the fhore of the bay of qutnte and immediately oppoiite the upper gap being the eulhalf of lot ko 18 in the hi it conceffion of federickfburgh about 40 acres are under improvement well fenced and a new frame houfe with a good cellcr on the premifea the above farm will be fold together with a pair of ftrong wk horfes a waggon and farming utenfils application to be made to the prin ter july 27- 9 colors irlfh lien chirring linen ij and cotton cambrics corded ambrc lenoc an m aitis jaonr- rl moll muflins fane mwflui h itchtef bandaflna anc- barcauina do iuieging hamstlack conred silks silk and cotton shaw and icarfs fie corded dimhies ww j white and buft marlvib quiring black fhnentine fine undivfm calicoes bombazettes nd bombazines of all colors linea diaper and buckabuck white and col- oifred at the rate of even pence h cy per bufhcl when delivered at the works and fix pence vhen collected in town the a oies to be paid for in merchan dize a sleigh or cat is to be fent round town to colled the allies once a week or oftener ifneceffary houiehoulerh c will do well to fave iheit aibcs as the quantity made in one houfe will amount to a considerable lum in the couileol a year h norton kings ton tr fug 1818 n b care mould be taken to keep the alius dry and clean as none but at is of a good quality can be recciv- totf kingston 1 8th sept 1818 education the lancaqerian choo being dit- continued r joiinston late teacher of that ellahlilhment propofes opening a school at his pre fent reidencc on monday the 2 1 ll inft in which will be taught on the following terms reading per qr o 15 reading writing and aurhmetic y englifll grammar included 1 with gcogfaphy i french 2 needlework included in the above terms in the different branches of which the young ladies will be fuperintended by mrs juhnlvui in a fcparale apart- rfient a few young gentlemen may be ac commodated m realonabie terms kingston sept 191818 if o o 5 io o o o o the ii whs fianntu raffia sheeting and of- naburg n o t i c e tfie copartnerusip heretofore ex- ilting under the firm of form s heermamttf ca at mallvtu is this j day diilolvid by mutual coufent al j perfons having clatm againft faid firm j will prefcut them to joiin s licermam jfor payment and thfe indebted to the faid firm are rcqmhed to make payment j to john s lieermans who is dnlv cheap lands for sale to be fold on reafonable terms lot no 6 on the carrying place uwnhip of murray containing loo acres 25 of which are under im provement it h a good houfe and vrl fenced aljb lot no 89 in the gd conceffioimf amelialburgh contaming 200 acres for terms apply to the printing office kingflon or to the sublcriber at the carrying place rufus wells carrying place sept 5th t8i8 16 hdiaa rfna brk ljftl joseph sc surgeon ssc c as received by chelate arrivals a frih fimnlv of drugs and chemicals laud laces and uibbons st bonnets ladies torrid hell combs cambric and lace footings and a number of arti cles too numeirous to inlert 4 crates of biue crockery wart groceries jamaica spuits brandy holland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hyfom and twaukey teas double and single refined sugars muf covado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles snip starch and fig blue sec c c i ah of whic will be fold for calh or approved creditt kingston qt aug 1 8 1 8 3 have alfumed the fettlement of the con cern their agent to receive the lame jonas abbot nios s wlitmcer joiin s heermans montreal 17th aug 1 8 1 8 to let a part of the dwelling houfe and xj piemifes occupied by the fubferi ber and poflssion given about the mid die of october next john ferguson kingston th sept 1818 1 6 j s ii h ii 10 c g onfifting of the following articles ienuine alcohol or fpints of wine concentratrd vitriolic acid barclays biloius pills barclays aromatic fpts of vinegar crude tartar red lead vermillion shell lac oil turpentine epforn salts mace cloves and cinnamon sal ammoniac arfenicand borax for faldenng kingston aug 21 1818 13 n b soda powders ch j test published to be had at this office and stores through the province mr uour lys abduess to the j dry m his trial it kingston assizes jl0 hisnaruatlvb and the transactions of the convention of as received a general aflvtment of groceries hard ware and crockery which he will fell as low as can be purchaied between this and montreal for caflv iloufe and field allies together with all kinda of produce will be taken for goods- uallowell 2d sept 1818 iy4 twenty dollars reward phe above rewaid will be yivn by the fubicribei t any perfou that will apprehend alpheut hashing and fe- enre or cvninc him in any jail in the piovinre of upper canada fo that he can be brought to juftice for pffing forced bills on the bank of niagara said haikins is about five feet kven or nine inches in height aim built hgnt liair liht eyc and light complexion a- bnit 2 2 or 2 years of age one or two of hi front teeth out on the upper part of his mouth and others aftord auram c canniff kingston sept ij 1818 wp5 evening schoo an evening school will be opened at the relulence of the subfcriber on monday the 51b of odober in which the following branches will be taught viz the french and enghjh languages and geography reading writing- and arithmetic robert johnston kingfton septenbcr 7th t8 1 8 the fubferibers offer for fale few hundred hufhels of 5 lingston hotel opert walker returns his fin cere and grateful acknowl edgment to his friends and 1 c public in general for then liberal fo nr- ing the lall eighteen ysar and takes 11s oppoltuoy ol acquamuijj tv u ne mil continues to keep he ahove ee- nrant eftabliihment whrr traelwf 1 families can be accommodated with fepw irate roim and every tion aid kingston sept 22 i 8 l 8 i r ch catechifm fbeads to enquire barley for sale at this oiici kiop 13 eaxtfc jas ranken co ernes town 2th june lsltf 8 11 jnt- a t nation as gaidener or houie and garten to rent apply to this office kingston sept zl itfi s 7

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