this ts put lisked tk ns actions vppbr r4irj corkios rjueyps to e addresses to mstvl ghv es tfk primk tterfext sir prrktp tnf j tlato to be hod at the gazette of- eice and store in town conntry price i5 lo thgfteas bv the last will to let it i s3 any term of yeat8 not exceed- i ij in fifteen on the molt realona- ble terms that well known valuable iiaiid in the public line fitnatc on the point at gananoqua and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houie barn stables c for fur ther particulars apply to the fubicriber joel stone gananoqua jan 9 1818 33 an d teftament of the late richard pattimson efq in h life time of sandwich in the province cf upper canada robert gilleirie wi gilktcnand genice moffart ar jointly and feverally appointed fiduciary legateea of his ellate and executors of faid will i do hereby rfeqtieft all perfons having claims upon laid ellate to prefent the fame to me duly authenticated for payment and all perfons indebted thereto are required to pay to me the amount of their refpective accounts debts due to laid eftate in the province of upper canada or in the united states bordering thereon may be paid to george jacob efq of sand wich john a he in and james gordon efqrs of amhcrmbirg or to either of hem they being duly anthorized to yfceive the fame and grant acquittances g moffatt montreal 20th march 1818 44yi 1ia tk blank summon- es su pcenas and executions for the court of reques for sale at this office nv perfon defi gananoqua store mills charles mcdonald having taken his brother john mcdon aid into partnermip the buiinefs in fu ture will be conducted under the firm of j c cz j vlcdonud who keep for fale a general affort- ment of dry goods groceries 3 smith h bu ttlrwor 1 h eeturn their fincere thanks to j their friend- and the public in ge sural for the liberal encouragement that they have received fiuce they re com raenced the hailing bufinefs they have an extenfive ato of ladies and childrens bon ne ts sf various colors and hapes gentlemens beaver fine caftorhits likewife knapt and wool hats which they will fell very low for ta or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 2 32tf hard if j re crockery and mod articles enquired io t a coun try store which they offer low for cam saw logs square timber staves potatoes and moil kinds of country produce they have a good grid and aw mill in full operation can manufact- juie flour uqual to any mill in the province they will filpply orders for sawed timber of almoft any defcription at fliort notice c j mcdonald gananoqua jan 10 i 8 i 8 fjjtf authofcindel ted toghartas mcdon ald whole account have become dueare requefted to to make immedi ate payment ou8 to clear from five t fifty ac of lai fituate on the bay fide nn from k ton adjoining coi j l m have i the timber upon the j j be very convenient for raffing to lown 01 f tdt purpofe of fnpplying t y i3 for further particulars enquire of the proprietor on the prfmifes j c wilson july 6 s8i9 6 ust received and for fale at this of fice price l8 poems on his do mestic circumstances by lord byfon with the star of the legion of honour i and other poems to which is prefixed the lift of the noble author nov 28 3 for sale tfhe weft inrlfof lot number 5 on the louth fide of louth or prince edwards bay in the townfhio of marylborgh containing one hundred acres said lot is well timheied and lettlementson each fide which renders it well worth the attention of thofe who ivtfh to purchafe enquire of the printer june 16 1818 tf3 valuable lands bank d oo r fale by the fubferiber l 1 8 and 19 in the tenth con ot no 9 in tnetentn lionet fiion ind half lot no 18 in the 6th co- ceffion of the towofliip of piercy ap- plyto john burnett kingston may nth i 8 i 8 501 f just received at the store of s bartlet a confignment of 94 bar rels of beer of a fuperior quality for fale for cafli may 5 1818 49 books tracts for sale by a tws private contract valuable frchold late con fitting of a grift and saw 3d ill a good dwelling hoafe olthoufes kc together with about vwo acre of land in rated immediately in the vicinity of blvile bay oi tuinte ucanada and orrmamifi a- much hufineffl or more than any other milis upon the stream a now under rent for about one njcufead dollars per annum the dwelling houfe is well calculated fo public bulnels many other advanta ges are nttached to the premiles too nu- mtrou to ciefcribe one half of the pjrehae money would be expected to be paid down the other half by inftal- nacnts 1 f six twelve iind eighteen months iecurcd by bond and mortgage upon the pre nifes an indifoutable title wil be given such a property is feldom to be met with and is well worth the attention of an gentleman fond of mills and ma chinery a quantity of town lots upon the bank of the hiver moiia in bellville a place aft increrline in commerce and population terms of oayntenr mad ea- fy enquire of smith bartlet efqr kii rfron or thomas coleman efq bdville the subscriber egs leave to inform his friends the public generally that he ha- removed from his former land to the fhop lately occupied by jonas abbot co hem tlic miikct t c wtitft ui 4ias now on hand a general aflortmeut of j hardware cutlery c which he vull fell on the moft moderate term to let the fhop lately occupied by tfe fubferiber and pottelfion given im mediately 1 samuel shaw kingston th jan 1818 32 j for sa at this office a ready reckoner shewing the vauc of grains of various gold coins current in the province of upper cana da also of vanou defcriptloqff can hr had at this office where aecefs may nllo he had to a fnall circulating li biary on reafomihle terms june 10 188 boot shoe and leather f upper canci ookswill be opened at moors coffee konfe on thurfday the i 1 6th in ft to receive subfcriptions to the bank of upper canada and will remain open from day to day fiom 10 to 2 oclock of each day under the lu perintendance of a committee appointed for that purpofe until the whole of faid hock fliall have been fubferibed for kingston july 131818 7 notice all perfons indebted to the e mate of the late james gumming late i of hallowell dtceafed are reqnetlcd to call withot delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgrlgor now in charge of the eftablimment at hallow ell bridge and thofe who have claims agaiufl the faid eilate are defired to pieicnt them for ailjuftmeut the hock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aftortment jf goods well laid in and very fuitabte to the country is now felling off at pri ces io low as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public cadi or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refuonfible farmers or others john cum ming ivm mitchell j kingston oct 2 7 l 8 i 7 32 phe subfcribera refpeafutfy j i l form the public that they have i removed to the store lately occupied by meltrs johns and finkle and have re ceived of the late impprtatmiif and of fer for bale a good and well kedcl affortment of executors for sale a two horse waggon erfectly new likewife a few thoufand 18 inch shing- les lnquiieof s merrill kingston april 211818 47 i mon blank s and executions for the district courts for sale at this office r to let a line bairacka r larch enquire of h earl dry amd fancy o tins adapted to the feafon confining partv of the follfiwing ai tides viz black blue grey and brown su perrlne and fecond cloths white and coloured flannels aitorted finale and double milled woollen kei feymeres la- die pelicre cloths of different colours velvets corduroys corded kerfey meres and princes cord cotton ker feymere fuftians janes jcrfeills di mimfues and nankeens raffia duck brown holland imitation sheetings and coarfe canvafs plain and figured bombazetts aitorted colours white an coloured camb ricks plain and figured jackineta and book muflins fuper fine prints and common calicoes ot- j ton shirting steem loom wrought cottons gurraghs and long cloths ginghams itriped cotton turkey tripe and apron checks lrifti linens linen and cotton bed ticks furniture cau- coes linen camb tks linen and ct ton diaper table cloths stock inctta kd stcickinett drawers silk toil nett j metfeills swansdown and patent lord vefting silk and cotton leno and mui mill 44 64 74 shawls a few pieces plain and coloured lutelhings ladies coloured filk gloves ladies and gentlemen woollen cotton and vvorf- ted hoes suk handkfs pocket do cotton laces cotton fringes kibbons thread tape sewino filk pins oilk- twift and braces c sec likewife a quantity o well flavoured strong jamaica spii its warranted good retail proof liquor at i to 2 cogn8 brandy holland gin port and tetter- riffe wines lyme juice peopermint i twankey hyfnu and hyfm skin teas loaf and mufcovado sugars coftc rlirptcc pepper indffo srarch soap fi- plue thacro and snift waltek mtuniffe co 3 42 a card 4 w fublciiber informs the merch- jl anth and traders of upper cana da and state of new yoik that he has wlmjmk auk sgh of the gold km lore lircet refpedfully inform the inhabitant of kragfton and its 1 rnmn kr f f vicinitv tlnr tl am l i goni bufinefs in this city ns a wcm that h ftm coa the boot and shoe mamifaaory where they keep conftantly on hand a large aftortment f ladys and gentlemens boots and shoes of every defcription likewife a ripply of good sole and upper leather of all kinds i heir prefent aftortment is much more complete than they have hitherto had kingfton june 23 181s kingston july 27 l l 8 farms for sale 9 ant any bufines eiitrufted to his care will meet with diltgent attention benjamin hart montreal oth may 1818 ctm6 5gusons improved table of the value of grain of gold coin q rer or under weight for sate batmlfed aug 1818 10 iy the fubicnber 2 doors north of j hu uimn ingj- efqj hlrry boards and hank 18 inch shingles and cord wood john tuttle kingston 30m may 1818 4tf to let the dwelling hcmfe and shop next door to t markland ffq lately occuped by mr a mcphetfon for further particulars application may be made to the fubferiber wm mitchell no tic i- kingston sju 3 iotf fo r sale 1 in the hi arket rith fubferiber begs leave to inform j jl hit friends and the public uhat he sus c nuuenced the utojv buislness place oppofile to mr dnir- livowu where every attention will b- paid to thofe who may favour bioi with ttuir commands michaklmoran aucioue every day at eleven oclock une 22 informs that he no to let immediate poifeffion given tat iare a d convenient houle ronvjlete merchant shop ware h and out hones and an excellent j g- plal fo p lv to the ubfcriij in jic illdj a o islimeili lih aug 1818 i2tf ph e fubferiber refpecl fully his friends and the public has received a new fuppply of goods from ontrea well adapted to the fea- fon thofe who may favour him with tluir cultom may rely lip qiall have them on the molt realoabie terms eiih rr at private fale or public rvuion foi cafh michael mo ran kingston july 211818 8 ft blank de eds an d memorials for lale t h t iis t nre i fianding in the rroft pubic h vil l of bel i ie froffr w- and bri jt stre- s boards i iank 11 three qtnoitrand 1 i rh is at i n- and hii f j w i v k f ia wo iutl y ii crlci v- a sio j ton king iloii july 15 ibib qi tttiat elegant farm no 8 firft conceffion townfliip of fredericks bmorh 28 miles from kingtton containing 20o acres fornerly oc cupied by colonel spencer ami known by the name of 1 he manlinn louie it contains aboui 0 acres of land under improvement a elegant frame houle 2 lory high with 2 oarns and other build ings perfons defiouf ot purchafiug may 1 n quire of the suhfcriber on the pre liffcs or to d tiagel lofq at bath jo eph lekgeron frederickibuigh sept 8th 1818 15 eft thrwgh miftke on board the stean boat charlotte at gan i anoque on her way up on saturday the 15 h ind a ble hurtout coat lined with black bombazctte and trim med with ilk t barrel buttons the coat had heen worn fame jt muiihnvebeen faken out with fome of the baggage at kingfton as it was not on hoard sunday morning the fub i itberwillbe thankful to any perfon may have n oat in pofiefiion ehroiigh miildk to gie information to liht fubferiher gananoque or to the i iptaiti on boa l steam boat where it may be had eph webster gananoque 1 9 14 j blank sail bonds i of- ate at uiii oflice the fubfciibtrrefpfafully informs the public that he intends to con tinue the boang bufinefs this feafon therefore if any perfons wtfhes to tranf- port plank boards brick lime sand sec c he offers them his fei vices pply at mr john dawfms kiifton william ye rex april 13 1818 46i executive council office york 22d july 1818 jvt otice is hereby gven fo 1 christopher thomson or hi representative by order of his honor the administrator in council to nakc good any pretenlion to the weil half f lot number seventeen in the lixth conceffion on the naoane river j in the townfhip of fredt rick burgh within nx months from this date or the ame will be thrown open to other appli- rjie fubfenber offers for fnleafarm containing 33 acres in the town- fhip of ernefl town 2d concfflion ba vin a pood frame lloufe a large bam undshed for a and itorc and one of the belt fituationa in the country for a mechanic alfoojk of the heft farrnu in tnc townfhip of kingfton containing ic0 acres well timbered and about 30 aces under improvement smith bartlet april 28 1818 4rrf he 1 1 cants 1 im6 john small c e c nphe fubferiber returns his thanks to 8 his friends and the public for their al favors in his line of inspect ing and informs them he has fitted up a convenient place in the cellar of his new more with all the neceftary appen dages for the purpofe of infpeing pot and pearl a flies pork beef and flour where thofe who favor him with their cuftorn will find it done with the great- eft exactnefs and expedition likewife flora ue f one thoufand barrels in the cellar and good dry lorage for other goods with the advantage of a wharf for loading and unloading j mvtes robinson for sale onreafonable terms that fland for a tavern fiti v village of prefcott lots no 9 and ri fronting the kings highway and a urge two ftoiy framed houfe well fin ilned with a large kitchen in the rear flabling for twenty fpans of horfes a fned feventy feet long and a good houfe on the rear lot fir for the accommodation of a efpeable family the wroenf the buildings thereon being finifhed in a workmanlike manner and at prefent occupied by mr alexander b mcdou ell as a hotel for further particular apjly to ttics fubfcnbers or to tr alexander mac- donell junior merchant hefcott by whom the terms may be made known and n indifputable title and immediate poftflicm will be iven alex macdonell k co kingfton 3d jan 1818 jltt rags rags ash paid for clean cot ton and linen r g to i the dwelling houfe of johns finkle aug 31 of any color at this office is 4 for fat at this office standard ruin for the game wult hy jio bhgtix 4 to let and immediate pofteftion given the house and premifes m stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dlfon fituated within half a mile of this town a favorable fit uat ion for a gentleman and family and no lefs fg for a diliiller or inn keeper for further particulars enquiie of the fubferfher e barnett kingston feb 24 1818 43 tf the fubferiber having been appoin ted agent for the bank of mon- treal any fum requiied can be obtained at his office lor g bills on montreal or quebec or for specie thomas mrklm agent einston tytj jnlj i8i3 p