Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 13, 1818, p. 3

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r i ch jwtlf fafe nrlrffh frcjn tt canya wc regret that the fhort period o yiuv graces rci wnce amount as on j yui lirft ariivnl in this city precluded ns ii om eaprefljng on that occifin thofe high fentfmcnts of rcfpccx which we entertain for your grace as well at hi sr we owe to our inaeions sovereign in having nominated to thisj government a ptrfoi age of your graces elevated rank and diltfnguiflicd charder the paternal ioliciiuae of your grace fprthe intcrefl and profpcttty of lhd- provinces has already been manifeftech by the exertions you have fo promptly made to acquire a local knowledge of the country and a perfbnal acquaintance with its inhabitants arrd we cannot bt in dulge the pleating anticipation that under your graces administration the refources of the one will be fully de veloped whilft it will afford to the other ample opportunities of proving by their loyalty and firm attachment to his majeftvs government hnw highly they appreciate the bleflings of that invalua ble conftjtuiion under which they have thehappinef to live allow us to offer our fervent wifhes that your grace may enjoy every do- medic happinefff and that you may long rtficle among ft us and witnefs in the growing profperity of thefe piovfnce- the rcfuk of the wifdom and energy of your graces adminiftration o which his grace was pleafed to reply gentlemen accept my bed acknowledgment for your very loyal addrcfs and for your j congratulations on my return rrora upper canada you may reft affured that my utmofl exertrnb will at all times be ufed to promote the welfare and prolperity of thofe provinces and i am perfuaded i tlat i cannot better fulfil the wime of his royal rigkrtefa the prince regent than in doing fo and affording to all clafivs the benefit of our invaluable con- flitution 1 hip complained or a a hruh and un- sual proceeding and oiidrtcd that orluii of th k mi been don in fv or canada rii the indictments pre dated agrui i he jnrth wetojn- ixnynnd ttat even in cases of the rvatest intricacy the itiiessess had hern pxanjined by the grand jury alone the attorney guerau however niain- aincd that in this case- it was necessa ry tor him to insist on his privilege on account of the complication of the evi dence and disclaimed any intention of putting leading questions to the wit nesses or conducting the examination o as o bias the jury the grand jury were occupied till saturday evening in diseussiug the me rits of the case and came not then to a determination on monday morning the i 1th they met again but on ac count of thebad weather some of them were not in attendance at the usual hour about noon the chief justice ebsmved that the court had already shewn an unusual degree of indulgence fo the grand jury and had waited ai- unpriced ted length of time for their dlibciation that it was unrea-oua- bi to wait any longer without business b ioreihe conrt and therefore adioitrn- n edie xae attorney genera 1 her fh intofhe j ry room took the bill if the tab a pd told the gentlemen f the jury tlfit hey need not continue hen d lib r rtioosany longer the cr ui- tauces are soextraor- ry to ff d die fray flttt ofrfog- xon as into it no more at present from jack ashore jyel but going aboard to an old customer altho no son of art til try vonr knotty problem to untie to suit your mitres ifydn please a dozen bf your nineteen trees in one triangle must be jjlac d eacli side alike with five trees faed a less triangle then youll fix within the first couipocm of six all duly rang d and every side of course withjust4ticee trqps supplied the centre of ihe whole ht le the place to plant your nineteenth tree thus form d your little orchard shows five tree in each of nine straight rows b mr miles in the estraar unary geographical dinary that they could not be expect- fa8 published in yoor lali gazttte of 0i ft 8l ia kingston tuesday october 13 181 s d to pass without ant mad version the prevailing opinion is that the chief justice had found that the grand jury were not disposed to do as they were bid and broke up the court in order to spare the modification of ha ving the bill formally thrown out it v is also surmised that some other mat ters not agreeable to fhe north- west company were in the hands oi the smtid jury and likely to be bronght forward by way of presentment par ticularly a charge of perjury against some of the witneses and a charge a- iainst mr simon me gillivray for remvtance to legal procss and assault- yefterday oft ii was the time ppointed for the meeting of the pio vinctal parliament at york the earl atd mifets of selkirk brrivcd in his town in the steam ivont from york on thursday evening the 8th insf and prorneded the next fjay on their journey to montreal three rivers riling near the fame place in penrfylvania and running in fuch direc tions as to rrich the ocean at immtnee diftaocet from each ether i obferved a fmall midake iciesing the river sus- quehannih which empties into the cheepzaie bay not the u delaware as eironeoufly printed in your paper a traveller an order has been htued from the vrat department of the united states or employing the troops in their weftern gamfohs iu cultivating certain parts of pal lic land for ihe purpofe of fupplying the a my with roots and vegetablea and for fuch lupplies they are to be allowed cilice the independent conduct 1 1 1 the eonfaa prices of the fame articles ihejnnd jury certainly deserves great in aaditir to their praise nig a constable in the execution ol his the controversy between the hud sons bay company and the north west company ha long interested tie- public prosecution have been in stituted in lower canada and jjifer canada some of them under the in dian territory act and others ac cording to the course of common law for offences alleged to have been com- iritted at fort william within the western district of cppor canada by the karl of selkirk and others of the hudsons bnv company lord sel- kirk and same of hi- friends have been up to sandwich for the purpose of at tending those trials at the late court of assizes in that town the follow ing account of the proceedings there ive copy from the niugara spectator fofn the detroit gtzctte the ajsres for the western district of upper canada wore held last week at sandwich by chief justice powell but the proceedings do not prove so interesting rs had been expected and no trial came on relative to the trans- actions of the north- west company tin- ordinary business of the district occupied the court three days during the rest of the week nothing wa dene except by the grand jury on mon day a bill of indictment was preferred agiinst the earl of selkirk and others for resistance to legal process at fort wiiltain but was thrown out by the grand jury another indictment was then preferred against his lordship and v others for a conspiracy to in jure or detroy the trade of the north- west company in support of which a reat multitude of their servants were brought forward a witnesses the grand jurv were occupied for three days in hearing their testimony and the attorney general attended to con duct their examination- and to mar- shall the evidence it was at first proposed that mr simon mguhvray a partner in the northwest compa ny should do this otiice but this was resisted by the gratu jury on thursday the eaii of selkirk of fered some obseraiuns t i court on th impoprifiy ef viaciutosh the aen of ire vest compa ny teinger tik i j htf but the cvmi detiii ine vbjectkn wa not valid swe j t to- k place fa t exitninativn hallo then- master printer will yon fej rn honest tr jnst returued from laud cruise ufivc the useufvhir news-pa- per a bit to sing out a few words in it to the police mutrist rates of kingston if you phase jusi to give them a hint to keep one or two trusty lads statkuied on the road between the red house tavern and oleotf s to pilot tra- veilers into town t the land clumnei for about half a league there is so fall of tacks turn and tips and downs and n ud and mire and so blocked up with stragkng houesand board fences and ckeisathwail the old path that persons not much used to the coast are in danger of missing- their course and get ting lost by the way such a rig zag- roundabout byepath instead of a plain rings high way ought not to be suffered in a christian land without some r pay it is hinted in an american paper that the mals of aibuthuot and arm- briilie will developc matter of great inttvfftro rhe united states ad com pletely jullify the fern ence oflhe court martial that the proceedings will not prbably be made public before the meeting of cpngrefs as they are faid to j be of a nature to forbid their previous difclofure no fuflkieni explanation has yet been given ol that tranfadion the king of sweden has fent pro pitiatory prefents to algiers tripoli and tunis the three principal barbary slate after the glorious examples of great britain and the united states it was to bt hop d for the honor of the civilized world that no chritlian power would continue to pay tribute to thofe barbarians lake eric steamboat the steamboat lately built on lake trie is named walkinthe water a name borrowed perhaps from a late indian chief but certainly expressive of a steamboats manner of travelling the master of this walk- fog machine is captain fish a name better adapted t wimming than walking in the water instead of sailinr however the boat will probably to be said either to walk or to swim from buffalo to detroit with all our hearts we wish her watry walks may be both pleasent and pioiitable y free ports the ports of st george and ham ilton in the ifland of bermuda are con- fidered by the tveafuiy department of the united states to be open to the vcftcls of the umred states by the ordinary laws of navigation and trade and consequently the ports of the u stales are open to veficu from thofe bertnudan ports spantfh patriots the spanifh royalifls have from the commencement of hostilities until the present campaign refund to exchange priloners with the patriots but have at laft propofed an exchange which has been readily agreed to this fost de- menftrates that they are compelled to veipect opponents whom they have here tofore affected to treat with contempt span ft pride begins to yield to fudges- tfons of policy if not of humanity and ix j u it ice joseph lancaster the celebrated author of the mode of instruction bearing ids name has been at ncw- vorkj albaty troy c explaining and enforcing his system of education in a course of lectures which have been very respectably attended and highly applauded laucasterian schools are found to be of great utility in populous cities and towns where there are many poor children who would not otherwise be able to obtain any por tion of elementary learning at a mewing of th committee of the kingfton companionate so ciety the vifitors fot the laft mouth re ported that the fum of n had been expended in affording relief to niutf perfons recommended to the charity oi the society vifstors for the prefent month b whitney s shaw efqr kingston ocl i 2 1 8 c 8 bank of the subfcribtr beig appointed agent for the dank of canada he will negotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebecor for specie wm mitchell kingfton oct 13th 188 20 black smith work mevnalds co lately arrived from ireland beg leave tn inform the gentlemen and inhabitants of kings ton and its vicinity in general that they have commenced the hcrfe shoeing and blackfmilhing buimfs in all its various branches near the upper end of store street between mr douglass houfe and mr powells all orders with which they may be favored hall be ex ecuted in fuch a complete and workman like manner and on fuch low terms a they hope will entitle them to a fhare of the public patronage kingston loth october 18 1 8 20tf notice all perfons are hereby cautioned again it trefpafling in any manner upon lot no three in the fir ft concef- flon and tot no three in the fecond conceflion of the townlhip of camden midland diftria john clark kino s ton loth ocl 1818 2qwij considerable indignation is expressed in the united states against the presi dent and directors of the national bank for their refusal to receive any longer the bills of their several branch baik if john deldhunty formerly a sol dier of the 84th repiment whd drew the weft half of lot no 28 in the town hip of mary burgh between clapps mills and the eaft lake is now living he is hereby called upon to corne forward and make good his pretentions to faid lot as aaron conner has been detected fclonioufly bringing forward a certificate obtained by perjury where- j by trie c oiinoiv uas been impoted uyon the governor of new york and granted a deed to the faid conner has appointed thurfday the 5th day ot november to be a day of public thankfgiving and prayer throughout that state provision for steering strangers safe over it may be though by day ifffht at i same 01 the witaesstjd um jocted by a few guide posts hoisted at the main corners of the road with a hand pointing the right way wod be sufficient for tra vellers that can make the town but in the eve ning when it is dark god help them poor souls i if not weh piloted let them take a piece of my advice and lie by for the night at beachs or abbots or gosss rather than run the risk of such a difficult passage into town lest they get bewil dered on the commons as tom tackle and 1 did last night thats all i have to say sir and if you please master prin ter as 1 like to do things above- board pray let them know it comes from me so dye see here 1 am and my name is jack tar p s i forgot to tell em how urn same pilot can show the road both ways though 1 be lieve a iuide i uotso necessa- t illinois constitution preparatory to the intioduc- don of the illinois territory into the american union as a state a convention of dele gates have been forming a conttitution of state govern- ment their legiflature is to be compofed of a senate elec ted quadrennially and a houfe of reprelentatives elected biennially their executive is to be a govern r elected quad- rienial a lieut governor ii is to be elected as the gover nor to be prefident of the senate with a calling vote and to aft as governor in cafe of a vacancy in that office the legiflature to have a dated biennial pfliori and cafions feffions as may- ted by law heir judiciary to confift judges appointed ballot of the two legiilative houts the judges to be afo the governors council ihe i feat of government is to be at kaskaskia until eftablifhed at fome other place as an inftance of t rapid popula tion of the weftern parf 0 the united states it is mentioned that cincinnati in the state of ohio frhich three years ago contained only f thoufand in habitant now contain eleven thoufand pa encreafe at the rate 0 doubling it lefs than four yeara lord cochranes frigate the richmond enquirer gives the following occount of this vessel on the authority of a gentleman who was lately on boaad of her u she mounts 38 guns of which 20 are long 18 pounders she has a steam machin ery to move her which is so fixed that the paddles ma be lifted up out of the water in cae of a storm she is rigged in the manner of a spanish pclacre her sails managed by halyards from below and they do not require hand to u aloft to furl or unfurl them she was completely manned and is sup posed to be destined to the assistance of the spa tush patriots we understand that the census for montreal and its suburbs has lately been conpletcd by which it appears i that the population amouuts to about tweutyfour thousand n y spectator in delahuntys name and all pefo a are hereby forbid taking a deed of con- veyance from the faid conner for faid lot as he has uojuft claim to it johnmcbean kingston os 7 t 8 1 8 lew n b said conner when from home frequently paries himfelf by the name of oconner and faid delahunty if liv ing muft now be upwards or 104 years of age runaway from the fer vice of mr george stanly merchant montreal a boy by name of jfofm cramer 12 years old on the 1 8th of auguft laft pad he left ihe houfe of mr stanly on or ab out the 29th january laft fuppofed to be in quebec with his grand mother mm michael cameron hia father wifhing this publication to be inferted iu the montreal three rivers and qutbecf papers any one that will give inform ation to his father and mother at kings ton or forward him to kingfton hall have all charges paid all perfons are forbid harboring him under the penalty of the law fuch oc- be enac- fupreme of four by joint mrs williams benefit us williams refpefully informs the ladies and gentle men of kingfton that her benefit is fix ed for friday evenlngoa 16 when will be prefented ihe much admi red celebrated play in 5 acts transla ted from the german of kot2ebuecailed the stilaager o r misanthropy repentance to which will be added the favorite farce of matrimow for charars fee bills to let the commodious dwelling houfe and premifes the property of w rofa efq lately in the pofteflion of mr woolf for terms application to be made wm mitchell kingfton 0 1 3 l818 2 att ornies blank bills 01 costs for sale at this oibce kingston 08 12 1818 20w3p for sale and immediate pofleffion given the house and premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of this town a favorable fituatton for a gentleman and family and no lefs io for a diftiller or inn keeper for further particulars enquitc of the fubferiber of at mr moores coffee- houfe e barnett kingston 03 12 1818 43tf list of letters remaining in the er nest toivn post ojice this 5t of october 1818 daniel jranger2 john yennjf john smith m kaion2 polly thompson thomas wal lace mr william napane run david l soles richard ou house wm lausiiig james sliitw john moon israel perkins herman see james forshee thomas varty josejb s babcock thomas ivrgiison frederick port chribiopher dosfadeu jiorjje mergnuu cyril james william lirayfou john mone- house daniel oaoan moes itpiipron da rius fik james form john mcervan jn- mph morein ahraham iih alexr clark eq wm velie aftionollvlr datid mekie icoi2e urmii aiidfrvv sliiuen jtjii jane tiehmotid james punlv giibeil rugem fz- ia mallary mrs sara hvcfc peter mcta- j jwusa jljultwi fust mosbn

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