Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 13, 1818, p. 4

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th is is pub it shed transactions of tire vfpkr casadu cqhrentlon of friexds to enquiry rim addresses to to his fttai highness tre prince regent mr perfcrhine maitxavd see kc srr to be had at the gazette of fice and stores in town country 10 price 16 w notice he re as by the last will and teftament of the late richvrdpattinsgn efq i bis life time of sandwich in the province of upper canada robert giltefpie wiliam giikifon and george moftatt are jointly and feveraliy appointed fiduciary legatees of his eftate and executors of faid will i do hereby rcqueft all perfons having claims upa faid eftate to prefent the fame to me duly authenticated for payment and all oerfons indebted thereto are required to pay to me the amount of their refpeciive accounts debts due to faid eftate in the province of upper canada or in the united states bordering thereon may be paid to george jacob efq of sand wich john afkin and james gordon efqrs of amherftburg or to either of them they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g moffatt montreal 20th march 1818 44yi y ii a ra 9 zj smith bu iter worth turn their fincere thanks to x their friends and the public in ge ncrai or the liberal encouragement that they have received fince they recom menced the hatting bufinefs they have an extenfive affortmeut of ladies awd childrens bon nets ot various colors and fivapes gen yemens beaver fine caftrhvfs w likewife knapt and wool hat which they will fell very low for cnfh or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 2 3 for sale by private contract a valuable freehold eftate con fining if a grift and saw mill a pood dwelling houfc outhoufes src together with about two acres of land fituated immediately in the vicinity of beliville bay of quinteu canada and commands as much bufinefs or more than any other mills upon the stream and now under rent for about one thoufand dollars per anuum the dwelling houfe is well calculated foi public bufinefs many other advanta ges art- attached to the premifes too nu merous to defcribe one half of the jjurchafc money would be expected to be paid down the other half by inftal- ments of six twelve and eighteen months fecured by bond and mortgage upon the premifes an indifputable title will be given such a property is feldom to be met with ami is well worth the attention of fcn gtntleman fond of mills and ma chinery a quantity of town lots upon the bank of the kiver moira in bellville a place faft inererfing in commerce and population terms of payment made ea- ff tviquire of smith bartlet efqr kingston or thomas coleman efq btilville bellville j aug 1818 10 t1h r fubferiber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced the auction b uhiness in the market place oppofite to mr battle browns where every attention will be paid to thofe who may favour him with their commands michael mora nt auctions every day at eleven oclock june 22 4 to let and immediate poftcflion given that large and convenient houfe with a complete merchant shop ware houfe and out houfes and an excellent garden landing in the moft public place in the village of bellville front ing maine water and bridge streets for particulars apply to the fubferiber in the townfhip of richmond andrew kimmerly 12th aug ifci8 i2tf to lei qr any term of years not excel- in fifteen on the moft reafona- bleterma that well known valuable fund in the public line fituate on the point at gananoqua and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houle barn stables c for fur ther particulars apply to the fubferiber joel sfone gananoqtta jan 9 18 1 3 tf blank summonses subpoenas and executions for the court of requests for sale at this office g ananoqua store mills harles mcdona ld having taken his brother john mcdon laid into partner fhi p the bttfinef in fu- iture will be conducted under the firm of c j mcdon jd who keep for fae a gmerral affort- menr of dry goods groceries hard tv are crockery and moft articles enquired for at a coun try store which they offer low foi cam saw logs square timber stave- potafhes and moft kinde of country produce they have a good grift and saw mill in full operation can manufact ure flour uqual to any mill in the province they will fupply orders for sawed timber of almoft any defcription at fhort notice c si j mcdonald gananoqua jan 10 1818 20 all thofe indebted tocharjss mcdon ald whofe accounts have become due are requefted to to make immedi ate payment the subscriber egs leave to inform his friends the ublic generally that he has removed from his former ftand to the bop lately ccupied by jonas abbot co near the market place where he has now on hand a general affortmetit of hardware cutler v c which he will fell on the moft moderate terms to let the mop lately occupied by the fubferiber and poffeflion given im mediately samuel shaw kingston th jan 1818 3 for sa 1 at this office a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in the province of upper cana da also fergusons improved table of che value of grains of gold coin j rer or under weight for sale oy the fubfeiber 2 doors nortl jjljm of john cummingi efq cherry boards and plank 18 inch shingles and cord wood john tuttle kingston oth may 1818 1 informs that he np he fubferiber refpefully i his friends and the public i has received a new fuppply of goods from montreal well adapted to the fea- fon thofe who may favour him with their cuilem may rely upon it hall have them on the moft reaionable terms eith er at private tale or public auion for cam michael moran kingston july 211818 8 blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office boards fy plank hflh ree quarter and 1 inch boards ji and one and a half and two inch plank for fale by the fubferiber wm stoughton kingfton july 13 181 ytf foit sal hp he weft halfoflot dumber 5 jjl on the fouth tide of icuti or prince edwards bay in the toynfliip of maryfburgh containing on hundred acres said lot is well timu and fettlemei ts on each fide which renders it well worth the attention of thofe who wifti to pur chafe enquiry of the printer june 16 1818 3 valuable lands r for fale by the fubferiber lot no 1 8 and 1 9 in the tenth conceffion and half lot no 18 in the 6th con- chfi m of the townfhip of piercy ap ply to john burnett kingston may gth 1 8 1 8 5tf beer tust received at the store of s il bartlcta confionmentof 94 bar rels of beer of a fuperior quality for fale for cafh may 5 1818 49 books tracts of various defcriptions can be had at this office where accefs may 41o be had to a fmal circulating li brary on reafonuhle terms june 10 1818 boot shoe and leather tomb ml williams 8l co at the sign of the golden lasi lore lireet refpeafully inform the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that they ftill continue their boot and shoe manufactory where they keep conftantly 11 hand a large aflbrtment of ladys and gentlemens boots and shoes of every defcription like wife a fupply of good sole and upper leather of all kinds their prefent aflbrtmemt is much irore complete than they have hitherto had kingfton june 23 1 818 4tf to let the a42ft hfe d feof next door to t matkland efq jjfrvly occuped by mr a vicphevion r further particulars application may be made to the fubferiber wm mitchell hngsten iu 3 totf for sale hit at elegant farm no 8 firft w conceition townfhip of fredericks j gh 28 miles from kingfton containing 2o0 acres formerly oc- cu by colonel spencer and known by c he name of the maniion fioufe it contains about 50 acres of land under nprovement an elegant frame houfe 2 tty high with 2 barns and other buiid- mjgfc perfns defirous of purchafing may f nuircof the subfcriber on the preniftcs or to d fiagerman ifq at bath joseph hergeron frederickiouigh sept 8th i 818 15 left through miftake on board the steam boat charlotte at gan- arioque on her way up on satuiday the 15hinft a blue surtout coat lined with black bombazette and trim med with iilk twift barrel buttons the coat had been worn fame it muft have been taken out with fome of the baggage at kingfton as it wag not on board sunday morning the fub feriber will be thankful to any perfon wbo may have faid coat in potteffion through miftake to give information to the fubferiber at gananoque or to the captain on board the steam boat where it rniay be had eph webster gananoque aug k 1818 1 4 just published tobehad at this office and stores through the province mr g0ur lays dljbjbmess to the jury oni his trial at kingston assises also wis narrative and the transactions of the convention of fuuends to enquiry price 13 eack of tipper canada books will be opened at moors coffee houfe on thurfday the 1 6th inft to receive subscriptions to the bank of upper canada and will remain open from day to day fiom 10 to 2 oclock of each day under the fu- perintendancc of a committee appointed for that purpofe until the whole of faid hock fliall have been fubferibed for kingston july 1 1818 7 notice all perfrjrrs indebted to the eftate of the late james gumming late of hallowell deceafed are requefted to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the eftablifhment at hallow ell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate are defired to prefent them foradjuftment theftock in trade of the deceafd confiding of a very complete aflortment of goods well laid in and very fuifable to the country is now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defer vedly claim the attention of the public cafh or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refpoufible farmers or others john cum ming 1 wm mitchell kingston os 27 1 8 1 7 executors 3 blank summonses and executions for the district courts sale at this office for to let and poffeffion given the firft of may next a number of rooms in the line barracks enquire of h earl march 13 42 a card hthe fubferiber informs the merch- jl ants and traders of upper cany- da and state of new york that he has commenced bufinefs in this city as a general agent and commiflion merch ant any bufinefs entrufted to his care will meet with diligent attention benjamin hart montreal i 6th may isii 5 i m6 executive council office york 22d july 18 18 notice is hereby given to christopher thomson or his representative by order of his honor the adminiftrator in council 10 make good any pretenfion to the weft half of lot number seventeen in the fixth conceffion on the napane river in the townfhip of frederickfburgh within six months from this date or the iame will be thrown open to other appli cants john small ilm6 c e c fthe fubferiber returns his thanks to jl his friend arj the public for their paft favors it his iit of inspect ing and informs them he has fitted up a convenient place in the cellar of his new ftore with all the ncceitary appen dages for the purpofe of infpting pot and pearl afnes pork beef and flour where thofe who favor him with their cuftom will find it done with the great- eft exaftnefs and expedition likewife ftorage for one thoufand barrels in the cellar and good dry ftorage for other goods with the advantage of a wharf for loading and unloading james robinson inphe suvcrei refpcftfuuy i jl form the public that they havq removed to the iit re lately occupied by me firs johns and fiukic arid have rt ceived of the late importations and of fer for sale a good and well fclcql affurtment of 3dry and fancy g o jds adapted to the feafon confiding ptrthf of the following articles viz black blue grey and brown stfc perfine and fecohti cloths white and coloured flannels afforted finglc and double milled woollen tcerfeymeres la dies peliece cloths of different colour velvets cordurdys corded kerfey meres and princes cord cotton ker- feymere fuftians janes merfeills di mimities and nankeens ruffia duckj brown holland imitation sheeting and coarfe canvafs pain aiid figured bombasetts afforted colours white and coloured cambricks plain and figured jackonets and book mtifliris fuper- fine prints and common cdlicoes ot ton shifting steem loom wrought t ottonsj gurraghs and long coths ginghams ftriped cotton turkey itripe and apron checks iriffi linens liueo and otton bedticks furniture cali coes linen camhricks lineh and cot ton diaper table cloths stockinetti and stockinett drawers silk tdilnett metfeills swansdown and patent cord vetting silk and cotton leno and mul mul 44 64 74 shawls a few pieces plain and coloured luteftrings ladies coloured filk gloves ladies and gentlemens woollen cotton and worf- tedhoes suk handkfs pocket do cotton laces cotton fringes ribbons thread tape sewing filk pins 3ilk- twift and braoes c c likewife a quantity of well flavoured strong jamaica spirits warranted good retail proof liquor at i to 2 cogniac brandy holland gin port and tener- riffe wines lyme juice peppermint twankey hyfon and hyfon skin teas loaf and mufcovado sugars coffee mlfpice pepper indigo starch soap fig blue tobacco and snnff walter mcuniffe co kingston july 27 1 818 9 to let the dwelling houfe of johns finkle aug 31 14 ust received and for fale at this of fice price 18 poems on his do mestic circumstances by lord byron with the star of the legion of honour and other poems to which is prefixed the life of the noble author nov a 8 32 t notice he fubferiber being duly ap pointed adminiftrator on the eftate of silas ma y late of kingfton baker deceafed gives notice hereof and requeu all perfong having demands againft the eftate to exhibit the fame properly attefted and all perfons having unfettlcd accounts to make immediate fettlement and thofe indebted by note or other wife to make immediate pay ment to elihu may adminiftrator kingfton sept a 8th 16 ig ilvy3 farms for sale he fubferiber offers for fale a farm containing 33 acres in the town- hip of erneft town 2d conceffion ha ving a good frame houfe a large barn and shed an excellent ftand for a tavern and lore and one of the beft fituatiom in the country for a mechanic alfo one of the beft farms in the townfhip of kingfton containing io acres well timbered and about 3 aocj under improvement smith bartlet- april 28 1818 4 rags rags ash paid for clean cot ton and linen rag of any at this color office 9 to let and immediate poffeflion given the house and premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of this town a favorable fituatioa for a gentleman and family and no lefs fo for a diftiller or inn keeper for further particulars enquire of the fubferiber e barnett kingston feb 24 1818 43 tf the fubferiber having been appoin ted agent for the bank of mon treal any fum required can be obtained at his office for good bills on montreal or quebec or for specie thomas markland 1 agent kingston 2 jth july 1818 o to he let hat fubftantial flattediog houfe with stable and coachhoufc of the fame materials at prefent and for fome time paft occupied by lieut colonel fofter alfo a farm of about 30 acre with a comfortable houfe garden barn and other conveniences thereon moft pleafantly fituated on the lake shore and only two miles abo kingfton the land of this farm 11 excellent and from its high ftate of cultivation capable of producing the moft profitable crops either in the garden or the field application to be made on the premifes or to town mjor corbett kingfton sept 28th 1818 18 n- b about 350 bufhela of oat and about the fame quantity of potatoe oart f the prefent yeari crop now fa fale at the farm

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