iv l wximi in vi v the ftire i hav therefore mir fil with the ndro gad consent f hv wajesfjra connch f pnblih i ufa prevelaniaiioa hereby authorising nd fmporias british subjects for the paeof ec 07tfr from thedate horef to impart am brine into this th folrin3 i mint oi tfiecnoi- pnrm f mt iofrmitin in i carman capital aud of the union ttit twnuranrhc of the gorman pro- t nt ciiurcii taa iriuheran amd the reformed extrac- ud foom the entertaining taieane vrr lrind the ether- djr called u an jniumn nctr rw rhm or sketches ot v li iocictj aeon rylc in some srw termanstatei bnl ring oa tht i bine tl i hann- tied to bo a darortadt en tt slrt rforter thl h sarj i timber f an a o- thr coraraeucttnerrf j ilia tuifof bsatlnn tie grand dnk of heave e dhbfamilv being lntneta u w cfer of hfis-car- u of the refori i i rmigion tired wasi celebred with m tcii eeramaav and respect ji vraf f r more ctrifcincu fbaarren than ahbeth fr io addition o the iil iij of the bopi and the ampen i- j u of ab che protest ambassadors nevilurau4 townspee tic roada a morp cmtmentraus point al juteudiag church hi their best eqbiaage ud uniforaas the evening of the uth hflttaf jcmil aw ilj fcaaarteitofi cf i wareyeni fa ac t receipt frm ine anl expenditure c t pratflctai ljntted sfnts of atb9rca into thi revenue within fefcitnateof what mtj trovibci for tbfl phrpnia of rc-ox- j be required for tkc fupport of the civil rrti ncrted artlrle govrnmeii honorable genllrm irid gtttfmen conifeneii as yu now arc for tve great parpofe wf elfvatiag your coontry ly lie wif m oi yor councils yotij feel cich of you impreffed with the res- ponfibikcy nd dignity which rnwefb prorioce vm fhe ejnttei states of yru yoarccolld the celebrity of year vmericij in british bilt p or rsi- 1 pjreceeduifa thefe eewfideatioai i v i announce by a foil chorus of fsoicmji liyione sung from the op of ihz wsr of the lthrau cwrcil and iho b r va isherod in ckybrak t- a v of the aiheiipretf te bot n rus cere many the hymns were of a simple and strifcrag wv and efcitd with reaf skill al eifltect jki ten octock the wkole court with heir attendamtfl et grcd gala pro- leded tm the ff real chmrli the grand jmtdiesaiid her ladies bating a prety catholic dm tlhonneut y who stayed t home bite her iips tit wish jn an diabfe in the jrnad 9ttte cosh with eight creaeolord pal- ai ambiiag in blue velvet truppinjj a dusty pictuni of the reformer wa rmrfd for the ccation from the jl de v and suspended in thai x horid adorned with wreachi and vfsrri the church was crowded to jexcem and the court and tens com- jii 21 fuut eccupiod th 3criei a ueumy ixn komo frve pieced of atjuaic eencitidin ih die grand irycsn called e0csuano9 l ther ityttn were ad aril ably ejcuird lv the ii rti- srn of the court chapl ac- 3fiifiaoi d fey the swelling voieet of 4h cnratjn till effect wa rnn ut striking u an additlona interest wts liw0 fhe day by it bein uiah- in warn atvfesj th ri pblir recefhoo of iho oew union of the two fretotant ct t ltihrn nod the reformed av rhegrubo dwk ef ifatttfo t rdtr to revent iiffercoca of jfftli6fi amoo hs children biinel pfjjiga lurii ran nod hi wife of the j r ft chiireh ha been the first to viece and which i 0 vapidly radinz fhouah the ether ates in a snuimia the sllris raceiteal the sacra- 5 ii for the first time eecor ing to t3ifomi fvu efnrteri church r e rioil nf the holy sosptr wa almosit the culv asseutial aitifernce in ihe- worship of the twa religious tl u etansehel christiaa cburch idost tcrapiiloosjy unites them in the lsthi ran fom rah wafers are imiverad whme to ea co imrun leant t reformed in osroro tloleal apoet l- n n tiie cathrli- rse icei of bread wklch an tuakeii a ad diitribu kuch ert jiow siakea a ifhl erfe towards alliance anrl he liw united chvirrb usss a large lutheran wafer with the caivabistic fona of breaking it the aaisaoity of tfoetrhia differences which k vears hjfv dented fe the reformed at fiank- v- rt p place of uorsbip in the towa titobjh iise lathe rani were apon the nest friindly tieratitii ut with tjjirc t ho ic neighbours hcru now tirbfvde5 into the quieeui apa- iif this amaiatbaliorji of firms wa jad most all that retrained to be alone if thia amity oi spirit hud u existed publicif as of edicts and prewbii- tiou of forms wanifs jdred be useless out i a plaaiiig evkleeee of rho in created liberauty oi ideal that the spirit of bnion has gradually grows cp wtwea the sects tmd that he foraa jnottipn was ail aow waatiag from the n v- spihittr t7j a s j paper received at tjus ojucty uy the pf iiuk iioop regent- mj hi exteueney major general sirucey smith licuivn- eis owned and nsvlrt sccoramg j to la- scatitlltig flank taes handing- boards kinles hoops er inared limber ef any sit iread btseait flour peat brx3 potatoes whar bice oats sarey or grain of any lert fid britiih sabjects during the ayo period are hereby authonaei and empowered to export in british ships owned aud navigated as aforesid ail i- any of the said herein before eo barer ted articles to any other of mia msjetys caloniesor plan rat teas given a rider my hand sncl eal at saint jrlsn the etareoth day of sejatamfefitj ia tfee year of oar lord tie thousand eifht hundred r and eighteen and hi the uft- eightfc year atf u hajeatys rfin byliii eloeliobcyp cemrnand h aatalvbt york october 15 arsev csmhl omc tw 14jsi ofeer 1818 hw etodlency tke lieutesst q- tremor ra council it picaied to oircc this paklic notice to ri yieen tkt no i order ftr land will in fuvavc k iaua bat oa coadition of s al fitilcabct j small ok ex coat jrtnr eaneuenq aisnvencc of kearffr rojiv raiiffe the inrestiattoa f the pnjio aeeanats whea isosiitted fo and k proeiatoa tor hf support ftf civil govemmtqit for the carrent year u neeesaniy ogaf our care and ibpegs witfj uvoper reae of tn r ponsibilitv of one do tie and how iftfpnrtani i is that we ehonw fajthfnllt discbarge then we trust we al h acmaxliii all onr dvhb- orations lij a spin most likely to lead to happy resolt tothu editor ottaa k taovrojf laavftt kingston iwboeui jalu on rettuain to this place t have exi lightened nsaanrrs and the beneficent j ioinence of ren will no doubt looked ever your niwfpaoers of the art reffalatethe interccurfc bctweea fsemt ejgtt week and hae a few obfervations auus amedbues r schncy sir p ere kin hait- ljtfd keigfit ctmmunjer of the moti honorable mmltary order of the bath litn- untnt qcutrnos of tie province f upper canml i sajtr genera i commanding fiu to jjtstfi forces therein 8f tc ijc itay it please yob r jxct llenc v we his afejestys aseai dutifsl and loyal icojeets tare leiilrje coacil of l per canada la provucial kaniameni aiea fclert bg leave i wrvr our than fen for you speech at fhapeaio of tlis smioo of lit lcgittatere wrareaappy 10 eohrae ibi- opportunit ot cenifroi ulai uig y af eieeljenej on yoursaf arrivaj oaanae the tiuns of otir eaaired stotioa amongst c tt it i5 r5fret tkat we learn froai oy ixcftljanrf iha no akcrauor ia- takaa faretgr tfnt owj yrurpo al ef peetauy whfn it i thro into yaar hand by people who would ufc too ai tkifr cata pave for tar asft mfidiooaaad at itnant portafei you lite lr oriatiw as your hcvcread fritad bad you ue v and yoa have a wil sni feaaily to aspa tairt see then that yoa det chew fa rice allow no one to accofe another through ihe mediuwi of yoar newftpcr without pjfidocing hi3 real suaturcr leave efbeifg a c- yoyrfelfti n fee that you cmrcct the prefs care- rully whaa printing for another thrrtf nevr was 3 ward correaly printea fa your newtpaper with the authority of my figaature which i wonld rctrad un der the ctreumftauces which gave it vesta ad it m to be hoped before i am ajaii oettecuted cr my publicauona tjsat the j t0 make which you will lx fjoxdfi9 nferr in your next publication io ynn gazette of september ftrd you conclude my aarrative which had for foase trw been fufpeaded tat omen of upper canada will rake oecafjen to confefe that you were i s schaal and their 9chaolauat not the aathorol the article waich ap- j t college 1 kave written kecaly hut aever iaa peson and the only error which i hjve here committed un er uch influence has beew puhlicly ac peared a yours lathe gagette ofjuj iy fevasth i hii was a duty at once due to rae 10 yourfelf ad the puhbc i j audi nad yon aaerely made the confesj than id have been faii tz i co ra usore kn wldcd vis try having lifted wy hnrl ard defiled rnyfef by iiiikinj the the fubja ee howter you 0 net j n maa who altaultcd me is the i ftp yoa go on to fay i mult dtarj j any frxeud wh holds a ovcrnrient j picc nam ceufurc 1 1 1 an alio correct firsts of ktnjfto whan addrcrtinjf the convention st- yok i believed that the duke of rich mond cow governor f thefe provisoes i rtaccrreut of mr goorjays where he piaaoio tsw iasltspaartroa of oar woeralte ftaj fays that i told him 1 was at montreal n vv t of iiicbmoad who nobly rlv j when the uawtuhate perfon alluded j declared ia faor of britiih rights and t w unaer eaaieinatton fcc 1 do not rclk of faying that so exkmioa- 1 parliament of upper- caeadiu meiniej qfor 12 if rf at 8 oclock tisn day ki escel- lency the lieut governor proceeded a btate from the gartifon to the lean- j idtive ciiuucil chamber e where briog j ialcd on tire throne iii eroelicucy directed the gentleaaaa utter of the lilack rvod to dearaad the attendaocci oftht houfc ti avteessiiy when tire i ib excellency k plefed to pea iiefken with the following speeuh h titrable jissikmrx ihe ligijftm j ifftmhly thetoai want ot femes to saesit the exigencies of the stale ha com pal led ne jo cajl yo together eaicr taaa j tne tiiuni petioo bat i hope it is st a i feafou which iaterfanas utile with yur tvcnienc i hive to announoe to you taat ao i alteration ats taken plaor in the iadi- 9 4rion o aur vcaeablesoveriga his roysl hihnefi the priare j regent raaeives fiom ttoreigat powers the rrongert ajararroei of their friendly j j cifpofitii b to the britiih empire and of their earuerc detrc t praiarv ib geberai trsnuillky the profpeifc of coatieaed peace is peculiarly aufptctous to tkn cauctry veur undivided attention will be given to its iateicfti you will enquire into its waais 4 find resaediei far it eaibar- raamaats lh the courfe of your iayelgatioa you wfij 1 eouht not fed a juft indig- datieu the sttampu which hare been 1 mac ie exciie difcoosent ui to org-aa- kc leeitioa should it appear t yoa that a convention oi delegates cannot j rxiti witkout dtmgtr to tfes cooftitatiaa i iu framing a law o prevention your iiitjptfi naie wifdana will be careful that ii isall rijt uawarily trefftaft ofi that sacred vight of the subjea to feck a tearcfaf hi- grievance by petition a i reat y s ou foot with our indiaa neighbor for the put chafe of new ter- tn ftnasjc aosenaaees whteb hti ro highness tk hrinee fi-w- hai raceivea fepjn forijju powers of ruirftiuslly dijposuroii to the htjitib ensptrei of their earnest ilc- sir 0 priorr- the general traoailiiy aj- fbrdsus ke kigrt jbatisfactieo cohtinecd w4th your ezeeieury l 0 cotiiiuaion of i poee will be pecel auspicious to this sloiuce a ke iatofatof okieh we will be- wow oor otnoi atien n we will iaaaire iito id wan 3 eaavor 10 iadoac ressc dfe for it embarrsaa w soell 4 ail time faelojtwt iedeatioi atvery aneorpi wuici naaj oxclte dieeatei r oad if tt shms appear n utiteai a eonveution of delegare eannoi fn wiihoatdaafrrtotke0 maframingt lew of pieveauou wrr h k careful taat h fnll ooij auwarlly trespass on 6e ifterrd riakofrkejbjeei loseek oy peitioa ore dreu offcis s ievaiee- l j u pleasure to learn tiv fhe ia tfaw oofeo aitk ou ifidiau neigbbora fr rhe porches i yrrjiovy idchrdiug eef lain recti hch rvk s 10 disceaueci tie westoro avulemeati f i proince w en- porsuaied tsatn olji vo t4 norr in lrfric value lu thin ce tiianoa iaer-a- d population aid a whlue ijhj co6j- rau in ie meaure a may render ajutrtr- eoce ro oecesiicoui ku ijrraui wiio way ck u jcouir8tiler i 0 ce iff wtllatteod carol nl ibe laws tfkrcl a exptrinewod lowuirasirave espired we thaulcftiuy receivr yoor e ueitv cifr ofrooperatioti tff errj iuro fll tfr lawi ooieh rooy k sneered for be coin- ron safety or kcyn- f hp mbjecc fo lis f eaeral oeoeut ot v p hemrakh qtelmu ya rttctos l ranch erattfleti bv toe cimrnl o have e8 uifael ro irm acceu tlaok for your eomre i lion dciuaily took place now fir i your fricrtj r p ingle is not to be cl c c to hi 1 excellence lir peeegitlme aflt- land knight cominiainii o be moi honorable military order oi the bb lieuteaont erefnr 10 piofiove upper canada ami major qeueral com- imvnuiag hit majesty forces otereia sec 8c c c ujy it pleexe your eieelleacy we hii majrtys dnhfbl ami lovl ubjrcts the geasiaoaa hoase cf asemy provincial parliasieni amemmed nrg ro offer co your exoeilene furincerecosgraaiaiion on jtur accoiion to ibe goveroinent olun proyince ani to rexufn tbsrs for your nnt jcracious speech froiathe throne at tbe upan- iijrf the present session thiip worere td learn root no favonshli change hat take place io the kfita of oar bioteo we view ryith ranch saris as to your eorreiaa of ory r3te- rernt 1 deny that i required crreaioi hvr perfely caneft hut it waa by no meaaa tioon yoor evidence that the affafrof the unfnunate peifa wa ua ticevj by rue public notoriety was my ttiiho ity ad fuch notoriety as made vh lihy ct fiit to he ipoken of your individual evidence was osentioned only becaufe f the eadcavour to bink the tnich wbick wa artfully introduced into the article ft bafely slnd upoa yer fimplicity althouefh in your iet ef scptens- hcr firll y u ifftirt yoar mtteh mjiskd patrms aato yuor afterward bferving 3 ftrfil neutrslity you fcret tai- pledge h he 2jtd of the fame nsonth and very cfirtfoay ly la that xj pablcation vvr think vfr qourlay lien under miftake a we do not rrcoilett of feting the hand bth preddiowjhcre alluded to bef4e had it fnp ported the caufe of porliamentary re form i havtj fiace learned that the pefcnt is tht nephew of that duke i meat ion the circumftance onjr left it leared ccnwt hy ymr mere uffl ta he fuppofd that 1 wi infinwn leir bios he di five you the arti 1 1 fl w ia never in my life did lealsavc fpoken of to infert in the ga- the great or flatter them and i aeue as yoitf and threatened you by jj i trait fhall i loop to do fo oaf taying if you da ut comply with his ufoernar in chief i hope inherit the wbe he would ceafe to take y virtue as well as the title of lus unclcf newfpaper thefe a i nw kate si a 8s0 heartily do i rchfh the repertj upon ysmr own authoriry acclared be cver wi on ta wtna that our ue- tore a witneu i tenaat governor is ntantfealing not by words only bnt by dteda what wr had aojiunfiy looked for energy and honor to revivify iic drooping arfuirs of the province there is an exprcson in that pad of roy aarrative which you pobfirhed in tlil gazte of september hifc which a was told would give offencf t the k of methodift it was tlsjh mr miles if autwardly a religious mas at preach ifig and prayer meetingi he i a eowsanp aren3it t mjfff oith hlmi in t merhodift asceting the iafl sunday i w in jmiilon but fee now the r uits of the tiec l was fuppofed that tl trre here figuratively introduced mcjnt tbe fe of methodifta while fo fta it related folry to your individual profesft lions rd external behaviour u would be among th laft of my ag to hurt the feelings of any religious feci were to attach uayielf to any it would he to piiblicd ta dny piper ivefiie- had it i that of the presbyterians among whou been the cafe the editor aei would j j i was hraughrtip but it has vng hoao have raev the foviowiag reaaarht which ory deter ivii nation not to bind myklf t we eepr from the pbejmts new mr riires i am addreftinjr vu ohlcay or yoar edification for athewifs this is a matter f scry iittle confequeace vrd i afe why you uv ud think yourfelrv a ny time frr o fet yoar rcttfitieljvn a gainff my ttfertin why yuai did not the creed of any fec aod to hsld all ir equal rcrfcci being ad u red that ftneerity iu religtoaj whatever be the particular eouife of tovnsaor o faitk conftkutes he efteuiial point ie the ayes of the xu aaighty when fit montreal oaore thaw a yfe ihinkil aacewarj to fee every number ofj nf t bad the ftrl opportuuity f u tkfhnberoreyourenturetofpeak teodihg workip in a hwaaaa catholia as to the contents of that newfpaper and h w vou could be fo fthfurd as daw mferewrei a to my iaro under mu take forn the auotat fac on ta- happy prospeetofeoatinued peace j the a which i iaid 4 obtain ed a place in the i p erianada plihii did fo and lam ia poffeffifu of the number of that aoer which oootaiafi rhe article ii is a moii iiamefnl one and aeeav would have been remibliiied by j icbnrchasd i declare nevei found my i if wore difjsofed to join with the to y qmg unaermuwm prayerii of any congregation for every jtstioos s given by ye at af j j face arauad ae ware tbe appearaaoe 0 t george jl r governor and comnuz- rl tn chief oj the fr evince vj a hrunou ica ic4c- 4c ag 24w cmtittcn tvilfrvtashy art of parjiaaiairt iastd t 48th ar of hi preiient m t ivfijtji fewer i- fiivin to thf 4 rtior l go or co mm au der o i jit- 5 lovinoe aith the idvae and cojrot i 8 alejaitys neisjbbgr 101 tr jitory itcudinr certain trads whieh iarvc by ihcir intervention to diicoanect oor vvefteris scttjemeuts it appear to rue thai ao object ean e ci aaore intriaac value to this colony than an uacreaied population nor ssy ec the acquiiemeit of which a fraud 1 eaaenditure of revenue i lively t ptc- leht the stale witii greatct rat urn whether it rroud uot be aaviiable ta tender aiiiac in fame ejeoiual mao- cui to bole oavir emigraiits who maw it icck ia mmbuasc yur countrynxtn u a liibjed 1 rtcoqiiui 9 ywr icnoub conimaiciatioiie your zutcntin will hz directed to certaio lawi which arcxpinnj nd to o there which have expired that you may decide on the propriety frfcuunuirirtht oiicor rcfifiag ike oibct to carry aity laura vriiich yoa osaj euaa rr thr cuiloit ifcty r axaty f tii buij ct or for rhe gcnoai brorfit of rhc i province intu full clkct yod m depend on niy heatty cpuperati ui geniumm oj hi hwfi of jjcmblj had properii to his subject ia he assur ance of tiioj frircly dirpoftitinna ef foreign powers rrccivd 07 his ftwyal highnss b- prince rrjfut we fet b to aoporfiim of hiat balajbbiwa labjfetr etc ibis prospect br rnre auspicious than to tbh inij3t i ionv ad our 0101 anxious nipfa is 10 cajeratr with your eictilency in iiaproving tits period oftraaqutility by every measure tha tnay tend to relieve ihe pro 4 ace frojji any ertnporary pb3arra aod to adancc iu giirai pfobperity we fee a juit indigbtioa at ih5 ay btematic attriflptr rbaf hare been oiade io rxciie discoo- teutauil orjflixe sedition ih cm kappj cplo- n jt while the usual aad caatoiouai mode of appeal for real er tuppotd grivacces h- ajiv- ef ben open to the people oftliis pioviuce j never rrlusodor even appealed toaud deeply lajbent thai the iasidiowadefcignsofoiie faction individoal should bat e iueceded in draieg ic0 tbe piappert of is vile kttftcbrsatioils o uianv honet men aad ivyaj fculiject to hi- mar- jtsiy vfr reauetnber tha- chh favored la d waaiided to our pathersa a ntrea fbi buffering ievait and pot a sanccuary tor sedi- ien in t ho con rite of iiirinvesigationskouh it appear o riiia hou thai a conv niion uf jelcatft caauoi exiffi without dangrr 10 ijir coriavtitiiliodmfraiuihaf a lav of pre re n lion frr will carefuu ditingaih between sneb convention till theltil act of tbe subject ih petitiomsg fei a refdreea of real or iusin- ar arlvanem thai mcrt right vory bji- any vwic of icnfe and feetiag the 44 rtterv wiaicli accotepanied it was bv io means an excnfe hut iferle stiia are mcontrollable when opjjrrtaity far gratiocation ocenra and the whole i- sttiuaj enough fr the plipix which could iniuit its racier for week to- getbeti with toe ravings of a fcatter pe3bti braswvd rhymfter of talhat rtoaa a man who had the audacity rot only to ridicule toe but tct invent fyrnbels talie- y to prejudice the public mind again i iny character while i ay under ih moil iertous charges vvhtck a vindictive mini- j try could contrive for ny detlucitn s well as fo extinguiftting the vital fpaik of liberty in tki portion of brit- ift dominion after fcieh exrieicoi vcll ntay we eselaiiti with the poet a tcii 3 1 fuljirr ani ops a red 1 tme demotion li sunday l attended he meeting of flaking quakers near aloaay and there i tras equally iajprca aafifa fympatlietie ceejiagi as in the eat he- ticchurch equiiy diijoged to former ta pecuiiaritica of the se afldjoiw in tc j wot p of god indeed 1 way truly adopt iue language of sterne aod de crare i thuuykt i faw kelivfon njij a ih atttyect which ve hill ever bold iuvialit- ie vfe percieve in yowr fxrelencyroiciq- oi cation of the proostvil piabam of new ter- ritar from the iridiaa u ituponanti and in- u m neceemiry to rlia grown ofur wetv e etuementf a dafitering lrdv ofjaur bieell ncys sincere d- io wneit the pxv vuce and vr ill pfive be- coitaidcfration n vmir excdilrtte rrcomn fcudauon hat ow eafestual asiaianee ihec ifojiliu be rx en- 1 ded to tfawat poor eifant who srek tobe- eome em couutwen the law- dai have erpirrd or arr aboti u expire dhaii reafeis f attention and i v stumor res- inuing aefc lhnj a aay quired m dofaaiuc rpa r llhes i im your paper of firft i t siaiiaotr w proaa oataci ajaf uaavf tfid m hwsw htowwi i scptetn asyou into the hand- of hisn wlv is the be it j dge t yoni h in the hnmwle affiiraace that he v v you wiidosn si do you thi that god aft i ke k ji v en you a real nabla loni is not t re q of yu even the qijrhicst eiecfe vif that livloe gift r that he ari i e -un- c yu when leheuiaa the eredi- biity of any one tkronli filly luinife and 4 finv jiiment- beicvc is be fineere ag y bj friend ing in the dance after all the ican del wkfeti has been launched out aaiui the shakers 1 am coipiuceid that thef srr generally incetc and faithful e chajr they i believe the belt patterns ever exhibited to the world of mamy important viituea andj x doubt not j tvili pove of high value in advanciirg tke graid fcheoic ttf pro dence afitothe methadifts it has unouefti onably been thro their al ta tufr ame oi religious worhip has been kept alive in england had bo tiie- uper fir ft triianed ky welley ani whitfield been fanned by theii foiiowersj the clergy of tke erlablilkneut would have let it long before now 5k rfiifl in iocket or perhajm eatioiuik b its greae i america the mcrhodii- are jelraos the very befi barbiofcr u fpfa pel light tbe very befi agents to peaa in the gazette ef sj sep vbre ij is toe repii of wy trial a kroekvihe u rui of e prats has totally da kerew rft stfrnrn in our f ia o be warai a birj in tin lain report wcicit wid tobari4 tvritieit dtsmted avasiiaih iv wum uaf titaikl 11 ta prareatttlius aftr fc vr r aer ueapremian rui mp t f rap- i vmp aai h ki rpfttfl m avhi ceyoutheia u b ut put i j i f urns v o idfi osuc a tii v