tuesday oct volume viii no 2 ikimoa ton uppe canada print ah published bt stephen miles price four dollars fer annum exclusive of postage votu3v5a wasil o agents for tha kingston oocwf btof si ton n j a m fs r a n k i n ki tark william a f a a n fcn jfettksith a hherwooi lm fevtv mtfarb esq jtoaniaj v mow lb printer tws subscriber aviwg been appointed agent for thr proprietor f the i ron work etabhihed at three rivet in the province of lower canada t fn- turnu the public that he ha fotety re ceved a fer extensive asorimmt of i 1 i fetler rsrirtiiitig in the iustojficc id kingston oh itih day of oa loiter ism jqhfj ahvrcrti tnsfnb abraham iy ub eiwh atvom duclor anriwo gtaritj areaase ouuioi aimfia taw- jobr iiu mr bfcfter awmm bwry tiil barry william 8nt1f lo be- bttis aeve will i 8ier suh juancfcard blade f 3ottv i en b bri a ah an rice aahn pnerj w t ftrdyte fmsiim srtvk dtu1 bvrv v brown h fcraiwfcen david bcjm jaa kaetauumi jen bur ttj bart ewrfo bn4 skra bwtt pierr rsc vatnk cahaghsn p3j tfti armi jehu cai carter g vvtua carter meplt garwetl john tfesu leak harran tit ifciclarate mr fcatemaa oi 4pwf f tfuil8 3 avast awnkfl o tit corner eriw 1 cook i ii owrtlstfeeiiwbciktt ttliaa cjawj j r2 jnhs j cms 2 hmy cfli wil infli darw k rv darling feat ware manafaured at i other article are i that jiiitfc aoojf d ble sing i cast iron ppat ju8t reeled it the fabfrt sdire an affbitaient of hollow wan box ami oven and a few franklin fire places e 3 i john dowlin returns hig moft fincere thank to his friends and she public for the vciy liberal lnpport given hit fiace his comrnencemept in btjfincfgj and begs leave to inform thjsm that lie has laid 1 a genial ad cll feitacd ftecktsf i g w lnes so o various sie ana jwttenis cast ass i pans sugar kettle9 potasii coolers pots dog rons am vlanufedirred at the con flam ja work anii will be fold at the funrece prjea bcinj icfch ua than the prices ok at iatt year aifo fr potish klt- tltzz cqolfrs thole who tke n fiortncnt wih b ocunodated wfth liberal credit rmrn3 brtlet ftwrtfj gvcv l8i l dtjtcri ovens ec3 i4vc to i which will be djfrofcd for at vbojjvircnevr te wwi tjwgt thi worthy wc attention or j jrorcb 5rf w tiv ar not htwc to y usniiij5 wiarjtarfty nearly ib- mcmreai pnees- houcqiav fraoci pa madame nxiaan yrv foeror foftnef of teetal and ahon vanrl jra karro lor d blu the three lajffi sbt iwrai maw- mara ojtfl r tfii tmflnoir t hsilt evfm jotpft pair prw ik pawmiaj ai 38crntjnii flaic jm flrtaiit 2 rj c kvmsv p6i8bv iflba 5 cajifc t vlan rraacw jrfoih firi jf boa ttmna hminrr ary vr exa-vli- uii taoni 4i caiwlav bctv gatrim lolin clrau ijcrackwka tfooic mputa iroax fieri 1 i j and john macaulay ju d ti piihlic in jcnerali that itny twivr received utcljfrom mou n elegant aifortracot of at lis m ft and which he u jeermjned to icll at the meft reduced pnctfa f5 8 t jamaica spirit sjrb holland gitl t wbiifccy cjerrv fe i wines benararlo port t xifrls itytmih mo malaga set pickllvig vuiegjtfu li c juice jj 6roceruss rr drv uood tih- ur ury ro ifci vviiliufo gt ernest town wte lmr utaur iat rvitrnv uam eataartaelfam- p f uoxii hand ilr rr jl tpbri afw ter ann lfih- f feel h iv svvwr iiuie ujot j boinvj j 7erev akx flotchet mr j mr l3fr ha coreihed tcechift j i the follow tz branches of edneaxfw 1 ready maic cljalhi iadieii aivd cleiuui fm cpa of the lauli ion beavr an4 jsret glavei and mit- 1 trns jennet skin j icts wolf ul j fuccofl casittle rofc aad iadian ridgastns the whole w31 lw ua4 cksap fty monj rau 3t st dthmai rtywn jiiu lift colie4 vi6- j i cinnamo turkey rij boji llaiiiacs gfren lappr hipeciny glauber si5 snihh intustanl rail o salt butter j fvrcai sisci pi x all aa injtrej to rfetm art 1 1 saf d aawiftuirvaji stegft harrare 4ttbefoifetag branches d dnatio in wijjjiw itotn iun h1baiia am- ih xjwph acal-rr-y- vt the ewe ils laijoagt jimruiwallyvvritip j el in 11 vi wf j 7 vhhihc ule of the globes ma ltaf ihji i jwon a 1 ii4 on or oet ie le in 01 ivctjor trjt osc m tjtwwfrthciraccminyj 7iii be fvm iai aw 1 iettt tvit cot 1 on bajll ciorh ct ruck thread wtue and brtiwuda writing paer letter cki rccitvtion prarei lao j 1 f- uik-unu- cosipcitioa undrinuiihilloty with the lattu and gttrk lr ttvb lauicj kciiagg iviteoftm ilrh jri lfaa mwj f un uuagui rurfila i l1a jjjj the former atteuderl e aa te iofataealtudiutt r 11 mrrtnr wil1 j ruffti a lattvkitih fk0ffsal9 ill b raceiod u he college j heo go bam of fwnefl town between ihi tirnt nod the fir dv of novnober next tor rh recti n of a chape j iu the village of eiraeft tcwa the fc whcrof i to w 4a feet lonjf and galeiv i to he raed aid a riorr ptfticuliar dcforiptlon wj bt given to wy one 4ir trout f engajgivg in the undertaking n apphcatioq i 1 c an uflbrtrftent 1 do chieers do bft dutch lob pipes wr ii pfojg nfcbacco handle wfv moud candlea dipd do uprior drfied calf skins iiai liik lacking a few article f zx wide dryg n bin addition to hfc pre- jimebal m 0dv gcfderj c he aocornoiatfld i ft tr i cent dock he expei many ovtieram- ernrfttwa s aok k ijnv x fa a r ma j re- tiie pritute faiiiita 00 tt ttotaau joln on j t tcv oft 6th iglft if o ir n t fat t a a j j i or w mr pap i v v- j irit rt anvv ai at 14 w a ss5iijkfftt t t ft 1 rtttih n i iwre- a ijfrvt p lands or sale flflq be fold on rcalmiic ternns j r ot no 6 tu canying pae townfhiu 0 murray bwrtainwift 500eres 25 of whi h are uaer im rvroenjent b a go4 hotafc aj well w i ii m odubcr it 1 8 i 8 iy pa of mr 0re erdhasti montrcait a t ili on the isth of ugtift lail paft he j rft ihe houfc of mr istanlv on or ab- i tc haftrnrmricharjlur o walter sam wal-oa- ttrpta willis roo wikon john c itoo tol r- wilonviulfttn vviikoo horrse taaaw s oap i- john t ac a b l a i w- ii n v eir rtftutniftg tn wst toztn post gjice u er- 1 ihf hi bih of rifuwells carrying place t 5th 8k s6 to l e i apavtf the dwelling hook anil premite occupied by the iiibfctv ibtr ad polfeasiori given afaont the mid dk 01 ociober next john ferguson hotel from the ern 5u1t m by by naai of vj crater i yekri i 1 oat tae jth juinavy ul fuppofed to be in quebec with his gand mother mr michttcl cimcron mi father j ttifhing th pumicatin to he hifcried in j ihe montreal three rieers and quebec paper any one that will give inform- ation to his father and mother at kin- u n or forward him to kinjfon flail have all changes pt all per tons are fvvbtd harboriag iim under the penalty oi tae l fiugsim 0 2 1 1 s ewp vo r s allt ii from tht monlrea fieram oct on saturday last a dinner hs rcn in the mansion house hotel til honor of ihe antral of his graca thii duke af ilirlimond in this city on fer return from upper canada a nunr ber of i he most respectable inhabitanis notithstanuiia the hortnens of tre tiotice assenb on the accasioo tz down to an excellent dinner at hait oast 6 oclock the lion w hie giluvray took the chair as presideufj and the honc i lothlmiaceas vic j among the rompany preeut ware cofe unrer ami the statf of the 37fh regfc the baud of ihac regt attended soring he evernng and accompanied lie oat5 with appropriate airs hfc trace witb tils asual urbaait met tfta wishes of entry indiridoal who wa lispased to enjoy the coiiv icenfts l kp it up to a laic hour whett the party separated highly a t n esl with the pleasitig manner and auufr lag favourable prosjects from tbe cooa uumnare wisitm of their noble guetc tim ollovririj toasts were giwen jft the vlsion 1 the kin g 2 his iijyal highaessthd priftfi regent 3 the duk of fork u4 ttflt arry 4 th ixike wf clemea ad nvy 5 hi grace the dnke of rstftr mond our luustrions gtveruor anti iguedt may bit administration of thv gofernotcnt of british america evag- b a sowrca of pleain recolfctiiu t hiraself c the duke etf walliiigtoa a sheamteci aimyin france 7 sir peregrine maitlandaod tt prorince of upper canada 5 fvarl dalhoasie and tie pre vince of novascotia may the txnfoences at als la chplfe secure the permanent tranquility of tha cttiliaed anrld 10 prosperity to the uniftfft kingdom vf gtaat drirain and lagr land 11 snccess to tfi comwercp and agriculture of the proriaces ofuppet and lower canada 1 colonel bnrcr and the ga rison of monireah i the intended rnprnverrent i the f navigation a work f uooh pablic qtvktjtnnt over nti lie tljnb promoters of to the gratitude of ths ihihabitantii of the canadas it the latlies of canada 15 the memory ot ao late 6et brok aitu 1 meat of drugs medicines uif boileb oils thr m auaety of dry whit 2 lead and ground l oil ugethfii with alwoi evrty artice of a tionjfi papet of tha ftth july state tt it i tmderstood the follow w ling ciiuir w lutructtons has bti issued to tii iui nava1 coinman-j- an june 0 1819 pa1n1 books srm i the following ft qcunnr isis daniel friier joia youu wat kaaioa folm thoniptfto w uo- mr wiilauibapane river oavui rr snlas richard troibinwr win uosm jaaie awjohr moon nel perin hermat seojftme for-lu- tiomu v arty iaaqai 8 baaeueil laaa pergaawn freder ovril jaiaes wwiaaa i aayton jan mone- aaace laaate oam mimepher 011 da uns hk konu jons k iepli mereia abrabao iruti alexr claa fro win velif aaron ouvir of hcki tkune awa aaarew istratiju 3ra ja- fikamoad je ptirdy gdhei ro k di mailar airs ara uck peter heta jamkft rankfn pmt ussoar multipllcalioxm hhjes for the ale ot schools ty obert vvaiker reflbrns j liis fmcere and grateful acknowl edgments to his ftuds and the public in general for their jibeal lupport dur ing the laft tighten years and takes this opportunity of acquatutiag them he ftil continues to keep the ihove de- gaut fftahlifhment whne travellers and iamilies can be accommodated vvth fep- arate room and every attention paid n reafonahu terms a ferm containing 1k0 acres f land jituatd ia the filth town of which 140 acre- are uudet imptqvement for further particular inquire of the printer kingfton 14th sejjt l5l8- 16 to lit a no immediate pofftlsoa given t that lare and convenient houfc with s complete merchant shop ware houte and out hcufc au an excellent garden tanding i the moil public place in the village 0 bellville fronft- ing maine water and hridge streets particulars applf to the fubferiber iii the townmip ot rhoiond andrew kimmexfy utk aug iii tatf dye woods k stuffs 1 trvfod nicaragua fuftic camwood madda blue vitriol copperas a hum indigo prefs papqm e a all of which will be difpofed f at very reduced orices kingsivo os to 8 1 s 2 l if 1 5 cwt 10 3 whereas w have received irtj iformatioi that under color of bosrita taa subslsrtrg between his catholic ijmnjosty and certain provinces rr n v p proriuces iitspaitllh america uxisll 1 jjj aecd ship or vessels not b longing to and fitted oot and set forth in the dominions of his catholic ma jesty 6f the said provinces or parts of provinces but having or pretending tn have commissions of war or liters of nurque from m catholic majesty or persons astnming to eaercise tn to let kimsm srftsti l 16 17 w the pan op li st 1 fot tb- year isi6 0 sale at tbia office 53 i withait any juft cf or provocation thw is therefore to forbid all sod every pet fan horborina or brofting her on my accouut i will eu pay ai debts of j her conrrtinc after is dse thomas con klrj bmkwk iff ittic fij sowers of goferniaeut of fh said provinces or parts of provinces in soamsn america have committed divers piratical acts and ontreb against the vessels anil goods of his majestys oijccts you arc hereby authorised anil required ra iusue iu- t ructions to tin commanders of the ships and ressel under your orders 00 credible information of anr piratical act or outraijr- committed on the hitik the comroodiouii dwelling hoasbjjseaa on any british ships or ooda by and premifce the pifrerty of vf j such armed hip or vee as afore- rofi efq htly ia the poffeffion of mr unid tuslazc and di fiii su armed wool fiy tsims apicanoti to wa made ishtp or vessel and read her toother r with her mastt and ere in sata wm mitchell cuftly to inland or te 8tfm portitt jffnaftofl gal 131b 8is 29 ulus majeatys colonios were court 1 1ft estabhahvd for the trial f offences acommodwns dvciiing r7t5j j- on th high together to h eniiie oi j uitk such wittle ma bf neef- walter mvcuhlffz i uary to rve rha n- r charged to izfngfton ijbtho irs 1 jinv- omited h tuch ship or i veasel in order 0r master and civw wl mar kav committed air uchntu- iriai cut- ca maj- hf v l tow officers half pay and artil lery penfiod bl4ns5 fo- fhr shtf 0r 1