oastoi iftwm 0 4vcm la4iai mcny ire with j i they fcnar and inftru lisjmuslet vyitli mdffd frit lit vjnjrov 0azs1ti hf rjuow ujjrqc rs j- much ufcemtft iia u r fcjdead io it were not c v fab te iserihe tj theagantawho hs be- fc y an onj w she same meti frsich d to a similar fomiwf ia die teost sanguinary monsters of nr sp cifci yeuh engine wbish they hav se at work is the same flit was b voh employ d on a fob memorable oe- rnnoh i atna3tajl which dfehnrgrd fthr the fit co lit fry oi france a a- tiftcal explosion ofbtoedshod toifidel- fcv and anarchy at the contempt on of which every worthy person sickened with honor and disgust disaffected men who sought to n- fwn ostnirity cm the coins of the bef v constitutions attempted to work i j means of the same ktigsnr on our m- her ccuniry but the wisdom of th siurilature destroyed the mchiue preserved the constitution entire the favriamentof ifftland by tnr v application of the same wise foresight j j lij ft svented toe total subversion f fba j 1 ot fare a h i c t i ril si been us- inftad o sutb uerseo u a til tore fnr a icr a strange teman who ias certainly both in und and it spafteids done cr at- mpted to do uiot rxcuent serciee your mother country awd woe id erhapa if it were pressed oa him no i tbe government of tbis v kribndto h- rr canada frederkkabi 1 jfe r lst ik18 twc beg leave to appoiogfee to the writer of the fdowiuj article for it ute appearance by accident it got miflatd 3 communcaitd for the ktgstm gaxits ktrcton ug 29 isls mr editor mx the k wled c 0 thc can governt au general mitchell cfe and mes sage to kina a tne it is not fo b there arc pr ions who wifk t get hold of the it dian la ds and the ilick it na rnean h wcver cruel and ppcflive to oiiuin therr ends general gaines letter of augvaft taft to kinaijee c ear ly fh ws that he ana geierj jackfon are etermfefid if pot fible to et koid of hie wroie indian lands after faifely ac- 1 i lardy bfervcj a jrcat dc fcufing them of pilirjiert thef 8 jvriticn in different newfpapers cemcem- burning fapuieil 6cc he fay ing ibeefecaey of alum puni inj j but tnere 15 fomcth ng out in 1 hydropb bu f a bib with forced there art eight ipecies of thia k 1 l l 1 feme of hich rc com on t america 1 tongues whip him back hv but mavnot pofefi the powr of the- fore he lands or he md be he i illma plnntajo d i prevent nitt j rilin o you yet perhaps you i rakei in ibe ufe of fo valuable a fpcciic not jnow what or wiiom i fcoyntry winch was attempted by tiv j ssi means in scotland the same attempt was retidered abortive by a ibar prudence what do yoa who are loyal sab xecar rtho would not wishtoeudurethe myjirtira the bloodshetl that must ac- grvrjjan n revolution expfld to aiw iuiagh tiie means of this conr oiion it you suy you wish for a redress ol grievances i answer it is the ort podblenayto attain that en4 d iju suppose fliat the lieutenant gov- nr will forward r that trn prince iit would reef ive a petition from i ahs mill af this description 1 troth ui aeoibly which militates as va- admitted in thedtbates carried on in car mother country on all ruths eg- j sjnst the spirit of the constitution tbere the only question u as whether at spirit was or as not too ciucu yulved iu the long code of lawn which cvmnose the constitution to be brot tthly and with folfieient concisetitsi tyi ne a jury on iubeiujdetermiujj j aifma sobulaa a came of ancr i the abirmative a specific law co j ii iruty be ulcful at the prclent ftafu to j ttrte where the diffcrcat foccie of this j gen ne are to be found particularly thofe iadiveaous to america- although each fpcciea may be equally taluab t yet die alifma plantago u the only oc cncntined and it would be dcirabk to know whether tkey ill poffif the fau xwcr 1 alifriia cordifolta a native f ame rica fcuid i ftagnattng watera t alifma damafjrhaih or fir headed water plai j a bitive of britain 5 alifma faa a ydiow wter pau- titir a native of rlareriica giw ijj fvramps 4 minna nataisa or creeping vsicr plantain a native of foritain 5 alifma pamafefoha a native of ain- erica found q boggy ground 6 i i f ma planter or treat rtter plan tain grows in ali the marshy parts ot scotland 7 alifma kanuncsoiaes r icter water plantain tfo a native of scotland naean i qaeinthe name of err 1 r trxcellency of fu h carters j reipediag the creek ftatioii as j tey are certain to be true he can bever have the means of judging what i propf to be done i lave hy defire of rhe chiefs written his excellency thehon charles baot on their aftairs and alio governor cameron with a demand for a fmall fup- piy it which they iiand greatly in need 5 1 ruft sir you will- make he reprefentations to his majeity g ernment as the ci re urn ft x nee- oft he cafe require thai thofe unfortunate people who lockup to you as their j trend may foon icft peaceably and quie in their country yon will pardon thi liberty i take which iv vhing but the arefling folfcita- tion of kinadjec woud have induced me t take ad with much refpcok i atn ir vouf nofi obedient humble fenrant i a arbuthnot livered him to the sheriif ith the other general jack a is the fir ft who ever coffin an dec with great succcirs agsao itio indians for even in the very victories which the engliflj i americans formerly gatttea o- ver the lavages they lft n oro men than they ktlied of theft enemies general jackioa commenced his military career agair ft the creek indians fe out five years ago and after wards commanded at the oat tie of neworieana i tlio former war he did precifely what he haa now done xj the t her contents of this i fiiwrpnt such oouv ention was passed iliorl and ej to be understood audi zcjl london aug j mr arbuthnvtw c inlsrr fctch as was adapted to the capacities of the honest but unlearned das of letter written by mr arbutn- j ic community u winth a jury lscmj tl iu offich oi 1 aiik in tliu rpsd but i ould ak you is uot tin- tfaut f prtiiiouiujj in jiie regalai con- jtitutional manner open to fu can fun not assemble in your own conti- viiip- r cw you not draw up resoln- ions can you not n prove them and nrward your netitioos il a whole nation those to petition country abut hree montai before his letter clearly how me tha i thwfe two generals have f r- j ined a p ft of poiielli g them 1 elves or e whole india- la ds j that this ian has ri inatcdj with lorbes lncraritys ot thole of their faoordinate- agent i have ii tie doubt as evry par of the onduct of thof inferior aeors how they have been employed t r r exprefs purpof of r oting oui the p or i dian from ris pa e nai inhe tan- c 1 he r w t hitnbiy having mde ies i in the rave oi the chiefs of aii the lands from pen fact 4a t iit aguftine comes from sts marks fort- i hal foon ej there ai warn from what i jfource they derive their infori matt n tha- aiae and i mproper ulm have been ma e have tio tok poffeffiob of peifacolo and the part of weft florida he aovt occupies- to prevent the spaniards from fupplying the indians with arias and am munition 1 x- fram m vjiper canada gcsztft hoiticult t i obstinatjb conflict the following article says a lato liverpool paperdatea firo june it j va reccircd by the last lisbon mail j an algrrtne coisair lull of men j wtti lately sunk off cape st vincents i by two portuguese men of war after a inot desperate and bloody conflict of nine itlees wherein vat numbers werv billed oji both sides tile hover 1 amuined the action with great iiruiuesj and mich undaunted resolu tion that at one time it was dosbtfii w nether he wow id not have bar thenr ft uotwitstaudiug the superior defci axaint her the ortuguese bebaved manfully and vr d to give qaaitars provided he u i nid trit- wljion generous and humane oft r the pirates did with hor rid impivcatioas ditlatnfoiif refuso and o rtt neful were the iutidall to the at chat taey fired grafje sm4 pat- mossrs tredger 6c darker hfk leave to inform the frienca of this uleful science that arn friday antt saturday next will bo exhibited at the mansion hause hotel seven puarji kins growa in their gardens near tork tktf season the prodnce of o seed the plant of which covered it square yard thn weight of this fruit on the tth last vas as follow ffo i 8 4 a 0 9 weight ote towel 119 105 10 u g5 49 5 454 the larsst measured 5t fit elivdj ii i- not from the deck and small j feche iu circumference so tkat one arms out of the tops into the rao n ofj acre of lurui cultivated with equal nkill warasthe were going down which d are would piodace 77 ton mm by gencr- wlthcut fa jaljicklon from tac evidence uw ijcht csie the anxri a w d t g tds et the chdcr ad have fievcr cd fc wnofe fte will undoubredlyj chlcllu it is w become a fubjeel of ftrici in- 1 iu this manner there is nothing to pre j q iry and iavcftigftttoft it will from all indian john forbes ha witi ra him th ir dotiifi so lecuus the pj per u fed with mucli intercft i scions are multiplied the effect is uotil n i weakened when vcu have the rifiht of netitioft full k conipiete ts it notevident to you- 1 sswdkrteg htmer greek nanon jan 30 sir when i ui took the feonce ns but the infierantys are enough with the 1 fuborch ate agenta whole indian nation and i have noi to difturb the rr thn cometh ot ril did a deal ol miacbief amnugst thai hitnutwn lnh the sliija wnrnj seti re shattered cn- had several hot bimwr en mind and water which 1 majlr her it y ieaky and her sailsaiid j ringing cut to pieces the other had 1 r fnrtiva t aud bowsprit carried awaj with part of hei starboard bo and a large shot went i a inch s in her mamma f ith thought the pirates iad ipended all rhetr cannon balls as in the atti 1 part of the engagement fhey mod from their gieat guns mar- li spikes ringbolt rtsty nails hits ot uon and uadout into square pieces from lau lot- don papers cwt 1 qr and 20 lbs of this vegetable that war would have fo fooii vo u rje tang h e 1 0 k i e ve t h at u 5 i- mpretettutm yon av josn e tjhng you false you botieee t because a strange gentlennui na told u so well can you not eouipiy c it ii the wished of the aouable stranger fiid petitionthat you nia tr a se of li-preseuiative- no tne amiable rauj r iulorms you that v ill not- your new choice will be so better tha onr loriiier for shame canadians what epnuoi au tiuawuuty nve hoet men in ljpner canada not twanty hv ijteai who csws be trjjted ot a aighi y your amiable stranger a urlt goveruorfl mau lii ex- clcuty no obii e wsre pubiiciy to j ft4 si- 1 hope and presuwattie wnolc uivtrt uci by i tiliouiu tne hicft lcaft doubt that hi oxi tkcra i the preknt tjou tel come i the chiers have wit en to governor can er commerved between the arrejplv of munttioa and ricas and then j it is h mtit j k nadjee intorms t e 11 tltfagv er acruaih begun y the wan- iwhci i en ian- hd m ton aggreilion of thef rmerin to demand in aae of actual an atuckun fowltown durmg need i is reaii thenignt rhaujjjn i his wan chkiral jackboh we animadverted lately up on an ar ccd e in he morning nt r a iup cihr nicle respecting the eon- duct 0 general j cksos v hen he w s jdc as the matt w ai then related we th ught it a viiom discreditable affah the iolowm account of it a iculi j ne t vt uknglifh government aixoui ao makes it not wly more prob- ton attack has otrn aiiavd jfome thtrgror ihokpccpie in jampi moti l o uen viuchell he american the late wai they drev he agent tor indian affairs and hej heir quart tl againit a- has repaiaiion for the iujnicrica at the peace tney jur and 10u iuftained by lhii agreed t lee them pratetred in mat lib aud his people yetjtheir right and privileges ad the c nnued agretii ns ot placed on the taac a tisig as the american and tne num before t e war tince inci tllcy beiv p mn into the namn havenevei trouie lhcinteues not t run tne land fide done about them tn kn h ih g wvil avvfv rti tuej niii never du j tvqoi ojpiffion how 6 his lx e iac i coutuutouj d lor trend hillifajo h bi it ih a iih lo sl f t and t jsr tiicv lo wot oiiei ieodj- leau rf aditation to dii uiiasevoraiiig stiankei vho iceupriiwa to iw uijj m au thru he hurt stroiijer ciaiius loif bismu f fvd on the junc ui hi moituji 4 i h an uuie w rui i ni latoeut been catted by h people o pui the indiaa innicn at itui nead and nepini t ed t i buii the i aid ace oi i prais- worthy gen lacfaion was formerly j siitng on tliciiench in ne of the counties or icn- n ssee an a trot iou clou bad escaped fi om the custody ot the sheriff seized on a loaded mus ket with a bonet and fixed hincli in a eornei formed bv tvio wali wrcrce he bade deh- ance to the ojscers of justice he sheriff had summoned ten men i take him hue they were inuniidated by his threats i he sheriff reported to the judge t at he would nor su render but was csolved ushot the e 4 e iy n ais and davqdej the next mm c im c eiicts icl e r gate i b i n api ached hinj bum- i 17 vie co rcipon ence p ivtei ana aby k is now in indii dua n uazu afiair j r it s euce ftoii j mj 1 iu aiiv 5 jou will avt lm g i i sc 110 wh w- in i j f o ueclll pjetti44 or uxt liduii wmlumtku eae e ut nt a i ii ii i ooo o i2oorncn tiieie ucluc ouiilsij kcsj iickojjdoes hecxped atrue ajeoum ino taicicuabu in ucvjorwra ah n the lnain uiiieibi- can e hai c w u out lit dllj n i ex i co then aid t ejidge xjsoon afier the sir liffretur cd with tne same i to n tion ihat the citizen- rftiendi j ie court were u omed nd lraujd la ari i i tl ijvf u v i v f 0 i titt iauon a o w o vc cuatccte i no pu h uiilivc i til cm nuiiuj i pper i u icrt kiln u d ti i tr l ame i i vchiiu i on ht ire- i t x time tow t inu ji t i ill i j lyc in ci- j l to itirivp ar n t app oach i tnon me then hoi sli- iie said the ludce o so iiif j lid c d- rded iron lie 1 nch and i in the as n sim enl of trie 1 v n vii t i i tij iy o i j r t j cjdlttj out cwjkk at cttuw k liaxl1 rilm cuhujtisi5 lu to u adv d h on tlsc tytli of dccembg 8 i 6 t ainrder was cwmmitttd in the iow toomavarra in tuc county of tipped reiand cm the perfon of heury i the murderer tcaped but it has beeq learnt tvat two cf them proceeds l0 north america samuel lnngfoiiof the deceaiei hopes tins tratement lead to the apprebenfiun of the fafd two marderers and by means of tleaj to a knowledge of the remainder thif name9 and defcriptions are as under john kennedy about 21 ytais of a tair complexion ha6 a mole on his righ 1 cheek large under lip blatk hair a bout 5 feet 8 inches in height and in by 1 trade a mioemaker michael tot- hey about 40 yrat of fe 5 cet 5 inches in height wants twa of his trout tetdi is beld heaacd and wears a wig has a laige cnt over bit right eye of a fair complexion lifps left ha ded potbellied and hort thighs fifty pounds stcdiagr w be paid bf the police office dublin for the a prehcnliou ol isoth or either of tbc aid murderers samoel long will feel particularly grateful to any peiiou giving him in formation refpting the laid tuoaaf and kennedy letters t be addrtted ti him at the talbot settlement upptf canada editors nf newfpapcrs iu cauprfa and the united state- are lelpceifully requefted to give the abuvc orc tafeitki from the n 1 spectator english nkws the queen had not et refficvetpto w iudsor she had sucered a renewed attack of her disorder and nasterylu at the time of our latest dates0ie of our papers contains tue following p- ragraph iu relation to american af fair w it s said that mr galtiu ambassador from the court of france aud mr tush american anoaauvr in tins country nave beeri appoint j i ietiip teuliancs for tin purpnse of r- uewing and evteuding the comd trea- y already exiting between great bru hi a and the united states aud held s on n hcc with lord castlereah oa atnrdai week at hi lard ships sea ht rtaciay k ni at which the ktht hon mr liilihiii and blr g ul- b rn w ho it ik added are tne 1 uu- potentinnes appointed uy hismnje ts ciovrinnnnt to neociute witu ttte a- ituiruati pleiiipotontiarfes atsicoti lord ku nboiouh ne arc riorit to tat- i viiuijlj ill ai his house in t j aiiiejs square esteie