ham goatnfiir fapie vwie l j 1 flwwwafcoiiry from t s- aoej o autnitg thu meeting ul tc ttva ti puhiffced i i cjttfcvttt that he opk f cdn ihlo a tp dj y jl l t omh re icf hth t t v i cfrd in fining inch a ftifc 1 a 0xn i i i l eticjty who tiou fr redid ot pr- vr t iovctitfniei4 ft rcera ibrknc fr tr ccmiur- ny continue i iheir rtion rtr afcufe with impunity tjn plcafant however a the att f prti tiiij i ht ifrht i rvcrthelcf dei t tfuiifh io jvs it is ftt d in po- j but thai of i a on l a of ciifetoacbm t or mefct ntfitu ona w aic tcfosji fay b ttbc k y j petit ton i- 0 r lying for figuoteiro copy of the petition to- his ixctlmcy majnr getter sir peregrin isiilttnd l g b liertt givernor if upper canada qfc ktc 7 he petition of the unarirted inbabitantt of the ttvfibip f tmrsi town hswuly dtfawril j ha the underfigned inhabitants fcf the rnfiiio f ertieft town harr peiufad with deep regret tkr t rn nd tovnthlp ot iving bcld ai wauiu ott 24th ih a mtcum hq j p lcig oedto fee chair tin- fobowin rcfoiououa vere i aaimotifiy adopted rrfdwi u that we have read with j in parti 1 1 tlial r 7 eacellwcy speech i s to the parliament of upper t anada at a meeting o it rff fp l n te t tcwfiiip of llmgftit i rkd then wiw rt lk j cut bwr if they av m be reflrtctej m its exercife to petltiom fn herein r fad j wa 3 r cucert or c mmuniti n with m the attempt which 1 r 11 1 a 1 a mx have b m we to tmcstt difcqhtomt and to then fellow fcihurec this boaltcd priti- da y m we will bn oie little nrc than a nj f j f render it ild ihey ud fee i a f regret they hae irt iit riauic u iiiv 1 v fc t i 1 ncxt civerf thai tac common rxutcori r ii u u af rh i wci o uihc n then petitions toi f f i wt-mor- spcch to both tfc9te ot the j vffcinblvha not lv c nfirmed theml trvnciai parliament in h- na- j fr fct menta but defended to launch out 11 it two per on nmv mcu and clmc fl a r anton and invtttioiti rciiftions agasua t a r at luuin it two per onu miv mcft and hoinfei toa ether on itu ubiect ot a rc- r 11 mp rht- tuioo 1- wluco they nave b common i fi r mwi i iftcrcft why may nol teo dfi the fame i 1 orvchtm f delegate cmim l j ik r wmfhof iii for aarwi wv bsun remarkably warm ttd plenrnt favourable fnrjotifneyinjj and b in but aftcuded oiue of oor farmer- a with one injuriotn effett it btn given an opportunify mar than wttfetfti and colder watjr would f r a vforminthemrthtopre upcu the wheat in iu tender rtau coiisideral injury is apprehended frv this rats a subscriber ronsidcrs the inclosed certificate to aicrita place in your paper jbrotkviue 6th october i certify that james hall esquires garden produced a potatoe that weighed o ounces broekville lolb oc tober ww darius modiet ji a 1 why not a1 lie inhabitant tf a toytn without di k t lie o uiiiuiou aut 1 fiiceefttdi tor vufiktauon thefraauiiu lhi 1 v n tbcfam oriaci le why qo 8 taw of prwenti n wiiti the le dative oucd wf hall at h tim tje a iiit initioaiion ac cery attempt i c 11 town ihaoitant f two or mire o dioiift where h the line to be lnwn j nrl inrtcad of altmbuiig fh i p r of hi ht w voyal objett who have 1 j wnc c f f ai f provided tucv c fiie tlnmlelve to tr wen 5itrmtirtc to obtain an cnqutriik into the rate of the province with a w i l view to the rrdief- oi jrievanc- ctm ulitbtd f in foivc dcpaitmemtmf its ad atrniftratioa by iiittvng a peiiubo to lire iiope 1 aiftllbritie fci hat puejiortc r ii sbrtket experifeoce of the dilpoiui- the 1 rieopnto enquiry wl r ar pbrfoade fatwy hi excelecy tkatj tbeiro j5t i am tbc cscitertieat of dif- cooicn ui the removnl ot it cae refilxxj 2d thit we dcrply laj wieut tat a majority of the fcioafe ofj reprcfetwaiive have in their ancvyer to the lwutenatn goveruor speech t rt- tn led to a peifooal cimiimtin of j 8u iuiivtduav and amatic oaaiy oi tlteii own eooftiruenta as thipe or bia iifidi us litfin- ard vile ntuobiwuil tioo i and thvtno aftj thai mdivid j ual had been tried sad rcpeaiioly o4j bj orably cqtmited reioivd ji- tw lhc tioasted pri- j vih f r ti iooirfi wil he itte mj tkn rm hi- fc lub jbum l liil to pctitimiiii iuy ot at i an ifiioctnt iudivwual the ttn4cfigned beiee that your excellency ha ben f row deceived as to the difei ptfidt vbich cxitl- in upper canada 2nc wry ill infontvcd aa to any attempt to orgaiae iedition but they aic farty to think ihat the rrpljl of the lotmoog can plead no fuch excufc fug undktfigned d not deny tuat dif iconteni ejtut bur i licy fjirakwith a de j trrmiraios which i unalterable r t fayiu thr there has hecc much caufe ftr difervnteat a to edition the tety lb contrary we aprhepti vry ftrioij igiotijdltfi yet if it did ckiil janrer to mbuc itber y from any law jwfrf art i tor m pnrfe prevtruting tiich mcatfimi at- tefri cutam r bve ecu an tadradind futjea hfift hfevtffted alike in j levuted nay pcriecutcd by the pre the prefcivattqovnibcny and the fopj h wy wider the pla of promo- ting idtion and libelling ctfoyetumeiit 5 lut twice ha- this individual uen bono rabiy acquitttd and iar are they trom thinking that uy aew statute in atceifa 1 iv to circumicribe tht ibeiy of the fwfcl c4t the oijgamsation which lu beeti farmed in tiii piovincci inch us when ir vt a rjcr rnj jjovcnunmi wt hum- biy pray thm no luch iaw cf precauof amy b- p0trf nd ai iu duty bound will pray a question or lawyers a has a eon which he wish es to put to the tutty of ibe law li agrees to take him ot these eruditions tlial ir the huh ol tive hundred dollars he will teach aa son to outpieau 2 in court and beat him the lime 01 upprenticefclnp expires and ii deiuavids his hhrtiey aw which a reiuscs to pay a hqit is commenced bv b for its recovery i as aon tlctcnds the acnunand ai ns the suit the ifcau eotrdy rcfonnej and 5c iconic virvu us parents a d ci amnlary cir t ati hw made great improve en- rot acquirer obfitldcrdble wc4ltifci i 1 here 15 not a rational d ui bur that in the pregrei eta century the coloiy in e holland will grow into a popdfr lou powerful and irueutii aiil raiioi the iilaud is but pav tially exporej a la ge river offerngan expensive navigate on into the i tenor has recent ly een discovered jink poptr longvbitf a pfper ptiblsbed at v sterhng in kchtuck mcftiimtb thr t traordinsry fact iht a lhao by t name of ihn summer row aped one hundred and itvthe ysurs wa ked cvrruj rriilrh aiid jive hi- vr t t ihe laic lion in that pire tb fame pafk adds that he had 42 chiidrca of wbua 1 4 aie now liyrg nd mc joooged ilt wb rn i ottly eleven y an eiii 5 jiji ij u wgrds f acpjrfan hijdn hi ight ard kearin n iod he loin in vireii w anrt hia tettided kentucky stout 30 year til 03a 4 1818 t question 1 will b itcove money r bin from the iv votnmmon rogueri a prmin is uovttjf ihlfi city eudeafonrlu t ft oiievojta of a iewpajtf printed and utile- dtfl ted fiboul threfr yfaiij which pa ptt rnusi rontain thtutfh ofa certain pel on iie ha atowvd hat bl iiftein icon s tt obtain 8omfi laud in casiruja thepropsily of a person he iirsam9 to b cuad i rwri r odour 36 1p18 a of the esaiitaftt of thc teiwnsiiu of mrft town beid this dy and m- danid perry b cauj fo the clii it hi uutniwifij iefotwd it bat front part of the lieutenant gvcinoi speech at ih upirijr of the rcie- t cgioi of the pmvioctal har iimtot ifmvhlhc mentmjns in tm hulk laiion artcmcv madr to escit lihitciji a d organise vdici u nnui i tfffi it- an 6pw 4m waaii lu r vwlrft cfeimtft exid without datiei t tift governor ftp tkeisaid of irfo ban ifloed a proclacnation under date ofj the 281b of july authorizing and per- 1 willing foi the term of tix calendar m mon hfc frnrn the date of the expiration ploti doafidered mud amt it m pr cafraliolj ti imporutwn oiioa hcuuiielba ipnt ui 0 d imio th port of cauiesju velfelitot auy nation in amity with great bntai of lice corn meal flour pse the ytliow fevtr it a reporter yellow jiet have pphurd in n orleans aud at cituicioii 3 c iiitt seao and of all other kinds nf provision liccf pork rniicr salt and pickled tfh ex- j eepied qu of liventuck harsea ink jnd lumber fur bnildme o al dtiscrtlson4 al all wipg any veffcl la den with the bove mtioncd pta vision percooi by comrn llceaoj deeutes a iie uecefhy fteru ot furfriog fucll usiti u f framiig r of pievettltou ire ap prebend ihat hi ertuc8ry haa hti roifinf rmed ftffprcung lt j prrvrtl wy iw tr n soiling l their j ji a accotaiwfely recom- i petition or from meetlug pcaeealdy q r jfrloo h expedieiicy i n fiuselvcd 4tl that we verily believe 1 c q h majeuy fuij cu wb iwt a mcetiig vf oeiciiaua foi the peaceable utruofe f petitioning tbc i crawn or the leiflune cannot be daneerous in the v ntiiiution bt thit an a5l for preventing fuel meeting ifwitd incvftthly cudaogcf the liberty of thr- fuhject resoiwj tb that ec feel it a du- tv to rcmonllrate apainft the jpaffitig ofij i i 0 f v lithe province and me iwrrtct a er- tveh n in rcttraiut of public liberty i c f r t 1 y ittairneut o the leattrout n a- in ha hituntu wiu fitlafy kid xeellency tnat they are a firm in their loyalty and love of order as they are fincere in their wilh- c ft the removal the exiitin caufei of difcontent ooiwithuanding any coo rrfulved h that the petition tj be leifluiire thi day adopted he left j tmf mtwrefc cffcehowfe kinguon for cmutures until saturday jlti tuli anthony mcguln j p chairgian- bate feeea etveav uriigby united pc titio to the pmlte kc tbcoub ll mediam i delegate appointed fr the purvte- t obuin an cq iiy int the tate the ptoince wub iew t redrrfs ofevili eoinpstned of in fome b- chei of the admihiftratioo but wc reoilh8de4lhat a loer rrfiilefwe ioj and peace- it pfavm that the propte o j uppei canada aie advoccd in ih pro ores i civiliesilofi- od above ijh moo biili habtti of european nati n it hewa ih4i thry poflef the molt yalua bu kuwwedjjjc how to ie thci j hfea affair when funk u the il ttqi f cc niuli o andptcilcddowuby the mighi of inftclm power l yuiherthc gmwtb it lrduce of the vtfr wvu jiud with to fee narfwi i m im fc t iaatinu cave thai the reffularlv cou t n vac ri4i j avrj her caryo aiititicd to an entry hit ted auth trititi wilwfw wuuu per- 1 v i r t ct ruttturuw r ltlilimu h wcb vcfleu nay nut be fiuni ii rill their durv bm they have wit i r fin tucir uuiy cd wi akeijiter ot clearance fro ed their mcie t rfiacttiry kete- f j l c u9cu iieica the poii from wbucr they canic r any feuutive ibr thip in cffi n with -a- uiitetiivch ioc uiii ox her uppers whatever except a ruxl out evcu t aritsaraftcc or weuencial rt r r u uui evcu uc apf nrnurfcti of caru t auo peridittui i he fult twice did thefe rerircirntalivea r nui twice uii i r of rum and tnohiutft in vea- itmtviv to ernuii v hmo the rate 3t pre i propucao ciqnn y w lies or any aatron iivtprtintf any f the provtncea rwieec wcvr they rflruumin r 7 n i vniuc twice- kfwd wticlea whw however dial be om- on iucc iu i luhk di to a ilonia duty of tw do- coufieiaiir8 ard twice have iftey ib y r i epimccrat h tw pnuchon of rum and one col- turned only to jtilpla rovellng fartl j ffefl the towage mefltt and itmpmmtn afts l uc dy u be paid by fejeka veftk ia fywmp of be orpe nevrr had j lan but owe objra that fevqurjr aud the sppoitment of cnimmn to go i hntuc to eotfiani wih a petition to th throoetbatbr iamemay be ma- e e- 1 dtraued to th prion ngntd an another t5r ha detryc4 nine dwehiag an a store at mu john ii ntwf ru diinck fire about ocloek rn 5a urday mrin i a st a raa f tlie i if liurrak lateiy occupied by officer vf thegarifon and nov owned hy cap h rrl vr cntiely confumed hy itfi i on bnixiay 1 1n ir bv 1oh w fqiir mr 2mfu ii4 from r tj s aci ti s mar ttltat9aj a- fnift i a h v le is ber- lj ihh tenn otl fridav lu jaaes la wrmaat von of mr i aac lefr iws a 3t a5tctor fcaual the aiccomirrmeot of this ubjed conaiotea the m u imfucfl diiic of the lhldttlield j aiu if k u i u it fueedih ob aimed thofb the nanly j the hsnortble leghhthfi council ami am re rrv inmiation which he vaj recede endeavor- ot the cfeit i ei lament they j from thole w being ioteretled i3 pre- j i mofl f m tly pry that yr txcelr j ivciuitig an enquiry may be dduofed to tepufeut a- icditioui eveiy ctfort to uru op roote it 2d thai we are frry to 6nd that a aiajority of the uoutcot ieptefcotatites have i the exrctfe oi their parliauko- heufiof rfprefcnuithes of the pi pmee of upper canada in pruvtmiui parlifirmnt iffeablsd the petition of tfce anderfigned ifthabirairtaoflhefaid prcvioce rdiding j i trfiy privilege ofanfaveiing the speech ii the townflti and fowu oi kugltou tbogbt pne to defeend to a ncfualj humbly shews- ivcdive ainll an iudvidual even to thatfroo tht oi ru calling bur hard uan amlonpet- i cy wili forihwitto diitoue it and iituej writ fr the aov- wing of men who may repraicnt more faiithfuily tle wiihet and i uoe ably perform te bubieia oi then vouliitucuts ecy the lieu gwfe tu b th houli of the ltiqittue atlheopeoing of the preiuu srsjon 9ttj ftoin the an fwtof the two hwufrsthcicto we po iiit a large portion of heir own cooftttil- eoti n- iiii dupe after foe f thole reprekotative had in ifferent eapaci tie aided in in oroftcutiofl rf that individual and feen hi n repeatedly d i t av 1 i a cf preventing a couvctioo of honorably abutted ni then chgs by bckgatea aa daogcww t the on 1 1 hs ouuy i tiution the occafiou ihi- cuntcro plated meafwrc appears to be taken bum j convention holden at y iail lum- jjcr for the porpnfe of petitioning the tuper auihorit for an cqniy into tbr fcje of the province with a ew to tlo 3d tlur in our ooiuioo t-oromit- tce of delegates for the p aeeahle pur- pofe of petitiouiig the crown or parlia ment caunteudanger tht coullituti n any more than a meet g 6f taimmittcea or detegft s lor any thc lawfuj pur- ole but on the eontrary an ad to ion relocctujthe roll luitable maoftcj cfdiiectinu aud troidmiltin the apph cliq tu intention vr- certatilj t e hill of right 41 h lhatit i a duty whtch we owe o oincivn and u potterity to re j d of the 1 cu0 vtm tnreniion w w- j deprived of lltt m fe laudabk ivjj ljsjk the paf fo were open payable lawfu i i f re ti aim of pub fork redref- by pttanm u the n ot u g ot men a mriiift inhid when oceafion re- he liberty 1 1 iti tcr dity an unplciaut 5 that pio rea be tatal t audtnlytcnd u by pet- in the djpeei 1 1 ounty q jefiewon in the state of zsewyoik within a yeai or two past an aricutiurui aodetff has beu formed and is now iu operation- they lately had an annual catlu show and exhibition fur prizis for a ecumns of ixvelunee in vaiius mfieles of grow til culture and ormna- fiieture it ds aitteuuod by a aume ris collection of gentlemen svuno of them cf hiftlji distinction con- j hidcralleinipivement i said to have been alread effineiid and much more is anticipated from tos intitutjen- 1 why might net ic a spirit of ifflv provetiiut heext fjted ell this side of he lake it is n much ntdt here and e have aaiple materials fur the expericacut the new fbg of tht tj states at tii lastt mtics an act wm passfti to iutiua au alteration i the pttgfi f uukid 8tiitfe it has taken place xu nvvv j contains thirteen stripe iprive of ihe original numuev c states and our star forfiach exiavng stat upon the mlditioiiofmil siat another siar is to be added dear sir your mltyauil rely eaitt h1a5 apph tvt i cq pxplnin and in a garden wotild them aoe vhre oa m ght se onr channels fcttm bv ttftjfftti 1 rue i wonlrlla down tvso bquiwttrau ou he ground wbwr out ward armies hohl rcrte 1 our ni tinetlot ml y rowl hijtuiis tboo from point to piut mn cos ih centre oi the plot wfeofee dgbrha plain will how wiiere vio dqt plaut each appu row and should hefiu uretiuaoie e sabbcribewf to bank wf upper cannda ar requested to meet at moure coffhottse on tursiayt the 10th da of otember n al 6 oclock in the cveni i iv ttie puqxse of electing oirectfe org to snid bank kingston 17th ocf 1818 rs stray cow came into the cndofuic fthfufs fcribcr about four week ag low with a line back baa had a calx j flucc he ur9 been cn my prcn irs 1 he owner i dcficd 1 prove liis pfih perty pay charge and takt her avay ocl 27 i 8 a i 21l e 0 g to i q v e advertisement- hfil i i ujerad thi pff irtsrfl holds a nte aoainti i ae to the am nnt ot 0 hundred nd eightvfive ponnd eight shiilingi ac4 five pence one farthiojr dated ivtng- hon january 6 1806 therefore 1 do hereby forbid ail or any pulon prircbj fing did note as i never gax aoy tuj note tames lcxander ernest town loih ocloher 1 x 1 ai3 o a to let v miitund i tbouev mm b tc let ht hi cunt hot eu br th i an rgriraltma j society i formed in the 1 lotince ot ier canada an j is procefldiag tb vgjila jpoi k thz cdony at botany where rke english send convicts as they on e did to virginia represented to bein a fiourbin coittition vi h a population of 40000 entirely convicu and their descendant the state of society is r pre sented to be quite refined ind lmoraihraany tbadned ch o j urj traiworittdiir their crimes j kd immediate pffffion givtn a convenient 17 ore m the vil- 1 uac oi iamiitoii for unhei patrser h uiais enqnirt nf ihc utb inher e perky hamilton t th vsier 1 ri i -ht- s receit n 10 tale ai tat dj office pir 4 llk mon real alma sack ftr the yar f onr otdf i 8 i t