Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 27, 1818, p. 4

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tfotirs i r utt j oit of the rate k kl vvtlsn hlq in 05s ore wne vj sandwich r the- provi f upper canada kl ciif e vvi in oilkif n ai gewrre wulfaa jointly ud leverally appointed fuuvvify letaees oi hia dilate and sxecit f- of did will i o hereby n quell all pefons having c ip n laid lvilate tokefcni the feme to mt duly authemttcated r aynrut and all perlon indebted ic are rircd to uay to rue the iaotii ofrntir refpeefcive account debt do to laid eitate in the provi cc of uper canada tff in the q feed stes iordering the- eon may frr vid to george far b fiq f sand y- it foltl km h d jancs gordon jftyr f mheltbirji r to either pfjj lbs o ill y being dudy authorised to xsceive lic uane and ranr acquittance g viovfmt montreal aoh mfcrch i s 1 8 44v jniii ti s bv tie urn win 1 rrofc u f t fj i tu fifteen a ok retfoaat 1 v if o b-eteim- thai wail khwn rannime jl jf outhejouth ftd- hand ib cbcptibttc line tituate on the i p int a ganaqua and recently nccn- kd by h downs fsaeetber with the inuttr barn stables c for far- bj vr ft ttoutc tber pafticuuufi pp to the ibwibtr joel 8 tone osmanofki mh 9 18 1 3 ii blank summonses subpoena wfl execution for rfw court j it h 01 prince edwarda rwy in t iownftin erf miryfrrjrh contain 0 e hundred acre said lot it wej timbered aad fcttlements oa each ade which rendera it well wnnh the attcuti of thofc who iwifh patchafr etqairt rf the printer jdae 18 si8 of upper canada j fe shiickfbzm of requests for sale at lhii office i the subscriber valuable land jin r thr fudfctite lt no f attd h- in tbetefetb crnifioti and half ll n i the rth x ceflso- of thfe towifep of pircy ap ply to jottj fittfesjett- 56tf uoo ks will ts cistd at moflr i x coffee iiytfe o thorftkf the 6h trtft t5 vectiv subfcriptiotrs to the bank f upper canada and will remain pen fam day to day foti 10 to 2 oclock of each day undct the faj prrfntendance of a committee appointed tfjjfi that orpofe until the whole f laid ftbtk hail have beer fubfcvibfid for rlg wtc to inform hi friradj and tv public generahy tkai e ceiled atidi nw ofi fr l irigttoks mayfyh t fgs li re tr inform hi friend 1 j rhc public jrernemllfj that be hr- j taoa mm h former ftaad to clviihmv mii efcrivwm can be nad 7j rip hi ifmftdl fcij rw j lly that he wt moms and 1 to tkjyxr tracts fliop iatcly ccipied ky jon idooi vj at t v fc r- accefe tsay ci near oie marke face where n- j w w f9 circuitiag li r notice 4 ll pwfon indebted to tve eftatc jl of the late jams gatmittg iate of hallowclii dreeaffid are requeued to call without deay and fattle the faire witb wr jikisi mcgatcna novr m ichaiec cf the eftawlifhrrent at hallor- ell bridge and thole who have claimr aairft the laid eft ate are defined to etefiive rtiuttnsfnt of dcibfc and single tove jf new ad rleglnt patterns which w will dtfpole of vc7 liw foreajh f watkin kihgsfai sept 28 18 js j the subscriber besp ci fill ly wfonftl lrf lends and the public that he ha remofed hi furnace utenlfl f caaadeo to tbe bnfe formerly ecupcs by bejamm bf oth tw that portf in the front of ernaft town i f- from kin ft ofl whtf alt baurv irt- hi line will us dor aa ufual at thri fcorteft notice with t enly exeeptiitty 1 i ptefent them for adj ament i kat dl wotk cu bs fm bu m on band feotrs tflprtrtwt of btrr e ftrart amirabuvn awoam turn tbeit fiiiccie trank to j j hardware cutlery e which he will fell on the taoj modcti- j j ut e 1818 for sale rjfl atfegantfvm no i fiift jl qozcefgon townfni of freicricktj thei ffirad ad tnt public in teri byrgh tl miles fra ingiton aaflug of a cry complete affortmentj 1 joseph h smith of good well laid in and very fuitable eaters xm tlw abow jfotbe country i do felling off at pn- be hh wjlh j riftc kmirllon ces io low a will defer vealry claim the i tot j f 3 8l8 j2 atteotioa f the public catli cr country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit nf 6 mondial given tj refponfible farm or others wm mi7chfll kisgtltn g8 i 7 1 8 17 gs bank o i k t8 of various colors and qj tpe n lemeas beaver fiufi- c5a r h to i likerfip knapt and wed pat whibtbev will wi rcrj jj for ppn ved credit itavwymil witt ibarna d rtber buid ft ai k suftimonses knat pef or- ieiironi jf pu chafing may ready 8 w tv tminttcf the subfcribei oiitjie pre iflea or sa t tfcir scz skewing the vdm of oerba ttrwoa k w h fiat bath iwotu lotaeti i frederickrgh tib fijffl 1 pr rjuce taio ij paysiecl o 3 rr sale bty f 2 if private contract r vjujhe fnsehuiu eftale con fjiiusf naoiil and isw vik currert u the prtwine t uftrt cane 1 da fer gusons rrapynwcil tab of the value of oram of qojd cain ir under wewbt jpg y th- nbiciwer 2 doota mr 9 of jobri i uatn unf eq ood lw ii huk- 0 t hanfea ire jhlery board a 1 flaaajk hr ith o t tv acrei of 1a3j 5 and eiecotions i for the district court sar 4t tltk office r r pk in r uunnui tif t0iiaiis jl arent for the rjnnk of i anadh ta will eotite bank note for bi ail moaireal qnbcr for specie wm mitchell kingrtoa ocl 13th lff for anp it tvti ac ijatf i iinncdizttjy in tb vicinity of a- f bf rf qiitcij aiiaala a d j cc 3c a- much bifc-uei- r morel jan avy alhtj wtlli npn the stream j c ow wfuir hem r iboui one boalan5 d 1 ar per annum 1 the aj g h nfe well tabulated fa j rib bufi ief 1 many ther advanta- j sjm r- ittacfsed 10 ttw pu mile too nu tc rov t detcribe o e hlf of the is incfe ohrngle 4tr d cord wood john rtttle nrhefobfcriber refprelrviy inforn hi friend and the pnbia tliat re baaftikcietd n newfupp ly of edward jmies r lesoe oosl rfeffxftfuly to in i form hie friend 1 nd tba public sin eeneiat that he hap j teceivrd an dry u fan y goods elmiag party of ch fojlewing arlt iet riz s snpern weft of faeand cloihn nd caifirntrca of the feftaonable trfh li ens bitifli shirtinj litiea i votto u lo horded ambric j to let j in 3 rrck enquire of heaftl motel ij 4t 2 t black smith work 1 4 card t jhz fufriber infotmi tce mpen i o o od s p- a r money wmd be exjiefted to bii vvn theothe bait by ijjltaujj dv3 ia twelve md thab ajwnth 1 ncne vnn may rvinr hit wtn tn 1cm bybonda d lrt- nruvthei mr rely uorr v giall a p ulefk an ioitpucabi title wil be j j t j pt lh mo tajtforable lett ci rom icnatreau well adapted to the fea 1 fon tbcde vhu nwy favtmr htir wth thir vr b- r to hi- met iil crneitv cgom v m ic r irr an j- vvei w rtb t- attenti 10 t n rvvnd of vtilia aad ma pr at private tele r public aufti n if michael mo ran ktwgttmi jrny 2 1 8 1 8 8 auanrity of town lm upon uv ftfwyih vpp- find v mu i term f ayo rsfj bnqnirf smith bartul fqr jjriloxj r yina c leuaauj eq j bcifii memorials 1 for fle r his office l boards plank tvi ivbinbcr bs leave to inoro jtfh ke vjaarteraad 1 iwch boaid- a in ciiafb id the uubiic tbjt he j 1 f end a h f and two inch i- no- mii j vf jaconet and muu fli fitv vfuflin fcanilkerchiefa faiffattaa and bare a l ims ula k ad coorrd silks si k and c tto rw- nd fcairf fme corded dimitt- white jane white nd buff marfei quiltintf b 1 fine ttndnltvci cahcoe otnbszettea 1 1 nd bornbazn ni a color linen diaper and hnckabncfc white and col oured flnnijs rufsr sheet ing and of rwburjj well cbofen yitojtoicnt of thread d vaccwand ibbona stiaw ban net aita and traders of upper cana da and state of new vork that he ha j commenced btifintf in thia city as n 1 general agent and covmifen merch sat avtr hu6oea entmfted to hi care will meet fifth dibrt attention flfitreaii iod may j9 etna los o3 atev arrml tlx fr7rii frefand jje lesve to iitfciitv the gertunn erd cnbabicatta tt kifcjs ton imd its vi ivry in enerat ttttbeijf have coriimcnced the hvp shnztag awl bfalszziifn bvfinefi ir all i vartna branches neat the urper end o stot strtrt between mr donfflas heno and mr powells- all ordtfa vitu which they may br fieoreu fhah be ev eedted in fdth a cbmplrte rfid vovuwae ksce manner and en fich low term s- they hope xttw entitle them i a folic- cf tbt public patronajre kingttm 1 off j osttbor 1 8 1 s t jok martei ijoiicm b florentine 51 mo i antlve council office york 23d ji ly ig notice is hereby trftn chrstc to i opker thomson r hi- reprefeitaivr by nrder of his j honor the adrmmtrmr in council o i 7 skt grvd any pretenfifn to the wtil half of iot number seventeen in the ttb concefii u on the na- anc river i adies v cirri combs camhrle m the tvwnfhin of fieaferickfti4irh 1 and lace fo tin- and number of arri- f wihin lx meirw fiom tii date prche tpri nunurtr to biwrt i uffit wiij e thrown opeji to otlaer armh ratrs of r rocke ry rrr casta p1 i i4v groceries arnbica spirit- brandy oiandgfn port and other winei rpperfetnl and shrub hyfnfl and wan key teaa im john small 6 c mffl fttbrlbet returns his lhanki to j bis friends and the public fo their a tl rrfin re herefcy rutton afainf trefnffi many manner upn lr no three in the flrfi t oneef fion and lot no three in the fecong ronceffinn of th townfbip rf camden mdiand efiftria joenchpr s raps 1ash paid for clean cot ton and linetf r a g s of ny color at this office j i fug ii8 o fr r j i 10 itiiccj uc v mhlness in the a ki place oppofnc to air jioii iivv wheie every attention j feiii b paiit to tbfe who nay favour ifi with 1 n c i r c c inmaud mk h- i moan a ci r cvey day at eleven oclock i piimk fin lale r fubrribcr w stortghton kiogkon july t i8 7f i abva risement s j ry ubfctther refpecfijy i forme j the itiiabita rtt of thr fowti and i owufttp a kigfton tbe townihip sfj 4 j j pitbah i wf iflni that be has 1 eoucation h llj rin re p- afnlly n- form tbt jhabitat of kittg win ficiliitv thai the ha uk jh botife laely occupied by mefitajj flhnt pinkkj w eic flic tntgndtcnis j w ia ding and day ii 00 l for yrtg ladles n toef t 2 d infi and hope- fic- the site ti q h on pay t tfe im- d comfort o br purchased ihs potash work latew ccopied by mr a macraer 1 fon ii theviciniry of this town f where j he wii receive good house ask 1j i ri mix 8i an pn i firihc approbati m the fy ilvj ru entrult their children it- i- wiv teach reedisij wri ig i die cr jromar and oeof- f wth v fjy nedh ik ln hroid- 1 be at tc j it o r a5fu under the folio w- ii childen reading ouly jprqr pjatn neeulcwsrfc o tmrnar eiihn tic otorwphy id fancy spffp ilrk j snbrod rv i car d t tbe rate of vca pence h cy pec bcfivd when delivered at the vvmb liiud ox peicr when eoied as fe wn j thr flie to be paid fr io merchan- i joseph scott mas received ly tb amla a frdh fuppjy vif ijhxh rdche ical cnnflfling of the following articles genuine an- ho or fptnta of win loncentratcd viti b u cid barclays bibles pilf barclaye aoinaiic fp vire2ar 1 crude tartar med led vermtllfo bh lac o turpentine epfdf salts mare cloves and cinnamon aiaaaoibiac arfenie an2 boras err rnrg kings ttt dag 2 i8 13 n b soda powde donfele and single refinfd sugnr mof- ar vv i vmrnvsr e r r covadodo smkch fcimttiapi j h inspect- tfhrfiafcrifcrlw candle- s tp starch nd fi blue sta he 1 f which wfll be fold for c or appr ved credit kingston 4 f t to a iing and ifcrao tkem he ha- titled up j j aoent for the bank of mon ja convenrert place in the cellar of kit t squired can be ebtainaa nee jorc with alj the necerfan- puen ntfi cfse for good bill oa mntreat dapcfi for the pirrpofe of lofptin pot qghec ct f spec and pearl afv pork beefsnd flour thomas markland acsnt ur fwhife tbffr who favor htm with their jrtiiom will find ft don with the cj-eit- j eft etacwg and expeditivm i ik ewi re j florage for ore tbonfsnd barrela in the n elui tod od ry frarae for other rj jd wirh the advantage of a wharf j fcr ioiitdg and tinfnadnio to be let 1 i james robinson j to let i ths durelinr hoafc of johns f1mkle aug tr 4 jt ffatfttmbatlal sattf4orr r with stable and coach- boo ft of the iame wvatefiul at prfent aixl for fonfc time pft nccupted by lieut cooel jfoer ilf a farm f abont 30 acre with a cornfntble houfe oardewf bam and other confetviencea therttmy rnofr pefanty fitnated or the lake 8regf and ov two mlga above ohtrecewdand for fateat thuof- j ki rftmi fsyni fice price r8 poems an his dj nt and frrm it high late of r 0 ri hi wi i tifc den at rhe a bletgh or cart 19 to be nt round town to c41i tt 1 he ailiea ooc a vrk or oftier it neefffjo y huifcholln sic will do well to fave rheit a be r- tht quantity cade iu one hoafc wili am minr t a corhjcrablc tom in tie coutte ol a year l norton kings 1 st lag 1 8 1 s n b care sionid be taken to keep the rvfliea dry ami clean a none but i what 15 of a grvod quality can be rcueiv ed itf a fafm for sale ijlfvsantlv gtted on the 1 fliore of the bav p qvunte ar c ukivacion eapahle of producing the with tht star of thrlezifm homurw v cropa either in the tnesitc circumstances by lord byron th life of the noble autktr nat 2b p i fior fale at this oftice- rnlesfor fix grx tf wlisst by fi aatftmi inimedatc y oppofitc rhf l gp brinu the eat half of lnt ko- l8 in the firft conceffim offreckibtirgh botit 40 acre- are ttndcv lfn well fenrtd and a mm f- hoafe with a cood celler du th the above farm wili cv frm tonher witli a pair of long w k horfei otchi s and other poxm to winch is prefixed j i grdcn or the ffchl application cfi j he made on the premifes or to tovva major corkett kfngftmii sept 28th 18 1 8 i n- h a bom 5 co rnnela of oat jand about tiie fame quantity of potatoes jiart rtb prefenf year crop mow ftr fsle at tbe farm for sale standard 1 waggon and farming j application to be mft ij r and frnrnediate poftefe n iven rhe house and areiniffsin stmrt viile lately ocenpied ky mr daltoa fitoated ufthin half a mile of thin town s favorable fit nation for n gentleman and family and no left fo for a difliuer or ion reaper tn further particular cnquiie of t fubfcrirjvr w at ajr af acres coffee onfe e bablnett exhetm os 12 1818 tf blank bail bckds lor hw al thfe office jj notice jjf he potnerflnp exiitin brtweea j the fnhfci ihera under the firm of diftfle md fyirijotv was this day dirfol ved tiy mutnal confent all demand strainrt laid fum will be fettjed bf ir njarnin dclifle to whom laymenc will be made of all debt doe feid firm ned dfl isle j v w winslo

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