Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), November 17, 1818, p. 4

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to hjsficnd- and the hi ic tlitf oy irvl lupport riven him fin hi o foiiencenkt fti bufinefe and hrs tv lo inform iftem that he ia bm in general and well icledid flock o groceries wines i i i tim msrnmsn ft vi kg beta appointed agent ii for che proprietor of the ikon ork eflabriraed at three rivers j- he province of lower canada in- mmv the pubic that he ba lately rc- ceh d a very etude amorlmmtitof an d s f c pi i at ik 01 d it nd which lie is deter mined to all at the roit 1 educed prices vis 1- nka spirits nurub iac grand j petfernai cnerrv to wines bnwarfo port triite belt pickling vinegar li juice groceries ireeij loppett wakes i manofaure rt other article- are do it h ie that place aantyng single 0vnpowier fiwt skill do twaf irur i ti iujo do kao cloves coamoo i glass im j tfohluloii jru a ley j2 blue ptv dr u bf oiri starch sipher fvtd hinger v- iiftle do j i iiii arrow itoot fenff ahaondc rh aj id an eltortmfin of crockery war ho qern do pea dutch loftjr pipes plus tobacco ande wiclqj mou h candle li pj do si dr fled calf skint tackmg a few artich of siei cowi on do pipe clay glauber ialt ptppernuu drop sirai pluoibi siig vuwndb cod fisii red hv fi sal do sail bm er ru ig nnaifi fercst iizm shingle de n rdjoi cuiun kails cloirtd do blci tii read while and hrivn do wriiing paper letter do qi various si and pttef ns cast ash pans sugar kettles potash coolers pots dog irons uri it the fufcferitat frjedralhf infotmi the inhfihtaritifthe town and townfefp of kinfton the townihip of ptturgh and wolf ifland that he has purchefed tie potash work lately crccupfed by mr a macpher- fbn fn the licfmcf df this town where hi mfl recife good house ashes at the re of feea ence h cy pr biifitet wlififi delivisred st thf works and in pence flrhtn cotfoled in town the afrtae to be pnid foe in mcrchan- a sleigh or catt is to be fiwt round torn tocoihft the a fees once a week or firmer if neceflary hotifeholder c w91 do well to ithef apnes a the quality mae in one i houfe tviil amwunt a isonfiderabie iam in the courleofa year l norton kmgsttm lit dug r8 n b care ftooid ht taken lo kep tve alhes dry and clem as nmie jt jan be reir- itf w5 late dutch ovens wrh will be difoof d for ca nerv the montreal price th fureri r fottitfs of ftetal and j hat s of a god quuy dwrsihtliiy t f the three hivrr stoe rennfi thrm worthy the attention of i trchafem a they ire not lia e to crjck like thofe imported from 8eo johnmacmulay kingston i st qmobtr l b 1 8 tt j notici rkas by the lat will tftament of the richard pattinson e in life life time of sandwich in th province of upper canada robert gdefnie winiaib gpkifn and george moffatt are jointly and leverally appointed fiduciary legatees of his fiftate and executor of laid will i do harcliy rtqutft al perfons having ejacma npn faid eftate to prcfent the feme to mc duly autherticted m payment and all perfons indebted thereto arc required to pay to me tht amount of thteir iefpelive accounts debts due u fid emte in the ntfovinee of upper canada or in the united states bordering thereon may be paid co gfore jacb efq of saad wfch john aill and james gordon efqrs o amherftbirfl or to either of them they bein duly anthoriaed toj receive the fame and granr acqwittaaces- g moffatt montreal loth march tbs ftakfcrfte be 1eae mn hi friends and the public tktt he ia commenced the auction business in the market place oppolte to mv daniel browaa where every attention will be paid ro thofe whe may favmf kim with their commands michael morak auaions every day at eleven ovloefcv june 22 jt etiwafd jones wjt ar eeit liquid dry goods n b in axwlrion to wh pro fei- iifrk b exeh trary oihrafti- gltt so h5 lint- in a few riy fiingfton october r li lr a palmer jf vs jnfl perefved in addition v hi 1 frxier flrck a nacre eompiett affortment tf drugs medicines pah ft iajth oils thf firt quiiity f dry x fru and ground in oil j frith kttnofl evny arrfele of paints boohb ftmo4ry trnist town 1 time rev akc retcbei w mc iatfr have eofecaced tefi the follow iag branches of edueitioti in the erneit town acadtrry vr t the snjf mi language jwii at lly writing aritlimctws 1ook keeping geography with the yfe of the globes mi thematics kccitation cnpo6tia hiti ry witk the ltia and crct larguagi the foroier attended a eanplete coiirfe of v kfal stuitei at the colleges of glafjow end edinburgh the latter received m al education at kmgi i college aberdeen and fjjna their tsx- peric nee in and adoption of the mofl suooefhful and approved modes of tuition they hopf to air it the approhatioo of their ecripplnycrft boarders en he ateooinjnted in ivtapecioble pritaaeianiivoj on khe moft i rcafnablr termt ensefl town oa 6th 1 8 1 8 iftf to j et part f the dwewing lioufe and prrrrife occupied by tht fahlrril r aid potcvton ivn ahout the axiid- he fubfrtiher rrtfrn his tfiflnka to bis friend and ti pnhie for their paft ttiirs m his liue f 1n8pect- no and inform tb if he ha stud up c enient pace in ifi cellar f hi new ore with all the rctwry apnrn j dat for the purpofe of irrtrefting pot an4 ptarl fk pork beef and flour smith bu iter wor i h jtj eturn their fincere thanks to j their friends and the public in jje nera for the libera encourajvement that tle have rectived feice they re com menced the hatling bttfinefs they have an extenfive affortrret of ladies ad childrens bon- whwe thofe who favor him with their j nets of variot color and cofroij wih fin4 it don with the great ti i ett exaftnefi and rxpecin uewue lotlte for one honf-ri- barrels in the cellar and pood dry hne for other goods with the aivanige of a wharf i for loading and unloading james kobinson a cast iron ware ust received at the fubtcribers storey at aflbrtmtntof hollow ware box and oven uiapes gentlemens beavtr fine cailnrhts like wife knapt and wool hat whihtaev will fell er t cafh or appr- red credit produce takon in pavraent jan i k 32tf for sale by to fes white feogelhor and wilt be fold at the furnace pric beins much towit tn the prices fold and a few franklin fireplaces manufactured at the caoflantia wotln icee g rrucn wwi ubwi cne prices roia t lal year alfo a feo potash kmt- 7a5and coles t ic who rake f flbitment will be accommodated vith a liberal credit smiffl b rteet fwgstvn ooler 418 a i hf following d7 e v oods stuffs 1 c cwt qffwoodj be joie of odoker kt john fergos0m gmrrtm yh sepi 1 8 1 8 1 6 a nl hlbi kiblrs j i eg leave to jfrm their frfendi aj and the public ln gtera li at kingston hotel lltitiy have received is c from monirca jo 8 3 2 2 3 a o 0 nicaragua fut crdwoi4 maovia blur vitriol c operas a hum 1 ndio prcf- paers kc 8to a of which will he dtfpcal of it yery reduced vices ming i ton 08 lo i8 tf the subscriber efs lave t- infotp hi friends fit j the public pehcrslv that he hai ftmoved fiom his former iiaod to the hoptatfiy jccnoied iy jonns abbof c- near the market p see where he ha now or hind j neral affortanoot of hardware rutlerv c which he vjil fell oti the raca modewie terms to ht the hop lately occupied by the lubfcriber and poffeflion given ira- mediately samuel shaw h ingsim 50 jan 1 8 1 8 32 overt walker reonma r ci hia fincere ad statefui aeki edgmentn to hi- fiiend- and the public i iu genera fen- thefr liberal luppt dor- jing iht lar eighteen oar anil take- this opprtubhy of acquaint in jr thrm he ftill continues to kesp rhe above se- igaiit eftabliffiroeft wfatie traveller and 1 familie can be gcconr with ftp- trite reemu and every attentios rii khgtton jtfsf isis 17 n eitgatit aflbumtni dry coods 1 1 the pan op li st reodmadccoarh iaea and oea- jtlwrns fur cap c the latel f-us- jion bcavrr and leftvct glojtca and iens jtrnet iikin jnntts voif arr kaccon cauc h bes and indian the whole will h fed ehca fot eaih or approved ct m n j 1 t g r m a private con er ct valuable freehold eftate con- fill ine fa gnlf and saw mil a goed dwrlliit houfe out howfes sfc t gethtr with about two acre of i and fituatcd immediately in the vicinity of bellvihe bay of qjiiutejj canada ad comma rdi as much bufinefs or more than any other milii upon the stream ad now under rent fv about olr tlukilrmi dojuri per annum the dwelling houfe i well calculated fo public bufinef many other advanta ge are attache to the premifea too nu mcroua to defcribe one half of the purchfl e money would be expected to b paid down the othei half by inftai- mentofix twelve md eighteon months ftcured by bond and mortgage upon the premifea an indil title will be ve such a property i fedorn to be met with and u well wonh the attention of at gentleman fond of aiilb and ma oh in cry a quantity of town lots upon ike bank cf the hiver moiia in sellville a place faft incrcrfing in commerce and jopulation terms f paymen made e- i ty enquire of smitk bartlet efqr j kinirfton or thomas colefhaot efq bellvihe bdknik 2 j dug isrl to tht bbgmwem egs leave to iaform his frfen o gs lrvc mot refptafwlly to a jti form hi friends and the pubhe in general that he has jnft teccived so eejiit affbrtment of dry fancy goods confrfttng partly of the followi ng crtv cle viz s superfine weft of england clothi aad caltmrre8 of the moft feftionobie ajtlora irifiv linens brftrfli shirting tina and cotton cambrics corded cambria lenoc and muflinii jacorret and- mai mufli fncy mufliu handkerchief ban aud barcalora do futtginj- hums buek and aplored silks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corrjed dimities white jane white and buff marfciu quilting black flsrencia fine undrcfred calicoes bonihozcttel and borbaznes of all colors liaet diaper and htickabttck white and coif oured flannels rufsa sheeting awl ot fburg a vcll chofen attortrcent of thfeial and laces and h ibbons straw bomta ladies tortife kcli combs cambrw and lact footings au1 a number of arts dee to numerous to fnrt 4 cratejiof rjaje crockery wm groceries jamaica 8oirit ilolaad ow part and other wines peppermint aaa shrub kyfon and twanfcey tea double and single refined suffers muf covado do spermaceti would and dipt candlei sp starch and fig bluo c c all of which will be fold for cain approved credit kingston 43 aug x s 1 1 arclay aromatic fpts of vtsogar rude tartor forth yejr 1816 f sale at tkis office lomplcfccj n b all h- e chtht them aro rcoueed to oikc r- eoiate payment on or befre th stit november nextj otherwie their accoup will be given lo an aiiornt ir eoiutkft h for sale a nd immediate poifeffifn given the t house a od prmufefi in st nart- ville lately occupied by mr dal too fituatcd within halt a mile of this town a favoiabie rtuatton for a gentleman and auily and no lefp fa for a diltilhf or inn keeper foi further p-rtcularf- enquiic of thp febtcriler or tl mr moores coffee- houfe e barnett notice a ll perlbns indebted to tke eftatt jll of the late javnss cutomiap lakc of hallowell dtceafdd are roqueted tc cah without delay and fettle tiie fame with mr jawes mcgregor now in chas of the eftabiifhment at hallow- ell bridge and thofe who have claim againit the fid eilate are dcfire4 to prefer t them for adjuilment the ilock in trade of tjk dreafed confiding of a very complete afltortment of good well laad in and very fu it able to the country is now felling off at pri- cs fo low as will slefetvedly claim tha attention of the public cafh or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 month jfivcfi to rofootiisble farmers or othcra john cum minga wm mitchell j e kingston 03 2 7 1 h 1 7 blank deeds and memorials vqx iale rt tais qifice for 3 a l ei n reafonabl terms a containing fo acrc8 f la fftuatedin thefixth iwnwfwhicn 14c acres are audei imprr for rurtfeer particular inquire of iht pter kingston 14th tt- i8i 6 and the public genera h that he has received and sow otters fibt af on cstenfivc ainmt erf dmbh md skrnk n jt new and elegant patterns vvlnc nd jwjll difpofe of very low for cam b he to let j watkiot ktoegn sept 28 1 1 1 3 1 s for any term of y no esceed- in fifteen on lhe o realoaa- blc tarms that we hand in the public i p 11 knowa valuable gtuate on the point at gananoqna a seemly occu pied by stth dowm together with the houie barn fkmh c for fur ther particulars appl r tnc hiueriber j gel stone gamnoqua jan l l tf i for ale tihe wtft half number 5 on the fouth fi f outh or prince edwards bay in towufnip ofj moryfijrgh eentait hundred acreo said iot ia n timbered and fettlemcnt8o each ffifv which renders it stion of thofe who wih to pordufc- nuiie of the printer juae i i8is tfg of upper canada pookswili beoprnedat moers 3 coftee houfe onthurfdny rjve liia inft to receive subfcriptions to the bitik of upper canada aud will remain opea from day to day fixsm id to a oclock of each day under the fu- pcrmtendance of a committee appointed foi that pnrpofe until the whofe of nock hall have been fubferibed for km 13 1818 7 hooks tracts well wonh the attcrr of variou defcriptionj can be bad at this office where accefs may alio be had to a fmall circulating li- if brary on rcafonuhle terms jane 10 1818 1 a commodious dwelling iolf to lef enquiie f walter mecuniffb joseph scott surgeon kc e ma s recvd by wc ku srirwli frc4 i of drim n4ctffilc kwt con nfting of the following arttslta genuine lcohol or foi r its of whio cotacenttaud vitriolic acii barclays bibltts pills c red lm vermillion shell lju oil turocntma epfom salts mace clovei and innamon sal ammoniao arfenic and borax for faldtring kings ten lug iji 1818 1 w b soda powdori a farm foi sale pleasantly fituatod 00 tl more of the bay of qyinte aai imaacdiatcy opnpfite the upper gap being the eafi half of lot no rfl it the firft coce8m of frederickmurgb about 40 acres are under improvement well fenced and a new frame houii with a good celier on the preraiuvs the above farm will be mi together with a pair of flrong fjork haifo a in ferming utenlils application t be made to the fvia- jdyv 9 for sale tf hat elegant farm no 8 fiii conceftion townmip of fredericks burgh 28 miles from kingfton containing 200 acres formerly oc cupied by cohmcl spencer ana kuowa by t he name of the manftnn houfe it j contains aboaj 5 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe t ftory high with 2 barns and other buiw ings per ions defkoufi of purchaling maf enquire of the subfcriber on the premiflcl or to d li agerman efq at bath joseph bergeron frcdetickfbuigh sept 8th 181a rj thesub4riber espkctfully informs his friends and the public that he has rt movd his furnace utcnfila from canden to tle houfe formerly occupioi by eenjamiu booth for that purple in the f tool of erneii town 16 aiihi from kiugfion where all bunrti- it his line will be done aa ufual at the ihortert notice with this only exceptioflt that ail work mull be paid for ou delwe joseph h smith n b all order in the above lis may be left with john lift kiuxlion jnttf 7wft jiugtt4 ltl

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