Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 1, 1818, p. 2

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cfciint i fitrtani r riirfcriie the tether of e to rikheath trkh fler or srfc8h deter v j- aership by ottttc oroex eoiaie h ldsn ec m the sail m a ahal be eatled every ri wti ir c nfifeuty li the pr vtvia- end re hee rticlen the vv thereof re to he givti hh be th poprton follw tint i i ay foke sfle a il tint mot than tw licit ns fee fad at puctalei 16 ftefintfcrwi of the s i eer clevk with like einjt m and llbebpnf of f i edmpsny acd on failure f payitg th ohtfri ttawnre or iny r suretiet s uch sum as ike diroetre j hah ronid r adequate to the trust tc tit- f h tlic party or pare failing epqftd io bibfc htm ft i forfeit the vrond deposit of trn per mbiirn ai the dt j dj unpaid nor to the lima tnr rralut fqch pay ment- aftd dnrfng the dcly of the fame f weave- ufnd t i c ail v o m naa y ank n 1 t r no other porp fc it tiall nft diacy or inehewtly dl in siw uev rthelcf be eoattetet for the j ay feahlg excepting fti of exchange i a m behalf of the crw any toff gold or fi ver balim er in the lab- of iftiil the oearufy fhal hfpt j hod ay larde 3nh fceirm- nt bu fnehj a- may neveftary fr rh tianlacti n lh aa tthbodatjcm of the bufinefi- ntrhe f- v it far evr two shares aj iei fe iamj hoi mrrt ge n piropert hy nori rfraly ad truly pgcd for run- f vv 4j bor orcttdvog leu o rre wny if adrfn tl frcot for debt con jncy irttt and o fcjed ibdaetioic maktaf 6v vote for trn diti for i j tralh ufrh th fair ctjfnphny fhe jvrin tbe liilc f ack fwci for foey i every fcjr shares ahovr ten ant ex i c uvfieofit4eaili gs but w naettt itet t t fvi wmel which faid gccdin thtrty one vote qak ren j j ffial ntiy h lent he q irrgage rr jfootia ad itodt fa pledh and not f votn ir tit it i v hares for vveiy tk oprin ib is aa1 othvr fixtral r- tv j- rfdeemei ftftll befokl lirthefftid corn- kart ahov th ifrty rh tv ffxeedi nor fu ii be grrhiiiffd bv 1l oiv piiy i pauy at pubiv se at say tiw not leffi e cwaking hftcrn vttuon an pr t xt irxeepf in tfae feiil flhaatenjay sftr tie peri fnr re ixtv one vof ff sisy itiaiei ind f r every eigtj 1 cafe ave recited abarr ove sixty and nor rxceedigjl shitggntb the ttal amomt f the iae auttdiej one vtte making twenty 1 defe a h- the company fhali a- any jaftei id rtfy the expenfea of sae tfr fwir one turn irri but no pets m ritfie owe whether by rond bill orlovrr hf vy nt f tbe taey lent fuchj 9f ptroa co nuerhio horly p litre j note or othiv cotitrah whatf iever n itl i fumlti i j ti the prapricwrs r corporate 4hjihbee titfed ta a grvai notejtceed treble thrawount the ei jra r 4 refeiv t trurrflver than twenty vtc a all i ital ffock actai v pavi rn over an a timmf tkr4 f irpc mijeijr sm taajtft o keep in vtet its rr r leaw object viz f h ptrtmtion tf th- oiof general rircuatiro oi ti a j kcnp luring and af eich- annual oi wing to lay before the society a rep t of ibe v hole of thtmr proreidinn dnri tic preceeding yar art 5 ar all general meeting an neftirik of ihe commitfeo the prsi dnt oi- hi bki ibsenne one th v p ieid ekte jtr huthe assert r of o th th sj vicf resident a freitfeut appoint- d protein shall preside maintaiti ordfctj and gw a msting tftte when an equal division takes place art 7 the secwfery shall record the pnoceed injjs of each general meet- tinir d meeting the committed shalj draw all drafts on the trsascr- h u fe ihaa tt iys aftr the peri d fnr re j j shall draw all drafts on th i reasur- leuptiort t a id if uji m fueh fale of er when ordered by the comircfitee oti- q sto- k- iherr fn i lie a furpfurf direct the df pitory to make remit- stock hhler rtstdeflt r it vain thi pic j j bcve a fum eqaal in ati stnt tj oiefi mo taarr er v f vc tnjoare e tt ake re ji they hace vead a caf h licttteiant goveroof speech to hivrlt of the fwvwtnj parhame t which at cnce fjccfte- theft rironfe a df ppoimt- th forij hpta they arnt paed fron hi wann fcfpottfat o i ptope6 rights and iitvi e jln that parr wherein he rerorninrid a lciv to fupjrtf rneetfni8 t tovynfps hy delegated wc eonidea i can fto cecl wotild be tkt ftfii ft- n to a brich olouv paluical neectvf rhi re hold tred to he trifled with and as our fom fathers have ote vy vili cheriih and defcjrj with our liyej and fartunw such z mealure a recommanded if adopted rce conceive wrnuid crnvn- ux corrtitution and ekcite fuch aiaria duft as might vftawy operate nd faioft that wfckh it inten o lupttoru the gnerair cxpreftag indsnatioi at attmph made to exatc id orl srdki rcofttni my as oay be dep fitcd in thr 0ankj jfuch athr- hv- la and reiaan for for fafe keeping n4 to cafe of exrl- hthe frawra wu o fhe a ii et the the dr ftrk unier wi oie admi tion it in all katvlb ioartn audtht o their fficer- nd fha 1 he lits e fr j fei jrata a- b v or a nnoniy t them the fame io thei- afural ai d private ca ilm f tw- t rirpc rjuflk atdiut paciiiei fitit ft fhcih not exeunt the em jot inrontit with aw or thtii rti- t i pany or the land- tenecr nr rlela f ohattb the of fmm beitrr 5 tkwrfj twrtrtw fwtfi t u nfsini n m 11 vab- i rntenftt f the pr rteiinj oft may ef ecvvrly k fttomertc j i h wr chnrpr tiiemfeirrthcrefrorni by v- in and proving fnch afcfcnce r ihewrmg virce ot flsevvher ray voc hy or xy f he he or they hall wc it previd e that ueh ry he a tfckfeoler a o province a biafticient authry frm his con fntqents fr wo recesenria ard eotiog for aim her oj thero provi led also ihnt ofter tbe firt rlectjon of di- fctors no ifaare or flhares of the capt- t clock of thecompaar hall confer a nt of rating either in person r hf peony which shall not hate bee holdefij uriag twrea calendar raonhs at thej lean prior to the day of electron o of th jftfidal mring whwe the votes of t stoekolders are tc he given nmb ne tot a- stack bolder te- jn reident sn the town of kingston and homftig l laa t ten ahare i the can rial stick andbaiag a nateal bon jci t s his mjevf or a uvjct of his m ty natural iyd hy set of the b it in parliamear jr a subject of is vja- tty having become such hy the con- qs an i cession if t hi- pyi e or any psofl wlio shall hae resided seven yetrslj fhl we em r d or rrziheri in b book jthcaon f r thru su it ritk the anbdaa aad in any ofpor ho-k- to be ket by the dire n i ttnyjifi ln -n- a y on ay the ahv eass who aail have resided l for that pnrpoy r until tbe perfoa r jdift uti nof i- ft f tio ff iiv a i in yra i this to w shall iv eapablejipe nyakins the faaw ml rlmrftwifly j ftu t 0al tx tk n hv he lir etor cf brinw elected or choien a director of hc laid bank r hall crve as puch tetvh nine of the directors in of fice hai ve re elected for the neat anccee ding tifctve months of which the pret- c lit and vcopr ball always bf i fuch minutes t- ft f rh i gwfferik the fhref f rhe fapl tal tok hssl be aieit4e and ta fstdwe acrding tofch vnlev ancl cm rj s naay ho efiahuihe in that lehaf by tlra komi of direftfirs bjt mo afllr i metit ortanftr hi he va id or eff-ct- foak ttrriuf nk ibjnmtnt or transfer tb rreirr ir i genera mee f m t l c- fo t lit rxprii jjur- i j fri f art t ifcsimcct o any f ffifji tw thf ivy thtf cainoty at ay j fi if vtimi ovi ri rhl uoffftc ofj j nch ri j aici i bjio ha he ifh i aj he rrv -a- vw a- j ijk a lilt n n h pr ff to ihe riinr t v e iili r tiu anj lrovi j ci aio e n evx1 of a ttratioi off theft a ihw ji uy ftekk ad- j ranees to rhe millnwd dsfrlrt aaxih- a ry bible society for bibles and teltftfto orgaitwe ouition i icsiosi taments shall fcofpa correct it of j eail a on itis vfidftys lcal tofeka ulwrijlxirs wita the amount of tneir nberiotions annexed to their names rectively and by a timely notice shrill at any time have uowrr tfe rail special meetings of th committee tif the coneurrenceof tljree or more of its member art 8 ft rhall e fne duty of the freasurer ta rereive all foaios belon- inng to rhe society arising from any eenrce 1 keep a cofrecf recount of rlir apap torcthst with a list f iil- scribeee m iti the anion ntnf theirs r5l sahcriptioii annexed to tlw ir itftmfs respectively to atvr ilrnft- drawn try thp jftiuritftrv b order of tbt cwiwiitte tnd when rquitc t thrtor orw inrmbers of tt gom- mkre to uy liisaccouut open to iu spectn arr 0 it ihl i tb duty of th depository when diretd b h er lary t hsccdfv nsoaey from ti j 1ieaeicr to make a remittance of th same o the midland district au- iiary bimp society with a renneif that the ftmontit thereof mnv ha nf ihey little dcurvcor expv- ciru fuch words eatd only have efesped bttfinn undue h fleice zmi v icked milrvpiefciitalions by ih fe creatures who have long praihcso theif jriujtv under the vail cjdcccpueo j whiilt ve protts auu fu t- t preifioua tho thty may won d w feelings it can asver ojake our ley tt our intentions are hdeft and nr utoi ceedingo i a win i and whiift we thtia fuuport the pillars of oat loniutuli o we have nothing to roar or dread- th- quiet peaceable and fyftesaatic mara vfjhji the people have- met t petiuyi ji enquiry is an example to euopcl nottvwa aud will gain aupaufe frou icvtfry part of the eiyih i 1 oo uwff we hat ficd btvnd 1 imt tle a thereof mny be l jdifchare al wbm actual y dm- hv him v i skfeiph no director b11 be entitl- f to aw ausy or ffnouiracot utiles the e shall have be- all nved to him f 7 i general meeting of the stock h id hnt the stock holders may make nch conweusatton to the president or vcr- frfidt fflf iheir txtiaordmary attend- aae ai he bak aa iil appear to tbmi to b- reasonable an prwprr t9lflh mol ej than flv direerars ihsll conathne a bnerd for the traesac- ito9 of business whereof the preileat r vice prsdeht shall a ways he one exempt ia ease of sickes ani neceary abeaoe in which eafethrir places rniy h fupilfdhy any other director wham then xi y r r c ti js 1 e one rns tc c tiipa v n i r livi i tlc ea- j iit nd joii iieh ntav re aiu j lfi th tokh di i popovttn hr or them to the faid ro npany which miy eveeed ia amount the remaintng fttick hcloaiinf to ciicb perlbn or per fee- and in ho etfe mail any fractional 1 to best rtb iwc i it 5 part of a harr rr ether than a com plete ihzoe or naves be affinable r i transferable it i rwibv further e nrelsiy aiieed and dared th3t any ftocfehldcr wh- mail rrjuiffer in ma- ner afwfaici ell hi ftk or fhae in ii blbl ra d iv tamctits a- speedny fcliaas hu fjcb world ivu uiwg vvc nave bckji fvperca with tv weak menj arrful ot iu uck ittjf their own juteiestj we uov ted the nocehiy of diipfisug fech men to make loom fyr others moe virtuous and j i ucie pendant it u with aliue w c n- foi vel3rtvfc paid too little attention j in vhc appnintucol ci men to- icicunt 1 ur in parliament co far wc hde j ba e a- a- b- t itttev beaks oa thp arrival to keep a enact account of tie amount of remittances ftrtd tvf 38 error can cfilujf and imtsediakvly be conectcd t the will our governor 7hens we llnceretf believe u defiriu us to sroibote tlie haa ftoolts received t as am tncidnt -i- i n l i v uiu ll mei anu mttrcit ol the ocple it is- all h rembmed ky th- umiiln- j hlf thlt ulc 0 r ihpose ol boks agreeably to in nnef wltet r kvc i hanun to set our lalie t kindao j constitution of the this ccm iny tr any ther rrfor o- per fa s whaivvr iiihi i fas ce r to j be a member efihi csnpany a4 th f fnnne4 at ualloill aw- g 1818 any perfon or perfons whtfer wh mall accent a transfer f anv ft ek nri mares m tht- i ompeny thai ittfa fj h- tiouil ri il 1 herljy ajeee bf to b lvvji r designated th krrr mlward 4s neeome and he a menbei of i co i j 4ii i hi lolli t paj t mm m t fifil 1 r ib bri vu 1 h cii pary according to thee article of afit- ciatons eibftitiljf m hill bendfl ot- and t very cm traft and fngageme t j behaf nf the rpy ffcav be igrneavj h- pr ient or vite pteniiert e pick by the prefident or vice- pelmeitl ad rraret shall respectively by writing j eeunterfined r atteiej by the caftt j h j oer their hands appoint for r hat 1 fer of the corarsaiiy ao the fund- of i totsrfoe the presifnt and vice- j the cempany ftal i aocife be kd r i pfidnt shall vote at the board an fponfibu for any contiadt or wtffel 35rfct rs d ia cae of there bcrngf m ment whatever unlefc h fame fra1 be eonal mimber of ote fr and against i fb fiph and eurtfaaee or atteftd ey qiettion before them the president j 36 af r i t t v h ci ill b to iiki i i je jvf d id divtrir a v il- v ft cietvi 1m prnr r u h ino rtwmfi vitutation t h i ip r fr rlr ffot of nh if 8febi oi adopt and cree to t rtfowin aatclr 1- the officer f the f- sty purchftie books nf the depoitorv to t am- unt of their seveial eub- viiptious at twenty fire per cent tils- aut snd those who are not mem bers at prime cost incidental charges hat m both cases hen previously ddrd art u members of th commit te ma at any rime recetfe books of ii- ro osiiory aud dispose of them atfreeafcljj to theifib article and shall jpy the amuut of riiaf taey msty re- elve for the same to the treasurer ind take hi re ipt f aitt ii ail bo ks issued to rnm- j withoat aoering thecooftritetiyn we high y deprecate md dtt iww o narm aw frhar mrr i a- wc- an that part of their aofsrer cu- tbinatiitg an maeceit kdieaal who ha- born honor ably acquitted by bli jcoufltry jtmvfj that we fed afcreil a btceting of djcgatck for the puypofe of petiriontng the cieom or leg iil tare for enntrf wut the ftateof the pronnee- i the molt eitcctuai and coniitwriorjii mde of obtaining rearefs of grievances llntneratly believed to en j and that v- iucb meeting in oo wite tndaiweti ihe coniiirutnm and tha i so o ir his abrecr the vicepresident aul ueeacat voice nhtetcmth the bnoki pepers eor- j r fpond act and foods of the comeany j rflh any anmber of sfehhoi 1 flaull at all times he fbjoft in the in- er not less than fifty who together j fpecien of the directors not no ftoclt- ijtt s attts fi ii 9 kinl mlj aht 13 vvhn a tacancy occwr iu- v hrjjhinoy mre f- c nmittee shall hali b- fhrorv at u tha als flal proprirtors of two hundred and i holder nrt divctwr mil infriea the y hares shall have power ai any ace- o t of aoy wdrvidual n indivi ue time y themselves or their proxies to with the company cail s general meeting of the stockhold- 1 j tmmttfirth cr hi he n baiiot aar the c mekail n t i tni f r porpbtf8 relatreeto the aid as- j 1 ball be tfa alf yearly dfriow j j madef fo much ef the oi fit of j a hare on r inp ty such taeeney by 1 elecrun till th n xf general meeting akt m themirioteipof all gene hreetimef a yn v ti the st jj ra toecfia j and mefings of the com- f sda iojanry ia end s p j hj sm jd by t pfostdent aoeiatoom jiving a leaot us weeks no tte ompsmy aa fali appear to the ol l r f i hce theteof ta at least one newspaper n0oti rtvlkmc and mail be pevab e at u t r- fruhh he4 h thw town and specifyke 1 1 f neb lace or pi the dirtr 7 a noticed trw and wfer i llnll an h it i li art f th- rrsmitt vc- art 13 any pew em mm scr ty ft hur i -i- kb eiibetotheartiele rv and m t- u mlw i uua h to i hi 1 ia rr lrtll a pr- uit of wbch they hall iw mblc notice in th kingston gaizcte thrafe notice the lioie and pkee for 1 1 hall a och meeting with the object or objects p thereof and the directors or any eren j j al kail thirty day before anil the di- them hallhsv he like poer atrdoi hall every year at the r xra f pen observing the like for- arty fme ur nanlitt- to call a general meeting as a o- said and if the object for j which any general meeting called either ey the stockholder jr director- ai shoe aid hai betoeonsidtr of y pro at ferine rcirova of the preftdett f ice petleit or oihef diredor4 n jdi e r fr maiadminflrauon then a di fuch cafe- the perfon or perfons s nrop ft to be removed ihall fr m vuje ds i meeting for election thereof lay before 1 the stockbqldejn forthetv in format urn an rjwoi and particular hat ment f the am- rim of the debts doe tw and by the i loapany fpecifytug the amount of ba k notes then in cfcul at ion and the amonrt o- tn h d m a i their upinn ore bd or doubtful as alo flatrng the hat br mmbrs o t8 ctovitte e dicio art 6 th l i h tfeir nxorien ufi si i ni- b r ijeiai rc- v flonaiioos oitiibu ad e f anvtoth who shall and oa an- a h to the 1 ia rer t any one of the commtttee sv n sailtfryjra and jpj k pue cu of u c ihall be a vjembrr oi fa sci if ant 16 bv riber who shall pn fere t iif at nnj one time or after d aud le- wiiiiiyunis tj imv l v twnuwrer jh i w h th s-er- ij j j j r atinnalsub- len ml treavnrer ib n r of s a r b life erfbers with tit k naf of tmb ahr w k eleetin f o- cveral lub criptmwn j io eaci il mi f bv ttomiuahon as utmr reoect mil mak- f twenty subseri- lie j 1 kt particular u juiri h i tjibl- nri lj vio shall continue in office to r tip me v u eud a the d y om which fiieh notice feall fift yt pnblifhed be fnfpcnded from the ex- iocoiion of the duties of his or their ol- tt j and if hem the president oi viee- furplus or uohr if any remaining aftei fheir discretion sh ieol them tootonofhfe n fords t sr r r d- d or dis- videe ov provided that the readerine ofl t n a to err by prcsovnt i place hall be tilled p b frni ona dira to tent durin ih- ititr wf inch wvipen in ptnrt4klh eeery oftihiei arid clerk f h bank uetre been tfr upon the etuiej of his offiee shall- rive bond e i provided that heeaderigo i- to eir- lucb ftatnsaniuihall nt ereaa pic j cum tnn- tmrttt j fmbetion i any right to thr stockhidder not direc- j tore t iafpeel tbtr acetiunt of any irdr j vidua or individual- wit the company tyrisityfrxi i f bee ma 1 1 be a fail ure fn laymrnt of any pam of b mm or fhares lufcfcribed a auy r rfoi or per- foes co prtncifhip body pohue or o j the first ruiar meeting viz on the hr t i ueda in february 1819 1 aht 18 no alt tatin or amend- f t hvt r ia mo c to x ed ne tiitti parr f tie ai etii ttt prine et kith th a i ineid utal hataev it tiai h- tfee duty oi the t mitte- an il or fiiir lt rijtj rfaink i p op t i atvoioif oi irsa rvr ant j iv p ror and ittn- r c i ment of thu constitution shall hre- aiter tuke place without thn lioncur- iecv ol at lest twu third- of tne iiiribir pieut a a eocral miti eal without pubrtck notice of u proposed alteration shall hnvc bm grveu tn tle kindlon gazette ai ha t ior weeks pryiob io such meeting right of petitioning the c rwn or jrodturc as enjoyed by the conuiiutiuie of knglandi refoivtxt that the petition this day adopted to i peregrine maidens bg kft at widow majgarct simpfon rjeilvilie for sivnatnrci until monday neat cjih inftsnt rsjfhfd that the thanks ef tine meeting bs given to mr cj ilav for- hi attendance 8od likewife to cejiaif john mcmickell for his criid eon- cjiijrt on the ccuiiftn to f f is excellency mupr genera sir perrgriwe mriitland k c it uenik governor of up ercanadi cie e sn the pcutton of the onact tinned ii habitant oi tlic tuwi toip oi i lur humbly skeweth we his majeftys loyal subjes bar with creat mortiecation rem that ai j if vonr eaceliencys speeeii which throws an odium rjpen the pc ple of the province and deeply lament tc j-rj- time n ts should hae been com r iby thr commons houfo o a y i v the inbabitanu of fa fr ihi s h- rr j r p t f hot low bed at al- i at mepclsrg of j w nr rgrihelcfs prottrt egsuotl tuck tit- itftcy we can caiiiy coucrive flit rf out d rfcntatiotes which lavs rstt iitr cr mci induce j a p6iwttif v jn tvsicjl wc lkjp by our uisriifc i uj j ii gcuvincf y- i arc eromdlth hu to c idciiiiocj co ic dcipicia i tbe a me wurc- of iuih w itribcc uir hi ffice ui tive bo his v- r l 8 r tb atrf thr tabii 6f h mw fo arv

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