john dorh y rtitrns hiatmfl ilncere thank i t hi fn mh an d th public the ey torv fupport giwn him fine hi ci ni r encerrrpt ill bohnefs and ki le vr tu inform there llial he has laid m general find well feleed hnek of groceries wines and spirits at his old land which he ts determined to ell at the ma reduced prises vie ii hie spirits i siirub hofand hid whiskey coniac ira dy i peppeiomt ciitrr do wines pn rarln prrt i t ueriffe spam do inra jbcil pscklinb vinerar li c uicc groceries bwing been appointed agent f r tic proprietor of the iron jl work- drabifhed at three risers i the province of lower canada in forms the public that he has lcly re- ct vi d a vcty extensive assortment of wares manufactured at ther articles aic do u h le that place- among cv single t drt c f 3 r co ado do ff savnn t- rkr ftgl jo kfthini fy hop deb j- i rarejr p anr d9 k tiut 1 search is pepper flour s ipher tv ho j e 4o jnciifa rro root ftwe a 1 mollis vex jio a 6 wind 01 soai be- nmi on o pipe cla gikbi i salts peal uh lniib vitiard pippeimi op sigai ph be su r3- 1 niidfe co fish r gp sail do sail butter v rough sails fe rent sizes sbiugledo tape keedtai twist ti on pall colotited do black 1 bread vfie and lirowo do wriung paper letter do of various sizes and patterns cast asm pans sugar keftles potash coolers pots dog irons and dutch ovins whbwiubeifpofcrsf for cbqs at ner hr manreal prices th- oieritr fo infi of metal and 4nrj f the three livers stores rend 1 th m worthy the attention of a- trey an- tot kamc to crack kt thoe inn or ted from scot- land johvmcaulav kingston lit oqober rki8 1 pure j fei rl ubcrer rcfpcctfuily informs the iuhabita 0 th fown and townftfp of kinuaon the tow ftip of ptfburgh and wojf ifi he has purchafed the potash work latcy otcopied by r a macpker- fon in thr bicinify pf thip town where he will ieceie good hotse ashesr at the rate of evt n pence h cy oer c hk when del fvcred at the w ks and fix pe ce when collected ia t fcn the ahc to be a dize a seijfh or cart h fo be fertf roand trwi- to c- 1 h the hrs once a week or oft ner if ncceftaiy h- tifeholder c will d well to fave then alhe a the quantity trade in one hon wi i am n to conftderabic fwn in the coui le ol a ytar l norton king si 1 st 4ug 1818 n b cae fhon d be taken to keep the aftien div atd clem a nne but vhat s of a g od quality can be receiv ed 1 tf wfifkrr s by tho aat wjli and r of the late richard pa tt1nson efq n htslife time i sandwich in the province of uoper canada rber otlefpte w ham oikif 11 and oeorge moffatt are jointly and federally appcflntect fidnciary legatees of his eftate and executor of fa id will g i do hereby nqtieft a perfons halving j claim p n iaid edate to prefent tin lame to me duly authenticnted f r payment i and all erfon- indebted thereto are required to ray to me 1 hfhv fnfccenber be bavc t m ii uh friends and the public that he has commenced the 770v bvhfness in the market place opposite 10 mr djntel brown where every attenuo will be paid to thole who may favour him with them commands mlchatxmoran auctions every day at eleven ouock jime 22 th coileaeci m ewn ammnt 6 cheii reipedlive accounts id for in merehan- dcbu du to f eftate in tb e kdu ar dj i ones province of upper canada of m the cfiited states 1 ordering therecm may he paid to george jac b efq of sand wich john fen und james gordon efqrs of amheiftbtraf r v- either ofj ihem they beingj duly anthoriaed to receive the fame and gran aeqnitnce j g moff t1 montreal 20th march 181 44yr xveu gjite an aflortment of crockery ware qncen do beft ourch lonjr pe linttbfcc ai j w cbk d cadv d p d lrnest town triie rev aick detchet mr me int fr have c 1 eed rtvclii the follow n hrapchcof ecucatton in smith buitkrwor lh eturn their fincere thanks to f rikina jlak lkjiiid 1 latknj a ttw ait tele f drv goods the entu town u-ad- rny vz j he j for 1 adi vi s k 1m viino enj ifh laguae r- arithmetic gok kerping getar y withtleule of the globes vlai fjfl thei lic hecitrion compofii n j eiftimy with the latin and gteck the former attended a he fttbfcr retutn his tha-k- to his friend and the public for hen aftfar in hh ime ti imfepecf img and inform them he ha- fitted up p c r t lace in the cellar f bis new lore wu a the nrceltary appen dwe fir tb rrptef inlitctinj p t nd patl fh prk where th te wh- fcw hirr with their i nets of vttbm cokltfi and ctinn will find if dor wuh t c jrcat- j liiapcs e txi-a-ef- and exrediti i ikewie g mi lemcns beaver sue lor fb nehonlrnd barrel- in he jff tq i likeufe knapt and won ats egs leave notl refpctftlly toh a jfr form his friend and the public m genetal- that he ha juh received sa i elegant aflortment nf dry fancy good6 co firt in tf partly ef the followtsg an cle viz 3 a superfine will of england clothj and caffinwresd of the moll fashionable cp0 rfn li efts btitifn shirting lmel and cotton cambrics corded v atnbriq i leno- and mufffeia jaconet and mau morfinp f inry mifiin hanlk- rchefi bandaiia a bifealona do fiuegiiifr hams buck and colofed silkd ikand cotton shawls itid fcarfr pioc corded dimitie- white jane wtiite and buff mar feil qui i ling black froicniiuu v jli their frit nd- and the public m e e t j l 1j k icr- trndreired turoc pngtoaze nsl nera 1 tor t lie iberal encouragement that w n t rnj 1 1 mftno bon bz tirg of atf coo- linea ley have rrcived fiaef ttey recoaw h ckftj white ot5 col- jenced the hottmg bufimf tbcy ort1 pj ruffii sheeting and of have an extenlive atlorinc t j v beef and flotir l aud 9 ildren bo l 3 a well cfrofcb alfertment ol hreid him with their nets of various coklffi and fnd laeesand iboons sttawdonncfiv i i adief tortife hell comfra carbri ari lace fo tings nd a nun her of arrf j cl toe numerous to iufert 1 hi po- c aftvd w 1 h ood t oaf for oh r t e avanae f a v iirf vf j m- robinson iri ware j 4 ratrs fbtiet lockertflrw groceries jam- ic a spit ts brandy o which they il fell very low for j p r an thet vmri pepjtiaint and cam or appn ved credit i shruh hvfon and twarkcv teat p- iduce tken in davment j rf ufele and single refined sugars mw e turmc airftiaeo a compete cohifeof laifical mudie at the collekes of glafgow and vhurih the latfcr rtctied a ijlcr il f cik at kings colegc tcrivn ad frorp their tx- perjrncc in a d aiopi ou of the mod j ust receiver 3 the ub ciu a uee fen in payment 2 storcf a affortment of hollo w ware pox rthovnf 2 nr n- t 7 ruyec 0 ui v n b in addirin to hf pe- fe- 1 ftock he exoets rrnny other arti- they hop to merit the approbation ofij- v ijihi im hwinafewd their em i ikanklin ib placer i r r 1 r t a jnwl l lie i if vurnare t as jull rectiv m addition to mi 9 for tlock a oitrv roctijmctc affrtn e t ot drugs medicines jju lollhlj vlhty for safe by 32tf covado do spermareti vonld and dipt candles sap starch and fig biu private contk ct a v lkhh e frc h o 1 eft ale con- fltmjr 1 f a guli ad saw all a o 1 dwelling hufe out hoifea 3c c t gether with ahout two acre of 1 ad li at 1 imaiediately in the vii- iry if bclkiie bay of qui tr ucanada d con ma- d as much bufmehi or ffiore ban a otlnr mi t bdon the stream a d iow under ken for about on c c c i ah of vnhieh will be fold for cam rf l ved credit j i khmton 4th ifugo 1818 i 10 for sa verv reafmable term an o mediate ff fliongven a f a kit ivin in do- hull wn on the by of the gut id 11 upiedhf xo 3 3 a t firft quality of dry white i j i and ground in oil j iogethn with aimort every article of paints efjokb stationary tlts oods stuffs 1 c cwf t owood vr3raqu c n wood bhtf vtrjo cnpcraaf albim lndro er c allefwhich will be rflfpow of at very reduced irice kingston 08 to ti8 f tf the slibscrftrfh s i pre r- nforr find sr rfu ptmic iretterallv th t he ban kuodtnin- few days rqik eveiy perfril ttdebted to him o ietj their accoints without detato th t he j rrsay n hd to ctofr hi cmiictrrfl 0 fn cott surge n accommodate wh khal credit 1 k ingsfyn obaber itn u 2411 nov 1818 til i eg t kingston ilotd lohfrt walker k hi fincere and grateful ack owl i edgment to hi ft tend aid the p bic ref rns avt t inf tr the r friends and thr 1 b i- t a that thy haw rerdved ey fnm montre ar elegant aftottmtnl t s p kti et l money would fee exptfted to i pe paid down the other half by inllal- j p f twelve nd eighteen months l nied hv hoi id a ri mirtnt u onnty one nil liqnle form r y w j a tl e aie phi ip borland oeceaicd which i an orchard of 1 1 5 large ant ti p and and every other kind of ruit 1 ce that i planted in tus conn try aln a convenient framed hufe and barn and hufes ab- ut ooe hudrtd potnds will be will panic requied down and ihe remained i enred by bond ad mortgage ucon the 1 e made very cfy for further eilci an indifoutable title will be nfan enquire f the fohfetiber on the jpremifee gfo igedopg as uch 4 pmnerty u fedom to be met with and u we i w rh the attenti n of a grnrlemdn fond of mills and ma adolphuftwn ih nov 1818 2f critnery a quantity of town lot upon the ready made clbatb aies ad ten- bank of the river moira in beilvill jtem a fnr c ps frf t lateft fath i pice tail ihc in commerce aud a farm foli sale leasantly ijtuated or the 0 o prf- ps the panoplist for the year 1816 for gae at thi officcn flomjiitte n all thofe debted to them are nciu ted r n s ke f eciate payment i j kf jt he fn ot november next j ithei i t t j ir aecoi t will be given te- an at cm uey tm oolkftb- 2s hi- rernr rort r- former 1 d t- c i b- ark et p ace where l has no r hand jftfnra atormdnt f jtirrdirare notice u o r 1 c i h e vvfi iell on the rn ft moderate t irf the 0 p latev occupied hv thr i uric r an i p teition given irt- bedi te wuef shaw h hgrfot e 7fi 1818 all perfons indebted ro tre fftate of the late james cufrtming late ot hhowtll dteeafed ait- reqneftedto i a eal without deay d fettle the fame vith hn jas mcgregor now iu charge of ht ftal lflvni nt at hallow- bidge and thoie who havecaims agatnft the fid eilate are dcfucd to prelerit thrm for adjufhnent the flock in tra4e of the deceafed icon filling of a v ry complete aflmtmeit of good- weil ian in and vrty fuitablt toth count- y i uov felling v o r s a l e cxn rtaiunab terms a farm jf cotaiig o aces f land j fit n ate d in trie fixth fowb of which 140 i aciep arc ondei lmrrotnt for further paiticular iitquite of hc fitec king hon 14th ept 1818 16 and the public generally that he ha received and now offers for fetle so exteniive ajfortmnt of double and single i with a pair of ftrotig work horfes a waggon and farming olenitis application to be made to the rvio ter july 2 9 ofnw and elegant pat t emu vtiich he will difpofe of very lw for cah j watkins kmjrtton stpt a8 if 18 18 for sale bank i o let or any term of years not exceed- 1 re n the moft reafona- in fif 1 teen oi bie terms that w known valuable hand in- the public ne tuate on the point at ga an qn a recently -ecu- 1 tftl at elegant farm no 8 firft conceffion to wufnip of fredericks burgh 28 miles from king fan c ntatning too acres formerly oc- cupird by colonel spencer and knnwi by the name of the macfion lioufe it a t r contains about 50 teres of land under ol upper uanaila improvement an elegant frame houlc j 1 ftory hieh with 2 barnb and other huiitu jookj will be opened at moors j j p- der g purchafing may cofa hmifc onthiifday the j cn lireof thc subfcriber on the prcmiqw i6th nl to receve bnbfcriptions toj tq d y erman r at bath the bank of upper canada and will pied by se h dw together with the j hran om day te day from 1 9 ff at pri foii sale n vme poiteffi- n given the hocs and pr uif in stuart vilr hue y cr by mr dalion fihht 1 vvitkiri liiti miloftti town a favorable fi njin for a gentleman an nil ad no efg c f a 1 r r lui ket tr fu further p rirr-rm- fie f the umcribet or st ah vorrs cvk i fc 5a1ett hn 02 12 mu 43tf i ce- a aw a- will defeivedly claim the attenti n of the public cam or coiiniy produce will he tak en in aymnt and a credit of 6 month gtvtn to refi ofihle farmers or others j0hnlumm1ng wm ml i lhhli j kingston on 2 7 1 8 1 7 t hone bam ta c for f-r- ther particulatsappy the lubtcubci k sfune gananoquo jan 9 8 18 33 executors to 1 oclock of each day under the fu i permtendance of a committee appointed for that purpofe until thc whole of ujfcj tlo k flal have been fubferibed for kingston j vty 1 j 18 1 8 i for ale ihetiiwmm number c i on tle ftmith fjof fouth or prince edwards bay ir townfhip of 7 books tracts joseph bekgfron frederickihuigh ept 8ih 1818 15 hit cf various defcriptioni can be had j at ihi office where accefs may alio be had to a frrall circulating li- blank deeds and 1 mgmormlg for laic at un utiice marymrgh contr nj hundred bary on relonuhle terms acres said lot is wcl1 mrnbeteej and j i fettlcments on each which rr ders it 1 june 10 181 well worth the atte- f l who a commooi us dwelling house wifti to inarchafe f thejixll to lei enquire oi pa printer june 16 1s18- w y w4ltbr mccuniffe kiu 1 8th oct 1818 ax i the subscriber mespkctfully informs tr fends and the public that he has removed his furnace uteniiu fin camden to the h life formerly occupied by benjamin booth for that purpofe in the ft out of erneft town 16 miles from kin u fl on where all bufifef ta his line will be done as uinal at tbc fliorteft notice with this only excepting that all work mult be paidibr n delivc- joseph h smith n b all orders in the above llsk may be left with john fik kintthon ernett uotun sluxust gf 1 8 3