Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 8, 1818, p. 2

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i a iiajhat1n f ejfcrnetfob fir- tfee n amber of wrte to ftlttrb ctcb cku ider w st- ai ddr tawpartaersim body p ktw of corporate fcohing teiek u tbc said cvupi y ska be courted m every oec4 when i- omf rnaitv tn the pjrueistss and re- i of ifoese article tlie vote in the i every clerk ith like essowtva ftd etioofof the eopesry on fofoh iwtefirf iovttch sum as tkc directors f paying to etltey ihmgt or ln uhah cwrftitcr aflkjofttc tc the trust tobcj f sbeoa the p q parties rails i bsm ii herein frm feriit tlwf tbeteof art to be gitco llll be prop nr ion folieriuj tat itto y frju hne and a rr nor than two avc v t for eery two shares abve j 1 hji4crib tbe company fnall aot luoldanlp ad no tcneme nt but fuch a ftiaf be nclfiy iwt th t an action a ricoiriyitd tio of t be bfitff of ife tank iad fcr no chuer purpj k it oafc iitvrrthe tf h ecttpettfai for the 1 ivrhwon behalf of this company to idke awd bold mortgages t property by 1 two and uor eacffdivg reft oe vute jjwayol additional fertility for debts con mekiag five eotr fr ten bres 5 for i j traced wth the fkld company fin ih every hoar slwres above ten and not ca- j f of dealing but or no aceouat cdiog thirty one vote making ten j j fliaiv mny be tcrt upon mortjjae or fottsfiur tbitty fchrea for tvery i i and otbtr 8ud prorty ihates above ihirty and not excedii aixivi one vote making fifteen vote far sixty stares j snd tr every eigtit ahrn abv vfxty and not exceeding nc buadrrd one v t e making tweny j hre fr one hundred but no rriio i or pertoat copartrjer hio kody pdiifc 1 or corp rate aaali be e titled to great- r number than twenty votes and all 4r bolder roideot vaitain ti pfli tiuce or eevrhorr may vote by proxy if he he or thty ball see fit provid ed that such proxy be a tocklolder aad do produce aafscient aotunry irnvr hs conttuent for to representing aed otingr for bim her 01 thera pro tied ao that after ibc lrt electron of di- tecton no kare or shares of the capi- til stork of the compoary shall confer a nght or f tiny either id pcrnoi or hy proxy whieh hal not have hten koldetl durii three alendir months at the lez- prjr to the day of eleittoi 01 of theenetal mealing wbtre the votes of the 5tfckholders are to be giveo nimk none butaick boldtr e- tuily residcti in the town of kiaigaton tod holding at laat tea share n the cap- iix atock andheiaf a natoral bora mb- ject if his majcty or a uhjct of his sa jry natoral ivd hy act of tke bric- ab parltameot or a uhj ft cf iiu ia- jtetfty kavfng become such by the con ajucs and cf6wion f tbi povince or any pfro who shall have resided icven years cit hi r of the onadao and in aay of the ahove ctft who hall vave resided oht ytar in this town shall bo capable of briif ectej or chosca a director of tbr sai bank or shill serve a uch tauih nie of the dfrectors ia of- fce shall be re eectci for the ext anccer fingtwelve months of which the frexi- dont and vi oe- presiilajnt jliall always be er the niimhcr ed to 4 v ilanr or em uitient oniei the lame sall have baeo al wed to him bv a genera rntfrig jf the tork h id or- but he stock holders may make mich oomensation to the resident or vice- pr ideit foy heir extaoidmary a mend ajee at f rank a shall appear to thi to be reasonable and n roper rwftr mol e- thaw five diroctora fhal memtoc a board for thr trbosaoj tton nfbufiiofia wbceof thr preivleot j or vice- president shall always he one i j oxept io ct in ickae8i and ncccktary j absence in which case their places may k supplied by aay other director wbona 1 the president or vice preidejit o ick ox absent hal respectively by writing- vnder their handtf appoint for uat j nniiiat tbe president rh vice t l m 1 nor fuk be purchafed by the company uooo ann pretext exocpt in tke fpcia cafe above reciicd simiikjsih t05 total amotmt of tbe dela vhicb tbe company hall at any j jtime oe whether by bond bill or note or other contra a whatfoevcr fllall ut exceed treble the amount of tke cap rtal sck aaally paid ftt vr and a- bove a fuaa equal in amount to- fwefc mo ftey as my br depfted in tbe bank for fafe keepi ad in cafe of exccii the dirtcors uurfor wlioie admiuifcra- to it ball hftapen ihl be liable for tne fame ia their natural and private ca pacitias but it fnell not exempt the com pany or the lands tenemeota goods r cbattels thereof frcrn bean affo itakl- for fork exceff fuok dtreer howev er fball bv bte abfeat vbee rhe iaid excels was ci wicked or hill iinvc ootered jiieii pritcfi aaai it upon the naiautfes f the proceeding f tbe bvarn may rofpeeiaety etkoacaae nd dil charge theftifelvs therefrom by plead ing and proving uch ableoce or dewing fuch minutes kkxheh4 tke fnaros tbe c api j tal tok fhaa be arguable nd iran i ferawle acci rcig to fuch rales and norma i as may be etfamifhrd in that be half by tbe board of directors bwt an crfin- aneut or transfer ball be vnfd or eayic-t- ual unlefs fuck aument or trrnbfer hall be entervd or reifrered in a book or bo k to be kept by the direttora for that purpoiet nor until tkr perfa or j par foas naiktag tbe fsane ftra 1 prvvfnuqy j dilkargc sill dekts 3ctay due by him br or fhean to the fd company which may exceed in auvunt the remaning i mrck belonging to osck peribn or perjj fas and yr 00 cafe hall any fraafnal part of a hare or other than a com pitt fkare or bares be affnabb r i kim- tnjwv j h awvoy oitfw ca- prefsy nofteed and declared tkat iuti om rornnldafr wht hll rijvfer in mn- rier aforefaia all hi- took 01 hiarei in this coio any to any other perlon aarl perfonf whatever liall fae ceie to i be a member of this coanp ny- and that any pefon or perlona wh tloevcr who hall accept a rtatsfer cf aay ftock or hares in this coxnparty hail ipfo fa8 become and be a member of skis convi pa y acoording to thefe article of afltoj lac t ion eigtestali all bills bonda noten aftd every contra andeafngernent on behalf of tike comparay mail be ftjrued by the prettdentot vice- pctklenr and ccucterfigrted or ajfaatftcd by ttic cafrt- vzr of tbe comrjfty anj the funds of the companv tkall in no cafe be keid ie ten fr nfar a a twe gfvwcrdl unpaid prior to the time farwag fuch men- aad daring tke d rf tne f flail not diay or fodfregty deal in any tbrajr excfptiwg br q go4d or filvrr belli a or in the tal of gaods realy ad truly pledged fcr mo ney itet and nst re dotted iudnrtime or in tbe he f mfe p ened for money lent aad ot io reowed which fnil rvkd aid ftoak fo pledged and not f redeemed kali be fold ky the faid om pany at public sale at any time not lefs than ten day- after tbc period for re demption and if upin fueh fale jf ofiod- o jitov k there fl 11 be a fisrplus after dcd fltvnjj tbe expeofes ot ale over tbe ray- at of tke asfincy lent luck fnrplu- fia1 ke paid to tke prprieiara tkrre f vef eftiofely 7savv ihij thek atrd of tirec- toi are lcerv folvemoaveed to make j fueh other br law aik ree ionn ford tbe goerrraenf of tke aff f the j iroiopaay and that of htr ffi ei aod fervats a they or a ajsinry f then i 11 from time to tine hirk axoedieflt not incoi fifen with la or the a rti ele of n matfoo twstyfecrtb this af cit n fktuj 1 m acjviictat raxlumtlyp tjppea canada nabblllllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbnawbbbbbbj at 3 oclocktbia day his rxccileacy the li governor proceeded in state to the i cg 1 flatie council chamber where the home of affembly baviagj been fum no led to attend his ex cclieocy gave tbe royl aftent to tbe bills qocnrtoncd keow arid cloicd tbe bedi 0 with the roilowiag 11 01 fable gentlemen of the lgis- uitive cowat uihi genlknuta of the house of assembly it does not appear that any alter ation hti occuntxl ia the state of hn uajestts iirdipositioo iou kavo atfordod seasonable aid to the cooattuiionbr your bill entitled ao act for preventing certain meetings within this province it ia a subject for deep regret that the constitution should lave stood in need 01 siob aid but let us hope that the good dioomtioa of his majestys subject will put erly period to im unhappy uecesiitjf il au portion of the people of this j loviihwbe indeed aaarieved they are nil aare tret a dutiful petition pr ceediug from tiaerh would in d cay accesa to etie foot of hla j iijey to j one i ont ue twenty j ar- frm me srft dayjf lk iioust of miemb iteomoderatton jologtr x luank m in m g p ttk nivo tof loo aupplie you hares carntal brock otth company may by alhnu ior tllwrf of t their coocurrnig v tes t a k mee- a d oi uje en ear x broatlcd for m ex rc pur- tll fot ha pfe rrvierrc t eftaittces o- any from iheaauuai deuioutj for tire up o tbem oetrrff krthecorruoy at ay ot of ue survey saj oeoerar iicfirt itm pfuar period 5 provided tnt nonce fecb meetug and a h vail be tulibe in al the pr 0aj nwj a- perv fa- fix an nth- prev t- the time appoititeh o fuch mrctwj and iovi did al up t krr n- revrtif or s tertion of thefe arice- fv 1 lijljb any foi khold er or fttckhomeiv ti bf ord bty nd thr itoirn f h iter r kr v k tfmtyafik rei y on aiy ditoloitn ttij- rid i ti ffatoa- meofuie hall be takm by the dirdoo then eattfag fr cf n nil t e concern of she company rn for dfiibi tne ca pital and oioftt- which rav remain anrop kt teikh i proportion to iketr cefpetive into la wcnei wher f e haw- to fat our name at kioudna i fo vi u 1 lowghhfvuith rontkii ffinj r too tervs of rrli fuft ah m of wlrlch ar i tmdrv impr vcnt fth a frame ho r him tktreak an lent foilrtajf of trger withtfi frv exf3 i f iiont iou nave adch d to too character oi tbe rovnce by flie tsusuiaous ex- of aeuttuicutu wpidiare highly citti ot thu etiliuturd iieproaeuta- tivea oi a tree and girieroaa people i couid not iuf diyim it the pleaimre n transmitting you h relations to hs irlojeatjpa government well con inc d turn iy ouldprorc grateful to rqf tioya t erwiiiage wko preside over it aid comxittt hat they will ivtcivval s tli auintjouate appro- t 1 ivi b eery d cji priori of you- iliow subject in tfacmutkcr country llnnjraole usui lumen aniiqentlethen tfrmv r i lw objects of geoeral importance wkick had th public viind doeo trausjuil i should hat brought oforo yoi early iu the h v- ton of theih i fkal meantron on t hich appeati to roe to require n a cular d9iref your calm and dftlibwr- tr coiisd- ration i meaui the pr ti- diijf of a vdy lot the unequal ores- jurp oftfek roed ijwi by of irinj ww tbereonu arpivsent thta ubjt ti your notice j i an act for tk relief ot tke wesle txjpe to nriet by tke aftvfion you j j metkodiatt an ec to ttior xfl ttttosl t lawt now in force foe leryio nti ollectini light kouae aud tonnage duties and to relievo vessels propyl id by steaaa from paying tke said d tf oat the apsoo occupied by that ogiui machinery arid foel 10 an act to repeat on act ptse4 in the 45th veer o a mfljcstyt reign eutrtledl u an act to licence eractifienera io physic and sorgefy throughout tilts profinct and to make further provision for iceuib puch practitioners io 11 an act to make good oertaia monies isued and advanced by hie honor mr administrator oinith in pursuance of an address of tbe ictfe mons house of assembty it an act granting to hi9 majesty a sum of moody for atie surrey of tke waters of toe t lawrence and for other purposes therein mentioned 12- an acs to eeutnerste certain persons herein mentioned 14 ah act to empower the com rniasionera of the peace for the hasten district in their genera quarter sessions aiemoied to estauiisk aud regulate tke times for holding a market in tbe jvown of corotrali in the laid district 15 an ant graiitiug to his majefct a sum of money for certain purpose thereto- mentioned 16 an act further to eetteod the jjovisiojis of aa act passed in too 33d year of his majestys reign entitled an act to extend tke pro- vinous or an act passed iu the seconal viesaiobofthe first prorindal parlia ment of upper canada entitled a act to oniirm aed make valid ccrtaio marriages heretofore contracted ie rho country now comprized oitbio the province of upper canada aud to provide for tke future solemnization of marriages withio tbe sarrae 17 jbu act to ojsutiouo the law nss in force for grautiu an asd4ititnai doty on isbep licences ie an act for the better divisioa of the coutvsry of along ry datotoayi ships 19 ao act forrestitaj io cotbflilf 4ooen the kstates of ceriatu traitors and also the estates of persou declares aliens by aa act pes- is he 64tb eafiof iiis majestys rieign eotitlexl an sit to declave certain persona hereiu described aliens aud to tet fhcsi estates io his mrjesty end for ippt ion the proceeds theiinif tooorde ompeofcfltinsj the losses wbicb hie ttajesty subjects hate wtekifa eoubequsnee of tfe late war and fof sc4rtaidiiigaudsatipfyinr ebe iowfoi debts and claims tbertsjipoa tbe following bill was rearmd for the sigoiticaion of mis majesty a oil i d pfeasrt tr bo tow apon it jtbe hen e snd a thofvi a g j j ih reees or evh hundred annle treen ome ofj v f u fcto l cedent shall vote at the board a j fponfible for aay oontrafi or engavc- i j m y 30 sone 1 urtt rs and fl ca 0 cbcre being au mem whatever nnlefi fhe fam ftalbe f fraf th t 1 o a r f a m i eqd number of votes for and against act question before them tbe pe ident j and in bis absence the viceprcideat abal have acat voice g fo fired and eounterfi a- af refeid khvuvnth the books papers cor re f ponds nd fwada of the o unweav which bejtn to b r one hundred acre of i a wd tb a swand grist im 1 rrern ewly rebuilt ta the faid tesertnip of l0 kborufb wiiti eonfisteieie m doveraent about the j o- wbicb neary jjo torn f iv wav eut rb pre- e above lands wiibe fait 1 ed or ouetied fldfeparoteor tojetber tpeaker of elie llafive council tnriouaced that tho parliament wa- j f ossjsd to tise l of january itext dill xthkh hact received the poval assent sv i an ecr u aftr t e lawn now in r rce for sfmiihnt licences to mi- fr aiidtofjre to the iaffttice th feacein general quarter ses- oas rterrhled for ti j- respective oaeeiri2- 7 lirtttk any number of ckhol- wall fit all times he fubjea to the iu- der ot le6 than fifty we together j tpaassni of the diresort but no ftock- akal he proprietor of two hundred and i ffy hare shall have power at any time by themselves or their proxies to ofill n prfteral meeting f the st clth old- for nurp hs relative to the aid as- i ci ituin giving at legt ix wsskt ptirchfer nd at s very reduced wee i wis anthrrity to regulate the the one half of the nurcbv tirt v- duvs henaher to be paid on such p d down the re ain e fn yearly ray i tents f fun her r oaricn ob erv hder mt dtior fllsll infneft tlw accoot ofnny idlaideei or individuals with the company ttueniittli i ialf yemly dividends ftall he made of fo nuch of the profit of tse ompooy asfhu appear to the li- lice theirof in at leasr one newspaper j nonrad vilsauje and fhafl be payable at nd specifying 1 fuch olace or pi aofiy or at to thr fubfertbr tb- pre if the printjne office kmehtn mtcmafj s hot lsmghrwmjh nov ie 1 it 9ft jf no- iiwi bed in ti in t wn 1 i notice the time nd placr fo r uch meeting with the object or objects tberof and ths directors or any cvcn of them vhll bare the like oer t laee- as tht direchbrs ainll appoint of wucb they hail vr public notioc in the kingston gaeette at walt ibirty day before and ihc di- irrthor- mrll eaery year at the geneiel any time uocn observing the like for- meeting for election thereof lay before nsalitiew te call a general meeting as tbe stork boldisv for their information above aid and if thr object for an eaoa and panic lrf flat- ment of the whieh any jreneral meetiuj called either by rbe ioic o ders or dlrectorn as asve aid ha be to consider oi a pro y al for be rewovl of the fveftde t vice prefi lent or other djkectors t dii tit or fr maladminflratiin then and in fuch oafe tbr perfou or per f on bed y 00 uhik fjsih notice 131 ft ft ficii tiateitits rtull n t ticuk to gjtr bepuhtihtd he rnftjende frm the e jstny riglt loths stttslch dro not dircc- ecu tit n the iuea uf hi or tbeirofc to t isifitct the actftuint of anv mdr ftec ad it he be ht prcfident urt vte- wjaal o indtvidunlti vith he company twmiyjirft f the c isail he fail i lieences 2 a act furfher to extend the provisions o no art pattetffo tmsf4m etf of eis majemys rei entitled tk 4hi act to make further pnotision r tbeeppomtmeut of parish and foho oincers throughout tbid 1819 toe cords 5 do i r beer vm roviore ubti kotftt f niven rba jorlv vhi ff off 3 an act o tutborlae the enquires n rf arid trial of crimes and offeoceeco mde amctmf of the debts due to an1 by the y sjtftpabt fpecifyingr the amount of bet notes then in f culatton and the amouot oftueb det as ii their opinion arc bad or doubtful as alio ftattng tbe mrfflob u orolv if oy remaining after dedupion ofloea and provifi ns itir cia vi isvieb provided t hat ihe lokdertno of r 1 a ti fie u nt bfs place fliali be filled up by fve rcnafrtins dfrrcava to rve durinar i tac time of aoob ukpeaioa h nrtstth cry hkiet and clerk f ue i3ankboof be entera upon the i ditff bis ffice hall gis boid rajro jr mnrc mrrt e to the atis- j se n the diiectori rwat is to say y ier in a u m t le than t n usuid iaasie wiia aedndiiioa fiar 1 tire in tayment of any n of thr mm t lor bare- ihisfcribed by any pcrfon or pot feara p t o e ipbody politic or cor- borate tbe party ca ling in pnyinij tho nri infta ment of tender sasaftfas fucceed- irj tur dtp tit nfejjfbi per fruit m herein bef re required to be mie tbai rt fpee- lively foifit tu faid deposit to ae fr iur uieof tbc aaul caeaany aed tae ellville in tbe hmlsad t anad parmer he rosie en afuvnment of his ctood and efe to the ubferibers to wbom hi hcbttirs aietomakc pivoient betnjr cm powered to colvel fettle nd dfcbarpe all ae- oouuta and rtevtc duett him an1 ipnr- lion tbe net proceeda among h ceri nr who fiffn tbe deed of coa for the purpofe which may be l bv applying to allan taylor brlw tftos mem n smith brtftt s vmfjrl ihaw allan tayiorf nor ft i8i3 i7 he sjbfcfcribers rcfpedflly tn- form their friends and the pti lie that they have sow received d jurt opened in market street jo beow wra patrick inn a very fxtenfw aflbrtment tf drv goods c afrrtea end stationary likewife a gotev qaan- jtitv of claffical books the sfsole of which will he fold very lw lior uoi and approved credit- mcdonald avkrcvd zt 7 tnittd within this prorinao withoiil lbo limits of any deseibed tosriiebin a- i 1 o f i ro runty to be had in any distric thereof 4 an art to amend the laws now in force j or granting wholesale licen iei o act to repral an ordinance rfthe prosinc of quebec passed in the 5rh year of fli majesty v rein ntitlfd h an ordinance concerning land snrrr yors and tho admeasure- metrtof lando and also to nxrerid tlfoprotijoas of an act passed in tbe 38th ear of his majestys ftpfgtia entitled an act to ascertaia ant tablish on a permentnf footing flu boundary lines of fho diif isjcjt toon hips of this province p nd for titer trrrtgulefx the roaomr in which lands are hereafter to be surveyed 6 an act tr aifulate the trade b land end inland navigation hetwtoo t i frovtoee atj tbe united steles of america 7aa act to prevent certain meatiniti rjrhto this prcsrlnc act to eaproprinte a certain um of money for ce ptirpcssji toroiu cord wood an pcrfon vrilling tofumifb setea hueditd cords of good hard wood fuch as is ufually received ht tbe kings wood yardh is reqrjeilcd to fend ie fcaled tenders to thi- office on tbc 15th of next montb with fecuri ty for the due perfcrmance of the loo trud the wood t be delivered at aoy part of point frederick a may be d cribed january februaryj ar larch naval storekeepers office 1 j kingdom 37 nov ifij j 17 woot corflract trrantkd for the sreenvboet- chrlottb right wun dred cords of wocd of wbicb three ttair- imit js heach and maple aod wne fourtb dry iiac o lamtnck all xnjit un to be idhtrzd at tbe following places 60 as to he con veairnttopet og board vie at pie cott brocavviile gaanaooque evoe4l town adolphtifstown hallo til kub liirs and sol ices io pphia- belli vilie rjvsr treat d tbe iaryia place tsstdera for furarkinj any part ef tke above directed to smith j5aatirsa wiil be received until the 191 of d bcr ext hiagston nov if lftl 9 team work any perfoe wiping to contract to furmm liorses and oxen with uu waggons or sltiftha ot ay be rquircd b itvrrn the i ft jannny and 3 b ueccmbef 9 for iiis ms- jcays natal yard is recucfted to feed ieaicd tenders t ibiaotiicc od tbe itb uejet month p fs 1 pair of horfet l drir i toh of om 6t driver f pairs of horf 1 ews a th a om c5 er jnvtt rcm 25 n jvji btrekeertrs ottce 7

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