s- i i joslslallt frtidt mwsigcxrtlm locum wall 0-huii- l f m wiit- of congress yet fcrftmi at is oclock i him impie ni a were rupi t oitjt in nttieen wjra uy rerf byent soimtf ilif ciy o jtreev bo lvsirm aplovh b- j runor o lionyorii oafiie mrrauuie advn- ier and ftvoaiog post nj sy oir ig wa pttwi ovo ivoylocit ll du 11 linilitu avujii- one ui ihivft ahecu vc be ie olearitot to ureeut tir ti5r ia our uo ui our p or tin evy vw nve peruses mia ducinnt with ver id laiuftujllon aid alifouh -u- baveiieufi- tr nine tor mow fr rental in w cauuot trail ava taat ii is oet iijr inoit iuiemtihg it i4ve read for amu yrare tlie numeuu lopoitrinhriee art- ail i a ihioji view laly lolfuruftit uinl kue iufomaitott cmimi- ouaeu in reiau ui eticn i clear oouese iaiisctor rvasulsgtoiv ivoo 17 ttfis day at twelvv ocii- re president f the ueiied 6caf iruomiitted l 0o j niueot congress by liii seeta y hr j j- one me frttotttftg messac- tttu oitit of thtschito and of tka tlvnu nf repwfintativei tiaup owns ciicitiuiic utucr viiicli yoawilconiiueuc site duties of she nreaent srsaiou wilt uguccn uc liirilen toitepttfitbio fcumuir 11111 hwl committed o you fnc traits of ue tano have been unisually aoihiu- aoi aiijn ha ilouruned me revtmuif bat tfcvriiial ueco fctorfttlie anticipation jjti j-do- uj atntiy ai pi i veil wiui itt- fetee nation on condiintio jlte ajt tioaurable i to oar cnuntry ior ines meaaable j blvut w cannot but be t4teiut io t bat 1 froiueoce match wac4aci orei eke dtfiliuie w fcllont as the term umtil for the opeiation if he friiuiercial omiiveuiiom hiui gicai hrnaui ili expire early in sue koutr wf july next ftud itva dbctftcd lasuwriaiu iru there tuoiild ttf ut interval d uiuj wbicb thai ufirtiou il ur cokbcui wnieu vftoi jrovvil lor hv ittut toiivii aii liould noi be regulated ouiui y artaueiueni bfiwee ihr iagvernqwii j r bxacuutbuiky or t ibe mimau- f iu- uiued hia ai lou iou was itutruci- d early iu ihe iat biiamer so ifivtie she auaiiiiou of site liriiii government io the luhjrei vtih a view io la objir ht ua tftktruculd li roooio alo iai me ncgia- liu wmcb il vvas wwih o open migni e- lead so hii grtifcfaj cinmerae t ue two tuudirte aid locvery vruer inicrev ad ua- filled dinereaeebeiwer ihora jmnicilarly tao reaua to irapraeineat me uueie- ftd booilarjen in tbtftofttctafl an arrun hen migb- s aaade on pnnciles vf irocaiadvaae witen raisin cunqreit1 audprovtde m isiaaniy manner ixir ail lhwettijnconceiu i ave ttoe s4lfaciion j lotaie tuatthe brapval was reeeiveu by ibe i m sy 4ry viwocv d ptrtiniwrty ofi ihc unhid guiles i while it rebeqicd a ieulit lausiu io every people 4a noota srijoclioo j cceni iruiciually deoended id regard il ue unmd sair r pernicious enact ol j hi unlawful combination a not coutiucd to ike oeau the lotiai iribe have coiutituied he elirciivo torce in florida with tb5 tribes thce advfnsurrrfa had formed at an farly per l a ctiaurjcion wish a view to avail t iifui vra of that lorce to prouiure their own pmjecuoi accumulaiion aidanranflize- meni h is to ihe interference of ome ol he adventmers io mirpresenlidg the rlainii and liileof the indians to kind aodin jirtietbingikl tbair tava- propensities thai lie seiainole war t principally io be traced ten ho i iniv ciihi iv ijivfs wi b savaf lld mmvivitf them so vr vhich ik al s ays ai tended ai their part wiih netox barbarity the most allocking deserve n br viewed in a wcre light than she lavage they would certainly av uo claim io an iui- vunlo irnra i lie punishment which aecord- so the r uf varfare uaied by the uvaos mtjrhi justly be iiihicied an she av- i sneimflw if the ecabarsment of spain prevnied iver from inalnuican indersutty so our oitizeuh fovso lag jiirne mm her tfeiury for their losse by ypctiiiiiou and ottiermse is was al- f w ay in her power to have pr vited it by th cession of tbi territory of snic uer guvtw meu tia been repeatedly apprted and the csion wa the more ne au icipa ed as spam must have knew a ihal u ceding i he ujvudg in effeci oede wiai hud become oi ituie lalneio e and would likewise relieve areif from i e impo lant flmirttinn leciired h general ia dhntmsa pots pensacof n dil authoitcd io receive il and 5 marks wbich i- m tbe bean of the india country on the arrival v a competent foro lu drteud itagaiaiit tkose aavagen ajid thei atoaiaie6 in eaierin flondata suppress this combina uon np idea wa nsenained oi nonu iti spain and however jnstinable the command- itlg general was in ceiuequence of the nais conduct of the spanish officer ia eotorikg st markband peiiacola to tersninaie ii b proving in the avaes aud their atfsociies hai they shauld nui be protected even there ytt sbr amicable rdatfons existing between the united states and spain coold not be al ered by that aci alone b ordering the re- iitutioiiaf thepass those rrlaiianb were pre served toa chaigr oi them the power oi ithe lieculive ii deemed inexkupelens it i vebud in congress on i by this ueamire m promptly taktn due epect wasshewnso she government oftfpatn sliiflwifilllf wtdaf logcthor by the earatincetkofbf tte tjy wnon tf mm in vi asttrft raaicba becomt e old etury the not xb c tu mail and bmk robberies ait cicvctlyo- tbujriftfi toe latii ct a l plrata vrr aad the bunker hill battles s inttiiutstri la thuttraiflcd tin i v ft fought eut there is abioluiely nothing arid the rrfulfi cjeiervtfc to b lrttud on the carpel to maka the goid ptoic he hr0rt tht it ixc edl any tlii tiat ftaio 1 a dilb of your axnmoa every day cuuld hve been kvptrt u rl t mrr- vf jit ficcutonce becomes tnluflfcrably infipid ehablithnicni tbt bliimiijl are there stnlebb fetved up with batilea and rtmrjcri fore oo fht pivi tfafp tleif fft outrage 8d violence with a deitrt ut earthquake exlofionfl and tornadoth- but fineeihetirnea arc tl0 perhaps pro pie will became lecenetler one of tbeie i ol tee inhiturion are rtquefld tt cis ia dyi with fuch miferabu art an health j j ihcir ciaimi peace individual happti c and uauon prfpeiityi ntdtrn herald 1 1 ions at p- ris aad the techdht of the i- rituiton fir sjdfti y fin ihj htino t sh for thif cavia the c ectoid d f a i ore ttjiludeof meirum imo iftwual wj than i ill oirdtiu- incomaiisisio aused aui t j in eouvquence trr isvofsae united sac at lar uai burn aaryfttul mioi5ier kieuipoteiinary ai lou- don io bum of- whom correpoading luotniv iionbaasifg and ihej are now eii- uredin e dfhae of h duie it u jtoperu add thak so prevent au inconveu lgae resulting from sue dela incident to i tgntiottoh ofl bmktl important hubjiois ii unagreed before enieriug on it tha l axistingconvcunou bold be consumed lor lruioi leastban eigb ear our relaiion with apam remain nearly tfe treaty of 7 anh all other comprc- n tmenn fep eting it lftit untied sate ripm cniihideratton of these embrament deelrned prewing their claims in a jptit ol httviuilt tke mhiiveonshl at lean to uae hu diy appreciate by the governmeut of span ft la well known o her governweut ihm other flowen have made to the u stale au ipieninity tnr ituelosset sustaiaedby suejr eitvzeus at thfarr epoch there is nevnihrless a litnit beyond which ms spins f amity and farbeareae can in noitniauire be justihed i it usi proper rt rely on amicable oe6 iatiou for an indemnity for losses it would not bavf- been o to hae penmitted the inabli of spam to fufil her enagmeuts aod loni ain i herau in trie florida to bv pervert cd hv foreign advmitnrrard lavaices 0 per- poces so desintcitve tohlives oi mr fellop eitieni aad the iigtie t imtfovtftof ibe oiit- ed slfttoi tbe right of relfdefence never eis it i anietuf the mat acred a d ahc neeesa tr aaiioos and to individuals aad header the at iaek te made by spain hriclf or by tbo who abuse ber power t duligorittti fs wo th less ttroiir the iu v- dejsot arona ultind bada a popular kad iepcid udtr which sh v t i ap5ivaii and woun4u a tbfircjecl srgs diiiocly en tfcj ihednty lotpoed oh the kxveesiiive bg an exismu law- ua pro- foundl felt snaruik vm t p-rritt- d ip pmrrc theia il othpini inc snbrta on me unied states so suppress the eaiablib- ncnt and 1i f4 arc dmy jjone the riiiijioniou in plorwa forth hotawlbl pur- t iuiii and atttveall ike incheium of ttie indians in maiacre our felov etizns of ever age aud of both exe merited a lilfe reuirneos ond received it ic piitutng hee miuei to en imaginary kni to ifce wills ii would bftva heen tbe liehov folly io have ait9wfttfl 1lt1 llb tuiffqpk had ha bvt done the war ju1 never cease invest if ttie territory had he n e- clastvedy thai of ki m and ner uomor eom- e over it uelifina rijht b tt- i ike mi6condiot wit her otncsrs bat ooi be imputed id tier 8hr uo enabled mjeview ih candor her relauuns wuhihe unue states d hr own aisoatton par i n respect 16 the lerntory in question vith tn aiger insepui able troro is j and i ai n- tit lu se we aave laiiifii tot wbicti mdem- rtity ha urens long withheld and the iflju- ibi we nave srqertd through tnat territory d ier nnant of redress she wiis hnewim euibicd iv loke with honor she course sxvi caltulaied oavlustice to ihejmted bite- aud o paiiuoieherpwu welfare cupieof the iiuitrnciioim to the command rdggefierssl o ii 60l repouduce wii m veiar o- vnftr explamiug his motive ai d j il iiig conduct wiibacopyuf tbi proceed live v ibecouns marnal inibesnai uf bn hiihft d ainofistie atiduf the cor- repatjene bfvweeil tie secretary of 6 a- and vlmier itrnipoieiittaiy of bpai ear his gove cment and of ihe miuiste rleuipo e ia of the united state- at iviau rid with the pivernmeol of paia wih br laid belo m r b i be suntslicjed next creefc aass iinfr4ty from the boston rcordr of oct 1 y mission to jrkusalkm it is with feelings of peculiar plea sure wr loan that the american boaid of comtpiffitmcrti for foreign nuisons in canseqoence of intc aid very iner- eftinp ittempcnce have juft cftabltftied a roiflion tp jeiugalcm ind bave oppit- 1a rev levi pnrforii and mi pliny i ffti t ffcctr miffiooariet america has i ihux commenced the firft fniolon to that city so dear to the heaus both af jew i thrifttai as the city of david the eity in which the firft temple waer ed for the worftsip of jehovah wh ie the godof ilrael pave for saaity centu- tie a vifiblc mariftftation 11 his prt fence j where the living oroee were oomotuf okted and preserved ad where the pto- phrts iivcg and prcpltfied and dirl and o much dearei 6till tr the hesit off hrif- the h klngyivs jsttbm ely will be held at fvatrraa hotel on monday efonifiti tl- i4fh in use t kingston 2rokf into the incofyre of he uiblcrnvr a h f1ff r on or hc fnrr tht til oct shv is roottiy white j ha- a few red frots en ber srdy aud ia i about three ytnrs old tb ifwer ay j have her hy proviag property snd pfy jarv1s wordfm hec 7 t8wj cam a rhe enclofure of tho fubfcriler ahnur the a f ep temher a tf- fr the iwncri to- qucfted to prm hi property pt cbr pes id take btm awav hklct hprchmer kiuytcn ds 4 18 tr sw notice tiaith a the place where the redeemer 11 1 jhe subscriber informs thise wh- 1 lie a hi pleteovern s j7 llsuebuwlgm oftimik- to fomow the enemy on is 1m toil u w 0 sibdue him there bt the lerntorv boru saim anorevs day the arniver ary of the tuilar saint o mo lard wa- eiebiaed iiepe on the 30th u- tino by a ikoiiev a mooiev otfeeiimne a wici near mxiy geuilemeu adownin- ci ding ihc iunmandan and other officer o hea ivou i ifie magiflirfien nid a numbe nrihe most re pecable inhabiuntioflhe fwn a f nets tne nawogw on the oeraion were joiini 0imln5 riq pretidsnh mr iiaki lohavf k p doctor atakmlall the sreattn packet sophfo arrived at tbi- pen on th ir ia evening p4 fiom backets hartwnand left here she next mornipg on her return the prnineial pai liament of lwcr cauv da meets on thurday the icih of jaouary nest forme rti patch afbocluosfc cfiwnirtit rwaptebt ut toreili0 mr if a srtuji remarks on a late fauasfj tbe i at missor q for reporting 0 cause neertei f urn t it public tie nifhett awdhhrrp gueiu nwlgtul of wit ha hilg worihipdiplaym sans mrrey tue wtiole kiliiufc ibe stale io which ilav were at the close of tue ott mrson the cotiventiou of 1x02 t6rtf tiding for the adjnsuneut oj acer atu ponitfo af vh claims of onr eitizeus for injuries sus tained by poiiioi audo loognpended b the spanish government nas at loilglb been rati tied by it but ixo arrangement ha et been made for the pavmeutoi another portion s like claim not im et or ril in tiicajnirieo bu mafcwfh h ore policy- win ww ed isacertane aclffltt hi enenn ho iniabiid it th- powrof ii had fraedtoxii ovril ab4prtfcun- om wdr ir title bjmmstf mi bo not thpo that line would luive cive new etwo flfe- mens la there lamfco and new vigor to h- whoiecombiiiatonexi- ing ihre in the pro- 1 tension of all it pernicious purpose i- under i r title b jhosewiuina com- iedoa oorciiixowifftm mtiea lutid bv treatv t iave prevented b j ii th power 10 prevent to aveiapu a i 11 iiv i new coeoitl- l suppretoiug the etablishmenrsat amelia time events nrvesbeilflvm of the poltcv mw ltetnles has o long pard on m iodv i relation of the two countries whcb et jat leat ofa mnicb importance to itvum united sae 10 mauain pream mv f which iva- ba we iendee of b lo lue inxxijeti th5e mfe ss ss and st 4u tun wj csh f audacondiog av h jtsiw se rievn trowi mm island no tammimmm wasmaafed wards spain bcew the post a taken ma a force which had wfcied it from her tie measorc u p n goqcrr with ihe spanish government ruw 0 a- choii under is hecae it irenac on coo- neced with ibe war in uhioh gpam and h- cotoiie are nraged il ihonii propc lu doing jmsiee to the united s wa wmmj- tain arie iaypnriltj towards both be w ugerent panie- wibaul co mitt t or c i courert with either i gives me p r tosiwe that heeoverurociusof bueno a- m vcnmbha wboe ihkmw d bare exjlltdtlj dclamed all p until communicated by i spain i wsom to have to udd ihat m 1 elliiw ihmrfer fitfu were dumtv- yect4 wiidvict o lb- olficer of spa u ffanihoriiy there in encouagng the warfir ssssutai of waruud otjerwjjbe aud m other nets not less ma k- fby icians nd meenps whatever their uull f mil tfii liceucil to flhffl aud to ktl though for wint of eatvoifteri feel bin attfjek d hear hin iistiuetivety bisi and erv quark quack i fuar sar ibe wp9 wfjile wadung n tviih bib had lifie4blihberepootsihehoerke on ft i jndtnoiiebuota faiherb s sn his baek welinowhi- aqvoiab bj crng quack t auacu i touch mr mute sin i wifn yoa to infert lhc f i iog 1i ia your pinr i cw in n f y ux hfl papcm tke ee efiufp f tke 111 tawaftlp mect- ut 1 th inhabitant o t towntliip i of preset ulcburgk which keuat like kui of dm1 bowen on sator ay the jtft oft 133 w their names j and aiong thc j fi my cwn ftfrrfcribcri to their procing without my oath rity v retx 1 h un caafe to gipputt ikeir townfkip raecn ing for 1 am well fe m good and loyal fubjebv thercifrel have juft coufe that thip hould be fnibiifhed to f thc public thotthe cbairmao of thatmeetiag was lot autkwrilcd by o tc njgie ufr f try inf john anderson if mankind uublifhed site gofel to a ruined woild and tffcred up himlelf as a facrifioe lor their ins ami from which the aroftles went forth pr claiming tp i thc nmiona of tae cartli th m gd is in hritt tcconciling the world uno him felt rit imputing their trelfeffes un- 1 to thrm it ta itft proper that fnch ja mtflioi fhould be begun by the amer- icir people we alore of all the natioos of the tarth eon fland up 9ty that we hve never been engaaged h perfecuttng the jew among us the children of ifracl have the fstrne ithu and p-ivi- leges u thifeof i writ are gmtilce if h here ft tkr firft tine fiocc the def- tniciiosj if jerulalcm that they hare ceafd to be an uff scouring anal a by word aud a kiffing among the nasi- oua tubiafspkarb op novllist m in he loftoti intelligencer the ibl- lowlnp articled given as a fact a letter ha- been received here by a entcman of refpeaaorln from king ton in canada written by a perlon of known vfracity and whpfe connexion with mr thomat scott and hi family ihverv intimate which bate- that the wihcrhaateen the manuscrpt erf the two nvelsof rob roy and the antiquary in the poffecbon of mr scott himfclf mr s it the paymaflcr f th 70th regiment s and all the circttmftances which have been bronpbt forward to ibhe the intimacy of mr walter scott with thtf wotk jl areiudobtd u him ace vt yeiir either by boh account or fnta of haid it they do not come lsrvarj mth payment on or before tha brat day of january next that after that dfite rho miifh aalfnal wo witt ho will bare t put them to tbat troubles sosn uic06siry of beiut t ptipt ilod 10 llclsack kington ttb dec 181ft v is accented for on the fnppofiti0 thai hisbiother u the outhcr of them h therefore it seems america if not an a- meican is likely yet locnjoy the honor of having produced thefe celebrated work perhaps fome ubquent volume will be made mwrc immediately intireiting to a- mericans by rbe scenes being laid in this quarter of the globe for machinery there awe natores moft tomantic wilds indian and kwioiwratc and buc- cani t9 whis and tories loyalifts and rebel hghtingt kangingftbuininirac e enough in all eonfeience for fuck a genio to weave into any u tale of my landlord chicka8w treaty taiatt gaotk oa 19 ii8 te tht editors oftti nofbtu wg- wc have juft doled a ticuv with the chickasaw indiana for all their claim in the ftatesvf tennessee and kentucky containing about eeyeo millims of acres of the belt lands in the wtacrn country and waked by the tennessee ohio and miffifippi rivers for at 1aaft th hunl dredand fifty miles for au aonuty oi tweatf ihounandiollars fiftecnyears are refreafnlly c andrew jackson to l and immediate potte3ion g hrei s dtfelhitg llouiecfmvionieot for two familie toqnirc ff mr johm br r at savuhi mtmtavf kingston 71 h dc 1 8 1 8 al lost ow mmdny evtaingi r ctfth 0- ttanu between the natalie ila and the river trent a rtj ahrctt pocket booh containing a li- e ifoht belonging to wua jackfoa for a lot of land of 1oi arret whoever ufill rettira the iame to ot viil arrier bf foinoly rewarded willi mlab khgshkd 9j t8 m advkr i lsfmfn- the fublcrjbej rrtht9 hi toeei thanks to hi- ftieas and lb pub he in general for their paft hv rv fjneaa he cowmenecd h finels aod hpt hf hi fteady attention to mam b 00ntiuu aneeofit work ef all kds m the tinh8ueet kovtva manufactured at his hop ia grave 8u brhcrc cuftonrcrs in town and country will be regularly attired to- on tho hortei notice and mod rtafonahjt trma jacob nay or nov 35 n b country produce taken io pay- ment for safe tt ot no 31 in the 3d cnnceffiol jf 4 of erned town on whieh re jo acres of improvesvnt for tem ia furthrr particulars appy to the fuls- foriber fffrt hafnilton vwgt utk nrvwhr t j tbisioto certify that tsc infor- tnatron givi by me rvfpecing mofra h crof was caufed hy a rrs lake that i hae fince found my proper ty and am convinced of his honor anel konety 7 frederick pence kmgtbfli j6th kov 1818 notice t tstlmti relauons lllvva found dead in a yfa near the lvvr t- ennntries 5jj5 hoof bmj fairftelrf thevomtwo obligation of tt o v ra tv town rmuer ce treaty rf ta by imtirilatr intttniow tha iaivitutions eftabilhcd at paris under this title has juft iitned the follow 4 nypcrfon or pcrfons drftroos of jfv catering into aa agreeirmt fct m 15 to 9 acres ot land liberal erxonrgemeat hy applying at tke oftce of the kipgfwt gazette whtrr the tjrtm clearing fro vri receive win little popuuuon 01 tie colooa orinmt 111 l emwr srawsi i lsp govrrimrol io pulfc tde earth he atoysphcr and le oeau- whick luy fnec lhurbc c laokon has dhjnf si luere was uo dis 4 otosiftsrfv ami as- ln the ludiag fc thertm cwfair aud tke aroired dttcrana aisiull atibfiftont lasiwi aiwa