py w wc jf8fl t rt icihcsday december 18181 i ms i ah ci kg- volume viii no 3d to t j- utan lhik canada prints and published by stephen miles price four dollars p news v er annum exclusivk of postage zxirs czszsiia notice r fis t di m rkai tluy ma heir oouc f y-av- f mi a f iruieutcil to ktn to let ndrnftcffion given the firft of my a net a numtaf of rooms in the i v jrv f vccihri next i are i me t ne jjpwe copartncrfhip heretofore ex- vno rinrler the fcrna of tayor prb llihffty dlflowed hy mutual hoc barrack3 enquire f conlei thcte rc t hi- u to rcqneft a th v pidelrted to th- fa id firm by noc or htt k 3vtt to cotne fiward j mi 5 a fee i afclitf pavrmm unto mian r wh du authojifed to re cove the fame oj thofe who have march l h earl 4 to let t he commodious welling uoue scribed shall be payable in gold or silver coin or montreal bank bills currant in this province iu the man nfr following that is to say eish per centum to the directors thiw days notice of such rayraetu having brm given in the kingston gazette another payment not exceeding per centum nhenever they shall r- yir it at ucb time and pjce ns tb q woy owenm one snail a it or tint pnrpoe and uremle kte pwrv ot 1st j days previous notice as aforr- ftukttf olfua i kigin b of the mwri- n 13 7ht busnefs will in future be cai sicd on by thomas parker trval bmk i no ice to be ler tu pr centura bpnn te capital stock fortho payment of wbrcli tliirty day fttice iini always be ivn ft j a nd ptflvffi viv 11 mm diattly j oecotiii it is furtttei mutually j jf ihr dwc i ho ife jrren j 8refl upon that whenever the numb taidv ociunicd bv ecwrj f hcnd- i i two tbousaud shared shall be siih inu al a s a 1 iv i 1 xj f iw i o vl ih eritis who 5viep to the j getvt- i ifeoyc i wi picafc pay thfif rsciobtt 23 wnliuiu fie ay a rl tlvoie who nan k ve rlainvf aains that flrsi roc an tor ulc ai um low no 6 uft4 i 2 ui hie 31 toui celii n 4oo t s kifigo ad mcv frlft- i wruvoui fit ay at n iivuie ww qputy a vhia ltn for s le in thciiouaie iefclt the fiw wjuftrorat rnvft t vfn 2 1 tl sept 1s1s 24 to let j jj ndpffiti n given istimesliateiy- j 5l she lo muisrreal almanack n 1 c 0 dodo 11 and 15 in fcbe 4th ucfl9 tffkn 45 do do 10 ia th- 6 cownefii 2 0 j r ti h- f iwer for lutciihj brfpvy tcses icjo tv- e ahnm 1 flai kit ai vi r i the tftv t raitn ncv v diilncv and wv- e t o tnc 1iem c kiiin n r 1 8 24 f for llic yl y tf our iord 1 h 1 9 for sa lhj omee nribed for the comntfuee shall b tifj tme ttm and place of hold in jj a neling wf rh- snlienbers whic iiall beat theditanee uf not less tlia tmidavtimn the time such netifica- iiu proceeding i the election te nnmberof directors as herein fi- mentitmitl and such election shal then qd there be made bv a mijoi i j f tbein voted for in manner herein- j ittter on oehiied in respect to the pii- j siual ehttioti of directors and ih i j 1 eirns wlso liill thtn and lhee b reli tn minh bt tsio fust director j a ild dia lw eapable oi serving uitj th rspharioo of he day jbted for j iukivi tbe avuuaj eleetiou and tlr j dirctots m choeu sliali us soon there- v- on jltwinl ts f fltth r l fovt rf e q he r tile m 1 i 4 a ready re koker shewing tit v ij- f qmim oi van uj jit tia cirrunxtance can ennvfenh allow commence the businem an v w- 7 1 perelicn nf he sairl baik but nc vl v curinrnt in tilt pr vy c uf rptt cau tienk kh or bank nt shall b i- u- ju si j so i or pet ui drcnlation nor any bj 6rdie coins 1 n j l nu lllc jo c fl 1 or et rn ros jv r note he discounted ot the bank ur i ftiltwo thousand eve hvuidred harv ry v ufcicr tctcciitv inf rt g j t v t ec ir ri ctvindjoo w i am u er o iiiulcc ftefaht mr t f the valitf of grain uull have keen subc rib lor and hv 2 iu hi rd- ai tie p b tiiai hej if r cuiawp t caneleu 1 j j from ouucwl w- fe f is j j j aftirlrs nf 4 ic m j the thole wtiva mav ftwni hi vh f r n cxvil r bp i o a ni tvj i iotid pound in cold or slvr oi mmjiieal bank ante shall be actlial patii nihud received on accouni n the sybvcri ftwa to the s e3 i mrrf forth canttfi ened then ani in such cm it may competent for any former ofascri- rc ubrcribcrs to increase his hr r their subcripieu to tu fiundretl nrl riffy shares and il the afoaid ipita jstock is not bubiriibed vithin wo notrths alter the said tiok of srofc- ciiption hall have been opened hfn d in such cae ihedehciencj msj be lbciihed for by any person or pe ma body politic et corporate it is herein avpressly iud plictly declared to b- the object id intention of the persons who asso- atelterti ves under tne syleo lirrn f he uunk of upper qtiiada that te joint stock or prcrpertj of the rd jompauv exclusive nf dividends to made in the manner hereinafter necftoned yhall a i ee be responsible r the debts and engagements of tiie j tidcmpan aid that no person fi5hall or may deal ith this corn- any or to whom thry shall or may become in any wise iidhted shall on any pretence whatever have recourse gainst the seperrte property of any neent or futeit member of this ctm- my rraaut their persona fartaer re the ppiieation the funds theve- f to tiie purposes to vv hie b by thea oreant- he ara liablci h t all pr- onv accepting any bond bill note r iher rout met of rhi co nflany signed b the presideidt or v mfresidentj ud countrsigned or attet d by the cashier of the company for the tioie ltwng or deal i ag wth it in any other planner wfeatsoever thcrhy respec- riv i y ii credit to ths said joint siovft or propirty of tie crmpawyj i ttd thereby re pedjvei disavow hn 2 race ure on any preteifoe what v r to th fvrth my ic per ate propa oi any present or future mt ruber i is conpipy except as bavenjen- wned ami fill suits to be brought ajint this company any shflli allb broufciu dlmt the prtsidenl m the tinve beln atid in case of his lntr or rjruvifroni ii- npntrrra my soit against uim measures shall tft en at the eapence of the comjwny r substituting his succetoer in ohce tan niaj he necessary to seen mtifu application the funds thole wtivi mav fawni 1- vb t n u r v vv r r ni 11 fcerwren pitifa may ry u l s j w u hk i wodc te p- r f the on vcanal ci u 7 r thi da ifc j 8amvoi uppccanadat rf r pi ri itt iii r c 1 mic tt fl motun avrt rfw 2i r rs t r q iia nc at avj detfiaud j j aid k viil b- fctltd by r rniio uiof vo whm yrcrrt i iifm im me wood management ot j the tbr aliairs of tlie said as ociatlon t ompiuv there shall be thirteen ijftdefeadm so thai persona havin uetr- ho shall be annually elected j hi fj proprietors or holders of thetiid i vo all to vivi thesc pus- j apunl stock at a geuwal meeta demand upon the cempwny may not b prejudiced or delayed b that event or if the person suing shall yo on a sexts shall come wi r ilw ol uli dvlvt 6na i i- ytc uf cpnurit iifke il uc4 i delias e r o e ii i f wwin low i0 per to ol h september s h 17 itifrfcof to be annually hoiden ihtch iuin the person brt named a de ar nal mrtiu th said proprietor and kf wit holders shall veto acordiu ic tlvtule hereinafter established v i- qf frj lie v v jveu rhi rfiefcrvv b iei v e tlo or t h- evj tyratr m cwuct- t j blank bail bij f o r vnij a v h 5 s 0 1 1 ee ri fi on the wdlt- iv 11 naff tj tuieelur cvciicn frh ciocefr n n lie v a in the tvmfiiio ot prc v o e h w ottlv fjomtliisdatcfthh f me wilt bctlouwe pcn to other appfi c s foi l ask of u pperrl an ad 4 mav declare and nrrt ihn h llrzit lino rw b a n k o jr f tht s k f tfriada ljj will ev- tox b5ls 0 wm mirche l kmraonoa th s 8 20 s a willi qtie j i which are uudr iprovirmc nt with aj s frame hosteand rrrj ihcrfoin an excel j i lent hu of wav witjua a few rod f in hou e and a th ive g rmdiy of fix l- a hundred apple trs lonreofj vvjc hcin to b ar stlso hundred aereiijf and ith d grist ill ticrcon o v liu copwjj ska be bound a id re- 1 luted pint the citai stock of the ir company litl not exceed one uuidrct and twvty fv fhoiisancl i -und- crieut birnsy ef this province h removed or maladministratton b tore the expiration of that period b general meeting of stockholdes 01 unless suspended as hereinaftf provid- jd and at thi ir lirst meeting aftii stak election shall choose ou oftheii 1 iher u president and v ce-lresi- t tjt and their place respectively j from time to timr till up when vacant b- daath resignation absence from the province or removal as abovesaid u case of deit 11 resignation absence from the ivoviece for three months at a time or the removal of a director b ilv stockholders his place in rase 01 i udant uoivcithtanrlin h death rr removal from ojhre ihucoru pa uy c ake no advantage ol such pce ding ou that account arid all recoreriee ad in maun r aforuad shall b- con- lusive npon ihe coujjjan so far as o render toe cornfmiiys taid joint stack or propyl lv liable thereby and nl r and the compiuy shall iuinivdialiy pa the amount uf suck recovery out ol their joint stck but not otherwise and in case of any dt at law the preidt nt fr the time being shall have full power su his ovn ame and onohaf of the company o prosecute to judgment and execuion in the manner and form as by the laa i this lrvince it is provided it being expressely understood and de cfared t iint ail persons dealing with the aid company aree to these terms and are to be bound thereby tie to lkt a svv an vcwy rthmtt i the laid townmip of 1 l h iboivuvrh wiih confidtiaolc ira itiovcnrnt wtit the laiew oa which j i near y 30 to of bav wa cut tke pte- md ta ar u a tfutht ab hnd will be such reuual shall be ii lied up by th dvidd into live tuouand shares oi stockholders and in the othei tiut hve l outieftch and or tm- c b thn reruiuiu directors or a purpose of rae the said capital ma 0 them to serve however sork abikkot bscripfrn hall be un the sneceediug general meet- i ued in this loj on thurdhy the ugas abuvesai fourth the directors fvr the tine 7v onve cnt s a leomumm for 1 un ha panic kjiars rncuue of 1 n fab enher el ferry tors rfi the v i l 1 i id fcpnacor toother as ma hut j rdchfcc and at a veiy reduced price f i lili instant at i no res c ii ivor the honr of uy tc two oclock under the suprituliinve of john cummin onja nin whitney john m siaifmir being shall have power to appoint such oltteers clerks and erviints under them stkc oiihalffthc purchife money t be id down ihc remaindei in yearly pay r wamiton 13a oboker 18 r 22 irnfin i- nole i hereby t giw iwjohn white of tcuiue in the mirfjj dvxa of canada fatmer ha for further particulars apply uolw iubtciber on tnopemiles or at itheprtntiup office kagfti michael sloot ltuzhhoreuzh nov 2 5 1 s 8 27 upptr canada isomer ron mvie an anmentof hi- good and dtcfts t- the subfcribcr w wv m hi- dein t aie bo cskc paymc bc ep0d tocoiica letueaod diicltarg all ac- oounts and clcwts due to him and apj urn the net proceeds afnong w pjih m who ftfrti the deed of composiun to theptmpofe vhicbaywe lcen b vdhiucvo rlantaylr kcllvdc hall have been an el 0 direcj able and proper all winch togethei tors a hcinafte provided wich 1 1 kll the expeuces ot boitditifc hoe- book bftu b hea4vdvub the present vemt and all other contugences sluill vticlesof copa- or are- he defrayed out oi the fund of th menu nud shall qvntinue open until ud company the id drectois the bank goes into the then likewue be capuhle ot exe isou the sobicfcnbera rcfpeafully in- numbr 0 8 not sub- wh otter powers and autnonue or i form their friends and the public bribed for shall in at the disposal of the well regulating s and urderi ol th nov 25 1818 rhosv olemvn smirh 6ftti ett samuel shaw allan taylor 274 that they have bow received and jott opened in market street juft below it patricks inn a very extenfiv afortmnt cf dry goods grocncn ardstaonary likewifc a gaeat m- ntv ot claffical book the whole of which will he fold very low for uai credit mclhnalu aylr01d the directors for j benlit of the stockholder kv person or per sons copartner1 ody politic or corporate who my or become members of thi ft nay sub- cribe for uch aud ina shares ai he she or ihey flfe it not iowver exceediui nrst instance two hundred shir j l hereby a j airs of the aid company as shall be prescribed hv the byelaws and lienulations thereof uifthl it is further covenanted and agreed upon by and between the par ties to this areeroeth tnat if the said capital stock of on hundred quel twenty live thousand poradi is m subscribed in one month altei tha said 5 venth these articles of agree ment shall be published in the kint- n gazette for three months and fort a mformattoa of all persons who may ransact iwissiness with or iu any ma i- nei ive credit td this compauy every iiond liitl note or other instru ment or contract bv the effect orterrill ol which the company ma be charged nr held liable for the payment of mo uey shall specially declare in such form as the board of directois shall prescribe that payment sh nl be amde out of t he joint funds of this coirtpi according to the present articles satiation und not othvneise and a copy of the sixth article of this associ ation shall be hwrted in tin bank boofe if every prsoa deimsidng money or other valuable property with the com- ahy for sate custody or a printed co shall be delivered to every suck teraon befre any such dentil shli be ceceived from him and lji hereby xpresitly declared tht no euae aewt can be legally made in the name f the said cotnpau unles it coktaia 1 limitation or restriction to th- el ct nove reitd am4 tne omoaoy leiebyexprcseh d avow al espon- abilitv for any debtors easement ntsculcu in one 11111 mi i- i w j liook t mhvpttmi ajru fnr way oc m i imju uaiue ut