la ititac i tiavtafiaa er f t a tenvd cierk with like condition and jjrar the na ser of varci t i pfe each tclch ilder fir nk ddcen araershv bojy oolitic or cat pot ate n ufl btrck in th- id omuary gxll he efttitlojl rm frvfcfjr ccion whn ifirity fc the provision- and re- ijmfkrciitvf the article the votea thereof arc t he jvsn ail hi ir the prow rtion falbwaia chat is to ny fj o hre and n c mors than tw 4 t 1 1 e e v v- ry sureties if uch awn as the director hall eunvtder adequate to the trust tc be retjoftet b hwn f ftftmmtli th cmpty hall aot held any bad teitrrtrt bat fueh a maj he n cff y ur tb ttanlai n and acoommv a t i oftl t hi finet- 4 tfee j iank and fr ia vrwer purp ie it mall ne rttw el be eomtmr far the ire r n behalf at the cmflny to i rwicfc ihail be m rttflk fi tve nr jp tint behoof off he company and on f moll it q x ii cc i f paying tne other ii malments or a of them the party or pattfet failig herein aam forfeit the feetmd dee fit 0 t r ten per tenurn and the dividends unpaid prior tn the time rvr waking fitch y 1 nnt and luraythe delay of the fan tmertty secmd the laid i oy hall not dnetty or indtrefily deal j atvy thing excepting bills of exchange l old or filver hnii n or in the tali f i inei te far every tw vnarti ab e i take a bold mortgage prt pcr y by j j goods ranly and truly pedged for two nd o r exceeding a one vote way of ddirio i fatal fry for debt cmi ney lent and not rdeaed u due tine ir a king five vote f r ten shares for j r traced vith the fid copary in he or in the fale f flock pledged for rvryr fur hre above fen and not ex- icowhc of if dealing but on no account i itwt ua aot fdcited which fgfid adtag thirty ott vote maktlg len j fball motley be kt upon morijjacje r oods and lock fo pledged nnd not f otrpfr thirty shares i fr every ix j j upon land and other fixed property rerfcemej ft all be j id by the laid t ofr- kmenaboqe thirty ad not escediu nor fu be purcfeafed fcy the conpanyj paay at public sale at any tint not 1- ik ce v fbctr1 1 1 ne vote making bneen voten far bivry ha5 ind tr every egt j cafe ahive recited aaarea ab v nfw and nor cxcdi i sxrrnth the tota aootmt f tin i noon an pretext except in tke fpe ia i ihaa te ay after the period eft re itrrpton and if upon iucb felf of good or stnk there hall ne a fnrpls one hundred one v te makivtir twenty 1 dewu whie the cmrpattt fhali at anv j aftei rddtiijf the expeoies oi ar shrerotiehtfadreda but n esva jjumc owe ivbethtr ty bofid bill o jovrihe 9fmtmthsmj lent lurk j rw p- oa co partner hi hridy p silittc i r corporate iiallbee titled to a gnat j ct ftomber than twenty vnre ad all blfm4t hotderh rtiet jtkn twjn pt- ce oi eliewhtta fcay vo e by or xy tf he tihe or thy iidll ct fit prvicu e- in c such pr xy be a tvokhllflf and i produce a sufficient authority fr m bi confititcnt9 for so represent in g and ting for kirn hrr oi ttteii provind alpo that aflcrc it election of di- lectors no kare r karrs of the capi ta nek of the crun pa uy liail confer a nt t vtino either in pcisoa of y j pr xy whicli shall not have becu hoi den duwn three alendsr rnorrh at tlv j lea prior to the day of rlectinv o ofj thcecral nseetin where the votes ot th siofkholcrs ae l be givc ninik none wt a m ck holdefj ac- twa ieiiem in the town of kingston end holding ai iat r bhare i the cap tdl stock aoribiag a natorlhori5 t ib feet f ri maje ty or a uhjfct f lis vjfry natarajiifr d hy cc r th bnl h raliamentt or ubjectof is a j kcjviit becottir wicb h thr cor jis and cession ifthi p or ay peraoii wh shall havtfeaidfrd rive ar in cither of th- andau and in any of the skve crs who hall kave reiided oir yrar in this town vhall be capabe of l iwrf tvcted or chosrn a director of tlu ail bak or hl evt t uch tsuh ni r- of thr directors in fif- fire kal 5e rr elected for thr ext uceef ciii twelve no ntus which the i re u dohiand v hal always be ef the i tn er jtotmth u 2 i nr nr aw ed to viv saljry or tfniament nnle- tve be si hjve hem al wed to hin b a eneia mci ot thr tk h ld- hut the stock hoders mwy makt c compensation to tlie president or vicr- jkrtikrat f their extraoidinavy a tend- anoe at he bnk a iteall appear to th m t he reasonable and proper twjffs n les than five dfrctork v no e or othrtont a uhatfoever fh nt i exceed tvh the aroutir ca tfce cup j itii ftvek afta y psi fh ve and a the praprtetmr8 rnrui- flil v jaid in rheres f rf iwely t6tntylhird he h ard of dii 1 bvc a fiifu quai in amorm to fuch rr j to are exifhy fuvy fnowried to muke i ncv a sar be depntlfed in the bnk i fuch other b la- and reeaionfit ff fiji ktcpfng and ivi cne ot weed rhe dire ft rs under w ole adminii ition h oial ptn am be iiahc fof the f mc in their natural and p vate c iit hut it fhafl not txettpl tht cim j paiiy o the ferrfis teneir nr g r tjhe- if torritioti the jovr mem of he affairi 4f tftej it mpnnv end that of heir fficcts d vivantf cis thry r 5 majority i ht fbttll frjqfs- tiire to twe hink cxitciuiit j no inco fflcnr mith law or thte -rti- chalteu theof frnw bnij jufo hau for lurh ck ct fuch dkrw tsfiwev f cr afhtdi ivt her nhtpt when the i yq3mtjwirtb t in afomti n fli 11 nneg leave rery refpedfully to in 1 dj form their enrto mers ani the pub lie generally that they have jctcive a nocwe complete aflbitrneut of fail winter goods consitlinj pmrllv of the following articles f1z superfine feeond nrd cm moo rt a- cloth caffimeres rtflttmame pliffi do white and colored flannel tjf tan pwtid irifh lkicn j fine 0tt n shfrtirrr fndia and tripe cotton astn check turkey other urine j drk gingham botrbazette chfte cihico cotton and ltna i ambries j fine hintz furniture calico j arded dimiry kilka and silk h a odk ere kief shawh fancy silk and cotton pop lin an affirtawm of hosiery i stckin re drawer bed ticks cohrfe linen c e j n pftrtment of elevrant damafl t ble cloths from 8- to to io- 16 crockfky gtasi ware i grocer ips from the tf c uiz tic anatoalur the fawi n frce for granting licences to fn keecaw ad to give to the ul rhe peate in general waiter efljfl- itenai d to their refdlfe dilhidi mthmity to regulate the dwttej here rtlter t be paid oo fticli licencr putcd 2 nov tsi8 tljpkh8reslsfh is expedient to ir tr repeal part of apd aed the law- now in ffce reyalai tag the man tier of licencing public boa a aro far i the retailing oi wines bricy r or an othtr piiitnou liq- rt j c j eraaedbythe kinpu mjv kx majeily by and with the advice and co lent of the legative council an tjemhly of the province of pnr canada conftft ar d n i j virtue- of anr under the authority f an aci nafled tn he psrlianeut of great titain irtitled an a to repej certain part o an et rwwe in n butenth year of his mijci reigl entitled vn aftt for makt p rr rcct- j spirits c brandy holland jj by the uthontv f jin wres pepoermtnt and rhrn4 the tfeivd claf tf an a g hvfon nd green teas loaf and mtif- ii c ti ue twenty yesr- frro tse t df j irmenje ocvtiti and no loagf fard excefh was eoattaed or fha i krveji t the ririetnr- o tw bird- o the entered then piotefi htl it tipftn the i a t stock of he coi hy may hr i ramuies f the pri ccedinrs f t l e board jf their concur int v i- d a aenera mee- mvv eel rrhivelv rxlaoaerate sud di h re tlietrvfc v s rheffrcrn bx p cw ing and pnvinii inch abiti ce r hew nt j jo thm ci ivf the tlsti t fvt ctthh fo frnt mcj rcf pur- jr fr rpcrjjr t ele r o any oaiy at any j i ruw- n m5virictl nat nottve of thchref f tbr v ar-i- j rich eie- anc its bjr1 at3 i ht awl iifbri r a tjr pfiiotfll ntwaii rnlinjr rotiich rtilc ad bi ir per 4 lix anftith prrvi f t tr tlitir j tlla ih n hat b fea v j-j-j- i s nn twcii mrtiiijj aisd provfj uch n iiuteft tn tuik fliall hr ffiniiie and nan ftt fc e acrdmg rotiichrtilc awij fcum sifi na be av the board f pirmori hut no iiii- f ni tn nrvlj or a tnanon or j n ent oriran fei h be vartl r tffet- rae ttiftfr ft ii fumea aiv itrarkfcotd j if j ua- unlet- iuife l6rnin oi irii tci j ei ft v irkhivi t be l vid iwyond i tn- rtinf f hi her r rher stork iert u fifth immedi t rn i r fheu h entered oi v- cevl m u b k or h- k- t bt knt r rh ivrt rt r tor that rui poc viir snfithc n km t r niff hi mi of rhf t i tio jtiy peifons o akijiie thr iattm- fh i prtvimflv t i fbt be t k rl bv tht dirrftiofih difcharjre all kii aqua ihh b kin i fv ckifai m r c4sw a vowcrrm hrr or ilem to the fii roi n w i u-l- vpatt vn- nmiai theca j iray txcstfd n airv uat the irnu injp rrvfo suan o candlts indigo ffg in srrh te h of which wii iy fold very lew for eafli hinvston ica6 jdrr 1818 29 notick a tlr 1 that thv havf iigiied fhrir mfirn n director f the bniik n upper canada nntl imro abo with- rl awn fiuir anev from ike livt ot sr-bscrih- r tr said bank robkkt klcllardftgn ax v maiisiiall sax shaw john mrartiiur john clmminu m der 1 81 8 kingnloru sb i tu fedtual provide ftn the goweiament of tnt province 1 qiiehee north arre- 1 ica and fja make jftleer drovifittii for tte goveifttu ni of th fa id province the fsirne that af the iv- iair ent of this f vie paitcd in the thirty fourth year of fits imajerya heru efiiiled- n a4k fot regdd mg the manner of i iceneis ribic houfcs 2ncj ftr the mor eafy cttvitting of perfoim iemitlj snintuoijs i iqnor- with out icecraiiv the icnd c of 1 aa 1 aire iij the thirty dxlh year of his majentyg reign cniioed aa i ad to arnvird an ktl antitled ai afi ior euatif the mannir of i cenciu puhlie i ion sei zut for the nire eafy convidftitf of pbrfoii relliil spiritu i jqnors wfthoni jfcetice aio the third claufe of an t of the pnrlimeit f this province paed w the f rtv fifth year o hi majstys ketvn e titled anactfr aitertng trroe nf ismrny licences for the tw t a nd m me liat itil rhar peafaml jin tt 1 r 1 io to n h h nsav re am dti fn pioportio hek beh oing ro wth ion i per- i an t rin to h i n- and in no cal hall y fiaeltiona to fer r 1 e rnteft part of a fharc r ther t i a cum jt- w tiri wht f we ave hena plete ftiare or fhrrfc be afiijnabk iijfto let titl arr kiajjft 2 j ion i i r it it h lilt preal agecti nd drclared ih i wood e- vvct e pcftrfisn given x1 rbar ptafantly fitnated housls and pa r k the properly nf the rev aexr v do rl for hot her prtte ourt aj w t the furfcriher duncan mcdonell lso ockhoder who hall irinfcr in manij t the teamboat ner aforefaia all hi ft ck m haiw in i h ttk f i h f hin- dr1 d om s or wo d f fmail hoitsf in tore vermi- prv n ani ve rimini dec xtl i 8 1 s kepijj f m houfe or any other place f pnalio ntertainient or for the re- ftailirg f wine brandy rum or any i other ftpirituoua liquor or fer the having and using of stiln far rhe pnr- pofe cf dift illirtg spirit iiout liqu rs and for r pea in so much f the cite i latileof an cl pasfrcl in the forty- third year of his majeilys keign m rclafa to the pc iod af paving into th hands of the receiver general ln monies coiedel bv the infaefinr of 1 this i inv l a v frfo- s whyirvr 0 ifhf crftcr rr h m- t bt hf amrher of hi cop rv ai tu t fa ad or th dy any pcrion oi pcrlons wh tf evr wb fhai accept a tianfer of hu f i k 3i h and pint r aoice t r ameivck ai rjw ti e r he siaivtred j fut bit r r hip of unhert th f nvvh rttrtaa o le con i j grtham sc co httma di olid thi i prwvii e fwf m h l 20 r b r l and an v f the parltafoent n tw mofe les than five dfreeton i j fhift in t hi- moony fbad o j v r to n rtw viz at p j iwh thipdavbv rheetealj of rd hall ccrrrue aboard fen the trassae- j i become and he a frenie of iwh cn j g- ujt krsrtj k mnckry vj re bnthini in fit ida f buainew wleretne preideiit j la y according to the cartiel of affin n hahcvfl b j j u will ho rarrwdon by the s- er4 r vice ptfident ehl aways be otic jiacf ion excejt in cae f ickaea ao acesary arteoe in which cse their places my b ied by any othei ditctor wvmn the ideiit if vice preidant ick orabrt hftl respectively by wi ii ii x bnhr their havo appoint for hst pnroosc the penen and vice- 1 president kmi ve at the boar i a y i r t rs a v j j l i failhtceulh 1 bith band oh i y ti tn ophiahbi ryi cij- and the v anyintj ud r rri rrnand eft j air em ett j i pafivd m theliftyfixthycarof his v 1hy reign eotitw an to i repeal part f to co bthf f the rrp fh v 6 s d j y r fnrniir part af bv the p filento v pajni rdli ctr wth bartli i oiintofaied r atfte c fcy the cnh i er of the c mny ud re i a d i ca n lhere rveiijg n inpt uhtever eon- ntimhei of vote fyr and ayi tt y questi n bef e hem tb pe i ent i rei ri ifiv ano r r i r oo r i r hr ictpftv tii1 i no care be hcid i e 1 kl foofihlc for nay eonlc or hm ar t l ion nov fi rgis 2 rcijt ttfw tcver ur uf- rh- fame ma4l bejj tfe o liirned nsl eonat tfitiaeri r aitefted j ralt oiicf i hrey riyen ft a- af ti i f that 4 iiie ff o hf e t r i he 5 and in hi ah e c the vue- oidot ah a ha ve a c a 1 n 3 voice thtrleth ny nuwiberof fitockhol- y wh- tcji ehai he proprietor ot two hundred aiii fty hare shall have power a any tie ay theiaac ivet or thcii proxies nihctnrth the b k os j idlai i d drtct mondy th jrf will b carried on by the s cr4 ih to whomu priinji whr ar in- j j y fiu it con without dca am i f ijose stha ma havraim- airaiiut that jciic rn aill ploase pfpjeut fiiem frr ndjutment 0 ft prlt ceealtam jpatnr frodjrihi 9lf vpt 1818 arc hereby funk n01u k srkoldoyoi the bnfc o a upper canada are nrrby niu oiivcd fjat tle- iirt iutahnvnl 0 i drr rot leaa tbai fifty wh tovtjer y on hr and r i icences be and the same repealed il amd be it further pnnc b 1 the authority aforefaid that it mal aifj may br i for the juflven of the peacen general quarter s aft bled in each and every dihrid refpecf vely m th ia province a they ar her by reqninsd at their meeting ne jbehrethetimh day of january and tvery year exce the pnfejtt to adjonrn thead lourt f gmcrl qnar jc seflfiorw to the tail modav in iha call n funeral meerin7 of tiie tcki i rs for purp r relative tn ihe raid ciition giving at least six week nfj th e th tef ia at laat one newaper bulihed in thi t wn and specifying jl in uch notice the ie and pac- f01 tuoi meeting with the objact or beetb aajereof and the erectors oauyeen af then l have the like toucr t nny tiwe upon obervincr the ike for- taabtie to call a general reeling 3 aove ai3 and if thr object ror j wfiieb any general meeting calr i either with te coaavary j ttnmk 6lf varly dividend- 1 rver 1 iceio- fr thee twif year to ra eive ncv apficati from smith bartwct cashier kingston doc 1 i js 8 ivbic hafieaih th kosjht n gatet te i i b he stock oders or directors as i j arre tiia r be lokinsitvf f wo m- fr rke remova ot the prefidaut vice prefideot ur other lrfeciorf it li dfit for maladmmhration rhe- and i fiieh oafes th nerfn or erfons i fo p n fed t be removed fhah frjm tedyon uiiirv fuch notn fcil filtj bt f wbbihd he fnfutnded fr na the ex ecution of tb ijtijk f hit or their i- sc i and it tie be tlu piefijent or vice- frexdent bis placn fhal be filed p by the reetajvrog dirncan to fcrve daring j tie nre uch uptfasjoa ffmrttsnth evety 4hter and clerk f hef ithenitr- upon ike i varies of h ihee upah gia head vih ivo or rti nretic to the ati- fttionof tke iietra that it to say i sry i aier n r 11 t c ham tea t xsft thirty fly hctrre and tie di- j nifto 1ip evciy ft9r at tbe teeift vercitg io t- c6t n thcoi hy hut c tht istnrkfafid forthcii inkrmtiop in rwiil and paticilr it at riim f af the tain of tbc drhts dr t and by the ay ilitrifyir thi aoiuulit of baut mtetci i i ewfftiion and th- arokii ofluth dr t- a ii fiiet cinn are or douhtful as tteitnig t he i iurja oi pofif if ny rcn aiiing nftei jenhion of ofltf and prcvvfi jl iho ti viicci provided r he irlrri p of fuck ftativnt iliall a t ejcceitd ti giv any rijjkt o thr stackboidcru not tiirre- toop- li iafpcdt the account c nny fndr- wdual or individual with the company tvomrtyjirtt if ihir hall be a tail tire in ayithmt of acjy part of the mm 01 fliartv lufcribed by any per fan or per fa prtrci aip bdy palitl w cor- oratr thepaity failing in paying the firft inftairan t of ttxtfer mmuws icced ing th dcpoiit of tigm fur nlum herein 1 fore irqnird to be rradt ktll refpec- ay forfeit tb laid dej ofit to ad foi dei rat hr i aieitnj lsi 18 advek isrmtnr j hk tiurctribei return ni- tcerc a tiiank m fnc i the pi ie i jj etera fer hen pafl fsv rn fntc i he o reived b fmcn and hne- by hi heady attentun t n- t entinu- aneeofit wok t a kinds ia the m rnumaiiiiij tf ircrt jin vfoerf fra xa ls ks lj ajce bolts gin- 11 fainfw oiu hotin re rtofcrkilt stanton kinirsla 15th deer is 8 q i 1 pay- twtaa4 oe vua taadum lotlii ufnof the laid company and the i i anutaeured at hie flnp in grave st whs u culomcr in iowb and country witl be rgularlf aitt rfed to on the tiort eft notice arf nioft real mableltrma jacou n yior nov 1 j 26 n w contitr produce tiken in ment for sate if ot n 31 tin the 3d conceffion ii a of erne ft jtoarn oa which are id aere- of i provr aaent foi tctrmt and further part icul ppy the fua- fcriher ffiiiry hamilton villus poke into the iacofere o the 3 rnhfeuber a ei ffr or be fore tb- itoct shi rraay white ha- a tew rerl fpoi 01 her hi dy ard is abtoiit three years old th owner may have her by ptoviag property and pay- 1 expenreg jarvis wordem dee 7 lir tfwj j notice the snb ciihet iuiohis th se wh are fttdabtfd to kun hince last year either by iiok aeeiut or kote hand ii th do hot conip forward i th pay ftif tit on or before the far day of january cvt taat after thai date tho much against bis will he will have to put tfafin to that troubbv nitf necesniry of btin coaipellod ta r cusack lmgitca 7th dee 16 ia 98 i crtuhoi lccnber in which adjoura- ed scftnus the faid jjfrice fh all have powef to limit rhe number rf ling and j public houses in their respect ire rt- hrict and hen and thereto hear and 1 ec fve applications frara all fuch pet onj a deiire t take our licences for nnen ing inn or pajjlic hiufes wivhta their laid feveial iirtifth end the aid a tiicbfhail upon hearing ard receiving any application from gny prrton iray in tt havt a licenee granted fa km ar her enqniie into the life character 1 and behaviour of the pciibn c aaalv hnga iii if it fhaii aeaf prosrr n4 jnceehaiy to the frid jilie or a m3- ijority of them thru ud thvc lieaw jto giiiu a certilicr and that the party applying in a l r horeff ard diiteot perfefi and a rod stihj cf out iotd tic knjr tlicr pieudiwg 8fil girtrate ihail then aid rlurc graft ini or hei ti certificate unci it it is hand ard tea which ctrtitivftc fhal enable t patty 0 holdinw ihe fame foapply ff and taktf out a licence n or b imz the j hftb day mi jamrry then next enf itg thr date of certificate and that the i laid cerrihcatc ftiail be a proper and uf ficiert warrant for the lifuectors of the frvehl da iu rrfpcivey logtwu and they are hciehy required to grant tr the iad pcrfoa htdinp the fsd ccct- iicaie fuch ljccncotipoo receiving f ay trcm of mich dues d me iaipoed by j lift aft or hreaftc r may he tmpnw by law on the fume and th jt all rc iucs regulation reltrift wm jal tie mtcter and things whrh at by auy ct pr att of tht egjilarun of ti ft evince in force iowchirg nnd ccrcoh