lto c i 7 vfl ra lo n f j a f a j fui incmt b i iw icoi mentioned letter dated rrvt o fr a they it vm ied r aiia chapelli oct 3 rl uuc v i 111 ws hill aiirl civji ujwa c u 1 r cl i y 1 1 it i a fhlll stfld htfi iutc hy imjfi to oicli ljenca a afore h d niv fcltftig liui u it ncd to the goati ft ry nvth iii a kl ill jrns s i nuibtr enat4 h the tttitwitf ufotutui tiwit fit juftiee ff th hita i fcmh and cvey llhfritij ffttrvc l rl ivy pijvr an i u 1 tlto i tlv t ip o i he hit monuv ib tcv we nm si th iifaal ft pvitf dhrivts fir i purpifeui car the v tvig wmi kitccl act foi tli prefeot year in y fir vts f i hi the fame ittinnei an rff i thev ae ail ttimtfed bv r h ct to a iouiti rhe faid qarfet siffi ui tj the ftrtt mrday in ixorhoi f c ci and twfy entiling tar rjutfim he cnntiumn ce thereof iv fndhe u further enased hy the au- fhriii ttfirmd that wi iff nt trig filch j ccuilipe ffrrfn it fia and wyi j hcrbv raqiifd i rc the nfic4oi nf ihtfivevu liftis rf cf iicly to j native f- ir thtr perftim t ikflt ut siiy j licence for kffprng fitch pjmic htfej or inn a a ochil lutvi tarn a they or alla ollvpelle oct 3 svr oclvvlc p m t fnvo thv utmost possible despatch in informing you tliat the mosi im- rrfiuf of the business of congress ilrady terraijihted ye sterling at unu at f he end f the fifth con ference the evacuation of france b u- aliet ivtiops whs agreed upon uniitv i j fikt ianiiuhrt thf anbavmj of lice v at vienna hrs the ij rer of iiwjo ant and pleasing intehi45ic iii- svwe taough i heard ie riw it flh piiay ior this mm- ii 5 i ilia not ovain aoy thtniis r even larn the fuiifidatton on which it r icl nfitw nmv ad was unvvillinjj tn g je the krtgthi poliic by raup rmoiun the iliorfnej of the iie rnnv p afl my opjvlog for se tiding at a r gwtvpnfiofi tot theviipuation f france is it yet gifned but fh rrtuijmh sfatmmt may lv raiieii u- m ftie alt led troop are o leavj i ioa of acstrti cannolltjuffer de- ny the heart to 6uier iit further particular evacuation fp france from a bmtttan correspondent of jet 7 the letter frnr aixlachaplle which apptarad ifl some of th publi- papern thrs mornir has of course ex- citrtd a strong senjtion some persons itfct to dumfeff the iutevigence al- tetur and think that although it is probable he allied sovereim will remit t tbe retion of evacuating france they ha not yet urrifved at it for ur own fiafts w di not hesitate toiv c main fact bchusc we have tfc moraeit left a gen tleman wh qnitcl aixlachnphe on j the evening of t 31 instant who cxcjbftnid at awbchspftlu iw tv j couisa of l5da sooner if powibte in the faltl of which tue respective menipotntinries battt herewith signrri their natnt s ad athxed o it their sen and arms done at aixlachaphp the 9th oi oct ia the year of grace 1818 o 1 i krnnre the course of tiw pn motsth or try ill the bertiiii of irkxl vj ich mtervi and by satii r tufa an ma be atorrtis dfofrer i th mi tirv of then avmled as arore i fat li 11 fit jul a d pwwier aen cofnr ri rte fitoatrtn nf furh ian frovill ahuivv thit it ola nrt be lawfni for rhiii jtnlicesora mtjorttv fates that it w generally known thtre that the grnt point above re ferred to had foaeri determined trie following fvixsage is copied from a tetter which he krottght with him atxtach rrrte o f 5 biiibt oclock p m matters will viy soon st cor- ciifi h uere iv great point of all j hn- fcomi finally settled i mviu that j the allied troops 9 il q fitnce as nlv a- pnsimem 9 tesfh the kingston tuesday dkcemh il v tuesday next tfte mth intmnt ike last nunier or the kiwgsfow gazette r be publihd sublet theirs who are tn arrear of payment will please take nntie e of tke name and g vern themselves accordingly to lt rnost cnvninit ior all piidof th monttti any tfeittg frttwr i rffr tfcfr alllea hws are ffrf- ctlv sffcifiec nhh iho ijf6ent oi fnuiee and iu gec i do iftj kuov and if did i should not have tiff lo 8m h yott tf ii tnifl hit up to a ite hour this ih she offers in her inlmu con- j j afternoon no dispatches had come to th hntuu of miners out the form- i la wf til for the siid hirtices or a mtjortty i 7 ij k tw fmm r j i i iii o fr the periftfion ot the i he hands of vlsnir outtheionn- of uenaa refaid to o cr ano ovi f j r t u jt mj f fvauqutlity ivy are lik- si prefaratioii ni 8 aocuments rrn- f nny f f5l navmont of the ntriuution lurrton of a ftr in a private murder on friday evening the iftt hrtau 30m indians went le the hquffl of a mv jalm vajojvhn in the barn dpnn of ic owirhip vtt lunghbarojgh when- a hcv vooii neramr nommonf vir v n1fa- voured prsnadf thm to i aa- t re ii- duins proving nbstinat aitl gracing stll more avghn thiritiia itionhir ivas affv proper o call in om m- fibarfi to ufiira- i lance alindfr c vavoojf au ump i ca aian was ij fir r lih arrived who rudavourfd 4 acif t m but o flfci vhckaii fiidiai eatied jack d ns knif and wtabbr d lum in flip hnast which canned uih ria rvrl the njt rnuiunt mr vau- lotfvejq was ao v in he arm mr v u a cm arrjfs her narwl tc iliao jack and mtsmel haw unli-j- an n- a natio before a l rii a h ar n hp ui a e- j fnfflaw fcw pvj ds ien smi v i l tin ponni xcep billir st ad the diiml sum of 1 aty ihi ojfv smree oow m ftd by an jy to the trr there- f ii any wie not- wiihlaolina i v- hcl h it further ennhj hy tfo n-j- ifortfy 4refaid vhmk faal al mv h nvu forny ctn ii itrrou siee onfribotioos are all to be d tito aitheiitici of tje piarariph j harmed i th- coire o nine ruiiithhjj above taa nsciibed rflayb relied upon i from hie 4jsnatore of the treaty j if at least srhowf that wt it staled j fluv tot ioktatment is to be 3 peri vva- the current r port at ai-h-chn- rt um the whole um and foel pk it will be oberved also rhatj rioiaioder h to be paid by tial til j j it h dated two htfiir biter than he f everv two larnifrts nt the end ironfhs tt ii- paynieol of 5 pr i govern rt cqntfqct york 1 4 i t jbt3 notice fs hereby gfven that frtled projjofau w i be received at thia offie on of before tbe 2cth juary ncxt ttfbc opcrcd at eleven oclock ia the foren on of she ame rav fr 5r- ycjlng the rairaining onfirvryerf pant of the townfhip of alftftand pa- pentt n tha dittrift of ottawa ibe farmer containing 50000 and the it ter nhout 30000 arrea also ihrae townfripi in the vfiffiffague tra fn tie hvf dlftriaa and pir f gre containing each about 66oc arve the whole ti be surveyed n ia4 out 1 lot of loo acrr each upnii the ukw principle of allatmcnt sea hotf and paid form land y 1 pef centagt on each oo acre mircyed two sufficient suretjai will be reqja c4 tha the itmvty bt completed coa- fmroable to the iiihttudiban inch uti 1 hr delivered from ihi office ad rjtt any inaccuic t j the survey h nadc god at the caoewe iff ibf co vr actor ao pr uifrl will be ectivcd for the survey of lefs than oae of the iboa townfhips r ote between every coacflion roid dltmt f om it u c 66 c 67 ta line in t be surv yed n the ce jtre uf ihe faid in rem wiiiea at jriht a ge- at the dntancr of 50 linkti the iota are to he souaed ifiiht t tn th of he width rf -jjpchain- jailfo aai heir trral a nni ix j j thc y jivi ij hern a double fr nt tiw- vrrdsofeciorrnjry w w than j cfiflccfgoo llfte m t c vavong was iifailv s malirioiy it rttr n iuiifrv h ba ilu knife by an vl dsati called ark which wuih aicans of ids at erffft town on friday the iothj iuftant 1akia jihss conftt of 1 tiff 29ti ph7rfiwpm eiit will take piaca on r zvra i lftiijii no tr2et yar ej hvin ohcai el a liseooe for en i j fc r co supported by a j d q inuoi loiie of pubje k v j liaeir frintu o the other banksnj tend on tfe 4tii iirant h eonj umf npnn a cevfjae fro o tn j f is th seeutity jfirm wfcaf i ahov atatii and he j jitis atrivei on tie a um j vt ffs v ea lied t a add- fart ttr thai t ajited troops j av in dtfcenlvrr a- af rii f r the a aiifar- wra in ij1t prawcs fey tae end of tlie iir- vie- f reii or fnvnthe a v j y t djrbitom f i present month i n ii paih a v s 1 t -v- imruji tetr r onjilithed in tite wvivsaperii lu addition hav seu tbe pn tlean who brought uver tbe loconnt which ha- bvpn fibli bed ft- arriv- uithe ifyfrgfrthi ana ftutl o- j j g refcjnxtion o cpaiare ou odny the t 3 h in ft a tit her tnos itdour surveyor gecveraf 3 r s fv i r dot thesbfciberrefrect i solomon jhns merch et in tht aothj ffl s miifdy zu zui iait yea of her aa she fmlaineh with i hour8 of ht rf9n 6 fortittije her ihopj bnt painful fickneoa and rryt the appioach a deaifa vyitbj george b x er kiofla dirtrfct shoo- howit 2t december 188 30 t pnrpvfcs or from tre a om 1e djrhnitom of e laiter s hns ii eah ad ev v j h nave yer dtrr t h cinjnceo tum ijy j i awi irwiiy avr 7 vring r r tirotk i j 1 i itiio i 11 r tnr frtious ri pnmte l mplv t i a y n t fij r mi kt fid- in tj-n- alartw- b j hvd anl i h ill be lawfol w ii vh cv 4 miliums 1 raecs ii tut 40 i idrtrf t treaty for the diva nation of france art 1 tithhrifm romposiu trjp r n of 0euar m shall be witi- 1 i rrmaini wn- acndel t the hnch by a wniicriua affenahly o frit nd ad ac- tjaintnce to vyh qi hc rev ilfex i flhtcm br pfttccqe r of the caieni i drlived a m dt aprpiire an j patke tic discos ic before the int rmen mr iohns midurfh uf tcwjer aieeabe j a maulers aflf bily caiiir piudtitce a id good feae and hrr cmeapary i ivi frr tli- fremh ferriterv by fjmktwnt ofiuc dutiei icfultiufs fro n the stofh of rauvaaaser next or sooacr if pvsioe i be te cr icbnioiu of a dnuh r a filler a wife a mothvr a friend and ma onio notice mil iie bretfiar of c joho ldsjo l o 6 will dioe at the loc potm a b kost wh krrs on mon day thr 28 h dec bun the celehrj tk0 of st jvitin he evandiit tran- scit bre hern who wfli to j in tht fltva wl plralt give their names to fr tuvatr in tw aw3 tvr tbe pv and under firefe relati reiiij a- ae h ni ra e m d- vi hit ttfjriur hv th uthruv aftrefay trnt it hull walker on a ijrlay jotia w firgtnoy secretary kinijlt n f 7tu dc 188 furi lb uk o lib ill- 4 i artt cotitrviou8 two llory tsl dwetiof houfe witu kitchen 0111 honllsad iarden 1n0 i ftont il ee fo idaraappy to lauriwice herchmer eiq iskiugitouj december 20 1818 30 ia coutiih of ih auved mmrsilarrif th convention eoneladdin to fatam a recttiwtiaa f wr or realize uiiidi nate hit- rto uich a hi a ons a- a ne raitivi t o tntij a i hffl ac etniiieu ex wyfitn f tlio ft article of the j hi own tu t reaity o vfinber 20 is18 it the sun destined tr pr videfr b iiavtheeaulpmntiid i communicated cewthinthh hovi re 7 1 1 ffff he ii farrier ifl ty the uthonmfn jtuanmay 1 1 1 ir b- peace m repiseutattva a i i d f thi provtw j each ad very i m kibeifeheibv raq titled t tramit vijy of i5ur5jejl81j 5 j de settled at itj i have terminate i in ttfteen das ajjini a frnrs rt 5- oi hi sum be amount of l misorifrctive valotj sflall be p4 6 atutseritin f rent on rue i book o1 hmmijyss wideb bas enaea sp tiftoaud auxtty fr hr vears audi ujufiins hnws sitewn tba ta aj i w s k iih ivbcjti er j asy the u j viewed ara on tw ui l ftt ar the next kington asvmby will oe held at walk rs liotel on tnursdav rveninthe 3 1 t hist m i to lf sold tv auction ov wdnpiday the 23d i r-m- oef 1818 at hia vitjetys 60w- iusyttriut si ore viz a ulmlv- f empty hum ounrh- eons bh f casks and floui ir- fe iilf to commence at 12 oclock w on knston dee 18 is18 jo tr act form so woltk ilendfi is will be received dotillj si monday nat the 28th inlant for baitdiaer a stone vmit for the bank notice t7he snkfrrihera brint about to ieave kiglton requt all in te wuo are in ihted t the concern to vl ke immediate payment j and althula wh have any cia n again il fafd concern to piafeot heir ccoaati inawcdtatly lor a j iftmtnt william 3c co n b the bniiaeft will still be c nti lined and as gopd an aftortraeat kept on hajd as ufual a good supply of sole leather and upper 30 1 ec an4hei6het0viequirro a j ir viewed sr u tur at i rv intame ironi ouirv t the isfueaor general oj ai wllic h i81 s id jciroii ahatl be tmslvi ca detvlei matement f u ih t fait a- ion eouters j r m the rate of the fond on the hewite ktfromthed of abq baitlt caflaar kiigllon nwv 21ft 1818 mifheaetrt tthfrfa they v twai i 1 order of mmh relative to duties to he nken bv the aid li nw ie randd at a graal ne llm araotcc twriltiy tmu- c ol onlit fpeor for v v licence the an honty f ha ra the ui oity w aar mamdh fh animitv in a at meamire 01 putyi tidmice lie general r vlll fiftruxr conudmice ii tor m 4wv irejsii bit caeh f t i j iilk s raicuiated to du u- aheor p foa a fw l otner clouds thai may partially dwn 1 r i 0 in the iams- 5 ot 1818 vt ft- the remaining 165 roll- hhi sall h paid by nine mnvithly 5s with the sthj vl 4 in tt by dnifton the houses of ll co and iiarin brot ers j in tha same lumnir tie iwscrip- u of tb ranis nfurd in h tha famemanrar and oay i ic la-oe- iru as tee oaa- lo the receiver gancra at tbe fame iwmctprlttdivy to decde oa tha article a i b deltv redtuem c he is now oblijscd to pay p j fraoco teir wouaj p- pmic mnie which ew w bshao i- no loir than ttu and in defuh of mk f t lara feratid the mihww wh r- m fh 11 be i ble to the penltxs mmi titl u to tac- the annual meeting of the kingston covlpvvs- ionvtk 8q itv will be held t wdkrs hotel m monday the 4 b january next when a general attend ancc of memser- is pattieularly defired chr v hageuvjan 8cereary k c b kinafta 2 dec 8ii ill be a dinner at the hote rfifnt hv1 imp ted by sny aw now s it force re- lie some other matter trt w i lance j bat as they are solved bi tj jopua door fnrnural discnsmon uf to receive like an amptnotiuc uoun leuation of tn tvonch turnaory rt 7 at e same epoch the lon oftne said courts shall llel to the royal tie i urar o frane it- not tneut an flyhs rowib 1 in tie lift of mrm the c be united nnu admcd nuo t rovincaftee fram he rtmeat 30 iv 2 t0 re a t martttj atiusand persuasi a manner les 9 f uty of 2 p note cpnri ue liable tot a b c a a i per mil rp i r uettlu differec tet hta tfamamtf bad tui kwl1 vrt 8 th 1 cnillions of pshta crated in of tbe sen artiela the saftl co praseut convention ia tba ratiacatioa rarflrsas jane ntak m vvrfe has left my h anr ard toutjat cause or provoea- rioti thivi to forbid hud on bar o iig or tru tint her ou my account as i will not pay any debt ohierci trading alter this dat wfmilam x nugam kington decembers is is to let and immediate poffeiloa ifivao dwelling liuaseconvtcmeai i two faadlia squire af vlr ja take notice he subfcrihers wifb to- iifbrqi it tbe public that tkry hayt provided rhvm elves with proper sfae ifigis f r tht purpofe of irming a line 1 f mail stages between kinht ad yk j d wl ccn ia rua g as toon as th eiuhing will be iutfliently kiuix d will leave kingltpn and york mondaya and thurfdays ar 2 oclock and wi i arrive at cac diftiued olace ou wednei dav and sataday vening stage hu e will be 4d per mile for each paifener 141b baggage will he allowed fpr eacrj pa ranger a bnk wid he left a meows coffeec houfc in kiisfhon for entering sam when the stagefaro nut be paid for oae half the distance fram kingllon t york s uel purdy wl u 1am mcmlviv 3 9 a faum fot alb 4 dj0injng iay bay in the r rowihip of fredericis urgh hi il ft half of lot no 2 n the fecoui oofefiiaa cufitaining ap acres and having about o acres im cr cultivation with a loj h mi e ad hmi upo heteriu appy o daniel wch biira l4ubc ki kc- pvank vtghnet orowalldca 7 iark