s pi dowh as i kturhs his mh faerie th t kw friend and tit jh i tftf e v fhtrai fuaport bta hi- fiftf r c unsure n t ii bnii ei ana begj vr la ihrn tticm th ie h in gnersi a weii uriecttf fwclcer tit wines 77 v srflfirftlpfri advertfegmfsf notice herfas by the inst wil groceries wabeh arid spirits at hi old tfaad which he is desymined tt ciiatt en 41 reduced pree we hivstiis snrub flnd ml rey c c ady t pbppevat cara io wines- boiiccarlo 7 v eifl lb do mi btil pickling vinegar li te nice groceries iv i i hesa piped ay v re prnrl an jji mini ops co i fish j ivrii ga salt da ssth butter 3 frrenl ui mahmfuurtd at tkat ltc among other article art double sc single it riu rii co ace s c- wn i ft a t rfce cu co wrtwhi tench ro w em of various size- awu patterns cast ash faxnh potash coolers pots dog irons and dutcn oveks which will be fcitafci of for cafe at feo in the viiuiiy d this flown wkie he wil receive god iiolse ashes ftl the ratt of evi pence hcy pf b fbk hrndeurcd at the w iks and fix pe ct almfn coljedted in c vvn jthc a five to be jaid tw iu merchan dize ho jewry executot of fad will c i dfihcrhy rcquett all perfons hfiwwg olimi up nfaid ftate to prcfrnt thr j lik fttta ard thr public lhat was emu oflce the n thf mak- le 0pcfit to mri l tutl bku whie tvery attintitu alii be pain 10 i- fc who way k- o turn witli their tonroard vlv hafel mora if uai ir every day at euwaou i time tz a duly auth educated xw j pertona indcbiec rne a la w cat i to be fent rund hrwn to c- lud he flics once a wee j feme to me payment and a thereto are required to pay to amount ofthcr rtsfpeive iccoujits debt- due to fatd eftatf in the province of thper canada or io the tf oitfid states lordertag thereon nay edward jones is geaeval that he ha- jutt tcedvtd i elegant afloitt f dry fancy goodfc x ecs leave i tt ulp diii e i ii3 forrr hi fiwud and th uufal be paid tn george jacob fiq ofsaadj coifirtwir partly of the folwin a vtch khn it in and jaes gordon j c viz s or opener u ncccfiay k ufelolderc sic il do tv u to favl j r f aahei itb- or to either of j j saperl itketi a flie a- th quantiiy n ade in ent j being duy atithonad to jand cafli hiup wil am mwt to eorrfidcralik w j in the ciullcof j ycr 1 l norton saperfin wd of eapbnd ooihi imfires of the m it fftiorabj 4 t a m kingston 1st t 8 nr f he iv orra pnrc6- the ibi erir fottncf of nwfttt and jwhai i oi a god quality can be reociv j the fi erir fohncf of mrtnl ardj dura im iy f the three i ivers survv fenei them wohy tke auenvion off n b caie aii vl bk taken to ktep j tfce ajfets dry d clean as none but j receive the fame and ranr acquit ancei omoffatt montreal 20 b march 188 44v r fa es m t ti r 13 hf ftihfrifm rthrn his thanks to hs fiiti and the puhlrc for ihr irift likens eiitffh shirting liatl i ind cotton avnferfcs coraed iitnw letios ami mhis jatonct and mnl mvdiius fqy vijfl m 11 ijcreh j lteo 1 an barcalona d- i iue mg hamsj q ck a id cttired silks m k autj eiurrr a un t- 1 fn i w ycotoon shawls and fcarfs fvt crm o eturn their twceri thanks r tp j marfc q b afe tlwat then- frcnd and the public to ue n d calieoe b- myaafel g 7 4 rv m3 we tajjeii y twssl j d on bain olo rrd to kl littler jo p 0a j stareh j i a- irrovv soot iv r d a n if c jn aftortrhnt ofrrrtcfcetr ware do quettj do be dutch long p ef jw vl ca- llev li pi do fcfri r r ficcaf s k in 5 vli liquid lacks t artitv of dry goods f aw gtotl mrjqli i j j robinson jjbomkt waiker riwi yr his fi mfh m rratrfu rk owl jj fqf f xq 1 ff qfga edrrciit t- r rnraa and tnt p ntci in vkcral iirtrti- liberal tuppou itir j 5 v t r ivcl a r fcrfbvr n b in adiinrr tn vis prc- ig the lejft uvwtn yenr aod tk i tic hill cohtifiu- tn ktcf lie ftbove rt pait efta ilthrit uk r tratrjlcn hid aifiu room and every mfter4nn aid i oea fforttnt f ii j otf ware i cic 0 i l in fcw d v- i noti ce 1 b to vf8 n few which thev wi fell yifa 01 ajrpri ved credftt pi ucc t keii in payrpn la 2 vy law for wor sffe bp private contract v v jamaica niiitsbr ndy oland gii porraod itw wiaea repmmtint shrobi hyin ami uaikey t double and single refrd ar m 3t j covado do spermaceti od ana h c2dle- s p iaieh anj fig ii f 5 c all i f vfeih will be fold for calh alwab e fc hold enate cwn j fiftmg fagib and saw tlj 1 no- dwell i h ni o i lionfcs appn ver creoit aa t 4j v7ry r 8 1 s a and franklin ace mannhhuifl l i r cf w k- i t gather with a j i tw acre of i andj iuuattd immejutely in the viciniy fj i or sale very rcfnahlc trro- rtad ell i e b wf qiihu ucanddavd j ennirto ii luonmvei a f fi coojcnands a- mnek budnet or enortfi vm- m doi imuwn on the b than ant other wiu uron he straentj qtntyi o m wr a i er t s j re ivcj in aidiiiur to hi- j a former rt- tk a neorj oomp vc itjrtmtut of drugs medkiniis f llol a confiiliiofa vy oplcte afl trrc j the firfl quality f dry rt f goo- e iai in lvnv fuirahcjj t rng ft at and 21 d in oil tgtiot wiil a moil t ry afticte of- li w i fc rfcs i nty i- c fg fve tn inf rnrt chcir frienfc eircttrsd by bond a mixtge tjjl c n dc vcry t y for iuriher pai pe i rics a iudil utobic titr wi i be at- rrsquirc wi tk fu icuber i 9 bcc r station ami jflfc htf f showiflc dte w oois t0jm ic 8 1 cwi 1 orvn 4 vi a aqng c nwod bue vttrioli 8 5 ctres a horn ees fe mw av w7w drftfivedly eaim the anl the public 5f ve srch a property t fedom to be m j 9y rrenricaa fond of iv ills arid mil i a qj infify of xowrt lt upon rhel reayms c 1 i stfie h geajjbwk of rhc kivr oa in bevivill a ncuau george dorg ar adoplnu wo tb nov i b i 8 it 4 farm i kingston oct t8if 7 r tf tv at i r ehy nr a t i n a rv mrcmll j jm frcatt of th jaeft f ft t m incrfin in pn-ev- and jjiwr lieaver and fenact g and mt j populations tr mi f fjavneu ttiad- rcs jrnnct mkiu jcnjitts txolf ijyi f qmv rf mith baitut efr kr on caiior kcbes and ladian 3 i hands for mfe for 8 a n hujigerfori at roughs percy i- lndrpn p-e- pr vc 8r a j of which wili be diipofed of at vtr rednc d rare arrtf burg enqu re o daley kingfl ti 7a nfov i8 lwighfeo he whole vril he fod cbtap for and irt9jjcifh raoiroverl credit m o n p a u t g r it ma a jaj 6th t o6 1 8 r k w vi fh indebted te thtn ar i rejnefed to ki e or thomas clcirn io 2 xing ion oct to isi ito subscriber p oar j and iue ni k- fcray ai k w 17 rd8 co ltev arrfve c innetc payttieot j jse recrvc nd now fm taj rb or if re th of n vtmbo rnt i cxthfite affnujvt of tbctcxtctfvn h will be given o fan t nt f r p tlrttmil i for s i e dcuhe ftrl fa fsa plesaktmf fkntffd on i piore of the bay ol qoiru- a efq rjirrrtdiau y o ofitc ht ufptr cap fhfinetifc efl haff it no flu ttrji cot tloti offredern kfkiyh uu40 re ar- under jmrovenjt w l fenctd and a iuw franc ha jjth a good celii r on tkeprenrifes i tic siiovc arrr will be ioki trgnl tr i pair cf trrg wtk htfj a waggon nd fartnftjg ntenlil appluration he made to the fln rm 1 i r hardware whell he will fell on the nvft mod ferms to let the fhip lately occupied die fufcriber and jmjffcffion gfiven mi jked lately samuel shaw puirsfm ttk jan 8 i 8 e 32 foj 4lis ppe strfk betwern mr donglaps hottgs and mr pwwehs ab orders fiith wi idb they r ay be favored fha be ea iciiti il in iiuh a comnlrrte nd wnfaolan ike niiiii and n hch hm- termt a- they hpc i entitje ihemto a jnart i he public patrqtyaee io lei i of new i i elegant amer wttcfa ue j wil dfp of veiy i w f r cafll j watkljj itston scpi f 8 1 si 8 1 a for sale flhh t i 6j 8 i corcfiion towrnftjia 1 f frederic hi a h 28 miles flora kiinjllei i or anr ierrp y rs not exei-ed- t oil r a k perkm or perfons defirous f jjxa entering into an agreement or annghm 15 tn 4 acres ot ian valuable laods a nd immediate poffeffion given tj jt house and pcndfejq stuart wliejately occftpied by mi j fltirated nritbtn half a mile aithv iowa dvwahle fiteawkyor a gent lemai anaiv a d no lefs fo for pthiiw or tn keter f f rtic rs enonire af the mr e fohlcrjher ir j loi w rf 4 ij tt j101 fab by the fuhferfber jot no al ismd 19 inthctenth cobcpoq and half lot n- 18 in the 6th con- cjuci of the towilip of pi 1 y oiy to john burnett a in on mai tyb 181s eotf 1 to let 4 nd poflefli n given imciarely jl the lov4 he ubferiber house ini sables e for f uler ianrticulatbppy o the lubieubei joel sfone garmnoqua fffl 91818 yf fob sal e hkivm aumbei 5 m m tl fiaut offoutb or priiicc fwvrli bay towihio of kt wrr ivaim7igh ntaininjr e hundred m pohcfh n gven imdiatey acres said l wall ttered an the lowr part of the houle of fettenwmu- on t wfich renders it her for ptuticalars apply wch vwmh the mti f ihofr who on toe piemif i wl to phrr enaajrc the a u3 anslj5yji1 ranter fuming c wng 200 acre- formerly cipii f cvhntl penver and know try naireofibe ulmieii lmie c isl ns iboj q acres of in ulj1 brprnvcm ut ii- tieaft tf e h ulvj iviv high with 2 barns anj i iicr buii oifl 23 november ffti vjuauk lass for sie in tire townsuipol- hamilton lots no 6 uu 12 in the qti con- dorh 11 and 15 in the jjjh con- oeffion aq dodo toia the 6 conctfli naco acta- 1050 tieabpva lands 3 all lyi ll t of hamilon ntw eaftffc dfilna and wl le sold the iihtrvil terms f ftirtl m nttl fi r fdimatiod enquire of elia joi j w j jor tbaiupte f i i the ubscr1be ttoespsctfulw inform l ctu nd tlc pumic ihat he fw rrccti lis flrmace utenfila frovi gamdett to tht h ufe ffncilyc4opefl by bcj rrin buotb lev that piupo ui the fiont of evutfl town i nilni from kin fi b wberc ail bnfivrla tid inn ijn- wilj br jorc uffifil at tw f rrdf no ice vmiii ihinoiiy exception tlat all iok nuit be fuiiiax m dcijv iy joseph m smith b ml ordets in the ahove tm pwy i c left lith join lift killnn a 7i7ej 4p i ij