vol i friday afternoon january 15 isi9 no 3 rfflrhfc tih december t 8 t 8 foreign news 1jy iuhie notice a rtcettnx tw3 3 thy w2m held at the honfe of mr rnfwell leavens of the town of 8113 vile bv a ninbcr of he refpetvdde 1 ng habitant of the paid town and its vicin ity for the piiroofe of devifing ways and means to cufl a commodious epifc-pa- liai church in the f town whnjj fo v trial of arbutlmot and ambrister continued- question ly the p what was tfce fubjjin council over them that the prifonerknow1edsed by the p ifoner to he the j5t matter nf the letters vo wrote tjhd idviled tm he hould be given upifame in fnhllance a- on wiitten by lim- h providence k r f hofl iw indian who vmegjjfclf at thai ti tr an extiatt from the his a her being refufed by the prifisiaved fro n the negro f rt who wotild3letter was then rra i oner a finall venture to providence ilffrevcnge thendclve for tlie lot of iheirj no 6 f antes mcnbb elq m p- no uiuu can cxjmuihc mmicu nom uhtcafg mi i v haling- and the rownfhio of melian 9 legiance doe to hi native country and l dont believe he cm- it wasggilb mmiiler at walhiigton one to th- cai oi a friendly na4f in my trunk jhccretaty of state in london and one toggyou sir in behalf ofhe unfortunate in- burgh was unarilfnoufly called to ihe chdr the following resolutions were puffed t l trnt it is the opinion f thi mrcin tint it is iiiti v expedient zjji memorial he immediate rinw up tfl in taking till liberty of addreffi g uiva sir in behalf mhe nn ffajvesluus believe ne i have no fa government may i ion togive upalubjed that has feriouip question bv the p doynthknow that5i he american agent for indian affair- ftgduiis believe ne i have no wifh but to l wronged her samb ifttr wa the agentof prifoner jvprnteflinit againft the proceedings of thegfee an end puttoa wir which if perliit- u kg i do not ommandiirr officer at fort scott wiiilegaied in fore fee mnl eveitualy he their frm a arbothnot on behalf of thel qestio by the p do y0 think tltatgfthe witnefs was at suwany the indiaugnnn and as they were not the rftjrrec- indian chiefs ro the governor of ila stfc powder and leul hipped would nirdbehte told him that the prisoner had arggiors if in the bcig 1 of their ruge they forwarded i york fo oher t be t cotwownirig mong ether thintban fupply the indian- and egro hunjti at that place wtii ten krprfm- bfore hi kxceilencv the teiitenanhaf mrdbrk mid mr hambly th jftwt bjet on board his yeffel and winlft at governs in concil crayino fom wo pcrions left in the nation to carryg am i did not fee the powder ndhbrt j mirb foae time in ivlarch anthoritv nir natronae of rhat honrgu wr kotbe bttfbefr hwt for moregf fclf but was told by nqbpl francis bmo an order ah dio ha by province for fnrh purufe hetwepinend the enffmfh they have recenclyj ns they did 2 question bv the p you were a iked f frorc the prifoncr to the cormiandant forg wo keys powder with other artic jwhich w in his poflchl n ones by the court were any naur ff ers or depredation committed on theg white frttlemnf hv the indians nrevi 3 jcommi ted any exwfle tn t yu will verlo k them a pe juil ebupiiiona of a indignant fpuit againfi an invading ue i have the honor rc a aruthsrot by orderofking hjjah and w3e cl for thcmfelve and the other chiefs questran if the p where ha the tfon monies and lunxi ms 1 v n cuj jiintilinih bv anncj force wuff which waa nearly do e he faidgfnuteen years and have underftood theirgthe fcalpi knfe and tomahawk hould lecled and hcreafvi ro he kndvd fr n ika p of attorney from hmtcrs were always bihering liimgiantnia c twelve years kfeel then keejrft edge the rwrtfc purpe of bil jig the hvt of ihc ch-cf- ftbc c e k nation iom powder g q do you believe the re u aolesjf ans did htar a entlcman fay tiat question by the p did von sate thatsbwomrd have commenced the bufiueu otthole who excited tc indians to the irinim in tiu ius- r agent wutcn j lie rqiru uig the f iid truftecs heren mentincrd audkuii uattihv cotrulafliuir f anvritcn question lj toe p ihcr js do ett ete3wthout they hud been aflured of britifbfflof having wiittn the letter w question by thr wart was not the enn- toiheir fnccefto- r etfei 10 be ebo iiemclmet and attiibu then ws ip huw do know thar teftinn yjft wnotwec n- fen h a miritv of theafmefaid rn- lwo pclns who ac now prltiner fon of the pridrier had the itttcr ifjs qjte what iva the hght to whjehgfelfion ofthe ptloner to this ietier nade tf mi of re- in ovf i tl tilrfktit m m powutuih m i6lfiei w ccived by the uaklh 9m whffllt aa mxsi and for the esorn puoie ati c j nu 4 hn the hiefs to ov cw few bim with it vrhich 5tkon co iploniior of the aniticac v d and a boy called john pic tth that it i he opinion rf ttthjhl of hamulyaaa ctwior to he lii p hv rve me tina that the csait m s cofdfv pufii wovei ument and lmtttunr of hi3 tptrstion h the p yui hated 1 rait 4 nvctuifx max mc hi a kafi iiui j td authorifed to dr and f waid llicxcrhencv 9fftf ssm riidlifihdii ss wa received by the hultieailifiy fl wflstf ar7 1 aw him wirh it vliivh heniinoles was it tbatof an authorifedgghatever ickcdfsgant tj the brinfli government yjr i conceit- it wis a pte different chref always repfej the eviden e on the part of ttv nrof- ll j t0 rtic hs m n kded the prifaaei rcj-el- nd siiiufiiiieu to en f3 todiana and negroes daahtcd tbe he witnefrf recognized the letted as a witnefs robert c antbriller el authorifed tn dra and forwatd tbf5oxeniency ttvojis and un munition to en hs indians nd negroes doubted theh wit new recognized the letted as a witnefs robert c aoahriller aforefai mcirl o v exthluyttjiie tbtn to 4 rpel ifie attacks op thtjwwelttji of the pfwwty in fendiny le tersmarketl g and funicd a arbuthiot garainl whom criminal charges had been the i intenant g vein c coi- ci v idns l p regent do you think jgm beintr a copy iff the one alluded to inriiled ad who w ii guflody on ac- unt the name and on the hbf of lie ftii f jj f rlocimcnta no i 2rwtbc p foi ci wmtld have hern pttnilbedps teftimony an loft bbtbereof to whiih the jude advocate on- tmfter inrdc to frfwrid the intcti jgj rtu wcrc proved to tin of ths metrnr h fo f noikand ic flivritiiij i arsiiibnot1 mr puniihedhis tcftimouy a loft ihieof to which the jodtfe advocate oil- be ttie iandt l l tnd he not compied with iheirgl qiei h the prifoner are you 2chjeirig the court wai chared to take iti rasviifhc wqoatnted with the piifouers hand wri cufe when it was decide 1 that r o gbert c mbridcr now in ru for but cannot fayjfimilar rffencen wirh the prifoutr cun ot gbe examined as evidence before thii mvw ss y have juflgcourt ij j r a lie copy of this ouc yu jhn lewis phenix previ w witnefs now on the part of tie orifonc brinj wntingjkagain fwom was qaeftio ied as follows ivssff w hihi corninciu ujjr a uatctcai oi kmwwi iy pwiinvcit- ra 1 fiirwhal he head the chiefs fav and th fsl quca was the prifoner confulered question by the p was there anv oth- 0 commnce carry on and fully ci rri by pcrm-tilo- to tdkc roods io ojecling to hcarfuy evidence nfrk i ot the semfnolep at the tim r veft i at the m uth of the sihwihie btr in a oetfcrl man- er tit- huiin i 0 4 nonil tiem i priv 1 u h it kind the court was cleared in r hofe murders were committe i h r wn ambriltei feized your fciiao- ncyg wi ye jg- r ex what veatcl wtf it was it not fciiflwli oj iu1 k rww wis an bnglilfa agent jrhe veftel which ambrilier came in quci where did yon nnderftand thc ans ft was a fljop and i undcrlwood triloner to be when you were taken pri3ambriller came in her ifonei mm hfs did mbihei ever mention to ans the indians tokl us that he h2dsveu who recommended hi n t feiz e nn ofths mextin ii o i non and uc evvnuuy o arsihn 1 1 rr3vtiihc gquaintcd with tne pittoti firmean mdertking without unnej tk following cnjoy j n the forek x i do nor know ceftary dclflv j j i v y tc do you blievc theffl a f have fecn it etri thil htnm pvftfe la fxcr came 01 l governot mmqp tfr wr competed to write the insgl am acquainted with it lencv the iicnteuant govino in 0u rnander in chief sec uc k omnunicions qucf k that which cil f voraby to anfwer the afcfai beg leave to cpmpt to your ex lrri he was not compelletl ben aid fay i 1 be copy of this wenfiovfiik that a snbferftwi njvrr wkiekncy the ueetflhy o mv apain re whliatn iiandvy a wftneft on theslollthe prisoners hand writing immethatelv opened at york kinictiiimg to the lauian envtl with thc- of the profecuttou being duy ans it looks to be his hand and beftville fi the pttrnofe of tinedvputia fom the chifs and m1s w and commeic bjt a satexneoi otmbut i cannot fay pofiiively a r to enable flc a ifoic frtfte vltoibirawd tucc can to p only he of h church wherein the livire stiv cc- w be pleoed t giant mev t take the queftion who thcy ann i had not feen the prifoner atgsner ar orpins to the rnes and iviruniom fuh h un or iiccncc as will prevent rr l that the piifoners objection wasbat tirre the india chii r told me that a the church of england ww he pfif r f bc cainurcd in cafe of m et zfi i the witnefs w theicforcshc ptfoner had reported himfclf to thcmal 9- zette reqoeflmg the infertivn fomn i ffithem was at the infligatioo of the pril their refpeaive papers for the fpaceofj pthent major general e p dlocath fix week fucceflively after the ittepltcprefidtailii m the chiefs of the little vihajre in wit rf f fame kf rvvpo knefn a iifmirhnrtknnd thn dflireci him t members inea neighborhood then dclired him to 7tb that the unanimous thank of m ca km col dyer fe a r in to the prifoner latins is meeti be prtfeuted to the chair m co wih lieut col lmdfayh reports and that he did not know an for bin attendance and the eucour- ll ct gfon i ieut col elliot what thofe indians he was exciting had wane over to providence but was exs eted back by the time we hould arj jiive at suwany qijes did you not requeft king hij jah to prevail upon tiie prifoner to pive ipriloners fchooner or who affiled hin in ftimulating the negroes to do fo ans no 1 underwood he came on hoard f his own accord question by the court have you you a p iflage in hi fchr to providence r3fince y iu aommanrl the prifoner vcf tb aermenthcmamfellcdiopromte m 9 mj- muhlenberg majoi fanning laiiflahle intention of thr laid inlubitai m j montgomery majnr mintnn of bhvilleatulitp vicinity 2w6 g captain vashofl captain citten en lost lieut j m ghisscu recorder whin the further examination of the mwitliewi peter b cook took phice viz bftween the village of frneftg question by t t prisoner how long town and stephen fairfiidvijhavc you been acquainted with the fet- lnn a pocket book cotning tome tl on the sahwahiee i valuable papers which can be of no nfes ns bel wveii ftix and feven months to any one but to the owner whoever g by the p for what term of may chance to find the fame and kilj did you engage t live with the return it to the fuhfenber together witli- j its couentb at frneit town oi iu thef ans for no dated period i was ta- prirttvng office at kingfton hall be ken by the year fcandibmtly rewarded g qgttm h the ft wtfi pu not tit john cl r k charged by the priloner from his employ kfnnt town 6ih jan 1819 2w ans he told me he had no further tn i i- r v ufc for me after 1 had written the let- fertcrs to rrovidence- akd mmediatc pofteltion given a question by the p where did you dwelling house convrnicnt forfft a fuu wer difcharged two battle inquire of r jettnm j i laid in a fmall houfe belong- 1avn at vsamutl merrills g a hoy ca jj j 0ndcr lhc kingston yih dec 1b1v 28 gproudiou of nero g nad wong been outlawed and cautioned hiir gaaift fech proceedings or he might kie iitvolved in their ruin this the wit jplnefs did when the piifoncr fvrote him aj lon an in fill ting letter which wasloft l the witnefs for calling thole indians outlaws atd accufmg him of ex citing the indians to a cruel war the gwttvtefi was told by chiefs and indian who had fecn the prifoner that he advi fed hem to go to wat with the united star if they did not furrenrler then jthe lands which had been taken from then an that the bntifh government w fupooil them in it trhe indians that took the witnenj and a certain mr doye priforrs which na on the 15th december lafl to them that it was by the prifnnere wqf an on their arrival at mickflfu 7 an piifoners king hijab and all hi- nr told them it wae by the ptifonerj l they were taken and robbed 01 their a rival at suwany they were told b the indian and negro chiefs who far ana yes but was told i hat the pri inner refufed it hating that if we were forced upon him he would blind us and irnake us walk overboaid que what were the rcafons given by king hijah for the prifonerb nod granting your requeft aub bang hijah ftated that the prifoner was fearful of meeting with anv american veflcl where we hould he tat ken out and he thereby lofe his fchoo- ifel ever brought any arns to that part iof the country ats no i brought a quantity of head and ten keg if powder in the laft trip jhn winslett a firmer witnefo on the part of the profgeutta bein recal- heif on behalf ofthe priloner wa quci itioned as fallow viz questio by the p are yon of opin- jton that the letter which you fay uia written by the prifooer to he lit t la 1 er edaoand doyle a witnefs 00 the partprince is now in the poflefliou of th iof the profecution being duly fworuslittle prince jwas queitioned as follovrs m ans afer reading r returned it ques by ill- judge advocate doto him and believe il ftill in his pof- you know any thing that would lead tofifcilion as indian feidom drftroy paper ifubitantiatc the charges againft the piifsof that kind loner now before you the prifoner requclting fme time to ans 1 know nothing but from coml3rdak up hii defe ce h tive urn i imon repett jstomrrow evening ai i ut william fulton an evidence ia thc3 furs st maris zhtb 1pnl iprelent profecution being duly f7oini 4 p m jtettificd the copy of the 1 ters from a 3 the recorder hiving read over the rbuthnot to gen mitchell agent forjsptoccediigh of the court c u i indian atfaire dated suwaoy 19th jusd lh p- receded uuo iuaiy 1818 and marked no 6 a acwuuit aud made tuc defence corked