Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 22, 1819, p. 1

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nicl i npgggty uvnmt i raarih bcw vol l friday jmaxs january 22 1819 no 4 xn- rwi legatftalu 4 tmi i at a mcetier of the magistrates mid a number of the tnhamanh of the tpvrnsbip of ernest town held hi forward wimtety the d dirt irf january 110 frrtti futrpoftr nf ronlirulwfl society t tlrf- r3tiet lows- toxmttr cmamiovtb w ittv the following report wrf ftejptfwoirw lltt aniinonslv adopted in fonninea sorityal this place ocorresnnnrl with the kindlon cnnjmmrinnn0 smimy it roav not h improper ioae what i- particular object k so tbat fhffim r ho reside in more re- inoe parfs of the township nnd lo hae not had anoppnrenlv f utend at lmsl mvtng may be informed of redesign and united to join in a measure that cannot fail to excite the in terest of every hrnevoirnj person it ronst e at all tines creditable 111 a town or township to be found ready in promote an institution that professes to enmmwrate the situation of che un fortunate and to extend relief to the deed and at this time in particular when from pe culiar eireumtances objects of that chanty which tii society i- intended to promote have be com inoe numerous than at any former per iod h becomes a10 the hnunden dtltv of every one who jose5es the means to use his best ex ertion- to extend relief o hem it is well known that betide of emigtniion to this country has been rapid v rising for the last yrar or two and it i enually nell known that in its flood it has hiwghltoour province many need adventurers from the mother country many of ihem set out from home with what the considered per haps a competence to cure t themselves a set tlement in this country thv were how ever in some mea dinppoiuleri tiie ex- pn not only of a long voyof aero the at lantic but of a tedious one p the st law rence had been so great as to leave them pennv es on their arrival at kinffson rome vere difooa ofproceediito tlie seat of government to apply for an allotment of land- and otheragin were trilling to go into service wherever ihev could find emplovment the w id naturally ttdek to the principle town in the province they were tranters and they must have inevitahiv suffered had not the read hand of charily foeen exended o them te inhabitants of kiug- ton aw their want and tiey teller ed them as far as wa practicable this wa- generous and ha been a noble example to oher parts of the province the companionate society of kingion was formed and much benefit has already accrued from its management it is however limied- and the object of ihu society villbe by a connection with that trtettnd its influence many immigrants are to mie habit of appl nc to the socle ft ki ton foe in-rue- t ioe for a which that soieyrom its limied connection with he covnin mav he unable to give bv m3 a society h at this place woe ueubrs will b- distributed in different parts of thr townhip snrh n com munication will be established a w11 ensic noi only relief to those r ho m be keeling for employment b will at the vme tim few the efe tiflmmlisflkt it i 01 pf in dividuals and of the country eenerallv by re moving the inconvenience uh eh is ww eirfie- vienred in manv places from he inn of labor er- and mechanics it will henfi lie the dutyofthi society to enquire w ha fnrmrsare in want of labovih audwha neihlv rbned t in want of mechanics ot1 being properly informed to applv in the soci tv kingston which will ivoftj time to time eppl the rn isi- fionait may have the mea o to ai such j ae and mechanics ar- tfteo fr eardeil to t hi- pocieiy anl from it they nre tobe distribut ed as maj b fbiviit mntcondneive 10 iheir in- irest a mam tttm ofnioney tttixy beoecasioa- ally rerjired 10 forward them io their plae s f dviiniion it ii proposed to rihe a fund for that purpose it i eonlidentlv evpoced b it nnder proper management li- institution muy be rendered ii many unys bcmv serviceable lehariiiem t of coure belimiied it i not intended that theyfrhauld be nopmlan ve spar- lofity extended to objects within the circle of one own n 8cl aralwa know and it ihnped that the hand of priale charity irot v if held from tbew but llie reat object is toaftud eief 10 th ttvrra him who janexpecredlv it may he t ud- himelf deitute inatran land remote frow those to whom he mih ajpeal for instrttetiou o relief a d 100 dihjlent iei haps to ask it of itim to whom he is nnkn wrn it was then retnht ft that the ernest town auxili ary comiariorate society consist of a presi dent vice presldeot trearor seeilary a commike of thirteen members and an executive committee of lluve to be choen from tie sand- i vi or committee and to be resdent in the vilue cf batfe 2d that a subscription of five shilling- per annum shall oonstitute a member of tliib sorie- tv and a donation of not less than twentyfive shmins a member for life sdthatil he object of ihksneiefy to as certain what faiintsare in want of labourers and what neighbourhoods require mechanic and on bein informed to majce a requisition on the kingston companionate society for pitch number as may be nnnired and on receiving liiiiujfir u a fti niar asisance a will enable lliem to arrive at their places of dctinarion 4th that the preudent vice president treasurer scretary and he sanding com- ttit tee shall be elected annually mh that he basil ess f lbb society shall b transacted by an executive committee of three t be chosen by the standingcouiaiilee half veariy cth that if application be made to lie mewbcrsof this society for relief tby shall be deferred o s kxecuiivecominiltee 7tti tiatthe executive coiamittec 4iill not have tbapovvrrof dipoingof a urn excejiar iweny live suillins at the ame ov and to the sam person wihout the sanctloa of the prwi- deilt or he vice irsideu and to ujenbers of the standiuff com nit ee 8h tha farmers and country psid ml fall be refpectf ill invited o majte appheaion 10 the soci ty tor tuca laborers and mechanics ai may be required 9th that a meeting of the standing com mittee shall he held lasf yeaii on ise nai monday in janaary and the fixsi frtmidai in julv and that a general meeting oft h s c iy be held in the village of bath on i 1 it monday in january in each and ev r ca 10ih thai a majority of the sandng oti- taitree shall be authorised to call a special gen eral meeting ef iu society tea day 1 tec thereof having been first given b adverttsmnent in two or more of the most public places in the township laws for the committees 1 that the standing committee shall have the power of filling u any vacancies ijia may occurin their number or in that 01 the execu tive committee in the interval- of their eleitn 2 that the executive committee shall in ct on the tirst saturday of ach month to audit the counts of the society and ltatl at the half vearly meeting mae their report to ihe itaiid- me committee f tuit the executive coiutce shall be furnished with a book in which they shall enter the various proceeding connected with the society d that the candin committee shall make an annual report to the general meeting of the boetel v the following gentlemen were then elected to be fkflhcrs of tbe sixiety viz isaac fhaser tvjqwlie president rrrrt williams eq vice president mr george ham treasrer daniel ttacbnmas esquire c standing committke rev mr plktchkr bkvjamiv fapheld esquire mr fieorne baker will afl mkfnzib james rnkev johv clark dasmel errt ulattnevr clark ksq mr colin mckevzie thomas fmpet inquire mr joseph smith mr abraham amev and mr david locewood exfclttvf om mttee rev mr fletcher isevjamiv fairfield and james iiaxkev esquires tt was then resolved i hat these ime and ro- port be published in toe kingston chronicleand tha 00 copies of them be immediately print ed for distribution r belhllle 2 6tb dererribrr il8 by public notice a meeting this day was held at the houfe of mr rofwell leavens of the town of bcllvile by a number uf the refpeft ble inhabitants of the faid town and its vicinity for the purpofe of devifi g ways and means to eteel a commodious epifcopalian church in the faid town when james mcnabb ffq m p for halting and the to-vn- fhip of ameliasburgh was ooaolmoufly called to the chair the following reio- lutionswere pfted 1 ft that it is the opinion of this meet ing that it is highly expedient a memo rial be immediately drawn up and forward ed 10 york in order to be laid before his excellency the lieutenant goveraoi in council praying for the authority and pat- ronaoe of that honorable executive body to erect a commodious building for an en- pjifh epifcopalian church upon the pound refer verl bv the executive govcrnmct of this province for fuch purpo between church and rear streets in the town of bcllvflfa 2d thatcapt join w meyers allan taylor efq capt t omas coleman mr kofwell leavenandmr andrew iayne be the tiudee to cany into full effect the refoluttons herein contained ani alfo that lr thou as parker of this town merchant be trcafnrer to receive and account f t as the faid truftees or three of them fhall think proper to dir t all iubf rintion monies ad donations by hiin coi efited and hereafter to be applied for the exprefs purpofe of building the faid epilcopalian v hurch 3d- that it is the opinion of thi meet ing that the af efaid lots fo lvferved for a church burying ground in bcll- tille be prayed for in the afrefiid emo- iial to be granted in trull to the laid trus tees herein mentioned and to their fneeef- fors hereafter to be chofen by a majority of the aforefaid trustees in all cafes of vacancies in fuch office and for the cxpref6 purpofe afoiefaid 4th that it is the opinion of this meeting that the chairman is corlldered authorifed to dra and fo ward the afore- laid memorial to his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council in the name and on the behalf of the faid truftces in order to forward the intention or thib meet ing in fo ferious and defirable an underta king without unneceftary delay 5th that ihnuld it pleafe hi excellen cy the lieutenant governor in council vorab to anfwer the aforefaid memorial that a subfcription paper be immediately opened at york kingfton and bellville for the purpofe of raiting a r to enable on and fully complete in a perfeft man ner the building of a church wherein the jjivine service according to the rules and regulations of the church of england may be performed fnfoon as it is poltible to attain this defirable ubj 6th that a copy of tin fe refolutions be immediately trartmitted to the editors of tl e kingfton chronicle and to the ed itor of the upper canada gazette re- quelling the itifertion thereof in their ref- peftive papers for the fpace of fix weeks fucccffivelv after the receipt of tjc fame 7ih tliat the unanimous thanks of this meeting he prtfented to the chairman for his attendance and the encouragement he manifefted to promote fnch a ludabe i ten- tion of the faid inhabitants of bellville and it v c- fty 2w6 to let for one or more years and poftefgon given immediately that stone houfe iituated in store street lately occupied by mr medcalf with stable garden and other out houfes the fituation of the above premifes is moft advantageous for a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to francis x rocheleau kingfton 15 jan 1819 3 lost i ate in the eveniflg of friday the 8th j inftant on the rain road between mr beachs tavern the road leading to waterloo a chidle containing 6 of murrays spelling books 2 1 4 yards of fuperfine black 3 yards of caffimerc and 1 1 4 yards drab cloth and trim mings al wraped and tied into a common handkerchief any prrfonor persons having found the faid knndle and will bring it to this of fice or to mr henry lashers store erneft town shall receive the thanks of the subfcriber and be rewarded if neces sary j mccuaig erneft town january 8 1819 jwj huch c tiloaison of kingston proposes to establish a candid impartial independent newspaper to be entitled the uppercanada herald which will bepnblilhed weekly as foon as the neceflary arrangement for the pur pofe can be made and cirried into eff ft the editor aftnrc his friends and the public that his paper fh ill be loyal and pat riotic open to all prtas but under the control of none and as inftruive enter- taiuin- and authentic w his beft exertions can make it and hetnerehre refpecifully foljcits a hare of their tupnoit the upper canada herald will be printed on panel of goiod quality and fize with fair legible type and delivered to fubferibers at one put per annum ex- clunve f poftage pa vable half yearly in advance kingston january 4 1819 2 wllerbas gt6a quantities of halfpence are now in cir- culation which are nt of the value for which the same are passed whereby extensive frauds are committed on the public w e the uuderstigne j order to put a stop to such ptttvtiees as far as in our power do promise and agree not to receive fa payment of debtsor former- cnandizf ally nthcr than british half pence and udl tt are lawfully current in he province of upper canada kl ton 13 january 1819 t nms mat ida vd a ch it i tch o n d tkoitim tufpfa yhn uarkes m xa bruce jlrxrdcr j slier sanuc tjkroid afi- vrvv st- germain roller tdhcrt jfer flrff j sv i cass jftnes st ought on s si vknd john lit w john mucauluiji larcci llcrhmer iv- donaldson j jm kir by a prujc gvs midland district npjie court of to ot s ji- generalquar- ter srionsof the peace tor this district will be holden at the court house in adriphustwn on tuesday the 26th day of january at the hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon therefore all justices of the peace coroners constables and all other peace officers as well as those that have any business to transact at said court are hereby required to take no tice and glte thenattendance according ly john mclean sheriff sheriffsotice january 14th i81q 3 lost between the village uf erneft town and stephen fairfields inn a pocket book containing fome valuable papers which can be of no ufe to any one but to the owner whoever may chance to find the fame and will return it to the fubferiber together with its contents at krneft town or to the printing 0sce at kingfton fhall be handfomely rewarded john clark ernest town 6ib jan 1819 2w3 blanks of various kinds for sale this office at to let jjnd immediate poftcftion given that 9ll well known fland for a tavern the property of mr john size fituated in store street ivingllon for further particulars apply at the office of allan maclean kingfton jan 12 1819 3tf ix kingston by v p bartels on the 4th january ini9 a memoran dum book coit a tavern li cence a note against christopher era- lick and a few other papers whoever will deliver it to the subscriber at king ston shall be haiid- regarded jmniel bhlown kingston 8th ja 1s19 3w2 f sale ai pew in st georges church ohm kingfton apply al ebitf office jan 12 1819 foreign nefvs trial of arbutlinot and ambrister conclcded- fort st mark 27th april 1818 the court proceeded 10 the trial of koberi c abtobriater a british subject who beinjaikcd it lir hud an objections to any one of the mem bers of the cowrlj and reply jiiir in ih negative wasarrairned on the following eliarges and sje- cilicat ions i charges nguinn robert c ambrister nov in custttdv whosavs tip is a bntih etibjeci charge 1st aiding abetting and comforting the lnliin- supplying ihem with lb means of war be being a subject of great rnuiti at peace with the ctnited states anj lately an ofli- cer of the british colonial marines specification 1st that the said robert c ainbrliter did give intelligence of the move- mentand operations of the american army be tween the 1st and 20th of march isl8 and did excite them the negroes and indians to war a- gainst the army of the united stales by send ing their war iors 10 meet and tight the ameri can army whose government was at peace and friendship with the united stales and ail her citizens charge 2d leading and commanding the lower creeks in carrying on war again the u states specification 1st that the faid robert c ambrister a subject of great britain which government uas in peace and amity with the u sates and all her citizens did between the 1st of february and 80th of march 1hi8 levy war against the united slates by assuming com mand of the indians in hostility and open war with ihe united states and ordering apart of them to meet the a of th united slates and give them battle as will appear bv his letters to governor cameron of new providence dared 20th march isis which are marked a b c and and ihe testimony of mr peter bcook and capt lewis of ihe schr chance by order of the court i m glassfl recorder to which charges and specifications pleaded as follows viz to the lirst charge and specification sot guilty to the second charge and specification guil ty and justification the court adjourned to meet tomorrow morn ing at 7 oclock fort st marks sfh april ibis te court met pursuant to adjournment john lewis phenix a witness on the part of the prosecution being duly sworn staled that about the 5th of 6h of april 1818 his vessel and himself having been captured by the prison er and he brought to sunanv a prisoner there was an alarm among the negroes and indians created by learning some news from mickasu- k at which time the prisoner appeared active in sending orders and ending a delathmenl to nvet thr american army the wilness also stated that the prisoner appeared to be a person vested with authority among the negro leaders and gave orders for their preparation for war providing ammunition c and that the lead er- cam- to him for orders the prisoner for hi shed ihem mflth ponder anil lead and recom- mrndtl them the mauinof hall cse very quick ly the witness also stated that ihe prloner occasionally dressed in uniform with hissnord and that on the first alarm which he under stood was- from mickasuky by a negro woman be put on he uniform the witness further stated that sometime a boni the 30 h march his the prisoner with an armed body of negroe 24 in number came on board his vessel and ordered him to pilot them to fort st marks which he stated he in tended to capture before the americans could get there ihreaiening to hang the witness if he did not obey ques by the court did you ever understand by whose authority and for what puipose the accused catne into ihe country ans 1 have frequently braid him say he come to attend to mr woodbines business at the bay of tamper john i abuttinot a witness on the part of the prosecution being duly sworn stated that some time about the s3d of march the prisoner came with a party of negroes partly armed to his fathers store on tiuwany river and told the witness that he had come 10 do justice to the country by taking the goods and distribut ing thorn among the negroes and indians which the witness saw the prisoner do and that the prisoner stated to him thai be had come to the country on woodbines business 10 see the ne groes righted the witness ba further known the prisoner to give orders o the negroes and that at his suggestion a party was bent from snwany to meet the americans to give ihem battle which party returned on meeting the mickamjky indians in their flight the witness al o testified to the following letter marked a and referred 10 in the specification of the 2d charge as the writing of the prisoner a from robert c ambristei to governor cameron dated sahwnhnee near si marks biaaui 20 1 a 1 vuutg ai utti rcual of the chiefs that the americans had commen ced hostilities with them two years ago that letters had been sent to his excellency but no answers received begging for powder ball cannon c that the prince regent had told francis in england that gov c would supply them with ammunition that the americans were advancing and that he ambrister had sent a party to meet them peter b cook testified that the prisoner took arbuthnotachooner and with an armed party of 24 negroes set out for st marks to obtain arbuthoota goods at that place and staled that be would compel the commander to give them up ou hearing of the approach of the ameri can army the prisoner told the negroes it was useless to run for if they ran farther they would be driven into the sea the wilness alo testi fied that the letters marked a b c d and e were in the prisoners hand writing b u c ambrister to maj nicolls ac quainting him that the americans had commen ced hostilities and were very cruel that they depend on bis nicolls assistance and expected to meet htm iherrc cj r c ambrister to gov cameron dated 20h march 181b request for arms and ammu nition and particularly cannon as the ame ricans build their boats so strong that their rifle balls cannot penetrate their sides d the same to the same march 20 isis writing at the request of fiancu and all ihe chiefs and tn ihe same purport as the foregoing e r c ambrister at the mouth of the riv er to peter b cook that the vessel had arriv ed and he was endeavoring to get up sends him powder and lead jacob harrison a vitness on the part of the prosecution being duly sworn testified that some time in the latter end of march or first of april the prisoner took possession of the chr chance with an armed parly of negroes and staled his intention of taking st marks ou his wav thither goiiiy ashore be learned frpsi some indians that arbuthnothad gone to st marks which induce i him to return the witness al so slated that while the prisoner was on boad lie had complete command of the tegtof s who considered htm as their captain the prisoner took the cargo of the resel up toward saj- wannv which consisted of with olhr articles nine kegs of powder and live hundred pounds of lead the evidence on both sides being chrorl the prisoner was allowed until 5 oclock this eve ning to make his defence the time allowed the prisoner for the prepa ration of his defence having expiied he was brought before the court and rnndc the de fence marked m which is attached to the proceedings liie court was then cleared and thr pro ceeding read over by the recorder when af ter due deliberation on the testimony brought forward the court find the prisoner robert c ambrister guilty of o much of the fpecitication to the firt charge a follows viz and did ex cite them to war wuh the u states by scndii their warriors to meet and fight the american army he being a subject of great britain which government was at peace and friendship with the u states and all her citizens f but not guilty of the other part of the specification guilty of the first charge guilty of the specifica tion of the second charge and guilty of ihe se cond charge and do therefore senence the prisoner robert c ambrister to suffer denfr by being shot twothirds jf the court concurring therein one of ihe members of the court requesting a reconsideration of his vote on the sentence thc sense of i he court was taken therecn and decid ed in the affirmative when the te was again taken and ihe conn sentence the prisoner to re ceive fifty mripe- on his bare back and be con fined with a ball and chain to hard labor for 12 calender months the court adjourned sin die edmund p gaines major general by brevet preawert of the court j m glassel recorder defence m the united states of america vs robert christy ambnter who being arraigned before a special com martial upon the following charges to uit 1st aiding and abetting and comforting th indians supplying theui with the means of war he being a ubject of great britain at peace with the v stales and lately an otficcr in ihe british colonial marines charge 2d leading and commanding too lower creek indians in carrying oa war against the u stales to the firt charge the prisoner at the bar pleads nut guilty and as 10 the second charge he pleads guilty and justification the prison er at the bar ffeeli grateful to this honourable court for their fondness in giving him a sufficient linn- in umiherah- ami arrange hi- usfencsgh the above charges the prisoner at the bar here avails himself of ihe opportunity of fating lo this court ihaf inasmuch as ihe testimony which wa introdu ced in this cae was very explicit and wenf to every point ihe prisoner could wish he has noth ing further to oiler in his defence hut puts him self upon the mercy of the honourable court robert c ambrister ileadqtauttrs dltishn it thk sootfl anjutattt iknepals office 1 camp 4 miles north of st mnrks april 59 h 181a general order at a special court martial commenced 00 the 2gih inst at st mark and continued until the night of ihe 28th of which brevet major gnerat e p gaines was president was tried a ar butlinot on the following charges and specifica tions viz charge 1st exciting and mirrinc up the creek indians lo war against the u states and her citizen he a arbulhnot beinir a object of great britain willi whom the u states arc at peace charge 2d acting as a spy aiding abet ting and comforting ihe enemy and supplying them with the means of war charge 3d exciing the indians to murder and destroy urn uambly and edmund doyle confiscate their property and causing their ar rest with a view to their condemnation to death and ihe seizure of their property they being citizens of spain on account of their active and zealous exertions to maintain peace between spain the united states and the in dians to which charges the prisoner pleaded not guilty the court after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced find the prisoner a arbtith- not guilty of the first charge and guilty of the second charge leaving out the words acting as a spy and after mature reflection wo- tence him a arbuthnot lo be suspended by th neck until he is dead was also tried robert c ambrister on th following charges viz obarec 1 aiding abeting and comfort nf ihe enemy and supplying tbem with the means of war he being a subject of great britain who are at peace with the u states and late an of ficer in the brilub colonial marines charge 2d leading and commanding the lower creek indians in carrying on a war a gainst the united states to which charges the prisoner pleaded as follows to ihe first charge not guilty to tho 2d charge guilty and justification the court 011 examination of evidence and on mature deliberation find the prisoner ro bert c ambrister guilty of ihe first and second charges and do therefore sentence him tu sulfor death by being shot the members re questing a reconsideration of ihe vole on thi sentence and it being had they sentenced ihe prisoner to receive fifty stripes on his bare back and be confined with a ball und chain to hard labor for 1 2 calender months the commanding general approves the finding andentence of ihe court in the cac of a ar buthnot and approees the finding and first sen tence of the court in the case of robert c am brister and disapproves ihe reconsideration ol thesenienceof the honoyable court in that case 1 1 appears from the evidence and pleading oj the prisoner that hedid lead and command with in the territory of spain he being a subject 0 great britain the indians in war against thi united states those nations being al peace i is an established principle of the laws of nations that any individual of a nation making wa against the citizens of an nation they bemg a peace forfeits his allegiance aud becomes a outlaw and pirate this is the case of ltobef c ambrister clearly shown by the evidence ad duced the commanding general orders that breve major a c v fanning of the corps of artuu ry will have between the hourof eight anl nin oclock a m a arbuthnot impended by lb neck with a rope until he is dead and rohet 1 c am umter to be shot to desthj agtceablj to h sentence of the court

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