Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 29, 1819, p. 1

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ngston ronicle vol1 friday jiteryoos january 29 1819 no 5 l cw bsthitk 76th december 18 18 by public notice a meeting this day was held at the houfe of mr moftveb leavens of the town of bellville by a number of the refpeahle inhabitants of the laid town and its vicinity for the purpofc of deviling ways and means to eieil commodious epifcpalian church in the faid town when james mcn sb efq m p for haftiugs and the town- fhfp of ameliasburgh was unanimoully called to the chair the following reio- lutionswere parted ift that it is the opinion of this meet ing that it is highly expedient a memo rial be immediately drawn up and forward ed to york in order ro1e laid bvfore his excellency the lieutenant govern r in council paying for the author t v and nat- ronage of rfiat honorable executive body toereft a commodious building brail en- gbfli epiicopalian church upon the ground referved by the executive government of this province for fitch purpofc between church and rear streets in the town of beliville 2d thatcapt jorw meyers allan taylor efq cipt t mas cu man mr- liofwell leavens and mr andrew avne be the ttuftec to cany into ail ffeft the kefolutinn herein contained nrf alio that ir thoras parker of tv- own merchant he trenfanr to receive and account for asrlie fak ruhec r ihrcc f them flnl think proper to 5 ill fohfcription monies ad ionav ry him oobecd and hereafter to be r for the exprefs pnrpofe of bni ii ctie fold epifcopalian hch 3- that it i the rypmlon of this meet ing that th afutcfatd ois fo referved ibr a church sc burying gond in bell- ille be pravd for in me af- emid cmo- rial to be nted in trull to the ma trus tees herein mentioned and to their fuccef- fors hereafter to he chofeu by a majority ofthenforcf pmtces nall cafe of acncs in fucll office and for the exorefs pur ofc afoefaid 4th that it u the pinian of this kcu flh ft phskmn b confidered aurhoriled to draft and forward the d ore- said memorial to his excellency tin lieu tenant governor iv council fa the name and on tile behalf of the fautruftees in order to forwa f jnteiiion of this meet ing in fo ferious and definable a- underta king without umeccflary delay 5th that ftwuld t pleaivhu excellen cy the lieutenant governor in council fia- vontyy to anfwer the aforefaid memorial thatn stibfcription paper be immediately opened at york kinfton and bellviile for the purpofe of railing a fond lo enable the afrcfaid truftecs to cornmn carry on and fully complete in a perfe man ner the building of- hurci wherein the uivine service according tt he rules and regulations of the church of england may be performed fufhjn as it is pofitble to attain thh dcllrable ibje 6th that acopv f tefe rcolutin be immediately tranimit ed to the editors of tie king fl on chronicle an to the ed itor of the upper cannula cmettf re queuing the infcrtim the i in iter ref- peftiwe papers for the fpa f fix ttrekl fucreflwely after the rccim of t lam- 7th that the unaimxi thank ol this meeting be prcfented to th chair tute for his attendance and the encottragemtfit he manifefted to promote fuel a nvdahv inten tion of the faid inhabitants of ftellville and it6 vicinity 2w6 to let imor one or more years and pofttftion ji given immediately hat stone it ofe fituated in store street lately occups rvy mr medcalf with stable garden and tther outhcufes the fituation of the above premifes is jnoft advantageous ford iucilng havl tor particular applv to francis x rocheleau kingflon 15 jan 1819 3 wtbeelrab great aftlitipb of w halfpence are now in cir- v which are not of the value for which the same are pasbpd whrichy extensive frauds are committed an he public we the undersized w otdsrfo put a stop tosuch ptactiees us far in ourpowcr do promise and agree not o receive in payment of debts or for mer chandize any other than kritisf iliilf jpence and such as are lawfully current in the province of upper cda kingstou 13th jaauaiy islkj thomas mnrklwuly archibald richmond thomas tnrpin jfohn lliirkcs mortal tv bruce alexander asher samuel dykroyd monjeau st germain robert totherty peter flett joseph cross 7 r james sloughon a mtleod johm macauhtj larcrence herhnter w donrtldon john kirbvj gj3 hugh c thomson of kingston proposes to establish a candid impartial independent newspaper to be fntit d the upnerci i t herald which wip be oub m weekly r foon as the necefftry arraj t fi the pur pofe can 1 deaod cprcd int jeflcd lie editor nltnr m iricnd and the piibbr that his n ftah he oya ai d pat- ri tic open to all prr-c- bur undu the cnrml cf none ad as inftruttive en tainiur and authentic as his belt exerinns cii mkc it anr he therefore rclpecifuliy folicir a inn o fuppot thf t l anada heralpwii be prutfed pnpe of good quality ajd fize wfh r legible type and delivered to fomchbtt oe pund per annum ex- cafive of poftage payable half yearly in pdvaop january 1819 2 taerkasfherappits to be a 7 necswty for the circulation of coop- r for the purpo of common trade and dealing re ie subscribers will reuivi as v i rhatvjee thf various speci sol v jp hi hnv hrtofore btn currnal here except tboslttomiii- afod brock coppt rs ad waterloo cop- peri kingston jtin ig 1819 robert waikcr john moore john hynesj elijah beachj vtkl taylor w mears thomas smith john buttervorth duucai mcdonald a norton pimiel brown rhody cuaack chaiics dawson vv kewnic u mcdonald jodn ferguson mcdonakl aykjoyd james meagher sarah patrick john biake francis car i isle benjamin olcott jarat-j- ilkiusoiij l w vviikinson riibert tabert abraham snucx p vvvtseh ebeoezer lander j balfour j ferguson- ivjwau mccalleu i4enr cassady joep sett gcorie douglass mulnei iorari john dary saiaue dayisonj jolrn waikiiis edwa jones n pali nr0bc foi9 by private fale the whole 9 of f tfremifes nw occupied by the fubferiber confifting of one mw store h ufe two florid and a half high a imall frame dwelling houfe filled in with done a abv psrn and bake hunfc fitaated mi th cart hav r i t v ii an4a5 containing two fifths of ai cc a fmall part of the purchale money wul for tn information and guidance of out penfuers of helfea hofpital refi- dent in this country we have been requeu ed to give publicity to the following copy of the second claufe of the 57th geo lit cap lxvii being aa at for extending the provicons of an aft of the 54th year of his pretent majefly fr rc5jlting the payment of army prize moev and for authorizing the conmith c helfea liofpital to fufptnd the penfions of fuch perfotid as fliali be guilty of frauds in refpect of prize mey or penfions a j4d whereas no fiiificicnt pro- jlxl vihon is made for publfhing fraadsrtlrftirtgto pensions ot prize oney and it is etpeient that power fhould be given o thr comniffioners of the royal kefiuai fov s lders at chelfea to fnfpend or ike away ihc prilonsof fuch perfons as ih u be uiny of frauds or ether rofs mifconduct be it the enacted that foreign nejvs private correspondence paris sept 30 the following intelligence concerning bonaparte is widely circulated at paris it proceeds from a refpeftable individual who ha jnll reached marlcilles he embarked at bengal on board an englifh veflel on touching at st helena to fupply the fliip with water orders were defpatcbed for the veflel to quit the anchor age ground and lie to at cannon hot from the batteries until what was wanted was fent out several officers from the ifland dined on beard from there the particulars 1 fuknin were collected buonaparte fretns in better health fince fame epoch with the fame honuaof inter- ell in propoition to the delay of three months 3 that arrangements fhall be adopted with the above mentioned houfes iu ordet that the bills drawn upon them conform ably to a rticle 6 may be paid in affets at the differed places which may fuit the convenience of the governments intcrefted by avoiding the removal of too great a maf of fpecie mm the minifters plenipotentiary o aoftria great- britain pruffia and ruf- fia were ananimonfly of opinion to admii the propofition of the duke ot richelieu faving the entering with refpeft to sili cic 3 into particular arrangements with me firs barine and hope to fix the terms from and after tlie paffing of thi a6t it fhall sod miv be lawful for the commis- to cofc p the pge f boats to the fiooers of the faid royal hofcital at f liandiome fowling piccea chellca and ihey arc kereby atbond and fix pointers have been fent out to him an empowered apta complaini and proof rom london buonaparte is permitted to being md to thttn of anv fraud other cany a fabre aa a defence agamft danger- he hacrefolved to walkout and take oc- at which the effefls in foreign fund ihould caiional ex rcife in hunting and fifhing to be accepted and alb that in order to fa- rendrr this latter amulement compatible cit2tc tlcfe arrangements mr baring with his fafay a circuit has heen prepared fhould be rcquefted to come to aix-la- t the mouth of the river and one end of chapelle to take meafures for that pur- it barricaded with an iron lattice ia order vk u eoncert with the perfons changed witk efpeftto piise money or penfron 0r any other money in the nature of allow ance or bounty money or of offer grofs mifconduct attempted or pracltfcd by any prrl being a penfioner of the faid royal ki ifpual tc fulpend or entirely take away the perfion of rhc perbn fo offedis and to ku the pymaller of outpenfions of sfi royal hofpital a certificate u nud tjf the faid commiffioaers or l r o- more of tkem of any penfion bcf fo pended or taktn away and o r d certificate being iitued to the i p maflerof penfions he fhall fu- fj itif payment of thv penfion there in r nu iv i according to the tenor of tke certiiuate any thing in any other ad contained to the contrary thereof in any wife rriwilhlianding certified a true cpy ihos stott pavtytnacr detachnents qotbeo 14th d lh p corlfrtt town major kingston janyny 2s 1819 fop salt avert vaiuuio farm sitoatcd near hie vil 1l of brocktillp be- in the war half of ll no one and the rear half oi lot m r two in the sg- eond con- n rf khzttbothlowns l c coutair f wo fauiiclrcml arrrs former ly thc pitiwry f ilubfn sherwood esqaiw but now longin to john shu- tr eiure of ioodon then is a ve ry good dwellitvg lr with a barn and other mt houses or the premises aso lot number ninek tlte ninth con cession and the w st half oi lot number one in the eighth oncesiiou of the same tow iv hip also lot number fifteen in the first concession and mraber fifteen in the fecoud co cion o the town ship of yong in ihc district of johns town thf so farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous to purchasers- applv to damkl jones jan llckrilley 15tf jamnnu i8lfi 4 dissolution of copartnership thr nbscrilwrs trading heretofore undor the firm of joint strange s co have thi day dissolved partnership by mutual consent all persons in debted to the said concern are requested to make immediate paymeut unto either of the sobrfbfr john strange tioimasgkaham kingston 2th dec 1818 4w3 notice ous or troublesome animals when he walks in the- interiour of the ifland but he is not allowed to wear a fword the englifh officers amufed themfeves with relating the abrupt manner in which he pays his court to the women the perfons com- pofinghis fuit are not permitted to acced him with the title of fovereignty when ftrangers are prefent the prifoner is believed tm be more refigned to his fate fince he has the entire conviction of the ir revocable lofs of his liberty his rofi dence is daily improved by the arrival of coftly furniture and every month a frigate which fails from england is charged by the care and attachment of some of his parttfans with all the precious novelties thin kingdom produces no human power can imagine a mode of evafion the garrifon ie perpetually on the alert the feivve ia fo active that the ttoopa afe relieved every fix y r 1 high pay the period is counted double thtaaewfj i which implicit confidence js placed from the rcfpcclability of ita lource has tranquillized the minds of ma- ny perfons in this country who were led to believe that the excmperor was ex- pofed to difhefling privations and wanton outrages a traxellerof rank wko ha just reached paris from home mates that lucien bo naparte has been obliged to limit th cx- with this bufinefs prince harclcnberg befides prcfented to the protocol t tie fub- joined obfervations in referve relative to the arrangement with the proffian go vernment entered into with mr baring for the part of the payments ffipulated by the convention of october 9 which ac crue to the fafd government signed 1vi1tt i iim ch itardenbfro rich lifu bernstopf gastij reach msskiront wellinrton fv o ulstra 1 if the pruffian government confent t the modifications prooofed in the pecunia ry lipulations of the convention of the 9th of oftobcr it is under the threefold fup pofition 1 that the particular arrangement of the pruffian government with mcflrs i ope and company and baring brother re main untouched with the exception of fitch modifications the faid government may hereafter agree u with thee hufes 2 that the lota which may rcfnlt from the propofed payment in effects in foreign funds ball be made gid to thi foreiga p 3 jbiat tue g k puaueucaii ic payments agreed upon fhall be extended to the more remote period now claimed aixlachapelle nov- to mefirs the special comniffioneis of the courts of auftria great bntaiu pruflia and ruftia at paris gentlemen the french government having fof the reasons stated in the protocol of no vember 3 desired that the payments pence of hi household from having ne- stipulated in the convention of october gleeted to regulate his affairs with more 9 be as well for the 165 millions as fen- order the consideration iu which he 100 millions to be discharged in inserip- was held at rome baa considerably di- tions of rents regulated by 12 instal- minished since his last cooperatiou with merits the last being on the 6th of de- napoleon he docs not hinuelf deny the regret he feels for ih but protests his great motive for returning to france wis from his inability to withstand the solicitations of his mother who urged him cembwr 1s1 9 instead of nine the last of which was to have been the 6th of september under the condition never theless of making good this delay of three months by the payment of interest to moderate the impctuority of his bro- at the rate of 5 per cent the fourcourts ther by his counsel anfl again he had the hope of being useful lo the pope far whon he expresses both gratitude and admiration it is confidently affirmed that loufc buonaparte has in his posses sion the life of buonaparte written by himelf and that no more than two or three persons have copies of the original manuscript it is added that louii often receives intelligence from his bro ther but the channel of this correspon dence is a profound secret t e d have unanimously admitted these propo sitions in order to avoid depreciatiou in the value of the inscriptions of rentes which would be equally injurious to all the contracting parties we therefore lose no time in transmitting this resolu tion as consigned in the annexed proto col to you to take its contents as your information and direction we have re ceived in reply to our despatch of the 15h of october the note which you have done us the honor to address to u under the date of the 8th of october the protocol of distribution signed at paris on the 20th of october 1815 ha ving in article 13 determined that the london nov 16 airlachapellc nov 9 several cou riers have arrived from paris within these six day bringing accounts of the extra- recovery of the sums to be paid by france ordinary depreciation of the consolidated as well as their final repartition should corahhfd rhroncb your inffrvn- we cannot do otherwise than assign qnifmrcitth and of theoeral ewsfi fcsconfllaed iftwmehjowr tnterrra- rnhf fitfcfrriltf refoefullv bees leave to which tho fall is attributed this sab- n e cannot dootherwise than assign tcsrts g ht jt m iftwr ukc into co joyou the wmmhj l u lf in fhr houfe nnno ration by tha ministers of the allied the mode of the repartition of the pay be ieqnncdo the delivery oi the pr per- he fceeps an 1n- in the red houfe oppo- ww y w meotfl in res to the general interest will explain to you the result of their with respect to the note which the deliberation a result which will prob- sieur dumond requested you would re- ty and the remaier paid by fuch inlbb fite the upper ivrack gate in the town mentaasmay be agircd upon for fur- ofktngfton where travellers of all dc- tber particulars apply to the proprietor fcptions farmirs or oihere who fhall on the prernifes viut this place car be accommodated with george scougaj efe and comfort he has likewife good n b there is a valuable foriug of va- tabling for borfes and will thank every ter on the pfinifes kingllon january 2 1 119 losi r ate in the evening of friday the 8th i a inlunt on the main road between u beachs tavern the road leading to waterloo sundle containing 6 of w arrays spelling books 2 14 yards of tuperfine black 3 yards of caflimere end j 14 yards drab c aud trim- mh gn all vraued and tied into a common handkerchief any pcrfonor persons having found the fd linnule and will bring it to this of fice or io mr kenry lasher store eirefi town shall receive the thioks of the subfctiber ad be rewarded if neces sary j- mccualg ernefttewn january 8 1819- 3 bl 4nks for the courts of request and various othr kmdsj for xqic at ilm one who will favoir him with their cuflom john hynes kingston 2 1st january 1 8 1 9 4w4 to lkt and immediate possession given the rouse and premisses latelj occupied by aitav mcfuuusox in the front street of kiigston for particulars applcation to be made to join kirhii or h warn mitchell esqrs who ate fully aithorised to enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rent the same kingston 2gsi jan 1s1 4tf ably restore the french funds to their former level protocol of nov 3 the duke of richelieu represented at the conference that the terms for the payment of the 165 millionsto be furnish ed by france according to tho couveu- tiouoflhc 9th of october having been fixed at very near periods a too rapid ex portation of specie has been occasioned which tends to produee a depreciation in the value of the inscriptions equally in- produceto us we have to inform you that the british govcrnmnnt ivill transmit its directions to him signed mntterjicir castlereagii wellington hardenberg berkstoff nesselrode capo distriij private correspondence talemciennes oct 25 the emperor of rufiia left aix lach juriousto thenterestof allthe vontra- 9 odc on the morning of tuef- t3 let vlmd immedute poffcflion given that qyal well known ftand for a tavern the property of mr john sizefituated in store street kingllon for further particulars apply at the ofe of allan maclean kingfton jan 12 18 19 3tf fgr sale at pew q st georges ctinrch jkingftonapply at this office tng parties to remedy this evil the duke of richelieu proposes i that the 165 millions which france was to difcharge by monthly inftalments from the 6th of january to the 6th of sep tember be difcharged in twelve months day the 20th inftaot and in an hour after he was followed by the king of pruflia when the kmperor arrived at leige he topped a ffcart time at the port houfe there in order to partake of fome refrefh- ment which had been previoufly prepared for him while his majefty was jeatcd by monthly payments from the 6th of a the table hsobfervedtc great affiduity an 12 l8n january o the 6th of december inclu five the intereft for the delay of three months being made good at the rate of 5 per cent 2 that the 100 millions in infciip- tions for which the different governments have treated with mm baring and hope and attention of the fair and welldrefled hoftefs of the pol houfe who waited qpoq him with his ufual franknefa he ex- prefled to her his fatisfaaion with the v ands fhe had prepared and alked her feve ral quellions abnut her family and circuro- ftances the hoftefs flattered by the m a jhali be realised bj pavocot jjusle at ih fe of the ewjieror and tteicifig ui

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