Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 29, 1819, p. 3

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xvtu burlry mumm leamwi r email iwirteft ainl rw lun jl vnal senr t van ulconbnrgb lames monw brasnvu lrii toflie juhtin hi- pweltrvqt pleased to roiint the miming atimtfl gnntufmfn i wave teceived particular fatisfaction from vour loyal adhels for i think it important that the united empire at we snd not lefs that naton on borders fhould know that the people of this province ate not of a eh cattcr to fjl- low any band of fefifom individuals who mav rhoofc to originate an enterprie hcwva craftily diuifcd agnnll the go vernment and coniuuticnof the country in my anxiety to learn the real oaufes of difconteit which were complained of bur not aatcd i read y anfwered a peti- tion finned by certain individuals of your townfhip thougb i could not fail to no tice ht it exhibited the reverfe of that tone of duty which is nfual and becoming in fitch commnricatin3 on this occa sion however my feelings and imderitaud- ine both aftured me that the writing con veyed neither the language nor intention of he petitioners i am now happy to be confiimed in that opinion by the decla ration which accompanies your aihlrds and gadly take thw opportunity to re- jivirk that the fifteen individual whpfe signature it bears defei v- much praife tor having kontftly difcharged a lervicc which was at once due to thenfelves their feu low fubjedts and he g vernment- i have ordered the latement of griev ances which i received in anfwer to my inquiry to be inferted n the gazette and i lave it to the honed good fenfe of is majefiys fnbjefts o tins colony to con iider whether they are fueh as to jollify the revolutionary meafures which were hurrying they krew not whither many loyal but mrfguided perfons be aff re- gc tlemen that it is no lefs jny inclinainn than 1 feel it to be my du ly to remedy as far as lays in my power any defcripion of evil whether it be of a partial nature or fnch as afnds the gene- id interefts of the col- ny his excellency te lt governor has received the following acmrefs from the vnagiftrates c- c of the county of glengary to his excellency major general sir peregrine mail land c b it gov of the province of upper canieta ssfa r the loyal addrefs of the clergy magilhates office- of militia and other inhabitant uf f iccciuy tfl glengary may it peafe vour excellency we the lery flfagiftrates officers of militia and other inhabitants of the county of glengary having in the ad- dtefs we had the honor of prcfenring to your excellency n your arrival in this piovince exprcfted our firm attachment to the government f our sovereign and to the glorious conflitution of our coun try and our determined resolution to defend both with the laft dnp of our blood fhould coafider it unneoeffaiy to trouble your excellency on this occalion with a repetition of our unaheiabe fen- timents did we no perceive fo many others prefling forward v f eitify their aoprnhation of the law afll ci in the hit seflion uf our provincial parliament for reftraiuing certain feditious meetings we concur moll heartily with our fel low fohjdts in a proving of that law and cve other coi lutational neafure that may be dv pted to hear dowa reafon nd fcditn uudrr wkrtrvcr form thofe rdious moaner 8 nay rear their guilty inads for ve fhould confidcr wc had difcharged the jeaft important part ofeur duty by bed ding our blod in the fied ill repe ling the ceu attacks of the foes of our conn- try were we not equally ready to fupport the government in rei retting the ihfidous reach inations of its domeftic enemies we view with indignation the attempts of delperate demagogues to diltuh the public mind by conjuring ideal gpievdnce avhich exill only in their heted imagina- tiobs perfectly convinced that thir ob- jeft is not the melioration of the condition of lie inliabuaulp ot till- province uuu actually enjoy every freedom and indepen dence which the mildeft laws pnd he mod perfeft form of conflitution can bellow but to create confnfion and to fih ia troublctj waters in hopes thereby of grati fying their malice and of extricating them- i elves from the deperace fituation into which their riadoeb his brought them and that to attain their felfifh ends thou- prtterded patriots would wde tbrrugh oceansofthe blod of ihelroeiud d volar iea 1 he ttifdom and encrg whiob mini- fefled themfelves in the commencement f your excellencys adminiftration and the roeafurc which we fee ia progrefs foi the good of the country command both our grateful acknowledgement and our impli- cit confidence and open to oui view a cheering profpeq of the rnpilly increafing preiperity of this highly favoured poition ef iill dritifh empire that the almighty may preferve vour excellencys life and health already rendered dear and important to every loyal fubjeit in this province and enable your excellency to rule for many years in the grateful hearts of a free people is the ilncere wifh ad ardent prayer of the ii habitants of this county the fignature amounting to neatly 4 hundred wc are obliged to defer inferting vntil next week to which hi excellency has bepn ijleafed to oiaks ths following raply tj the inhabitant tf the county of g fat s gentlemen receive my thanks for your loyal pa triotic and affediouate addrefs the hearts of yoar ancellors were ever obedient to the call of their count y it was their gloiy to have made the banner of sr andrew refpected by her european enemies it i yuiirs to have made the fame banner rcfpced by her enemies in this hemifphere but this was not their only merit an equal degree of piaife is due to them for the not tefs important cx- ercife of pacific virtues for their brotherly attachment to eich itber their love uf or der and inftrutsuow and for their principled fubmiffion to the laws and government of their country such gentlemen were the virtues that ennobled your anceftors ftich are the virtues which eminently exift at this day among your european brethren and i rejoice that rhe beneficent and klefled author of out faith lias made you per ceive them worthy f your ellcerw and imitation rnay he in his goodnefs con firm yon in every good habit and bellow on you every other b i effing in the month of december lasf a petition was received by hi kxehieiie the lieu i go vernor from certain inhabitants of tin town ship of ilaldimandi in which many grievances were camplai i of bu none set rorih b hi feelencvsenmmaid a letter wa hfimedituely vvritcn to mr wilson itoc the first subscriber of ite petit ion de nuz m be idformed what vfere the specific rieanees complained of f which the fnllowin a la heen fceivcd haldimand 26th nov isis sir i hid the honour to receive a lcter from his excellency the lieutenant go vernors office dated the 1 6th iuft in reply thereto i beg have to llate that i received a letter of occupation ror lot no 22 in the firit conceffion and alfo for lot no 2r bein a crown keferve in the fame loncefbon of haldimanj hnt hive heen and am at prefent prevented from occupying faid lots by william bur oh axn who all edges that he purchnfed them fora the dminal proprietor- francis bumham i have made known this cir- enmftance to mr boulton who was then attorney gencial nearly three years ago without receiving any redrefs this i pon- fidercd a grievance and was the caufe of my figging the petition from haldimand i have the honor t be 6r your obedient fervant wilson rqs favemifai in tiiegijmiip and location ef lands one indance of which among ma ny others has been mentioned of a valua ble trac3 of land in the front of the tovrn- fhfp of murray very near the outlet of the river tronr gfaiitcd to a member of the land gondii in pre- ference to other who had long wifhed to obtain fo favorable a locatien fer afttial fettlcrrcnt the confequence of ftch compaints continued from year t year whether with or without tuft caufe has been in this part of the province and lo far as otir acquaintance has extended a general dllvtisfaction and difcontent and a decreafe of confideacc in that depart ment of the government the moll ef fectual method of removing this evil we fincerely beueve would bean impartial in quiry into the caufe of ifc by fome eom miffinn or competent authority in order that any exiihng errors may be correelcd and any unfounded reports and lmpici- fiorts refuted in praying for fuch an in- veftlgattou vrithcu pretending to the meani of afcertaitlng the fafls ourfelves and ftaung them in detail we feel a con- fcioufnefs that our motives have not been feditious but loya and patriotic 7 bt continued kingston chronicle i friday jxuirv 19 1819 to ttu rxeellenrv ir pjreorifl va1t- la l k t h lie iteini wruor r the frinee uf tipper cooadt fee sc ci m it pi ute vour fxcetrnry by a letter from your secretary dated the 5th inltant directed to the firfl ilgner of the petiti n of the inhabitants of mr- neft town we are informed that your kxcellenry has received our petition and defire to know what are the fpfieific griev ances of which wc complain we thank yor excellency for this no tice of the pntien j and view it a an ar neft of oil i further attention to the wiilcs and intcrells of his majcdvs loyal fubjectj under vour government whatever in the tone of the petition ha appeared to your excellency undu- trful we hpe will be afcribed to the furprifc and pain with which wt perceiv ed that the efforts we had been making in conjunction with our fellow fubjects in other pans of he ptovhic to obtain an inquiry concerning grievances compliined of with a view to their redrefs had been too fucccfsfully miiieprelented to your excellency as attempts to excite dif content and organize fedkin and were likely co be made the occafion of an aiit which if paffed would in our apprehen- io caft a reproach upon the inhabitants of the piovince and unneceffarily abridge their political liberty coufcious as to ourfeves and fat k red with regard to our feuiw fubjeftff that no luch feditious views exifted wc expreited in ftrong un- twdicd language our fenfe ef the injulbce of the charge and our alarm at the con templated nnufure our ideas might pro bably have been couched ui more happy tv j xjui 0411 j eikti9 d tutf fame reflection has indeed confnmed our repugnance to fuch a flatute if it is not paited we entreat your excellency to withhold the royal iandion if it is al ready patted we dope your excellency by further experience of the difpoiltion of th ptonle whom you are appointed to govern will become fo well fatisfied of their loyalty an to recommend a repeal of this rcllriftive law in the mean time we know rot how far we are fafe in deliberat ing together upon the fabje of fpecify- iu the grievances of which we complain leit t s 1 e y fljould be deemed to be matters on which we re foi bidden by the new law to meet and deliberate and yet without fuch joit deliberation the fepa- f ate latement f a gngle petitioner will be of little avail preluming that the let ter written by your kxceluncys order was not intended lolely for the individual to whom it wa directed as he happened to be the firft ilgner of our petition but thai it wa meant to be communicated to all the petitioners for their common bene fit we venture to comply with it in that leufe and unite in this deliberate but im perfect uatement of a number of fpecific grievances of which we complain t the land grouting department has long been complained of for unneccfldry delays occafioping much difappointment troufcle and expeate te applicant foi tin- reafoaablc fihargei j and for partialitv aod our norv york though of a late date contain no european intelli gence in any dere interesting their paes are chiefly devoted to the publica tion of the proceedings of congress and of the si t lcjiilature which on ac count of thojr ermnc length we are pre- vented from laying before our readers it appeal that no important debates lave yet akini place on the iloor frfcongress though ci one wii work is speedily anticipated by he editors of the nation al intelligences the committee ap- pnlnfr for thecssniination of the papers rfettnc fofhe aflvr of arbuthnot and a morist rr hare cxoresspd hair decided disapproliafioni f4eneral jacksons con- duct the ftdifejy estaullshmottofth united states why was limited by a law in ltl5 to x0i men has bceu brought under coijd and the se- c re tar at war in ronformity with a res olution passed at y session has re ported upon it ant stated that it cannot be rediced bmou j present numbers with safrty 10 th public service a- monijt rhorrhiuiu he proposes an altera tion in t orations bowsssn d tothalmops 5ubtitutrai weip hx cidr for tpivltl it is nutue arv to bcl ve thai thi- is a wiwaml h mane ftuggestion the change which un- some lltrtt ago made in i9 raion of tq brit i troops nerving in this country has certainly as little tended to improve i heir morals asitlias to increase iihrir physical powers no doubt the lovermmul had jjftorl and sufiicieut rptt- snm for making ii at tetsl it may be hoped it s not doo lacivly to gratify the jamaica planters the speech of joverrmr clinton can he read by no person without a fueling orewcl lorilie author as a scholarand a stamaii ve hope his remarks on i grnnd infernal improvements now carrying on in the state of xew york may cat h the eye of the members of the legislatures pf these provinces and in duce then to make some eiforts towards accomplishing til projected improve ments on the navl of the st law- reace in particular it i- desirable that our sister province should no longer cle- lay the opening of the lachjne canal he want of which k so much felt by ctery person uipe produce descends to the montreal market from the banks of the saint lawrence and the shores of the lakes at leiigii wc have prospect of infer the merairy after fluctuating for several days he- tweeu ss i ti i3dcgrrcs above fell in the count of yescprdaj ten dwrrca brlow kcfo this change in ir tempera urc oftbaioiosphere was accompanied with a fall of sboh the river fronting lire town apjifars hi morning fast bound in ii fetters and wemay indntaliopelhat our communicatroim with the urroandiog country and our ncrglibor- on rheopposiie shore will be cdilv renrwd for the ut month indeed blockaded city all approach to it inning been rendered ueailj impracticabtf by the state of the weather and he wretched cottdiifcni of he ruails tii iicriu ini- haocen extraordinary season and many ofour oldest inhabimntfi assurd us iliat iiey scarcelj recnllcct an instance of the river remaining open at o late a period the remai k- abie pophecvofiuli arncd danish professor has been thufaracttmptwrrd in this country anecdote of thelatemr sheridan his father one day defcanting on the pedigree ofbii family was regretting that they were no longer flyled osherldan as they had been formerly indeed father replied the late celebrated charaer then a boy we heve more right to the 0 than any one elfc for we owe every bdy a very celebrated picture of vaudyckes has been discovered at ljrusets it re presents the scene of our immortal we are under the eecebity of postponing the plihtiearioiuf the import and jvxport al quebec during lai yrar a well as the keport of the joint uttratnrttees appointed by the chamber of cojtimerce the laimnaii council and the man ufacturer of flour in the ciiv of new york ror i he purpose of taking into consideration the d preciated reputation and relative value of the wheat and tl our of that sate mau observa tions in thw renort are peculiarly applicable to i19 district and ineiit the attemitn of the iner- c auiand agriculuins the merchants and gen tlemen of the town of kingfton are re- quelled to meet at the grand jury room on mondayj the 8th of february next at twelve oclock for the purpofe of taking iito confederation the propriety and prat- cabi ity of forming a fire assurance com- piuy in the town of kingfton and to cs- tabliflian agricultural society for the mid land dirtrift london paper harmed at prcfque isle on the 7th instant by james young usq air william o cakkol of this town to miss jemima second daughter of ttliakim correy esq of 1 he former place on tuesday the 12th instant in adolphas- townj the rev official stuart mr barnabas rreuan of kiagstonta miss llliabeth peter- xou of the former place in thi town on tuesday last mr join rut er to mi llariot wemolla both f kiag dtttb tn this city yesterday afternoon after a short sickness jr finlav ffeflsk schoalmasttr aged 02 much andjiutlv regretted mr fisher was one of thoie meritorious characters who dis- cliared the various and important duiies of a tearher of youth wiili a fidlity which cnnnoi fail tocall forth the auplaueof ever good mem- herof ociefy tnc benefit- arising frmagood ed u eat ion an dan ear 1 culture of the mind can not fail lo insure thegrattlttdef the reecivcr to wards the donor but in this instance the regret for h departid not confined to those who have benetiied ivoiu histuiiion alone itn name will bcdearltall nho have been acquainted with him and in memory will t0 be cherihed by al whom the casual intercourse of eiel had given an opportunity of ranking nimasa mead at glengary upper canada on the 39th ult in his 74th year alexander mac doneut esq of greenfield for upwards of twentv years a refpeftable magistrate ia that county and a liegtenantcolenel in the glengary militia much and deservedly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance mu trrnl thvnhl pin lf kingston assembly the next will be on friday 5th feb ruary tickets to be drawn at half past seven oclock precisely kingston l jan 1819 bible society the annual meelmg of the members of the millind district auxiliary bible so ciety will beheld at the episcopal church rn fhr village of bnlh on monday the 15th february next at ten oclock a m all persons who miy be desirous of join in liis laudable institution arc most res pectfully invited to attend j as l setretarp bath january 25 islj contract for saw logs to be hlhcrtd al the kingston mills pjpxxderswwl bercceivod by the jl subscriber until the i5h fehru- ar next from persons willing to enter iuro contract for supplying logs for a saw mill at the above premises for one year from the first of may inwf particulars will to made known on ap plication to the subscriber roht stanton kingston isth jan 1819 5 for salet jflheb valuable farms two of jl them lung in the township of kingston 3d concession one containing 50 acresueinja part f waterloo with a good house and barn tan house bark mill and eleven good tan vats a good situation for a distillery there being a constant supply of water 5 the other ly- ig about half a mile east of waterloo in the 3d concession containing 153 acres and one third betpg the east and west halves of lots no jo and l with iuaiu oi improvement well it need and cuts 25 tons of hay yearly the oth er part well timbered and a small creek running through the middle of the lot it is a handsome situation for a dairy for particulars enquire of john rydee jon waterloo jan c 1819 5f theatre the lovers of the drama are refpeft- fully informed that on monday evening will be prfeated fr the firft timf in this place the grand mclo drama with new sceaery decorations c written by the odore edward hoakc kfq called tekelr or the seige of montgatg cor nt trkfm mr ehftunj alexiwy the heroine of monign mrs williams for other characters and prospectus str hilts- in the courfe of the drama a pas hrtjl bv mi fttmra to which will be added the much ad mired comic farce of an imal magnetism fr characters tu bills box tickets five shillings pic two shillings and ix pence cach to be had t mr moorfs coffeehouse and at the theatre doors to be open at six oclock curtain to rife at seven oclock gentlemen art requested not to smoke in the theatre t5the box book of the theatre will be kept at moores coffee lloufe from 10 oclock in the morning until 4 in the afcer- noon where places may be takon for boxes no money taken at the door cjno postponement on account of weather the public are respectfully informed that efficient means are taken to render the theatre warm and comfortable profcflbr diumar of copenhagen has publifhed a learned diffeitation in which he endeavours to ediblifli ab certain that the eniuinnr winter of 18189 will be very fliwrt and vciy add the last notice atll persons indebted to the late dll firm of taylor parker are hereby notified that unless their respec tive accounts and notes are settled by the first of april next they will indiscrimi nately be put into the hands of an attor ney for collection allan taylor betlwl igth jun 1319 5v6 wanted immediately a groom itiquircof the printer ringstoniqtith january 1919 6 notice the magidrates and inhabitants of the midland diftrift are requefted to meet at bath in the townfhip of erneft town on the fecond saturday in feb ruary next at 12 oclock for the purpofe of adopting fome plan for affording relief to the poor of the diftrift alexr fisher thomas markland peter smith kingfton 15th jan isrg 3 the christian hecqrbe to appear in numbcrs cne number cvery months at twelve and jlx pence halifax cy a tear this publication will be iffiied y air george dawfon bookseller york under the infpection af the rev dr strachan it liall be devoted to theological and mifcella eous fubjeds and particularly to iutereding religious intelligence and bio graphical and obituary notices bcfides occafional original matter it hall contain feedntns fion the various lunii eoiwznrt iccciii iukih 111c vbrietia britifh periodical worka mcral nd religious thcfe works will be regularly received for that purpofe and the readers of the christian recorder will thu be furnifced in the pcediell mode with vala- able and interclling felcdtion fto the lat- cll britifh periodical publications while it hall be the objeft of the jour nal t record important religious events in general particular regard will be paid to tfcofe which relate to the protectant church the chrifiian recorder will prefenc ita readers with a paltig map of the religious world and hall be occalionally enriched with the fentiments of thofe maftera of theology who were the lory of the days that are paft and whole writings exhibit the foundeil views of chrifiian dodtrine and order and the highcll fervors of pious feeling- whatever can advance the interefts of religious truth tho purity the unity and the profperity of the kingdom of the re- deemer and the faith holinefe aad confo- laiion ef the chrifiian hall as far a9 practicable find a place in this journal the plan if executed with tolerable ability mull certainly render this publica tion ufeful and fntereftin to all clafles of chriftians and the price of it is fo low as to bring it wthin the reach of all who can be profited or intereftcd by its contents it fhall be printed with a handfocnetype and on good paper of a large fize the firft number fhall appear early in march ahd a number will ba publifhed regularly every month the wotk being ifth d folely from an carneft deilre to pro mote the intereils ot religion with ifle view to its general circulation it will be furniflied at the low late of twelve fhillings and fix pence halifax currency a year agents fhall have a coramiifion of 20 per cent on the amount of fnbfcriptions for which they become refponfiblc subfcriptions received by mrg daw son bookfeller york to whom commu nications poll ptid may be addrtced and to whom perfons at a diftance may traof- rait their names with dirtions hy what conveyance the journal fliall be feat to them ttnrk january 12 1 819 cj subscriptions received at le posof fcey kingston notice on sunday the 7th february se11mon will be preached by the ret official g o stuart at st georges church for the benefit of the sunday union schools kingston 1 5th jan 1810 s to let the houfe lately occupied by lieu tenant brifcoe royal engineer the property of james richardfou sen fuuated near mr hugh earls for terms apply to the fubferiber robt richardson kingston b january 1815

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