Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 5, 1819, p. 1

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ston jr aiarwaa wraa aatrrrkfie jo fc wa 5wtf i 3 vol i friday tzjixooy febkuauy 5 1819 no ajcraiioijr7tsia tilf chpibttan mcorder to ippear in nurders one number every month at twelve ami fx pence halifcx cy a year aivf -m- m this publication will be iftued by mr george dawfon book seller york under the iufpeioo of the rev xr strnchan it hall be devoted to theological and tnifccmrcous fflbje3 and particularly to iiitercftaiij religion intelligence and bio- gnphichl and obituary notices befidea occafional original matter it hall contain fetefidon ron the various britifh periodical works moral and yeligiaus thtfework will be regularly teccived for that purpofe and the readers of he christian recorder will thus be fuinifhed in the ipeedielt mode with valu able and interetling feleion from the lat- cil brltiuh erudical publications while it hall he the ohjert f the j ur nal to record important religious eve its in general particular rerd will be paid to thofe which relate to the pretcftant church the chriftian recorder will prefent its readers with a paffittg map of the religious world and fhal be occafiona enriched with the fentimerts of thofe matters of theology who were the glory nf the days that aie path and whofe writings exhibit the foundell views of chriftian doftrine and order and the higher fervors of pious feeling whatever can advance the lutcrcfts of religious truth tho parity the unity and the profpeniy of the kingdom of the re deemer and th faith h dinefs and enfo- iation of the chriitiatt fhall as far as practicable find a place in this journal the plan if executed with tolerable ability mutt certainly render this pubica tien uicful and interellin to all ctaflfcs of gbriftians and the price of it is f nv as to bring it within the reach of all who can be profited or inrereftec by its contents it hall he printed with a handfometype and on g otf paper olta forge few the firlt number hall appear early in march and a number will be pnhiiflied regularly every month the woik being ifftid folcly from an carncti define to re mote the interells of religion wih the view to its general circulation it will he furnffhed at the low rate of twrlve fhilli gs and fix pence halifax currency a year agenis ihall have a p mmiilion 20 per cent on the amount of fubferiptious fei which they become refponfible subfcriptions received by mrg daw son bookfeller york to whom commu nications pott paid may he addrcfltd and to whom perfons at a diilnnce may ttftnf- mit their names with dirtions by what conveyance tke journal hall be feet to them tori january 12 i 8 1 9 tj subscriptions received at the post- of- ilccy khlgstm 5 black smith work to synalds co lately arrived jltl from ireland beg leave to inform the gentlemen and inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity in general that they have com menced the horse shoeing and blacks mithing business in all its various branches near the upper end of store street between mr doug lass houfe and mr powells all orders with which they may b favored hall be executed in fuch a complete and workman like manner and on fuch low terms as they hope will entitle them to a ihare of the public patronage kingston toth 03ober 18 ts 20tf notice the late partner hip of james ranhtn iff co having diffblved itfelf this day by the death of roderick mackay efq the bufinefs will in future be carried on by the fubferiber to whom all perfons who are indebted to the above iirm will pleafe pay their accounts without delay and thofe who may have claims again ft that concern will pleafe prefent them for adjustment james ranker ernefttown2illscpt 1818 2jtf dissolution of copartnership the subscribers trading heretofore under the dim of john strange ey co have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent ah persons in debted to the said concern are requested to make immediate payment unto either of the subscribers john strange thomas graham kingston 2sth dec 1818 4w3 the last notice ftll persons indebted to the lute 9jl firm of taylor fy parker are hfrby notified that unless their respec tive accounts and notes are settled by the 1irt of april next they will indiscrimi nately be put into the hands of an attor ney for collection allan taylor mvime wth jm 1819 sw9 bible society the annual mettmg of the members of the midland dmrici auxiliary bible so ciety ill beheld at tin eptcppal church in the village of bath on monday the 15th february next ut ten oclock a m all persons who may be leprous of jrlu- ituc this laudable institution arc most res pectfully invited to attend j rxlivs seer bath january 25 1810 ctarjf 5c3 pqrbion a cmgrem of aixlachapelle liverpool november 2 j the conference at wa- bapfihe hav- infr finally clofed and moll of the mlied monarch- and thti mwifler having taken their departure the stac papers which arc to announce to the world the refalt r tfeia auyuft conirr as nf sovereign have from rut boston rhpertory january 2 2 1819 w are indebted lo mr hooper of the fxchangt reading uoom for pnv papers to december 7 received by the margaret mcllu f from kochelle they contain nn news of importaree the f reign trop had all left fiance and ihe enjjbfli tioopi had all left the continent the allied for reign were on heir way to then irefprdivt home loid callleicaph contract i 01 saw logs to be delivered at the kingston mills tenders vwi be received bv the iiwrttkt ttltfll the 1 5th fchru- n- txt from persona vtlttus to outer i fo infract for supplying logs foi su ihi a tii- above premises for one y 1 fro thi ftwol mj next rt4cuars u ill b made unounon np- neaion to the sib rot stanton kingston 2sa jtrn- b19- 5 vi satm three valuable farms two of them linu en the township ol kindlon 3d onc- one containing 50 acresbein a part of waterloo with a ijonfl house and bam tan house bark mill and hcvmi good tan vat aiiood it nation for a i3itilicty thrv b in a constant supply of wat r the other i j in- about half a mile kast of waterloo in he 3d coneesion containing 1 53 affrrs and one third being f east and west halves of lois no sqftpj u uilii 40 acre of improvement fiieeiu and cuts 25 ion- ol hi yearly the oth er pait well timbered and a mail creek running through th middle of the lot it i a hand ime sitwlon for a uiirj for particulars ciuire nf i0i1n lynm tvatcrlwi jan 20 ishj sf n oti cr the magiftrate and limbitanrsef th- midland dlfuict are rcquclcd to meet at bath in the fowiifliip rf ifrneft truv on the fecotul atuidav fi fclv ruary nescr at 12 clock for the piirpofc of adopting fom plan for affording relief to th how tf i diftrift jiu xi ftshek th0v1 s w ireland peter siiph kingllon rjih jan 1 3 i 9 5 notrra the fubfonber refpefifulljr bega leave to acquaint chepowic in jvnial that he keeps an in hi the red houfe oppo fite the upper jarrack gate ii c ltwti of kingfton wlicrc trarcllera of all de fciptiona farmers or i hvrs vvk flail vifit this place can be accommodated with eafe and comfort lie has lifcewife rood tabling for horfe and will thank every one who will favour him with then cnllom john kyes kingston 2 t st yanuary 1 s 1 9 at length made their appearance thfis and the duke of wellington were at pans papers arc four in nmbcr but they are neither vtry volmnirious nor vety explicit the two brft cofift merely of an invita tion to prance to join th great coufe era- cv and the c3rer a ceffion of that power to an alliance whih is founded on fuch magnificent purposes the fl hd and fourth contain a iiirpe and dignified ao- peal loihe whole civpfecc world in vindi cation of tht- ore- hjccls which the al lied powers have aveady accompiiieed the flill rtrter nvnei which they have in view and the larcd compacts into which they pi fek to hioe entered for the bene fit of the human rae they folenmy in voke the aserfshice of heaven and d man kind tocany theiv noble projects into ex ecution and e- lrr thu their great ob- jedts of contentiot 11eree forward hull be tucli only as refpti the gradual advance nieitt of the humai fpecirs and the main tenance ofpeaceand good wiil ou earth declaration of the allied hmrrmgm on th breaking up of 1tc congress of aix-la- apdle now that th pacification of europe ij at expedition commanded by captain the clearing of new lands u so much wanted to remove this obstacle r- i- olutions wero introduced into the ll 1103 of assembly at their scmsioii m 1s17 declrini ihose statules in force here and for other purposes borne of which k olutioro were ad pted by the house btt before the had acted upon tw t ers of them tlivy were suddenly pro- roned and thei thy prevented from mu- ko the intended representation on the subject- the proliihitory httrurtl iil w are informed remain unrevoked al- plnlibrrt was on th- eve of failing for dif- though in sonic instances disiegardtd by magistrates who think them contrary to law we complaiu of this as a grie vance ath there is a grievance of an oppo site iharaclt 1 he recent attomp lo execute british navigation laws which fcrent parts of the eait indies mr per- roti u a botutiirt if to be joined to the ex pedition foi the purpofe of carrying out various pioduftion of lvance and bring- inj home vegetable- of tlc other hcmil- plicie he carrier with him more than 500 kinds of feeds and an aflwtment of fr the first settlement of the province fruit trees it u did that the govern- have been considered as not in fore- ill men have determined to put natnralilu on lllis province ahtl therefore have not board all the veflck which go from the boon oxceuted here uniil the col er tor frcah ports he ptndaee ol the via of kingston lately undertook to pat them tage of tht year for the kingdom of tcution by cizing a canto 1 f ibuir wurtemburgb isellimad at 15 millians of flmins and that f baden at to uollians the pr idnce of the la tt vintage wa fo abundant in feme parts of italy tnat the quintal ofgrapei has paid but 16 fous- grcat quaniiiies of wine have been put ia ciilcrn fur want of cfka mr ritchie an eriifh traveller 28 years cf age has embarked at marfcilies ior africa accompanied by mr dupont a youu4 frenchman on a tour of difco- vcry in the interior of that continent mr ritchie was secretary of the prefent em- baffy at the ctnm of france when learn- belonging to james crook ivq tooth er with the vessel v wliieh it wa3 ship ped at burlington with aclearane from the collector tliere to the porl k g- stoiii under the same a5 otie r two othrrsciz ures are said to have beei u de without pre umin to decide hip s- tionof the applicability of these navitja- tiou acts to ihis provitice ue wil ly remark taut ii tho ari to be s txed upon the prin plo pfbeiti j now v- ered to bo appih able to our inla t iva ters after more than thts rear 1 e- cution it would surely be reamjnalitr to ninii give his maiest snbjeets notice of the of france the kh j 0 great britain the khiif of prnfiii l emperor of au the ruflias have rc f their finance dd fuddenly of an apoplexy ahout the end af november the perlian ambaitadt mirza abdul haflan clian sovacigitmnk knoivntmttl tliernutt wa estiffled atajcientva on his way from 1 -ou- uui ruertiuru vu k xpcted ai venna oil ulfr way jrnn st pctcrlhurh where i has redded fotne of europe the tcfolts ox their nuein at am liichrptllc and with that view do puhiiftl thyjt hrwng dchiratiou theoiiviiticr of the pill of ot er which defiititiveli jfcai to pam and london frcncfj five ptr cent 6y fronlated the execution ft t he ejacrfihnt i to u v trea ty f peace of nom affaiul www ovenoo 20 isif is coniidered by the sbvvrens who ccvf- rd therein a- th accoinplifhment 01 the wtvkof pecfi at 1 s rhe rotjpletioti cf th political fytlew dehiaed kicaiure is i i iil it y rhe intimate cnicn eflabllffied anions the wmardis who are jut parties to lhi f itm by tht r own orinciples n ufs than by tiur inteidb of ritinr people of- fromihc ttppsr canada gazttu grikvaxcks as slated hi certain inhabitants 0 er- nest r joultuucl another souiv of com pin tut i- the in- jimii uraul- of public money a- ifcuvn several which have appeal d to u5 objilivnable in the present pecotuary circunitaiccs of this count ry we be leave t iiu- thai in else appropriation of nine thousand tuohuidi rl pounds twoshil tings atid twopence half penny tow a d dfrain the charges of the ci vil list of the provinces for on year by isje in tlierclitions fanai inedby exis- tl- act if the inih of geo- hi there is few tl europe th nvolt fdtfed pledge of its future traiiqiii ty fiie objefl rf ts union as fimple as it is great and fulu gry it doe not tend to any new o litil combination to any also be just that the same laws should be enforced alike against all if against any vessels boats and cargoes coming thihrwnthlhififait ufrhrctitoi i witlin their prohibition whereas we arc informed and believ- that cargoes ol great vatna have been atul are suf fercdj without seizure or interruption to bp trauspoited to and from thepoit of kingston on bottoms as fairly within the prohibition ofthoe law- if in fori lore at all as that in which mr croow hour fraa ttansported 5th the collector of the same port has also required boar c employed ex usiv ly in the inland trad- i the iiovmce and the transport trad be- tveeu this and the lwer frovin o iq be entered at the castornlloute a be- in within the provincial statute on the subject after sixteen yours uniform prac tice upon that act as applicable only to boats rafts- and carriages arriving from the united state 6th iguorance of the laws not being admitted as a leal excuse for traiisgros- 4w4 to let for one or more years and pofteffion given immediately hat stone hufe fituated in store street lately occupied by mr medcalf with stable garden and other out houfes the fituation of the above premifes is moft advantageous for a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to t france x rol heleau kzngflon 15 jan 1819 3 notice rjpiie late partnership of robert cra- i ham cs co haviuir dissolved ifdf this day by thedeufh of roderick mac kay esq tiie bussiness in future will be earned ou by the subscriber to whom all pi tons who are indebted to the above iirm will please pay theiraccouuts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them lor adjustment 20 robert graham point frederick lst sept isis huildlng lots a few lots of one acre of ground being a very good soil for gardens and good lituation for dwelling houfe one mile from kingftonon the new itoad leading from store street for sale on fa vorable terms apply to s bartlkt january 1 18 19 itf to let ind immediate pofteffion given that tjm well known fland for a tavern the property of mr john size lituated in store street ivingiton for further particulars apply at the office of allan viae lean kingflon jan 12 1819 jtf for sale pew in st georges church kingilon apply at this office jan 12 1 s 1 9- 4 blanks for the courts of request and various other kinds for sale at this oflas 4l hafii their inva refoiuti n never to depart itheram r themfelves or in thrir rehttotrt with oth from the r 6t- est obfervation cf the pmc oe of the riehtof nations principles which in their application 0 a lite of pernanet peace can alone icdnauy guarantee the independence of each government and the liability of hcgeral aft civion faithful to tiie- prideipie the sover eigns will main ta them equally in thofe vivcwiy fel xv7c0brc nriy o- pcilunriy prefent or in th fe which hall take place amony their minitlcr whether it hall be their object ro diaenfs in common their own intc rents or whether they take cogni sance of questions in which other govern ments fhall formally claim their interfe rence the fame fpirit which will dnedt their councils an i reign in their diplo matic communications hall prtfidealfo at thefe meetings and the repofe of the wrld fhall be conilantly their motive and their end it is wih fuch fentiujents that the sov ereigns have confummated the work to which they were called they will uot ceafe to labour for it confirmation and perfection they folemrdy acknowledge that their duties towards god and the pco le whom they govern make it per emptory on them to give to the world as far an in their power an example of jus tice of concord of moderation happy in the power of confecrating from hence- foth all their efforts to the pfoteimi of the art of pcac to the increal 0 the in ternal profperity of their statea an to the awakening of thode fentimtnts q reiion and morality whofc empire has b too much enfeebled by the rni of the timea ml tti rninr hardfjfbpoo rlf hi i ii h berntre p cavfm j agh nissl lllone v tli il cko tvggyiua propnatlon ityonaa 11 p for the maintenance of the clergy of one rdiioas denomination wo consider it a grievanee that theprovlnclal fundshould be encroach d upon fo that purpose and we likewise humbly hope that the crown reserve being oqual to another seventh part of tin- lands granted in the proviuco may consistently with the de- have frequently been in operation for months before auy effectual publication of them sometimes indeed we bave been a great part of tiie year subject to laws which we had no practicable means of obtaining 7th we complain of the highway taxes required ol the inhabitants of the province by statute not on account of sign ol their reservation de made to pro- iu t vt 1 n 4 i- u tlieir object which we hiahly approve dut a fund sufficient to relieve the mo- r ther country from the burthen of the not for their amount ti which we do not civil establishment of the frovinre without charging so heat a sum upon the provincial revenue with this view we wish the subject to be represen ted to the proper authorities for conside- ration 3 the instructions issued by lieut governor gore to the magistrates not to administer the oath of allegiance to emigrants freffl the united states with out speeial licence besides putting ap plicants to the trouble and expeuce of v v going and sending to york fromall quar- gcompan ters of the prorincc have made their tal ingle jjerlc admission to the oath depend upon the discretion of the executive in cases where it is a nuimor of legal right if the act of the 13th of geo 1j for the natu ralization of foreign protectants bv seven years residence and the 30th of the present king entitled wi an act foi object nor for the manner of their pay- femn am llilfcw rtocti is tiktc coutctio nt tlian if payable in money without the option of paying in labor but for their apportionment which we think is une qual and unjust and in which we pray to your excellency to recommend an al teration 8th applications have been tmde to the executive for faafons to aft- of in crpotation for various ufeful purpofes viz for chartcrirtg banking and lao- j j vv fa capi- fon woud opeiate but partially in effeing were it applied but 10 which man are willing to veil a oart and vrilh the retiaindcr not to be fubjecc to the demands of fuch vurpofes such applications have received for anfwer thai inlructron- from horns were to give fanc- ton to no bill ol that nature we com- encouraging nev settlers iu his majes p thlh as a grievance and defire tjh colonies in america are in force y excellency wdl think proper tore- iii this province until the instructions commen i to his majestys mtaifter a refei red to we believe those statutes were considered to be in force here ami were acted upon accordingly and they nave not been repealed but the effect of those instructions ha been to suspend their operation and as the oath ol allegiance isa requisite qualifica tion for holding lands many valuable settlers have thus been excluded from purchasing ettlinp and cultivating laud in this province where agricultural la- bouff especially that which is adapted to komt the neceffify of giving the royal 2- lent to ds otiacorportion when fuch acis appear for the general advantage of the provioce by which a villfun miht be laved to the people which is nw cv- peadedin the importation of various arti- ticlea of maaafadure whoe materials aie abundant in this provioce 9th another abule of the cufljti houle laws appears to us to delerve no tice in the winter of i3t6 the late wra fairfield ef of tbio topnfhxp then tra-

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