ding k bogfton ordered bis cenefport dent at albany to fend him fome kegs of tobacco which were accordingly lent to- get her with ar h forward o tides helonging to letter fthistotvnfhip in a fleig 797 t 319 b 111 casks bags 187 casks with alette by the driver to mr fair- hed defiribf htm to enter them at the cuftom houfe and pay the dtttiej un fortunately mr fairfield died juft before their arrival the principal clerk a fon of the deceafed having occafion to vifit the timethe fieigh arrived an under deputy of the collcaor who was prefent being applied to for information how to inter the roods referred the clerk to the deputy acting in the place of the collector in his aiience to wham he accordingly applied in order to make report and entry and pay the duties as the invoice which had been forwarded in a letter by the pod was sks miiscot sugar jgsbxsi 719770 lbs i coffee 5077 lbs loaf tobacco 2 boxes j 211575 lbs 2 casks and cases manufactured do 663 lbs 1 case snuff 74 lbs 1 132 4 tacks playing cards 139242 minots salt 210 chests hyson tea 13085 lbs 418 j on green c 314933 lbs 15 do bohea 1990 lbs n b 3 per cent has been deducted from all the above articles except the placing ranberries ot tobacco ann ouu au the lad knowing no other way of finding their weight than by weighing them took them out of the fleigh and weighed them n the lore there being no public scales provided for the purpofe and went imme diately back with a true account of the weight to the cuftam houfe to pay the duty but the colleor refuted to receive it and ordered the tobaceo together with thefleigh horfes harnefs and all the other articles of the load to be feized becaufe a part of the load had been taken out of the fleigh after futvfet without a permit al though the lad did it in purfuance of what he underftood to be the adiing collectors direction at molt it was no more than a ziifunder handing an inadvertant error of a young inexperienced clerk whole inten tion and endeavor as well as the intention and order of the owners were to have the load reported the dutiable articles fairly entered and the duties punctually paid yet in confeqnence of this mere informal- sty thofe articles with the reft of the loa ding the fleigh horfes and harnefs were condemned and forfeited one half to the life of his majefty and the other to the collector upon the teltimony of the acting deputy collector who was admitted as a witnefsj having declared upon his voire dire that he was not intereiled whereas he has fmce acknowledged that a fhare of the forfeiture belonged to him as appears by the affidavits accompanying this ftate- ment the amount of the articles fo fei- zed as eftimated hy appraifers at their market price at the time of their feizure tvas about gs 5 6 which was mention ed as their amount in the receipt taken for them by the collectors but after their condemnation the apnrifer ar iknequcft ot the collector alone appraifed and cer tified the value of them as they would fetch under the difadvantage of a forced fde at auftion to be about 8 to which certi ficate was taken to be returned to the pro per office at york about 82 io of the price has been paid and a fuit ha seen commenced opan the receipt for the a- mount due according to the firft apprajfal upon the trial the jury found a verdict for qz o o the balance due according to the laft appraifal a new trial has been granted and the casfe is still pending- the natural tendency of fuch bard ca fes i to promote fmuggling by exciting the paflions and prejudices of the commu nity against the revenue laws and by giv ing importers occafion to justify them- ielves by faying and perhaps really believ ing that they incur more danger of forfeit ure for fome informality when they open ly import their goods and endeavour to conform to the laws than they would by riftgag them in fecretly out of fight of the collectors such we have no doubt has been the effect of the foregoing cafe from he canadian courant value of merchandize paying 2 13 per ct 772373 14s 6d at gaspe 33 puns pcum 378 j galls molasses 3903 galls 1 qr cask spts of wine 30 gb 5 casks coffee 552 lbs 10 casks muse sugar 159091b 1 leaf tobacco 699 lbs 3 manufacdo2l5lbs 5 chests green tea 421 lbs 33 16 puns 1 llhd 147 barrels 70 kegs i jar 2310 bushels p 9 mips 10 casks bran o l tnnsl jsecd cake 35 easeuveedpiauts 1 barrel seed 2 cassis 0 caspyroia umbellate 4 puns 2 cacs cpilllftf 2 casks sarscvjriiia 3 barrels jfufe 1 cask ginsa 1 box honey 2 barrels feets 5 hairs wool 1 hhd efrmj 9 boxes egg- 17 regs ruuft 9718 ox horns 7 casks lime 2 bee- vax 3 puns hemlock bark 96 stoves 9i horses 9 sheep 2 bark canoes voreo province infep- thofe of the mother country and the hon our of his majeftys crown and govern ment jn the progrtls of which you may d almi- rely on my mod cordial fupport an ance gentlemen of the home ofasnmw ealed cent the voluntary offer made by the r mmonsof this rro- vince to provide for the expenfes of the ci- gentlemen oj me vi his majefty having been pleafed to ac- pt the voluntary effe the rc- prefentatives of the co ide for the vil government meafures were adopted by youi late governor in chief sir j c sherbrooke during yourlail feffion to car ry the fame into effetf which you cheer- fully fupported but having by his li- nefs been prevented from contemplating a p n b 3 per cent has been deducted from the above articles 43890 miuots salt duty free value of merchandize paying 2-j- pr 2661 7f lid currency ct imports for 1818 at quebec s88 vessels 90418 tons 40 18 men 35 pipes casks 38 hhds 40 jr 1 hamper 67 pipes t hhd 29 ckscas 235 pipes 200 hhds 599 qr casks 5 ckscas 51 demijohns 59 pipes 2 hhds 9 butts 638 pipes 217 hhds madeira wine 6536 galls port 9291 galls tenerirte 52175 galls fayal 6019 gals spanish 90766 galls 101 qr casks 49 pipes sicilian 5352 galls 3 casks bottled sherry 30 galls 20 pipes i marcilla 1 hhd j 3290 galls 220 hhds i 193 cksc4sj 12323 galls 3 hhds mountain 165 galls 621 casks brandy 1 got j 75300 gais 585 puns i gin 3 boxes 63064 gallg 8 puns arrack 8c0 galls 21 puns 1 cask 1 case 9000 pans 17g hhds whiskey 4496 galls- rum 95 galls 2 puns shrub 362 casks molasses 33977 gall 3 329 casks rerined sugar 24771 1 lbs at new carlisle 24 puns rum 2554 galls 12 molasses 1192 galls 1 cask coffee 20 lbs 10 muco sugar 10150 lbs 2 leaf tobacco 1693 lbs 1 manu tobacco 75 lbs 5 chests green tea 376 lbs 1 bohea 101 lbs n b 3 per cent has been deducted from the above articles 275 tons c c aann r 1 i salt duty free 2200 bushels j value of merchandize paying 2- pr 4051 109 orf exports ct fues pfltries m 3079 fox skins 35 18 mai tin do 3760 bear and cab 57 i 32 baver 27897 moskrat 931k otter 41654 def 2030 wolf 3 mar mot teq 4557 hare 1 is seal 20 squirrel 8523 iinx 3872 fitchei lr5225 raccoon 3776 cased and pen cat 365 wolverine 111 lynx 7 btiffalo rcpcs 310 swan 44 barlirors 2 loupserviet 5 ground h 16 casks 1 k oase castorum rablv cwmefled with hg acceptable to am hnefsthc uraoiycw p recent and for which my warm- ell acknowledgments are due the terms m which you have been pleafed to convey to me your good opinion art very flattering i trtift to merit the continuance of it by equally from duty nd inclination fulfilling his royal htgh- rjefa the prince regents commands in promoting to the bed of my power the profycrity of this rifing colony house of assembly tuesday s6th jan 1s19 at the hour appointed mr- speaker and the houfe went up to thecaflle of st lewi with the following addrrfs in t vw r r anfwer to his graces speech at the open- ihe appropriations required i confider it g neccffaiy to call your immediate attention to hls grace to this fubiea by which his adminillra- charles dukk of richmond les- j tjcox and atjb1gny knight of the most nuble order of the girter captain general and governor in chief in and over the provinces of lev- rr canada upper canada nova seotia new brunswick and tlieir several dependencie vice admiral of the fame general and commander of all his majestys forces in the snid provinces of lower canada and upper canada nova sco tia and new brunswick and their several de pendencies and in fhe islands of newfound land prince fd ward cape breton and ber- miula c e c may it riee youn grace we uis majeftys moil dutiful and loyal fibjes the commons of lower canada in provincial parliament afitem- bled beg leave to return your grace our humble thanks for your speech from the throne we moft refpeclfully pray your grace to return our very humble acknowledg ments to his royal highnefs the prince regent for having been pleafed to appoint to the government of this province a perfooage whofe elevated rank dillio- guifhed character and great experience will infure to this colony all the benefita of the free conflitutioci and government conferred on this province we confider the appointment of your grace as an ad ditional proof of the attention bellowed by his royal highnefs on the iutereft rifing coiony and i have no doubt of ex- and happinefs of the colony we molt fincerely condole with your grace on the death of her majefty whofe io 11113 1uujcli v tlntij o honorably conducted may be in this refpeci clofed and for this pur- ofe 1 fhall order the accounts of the ac tual expenfc of the civil government for the aft year and of the revenue collected during the fame period to be forthwith laid before you in order that your courfe may be open to proceed on other financial objects in like manner the edimates of the ex- penfe for the prefent year and the amount of the revenue to be expected fiom the exifting laws will he prepared to be laid befoie you that you may be able to at tend to the whole of thofe meafures which more peculiarly originate with your branch of the legiflature gentlemen of the legislative conncil and ftenllemsn of the house of assembly your joint experience of the public affairs of this province and your ultimate acquaintance with the wants and interefts of your fellow lurject renders it tinne- ceffary for me at this early period after my arrival to call your attention to any particular objects of legiflation i mall in the courfe of the seflion communicate to you by meflages fuch matters as cir- cumftances which may aiife mall require my earned defire is to promote to the titmoft of my power the profperity of this periencing from the union of your pro ceedings the moll fatisfactory refults to the interefts of his majeftys people and government from quebec cleared 409 vessels 94675 tons 4343 men 4 built this year 749 tons 791 pieces masts and bowsprits sundry imported 0h exported 03 tierces 3lf mmots salt 10 casks 15k 17 rolls tobacco spars oak timber pine do walnut kc round wood staves and heads stave ends boards and planks deal ends battens handspikes oars hoops boat hook handle stauncheons 733 feet ca 5 pieces shingles 581 pans 70 hhds v staves packs 59 tierces 1 50 empty casks 44353 pieces lathwood 8 10 wedges 82 captainbars 24251 casks ashes 94579 cwts 3qrs 5 lbs 401791 bushels wheat 3062 g997 33736 7ji 22- 1865831 3908 1 612160 3s762 52 1 12728 24700 79810- 120 70 529 o 1 2 pipes i wds f vin 12967 49637 50 6049 361 110 16164 barley pease beans oats indian corn mustard seed flax seed 2 barrels indian meal 30513 flour 8161 cwts buiscuit 270 tierces p f 321 barrels jeel 397 barrels pork 12 1 firkins and kegs lard 953 do do butter 6 casks hams 2 barrels tongues 1480 casks 205 boxes cod fish 1058 cwts 535 tierces 118 barrls 22 loose 456 barrels 8 kegs 175 boxes 9 barrels mat krel 2 cod sounds 18 cider 18 puns 3caksrum 11 eak me lasses 3 chests tea 1 eak sugar 1 biincl 1 cask coffee 17 las cbc a 1 cask cayenne pepper 43 tms 10 rw 1 12 piirc iron 1 ton 1 pun 11 iik old cop 5 bane- pifcli a dj ar 7 coils i cv i 1 oidnye i cask 321 twine 6 casks 6 k nails 21 bundles sfl 3 boxes axe 1 box scythe 7 chaldrons r 2 grindstone 200 bricks 808 empty bag 17s packages jderchattdirt to kinds posts or hunting f ca es gun icaskfhnff 21 barrels gfifl l gunpowder 95 cases 11 c sll fromp4spe 14 vessels 1280 f n 102 men 2 3089 cwt cod fl 18 barrels cot sounds 33 53 r8ps ht5rrings salmon salmon herrings ale and beer essence spruce 2 puns 3 hhds 12 hhds 79 barrclb 45 kegs 19 cases 72 bottles 1 box liqueurs 2 barrels 6 ham j cheeso 52 boxes candles 8 soap 420 casks oil 8 can balsam 7 bags hops 526 barrel 1 4 56 boxes j apples 137 barrels onions 2 tons 51 birrelsoil 100 empty casks 14 oars from wew cmltsle 23 vessels 2019 teas 109 men 17253 ewt cod fish 336 barrels herrhgs 1 12 salmon 5930 gallons oil 100 spars 855 tons pine timber 30 cords lath wood provincial parliament op lower g an ad a legislative council 1 his day at two oclock his grace the governor in chief came down in ftate to the legislative council agreeable to prorogation when his grace was pleafed to addrefs both branches of the legifla ture speech gentlemen 0 the legislative council and gentlemen of the ffome of assembly conduct for fo many years made her ail ornament to the high ftation fhe has filled the refpect which wa owed to the memo ry of her majefty our late revcredqueen having been publicly manifeued by a pro rogation your grace in now calling us together may feel affured of our zeal and afiiduity and ouv union and loyalty to promote by our labours the belt tntcrdtj of this favoured province infeparnbly connected uith thofe of the mother coun try and the honor of his majefty h rows feci sotpflwn 9ikb l i hum dial fupport and aflistance his majesty having been pleafed to ac cept the voluntary offer made by the re- prefentatives of the commons of this pro vince to provide for the neceffary expenfes of the civil government and the mea fures whieh were adopted by our late go vernor in chief sir john loape sher brooke not having in ccnfequence of his illnefs been completed by an jct of ap propriation we fhall bestow our immediate attention on this fubject in order that our engagements may be fulfilled and an ad ministration fo honourably conducted may in that refpect be clofed and for this pur pofe the accounts of the actual expenfe of the civil government for the last year and of the revenue collected during the fame period will be taken into our feri- ous confederation that our courfe may be open to proceed on other financial objects we fhall likewife apply our attention to the rftfmate of the expenfes for the pre fent year and of the amour t of the reve nue to be expected from the existing- laws and we fhall attend to thofe meafures which more particularly originate in our branch of the legiflature- we thank your grace fov the confi dence you are pleafed to place in the ex perience in the public affairs of this pro vince of this houfe jointly with another branch of the legiflature and in our inti mate acquaintance with the wants and in- tereats of our fellow fubject 8 and vour unequivocal mark of the importance at- grace may rest aftured tint wt ilidll apply tuitsnav 26th jan 1819 this day at two oclock the houfe went up to the caftle of saint lewis and prefented the following addrefs in an- fwer to j lis graces speech at the open ing of the seffion to his ritace charles duke of richmond len nox and adb10ny knight of the mom noble onler of hie garter captain general and governor in chiif it and over irif povinco or lower canada pp canada nova seoia new irnnwick and their several depondneies vice admiral of fhe ame general and commandir oal his maest porcesin r he aid prwineea of low er anida ttppnr canada novascolia new bran ttirkn d hrireveraldepfcdencks and in tee islafd- of view fonndland prince ed ward cape rrfon and bermoda sec c c mat rr r r rar wu gtjack we his majeftys dutiful and loyal fuhjfcts the legislative council of low er canad in provincial parliament af- fembfed beg leave to return your grace our humble thinks for your speech from the throne after teflffying to your grzce our for- row on receiving the melancholy intelli gence of the death of uer majefty oar late rever- qjieen whofe conduct has for fo many year made her an ornament to the hioh ftation fhe filled and our re fpect for her majeftys memory having been publicly rrunifefted by the recent prorogation permit us to exprefs our gratitude to his royal highnefs the pnnc- regent for having in the name and on the behalf of his ajefty been pleafed to appoint a nobleman of your grace elevated rank and well known do- litical experience as governor in chief of the britim provinces in xorth america and more darticularly for having confided this portion of them to your immediate care feeling- fuch appointment to be the ftrongeft proof that could be given of his royal highnefss anxiety to promote the profperity of this province and an tached to its connection with the mother county yur grace does juftice t the legffla- tive council in xprefling confidence in our zeal afliduity and loyalty and your graer may rely uoon our endeavours to prorrote by our labour the beft inter efts of this favored province infeparably connected as your grace fo juftly ob- erei with thofe of the mother country and the honour of his majeftys crown and government and we refpectfully thank your grace for the aftwrance of your moft cordial fupport and affiftance in the progrefs of thofe labours we fhall receive with refpect and atten tion fuch meffages as your grace fhall from time to time think proper to addrefs to us w avail ourfelves of this occafion to thaik your grace particularly for the expreflion of your earneft defire to pro mote to the utmoft i your power the profperity of this rifing coiony and we truft that nothing will interrupt that union m our proceedings which alone can pro duce refults factory and beneficial to rnoty uf her majefty our late revered goverament qtien having bee fo f pubhc man felled by 7 fnoit prorogation i now tneet yu with the a of confi dence in your zeal and affiduity and in our iw and loyalty to promote by your ubour the beft ereftl of tbi to whirl nic grace the governor in chief as pleasd lo make fhe following 4 enttenien of the heghtahve council the refpeftful manner in which you have reftified your fonoir on receiving the melancholy intelligence of h majefty qiflt cawot fail of be our attention to every particular object in which they may be interested we fhall alfo take into our ferious and immediate confideration fuch matters as may pleafe your giace to communicate to us by mef- fage in the courfe of the seflion we recrive with the utmost gratitude the afturance which your grace gives us of your difprtfitmn to promote the profpe rity of this rifingr colony and your grace may rely on the onion f our proceedines to produce the most fatisfactory refults for the advancement of the interests f ilia majestys ftibjects and of his government for which your grace manifests fo earnest a defire to which ft is grace was pleased to make the following reply i gititlemen of the houfe of aflcmmj the refpect fhewn by you to the memo ry of her majesty our late revered quen will i have no doubt be confidercd by hi royal highnefs the prince uejent an additional proof of your loyalty and at tachment and as fuch demands my bt thanks it will ever be my defire to cutivate the favourable fi ntiments which you have re ceived of me by an adhcrenct t whatever may tend t e advancen etit f the beat interests re of thi ivnvmce th rr aitnrnce you ctve of our atten- ton to the jeet i vt rcc mmended as more pctuhas iy rg f your branch of the ugttm i5 memuch iatis-