kingston clulolniclie fh1da fhnay 5 1819- way must lose pari of its influence ami importance because if will be unattend ed with any noise however notwith standing this i intend to tfcfttst myself into t lie genteel locwties of kingston and in thfc itnva paper otr mhari hg drink tea with them once a fortnight ittirr roniiprc nwm rommrnts on inn br- 11111 j he spirit of enquiry which lias lately boon so general throughout this country induces ire to suppose that it may per haps he directed towards rac and i there fore tafce the liberty of informing the public that 1 reside in a place which the american nomenclature justifies one in calling a village for it contains achurch v onsof lite 15 ulfc relative to the arrest of mr nonrtai no one in tlip province ran be mrre anxious than nitm4w ingrfrid of this person we cah- afil how ever qgim wiih those who think it neces sary ohavcrrcomieto violent mrtres to pro- ctt absence there isnodouhi that in point of tat lp jirnia1il members of ihe legisla tive council were justified iii proceeding s they have ilone aainslhim bnt a there law n jhowotheirongineothenccny oj c-eim- a tavern and a blacksmith s shop ilee stance so heami- necessity of fhrnirmnnrrs ins recur before lhe are call again into ope ration where ueaitt aihe necessity in his case surely the o a bddmfcfa pres nted b so many townswp tall excellency quit liac eooviiiceiieverv ihinkinp man that lie danger if there ever existed an va entirely mown n en tve ee no reasons to induce us to gr np our already expressed opinions on this stihject we repeat that we do not quarrel with the legality bnt vih the expediency of the m asues lately pursued one of he his oians of the present rcgthurcxprccshhvelf 01 tbeaftairof vi atilkes expulsion from the house of commons we quote th- passage as it appear applicable to the present question in evpelliiig him the house thrir the miniftors conduct imgrfi be le gal but a ministry in afree- country can netcr support themseivembv an appeal loiuezef7r of the taw they mim ao do 11 hat is egpeti int and even gracious o rfce eoul we shall wry unwillingly be compelled to a any hit more on this ungrateful s bjert it t not our wih tha either the man or hi- mischievous schemes be kept any longer in the recollection of the people our readers will t6 in this and ike preceding number of our paper propo- cud places had been obtained fot four others tli treasurer reported also that lie had received from mr forph williams 13 7 6 being thy proceed of a play performed by him and his company for vincel i migtjtt probably anfvrer i do not know pcrlliapa he thought it was impolitic to do u perhaps he intended i profecute him forr a libel cr edition know not bnt whatever may have been his plans this is eviicnt t no that to contemn the proceedings and opinions of tbu benefit of this society many loyal magiifltaur in favour ofa man visitors for the present month of mr gourlays cliarafter might give jufl umbrage to all otw loyal fahjos nor fhould we ine much obliged by the turning inofe atnojng us a ptrfon whofe fle occupation liince he has entered our province has ucrr to excite diforder to promote civil dilficntion and to pave the three things arc indeed essential inani- way for civil v xay fir of what ben- mate constituents of a village in britain c could it be to- us that our cegiftatorg but there are also three living craatures fhould en laws i the peace and fecu- vhich form a much more necessary part rity of the proviinee if our executive by f the composition viz a squire par- oppofin if hits rr t r mtuk vn a r- ihr ninilirs of fhe society are rcqnpsrtl to pay their respective su- riptions lor the present year to the treasurer and all other prisons who may be fto dispose are solicited to eou- tribute i o wards promoting the objects of the institution son and apothecary characters famed for local knowledge and importance from ime immemorial did such per- souoes exist where j now am i might under their tuitioi have become so vers ed arid interested in tillage polities as to render we indifferent about t dom stic recrraticn atid satisfied with the i ttie world around me hoveverthe human mind generally adapts itself to circum stances and as men of the greatest re nins have often when in captivity amu sed themselves with taming pder- and mice i may perhaps in time take delight in rearing pis and planting eabbaec and also be able to couimic my desires within the limits of a building lot 1 fear the title 1 have selected for my mtsforjmhushing the chriva- kecor- p djctions will appear somewhat biiffpi- der the very ilia of this zcork rvcom- nus to many who may probably think ppoimg their beng carried into attion fltould madly qcpiofe u9 all to anarchy and bloodfhed i am sirs pours c v to connhisro we ts tie have to uckuoxcletue our obliga tions io he authors tf dtptietlc llecrea fiuns and the oracle jut iheirverji enter- tnijihi commumcalioris the 1st no of dornesttc llecrations appears in this ktrhe managers of the ste j lioat ffo fenac hav eslihhflied a line of durham boats fro this place ropofe forwvcinj f i ciffereat pott nf tlc lake t rhat of montreal c the following teres v fiom york niae ra qjiteilop c i th head of the lake for tach barrel or flour e iverci at the port of montreal five hillings and fix pence from lifnttrton otee ort nf vlortreal for each barr- 1 f fi tic four fhi irer ail tix peni e from york niaprra quetnn nrj the head of the lake f r ch rvt of potatl divrrej at the tkit of ni-n- trea twelve fliilinrrs nr fix e cr fnm kingston to the port of vru treul fr each barrel of p tafh ten flifl liiirrs from york niagara qneenfion nj the bead of the lake for each sarrcl of for the kestqston ciikqiclf msiiro am mot rinctlariu expressipf my satisfaction at obsprfvioff fj th- oddrctc ptli- so long m thrse sjifightltf and agreeable ubed in n 11 f mimnihtf ywt paper aad in shall be pi nedtofavour us talk pork viveier at the nort of montreal drnfs paper the orwk kill be insert- eight flliuinga and trte pence erf in our vrrt cud mil be eontihm d al- from kingston t the rt of m ternntclj with the former even iceek mends it to attention and should inter est evcrn christian throughout this pro vince in promoting its circulation it if referring to the prospectus ce perceive that the principal lesign f he chris- they have quite enough of domestic re creation at heme but let them not up- pose that i mean while in a it ofdiovv- siness to yawn out stale morality or c x- hort tliem to prudence or gratify my tiatl recorder is to furnish us icih reli- pl bv presenting them with a sheet gicus instrutoft and intelligence it 1 a fact zcorthii of ohservat ion that hitherto upper catiridt cannot btirt the ncrit of ever having had a single peri diealpntj- licuion professedly devoted to religion and moral hence xce hsme fiert ljt in a great measure ignorant ofxzhaf has for years been passing in he religious world the christian lieorder bids of sea tidal my recreations will have nothing local in them nor will they be coutinedir their range to the limits of a fireside i may indeed occasionally while in a reverie take hints from the forms which a lively imagination can omtimes embody among the burning embers if i see men and womens heads i shall be inclined to t ilk of beauty and fair to remedy theevilbj briigit physioguomj should ships or battles in cur reach that kind of hfarwfffiqn schick can only be collected jron other more expensive and voluminous pftblicit lions reet my view i may perhaps prophecy that another war will jvc the canadians additional reason to boast f their toy- ally and wlen discover flaming hearts in the ire i hall become romantic to pieise u the ladies and pretty fellows if i occasionally venture upon snb- we forbear to comment either upon the grievances from ernest town or the statements rfthr rcrifrr hn under- jhich are already familiar to every takes to anszcer fhcts until the vtltvtc shall be before the public for the kingston chronicle i the lai numberi or rt upper canada gazette that the good sens and od principle our feuon sabjeetsare ituirc as from that reproach which the himime bad incurred tw a greater decree tli3n i iras ivrtlhif bar a long time to he- luve hv the ton paduoi ckv we had lent to tarbulen and dessng nini jsoi but tftere wercboine pcron siuroog s who having read of the mkchiefs ivtlca testier rfthn huve at times excited in o from w a tyler 10 mr hnntharinohe ritaslon in refiisiiig ihsfr uliu vfdtltll eomlenance fdfllksr and murfc wnre than fmiili iiaiire which by a strange infatuaion maiiv rf flif people ul this country were rnniiin into hwtl twq tiy a- the call of a mere aivveaiin er and who could not ht their ees tci the thstuility of the proportion tiia we ladheen ifinigtrfadingan lliever brink of rnin and were toiisi inkec nflfl ihe depru yf oolitical uretcef lled h iir elo subject- onpred raji naved by the fo- vernmnuderegarftd eped and nelcc hv our mother wis ltred hv on re- preventative and iwr from a combina tion of all those ral i ot d5 m eaj prey t our frlgibmuj thai ail tm shonld he plain aye plain a hp jwelear hat i wa w ver crroi t fchhewotl todotihtand tiiat ot of ahitil on- itii thousand soilfc men women andcliildren stbatwereail 1 h hurrying to ieiructiotfireefrnrtonesiuid tind i mil till a rrnerom frif awe farwilian wfi for oiuselve isapplly popped among u found out a if bv i etincr ttiat we were going all wrmi that crtr had pcivaded every mm her on nt linlrvork that te whole c was taint art lt v licul qjirk thai this informeimmhoah so dimly and moderately advanced did noi godnuii nithall of 11 can hardh be twonderd at m people doubled uheihcr i nilt by chant- in- one or evn wvbof enlrmswd by their sovfiein a hone ftn mino wfio v viled them and if mljyvfleelcd that elav- ipg them all with iwi-nu- was ilell a hale dvwilt wlf1 wl lrf crnle at their correspondence verfle cannot appear tve teould recommend to the author to take le gal advice before he submits the rase to the mihic r domestic recreations no 1 the man wl- resides in a city and has daily opportunities of mingling ir society enjoys a degtee of importance which can be sufficiently valued and estimated by those only who are doomed to endure the rigors of a secluded life lie is blessed with the means of daily communicating his opinion to his fellowmortals and though it is perhaps little regarded by them he often feels contented with the mere privilege of uttering his sentiments nd flatters himself that he has a vote in the genera concerns of the world even if his ideas are considered unworthy of notice the curiosity and amusement which result from observing the varieties of opinion which circumstances of public interest generate in every large society iiave the effectof smotheringthe impulses of disappointed ambition and making knowledge will pour their treasures full sftti i bluv ut iwbt my llnaurfrtaflfu aim endavor by alterine their costume or jwi n a hwlriy w mm ft l t e tlmi tcid hci 1 men f imihic observation find substituting the meteoric robes of fancy 1 j v had aed unmnder j ai rut unforrnnatciv for thi- province which wnnld otherwise have toiler stopped hnrt n ihe career of folly ibfiff persons took 001 ihe frm to communicate tothenincw interest and importanceas the last radiance of the setting sun often bestows richness and animation upon the clouds whiob before hung hotertng and obscured the ace of heaven i shall sometimes constitute a new fabric from old materials and by novelty of arrangement obtain from niy readers credit for originality of concep tion as a slight impule hurries into ruin the glorious pageantry of the kaleido scope but at the same time creates from the disunited materials a new and more brilliant form to attract aud eu- thrall the eye of the observer mv recreations will not be confined to canada 1 shall convey my readers into whatever part of the globe i think most int- resting and agreeable while domes tic shall be a citizen of the world al though i am secluded i shall appear to mingle in the gayest society although encircled with ignorance science and persevering pains fo iitrreive thai ohei in terested pernn- da f deceive he tareere sown white tlev slej w f decorum which it i well honlri be akvay ohserved pre- vented pron8 in offic i nation who u ere ile iv traduced from reb the lander and fay- ing the falshood ripen i the world lhe could not enter into anv vindication ol themselves against nfvpaprc hm uere constrain- the a i re the lovers of the drama arerrfpttt- fully inf rmed that on satttrdjft evening teb 6th 119 will be piefcnted tobins much ftdflitrtd celebrated comedy as alter ed to the stage by c kemble ifq ced the honey moon oh how to hulea wif i between the play and fare comio song poor little mo a favorite jew soncr ns fimg in london with unbounded spplaufe by mr huntly i 0 which will be aded for the last tfmcthl sefon the much admired pan- torninne in 2 a a i ailed le sergeant vallereux or les deux centinels kr c fee bills i iculail mr eri iufher havine difpofed of hi interest in the lioufe of lu flier 5c van slvck at prefctt and tiiat of lufher ext 11 at la chine to tft a jones of prefentt upper anada the bnsincfft will after tlic first day of march enfuin be carried on under the firms of jones van dvck at rcfcoit and of levi sexti co at la oiine we he leave to refer yon to ire oe- nexed notice wlifreta mt lo flier makes himfclf refponsiblc with n for any en ae- ments entered into ly fa id firms t feel fmisfied from our late experience in bninef the nuaiber of boats now rd to repose on he c one ud ho nay tf ft d commndiois mnre the common honesu t theirfellow btilyccts i rejuice and every iipwgih oia- ill tjnce a at tins place and la iwnc that we hall it respects them that f confidence is jo tihed have it in our power to jve general fetis- faftion jiim contented with the neutral state of n spectator since he cannot attain the distinction of being a leading actor in the drama of life 2ut the man who is entirely secluded from the world and all the fascinations of social intercourse has no consolation of this kind to lull him into an idea of fancied importance or conceal the insignificancy of his isola ted situation the general current of events the convulsions of nature the downfall of empires the corruscations of genius partly lose their interest in bis eyes because he has no opportunity of ascertaining the effects which they pro duce upon the morals of his fellow crea tures or of stating the impressions they excite in himself the wily resource a jut vvt vtt mim ioo oitiiii-tiiur- js that of communicating his ideas to the public through the medium of the press and occasionally endeavoring by this means to attain a degree of influence in my view and eaable me to survey all that is beautiful in nature and noble in humanity while surrounded with im penetrable forest i shall by the help of imagination call into iieal existence castles cities processions and pleasure grounds and by another stroke of her wand make then vanlh and iive place to thesavage the bear and the wilder ness having now stated my pretensions to public favor and notice my next duty is to establish them by fulfilling my promi ses if i have rated my powers too high ly it may produce a happy effect by ren dering me doublv anxious to sheu a ca- pahility of redeeming the pledges i now place in the hands of the public sirs in your excellent editorial article of the 15th in ft ant in the general tenor of which over the minds of his fellow mortals e- am happy to coincide with you i can- qual to what he would possess were he a not but think you have been punky n an member of the society which they collec- injuflice to the magiftrates who ordered tively compose mr gourlay to quit the province by now i believe my readers will be in- calling that which i am perfuaded they clined to susppct that this preamble re- themfelves bound by their oath to lates in a great degree to myself and that perform an aft of perfecutiom and when 1 employ it merely to give them a broad you cxprefa a hope that all proceedings hint of my intention of addressing them againft mr gourlay will be fufpended through the medium of a periodical pub- and that he will be again permitted to lication they are uite correct in this range at liberty- i would aflc bv whom conjecture 1 have been transplanted from the midst of a lively circle int the woods and as i previously enjoyed con tinual opportunities of ascertaining what passed in the world i at first felt like one who is suddenly struck deaf and dumb however the arrival of the kingston chronicle last week relieved me from the first aflliction by giving me some idea of what my fellow creatures were doing and in return for this service 1 intend through its medium to talk to the public by proxy though i ar 1 aware that any conversation carried on in this would you have the proceedings fufpend ed surely not by the very magiftrates who thought it their duty to inflitute thefe proceedings by whom would you have him fet aft liberty surely not by the very fame magillrate9 who command ed his imprifonment n this ould involve an abfurdity and cannot be what yon mean but the government why fhould not that interfere i reply the governor is alfo bound by oath to ad- minifter the law if you fhould retort then why did he not order mr gourlay to juit thfi prp- by the expresxlftn of hie puhhc sentiment which is now making it- w ay from all parts of the province 10 an insutied govenment i re joice too that bv miieh expre ion of feeling worthy ofa neron and mora people the doubts of our friends ad the deciifit hope- of anv that were notour friends will be most satis factorily terminated as long a our riaimorons wouldbe avionrs confined themselves to genera teims and talked only of v one preat vortex of cnrtnpiion of general avcflv rnin and oppression it was na tural enough to fear i ual ortp nvn ver weak 8fa tittle wicked tnigarl be found to believe that there mm be so nehing rotten in the state f denmark and for threis no accounting for what weak or wicked men may do that thr thou id he ready to join in any mrarw thai they should he prompt d to for the laudable pur pose of se ting all tih all therefore that was to b detnd was that they miould ceae to dwell altogether upon misery and oppression in the ab stract and hoild decnd a utile to particular- that they should tell s wha horrible evil the combination of so many malignant spirits who had 0 viracconntahlv met togettxer en little york had indicted apon nsj tht they ehotdd bew us hnio we were o he ruined and tlien might we jude hou we could hope to be saved whether tie lieut givernor from traatlaniic opportunities of oheuvin the conduct of the cobbetts and ftunis off the day bail found thai in these popular uim the readiest way of cure is to preie to th hot torn and tugpeaktothe phosts which fancy ha conjnrod up or whethpr beinhimslf a preateir tranter hau ine ti anger who had engaged 11 1 o bnmly ir petitioning soli ifhtlvnig fflfcl xccllvrcy imagined there might he tome cause for all this hutle and as anxious to krow what wra vronr ihat lie might lose no time in pttuiug it ripht and aveu- the expense of comnvosioner- conventions nam- billi cvc i know noi but i feel asured we may conranilaie ourselves ihat in calling a- we see he has done on lifse arieved gentle men to state tlieir tfiijrhy wrongs he ha adopted the bet possible course to pioduce conviction and togivno peace confidence and respectahiliiv orce more behold how miernbly has ingenuity been tortured to invent tevancea that hould make but a decern appearance on paper partununt monies but let us inspect the h ridicnlus nios one worthy man we ee on brine requested to specify in the namof hit fellow subjects the grievances of whici tsey ad to complain tells us a story about a mr vni bttraham jispatinga title to a lot of land f which he had a licence of occupation this l conceived a s and was the cause of his signing the petition from haldimand eod reason truly for abus ing the hovernor councils and assembly to say nothing nf every carae wiihin the vortex of corrup ion little york to be continued a jones cork vvanslyck l s xon trefcott january i8th 1810 notice- f ijntte suhfcriher havin difpofed of his i interest in the lioufe of lufher van ivck at 1 refcot and that of loftier sexton at la chine t mr a jones the husinel wflhn future be carried on under the firms of jones van slyck at pres- cott and that of levi exton 8c co at la chine me will notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsiblc with them for any enjracment they may make elll lusher notice j 4 wes me1gher returns his mvjl fmccre thanks to tht p opu of kings ton and its environs for the liberal en- couraetnent he has met with jincc his com menting hufmefs he begs leave to inform his friends mid the public that he is about removing fo his new moufe near the mar- let place oppofite to mr baymens and thl as tfnal carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory ffqsb shoeing and black smith work will be executed ih the befl manner 9 at the fhortel notice end cn the lonvefl terms n b 7e rents leafe or ftll for the term of ten years and immediate poffejfton given that well known fland the wel lington inn in barrack flreet this fu nation is one of the befl in town bawfs many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a houfi of public entertainment and store pply to the proprietor james meagher klirflon feb 5 1819 ptreal for each barrel of pork fix flrihinga and nine enre merchandize will be tranfported hv the fame mens from la chine to kit- an at the rate of five fhiunys per pwi an legnt passage bo t will rlfo leave kingston every tenth ay fr montreal which will befitted up it the most commodious manner and prcvet t a itr dflay to paflehgern leaving the uppei ptrt of th- lake in the steam boat fr nrenac it having bctn built f r the purpofe f leaving this place immediate y after her arrival thefe arrangements will uke eftect at the opennrr of the navigation and be con- tinucd during the icafoh peoil majkland secy 5 b comy kinflon feb 5 1s19 tfvfe stfcrer offers for fate his lioufe and farm together ot fcpaiate ssalfo bis llorfes carls slighs cows fjttgs oxen grain 1 hay potatoes and implements f hufoandry fituate on he river st lawrence overlooking the bcautifil villare o osdcnfuurrt and within half a mie cf pefcntt upper canada thrdwrllint houfe which lias lately- been erefted congtc of two fittiejr rooms 4 bed rooms a kitchen ami cellar wdl fit iilied- the farm contains 107 acres rf choice latld well fenced upwards of 60 cf which is pasture and fes cv the regain- er tillage and wood land with a young orchard and good barn stable and root- houfc aed a fmnll tenement for labourers o a gcntfeman of tpeculauon to above prcmifes which extends 3 acm in front of the river must prove of eat advantage as it u one of the be equa tion in the neirihbourhood for the erfefiort ofa whatf brewery or distillery c part of the ourchafe miney may remain ob mortgage if agreeable to the pnrchafcr application to be oade to henry forest efq montreal john macaulay kingston or the owner psthrofiaisn prescott 26hoft 1818 6tf whereas gilbert harris by advertitemen publthd in the kingston hrom e jan 151819 has cautioned all pfrfonn against putchafing lot no 22 in the 7th con of fredericks- burgh or lot no 27 in the in con of richmond as he cla to have a title to the fame in anfwer to faid caution all perfons concerned are hereby notified that previous to that advettifement the faid harris by hi deed of bargain and fale duly executed with warranty had convey ed the faid lots to david fiefs who had conveyed the fame to david hefs jun and john hefs who had bargained for thr tale thereof thi chain of title has been fubmitted to counfel who are of opinion that is good and fufficient in law and that altho the faid harriss rjrrant from the crcwn wafl not completed until after his deed of conveyance to faid david hefs he the faid harris is stopped from denv- ing his right to make fnch conveyance and that it is as effectual to fecure the title to faid hefs and his affigns against any claim of faid harris his heirs or afligna as if it were dated after the date of his patent from the crown the faid harris there fore and all perfons claiming under him are warned not to treipafs on faid lands under uehaiiy of the law feb 5 1819 notice rphe board for militia pek- sioss ouifi meet on the lafl monday in february and continne fo to do the am day in eath month until the hxifins sf this diflrib as regards the fame i fintled john fkrguson kingjlovt feb jl 1819 6 wanted tlwq careful fober men who under stand r he saw lill basinefs to attend a mill with two saws alfo a v to cutsawlos apply to h ichard bullock rphe subfcriber informs his friends and efq- springfield park tbwnfhip the publics that he jlill keeps a murray feb public house in the twfiip of cram ahk formerly railed goodwins corner where gen- v i he houfe lately occupied by lieu- at the monthly meeting of the com- tlemen and ladies may find good enter- jl tenant brifcoe royal engineers 5- to let mittee of t he flfijgston cotnpassiannt societyon monda fbrary 1819 the visitors repotted that th mm i 7 19 11 had bec expended in the rr- litf of nine persous an tbat i tatnmcnt alfo travellers jball not be appointed t finding good quartern for themfelves and tfvir horfes thos d sinfoud cramahe ztyhjan 1 8ij 6 the property of james richardfou sen fituated near mr hugh earls for terms apply to the fubleriber robt richardson kingston tb january i 189