t he ubfriber has for sale at his in cork screws tind iron spoons and forks brittania metal pots c pewter queens mstal and brittania metal spoons candlefticks brafs and fire irons frying f thomas d alton 5 co res- pedfntfr bc leave c0 ac ihc ubhc that they have commenced brew- where they have now ready for delivery iome excellent mifj beer barrels of thirty fix gallon each which they offer at the moderate price of thirty six shillings the barrel which price they do not intend to advance un- lefs from necefiity arifiing out of an m- creafed price of malt and hops thus the public can be regularly accommodat ed with a wholefome and agreeable beve- v a raoe at as moderate a rate as could rea- gr f d iron fonably be defired the proprietors of 3ns slts this ufeful eftablihwnt hugh c thomson jo jin bawling store in st paulmreet an exten- f e e assortment of hardware and iron- s noagery s goods of superior quality coniilling 0 all kinds of saws join ers tools edge tools dawmg knives planes chefts of tools wood screws nails hammers fhoe knives awl blades butchers knives and steels coik knives table knives and fork iron r or kingst4 proposes to efffitblish i candid impartial independent newspafkr t0 13e entltlrd the uppercaniun herald which will bepublifne weekly as foon as the neceffary arrangements for the pur- pofe can be made and caned irtocfuct the editor a hires his friends and the public that his paper fliauhe loyal and pat riotic open to all panic but under the control of none and iimructive enter- b j spirits tainin and authentic as lis heft exertions holland ciid eturus his moft gncere thanks to his friends and the public for the very liberal fupport given him iince his commencement in bufmefs and begs lcve to inform them that he has laid in a general and well feleed lock of o groceries wines and spirits can make ft and he therewe refpetffully coniac brandy therefore flatter a oftneiv f he has alfo juft received with the goods from england a numerous col lection of patterns books and efts of hardware and ironmongery andfoucits the favor of his frrends and the trade in general who by inspecting the goods or patterns will be convinced that what are now offered for sale are much fuper- ior to fome articles generally fent to this country and may alio rely on the ex ecution of any orders for goods from england being fent out equal to the patterns and on the lowed terms benjamin hart general agent and comm mercht montreal 2sth deer 1818 iw5 the subscriber having been appointed agent for the proprietor of the iron works eftablifhed at three rivers in the province of lower canada in forms the public that he has lately re- cetved a very extensive assortment of wares manufactured at that place other articles are among edward jones egs leave moft refpcdfully to in form his friends and the public in general that he has juft received an elegant aftortment of dry fancy goods confiding partly of the following arti cles viz superfine weft of england cloths and cafiimeres of the moft fafliiouable colors irifh linens britifli shirting linef and cotton cambrics corded cambric lenos and muflins jaconet and mull muflins fancy muflin handkerchiefs bandanna and barcalona do fine ging hams black and colored silks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corded dimitfe white lane white and buff marfeils quilting black itorentine fine undreffed calicoes bombazettes and bombazines of all color linen diaper and huckabuck white and col oured flannels ruffia sheeting and of- naburg a well chofen aftortment of thread and laces and ribbons straw bonnets ladies tortife hell combs can brie aid lace footings and a number of arti cles too numerous an iufert 4 crates of blue crockery wars groceries jamaica spirit brandy holland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hylon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars muf- covado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles snap starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cam or approved credit kings f 8 0b r sift id for sale o very reasonable terms and im mediate pft flion given a fa rm lying in adolhuftown on the bay of qmnty one mhc welt of the court ijoufe formerly owned and occupied by the late philip dorind deceased on which is an orchard of 1 15 large apple trees and almoft every other kind of jwowat bruce fruit t tto k i fn thh try alio a convenient framed hcufe eg leave very refpectfully to in form their cuftomers and the pub 2ic generally that they have received a more complete aftortment of advance fit rigs ton january 4 1i19 2 tjtli kli fas there ajpears to be a v 7 necessity for the circulation of coopers for the purposes of common trade and dealing we the subscribers will receive as small chajfge the various species ofcoppers which ave heretofore been current here except those denomin ated brock coppers and waterloo cop per- kingston jttn 16 i8b9 robert walker john moore john hynesj elijah beach wm fas lor at his old ftand which he is determined to fell at the moil reduced prices viz shrub whiskey peppermint cherry da wines tenerilte malaga pickling vinegar- lime juice groceries green copped best englitti tueefe motive 4 the subfcfcribers relpectfully en form their friends and the public that they have now received and juft opened in market street juft below mrs patricks inn a very exten five aftortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great qnan- tity of claflical books the whole of which will be fold very low for cadi and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec 1 1818 27 a a double c single of various sizes anil patterns cast ash pans sugar kettles potash coolers pots dog irons and dutch ovens which will be dipofed of lor caa at nearly the montreal prices the fuperior foftntfs of metal and durability of the three rivers stoves render them worthy the attention of purchafers as they are not liable to crack like thofe imported from scot land johnmacaulay kingston 1st oclober i8i8 1 9 j a fall ifixtfjl goods consisting partly of the following articles viz superfine fecond and common broad cloths cafiimeres fcmimable pelifle do white and colored flannel tar tan plaid irifh linen fine cotton shirting india and ftripe cottons apron check turkey other fbipes dark gingham bombazette chintz calico cotton and linen cambrics line chintz furniture calico corded dimity silks and silk handkerchiefs shawls fancy silk and cotton pop lin an aftortment of hosiery stockinette drawers bed ticks coflffe linen c c otan aftortment of elegant damaffc tableclothsfrom8ioto 1016 crockery gtjss ware groceries jamaica spirits c brandy holland cm wines peppermint and shrnb nd barn and houfes about one hundred pounds will be requited down and the remainder will be made very eafy for further partic ulars enquire of the fubferiber on the premifes george douglas adolphultown pth nov 1s18 26tf w in ears thomas smith john bulterwortli duncan mcdonald a norton daniel brown riiody cusack charles dawsooj w rennie li mcdonald jodn pergusonj mcdonald aykroyd james meagher sarah pa hick john blake francis carlisle benjamin o cott james atkinson ii w wilkibmun robert tiiberl abraham p welsel ebenezer iander j lialfour j pttgusofa edward aiycalicn isenry casady joseph s5cm george dcnigfass michael moran join dariiy davison john atkms edward jones n palmer windsor soap best cummon do pipe clay glauber salts pearl aih english mustard peppermint drops sugar plumbs svgar almonda cod fisb red herrings salt do salt butter wrought nails cerent sizes shingle do tapes needles twist cotton balls coloured do black thread white and lirown do w riling paper letter do fiun ponder tea tuankp io if son skin do 1 liliee loaf sugar muscovado do mace i moves cinnamon saffron hing glass turkey figs box raisins common do jvarl barley french do fig blue powder do bem poland starch black lepper fluvcr sulpher ground fiiuger whole do indian arrow root sweet almonds bitter do auum glue an aflbrtraent of crockery ware do queens do beft dutch long pipes plug- tobacco candle wick mould candles dippd do superior duffed calf skins iell liquid llacking a few articles of dry goods n b in addition to his pre- iei t lock he expects many other arti cles in his line in a few days king ft on october 19 1818 21 executive council office york 22d july 1818 pjtotice is hereby given to 1 chrfsropher thomson orhw reprefentative by order of his honor the adminiftrator in council to make good anypretenfion to the weft half of lot number seventeen in the feventh conceflion on the napane river in the towafllip of fredcrickfburgh within ix mouths from this date or the fame will be thrown open to other appli cants john small 3 im6 t e- c notice ny perfon or perfons defirous of entering into an agreement for clearing from 15 to 40 acres of land will receive liberal encouragement by applying at the office of the kingftou gazette where the terms of the agree ment may be feen kingston u c 1 23 november 1 8 1 8 j 26 valuable lands for sale in the township of hamilton lots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con ceflion 400 do do 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con ceflion 450 do do 10 in the 6 co net flion 2 co acres ic50 the above lands are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton new caitls diltrid and will be sold on the moft liberal terms- for further information enquire of elias jones efq ham ti ton or the pt inter 2311 notice the subscriber having been duly appointed executrix to the filate of paul huff late of adoipbti- town deceafed notice is hereby- given to all thofe indebted to faid es tate to make immediate payment and all perfons having claims agakft it are requeued toprefent them iuly authen ticated for adju ft men t elizabeth huff- adolphuilown dec 24 1s18 3 1 tf to lei and immediate poffi flion given that pleafantly fituatcd house and pa kk the property f t alexr mcdonell forfutiier uldrs apply to the fubferiber duncan medonell also a fmall house in street oppofite meflys mcnjcan rev panic- gernminn a uj q1 kingston dec sfb isf- stare st 9 bank of cim imf the subferibtr being appointed agent for the bank of canada ho will negotiate bank notes for bills on montreal qiiebecor for specie wm mitchell kingftonoa 13th 188 20 samuel for sale tfiiat elegant farm no s firft conceflion townfhip cf fredericks burgh 28 miles from kingfton containing 200 acres- formerly oc cupied by colonel spencer and known by die name of f he manfion lioufe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 lory high with 2 barns and other build ings perfons defirous of purchaiing may enquireofthe subfcriber on the pre iflls or to d iiagerman efq at bath joseph iiergeron frederickiourgh sept 8th 1818 15 fobcfold by private fale the whole of the pnrifes now occupied hy the fubferiber confi ft in ff of one new srore houfe two ftorita and a half high a mall frarre dwelling houfe filled in with lone a stable barn and bake houe stuated on the eaft half of lots no 271 and 273 containing two fifths of ai acre a fmall part of the ptirchafe money will be required on the delivery o the proper ty and the remainder paid by fueh inftal- ments as may be agreed upon for fur ther particulars apply to the proprietor on the premifes george bi ougal n- b there is a valuable fprlng of wa ter on the premiie notice the subfcrfler forbids all perfons from tret rilin 2 on lot no 32 in the 4th ence flio of the tovvnftip of camden in the county of lenox and addington midland diftrict and does hereby forbid any perfon 01 perfons from cutting or deltroying any timber whether lying or landing or carrying any part of the fame away under penalty of the i aw a macdonell ktngfton dec 26th 1818 s for sale a king ft on january 2 1 1819 4 notice all perfons indebted co the eftate of the late james gumming late of hallowell deceafed are requefted to u i ji 1 r forsalk valuable lot of land con- silring of two hundred acres of the firft quality and remarkably well timbered 1 cig lot no 19 in the third conceflion of camden for particulars enquire of the subscriber in king ion jmes robinson kingftou dee xi ittq 3 hyfonand green teas loaf and muf- ca w delay and fettle the fame covado sugars soap candles indigo j mcgregor now in fig hlue starch c ecc ail of which will be fold very low for cafli j kingston 10th dec i8i3 29 kingston branch of the mon treal bank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on montreal qliebcc bmsoi exchange on london or tor specie notes alfo will be di charge of the eftabliftiment at hallow ell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate are dcfired to prefent them for adju ft men t the flock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aftortment of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defervedly claim the attention of the public cah or country produce will be tak- a very valuable farm situated near the village of broekville be ing the rear half of lot no one and the rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of elizabethtovvn u c containing two hundredacres formi r- ly the property of heuben sherwood esquire but now belonging to johnshu- fcer esquire of loudon there is a vr- ry good dwelling house with a barn and other out houses on the premises also k t lot number nineteen in the ninth con- a tj pw g xi the houfe and premifes in stuart rjo e let for one or more years immediate pofleffion given that farm of late owned by mr jabez eaton whereon he kept a public inn situated within a mile and a quarter of the town of king ft on for terms apply to the subfcriber elijah beach kingfton 23d dec 181s 31 f0i salk to let for any term of years not exceed- in fifteen en the moft reafona- ble terms that well known valuable ftand in the public line fituate on the point at gananoqua and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houfe barn stables c for fur ther particulars apply to the fubferiber joel stone gananoqua fan 9 18 j 8 33 for sale or to be let a large commodious two ftory dwelling houfe with kitchen out houfes and garden to 1 front flreet for particulars apply to laurencq herchmer efq kingston december 20 18 r 8 30 a farm for sale adjoining jlay bay in the townfhip of fredericks burgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the fecond coflcemoid cuiuatjiig fgq having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log houfe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wchburn efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 181 8 3 notice countedtj ln pym and a credit of 6 months wm mitchell j execu john cum ming thomas mkklamf lvc agent kingston 03 27 1817 kingfton 5 dnov 18 1 8 23 t he notice sublcriber being leave kingfton requefts wh are indebted to him immediate h 32 about to ail thofe to make payment j and all thofe who have any claims againft him to preftnt their accounts immediately for adjuft- cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township 4fco lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession of the town ship of yonge in the district of johns town these farms will he disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous to purchasers apply to daniel jones jun brackvilky 15tk january 18 19 4 ito let and immcdiul possession -1- siven the house and premisses lately occupied by allan mcpherson in the front street of kingston for to ment henry fowler jagfiofijjaa 12 isirp stem boat notice all thofe indebted to the steam boat charlotte are requefted to make immediate payment and all inzlzett application t ue made to kkstext joh kirh ov muiu maett by order of the committee s b a relet kingfton january i rgig who are fully authorised to enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rent the same rinfon 20th jjta 1mi9 4tl ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of this town a valuable fjtnation for a gentleman and family no lel fo for a diftiller or innkeeper the above premifes will be fold at public auction without referve 01 saturday the 3d day of april next at m oclock a m at walkers hotel if not previously difpofed of by private bargain for particulars apply to the subfcriber thomas smith kingfto jan 14 1819 gtf toletj rphe commodious dwelling houfe a and premifes the property of w rofs efq lately in the pofteffion of mr woolf terms application u be made to wm mitchell kingftsaq 13th 4818 2 all perfons are cautioned againft purchaiing lot no 22 in the 7th con of fiederickfburh or lot no 27 in the tt con of richmond fio on the heirs or affignees of davis fiefs as the subfcriber holds an indifputable title t the fame gilbert hau1s sidney 4th dec 18 18 a 3 n elegant well finifhed double sleigh for sale enquire c4 s bartlet december 29 1818 7tust received and for fale at czhia u office price 7d the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 19 0 kingston u c minteji f9h tiuu lui s