of o3co perious vaccinated at the ton mer plate not one hi- cauht the wec tion u i ltatcd thai an american veflvl ha3 bren in diviaj straits and baffins bay iiceihe difcovety hips that n entered sir james lancaftera found and fojni upwards of loo fathom depth the water was warmer and he was proceeding with a ftrong hope of finding a pafftge through the found to behrings ftraite lontiondec 9- the emperor of russia and the duke of wellington fcc ncccitary and thus provided they pro ceeded to fca in rhc mean time the boats from uys- terltave had r into activity and they could be feen for three h urn fuccefiion contending with but fcacely frog the breakers at the bafe of the rock as the fmiaiion of the boy became more hopelcfs their exertion increafed and their defperatc daring was more vfible it was impoffiblc that he could have furvived another night and the knowledge of this circumrtance feemed to infufe new relolu- tion in the hearts of the men two boats wet- for a long time feen fuppouing each ey sring ay they m bj fo tcme time be persuaded that the slwps were not animal- and possessed the mm- eriif sprafcimn aa lieu told that they wen- of the nature of houses intimated that could not be since the former went iackward and forwards while the houses r oartof a w tne fair authors proceed the fpeaatcncck itwlh tne e- j extraordinary cir- tranc men id proceeded through a lmal paffajje ry partially illuminated and alio hung wrth black to the room of funeral late tljey then paffed lowly and at ther leilure be- their mouths after masticating it for as tateles to kewand llounflow some to fecue thetufelves places left town en the procee ding day long before the light dawned all the foot paths between london sid kcw were filled with pedestrians and the roads choked with carriages the road inch iuoi through the centre of kew to fink under the dread t ul malady this man who was a radgi and na med hamet was a drayman an ftcer belonging to the englifli conful and dc dined being in quarantuc in the conlular faoufc during the plague on account or hi family he was marruj to beautlul woman named mariumi aud h d not bee many days home before he caught the fa tal diitempcr during he lalt llage of t hisdifconlolate wife was fitting by his bed fide he had been cheilhmg a fant hop of his recovery and had been wacuiijr him into a foft fleep wurnoiu herlcl wiih fatigue her mind fiothed bythe do- lafive prolpea lie had termed or feeing hadci hamet awake recoveiej matiuma was finking in repofe when ihe was dil- preen was lined on each fide with car- iurbed by the hand of a man opening her lined on each fide with c tm hil an immenfe affemblage of baraca and advancing a poignard to he people almost filled the fpace behind the emperor entered the room without cere- fflony hut in full military coihime after staking his grace by the hand v cor dially tie addreffed hira nearly in the fol low v m lue of wellington i lofe not a mo- ment in tailing on you to exprefs ray fcnfeoc the obligation i feel fonhe atten tion which my army has uniformly experi enced at your hands iince it has been un der your orders no words can do juftice to what i feel as little am i able to ex- inevitable they did not know however the resolution which the crew feemed to have formed either to fucceed or perifh and the intered of the fcene was excited into intenfeagitation when one of the mm a brave and dauntlefj fellow named jach catty the owner of one of the oyllerhaven boats was obferved to be tying a rope round his body and in a few minutes to throw himself with the mod fearlefs intre pidity into the furge in which his boat could not live thefenfation which pre prefs my admiration and the high gratifi- vailed cannot be defciibed all attention cation vou afforded me at the late reviews was now turned towards this heroic feliow of our troops efpecially by the fined mili tary movement i ever witneffed th ad vance of he britijh guards when attacking the heights of fa mar i have therefore to defi- t l vou will permit me to nominate ou a field marmalof ruffia inc dukt i owed affent and expreffed bis deep fen ft of the diftinguiflied honor in tended him by his imperial aiajefty the day after this interview the emperor on meeting the duke faid you mull dine with me today in the russian uniform sire replied the duke i have not yet been able to furnifh myself with a rftwrf that bail not be wanting re joined the emptror if you will wear thebeft i have in my wardrobe in half an hour the eroperois own uniform coat which he had worn the day before was fent to the duke who appeared in it at dinner with the order of a ruffian field marfhal and a magnificent fword prefen- ted to uifl grace by his imperial majefty on the occafion the mannei in which the emperor conferred this high military boner is perhaps the mod flattering per- fonal compliment which the hero of iva- ditional grace of being given with all the cordiality and kindnefs of an intimate friend from the london sunday mcrlt or novem ber tg we infert the following fntercfling par ticulars of the refcue of a boy who was call upon a rock near the mojth of kin- icle harbour duiing the wreck of a veflel ifi which he was a paltenger the praifeworthy exertions of the sove reign of kinfale afiiiled hy fevcral other gentlemen to refcue the unfortunate lad or to convey pronfions to him were inef fectual the boats having been reluctantly obliged to retire and to leave the unfortu nate boy for the fecond night upon this jefolatc rook without food or belter and vith all the fearful anticipation that be fore morning cold and hunger would ter minate hu exigence as they retreated and the fufpenfe w3s unutterable until he was feen clineng to and occafionally climbiogthe cliffs where an immenfe feu had left him he fucceed in mounting beyond the reach of the fprays and was feen mod aftively employed in affilling the por boy who wrs in a completely ex haufted it3fe of mind and body and who could with difficulty defcend to where his preferver beckoned him- at length he reached him and jack carty proceeded to invell his body with the rope which he had takenfrom his own and then performed the duty of ufhering him to the fpot where he had himfelf beeu thrown where he con- figncd him to the waves- doubt aud anx iety were again painfully excited while the men in the boat were drawing him through the breakers and lta through which he mud pafs before his fafety could be faid to be enfured but both were diffipated when he was feen taken in ever the gunnel which was announced hy three cheers by the men in the boats dining thefe few moments of agitation the intrepid jack carty who remained on the ifland was forgotten but the boys fafety being iuiovvri all eyes ivyrc turned ib tiie former and he was dillinflly feen fitting down with the utmoft compolure on the point of a rock waiting for his own chance of be ing releafd this happily was not long accomplishing a rope was flung on the cliffs and jack more adroit than his pre- decdfbr on the ifland foofl felzed and tied it round his waid and moulders not- withdandmg the perils of the fcene it was almod uhimfical to fee this sns fellow cou leeiiun the boys and his own cltlies which he deliberately tied up in a bundle and pur under hinarm and then defcend- ing to the mod favorable fpot he watched his opportunity and threw himfelf into the fca from which in the courfc of about five minutes he was r leafed hy his com panions who figmfied his fafety by loud cheers which were returned from ihofe parts of the land where they could be heard it was exaftly half pad two oclock the whaleboar with the american crew taken into the cabu image in b mirror bterfea back with snrprie and could not until after re peated assurances and experiments bo convinced that there not some prtf- son behind the mirror they appeared to have no idea of a god or of a lutur- state nor do they em from what we can iearu to have any enemies hut sup posrd themselves sole monarchs of the universe earthquake in hlundaccnunu dated october 7rh flam copeihagmi state that a violnl s of an prth quake which lasted ten mrutr was experienced in leehd it was att-ud- ed with a noise under riuud as of a dreakful cracking il immediately aftet t re was an eraptidv frm uecla the sea was in a mate of dreadful commotion this volcano whit w attthoxs had pronounced extinct mtuatod in the southern part of tin is oat a league and a quarter from lu is tripla-top- ped aud 1300 fed aov l cl of sea it was in t llial its eruptions caused most calam violent were thoy that the cindh were scattered at a distance of tbiftt leagues over the island the latent pniptions took place between 1780 mtd hi and were pre ceded by very sfri phenomena a noise was heard th oartli gaped wide- meteors appeared iiv ll direction of the volcano a rome allowed with imokefrm which i rlobesof fire the stones were di dar ut a p distance aud lasm v fi lliva flowed out in torrents from loqlta 17gg ice- land hasexpcrience three volcanic eniuivu foot paths were equally crowded several rows of carriages were in front of the star and garter compnfing every fecies of vehicle that has been constructev fince the invention of carriages thefe again were loaded infide and out with fpeaators the multitube as far as the eye could reach in every direction and not a window a wall cr a tree from which a glimpfeof the w ptoceffion could be obtained was uoteu- plague drove far from the habitation o heart while with the other he was endea- voring to obtain feme keys and papers be longing to her hnfbaud which ike wore in her bofotn she eluded bis grafp and beheld in hei intended murderer her bad bands brother whole emisarles having lit formed him that hadgi hamet had jult expired imagined that it was a fair oppor tunity to favour his plot of dedroying the family together while the horrors of the anted an unufual eagernefs prevailed to ftefs the bridge and head the prcceffion in coufequence a most tumultuous fcene took place at thetollhoufe the toll keeper after fome coaches had paffed endeavoured to hot the centre gate through which the people were milling like a torrent but he wan immediately born away by the stream the fick all thofe who would othcrwife approach it for hadgi jiamcts only- child a fine girl of feven years old had died that torning and was yet unburied when he entered his brothers apartment he confidered him dead and feeing mari- uma funk on the bed fuppofed hc had fainted over the body at his rough ap proach manama awakened hadgi iiamcfr and had nearly fallen a victim to his indis- by her fcrcarm who on feeing her dis cretion at brentford at hounflow c from half a guinea to two guineas had been readily given or places at windows spon after nine oclock the lancers who were to conduct the royal remains assembled in front of the palace at licw and half an hour after the hearse with eight horses was drawn up and received the coffin when the procession began to move in the following order two i s mounted to clear the wav twenty ditto mounted two and two eiiit ofilielato queens servants h full scarlet livery on horseback wirh black icarfs and hat bunds the eeadlcni kew parish on rjot with bilk srarfaml hat band trefs indantly fprung from hid bed the disappointed wretch finding his brother not dead but rising from his couch voith tenfold ftrength for the moment retired affrighted to the fkiffar where his mother and fidcr were waitiug to whom for tlia fake of humanity it is to be hoped he had not yet imparted his word intentions they had accompanied this a tallin to town fiorn the country houfe where thet lived but which belonged to hadgi ha met the effect of this horrid event joiu- od to that of the plague at once bereft hadgi hamet of his senses he brokft loose from them all and rushed from hu three on eacti tule ami unc c c g or aconnt of that prv- hition of nature the jitfssita lamb the most atrardih ii if in curiosities of little iartary is hi- lnnib of museo vy which grows between the two great rivtc the don and the vvolga this plant is remarkable fir posse j sing a great portion of the animal nature it is or this reason called the animal plant as also zoophvtes the fruit i of the size c c if mm i he w feen collcfting in a particular fpot arrived almoft at the moment carty had a kind of cavern a quantity of weeds into his boat but thy were h fight with the intention of making a bed and picking from the earth fome wild vegeta bles with which the rrck abound aad which he was obferved to eat a fog fud denly concealed him from fuither obfer- vatian while thug employed rehiaant to differ fuch an interval as between night and morning to pafs with out making a new effort in behalf of the boy at eleven oclock at night mr gib- bonss ivhalcboat was the fecond time man ned and attempted to get out but could not fiiccced in the morning long before day fne again darted with lieutenants beavan and naton of the royal navy end john heard ifaac efq and rowed towards the ifland but with no hope of reaching it as the sea and wind were ftill the 1ncovt gj jd bt fel r i c land lat k lomctime before and were feen rowing in the mod undaunted manner in the heavy fca and aim jft i the forge clofing the mod acceflible point of the ifland upon learning the fafety of the boy they gave three cheers and retuned to kinfale fcarcely ids eotitled to public giatitudc than if they had been the inftrumcuts of prcfervation other boats alfo arrived at as lt wc lad rirs to her majcdy the the moment ignorant of what had occur- qjieen of thefe realms by grviag i red but all determined to make a fimulta- curfory datemeut of the folemn pjceed- ncous effoit of a gonrdj or melon it has the figure at a sheep all the fa h of v uih are dis coverable it is fa fcned to tne earth by iha daval upon a stalk of two ujt ii length taluavi loans tfarrs tic grass and the plants that growroond it and changes its puv as miieh as the stump will suffer when the iruit comes to maturity the stalk dies it is covered with a hairy skin frizzled like that of a iamb just lambed and this skin serves it as a fur to defend it tiom the cold it is further observed that this plant never dies till it can no longer find any grass to nourish it the iruit yields a juice like blood it hen it s taken from the stalk buiwral oi def majesty it fs now our panful duty to perform arctic l p edition the following particulars respecting the uewly discovered raceol esquimaux were communicated by sir john ross terrific the word appreherfions were cotertaioed for the boy who had been then two days and two nights on the rock without any other food than the wild ve- r getables which it yielded thofe fears however wcr in fome degree relieved when he was again feen from the boat mo ving about but hope derived no fupport from the afpe of the morning which promifed a bad and itormy day after renewed but fruitlefs efforts to gain any point of the ifland the whale boat was again obliged to return to kinfale which 2t reached about twelve oclock after ha ving been feveral times in imminent danger of fwamping here a mod intercfiing fcene took place the crew of an amen can veffel the dryad which was under going fome repairs in the dock vard of meffrs gibbon co volunteered to go cut m the whaleboat and make an effort to refcue the boy their fervices were gratefully accepted and they fwore they never uould return if they did not fucceed they then proceeded to make an ep xrentby firing a muiket ball with a rope attacr e to it which wa found to co vpjtb eafs s for as they confidered us ings which took pace at the interment lici majedys i emails were lair ii vstate at kew pahoe in iie largcft roofn oi the ground floor whici w feparated from the red by dep hack hangings of fine cloth and all externd light being excluded feveral wax lights veie iufpended round the apartment diffident to ihew the ob- jca preleit withou difperfing the gloom a portion of th fpace t hts tearated from the red was agw railed ff and with- io this railway was exhibited to the fpec- tatrs as they flowy paffed before it the coffin containing al that is mortal of her late majody the qecn of england fur- rounded with fuc ornaments of funeral pomp as at once how the iplendour and frailty of earthly grandeur the cof fin of which enough was exhibited to e- orer the ice succeeded in this object ince the codly maieriaof which i was when he found he was able to make him- compofed was placed on neffels about self mperfcctl understood by them and foui feet from the ground it was par- three days and had just shoved off when to their great surprise they saw some person coming down from the interior towards the shore in sledges drawn by dogs our countrymen immediately put back but on lauding the natives iud towards the interior in order if possi ble to open a communication with them an esquimaux on board the expedition set off after them and about three miles the onvey oold also to comprehend their meaning on the first introduction taking phee the natives inquired whether thi r visitors came from the sun or the moon the esquimaux told hum neither but from a large country a great distance from the south they said tins was im possible as there was nothing to the southward but uninhabitable tee jr was with great difficulty that they could be convinced of their error or ltd to re gard our countrymen in any other light than as beinr from some other planet on being taken on board the v scls they bftsfftsfed tlv xtowst wnste at tially covered wich a ulac pall of exceed ing iichuefs and al the head dood the royal crown tffer the coffin was the coat of arms ncmv embioidcred on a filvcr ground on each fide hut at the mark drawn by rigfe black hoics bearing ostrich i 5t 3 jilnines an eeuicieon being ailixed in the uiaek covering of each horse eiehtasftmintoll hirebarkin rlcip mo ruin seveji private carriages of her majestys each drawn by fix chefnut hoifes the coachman and footman in deep mourning the ufual hammercloth of fcarlet and gold was retained the first lu carriages had ihe royal arms emblazoned on them and the letters c r- in fnall cypher infer ted id a compartment above them the lest had only the crown furmouriting the letters c r in a very large cypher a party of lancers fix abreast aud about 60 in number clofed the cavalcade this was the whole of the procession at it hairing it occupied in length jbout 300 yards itvasjull fix minute at the rate it travelled about two miles an hour in passing any given objeft the processior- we believe arrived at st georges chapel nearly an hour sooner than had been txpedled and some incon venience resulted from this unusual excess of punctuality we undei stood that 6c- pixt of the chapel procesuien arrived too late to gain admittance the chancellor of the exchequer and lord bathuiil were excluded some f the higher officers of the queens hous hold gained admittance wiih great difficulty and it was asserted fhough we cannot vouch for the faft that toe duke of northumberland appointed to be one of the pall bearers could not enter to perform his allotted funions the crwalry without any exception beha ved with the utmost propriety and perfor med their civil duties of maintaining order with much good temper and courtey t ne appearance of the metropolis was nearly m ilar to that of a sunday all the public offices were closed all fhops were fhaj as far as we have learned the day was observed with equal respect in the country the royal standard was hoisted hdfmat high on board the men of war in comn nuion at the several out posts and each hip was to fire 30 min ute guns the same ceremonie were ob served at ah the garrisons throughout the united kingdom the plague a narrative of a res idence in tripoli by the sister in law to mr tully bricifls confnl at that port those who would approach him at a dis tanee prostrate at k feet was his wife with her baracan iodise tearing off the few ornaments die had on and wiping away her tears with her hair whilst she employed her husband with every soft endearment to return to his bed and lire to protect her from his wretched brother insensible and deaf to her entreaties he set off towards his house out of town whence his mother brother and sister had justairived his wife shocked at any ones attempting to lay hands on him or fear of increasing his pain iusistetl that no one should touch him but fol lowed him in silent anguish with those who would accompany her after ther had walked some distance ilndgi hunet returned quickly with mai iuma to his house when he died snoii after leaving his effects in the hands of the euglih consul by which means this unhappy widow was saved from the avarice of hi3 i rital family home affairs grievances as stated by certain inhabitants of br nest toica concluded thefe proceedings appear to ua to be an abufe of the custom houfe authority and laws wh ought to be checked and redieffed no grade of officers fhould be permitted to life his majestys name to lanflion vindictive or interested prolecu- tions laws fhould be executed faithfully but impartially and nat in 3 manner to entrap and plunder hj captious penalties thofe who honestly endeavour to comply with them accordingto their true intent and meaning 10th the fucceforof piefid- nt brock to the adminiilratiorr of the province did- as an encooragemcnl to the militia to vo lunteer in the fiank companies and fcnltft in a provincial cors for permanent duty in defence of the country recommend fuch volunteers and corps to his royal high- nefs the pnnce ucgent for grants of land at the expiration of the war uih the uui ted states nearly four years have elaps ed fince and no appearance of the fulfil ment of fuch a prorrife wherefore we conlider this a grievance and prav that yur excellency will be pleafed to recom- contnin many interejmg particulars ref- mend to his royal hi the nads ww cyofmaking fuch grant as a re- vihted 1 npoii during her day th e nar grants as a reward for the eminent and ufeful fervices of gwwemen victims to the pcftilcnce recoveries took dreffrd in deep mounng an at the fot place in certain cafes when plication to the land granting department received grants with the pn vilegc u ipc- cial locations to the cxchnion of many na tive of the province whole i cation am generally remote from fcti lenient aud of bttfcrbccet acdcopently a xiumicet