Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 12, 1819, p. 4

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the christian recorder t appear in numlers one number every month at twelve and jix pence halifax cy a tear this publication will be iitued by- mr george dawfon bookseller york under the infpeion of the rev xr strachan it hall be devoted to theological and mifeellaueous lubjes and particularly to intcrelling religious intelligence and bio graphical and obituary notices betides occafional original matter it ihall contain feleionf from the various britifh periodical works mcral and religious thefe works will be regularly received for that put pole and the readers of i he christian recorder will thus be futnifned in die fpeedicft mode with valu able and inttrefting fe eft ions from the lat- eft britifh periodical publications while it hall be the object of the jour nal to tecord important religious everts in genera particular regard will be p3d v xoie which relate to the protellant church the chriltian recorder will prefent its readers with a pafiing map of the religious world and fhad be occalionaly enriched irith the fentimfnts of thofe mailers of theology who were the glory of the drs that are paft and whofe writings exhibit the foundeft views of chriftian doctrine and order and the highett fervors of pious feelfng whatever can advance the interefts of religious truth the purity the unity and the profperity of the kingdom of the re deemer and the- faith holirefs andconfo- lation of the chriftian hall as far as practicable find a place in this journal fome tirmouas dalton co res- 1l perstfully beg leave to acquaint the public that they have commenced brew ing at their new eltabliihment where they have now ready for delivery r excellent mild beer in barrels of thirty fix gallons each which they offer at the moderate price of thirty six shillings the barrel which price they do not intend to advance un- lefs from neceflity arifiing out of an in- creafed price of malt and hops thus the public can be regularly accommodate edwith a wholefome and agreeable beve rage at as moderate a rate as could rea- fonably be defired the proprietors of this ufeful eftablimment therefore flatter themfelves that i will receive a fair por tion of public patronage order left at the office of s bart- let will be attended to kingfton deer 28 1818 the plan if executed with tolerable ability mull certainly render this publica tion uieful and interefting to all claffes of chriftians and the price of it is fo low as to bring it within the reach of all who can be profited or interested by its contents it hall be printed with a handfometype nd on good paper of a large fize the firft number hall appear early in march and a number will be published regularly every month the work being iftu d fokly fr- m an tarneft defireto oro- mote the interefts of religion with the view to its general circulation it will be fumifhed at r he low rate of twelve hillings and fix penci halifax currency a year ageris hall have a commiflion f 20 -h- rir kf ffttrffmlfritfrv ft which they becoire relponfible subicriptions received by mrg daw- ion bo k telier york to whorr commu nications poll pftid may be nddrefled and to whom peifons at a diihrve may tianf- dir their name with directions by what conveyance tke journal hall be feat to theii edward jones egs leave rr oft refpedtfully to in form his friends and the public in general that he has juft received an elegant aflbrtment of dry fancy goods confiding partly of the following arti cles viz superfine weft of england cloths and caflimeres of the mod falhionabie colors irifn linens britifh shirting linefi ind cotton cambrics corded cambric lenos and muflins jaconet and mull muflins fancy muflin handkerchiefs bandanna and barcalona do fine ging hams black and colored silks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fie corded dimities white jane white and buff marfeils quilting black florentine fine undreitcd calicoes bombazettes and bombaz of all c01 ts linen diaper and huckabuck white and col oured flanl kuftn sheeting and oc- naburjr a well chofen aflbrtment cf thread and laces and llihhons straw r- ladies tortife flu ii combs c lvic and lace footings and a number ei clesjtoo numerous to infert 4 crates of blue crock e ii y u groceries jamaica spintsbrandyj i olani giti port and other wines pcppeiaiint and shrub hyfon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars muf- covado do spermaceti vould and die c candles soap starch and fie blue c c c b all of which will be fold for cafh or approved credit kingston 4th aug 1 g 1 8 10 huc1i c thomson oy kingston proposes to establish a candid impartial independent newspaper to be entitled the uppercanada herald wh will be publiflied weekly as foon as the neceflary arrangements for the pur- pofe can be made and earned mtoefft ft the editor afturca his friends and the public that his paper hall be loyal and pat- riotic open to all parties but under the control of none and as irftrudive enter- taininrr and authentic as his belt exertions can make it and he therefore refpefully folicits a hare of their fuprort the upper canada herald will be rinted on paper of good quality and fize with fair legible types md delivered to fubferibers at one pound rr annum ek- clufivc of poftage payable half yearly in advance kingston january 4 1819 2 p john doublings eturns his meft ftnecre thanks to his frknds and the public for the very liberal fuppoit given him lince his commencement in bulinefs and begs leave to inform them that he has laid 13 a general and well felected lock of groceries wines and spirits at his old hand which he is determined to fell at the moil reduced prices viz best jamaica spirits shrub holland gid i whiskey coniac brandy i peppercorn cherry do wines beneearlo port tenerifle spanish do malaga bed pickling vinegar lime juice groceries green copperas beat eoglfa cheer an jvotice the subfcfcribers refpefully in form their friends and the public that they have now reeeived and juft opened in market street juft below mrs patricks inn a very extenfivc aftortment of dry goods groceries nd stationary likewife a great qnan- tity of claffical books the whole of which will be fold very low for caflj and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd die 1 1818 27 notice any perfon or petfona defirous of entering into an agreement for clearing from 15 to 40 acres of land will receive liberal encouragement by applying at the office of the king ton gazette where the teroi9 of the agree ment may be feen kingston u 23 d novemhr 1 r 1 r f 26 ecu c 1 mber 1 8 1 8 3 the subscriber avinc been appointed agent for the proprietor of trie iron works itablifhed at three rivers in the pro vince of lower canada informs the pub lic that he has lately received a vera extensive assortment of wares manufactured at that place- er ai ticltrs ait among olh- double si single at or various sizes ana patterns cast ash fans sug vr kettles potash coolers pots dog llonsand dutch oven4 v cii will be difpofed of f cafli ear y the miontrctf prices tn- cti r rwivla of ctal and da- rafclivy f the thic ivets stoves ren- ortlty aention of pur- v v ha ie to crack fim qq scotland s caulay ftmgsicn 1st oftobct i8 19 gunpowder tea twankey do hyson skin do coffee loaf sugar muscovado do mace cloves cinnamcn sail rou is ins glass turkey fijs eox raisins common do pearl barley french do fig blue powder do best poland starch black pepper flower snlpher ground ginger whole do indian arrow root sweet almonds bitter do allum windsor soap be t common do pipe clay glauber salts pearl ash english mustard peppermint lros sugar plumbs sugar almonds cod fish red herrings salt do salt butter wrought nails ferent sizes shingle do tapes needles twist cotton balls coloured do black thread while and brown do 1 ruing paper letter do valuable lands for sale in the township of hamilton lots no 6 and 12m the 3d con- ceffion 4 dodo 11 and 15 in the 4th con ceflion 45 do do 10 in the 6 conceition20o v- 2ork january 12 1819 o for sale c3 subscriptions received at the post of bf kino st on 5 back smith work beynalds co lately arrived from ireland beg leave to inform the ccitlcien and inhabitants of kingston and its vy in general thatthey have com- bience- the horse shoeing and 3lac ksmithing business in all its various branches near the tipper end of store street between mr doug lass houfe and mr powells all orders with which they may be favored fhall be executed in fuch a complete and workman like mar ner and on fuch low terms a they hope will entitle them to a hare pf the public patronage kingston oth ogober 18 18 20tf notice the late partnerftiip of james ranlen c co having diitojved ttfelf tbii dy by th death cf rodericjc mackay efcj the buiinef will in future be carried on by the fubferiberj to whom all perfons who are indebted to the above firm wil pleafe pay their accounts without delay and thole who may have claims again ft that concern ijviiv pleale pfdfet tferf for amjuitmerit james iianicen frneft town 2 lit sept 1 8 1 8 24tf dissolution of copartnership yl jie subscribers trading heretofore jl under the iim of jvjui strange sf co havethi day dissolved parrnorliip by tnutnai consrnt all persons in debted to the said concern arc rcqurtpc to make irrdiarv payment unto either of the sub hers v very rcafonable terms and im mediate poflvflion given a fa km lying- in dolhudovvn on the boy of quintal one mik weft of the court jioule formerly owned and occupied by the late philip dorland deceased on which is an orchard of 1 15 large apple frets and almoit every other kind of fruit tiees that is planted in tnis coun try alio a convenient framed houfe and barn and houfes about one hundred pounds will be rcquiied down and the remainder will be made very eafy for further partic ulars enquire of the fubferiber c the premifes george douglas adolpbuftown pth nov 18 18 26tf kingston branch o- he mon- tfrf a ny fmr required tj obtained at x the officefof go ollla on mon treal quebec si is of on lon don 01 for specie n a wii bc discounted t tiitrty f xt an ninety days thomas ftalmcland agent kingfton 3j nov t 2 glue an aflbrtment of crockery ware do queens do beft dutch long pipes plug tobacco andlewick mould candles diopd do superior dn ficd calf skins iiell liquid ilcking a few articles of dry goods n b in addition to his pre fent lock he expetu many other arti cles in hs line in a few days 7 i 1s18 ii executive council office to for sale npilat elegant farm no 8 firft jl comeflion townfliip of fredericks butgh 28 milts from kingfton citairirg 2co acres formerly oc copied by colonel spencer and known by die name of the manfion lionfe it ontains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other build ings perfons deiirou of purchafing may enquire of the subfcriberonthe preroiffes or to d fiagerman ivfq at bath jqhkfm ellgerok fredenck ept 8th 1818 15 fvno be fold by privafe fae the whole fi of the pretifes nov occupied by the fnb conliiliig j one new store houfe two lories and 9 half high a imall frame dwelling houfe fijled in with lone a stable barn and bake houfe fituated on the eaft half of lota no 271 and 2 73 containing two fifths of an acre a fmall part of thepjrehafe money will be required on the delivery of the poper- ty and the remainder paid by fuch inftal- ments as my be agreed upon for fur ther particulars apply to the proprietor on the premifes george scougal n b there is a valuable fping of wa ter on the premifes kingfton january 2 t 1 8 19 4 for sale a very valuable farm situated near the village of brockville be- in the rear half of lot no one and he rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of klizabethtowtfj u york 23d july 181s notice is hereby gfo 7 christopher thomson or his reprefentativeby order of hw honor the adminilhator in council to make good any preteniion to the weft half of lot number seventeen in the feventh concefliun on the napane river in the townfnip of fredtrickiburgh within vx months from this date or the fame will be thrown open to other appli cants john small c e c acres 1050 the above lands are all lying in the townfbip of hamilton new cattle diftrid and will be sold on the moft liberal ter ma for further information enquire of elia3 jones efq hamilton or the printer 3tf notice the subscriber having been duly appointed executrix to the ellate of paul husf late of adolphus- town deceafed notice is hereby given to all thofe indebted to faid es tate to make immediate payment and all perfons having claims again ft it are requefted to prefent them duly authejfc ticated for adjuftment elizabeth huff- adolphuftown dec 24 1818 3itf to lit and immediate pofleflion given that pleafantly fituated holts and park the property of the rev alexr mcdonell for further paitic uuv apply to fftt fftvf j duncan mcdonell also a fmall house in store street oppofite meftrs monjeau st germains apply as above kingston dec th 181h 2 bank ol the subfcriber being appointed agent for the dank of t anada he will negotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebecor for specie wm mitchell kingfton oft 13th 188 2q 1 im 6 notice the subfcriber forbids all perfons from trefpafling on lot no 32 in the 4th conceflion of the townfhip of camden in the county of lenox and addington midland diftrict and does hereby forbid any perfon or perfons from cutting or deuroying any timber whether lying or ftanding or carrying any part of the fame away under penalty of the law a macdonell kingfton dec 26th 1818 3 for sale ccrmitainin-twolnindredacrfonmr- a valuable lot of land con- notice ki john strange tii okas gita ham ngston 28th dec lh 4w3 we last notice fll person indebted to the late fkl firm of taylor is parker are rby notified that unless thir respec- the mjii- w counts and note arc elcd by firs of an they will ijj aatety be put to the hands of an oey for coltection allan tayloli brtkiue zoth jem mo uk w6 building lotst a f aere of ground ca beg a very kond w f gard and good ntuaion for dwellfcg houfe mle from kngftonon the lwh leadng f g g for g g tern s apply to 5 bartlet all perfons indebted ro tne eltate of the late james cumming late of hallowell deceafed ate requclicd to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the eftablifhment at hallow- ell bridge and thofe who have claims agaiuft the faid eilate are defned to prefent them for adjuftment the flock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aflortment of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ce fo low as will deiervedly claim the attention of the public cam or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible farmers or others john cumming r wm mitchell j kingston or 2 7 5 8 1 7 32 steam boat notice debted to the steam ly the property of reuben sherwood ksquire but now belonging to john sim- fcer esquire of londoft there is a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and ntht r out houses on the premises atso lot number nineteen in the ninth con- mj0it und the west fcalf of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession o the town ship of yonge in the district of johns town these farms wil be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy xnd advantage ous topurchasers apply to daniel jones jun brockville 1 hth janimry 1 8 1 9 4 to let and immediate possession given the houskand premisses jately occupied by all4 v mcphersox in the front street of kingston for particulars application to be made to j oh n a irby o r villi am mitchell esnrs who are fully authorised to enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rent the same kingston 20th jan 1819 sifting of two hundred acres of the firft quality and remarkably well timbered being lot no 19 f tne third conceflion of camden for particulars enquire of the subscriber in kingfton james robinson kingfton dec 22 1818 3 is to let for any term of years not exceed- in fifteen on the moft reafona- ble terms that well known valuable ftand in the public line fituate on the point at gananoqua and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houfe barn stable c for fur ther particulars apply to the fubferiber joel stone gananoqua jan 9 1 8 1 3 33t for sale or to be let a large commodious two ftory dwelling houfe with kitchen out houfes and garden no 1 front itreet for particulars apply to laurence herchmer efq kingston december 20 1818 30 a farm for sale j a djoin1ng hay bay in the fredericks burgh conceflion containing 100 acres and rpo he let for one or more years t f 4 acr u cutivat immediate pofftffion given that t 3 g and barn upon ft fof the terms apply to daniel weflibura efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 18 18 frm of late owned by mr jabez eaton whereon he kept a public inn situated within a mile and a quarter of the town of kingfton- for terms apply to the subfcriber elijah beach kingfton 23d dec 181 8 so notice for sale all perfons are cautioned purchafing lot no 22 4if notice rcfe nex a ll thofe in jfta boat cha torabls januarys i8 tt t klotte arerequeftcd to make immediate payment and all who have any demands againft said boat are rcqefted to give in then accounts to the subfcriber without delay by order of the committee s bartlet iungfton january 1 1819 2 the late partnership of robert gra ham s co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac kay esq the bussiness is future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above iirm will please pay thoir accounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern wil please present them for adjustment l roberi graham point frederick 21st sept 181 and immediate pofleflion given the houfe and premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of this town a valuable fituation for a gentleman and family 8c no lefs fo for a diftiller or innkeeper the above premifes will be fold at public auction without rve on saturday the 3d day of april t at ti oclock a m at walkers hotel if not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain for particulars apply to the subfcriber thomas smith kingfton jan 14 1819 3tf to let ftlhe commodious dwelling houfe and premifes the property of w rofs efq lately in the pofleflion of mr woolf for terms application to be made to wm mitchell kingfton oc fjtfc i8i8 so again ft in the th con of frederickfburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st con of richmond from the heirs or aflignees of davis hefs as the subfcriber holds anindifputable title to the fame gilbert haris sidney 4th dec 18 18 an elegant well finifhed double sleigh for sale enquire o s bartlet december 29 181 8 ttust received and for falettth u office price 7d the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 19 kingston u c psikt8j fr xaa editors-

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