Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 5, 1819, p. 1

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the 40ak ijti ai r r vol i friday fatmxoott march 5 1819 no 10 jrztnvl 7wz k t he subscribers refjttfr for to- form their friend ihc puiic that they have t v re rv ai juft opened in market street julf below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive effort ment of dry goods orreries end stationary like wife a grea qmm city of claitieal bo ks the wwe f which will be fold very low o afh end approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec 11818- 27 notice any nerfon or i trfons defirou of jfrring into an agieement for cleanup from 15 to 40 acres ol land will receive liberal encouragement y apphi ig t the offi- of the kingtt gaz here h- terra of the agree mcr v itc kin- ton u c 26 1 valmile lands for sile ir the township of hamilton lou no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- cfiiun 400 dodo 11 and 15 in the 4th con- ceflion 450 do do 10 in the 6 conceflion20o acres 1050 the above lands are all lying in the townlhip of hamilton new caftie diftrift anr will be sold oi ifc moil liberal terms fi farther information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the printer 23 tf notice the subscriber having been duly appointed executrix to the ellate of paul lujf late of adolphus- town deceaiec notice is hereby given to all thi ie indebted t- fai es tate to make ifta eiiatc pryuc- and all p t n bavfrg c aim againfi it are requued to refent them duly authen ticated fo adwliix nt t iz betik huff adelphuftown dec 24 1818 3itf to jet and immediate soflefiinn given that pleafantly iituated house and v rx th property of the rev alexr mcdonell f01 further partic ulars apply 1 3 the fulfcrjber ounl vn mcdonell alsc iw wttse in store street o civ ft njeau st german roove kings to 1 dec xifj 181 s 29 ban of ctaftietii the ubioiber bet ig appointed agent for the ak of anada he will negotiate btftk tes for bills on montreal quebec r f r specie wrt tchell kingftonoft nth 188 20 to let for any term of years not exceed in fifteen on the mofi reafona hie terms that well known valuable fiand in the public fituate on the pcfr at gamin fti and recently occu pier hy seth d w together with the hoji iarn 6t 1 see f01 fur thee ir ulars apply to the fubfcribei joel stone satmrjci0 v 9 8 1 3 33 r k t f t y s 1 the i- bugh i t 1 tte fecond 1 a the fall rxf f concfli v c acre and having hi c c r-j- jer cultivation with a log the terms efquire ki p cornwall l j t uron 1 it fo 1 1 vvimburn o ugh net 7 181s 30 tit e- all perfc are c i ried again ft purchaiif lot mo 22 in the 7th con of fr- enck buh or lot no 17 in the 1st cc j jrth n cliom the heiror affignees of d v h f a the gubfcriber holds an indifptft f tfrle to the me giliert haris sidney 4th dec 1818 3 a n elegait well firiihrd double lml slelgii ior sale cqinve of 5 k r let december 2- t8i8 dst re -v- an- tok fait a this office c d the feok real almanack for tht i r our lord 1 fe i 9 his excellency the lieutenant gover nif lnving v n graciously pleased to kftntiu tri- t t mark land a mac- lean equir and to the rev g o- stuart certaii loti of ground in the town of kington for the purpose of erecting an hospital tiieron toirether with tier ii otlir1cs famountine iu the whole t about seven a- res to be trt or leased lit supvir t aid hospitai it is proposed t i 1 subscriptiori in shares of 10 i4 in order to raue a fi nd for erectile ne ary buititinga assoontsoc shires ate taken ufo ti- buildings will bete it- iced subset tions wilt be receive h the b- vrr n tioued trustees and the rt r g cur- ti- jwilsom a 4arhnu 4 the managers of the steam boat frocenac having est ivimed a line of durban boats from this olace propofe forwardno- from the different pons of ft ake to that of voitreal ni the folowitig terms viz from york niag queen 3 on a the head of rht f ak for each barrel 01 fnr delivere at tfw port of montreal five fhiigs an fix pence from kingston o lre port of montreal f- each bartl f flout foui fhilhngs and fix peuce from york ningatsj queenstoil and he head of th kt for each barrel of potalh dlivrec a the per of mon- trea twelve mi li igf r ffx pe from kiogtnn tr poi of mon- treil for each barrel of p cafh ten hil ling from york niagara quenfton and the head of the lake for each barrel of pork delivered at the port of montreal tight hillings and three pence from kingston t the port of montreal ft -a- harre ot fork fix hillings and tchandiz wiil be tranfpr td by the faffrt a ris from la chine t kingston at the ate of fiv- millings per cwt i legant passage boat will aho leave icirghton every tenth day for montreal which will be fitted up m the mot crnmnilk u- moner and pevent any delay re paffengers leaving the 1 part of the lake in the steam brt l enac it having been built fr the tirp c nf lenvin ris plact immediat y he- per arrival thefe arrangements will take effect at the opening of the navigation and be con tinued during the feafor geo u ma 1kland stcy s b coniy kin j on fd 5 1819 6 f e sulcihe offers for fald his rioufeand farm together or fparate as alfo his horfes carts sleighs cows 1 gc oxen griin hay poratoea and implements of iiufhaodry fituate on the liivrr st i awreace overlooking the beautiful village o ogdtnfburg nd within half a mile of prcfcott upper c ada thed welling h ufe which has lately been erected confifcs oftwj fifing roomg 4 bej rooms a kitchen and cellar well fii ilhed the farm contains 107 acre of choice lane well fenced vpwarda of 60 of which i pasture and meadow the remain der 1 illage and woo and with a young orchard and ood ban stbc and roct- houfe a a fmall enement for labourers o a gentleman of fpeculation the above pretmkfi which extfrrds 3 acres in front of the rver must prove of great advantt as it is one of the beat situa tions it the neighbourhood for the erection vf a wharf brewery or distillery c part of the purchafe money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the pnrchaier application to he rradeto henry forest efq montreal john macauhy kiflstn or the owner prrrobriv prescott 26th oa 181 8 6tf for sale twee iln farms two of tin m lyhus in the township o rvim-fc- 3d orce sion one containing 50 1 1 rjerg n pirt of waterloo with a k hmjsc and barn tan horse bark r ivii nnd elevm good tan vat a good ifniti for a distillery there brius ti cnlnnr supply of vvater the ofher ly- ra about half a nil east of watnlof in the 3d cencevion conainitg 153 aers and one third being the east and w- halves of l its no 20 and 21 with 40 jeres of im i v ent well fenced and cut 25 on of hn yearly theoth- er pii f well timbered and a small crck ut i hrnuih the middle of th lot ir i itfnm matiou icr a dairy r l ti of j oh vr yd frjun ivntcrh jaizo is if stf r t fo- sale or o let leather he sunfcribers are rarofaauring an cxtenfive st ck rf leathts of every dis cretion anri now offer for iood sid ajfe laaclier 600 do upper uo 200 do harness do 400 do half tanked for ves- pels or other use and a large quantity of calf sking and morocco leather all wanutadured in the bea manner and is of a fuperor qoali- ty j v bacon co sacked harbor march 1819 i0w6 the vbscriber 70s leave to infortf the public that he has commenced nianufaauring soap candles in th honfe formerly occupied as an inn by mr jhn izc in store street and he hepes that from his long experience and knowledge of the bufmefs he will be enabled to give fatisfaioi to thofe perfons who may favor him with their patronage and inprort james benson kingfton if march 1819 q3n b caih pidfr adies lotf government contract 37hh beef rtm b required for r ise of iii majestys troops stationed at kingston point henry and point frd vckfor six nouth to com- monoci th c 5 1 1 ivlarcli nest the quan- 0- qhitr 4000 ib we eh per eaitd tend ih reved at tiis oihco until vi oclock tj saturdays the 13th march hi wricn rjut be inserted the names of tvto sui tes for the due pcrlormance of uch i 1 naet as may be entered iiiin c wins n rhit ojfi r kiiirsir r 1819 9 tim upper anttda herald hie public arc rspetfuly iuform- ed that th first number of the upper caw a da herald will be pub lished on tuesday the 0f dny of march gentlemen holding subscription lists will oblige the editoi b returning them as soon as practicable kingston 25a wehntdr 1819 nancer all persons indebted to the subscri ber are requeued not to pay the same r my part t hereof 1 to dngle vame- ron my ate clerkwhom i have dtfeharged and any perfon to whom faid uugle cameron has applied for payment withia the u ft m nrh will do the subfcriber a favor by informing him thereof john bowling kingfton feb 17 189 8 ncmce rphe board fir ilitia pen- 8 ions will meet on the loft monday in february and coniime fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufinefs of this diflrifty as regard the fame is jinijhed john ferguson kingfiony feb jl 819 6 otjce r ffi e snbfariber his loft three notes 9 igned by fseman s clinch viz ore of2c dollars on demand one of 2c dllar fix months afterdate one of 50 dollars payable in joiners ot cabinet wrlthe eit rfemect according to the bcb of y kn wledge is as follows viz 4 r pounds op thenrft note the above r tesweregtven the 26th of march 1818 daniel reynalds february nth 18 19 g rjlhe subfcriber informs his friends and 1 the puhlic that u jim keeps a public house h the totvnjbp of cl i ahr formerly called goodwins rner where gen tlemen and ladies map find good enter- tainment alfo travellers jhall not be difappointed of finding good quartern for thtmf elves and their htfis thos d sanford cramahe 240 jan 1819 6 net for sale an excellent toe4 piano with ad- ditional keys a two fets of fpare firings made by broaj and remark able for keeping in tun on eight months frra england for particulars inquire at the editors n 41 rwo f houfe find a g qr wjjl jaieind commodious hone store tii- on the watc edge in the centre of the village of p efcot on exceedingly ad- vantiigeou- tcms o th- nurchafer or leasee enquire at the ofhce of chr j iagerman 5i 26th february 18 ip 9 a large corr two lory dwelling houfe w kitchen out houfesand garden if front ftreet- for particulars apply t laurence herch- mer eiq kingston december j x 3 o 9 a home affairs statutes of upper canada an i ct to regulate the trade by land and inland navigation between this province and the united states of america passed tth nov 1818 whereas an ac paflcd in the fifty gxth year of his majeftys reign to titled an al for making temporary pro vi ion for the regulation of trade between this province and the l ted states of america by land or inland navigation hath expired and whereas it is receflnry to make certain provifions for the regulation of the said trade be it therefore enacted by the kinds mod excellent majefty by and witft the advice and cjnfent of the legiflative council and affembly of the province of upper cana da conftiuted and aitembied by virtue of and under the authority of an aft patted in the parliament of great britain entitled ts an a to repeal certain parts of an ad patted in the fourteenth year of his majeftys reign entitled u an aft for making more effectual provilion for the government of the province of qiiebec in nortb america and to make further pro- vifion for the government of the faid pro vince and by the authority of the same that from and after the patting of this aft in addition to the rates and duties now raifed levied and collefted the fol lowing duties on goods wares and mer chandize the growth produce or ma nufacture of the ltnited states of ameri ca imported into thib province from the faid ltnited states f merica 5 hall be pai 1 by the perfon or perfons importing the fame that i to say beer die or porter in calks six pence per gallon beer ale or porter in bottles nine pence per gallon cables and tarred rope two pence per pound cordage untarred two pence per pound playing cards one hilling per pack tallow candles three pence per pound wax or spermiceti candles fix per per pound cider live hillings per barrel of thirty fix gallons sole leather three pence per puna calf siins and other skins drefled as upper leather one milling and three pence per piece hnrnefs leather four pence per pound nails one penny per pound salt fix pence per bufhel of fiftyyfix pounds spirits dlftilled from grain one hilling per gallon snuff wo pence per pound manufaqured tobacco two pence per pound and on all other goods ivares or mer- chandise not herein before enumerated the growth produce or manufacture of the faid united state of america a duty of ten pounds for every hundred pounds ad valorem on the faid goods wares or merchandise being the growth produce or manufacture of the faid united states of america provided always that nothing in this aft hall extend or be conftrued to extend to prevent or in any wife prohibit free rom the payment of any duty on the admiflion from the united states of ame rica the following articles being the growth produce or manufacture of the faid united states of america unman ufactured tobacco staves and heading oak pine and fir timber wheat pet and pearl ashes furs and slins not dres sed fori and libe cattle sheep and hogs and the pcrfonal baggage travelling hcrfe or horfes travelling carriage or carria ges of any perfon or perfons fubjefts or foreigners who may lawfully come into or refide in this province provided always that nothing in this aft contained hall extend or be conflrned to extend to prohi bit the admiition of flour into this pro vince free of duty for exportation only ii and be it further enabled ly the au thority aforesaid that from and after the pafiing of this aft there hall be paid on all veftels or boats the property of the citizens of the united states coming into any of the ports of this province the fol lowing duties namely on all veftels above five tons to fifty tons the tonnage duty of three pence per ton on all veflcls above fifty tons two pence per ton iii and be it further en a8ed by the au thority aforesaid that nothing in this aft contained hall extend or be conftrued to extend to authorize the admiition of any fuch veflel or veftels boat or boats the property of citizens of the united states of america to trade from one britim port to another or to be employed in any manner whatever in the coafting trade of the faid province or between the faid province and lower canada iv and be it further tnased by the au thority aforesaid that all monies collefted under and by virtue of this aft hall be paid into the hands of the receivergene ral to and for the ufes of his majefty his heirs and succeffors for the public uses of this province and towards the tup- port of the government thereof to be ac- cevnted for to hit majrity tbttmgb t lords commiflioners of his treafury for the time being in fuch manaer as it halt pleafe his majefty to direct v and be it further enacted by the as thority aforesaid that this aft mall be in force fiora and after the palling thereof until the end of the next scffion of the provincial parliament tork feh 25 early navigation the schr mary ant j mofier if rived here on monday the 2 2d inflant with paitengers from niagara being probably the firft inftance of the lake being navigated at fo early a period of the year the feafon has however beert fo very mild as to make the navigation prac ticablc and fafe almoil every day fince the commencement of the winter between niagara and this port and indeed it is faid even to kingdom a letter from cornwall of the 12th inft mentions a heavy fall of rain the day before accompanied by very fevere thuin der and lightning fire a fmall houfe built and inhabited by two brothers of the naine of stewart and a filler was unfortunately burnt early on sunday morning laft they emigrated to this country laft fummer and were remarked for their inceilant induftry and frugality by which they had accumulated a fum of money in gold and filver which they had great hopes of increafiag until they could be enabled to build a comforta ble houfe for their parents who it is faid they expefted out in tke fpring tho flames fpread with fuch rapidity that they could not fave a ingle article and with difficulty efcaped themfelves the money was found melted into a ioltd mats but s large lock of clothes which they hcjj brought with them was entirely loft u c gazette for the kingston chronicle mr editor i have often heard lawyers say 1 1 aagfi mbii heatu fckyj though to be sure in a jargon of theif own that whatever is not denied must bo taken t be admitted and therefore suppose were i to leav any of the grievances from ernest town unauswer ed some persons would not scruple to tell ui most boldly that they were found to be unanswerable nothing i assure you but the fear of giving color to so false a conclusion could induce rse to continue my communications on a sub ject of which your readers must bo ait least as weary as myself and which i dare say most of the subscribers frra ernest town would be content to tea dropped the first of the remaining grievance occupies a close column of your paper and appears to be an extract from ar ad dress to a jury in a late case of smug gled goods the fixed determination of the busy promoters of the address under consideration seems to have been from the first to take up with no less than a good round rakers dozen of grievau ce and so they could but conjure up this number little did they care that some of them were false and never ex isted and that others if they ever were grievances existed no more thirteea would they have and run all risks but the labor of invention it seems was not trifling old dockets and briefs wereran- sacked and it was luckily remembered by the distresed person who with u amiable enviable christianlike feeling and mlwdfthy of 0 goud 3 ctise w racking his brains and straining his in vention in a corner to find a aumber of grievance which he hoped to make some good people believe they endured that a case had lately been decided by a ju ry of his country somewhat different from the wish if not from the expecta tion of those who were concerned in it z which if dressed up and magnified in tbd narration and finished off with a sen tence or two of general reflections might be made to assume an appearance of pub lic interest- collectors too are not fa vorite characters the popular prejudice- is against seizures and though one or two formal people might remark that the appeal from the decision of a jury- lies in an application to the courts of th country for a new trial and that there is a regular mode of appeal pointed out by laws from the judgments of our courts to the governor in council and none thank heaven by address to the governor himself with the mark of ev ery man and boy at the tail of it who can be procured to put his name to what he never heard of before and knows no thing about though all this might be said still it would make a grievance aye and a desperate long one and be sides it was about as true as tae rest and if it answered 110 other purpose than to blackguard the collector that would be one point gained that mr fairfield felt grieved w era his tobacco was seized is not unlikely and that the u lad would have it be- lieved that the collector had done w hat waa wrong aud tht up irw jst go-

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