i caiikiui u wuuiu urn uc cviuukiiic i r wfthin your extenfion of the tule though no in the tamatro we fin j bf the grand jury againk 7aomas earl of selkirk jliics macdoncit john penr john 6nti i j dorfonncru frederick althey oustunm ffauthei jfftoftr i jrajfcnretai jc alb 2frft mepherfon atckbni ilac donall 4 yaii aplfr chevaiicr de lcnmit jikxandir ti- btcher jlouis noli faques chatelan jficrrc 6 pambrun john pritchard john burke michael uedtn and j7jc i for a conspiracy again- the ncith veft company and at the faint court a verdict of jt500 dmaoes was given a- nvhh a pen of iron and with the point of a gaiujl the bail of selkirk for falfc impnl- djamoml ith grmm upon the table of their jril foes use fljffitnlty wic tvfurtd natural y voh would not fee poor common fenfe a- fully ft niggling to throw f the up preffive load of a hard mafiy block you ivcuid behold this ukful apptndagc fmninjr with equal pain not from the irrprcftloi no that is too gentle an optttittdi but from the incifioo made by the chifel zt every ftrokc of the engraver the true application of the rule and yonr jolfapplicatior cf it may be exempli fied by aoalyfmga paffage elected from the bible the jin of hdch u written it averted and that by a author w wiiom philolopm has uin rcf aitr 10 koe opinion ol cm icpasnrl d ironrejthac meianhrrs dnarmul- iv make latrlni w in s1 j bjtmiolng ikft r pwf- 7o and con to buropebftefhavingfesidedlifeihj ears in litis 1ioviiire on id led uiiiimii in a laie of confu sion and ignoiancr the prupltf there might frequcutlv allude to circumuuceit audevcno b ha never before heard of and lh toder of things which he conceived toexit vuutiit niuba- quentjj they do owe ihnuad- nn or a comfid ilifc ubj cu or meir i i- ver liitc llalnmcli ivi iumoi uic uie lunched hv sllch adamantwt pinnace of vsin you e fabric of graved nil the never to be changed opinion of hi countrymen li hath written a book yea even upon rhetoric and oratory he hith aied ui the hill of renown and hath foiled the fea ofadverfe opinnn ie hath boated over the harriers which havo unmeet of mr william smith aftin- in ckc capacity of deputy to the sheriff of the wetteiu diftria uf l c in virtue of a wit of rcltitution iffutd at sandwich by four magistrate li reltoring to the a w- c their property ieized by the lia tjl selkiik at foit william in au uft 1816 vctouit for lqq damages was hke- vifegiveaat the lxnt court againft the earl of selkirk for fahc imprifonment ot daniel vac kenzic efquire formerly a partner of the n w c who though tn a dtl ttate of mind was without ny legal rceedidgs thrown into a du at fort wilbam ard ket there by foe of arms tntii cent iviti lm life to h- i dangci he was compelled the ail selkirk to 6gn hh name to i- veral et4s purpoticft t be the fales of the n v cop property n fort wuiiam whom for to opwarda of one hundred thou r poinds and f t which iri virtue of theie deed- hu lnrdfhip far a fift iiftalment had t- pay fifty pounds heart to have a jr it cnoption 01 thi applauded figure it i neceftiry to re coiled that before thcinv ntion t f paperit was a practice of the anenti to write upon tables commonly cove with wax when the infer jption wa- d o he vety du rable the abe concfted of feme harder fiibltancc and the etterfi wr iofcribtd on it with an infi- anient adaptc 1 v it hard- sjefs fometiots an iron rn u fiimetimes a ry inuh ha n the i irc atl ier c amiaiioi wfes fonre of the characters tr he thu fvrmed wr h a p ttid ohers with a dramonu n- l toe metajhnrr- cal idi-a- written with 3 fen of iron and graven with the cf a damod upon a talks be painted and cofwd sad their i tecv will irrmev iatiy he feen he picswrra wh1beprodurd rwewidndrmh wjto h ml- f- w ri vmdaator in rue next plar wc find rltai he ro lj0 pf l indifccniiniiate- iv c al kmiu- tf meuiwrx vvlieihri tfcej br do- veiled togi ahd strenglh to dctj- uonorlomal muhmual to e apiy this role vert witmiv itcj itfd ot mural dea i- r resaiuml mi b wkerww the ifanl lom part of hf maplmr 3 n tb- irwauv fftpm- vcnima-lan- ri ffia e j is iiiwjfiuhtfhy ttjiou tbeodmmn rtoc and no up l -adiuiam- aird keiicr ari se ihvcii f ti i i be iatiipomiiui of anniher miutano- v itf wrrelj miundd i rnma rherfinabili uf ihf raving ju- the nuel- ladi s irqne dtous imwriiu itp ihweniory cannot bf mtfdjwuft- eii o mminiid iiiuinutriii t swttf b1j have pard na and nave cn rcilaced by oif ii f dilhmciii aid i s supenor ill- shukiun noidd be as olr ai enibn ri r a- wrcked fo many hi the race tofdiftmc- ih ii of plii j ihe htmm pliilii opher were he io iun and fhall his judgement be futymon- ed before the bar of canadian critics fhnll it be made a football to be hoi at bv fuch witlings fhll hu tfte be kicked a- bout as a hntte cock f nonfctife thfpugb you have provoked me mure thnn i am a- ble to crry yet sir 1 will give you fiom tlii -un- i hi riper tanviu dies not prr- the purfc of my prudence a mouthful of i c- t i in the drid anil appenrat a mrtnjr o ilif rosasocien of loiiiku firtiw pnroueol taking a pari i yatae pbysicul andvcifkituic di cushion the nuc hoi 1 1 bi ahtoto pla bw ari as well a ip thfr rn thecbaupe wlicli bad takeu place in utir diucrvui pbero nokimuo io both vmuld or tvcarlj equal in uaauude and incredibuity feu any impedimetu o the rcguiui arrival io- rofgn i tell igeuce and it its inbmtant ttrreat ail iivtereited in wy thing uuconaecud nub rrfurtl vmmilil be a rttdj belief ii lonnrd and an miinilrly more cotertttitiing ertofptniutjin ihej are iit pi event hisiru- urv havhadlvm upjortuwiti ufpartlcipaiiug in the dclighlt of pucral knowledge and there fore h cannot lie evpected ibat il should ocl vei anxtou9 m uiiu- n fur no one w capable oidi j appreciating apjcasurt until be ba iar- a laenufir knowledge and etiuratioa nlirtr lera mftrry tend be ranc of for ilas sd do they open a 1 jvzjlmh tms noimnrr1 murll imv and wide beld fin xu rxcreisetl iherteiirrs v rirrtwihikootaeowiy pic- and sympathies t man a ertilaaial ander- jiirr ei evpty nl0 coaameii the inetapltor mavdwjllflj rcpievnim pbil1rf0wt3cxtrcarly pnecekpjl in miuu- ur- h read be accused u ofpr- tcrhtisnvir mcautwg nbu wo asked nbowr lrard of a wtifeper lowd ruomgh u be hard arrow be mlainic ad he b- aan talbn inoa rrrr in ll0i dwliffsttihidg and ridicule in klngstoin uhuomciie friday march 5 1819 for til kintoton cilronifle mrs euitons i acknowledge tur candour tn puh- lnhln iiy cxarnitin if your u crt- tiquir upon r adamss mrahrs audtb fidelity with which you ppiufrd it from tht manuscript cron to tic mis- from rear mnt to he a li oi tin pen and not a mistake of on typo fwr toother wc have no dispute however respectutg the orthography of th- p i- jfor will f stop to crtnlnd wui r hfhrr the cftect prod- d v a c ap inv substances t w hci it i a eclnyt0wllliautvhlailsthe piid ic tasto be stylfd an ic iivirr- a h cur radors decide that qoetlor of d i oition at hnv leisure but iit oot tli- e jfttohmofl be diverted from the suhjee our discussion the opinion which you quote iru mr addison is a good authority hut is net in point his rule to ju1i4 l the uion of all mctajhrs tak frew flject of rlijhf by mipfflift tflmm tt be nint d and their irbiiis empared vitk each other ndates to i he metaphors themselves which bin id as of visioft re when painted ueepfible of an im- mrdials comparison l3 the eiferif iht it has no applicability i 1 the intellectual or moral ideas intended to be htur or enforced by the mefuphors tne idea are not subject- of painting aid from their nature d tint admit of a comparison with sensible objucti or their pictures in the phrase u ennraved inadamn upon th eohimon sense nfmai kind it the bit uetaphors udumflfit aid n a fair apphcatioo of the test arrc wy j n dl o itw fjthoiv owl explanation ot it pill lr m buprouf vbnh lie enfea vou would miftpoly it by extending the com- a ifoibeyartd themetayho ical iilca r v e heart it if to which thole ideas c ny mcauhcrically leavrcd for te ke cf iliuttrjion adpung y ur smui cal rcmaik upw mr ams metaphor to the one now u der confuh ratio yna would afic eut what bee nv ef the image when we f sthet imnginc thi hard maffy tale thus inf dud tj be aced upon tiie hear all poor hearty e c2b fancy we wltncfs thy pa uful briijttea to throw oft the load that pprcfles ihee evcvy metaphor rmpleyed m a r ral 01 intelkraual fubjeu is liable to imilar ridicule i vommend your unassuming moety lm a fritad ay without buaillngt nflfert your ceflitn and lay it u nt mftiiding i eer eager to become ucquaiutcd with tii general copctofolbvigsaw jo- i bu- manity ibrouphoat ibc woild while uie illite rate mhid isallvcirdby tbime bwuwonly mfiidi eome ix i hin the ffpbew of its 0h tuimdiaie iiid bdividuaj rntercsts- tins- l he fee hngs oftbe people i bare todfal wlrb are decidedly net available by iboie sub- jecti which ainuyeaiid offct ibe generality of mankind futdtbe cuoatry whicb they inhabit ic barreti wttb nperi 16 local etintt and eir- camiiarice timt rbtlttjigbt all enteraimng r ii rueiiveiiiu be diawu i101u ii i am tbee- fore placed in a litical sfuainn and in awid- bk sc ita 1 mij perhaps tall into chanbdis ifl vniinvio preseni mj naders with rcrau tians of a foreign nature ith will be destituie pf artracttan and ii i eadcavo to eouiinauidf to hul ia local 1 lall nuloiuc difficultj lucpl- ireirng maierlal toi m a rarrl ivrtnf mpplicatiwi af the rule raimifnin at anal si af a paae in th isiiie brf remurft t1iathemiii lwt cim- lae nstbai tr prepwfiiions wpu and m id are nfiiiar iioi- before we come into bis opinion in ibe pa- ajreqnoied hebas i ob- ier d that lh mi apfmrend- wlui ibe t iie noi o with engravew in ajaumnt upon the r m-11- i the latter iterance ie- i tiv a ctinmrtn eiie itselfh a pan ot the mriapbor and us wch ecjarsundr hit opirsitloq afcberal nv certainly ailmit rwlifc phhoiogoa lhal even mfapbor employed in a mural or iniillec iimi bjre 1- liable lomilar naieule rav wewhl venllh a tej ftirdier and tav 11 ibai ioifa v mm suvm and poeiiral arc ei- vim the thing tn a vers dhterent l t and an mmrl o iteame4ancer bnl ba then j are aaxioiisto i 11 uat t my readers toe ei coo- the euv 3ca icrr v in he wofm ullo m jii necs mch u intauiblv produces upuo o- conversation nrthe reciprocal communica tin offeiiliments aed idtts i ww great rojior- advice vl n lcn the whip of y out criti- cifm next takes its flight let it pelt f me one deeper in the mud than the honorable secreiaiy the eloquent ex profcffoi o harvard college in the united states a kiik or tvo belle wed on iviift 1 tc her pardon mra cnrley and mallei cana da might not be called in quefiion but if you value your own fame touch not witia the paw of yiur cenlure either the secre tary bimfelf or his erudite defcedrr the profound philologos o wonderful phi- lologos thou hurt likt another 1 forget his name but it matters nt 1 fay thou hail in the defence f ihy matter crownes thy i if itb heaps of celebrity what depths of retcarch in the storchote o metaphor hath 1 ot tbts uiait ofliterarnre difplaycd the fir t of his kuowtdveof the engbfli lane ge are attonhhing- be- caufe they arc bott mlefa not enjbteni with carrying n- thonh ihe sea f dic tionary learning he has actually overflow ed the hedge which dull lexicographers had heaped up a- iutt the inuudatinjf pro- ptnflty of our veriatile largoagc and has hereby hewn that with him its progieflive and tbe nenl ot luca je-i- nfeciieral interest thfieiv wlirb lrmuphuiiok ma eem uumate- riakand be enldered as ciieutortanees that 0tnrin ihr inhabitant atone and rtetvfs thich u v will mni wben ibev feel inclined but i e itr lllgrr miftd and cohiptirt -ord- vi r addionn uirihfioii ftttii t i ar consitctit w thu fur yo say i stands the test all io i telluibl and 1 fake the libertj to add hie rule exfptui further to rwprifs li mon not a viih hut an ill- telle i a icia to bo painted for hf pnro- a actual comparin itii the trr objcrt of sight of which the n- ple r- aphor is compor d a misap- plirai n nd perversion oi flic rub m- ddison is not cliartjablc nih such absurdity his proprmtioo is to judge qfthnitftfon of metaphors that js the whole extent of the crir rion pro posed by n it n apphrabh to a fig ure consisting i two or uore metaphori cal ideas umtd to drtermii t at one 1 dli 11 f r this unjrorsixfttt in the art of eiitcifrn avii fh w the falla y f your argu ment i i vu in dndill u bed poffefltn if hi fiel i o hmc d mutt alfo be ex co from ntlyiving you in yoar flights of c 1 tint 11 n vvinlbriri the fevewty with which von 1 itired a r rntcf adimiflton dlated y rz j ur i wiil yc ctldidy a itiit that v net indorsation of the u y prnfr rnto a w mfljmep and wu cur in- ik a k faced awkwirj daihtrr ero ated with the fi i l fl iw t f jour fancy i 1 carvicaturc rxbibjr- in fo muth of the ndrculoofi thai ft in-ii- che a rare praifhcal talt hir liofeu v hidi fcems to be yur favourite tell of truth another part of yoof perftrtunce evin ces merif of a hijfhei order 1 mean your aitrti i tl a 6 there is farceptife in the mind of every mdipldual of tie amcr cr nation a juirttft for mtrtfritpws ornament and tinfil glare thi fticccl u im in of he mcticm ttyv fve a uvety ii of hat ri jr l- for whlh you lave judged it 0 nd nectiry to chaife them auiinh public cenfure inflcvcd pfomplly by h ii w 5 an imp til lv uii ever htdiwiduffr of a whole ti nation j iters i all without dp1in- frir io fucj acquainrancb cr rtrufr rove ysw ifisihle adhe rjcr to jnfltce in iormintj the dutietf of vur cetiforial ofiie if editors philologds j- rit tltffhl nvme liiai idjeri as a fffond ti hi tn iicnnii r dnmn of hf cbonle wp r tv-r- wto rfuie nrrta i til taburitf piol inn rd the v njv phlidoco re anrd lia his vaniiy n ibt prompt him to aina rea mi tor our rr- dv- widlv lilir at tiorrt lb- real on ardmi iie ntier iiand if w alloned ihein 10 appear ridiculous only bcan it miiii he mdr o by their irncniop inrturitjg 2 let fbiiulit3 an- bh er fvr biin- f r i b n il onr kii1 fruni huttf return ror v euinri r l modiv a d tink wai i fif xw ilan bv pantionlnfl him if rl wty iifirri inn t bi teai- per appear obe rat vas io i reeling of irria iia a r d io iiliivte the -0- sruriv fi- film r jw wti m a 0bwieil iuimna nmiiis ninr bt a friend nuv wit boll bna n v or rmand a i is ait arrfti br o rtdvp tocndii ad- dion fit inijrcjv ni inian ofcriueism asraraniindcriai hiiacftnitfecerittinty arn nih bimilaf mr aldimi a- n longer r da in fn th im vemenl in thi ai 1 id eni- rnm at mec du irie u bncs to pllitoldgns funirttf iwv- in i ha been nimiminlug are orrv tt- no enabled u rb q irirt- 1 iil i tf in- piorcid iivut u ufrbrtcv t improvemeut it 1 javt rite objed o noble philologos go oo in thy ptaifeworthy cotrrfc and ifihou fh udl mice in a vhil break thy fhin agiutt lome urriy wnrd hard tn ipell rive it a rub and jog on- waids till thou had completed thy talk o enlightening with fhc flights of thy rril- liant genius thcghjim of canadian ignor ance and as for you me fits editor if voir prcfumc again ro gnaw with the tt etb of tour fnalin criticifm the prodaflions ot m nan j win the rffw acii- rw i the eloquent secretary or the arguftenta of bin ingrnio- vindicator you flial iiae your heads broken with the lalh offcorn and the whip cord s contempt youro in cbcuitinn timothy ropr p s bewsre of carping at my fjo ures i care not a ij for mr addifon nor his arbitrary rule metaphor it a hk of sty monday u march y nr i nl voir arftuiicm wb i admlpri rti hsrtf truly i tnduubtedl be 1 a lji 1 i i bui mo before jie lii i -u- 1 a vmfe io h btouelf lb ri i fi r 1- ti oiu tlat ourfavor- ir nfirth id li we hae ui obic a- man v i d j root ibai t is n o 0 riivi too hue not been ltig i 1 htwc ii- pa iiic to dktke thii sufllcieiu- 1 ai paeui lis it ii i any atifarini o- a- ure iiimihtweliall hecxuiloud lin c eipin i nda gi n tinoi llifkc will ot or eaunoi co 101 riulit and ivoejiever ne oetceive u tdfcetli cae lidiule will be uic a nin ur mall or ind rociauy when be soitivnotis s in uie held we bjr pardon jornot having etccfited pblltt- ingos and atl tht quakcrm oarsucepin option ul 11ieiran na ton rlgbj however fioni dand ike ajieaiateel miujc of fltit giave cci 111 til u h weaienu quite ore dial ihelr minds are al optiii i rt fitniihis natural fratu t eaie deligatd ihn aehav hjen adjudg ed nceein1 11 oui intuarion of ie ttu we premmtd tcrwaurenay ive ftaveoineiirrntion o aopl tn our hew tor respond rt timothy tript iilc lf ii in ue at ofcnulpolimlilig no ao- in nrdi r liatoilt uecet max be cum- nlete we tae no- opvitunitj of requesting a firrrrarianwaiic kithlbls unknown person age iiia i u iia be uble to procure asrn inieriev v i mabnodouf they are pupib in t- f- 01 v f liivpnov sotfj out of consideration for our readers pitinvr u lequi pltilotogm 10 torn bis iueaoiauon to mfueinor ptoiiiahlc pursuits dinute principle upon biehtbe exisleoce of o- rfftj depends withohi u men would indeed kiiu red i ftiifl ui wip duniiiev finn uiioiveti of mutual eoiivenieiicc and miro- iiui ibis would live uiiliout syoipn- lbv 1 1 imdrhipnr cordiality tiui cnrrvrrfraiion b ihe mcansnf elirinn the minor viriuw in con junction with all tial is umablr and all that in e c 1 huwanllv the an an r rone ihcrc fhr rnnverfiaiton propie will of course be the ihioe ineliiied o in it when llbjccts of iutm 1 neither occupy lhcbilndnoi aiuuciib ritiiion men have littleinducement u eiebane idei- for ib anticipate noittinj ucw 01- amu- singfioin rbft mutual roninionicaiion llie feel ranir- about imeiuis logellierudlfferruc6 aurcred ibe tin of social life are weakened tod cordial ij ideirnyed by ihe encroachaimls of riirini dot when ihej lake deljrbt in t 4 evaiunntcnndchnvaslug every subject of pb- ata ttcttiifg of the cornmittc of rh he importance ie edect produced i- er differ cotnpssioual society nn the lire f t nit faen one then value more or less ihe so pfent month it was rooorted bv tin- clety of others because he is aw arc ibaitbev in- r t e dividual ocpcral towards tbf general ainufe- ineni ubil- the desire of exhibiting himself to advantage and comantnlcaiing imparlance 10 bis opinloirs ififiutc him tociltivst himbul and enlstrgc his idea- hy ib ucuhulon of know- edirr ho tbob enters bociet prepared to inao- tiiit in- part in iiand d be acquit bun if ot ii ins triuuib is eqoilk battering to blcfsclf and aih imiijnui o nthers tbr ffrtfl of ihe r inarhs i nave made and the limited rauge which the conversation lurrem in tii provinreal prcserfj embrace muit benn- vikifors thai the sum of broke pbil rl hatl been expended tu the fclief of uina persons visitor for i ho prqo ut month mr ifrifc mrlron mr hobikt rttobaedsov mjriiteth at nieneary on rl 1 it tant allan t mrljoveillo w arherinc faasbr dauii- parenttn even one this ctrcomatanee isun- tcrrfdtoiuui paen r m- fthe amepjace dmibirilly iujurioifii to ihk iniertmts of micicty upon tbe principles i tit jui mrutlonrd and cannot te too severelj animadverted upon a it pmeeedf in unreal measure from ibc imperfec- tlonofthe people whoal present certainly httvs very uitu tnducemem t meal together for uie o- porposi of confers up vbe mate of tin oe iier uie eondition oftho roads and a few sunn jiral ldas repeeiing trade foiio the foundation tfthejr fhlkda after day 1 during a dry season tbe first two subjects are on tbur day the 4 ii in by ihe rer n- rm m ii 1 s mr imr stroccieron n mi9 mi jit loviia blaxrnifto ho of thia plner theatre eenefitof mrs brown ir ftiten so completely exbauiitcd that i have cu a shower ofrafoaflord as mnchreiiefotl e rack ed bruins of a convivial party a it did 10 ibc sultry boom of the earth uut 1 halve omitted and pofitsvely the last nigkt but ok3 of her and mr brownt performanca here monday march s 1s19 mcniouinir one never failing biuject of amr will be prefented shakfpeares hiftorical tragedy or king richard the third for the kltfgatoa chronicle comparative view wlnther their onion is natt 1 or hat lio tall u tnoutro0 rot it ran hav io nppticfltioii to a mca- phor containing only one liiuiatuo lorm this observation tray he verilud in an example c 7v imprint tipoti the memo- y i a familiar metaphor borrowed fi or rtt icrrivijs lie authors rnijoxj rpv hnppiiy tjaj coui b es cd in dini t terms yot it can- quo- irmnna nia ti reprrsctited by a painter v a faculty of the nind is not i painting cven if it ey icdbv aonthcr ii an msomerrrp reai iv in bow 1 v ofiinpiiiuini bt fhibly must this pit ton of a he really marked ith actually phut npon vcd dohii upon them nc d h the rule you hivi k i idea of printing a m3 filr ihoi cor ap i m ink ar ith the mechanical power of the pros wirot eolmnent e oiil bl rir- ill i- ready doe vanjwicl in itth of a we nvi- ae turrf6re crn p be indclgenee f 001 iade nl do o be r mi the a-r- ace ilii it we dd noi comui wee o x shall no k in o uiiki- hieoiiie nfcritici m imiiidnfj hgrn fcs eeood lkrr e-iilite- liimw rdincour lit- 1 i v in priiuin rf ori rr 1 ii ior in nrliiozi apri aillc une be i carjnl lo snuiit thas if it wa m a tl m -iak- o on typ n hiiuit it w a- a 1i of i he pro so m we have lboujft bad tt th oi fonmnte ajtoix tnrrrd tttire and in onh iusauees c aj r have irixen it ti i- vrrv podent in hit mo declare lhai be aih nor stop o contend w itli u on a point upon which wr ueo oilcred an oputun certatalj be maybe permitted tomafcft w liacvr ne piasej of the tm fnpr9jur ma define it to he ihe ef- fee jfhvtuii by a chuel upon any subtanre wiu o d injr ipur to the numlc laste we amie hiin thai 0 cl r not predict that a ing definition e en thoui crftered bv with a nmsun in lueratnre tiouid be productive ofa mischief so ptrnive a philologos dispute the forrecinr of our u- of mr adilins role anr asserts uiat i ha- vo applicability to tin intellectual or moral idas tnirtitud to be illustrated or enforced b th- uvpt- ap0 o ap pcic information on tbesubject 1 1 ii 1 noihr author with whumno doubt be is intimately acquainted la tiva id metaphor thus speaks dr blair of alt -lu- g rcsofopcech none approach o 1 ear oa g a metaphor i gi lijrhi and stroig i to description makes levettual ideiu iame fegree visible by giving them colour enteriiin noi hie lsf iwjusdiiu k lllthal lujhb i ba- oreasioiiah lutuircd 10 mefince i fut onried be dcmgll of iddleirg lb publi ai iesijr i uiib seleci for ny irrravotis a unldpcrhapv afford but liltle ainnsnneui rt h euuyr tliey will wain a mor tiioae mai- i tr- nnconnecied iirh exutlitg ei bi from the idea i ltao titatiu- majority of my rihacrtfee mdinimit abcmi w atcaltcd pics ul general itwerel i rr 01 wui he aware uiai utlmnnd iheitrool lppt canatla affords our raw eoptfor tlu eriiuiiofan eai the aeiorupoa k- aarv oeithi r nojnerofeougti ko dplav avktiv otebamctcr nor aurticienily distinguished to omirumeaic3nterc4t and effect totlu parts tsiei do pfrtorm the tfiionsthc lioiil ae noi o imporiaitt is to n nder them ob- jer ofatteuiion ti agetieiaj poiiuof view and iiu ereaiiveimaginauon that mipht eudeavctir torobethem in ftiegarh nf uiumj y prandrur would mumi be paraded b a corvicdon of the futility of hef ftn twcjmtic events aud elifmiof th 1iuviiice uben rietftled will aoiu amonc the cond inhabitants of i hi a iov- inre j no an the tear ibis 1 wot cirtaujy forms an swa in ihe existence of the generality of people to which they continually refer yet alii o- ph they have lalked upon the subject du ring three vnrs very few have been able loron- ccntrate their idea upon u or arc qualified 10 describe ihe different aorious thai took pia e or the effect which they cnllerive produced upon the conn ry thoe iitlmdiii- who enjjfd in ibewai will leli you whai hardships the uffer- pd and bum life ipdiailfi ran a a aiiii ihoe vbo remained at borne ean mention irrl accurately tin nnuibir 6f dollars they ireevrial iheirmnre in lioinre ofa ui tvcek i hope ome of my readers lake these mats pood-bomonr- erfly and talk le4 about thv war and if i hud that vi rruiarks have had the deirel rftect i may perhap hereafter rejpstt tbm withau y upon their favo itp object i conceit tbeaii of cou versa ion to be of such importance t llai 1 ma probably resume us eon- ieraicn ai 50me future period acd iball now rskeleriof m readers et the shouldmikpect from tin manner in which hae encroached up- nn their aitention that prefer the practical to tkfi iheoretical part of m pttbject for the kiastun chronicle or the battle obosworth field richarddukcof qloderl mt afterwards fafdeaick king richard the third j brown lady akne ms f brown affr which an elegant comedy in two ast called the liar young wilding h fstbdvntck bnors for characters see bills j notice sirs the pot of rav indignation did i may jcacellloneodumnotiy tl lffervc when i read your faocy piiebabiuaiidtottnncroflispcp1epresooi utile j 1 i r bncinrea upon the able and lucid docu ment of mr secretary adarrs how did i then chuckle when i faw his defence by the leaned philologo and i thought it iiuaafwerable guefs my furprile which was only equated by rry rage when i came to your impertinent replication surre men are oevci to be beaten out of the hiflb read ofcrroi cui ii i had the pen of a jtntu i would ry ah yct hto 3 ftflft variety and as far a- n puiui t ucilher 10 advance nor ioroi vvrnpce- tion rreatc no pleamire bi ullr t ast isde- titui of uiurandauiut becomes pain- fill irom the difficulty vxpc u ia conceiving whil will be produced by uie fin tre thtls tbe mliolrexunt l t not afford matter eoongfe u lui dlscuionof the current ijay and i -l- n atl mo upon uieeedtnoi i aji m l0 m se that my reena nlli wn cun fined to sfliyecta coaapctea i tvovlacc he aflembly advertilei for monjn next is pollpoaed until thuriciay ntu tnft ktogftpoy thurfday 4hmarch 1819 for sale tjhe subfcriber offers for fae thff fotitb weft quarter of lot no zr in the fn ii ccrttccffion of the town hip ur ernfcft town containing about 70 acres 30 of which are undet iriprovcrrcu wich a lof houfc and barn thereon a good title will be given only a fm ill part ot the purchafe money will be required dovn the remainder by iuflauments a bvt fui the purcbaur for panicilat8 inquire of th- subfcri- ber wm j k w em town 17th fvb 8tg tflt