the christian recorder to appear in numbers one number faery months at twelve and pence halifax cy a tear and bio- this publication will be iitued by mr george dawfon bookseller york under the infpeion of the rev dr strachan it hall be devoted to theological and mifcellaneous fubjeds and particularly to ijiterefting religion intelligence and graphical and obituary notices btfides occalional original matter it fhall contain feedion from the various britilh periodical work moral and religious thefe works will be regularly received for that purpofe and the readers of the christian recorder will thus be fumifhed in the fpeediell mode- with valu able and imereiling feieioiifin the lat ch britifh oeri dical publications while it fhall he the objed of the jour nal to record important religious events in general particular regard will be paid to twofe which relate to the proteftant church the chriftian recorder will prefent fts readers with a pafiin map of the religious world ana fhall be occafionally enriched with the fentiments of thole made of theology who were the glory of tht dajrs that art- paft and whofe writings exhibit the fourdeft views of chriftian doftrine and order and the higheft fervors of pious feeling whatever can advance the interefts of religions truth th purity the unity and thf profperity of the kingdom of the re deemer and the faith holinefs ad confo- lation f the chriftian hall as far as practicable find a place in this journal the plan if executed with tolerable ability nauft certainly render this publica tion ufeftti and inteeftin to all clafles of ghrjftian ard the pice of it ie tola as to bi rg it within the reach of all who can be profited pi intereftei by its contents it hall be printed with a handfometype and on good paper of a large fize the firft number fhall appear early in march a rd a number will be publifhed regularly every month ine work being ilft d folcjy from aii earned defire to pro mo e the interefts of relion with the view to its general circulation it will be furnfhed at rhe lo rate of twelve hilling and fix pence halifax currency a year rtgebit hall have a commifiion of 20 per t on the amount of fuhferiptions fei phii h thev becon e refponfible rathomas dalton co 11 pefully beg leave to aaquain the public that they have commenced brew ing at their new eltablifcment where they have now ready for delivery lorae excellent mild beer in barrels of thirty fix gallons each which they offer at the moderate price of thirty six shillings the barrel which price they do not intend to advance on- lefs from neceifity arifiing out of an in- creafed price of malt and hops thus the public can be regularly accommodate edwith a wholefome and agreeable beve rage at as moderate a rate as could rea- fonably be defired the proprietors of this ufefal eftablifhment therefore flatter themfelves that it will receive a fair por tion of public patronage orders left at the office of s b art- let will be attended to kingfton deer 28 18 18 tub subscriber having ln appointed agent for the propt the iran works eftablifhed at ti rivers in the pro vince of lower c informs the pub lic that he has lately received a very cxtcne assortment of a kf circular john dowlfflgl ivjlr eri lufher having difpofed of w re rurus his moft fincere thanks to his friends and the public for the very liberal fupport given him fince his commencement in bufinefs and begs leave to inform them that he has laid iq a general and well feleed ftock of edward jones b cm u fctielviij by mrcr daw son bookfeller york to whom commu nications poft paid may he addrefled and to whom perfons at a diftance may tianf- mit their names with directions by what corvy iice tke journal hall be feat to ihem tori january 12 i 8 1 9 fejf subscriptions received at the post- of fice kingston r black smith ivorl egs leave moft refptfully to in form his friends and the public in general that he has juft received an elegant aitortment of dry fancy goods confiding partly of the following arti cles viz superfine weft of england cloths and caffimeres of the moft fafhionable colors lrih linens britifh shirting linen and cotton cambrics corded cambric lenos and muflins jaconet and mull muflins fancy iuflin handkerchief bandanna and barcelona do fine ging- hams black ard colored siiks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corded dimities white jane white and buff marfeils quilting back florentine fine undrffed calicoes bottibazerres and bombasines of all color linen diaper and huckabuck white and co oured flannels ruflia sheeting and oi- naburg a well chofen aitortment of f bread and laces ard kibboss straw bonnets ladies tortife hell combs cambric and lace footings and a number of arti- cles too numerous to miert 4 crates of blue crockery wars groceries jamaica spirits brandy liolland gin tors and other wines peppermint and sirub kyfon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars muf- covado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cadi or approved credit kingston qth slug 1 8 i 8 10 manufaaured at that p oth- groccrics w iiics cr articles are double sf single tote of various sizes and pattern s cast aish pans sugar kettles potash coolers pots dog irons and dutch ovens which will be difpofed of for cadi nearly the montreal prices the fuperior faftntfs of metal and du rability of the three rivers stoves ren der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers a they are not liable to crack like thofe import d from scotland jchnmacaulay kingston 1 st 0 sober 1818 19 at and spirits at his old ftand which he is determined to fell at the moft reduced prices viz jst jamaica spirits shrub holland gid i whiskey coniac brandy i peppermint cherry do wines bencarlo port 5 tnerifle spanish do malaga beft pickling vinegar lime juice groceries kingston brirch of the mon trcal bank a ny um required maybe obtained at he officetoi good bills nn mon- tteaqebtc il 01 exchange on lon- don or fer specie notes aifo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thqm s viarkland eit kingfton 3d nov t 8x8 23 r fold by private fale the wh ie gunpowder tea tuankev do hyson skin do coflee loaf sugar muscovado do mace cloves cinnamon saffron iing crlass turkey kg9 box raisins common do pearl barley french do fig lilue powder do bei poland starch black pepper plorcf stilpher ground iinger whole do bidian arrow root taeef almonds bitter do iitim 1 1 c green copperas bet engiwh cheesfe windsor soap best common do pipe clay glauber salts pearl ash t english mustard peppermint drops sugai plumbs sugar almouds cod fish red herrings salt do salt butter i wrought nails ferent sizes shingle do tapes needlet twist cotton balu coloured do black thread white and browd3o writing paper letter do interest in the iloufe of lufher vao slyck at prefcott and that of lufher sexton at la chine to mr a jones ot prefcott upper canada the bnsinefo will after the first day of march eniuing be carried on under the firms of jones van slyck at prefcott and of levi sextos co at la chine- we ben leave to refer you to the ta nexed notice wherein mr lufher makes himfetf refponsible with us for any enc- mente entered into by faid firms we feel fatisfied from our late experience iu businefs the number of boats now owned by us and the commodious store at this place and la chine that we fhall have it in our power to give general fctia- faftion a jones cors avanslyclcr l sexton prefcott janua y 18th 18 19 no ice the subfcriber having difpofed of iu interest in the iloufe of lufher van slyck at irefcott and that of lufher sexton at la chine tj mt a jones the businei6 will in future be catried on under the firm6 of jone6 van slyck at 5 res- cott and that of levi sexton co at le chine lie will notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsible with them for any eni8ement they may make 6 er1 lusher o far sale latel t arrived m ynjalds co from ireland beg leave to inform the ge t jen and inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity in general that they have com- fbenced the horse shoeing and blacksmithing 13 uviness in all its various branches near the upper nd of store street between mr doug lass houfe and mr powells all orders with which they may be favored fhall be executed in fuch a complete and workman like manner and on fuch low terms as fliey hope will entitle them to a fhare d the public patronage kingston loth obober 1818 20tf notice ftht la par- erfhip of james ranien jl cff co having iiftolved itfelf this day by the death of roderick mackay efq the bufinef will in future be carried op by ne ftrm rlowi 6 wte rff perfons wio are indebted to the above firm will pleafe pay theii accounts without delay ard thofe who may have claims agafnft that concernj frill pleafe prefent them for acjuftment james ranken ernefttown2iilsept 1 8 1 8 itf very reafonable terms and im mediate poitt flion given a f rm lying in adol huftown on the bay of quinty one mile weft of the court iloufe formerly owned and occupied by the late philip dorland deceased on which is an orchard of 1 1 5 large aope trees and almoft every other kind of fruit tiees that is planted in this coun try aifo a convenient framed houfe and barn and houfes about one hundred pounds will be required down and the remainder will be made very eafy for further partic ulars enquire of the fubferiber on the premifes gec1gedoug as adolphuflown pth nov 1818 26tf q be of the pre 1 a w occupied by the fobferiber con- f one new store houfe two j i half n a fmall f ed in wrh hone j rab route fituated on th bv 0 no 27 a contai i cre a faiai 1 money will be required cr i v of the proper ty and th- rem by fuch inftal- meotsaarmy be agreed iipon for fur ther particulars apply bs proprietor on the premifes s george scougal n b there is a suable fpring of wa ter on the premifes kingllon jarary 2 7 1s19 4 frsale vert i eatf teted kl va jaiui sifuaecd near rhe village of brockvillr be ing the rar half of j o one and the ijotice is hereby given rear haf of lot 1urn two in the e- xnl cond concession p rlizabethtown u c containing twu hundr acres former ly the property 0 reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging tojohnshu- ter iiiip of l there is a ve- an aitortment of crockery warej do queens do reft dutch long pipes plug tobacco caudle wick moud candles dippd do superior dreffed calf skins bell liquid slacking a few articles of dry goods n b in addition to his pre fent lock he expels many other arti cles in his line in a few days kingfton odober 19 1818 xi executive council 0ce york 22d july 1818 r rood dwelling p nv vith a barn and to chr is top her tno mso n or his reprefentativt by order of his honor the a dminiftrator in council to make good any pretenfion to the weil half of lot number seventeen in the feventh conceltion on the napane river in the townfhip of frederickiburgh within ix months from this date or the other cnt houses mn tii remises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con- fame will be thrown open to other appli- cession and the west half of lot number cants for sale triiat elegant farm no 8 concefiion ownfhip f frede firft ericks burgh 28 miles from kingfton containing 200 acres forcsery oc cupied by colonel spencer and known by t he name of the manfion iloufe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 07 high with 2 barns artd other build ings perfons defirousofpurchafmg may enquire of the subfcriber on the premiffes or to d ilagerman efq at bath joseph lergeron frederickiburgh sept 8th j8i8 15 one in the eighth concession o the same township jiko lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the seroud concession 01 the town- ship of yongc in he district of johns town these farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous to purchasers apply to daniel jones jun or ckville 1 5th january 1819 4 to let and immediate possession lven the house and premisses tat- j oeupied b allav mcphersot ta the front street of kingston for particulars application to be made to j hn kirby or h illiam mitchell esqrs who are fully authorised to enter into arrangenients with persons disposed to rent the same kingston 20th jan 1819 4tf iim6 john small c7 notice the subfcriber forbids all perfons from trefpafung on lot no 32 in the 4th concefiion of the townfhip of camden in the county of lenox and addington midland diftrict and does hereby forbid any perfon or perfons from cutting or deftroying any timber whether lying or landing or carrying any part of the fame away under penalty of the law a macdonell kingfton dec 26th 1818 31 for sale notice a valuable lot of land cen- bifting of two hundred acres of the firft quality and remarkably well timbered being lot no 19 in the third coucdcift ctfcitti fcr particulars enquire of the subscriber in kingfton james robinson kingfton dec 22 18 18 notice james meagher returns his mojl v jineere thanks to the people of kings ton and its environs for the liberal en couragement he has met nu it h fince his com mencing bufinefs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he is about removing to his new houfe near the alar- ket place oppofite to mr fiaymans and will as ufaal carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the heft manner at the fhortefl notice and asi e i oiv eft terms n b to rent leafe or fill f the term of ten years and immediate pojfejftoc given that welt known flan d the iv el lington inn in barrack fired this fixation is one of the befl in towo having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a iloufe cf public entertainment and store apply r3 the proprietor kingfton ed hltv 6 valuable property for sate the fubferiher offers for fale all that well known and very valuable pro perty in water street being compofcd of three dwelling houfes a new store two stories high with a wellfimflied shop fat table for a merchant with pood c ellar and every neceitary convenience brewery and malt houfe stabling a garden with fruit trees c perfons wifhing to avail themfelves of this offer will pleale apply to the proprietor on the premifes james robinson february r8l9- vf to let the houfe lately occupied by lteu tenant brifcoe royal engineers the property of james richardfon sen fituated near mr hugh earls for terms apply to the fubferiber uobt r1chard90n kingston jib january 1819 1 to let yjnd immediate poffefbon given that jl well known fland for a tavern the property of mr john size fituated in store street kingfton for further particular apply at the office of allan maclean kingfton jan 12 1819 3tf 318 pto let or one or more years and poftefiion given immediately that stone hufe moated in store street lately occupied by mi edcaf with stable garden and other 0 t houfes t ikuation of the above premifes is rno5 advantageous for a dwelling houfe artlculars appiv to frncisx rofheleau kiegiioo 15 jan 1819 3 he last notice l person- indebted to the late lii of taylor parker are notic d hi tiv fkt all perfon indebted ro the eftate of the late james dimming late of ha ho well deceafed are requefted to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the eftabliflimtnt at hallow- ell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate are defired to prefent them for adjuflmenti the ftock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a veiy complete aitortment of good well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defervedly claim the attention of the public to ie let for one or more years immediate pofftffion given that frm of late owned by mr jaber eaton whereon he kept a public inn situated withit a mile and a quarter of the town of kingfton- for terms apply to the subfcriber elijah beach kingfton 23d dec 18 18 3 for sale a nd immediate poflefiion given the houfe and premifes in stuart- 1 ihed that unless their reduce auentlon ot the public un u iu win oe required to be nnts and notes are settled by the cafh or count produce will be tak- s 2ls d carefully secured teams uas ltd ali vl next they will indiscrimi- ptkt into the hands of an attor- ikction allan taylor 267ft ja 1819 5 u1ld1ng lots a few lots of one acre of ground being a verygod soil for gardens and froud fituation for dwelling houfes oncnle from kingfton on the new road leading fr m store street for sale on fa vorabj trm apply to 6 bartlet jaauaryr istp c en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible farmers or others john cum ming v iv m mitchell j ekecut kingston oa 2 f 181 7 1 steam boat notice all thofe indebted to the steam boat charlotte are requefted to make immediate payment and all who have any demands againft said boat are reqefted to give in their accounts to the subfcriber without dday by order of the committee w a s 3atjust kingfton january 1 1619 tbt late partnership of robert gra ham 6c co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussiness in futnre will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all peroiis who are indebted to the above firm will please pay their accounts with out deb and those who may have claims naimt that concern will please present theitt f r adjustment 29 rcibert graham pi it frederick 21st sept 1818 to axemen ie 5icribers will receive pro- pesals rem any person or persons willing to engage to clear sixty acres of new land oit their premises in amelias- ville lately occupied by mr dalton burgh bay of qumte ready for seed by fituated within half a mile of this town the first day of august next the ash- a valuable fituation for a gentleman etc said land will be required to be and family no lefs fo for a diftillertr innkeeper the above premifes will be fold at public audion without rcferveon saturday the 3d day of april next at i oclock a m at walkers hotel if not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain for particulars apply to the subfcriber thomas smith kingfton jan 14 1819 3 tolet rrihe commodious dwelling iloufe x and premifes the property of w rofs efq lately in the poflefiion of mr woolf for terms application to be made to wm mitchell kingfton qa iti8i8 o and provisions will be furnished if re quired for particulars apply to owen mcdougal kingston or to mcdougal mclellan 0 bellville notice the subfcriber requefts thofe indebted to himtn pay their different accounts to mr jofeph murdock who is duly au- thorifed to rtceive the fame and proceed as circumflances may require during his abfence joseph scott kingfton feb jd 1819 6tf terms of the kingston chhomci tventy shillings per annum if sent by mail twenty four shillings suhscripions to be paid in advance to the 1st of july or the la of jaou arv w price of ab eiitisements ft lines and under 2s 6d first in- ol sertion and 1d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3s 4cf first insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id pcr uiuj for every subsequent insertion advertisements xcithout written direc tions are inserted till forbid and charged it to accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received aft ten o clock on the day of public atio agents henry cowan ksq quebec lames william esq montreal messrs- j j dunlop lancast panl glass ford esq matilda alpbeus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brockuilu n b toinmas esq perth j k hart well esq bastard e webster esq gananoque j ran ken esq ath allan mepberson esq napancs james g bethune esq hamilton william allan esq york job 11 crooks esq niagara t mxcormick esq queenston john wil on esq amherstburgh kingston u c frinted or th editors