Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 12, 1819, p. 1

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the king vol i friday ftrrsmsoew march isid no il his excellency the lieutenant gorcr- cor having been graciously pleased to grant in trust to t- marklaod a mac- lean esquires and to the rer g o stuart certain lots of ground in the town of kingston for the purpose of erecting en hospital thereon together with cer tain other jots amounting in the whole to about seven acres to be let or leased far the support of said hospital it is proposed to open a subscription in shares of ftl 10 each in order to raise a fund forrrecfing the necessary buildings as soon as l shares are taken up the building will be commenced subscrip tions will be received by the abovemen- tioned trustees and the rev- rg cur- tois j wilson arid a marshall esq the managers of the steam boat frontenac having astablifhed a line of durham boats from this place propofe forwarding from the different pons of the lake to that of moatrea on the following terms viz from york niagara queenfton and the head of the lake for each ban el of flour delivered at the port of montreal five fhilliugs and fix pence from kingston to the port of montreal for each barrel of flour four hillings and tix oence froi york niagara queenston and the head of the lake pr each barrel of potato delivered at the port of mon treal twelve fru lings and fix pence from kingston to the port of mon treal for each barrel of potalh ten hil lings- frm york niagara qneenfton and the head of the lake for each barrel of pork delivered at the port of montreal eight hilling and three pence from kingston to the port of montreal for each barrel of pork fix hillings and tiine pence merchandize will be tranfported by the fame means from la chine to kingston at the rate of five hillings per cwt u lernnt passage boat will alfo leave kingston every tenth day for montreal which will befitted up in the most commodious manner and prevent any delay to paftcngers leaving the upper part of the lake in the steam boat frontenac it having been built for the purpofe of leaving thti place irhmcdiately after her arrival thefe arrangements will take effect at the opening of the navigation and be con tinucd during the ftafon geo ii mattkland sccy b comy ringflon feb 51819 6 p 7f 1 1 1 e subfcriber offers for talc his ml houfe and farm together or feparate 9 alfo his horfes carts sleighs cows hogs txen grain hay potatoes and implements of jlufbandry fitrate on the rivtr st lawrence overlooking the beautiful village of ogdenfbnrgand within half a mile of prefcott upper canada thedwelling houfe which has lately been erected con fists of two fitting rooms 4 bed- rooms a kitchen and cellar well finished the farm contains 107 acres of choice land well fenced upwards of 60 of which is pasture and meadow the remain- der tillage and wood land with a young orchard and good barn stable and root- houfe and a fmall tenement for labourers to a gentleman of fpeculation the above premifes which extends 3 acres in front of the river must prove of great advantage as it is one of the best fitua- tion in the neighbourhood for the erection of a wharf brewery or distillery c pait of the purchafe money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the purchafer application to be made to henry forest efq montreal john macaulay kington or the owner peter obrien prescott a5choa 1818 5tf for sale three valuable farms two of them lying in the township oi kingston sd concession one containing 50 arresting a part of waterloo with a good house and barn tan house bark mill and eleven soodtan vats a good sit ation for a distillery there befog a constant supply 0 water the other ly- ing about half a mile east of waterloo in the 3d concession containing 153 acm and one third being the east and west halves of lots no 20 and 21 with 40 acres of improvement well fenced and cuts 25 tons- of hay yearly the oth er part well timbered nd a small creek running through thp middle ol the lot it u a handsome situation for a dairy for particulars enquire of john ryder jun waterloo jan 20 j 819 5tf for sale or o ler jl two fiory framed houfe and a tl large and coeintodioua lone store fiti on the w ter edge in the centre of th village of prefcot tn exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchafcr or leasee enquire at the office of cba a ba german aingfton sft fefeikury t8lc o for sale fi he subfcriber offers for file the foutvweft quarter of lot no 29 in thefiift conccfiion of the townfhip of erneft town containing akout 70 acre 30 of which arc under improvement with a log houfe and barn thereon a good title will be given oniy a fmall part of the purchafe money will be required down the remainder by iuflalloieats as beft fuits the purchafcr for particulars inquire of til subfcri ber wm j kov erneft town 27th feb- 1 s r 9 lotf leather t he suofcriber are manufacturing an extenfive stock of leather of every dis- cription and now offer for lae 1000 sides sole laather 600 do upper do 200 do harness do 400 do half tanned for ves sels or other use and a large quantity of calf skina and morocco leather all manufaduied in the beft manner and is of a luperior quali j v bacon co sackets harboi march 11819 ow5 government contract ftresh reef will be required for the use of his majsty troops stationed at kingston point henry and point frederick for six months in rotsi- nienceon the 2sth march next the qiai- tity about 4000 lbs per meek sealed tenders wil be r reived at tins oflue until 12 oclock on saturday the 13th march in which must be inserted the names of cw sureties for the due performance of such coutiact as may be entered iuto commissariat office kingston 27 w hruary 1r19 0 no i ice rphe board for militia pek sions will meet on the lafl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each months until the buinefs if this dilri3 as regards the fame is finifhed john fkrguson kingflcn feb lfi ibltf 6 notice the subfariber has loft three nbtea signed by freeman s clinch vii one of 25 dollars on demand one of y dollars fix months afterdate one of 50 collars payable in joiners cr cabinet work the endorfemeot according to the bed of my knowledge is as follows viz 4 or 5 pounds on the fiul note the above notes were given the zclh of march 1818 daniel reynwlds february 1 1 th 1 8 9 8 fwlhm subfcriber informs hi frijrds anj s the public that be ft ill keeps a public house h the fownfhip of cramahyi called goodwins corker where gen tlemen and lazdics may find good enter tainment atfi travellers jhall not be difappuinted f finding good quarter for themjtlves and their hjrfes thos d sanford cranahey zth jan 1819 6 bomb affairs statutes oi upper canada jfn act to alter fk laws nam in force for granting licences to innkeepers and to give to the justh of the ttasr in gene ral quarter sessvns asscnbled for their respective distriss authority to regtrlate the xistm hcrccftr to be paid en such li cences assed 27th nv 1s1sj whereas it ib expedient to re- peal part of and ancnd the laws n vr in force regukttng the manner of li cencing public he fes and for the retail- log of wine branny rum or any other srirituu liquors beit enacted ly the king- moft exct lent majefty by and with the advice an cenfeot cf the legis lative council anc vffembly of the pro vince of upper caada conllituted and affcrabled by vtrtue of and under che au thority of an ai faffed in th parliament of great britain juituled fc an aft to repea certain partyof an aft palled in the fourteenth year of hie majelly reign intituled an a 6 for making more ef feftual provision fir te government of the province cf q ehec in xorih amer ica aad to make frher provfi n for the government ofthefaid province and by the authority of th- fame that the third claufe of an aft or the parliament of this province paffed in the thirtyfourth year of is ajeflys reign entitled an a for regulating the manner of licen cing pahlic houfe and for the mrc ca- fyconvlftmg of ptfifbn fellmg spiritii- ous liqnors witho lioecne auo the fecond i laolfe of an ft paffed in th- thir- tyfixrh year of ii- majeily udgn enti tled an aa to an aft entitled all aa frre daring the manner nf licencing public 1 tofffe and for the more eafy convsir 1 f eif- failing spiriti cus unnn vihi licence alio the tl f ft f the paliameut any tlilrg fceuin coitained to the contraryrhe fevere indifpofiriurt which your er- notwithllanding iii and be it further enacled by the au thority aforesaid that the jullices of the peace in each and every dilliift refpeft- ivcly hall have power and authority to as semble on the lah onday in december next at the ufual place for holding the quarter stftions in their refptftive dis tricts for the purpofe of carrying intoef- ccllciicy baa experienced may a gracious and protefting provi dence enable your excellency long to hold the teins of tliu government 5 we regret that the fbort vtfit of your excel lency to the county of glengary pre- cloie the loval and numerous protea- i i tauts of this townfhip from espreftidg ra that occafionthofe fcnliments of refpeft frft theprovilionsofthit aft vorthc pre- whih we entertain for your excellency fent y tar in the fame manner and aseffec- wcu as the gratitude we owe to our tujliy as they arc authorifed by this aft sovereign m havmg ronunated to this government ope of your hxcelency elevated rank connected with the high aob notle family of lenox few months have elapfed ince we hailed- with the most flattering anticipation yrur excellencys arrival amoogt us to drffufc harmony and happinefs amongst all cafeea of hie majesty fubjectsin this province to infpire them with the most unlimited confidence in the honor the integrity and talents of his majestys reprefentative superior to all prejudice your firt care was to guard against the impreffion of party and individual opinions often guided to adjourn the laid quarter seffiona to the firft monday tn december in each and ev ery enfuing year during the continuance thereof iv and be it further enabed by the au ihority aforesaid tbat on granting fuch certificate a afurefaid it hall and may be lawful for the faid jullices and they are hereby required to dircft the infpeftors of tlie feveral diftrifts refpeftircly to receive from the perfon taking out any licence for keeping fuch public houfe or inn as aforefaid fuch fum as tliey or the majority of them affemwed as aforefaid hall ad- jad juft and proper according t the fit- b partiality ofteb vindiaivc lq interested uarionoffuchlnn provided always that notves you foon c all that you it hall not be lawful for the laid juftices a termmed tojudgefor yourself upon or a majority of them as aforefaid to cr- lh l pnciplcs of experience and dernrdirefi the faid infpeftor refpeft- that j and impartiality forms thr ivcly to icceive for any fuch licence as a forefaid a greater fum ihantwelvc pouqda ten shilling or a lelfer fum than one pound sixteen shillings ilerlirg and the additional fum of twenty shillings cur ency now contrary ther bafil of your wife adminitration you have already atudid the interest of this province in every point of view your ready compliance with every jint request thecorreftnefs and equity of yur decifion ump imtkjfed by lai any law to the tt jwa the ctiutional rcf in any wle notwiutan- tsclf tfficent proct of youj viidoru and attachment to cue peupc 01 v and is it further enabed by the au thority aforefaid that it fhdl and may be prop tins province allov us to offer ocr ferveit wifliea of tii- year of licences ti any olhc j sal for an excellent toaed pi axo with ad ditional keys and two fets of fpare 1v11 ncvlx vy 2t bit bxa iiri wnjwt- able for keeping in tune only eight months from holland for particulars inquire at the editors 7yta ilatt for sale or to be let a large commodious two lory dwelling hcufc with kitchen out houfesand garden no 1 front ftreet for particulars apply to laurence kerch- rner efq kingston december 20 1818 30 moticm the subfcfcnbersrefpeftftilly inform their friends aid the public that they have now received and juft opened in mar ket street jull below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive aflbrtment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great qnantity cf claitical books the whole of which will be fold very low for cafh and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec i 1818 27 notice any perfon or perfons defirous f en tering into an agreement for clearing troni 15 to 40 acres of land will receive lib eral encouragement by applying at the office of the kingfton chronicle where the term of the agreement may be feen kingston if c 1 ld novtmbr 1818 j fed n the forty fifth yfi ein entitled 5 the time of iitiin n pioig o a houfe o f puhittc m itainmc t or f r th rftaihne f wnc imdy ru i or any rtlier piritum fiqior or fir the having and ung f stills the pui- p f or didilhiig ipifituus liquors and for repealing fc n- h 1 f die fifth oaufe of an ftpiffed in he itv third year of hifl majefty v iir fit el s to the pe riods of paying into r- w 4 ibe re ceive gene al the rmrrj coechd by the lnfpetof f eah n evey diilnft throughout thn pivvirc c f r ftui licen ces and an ad of n parh ewt ih province p itcd i 1 ie hf ytxth year of tlifl ahiiys rhgn entitled l4 n aft to repeal part of and to lonttuue and a- mend 3n ft paittd it f fiftvf urth year ofiiis majettys rfgn cntitlrd fc an aft for granting to hn majelty an addi tional duty on shop and tavern licen ces be and the fame ar hereby repealed ii and be it further enaqed by the au thority aforefaid that it dial and may be lawful for the juft ices ojfthe peace in ge neral quarter seffionb ufivrnblcd in each snd every difttift refpesively in this pro vince and they arc hereby required at their meeting next before the fifth day of janu ary in each and every year except the pre- fent to adjourn the faid ourt of general quarter sefiloos to the monday in the moth of december in which adjourned seltionftthe laid jalliee- fl have pwer to limit the number of fan and public houfea in thtir refpeftv didnfts and then and there to hear and receive appli cations fiom ail fuch perfons as defire to take out licences for op inns or pubhc houfes within their aid feveral difuifts and the laid juftices fhallnpon bearing and receiving any application from any perfon praying to havr a licence granted to him or her enqnire into the life charafter ard behiviour of the per fon fo applying and if it frnll appear pro per and neccitaty to tht faid ufliced or a majority of them then and thtre alfembed to grant a certificate and that the party applying ia a fober honcft and diligent perfon and a good fiuhjeft of our lord the king the prefidin magifrate fhall then arid there grant hira or her a certifi cate under his hand and f which certi- ficate fhall enable the party fo holding the fame to apply for and tke out a licence on or before the fifth day of january then nest enfuing the dite u f certificate and that the faid certificate fh be a pro per and fufficient warrant f the infpec- lorsof the feverd diftiifti refpeftively to grant and they arc hereby re to grant to the feid perloa holding the faid certi ficate fuch licence on receiving payment of fuch duties ab are im by fa aft cr hereafter may be im by law on the fame and that all the ru regulations reftriion penalties r and lh vhch are by any aft c afts q he lc gflatureofthis proving j f touc tog and concerning th applying for al lowing granting obtatu or h wte rclating to the laid lice here bcfore mentioned except io tar as arc varied or changed by this aft j afc by ccrj to fuch u nctg af lie lioufe o aupiy for fuch certificate at entlkmen of eral r n i n much gratified wv vour loval and tiftitchtjiti the yea t i iti jmfel a ui loyal aa thediftriain whuhhe refidesia gen- jfwp dt that the tianfplantcd qiiarfei belsor uhm fc uuiaii jortsd to inquire inc rcrrnt atoch bi tdftradr and bdwvjour of the j the lat t h a lo pctlon auojvina rl if it fhall appear to knded to that wltch was beating seffimaffemmedand ft fhall oping or north britain has retianed ic virtues of the parent stock you yalty penon applying atd if it fhall appear to ti w w ucan lhc the expedient tomcreafel numbor of td f he mother cootttry into the inns or pobtii honf and bac the par- leal yo have hctt lt v appyin is qutlifird as aforefaid the r 7 l w 7 str prefiling magiftniie fhall then and there honest principle under the grant a certificate in manner for the u t f at 6 mt pof ft thirity ajoresaia i nat it man ana may lawful and it h hereby required that lhc marilrate8at the time of granting fuch certificate as aforefaid fhall make and frame rules and regulations for the obferv- anceofthe feveral innkeepers in their res- pcftive difuifts which rules and regula tions the faid innkeeper are to be boand by their recognizances to abide by a co py of wliich rules and regulations for the information oi travellers to be affixed in forre confpicuous place in every houfe fo licenced within the province vi i and be it further etuisej by the au thority aforesaid that iu hall- and maybe lawful for the cleik of the peace in each and every djfhis of this province and he is hereby required to tranfmit quarterly tof the infpeoi general of this province a detailed statement of all orders of sea- sions relative to duties to be taken by the faid dill rift inlpcdlor for any licence granted under the authority of this ad viii and b it further enacled by the au thority aforesaid that each of the laid in- fpeors fhall account for the monies it t lie ft 1111- ikiftlkiici anj ill t 1tiiho j the receiver general at the fame l he is now obliged to pay over all public mo nies which come to hi hands and in de fault of fuch account or pavmenij hall be liable to the penalties impofed by any lbw now in force requiring fuch account and daymen l ix and be it furher enacled by the au thority a foresaid that this a hall con tinue in force for two years and from thence to the end of the then next ettfuing cflion of the provincial parliament and no ion- from the upptr canada gazette his excellency the lieut governor has received the following addrefs from the inhabitants of the townitip of lochiel in the county of glengary to his excellency sir peregrine maitland c night commander of the moft honor able military order of the bath major gen commanding his majefly forces within the province of uppercanada and liut governor of the faid province c fo esfc may it please your excellency we hid majeftys loyal ami dutiful fnbjefts theproteftanti freeholders of the townfhip of lochiel in the eallern dis trift of the province of uppercanada beg leave to offer ojjy refpeftful and fincere congratulation 0d y ty recovery from dependence jpon him and give you every other blcffing accept my thanks for your congratu lation on my being restored to better health i hope to be enabled to fulfil my intention of vifiting your townfhip in the enfuing fcauu york feb 17 1 3 19 to robert nictrhl efq m p lieut coh zd regt norfolk militia sir ave the underfigned offijers of the 2d regt of norfolk militia avail nurfclvefe of the carheft opportunity of waiting upon you to offer out hearty congratulation on your fafe teturn to this country and to expvefs cur fatiafaion at the profpeft of your again taking up your relidence amongft us we hall feel the greateft pleafure in fteiug you refume thole legillative and military duties which we know from e perience you are fo well qualified to dtfc charge ith ability we embrace the prefent opportunity of ihurtug you that wc have heard x pleafure that your exertions during tho late war with the united states have been fo juft ly appreciated by hii majellys government and of the diitinguifhed man ner in whicfc his royal higknefs th prince regent has thought proper to reward them such rewards are at once the moft ample teftimony of the met its of the individual and the flattering at tention of government to thofe who diilingulfh themielves honorably in its fervice as iadividuals we beg tto add that wc anticipate with pleafure the moment of being again under your command permit ua alfo to offer our beft withes for your domeftic happinefs and welfare and to reiterate our congratulations on your retura to the bofom of you family and the fociety of your fiiends abraham rapelje john coniod 1 w n james mcqueen i if geo j ryerse dermis shaw william park henry mcdcalf wiluam robinsoa jiinsoi vermis ana jousttlian austin reynard hotts wparland wusoa j wmmccsol isaac gilbert j john slaget ah messacer wm gordon lieut titus williams f and ftdjt jacob lemon f joeh lmonqr ttuimas francis master to whhh he made the following aofw gentlemen tt is exceedingly gratifying ta me after fo long an abfence from my officja duties and more rfpecially during a period or fo rcfh public inteiv to meet from f ott o

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