tttfcplionlb fittlenng ti y chamber oa lauuaig home of the good opinion of a body of gen tjefflen who amidrt the greateli privations an4 rod discouraging circumilances fo honorably fupporfd their own charaer as well as that efthe 2d norfolk regt for loyalty and attachment to their sover eign and who mad fuch facrifices in de fence of this part of h3 majeftyfl domini ons i cannot but feel proud and 1 beg ou will accept of my befl thank for this very kind and flattering expreflion of your confidence and good will to merit a contiauance of thofe favo rable ftntiments of my public conduft by honorable and constitutional means will ever be emamej fof oattlogu tod sinll tnio loo ircat wore half ihc business done at montreal which i now done at new york the canal of too dimensions propo sed would be too small with the strictest arrangements as to pasin repassing c behind the city of montreal the ca- nal should be made at icavt double of its uual breadth and rafts should only be allowed to pass rapidly through if pro ceeding to quebec and if to be disponed of at montreal to be taken out of the onal within a reasonable time the cross cut to the saint lawrence a the entrance of montreal ought to be considered as part of the plain and may fjrolita of tledafialt certain cuacero years ijnless some conditions of this nnturc are made with such a company the ad vantages derived will be beyond all rea sonable bounds for besides the return of their capital by disposing of building lots along the bank of the canal eight or perhaps tee thoi sand pounds will be tfceo f trrived et fcfef girihi i gfcerl aftembly defted me fupreme chief f the nation i had a mind to convoke the cop grefs i in effeft convoked ic a few month afterwards the events of war did not however permit me to accoroplifh that wiftiedfor ft of national will free goayana i free the greater part of venezuela nothing hinders us bow receivedfrom the vessels and rafts pass- from reftoring to the people their fove- ing along it the very first year of its bo- reign rights venezuclians our arms ing opened nor ill this large amount have overthrown the obdacles vhich ty- proceed from a toll that would iu other ranny oppofed to our emancipation in circumstances appear unreasonable for thename of the delivering army 1 put you much more than thst sum is now paid for in poffeffion of the enjoyments of your m y aim and i reqnelt your acceptance of be lone at a vpr trifling expence my moft fincere wifhes for your individual bapoinefs and profperity robert nichol lt col commg norfolk militia toodhoufe london dia feb 18th 1819 york march 4 t the seffion of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery holden at thj town of york in and for the home distni on monday the 22d day of teb 1819 before the hon william dtimmer powell chief justice and william allan ej aftociate archibald mclellan convied of an a9 fault and battery upon samuel gale efq in the vicinity of the court iloufe during the last a sizes fentenced to pay to the xling a fine of one hundred pounds to be fmpritoned in the common gaol of this tdistrift for the fpace of is calendar oionths then to find fecurity for his good behaviour for two years and to remain in prifon till the fine be paid and feeurity given john mcnally convifled of larceny fentenced to beimprifoned in the common gaol of this distrift for the fpace of twelve calendar months and at the expiration of that period to be publicly whipped and 3rfchrgcd thomas mason convifled of larceny stnicion rrf our from a dwelling houfe and jacob pier convied of arson fentenced to be taken the sum squired is so mall that it vvnld from hence to the place from whence they nrrer le cu by tne pii and then the came and from thence 10 the place of exe- canal would be a general benefit as free cutson there to be kanged by the neck till as the river was before the whole of as many of my readers may not have turned their attention to this subject it may be proper to enter more particular ly into the manner of ascertaining the ex ponce the grenf causes of expence in con structing canals in europe arise from the dearness of the land to be purchased and the difficulty of feeding them with water u heh must likewise on many oc casions be bought at an enormous price these two items are in general more ex pensive than digging the canal itself and constructing the necessary locks it is said that the land for one canal in eng land only sixteen miles longcost nine ty thousand pounds sterling a sum which great as it certainly is cannot be considered incredible the canal may have passed near towns and villages through pleasure grounds c but these items are cheap here and in stead of increasing theexpence of the ca nal may be made as will afterwards ap pear a source of profit shall this canal be constructed by go vernment or by a company of individu- rartage or lost in the rapids it is the impolicy of paying any tiling that i com bat when the attempts of our rivals are supported by the public purse all the canals necessary 10 improve the saint laurence should te free cr taken to gether not exposed to a greater toll than what shall be imposed open boats pas sing the great western canal to be continued fqreigx sews from the wajhington city gazetts feb 8 south vm erica we are enabled today to lay before imprefcriptible rights our foldiers have fought to fave their brethren wives fath ers and fons but did not hght to fubju gate them the army of venezuela only impofes upon you th condition that you fhould keep entire the facred depofit of liberty i impofe upon you another condition not lelajuft and neceffary to the attainment of that precious date eleft 0 qsecn said to htt keen dceply- fected by this inhuman treatment to have implored ferdinand in behalf of iloas but the blood thirsty monster was inex orable social intercourse i at an cri iu spain individuals are am t d and put to the torture on the most groundless suspicions the incjuisitorgrneral engros ses the whole power of the kingdom a m saniorio on whose iuforeatioa m calvo de rosas and several nttuts had been imprisoned who was in one of the cells of the gaol tie cortc kaou ing thai m calvo was in another lose b began to cry out as loud a he could begging mi calvos forgiveness for this wicked and false information which ho added he was persuaded to give by ho entreaties and promises of an rllictf personage- this affair as rceai a great deal 06 uueasiuefs to tho party con cerned in it spain we have seen letters from madiid this morning dated en the 7tli for your magidratee the moft virtuous of inst whichstate that thogrcaier tamqiil- your fellow citizens and forget if you can in your choice thofe who delivered you for my part i renounce for always the power you have conferred upon me and i will never admit of any other but a military one as long as lads the unhappy war of venezuela the firft moment of our readers kn official copy of bolivars proclamation for convoking the concrrefs of p w be tlw lad of my command venezuela it contains a fkttch of events well worth perufal and as many contra dictory reports prevail it id valuable as it emanates from an authentic fource tranjlated for the gazette venezuelan t simon bolivar chief fupreme of the venezueanos gaft your eyes upon the pad but to fhudder at the fhoals which have undone you withdraw your eyes from the woeful monuments that recal to your memory painful loftes think only of what you are about to d and penetrate well yonrfelves that you arc all vcnezuel- anos the fons of one fame country republic of venezuela captain general of memberb of one fame fociety and citizens ais r on taking this subject first into con sideration 1 was decidedly in favour f a company but on further examination and taking into account that we are counteracting a scheme laid for the de- commerce i changed my opation m favour of government they be dead- the loss and ex pence of ca i tying goods to and from lachine would be deducted from their prit and would reduce a barrel of flour for example one shilling halifax in its transportation from lake ontario to montreal or brini it uithin lower 8anadj uebee feb 2 the iloufc of aflcmbly of this province v3s caled over comformably to the order of the houfe on monday la ll the follow- 4d of the priceofconvevingit fiom buf- ing gentlemen only were abfent faloe to new york it was formerly r- claude denechau sick james marked that the merchants of kingston stuart augudin pvicher ick george propos transporting flour from the up- o ollivan louis portdaacc samuel sherwood on their my down and tupt irt of lake ontario to montfenl hve hillings and six pence now one om d shilling of this is paid for tho carriage sfnj p a et between laehiue and montreal fg duchefnofarnvedfince save this they ik the rapids the averse loss v ill oft exceed tint sum fa company is formed it is reasonable for them to expect good interest for their lad evening meftages were received from is grace the governor in chief recommending to the consideration of the houfe the militia law which h about to expire the date of the eaftcrn town- fcp and of the didrid of gafpe the houfe in committee was engaged faring the greated part of the fitting in debate ob the aleftaee relating to the proceedings againd mr justice fouchtr the motion for a conference with the iegiflative council was negatived and the commitieerofe without coming to any ijecifion on the courfe to be adopied an3 money which cannot be hod except bi taxing the produce io passing and repas- t sing upon the canal obtained leave to fit again at the clofe ct the fitting the houfe refolved that it is pedienttopafsabili of appropriation forthe 1 40263 8s pd voted lad vear oompleteihe payment of the expenfes the ivi government and a bill for yurpofc was introduced to of for the for the kingston chrvovicls iitabl en the lachine canal this canal may be considered in its extreme length ten miles the ground is excellent easy of excavation and the water for its supply net merely inexhaus tible but subject to no sensible rise or fait fffifg fii km9melfmg9ftteti it is presumed that five locks would be sufficient but taking them at mx of eight feet rise each the expense will not ex ceed 24000 dollars or six thoosand pounds halifax currency per mile this canal ouh to be capable of admitting rafts unless the rapids are bimultaneous- y improved in such a manner as to make the passage for lumber sufficiently safe the loss of timber and especially of fire wooilj on the la chine rapids j ve ry grat and so discouraging that in a 4 market unless some the delay which has been attributed to government for not commencing the canal is rather matter of praise than of blame the um appropriated was not half what was neeessaryaod why should the executive expoe itself to centre for beginning ou a werk which it had not the means of finishing had the pa litt- ment done as the parliament of greaf britain is doingwith the grestculedonisn canal and provided an annual grant till the work vas finished the lruhire ca nal would have now been in operation instead of beiri an expense to go vernment the canal might become pro- blc without laying anv toll or tax up- the commodities passiwg along its sur faces follows along both sides of the canal behind the town for a distance of several miles building lots for stores ac might be laid out of fifty feet front we shall for the convenience of il lustra tion suppose this to be done for two miles only about 360 such lots might be made leaving sufficient room for uresis tf0fag he canal c a lots to be separated from the canal by a spacious street running along each bank- it rs evident that these lots would from their convenience for stores ware houses c sell high but supposing them to average only 300 each 30 would amount to the sam of v we have estimated the canal at 80000 at the very highest the difference of 28000 will do more than pay the in terest of the capital expended till these lots are taken up as to the usual ob- his armies and thofe of new grenada c c to the people of venezuela the coftgrefs of veruela mud fix the fate of the fo man ycars oppofed and wandering republic our wounds will heal under the fhelter rf legitimate reprcfn tation it is not by a vain dentation nor to make my ow apology that i ad- drets you i have fefved you and owe you an account of my conduct when natures eoivulfions buried the people of vcnezuea under the heaviell dejection general ntvede brought to nothing uir newbo ll republic fearing rather tyranny than death i then bade farewell to the fhorw of venezuela and wenr in fearch of the w3r that raged againft the tyrants of new- as th- c y relief to the pangs o y heair bcayen uftened to my vow lamentations and the government of c ar intruded to my can 400 foldiers which in a few days liberated magdalene anc the great part of the province of s marta i after wards matched t cuerco and there j mu ttiefc nezula ppear upon its rerr cro with the favors of fortune the cogref of fcv nnt 1 me leave to redeem- my native co j had coot the good fotunc to re atihjrtlescondituted in thcfi epoch of therepubic in the province- 0 troy verida and barfnas thec r acca- received in it bofum tfuhrave gre- adian puerto cabello prof gfl j wiil attracted foon my attt i is refinance ah hardly gave m t meaiurei r y fave frjm difonk the popu icus coincy wc bad wred from the tynnts of spain salomons expidltion give new hone t the roplifid arj though debated at barbulo and las orimherdn fjufed fuch confidence to our enemic tbt tr pati and the weftern part of venezuela voel almod in afuddeutiebattlcof v- titer and raure the weften prt t he plain i haflened then fron g battle to the capita i naj- a 1 na tion of he fupreme power m f january 184 jr afc r t ople of the event of of my civil and military of one fame republic the wod of vene zuela is liberty and peace our arms con quered peace your wifdom will give us liberty simon bolivar head quarters a ugu dura 2 2 06 i8s8 in 1 r vict ry dcclired fr our antn y faw ne appear noon its terni mi peopleof the event o th nd i v lxiqtl inquisition the following document we copy fiom a paris paper of december 6 the editor introduces it with a column of re marks clofino with the following fentencc it u a melancholy thing while every other government in europe is fetting it people an example of enlightened liberali ty to fee thejtrisprndence of spain relaps- fag into worfe than primeval barbarifm to behold a fine people yielding to none in qnahtje both perlonal and mental cruflied both in mind and body beneath the racks and wheels and fcourges of a grand qmfition las poor human nature the t lowing decree has been iffued under thae authority of the grand inquisi tor wiio is alfo private confessor to fer dinand vii royal decree in the name of the holy trinity etc wheraw it has been made known to that various ublicrtions of a heretical irreiiouand edilioub tendency are in circulation amongfl the fubjects of this ktugdom and whereas it 16 of the lad mratee that tneir progrefs fnould be arreded atid the authors publifhers and orakfitors duly punifhed it has been de terminer that fnch meafnres fhal betaken inflancy aa will moft efftftuauy accom- iidi tin- ruirpofe il perfuns having in their pofteffion wok bearing t lie following titles mail be brupht before the holy office and fuch pnnifi2rc1t hflutied a the cafe fhl fecm to requirej provided it be not lef thin folftary ftitprifonment under the au- thotiry f the holy office for three months and the payment of a fine of no leu than 2 doubloons the work pro hibit are 4t tle illory of the inquifi- tioti rcifns why the inqnifition mould be aboliilici a few remarks up on the e edablilhment of he brotherhood of the order of jtfua the theory of the orts l the neceffity of national rctrfentitfon l obfervations on the ity prevailed in that capital th k g had not as reported 2 few days arrfi i ft it for the escurial but rcsa imnl at madrid as well as the british atismi dor waiting the accouciuuent f the queen which was expected daily other letters mentioned that targe bodies of banditti lo rr aftpmirftd hi the mountains make desctuits upon the towns and villages and lay them under contribution courier from the dumfries andtu gajljuay courier the weather the winter has hitherto ben as remar kable for its unufual mildnefu as the fufli- mer was for its warmth on the firfl day of dec we fee the bowers of fpring in full blow in our gardens and the field clothed in the fired and d licate verdure of may some driking tnftances of the genial influence of the feifon both 00 the animal and vegetable tribe have been communicated to us the thiufn and the of ote with thofe of the redbread a and the rooks have for ieveral weeks been tebiilding their nefts a if the winter had already patted and the feafon of love had retnvicd in the vegetable creation the indications ate not left extraordinary on tucfday laft a difh of drawberrics of my fie- flavour was gathered at rockhnli froit an open border fully as large hid as ripe in any produced in the fummcr month and on the fame day two mowers were employed on the glebe of kutwl iu cutting down a crop of new hay which black bird are heard from the hedge unfaded privot joining their mellow rn had rpruiik up wthanajionifhiqgtapilty and luxuiiance afcr an excelled crop u bcy altbough a that the people rill at 01ee a- t odict f feveral of the court cf en- unammous vwee ofappo- even the diftatiri power ty exercifod new rwerfe ca ii n the field and after a bio cv r i r it pr dudiois have been printed came from the fvld of ga h in ftri countries in the spantft ian- tmble the tmdtstaum n tb aun nariey na1 been ct r r u x ground with the icytlie c arc al dl- furedthat a fecond crop of jo fcberic fully formed are now to be feen in the garden of andrew roddick of dalton who we hear intends t bake them in a pye that on st johns day they may grace the meeting of st ruths lodge in ruthwell of which he is a member the extraordinary mildncfs of the feafoft has been perhaps no where more apparent than in the neighbourhood of frome young green peas are fold in the market at 2s a peck the fecond crop of goofe berries are now on the bullies and there is a field of barley in fall green er ii a garden belonging to mr maynard of street inn somerfet there was lad week feen in the open ground a flrawberry tuft in bloflbm with fome of the fruit of full fize and perfectly ripe young rqok half fledged are now in the trees at hatch court the feat of ii p collins etxj ar4 feveral old ones are fitting on eggs lad week a linnets ned was found in a furze bufh near milnhcugh a little above hamilton with young birds completely fledged there are at prefent id an open gatdea in well meadow street paifly ten week flocks and carnations in full bloftom rope p ttfottc sonars the diffi- ctfki4 t piefent to be encountered he greater number of thefe heretical yn the latter will not be brought iectbm fr1tol r amelioration o i t r tts m thenaugation take place should it i fuis trite andfom uaqr aid iecrvty introduced into this kibjil m rportin3te punifhment wim be tn- nics tfnon fuch rndividuafs a have in codidy snv foreign ourna news erf etc cntaining matter arinll the goyertinent ani tnhstutions of 8rain r n from mad rid this 9th nov 1818 frncisqxvi krmeisl y impu io gard fnquiutor of the kinhom ndres florez pereika secretary ant thin- l i o v y in mofre- sot oe found expedient to dditiod expence may be evitvucied wfcptmb of rafts without nichehefcpert0 7nakeit complete at iirst than to be forced to iiave recourse to au terauons to those who may consider this scaie too large i would say that the lachine canal should be considered a leading to ibe greatest emporium ot north ameri- ca aud if so eousideredjl snail te raft- ruth the court iloue the jail tfec were built by commission ers aa cheap as they could have been by a private person should a company be established to make this canal from their joint stock there should be a power gi- vea to the government of purchasing the whole of that stock at any future time at a premium of ten per cent ot it should be stipulated that no dividend above 12 percent should ever be made in any one jear and that the profits above that should be allowed to accumulate till they became equal to the capital expended on which the company receiving beck their stock and hat in enjojed 18 pe cent for their money should be dfelsolv u and the canal opened to the public free or should these mkvi that they rriigbt conditut- th r- of the republic the dilader i ej buried in confufion out nffiiiied ct and nothing then could iioo the fh bolt3 thrown agaiaii it by tie wrath heaven 1 marched to new grenada oave sc counts to thecongrefa f the fticcefi of my commiilion tfiey rewarded rrv erviec though fruitlefs fntrufting to me a new rmy of granadian- and vetvzuewt carthagena proved f grave of that army that was to reftoreufcto venczeja london dec 17 i pirfoojc every thing foi the utety o the mother country 1 voluntarily cvu furc wrfa inquisition in spa to btnilhmyfelf that i milu hsuwul i a at m und f- lh ias new grenada and venezuela provilncc ln he d iijtiirir who n- had already refolved upon rhe rntfl s0 v ronscr of rrdinanfl fle- thofe wretched regions and delivered rlien on tiw svens poiuvhment against to moriho with hi exterminatory hands al p hoshnll have in their pos- 1 fought after an afvhim in a brafetl srs 7 f tbe workl t p ifland icamet- tamaico alone hcjplept 7 a f nas containing and almoft hopelcfs though veneauel a bovernmciit and m- and new grenada were- loft yet i durft tlml these are not thirds of expelling their tjtktih the m c ifvbti hns been proved iflandof havti received me with hofpitajt- ll cv virtup the magnanimous prefident petioo fehia re hid at the y lent me his proteclion j and under his aus- pices i formed an expedition of three hun rd men comparable to the companionid onidas mmoft 11 f them hve fallen d yet the exterminatory army has fallen alfo kuw- l i u v three hundred utnois marched to droj tonucnts ofthera k hs legs and arms died jlc express com- mind f lh kir rhe rtrtire ha- hern infl rj nn caw de her one of the heroic df ad rs s caoa ft live boors onrf twniy s it rtianfpc thistmstin- rxpoed t re the royal gazette of ilayti contains a proclamation of his sable majedy henry id of which the following h an extra the king to the haytians iiaytians we now enter on the fixteenth year ofour muiuiu a g ous independence scarcely had we commenced the enjoy ment of this ineftimable bleffing when we attained to a condition of order and civili- sationwhich has taken other nations many yean to achieve when we compare the pid with the prefent wc can contemplate with delight ful fatnfaftion the immenfe progrefs wc have made in the focial arts and we ought to feel proud and to boatl that we are the firft blacks of the new world who have formed under a regular government a free and independent people after ha ving vanquished and deilroyed all the oh- ftacles which oppofed our regeneration anrfl bappinefi m ytpaxccrful god god w just protect the oppressed again r the oppressor bless our generous ami mag innimous resolutions and we bhal a ways be invincible on lh- iprli jan the alm house ri st johns n ii took lire and was burrt to the ground gen mcgregor arrived at nassau n p otii jaivfrnm england in an if gun brir he sailed for south america the 16th ultimo- the yellow fever has appeared t an i sisss2q fi a lei t a leath2recjapiraicpiblty irmiug dere n kingston jamaica jamaica dec to- in the houfj of alfcmhlr vefterdrf